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GREEN ENERGY - Hydrogen energy


A fuel cell is capable of generating an electric current by converting the chemical

energy of a fuel directly into electrical energy. The fuel cell is similar to other
electric cells in the respect that it consists of positive and negative electrodes with
an electrolyte between them. Fuel in a suitable form is supplied to the negative
electrode and oxygen, often from air, to the positive electrode. When the cell
operates, the fuel is oxidized and the chemical reaction provides the energy that is
converted into electricity. Fuel cells differ from conventional electric cells in the
respect that the active material (i.e. fuel and oxygen) are not contained within the
cell but are supplied from outside.

But for its costs, pure (or fairly pure) hydrogen gas would be preferred fuel for fuel
cells. Alternatively impure hydrogen obtained from hydrocarbon fuels, such as
natural gas or substitute natural gas (methane), liquified petroleum gas (propane
and butane) or liquid petroleum products, can be used in fuel cells. Efforts are
being made to develop cells that can use carbon monoxide as the fuel; if they are
successful, it should be possible to utilize coal as the primary energy source. Main
uses of fuel cells are in power production, automobile vehicles and in special
military use.


Fuel cells can be classified into several types based on different criteria, such as the
type of electrolyte used, the operating temperature, the type of fuel used, and the
method of fuel delivery. Here are some of the most common classifications:

1. Based on the type of electrolyte:

● Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC)

● Phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC)
● Molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC)

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● Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)

● Alkaline fuel cells (AFC): AFCs use an alkaline electrolyte and operate at
relatively low temperatures (between 60°C and 250°C). They can use a
variety of fuels, including hydrogen and methanol. AFCs are highly efficient
and can achieve efficiencies of up to 70%, making them ideal for space
applications. However, they are relatively expensive and require high-purity

2. Based on operating temperature:

● Low-temperature fuel cells (PEMFC and AFC)-( 25-100C)

● Intermediate-temperature fuel cells (PAFC and MCFC)-(100-500)
● High-temperature fuel cells (SOFC)- (500-100 & above 1000)

3. Based on the type of fuel:

● Hydrogen fuel cells: Hydrogen fuel cells use hydrogen as the fuel and
produce only water and electricity as byproducts.
● Methanol fuel cells
● Ethanol fuel cells
● Proton exchange membrane fuel cells
● Direct methanol fuel cells

4. Based on the method of fuel delivery:

● Direct fuel cells

● Indirect fuel cells

Each type of fuel cell has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of the
appropriate fuel cell depends on the specific application and operating conditions.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITE



Fuel cells generate electricity through an electrochemical process that converts the
chemical energy of a fuel directly into electrical energy.

The main components of a fuel cell are:

(i) A fuel electrode (anode),
(ii) An oxidant or air electrode (cathode), and
(iii) An electrolyte.
In most fuel cells, hydrogen (pure or impure) is the active material at the negative
electrode and oxygen (from the oxygen or air) is active at the positive electrode.

Fuel delivery: Hydrogen gas is delivered to the anode (negative electrode) of the
fuel cell.

Electrolyte membrane: The electrolyte membrane allows only positively charged

protons to pass through it and separates the anode from the cathode. The two

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electrodes are separated by a porous matrix saturated with an aqueous alkaline

solution, such as potassium hydroxide (KOH).
The KOH in the electrolyte dissociates:

Anode reaction: Neutral hydrogen at the anode combines with the hydroxyl ion to
form water, releasing the electrons that circulate through the external load.
At anode:

Oxygen delivery: Oxygen gas is delivered to the cathode (positive electrode) of

the fuel cell.

Cathode reaction: At the cathode, the electrons regenerate the hydroxyl ion:
At cathode:

Electrical power: The flow of electrons through the external circuit generates
electrical power that can be used to power various devices or stored in a battery.
Overall reaction:

Overall, hydrogen fuel cells operate through the conversion of hydrogen and
oxygen into electrical energy, with water vapor and heat as the only byproducts.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITE


One of the most attractive features of hydrogen as an energy carrier is that it can be
produced from water which is abundantly available in nature.

● Clean energy: Hydrogen is a clean energy source that does not produce
greenhouse gas emissions when used to generate electricity or power
vehicles. This makes it an important tool in the fight against climate change.

● Efficiency: Hydrogen fuel cells are more efficient than traditional

combustion-based engines, which means they can produce more power from
the same amount of fuel. This can result in lower costs and reduced

● Reduced dependence on fossil fuels: The use of hydrogen as an energy

source can help reduce our dependence on finite fossil fuels, which are a
finite and non-renewable resource.

● Versatility: Hydrogen can be produced from a wide variety of feedstocks,

including renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower, as
well as fossil fuels.

● Energy storage: Hydrogen can be used as a means of storing excess energy

generated from intermittent renewable energy sources, such as wind and
solar, and then used later to generate electricity when needed.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITE



The process of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen by means of a direct
electric current is known as electrolysis.

● In principle, an electrolysis cell consists of two electrodes, commonly flat

metal or carbon plates, immersed in an aqueous conducting solution called
the electrolyte.
● A source of direct current voltage is connected to the electrodes so that an
electric current flows through the electrolyte from the positive electrode (or
anode) to the negative electrode (or cathode).
● As a result, the water in the electrolyte solution is decomposed into
hydrogen gas (H2) which is released at the cathode, and oxygen gas (O2);
released at the anode
● Electrolysis occurs in an electrolytic cell consisting of a positively charged
anode and a negatively charged cathode, typically made of platinum.

The chemical reaction for water electrolysis can be split into two half-reactions
occurring at the cathode and anode.

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A reduction reaction occurs at the cathode when hydrogen ions acquire electrons
and are converted into hydrogen gas.

An oxidation reaction occurs when water molecules give electrons to the anode
and liberate oxygen gas at the anode.

The overall chemical reaction is

● Although only the water is split, an electrolyte (e.g. KOH solution) is

required because water itself is a very poor conductor of electricity.
● One of the best catalysts is platinum in a finely divided form, deposited on a
metal base. However, because of the high cost of platinum, other electrode
surface materials are used commercially. For practical water electrolysis, the
electrodes are generally of nickel-plated steel.
● Diaphragms prevent electronic contact between adjacent electrodes and
passage of dissolved gas or gas bubbles. Asbestos is the most common
material for cell diaphragms.

The energy required for this process can come from a variety of sources, including
renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or hydropower. When powered by
renewable energy, hydrogen produced by electrolysis is considered to be a clean
and sustainable energy source, as it does not produce any greenhouse gas emissions
during production or use.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITE



Hydrogen energy storage involves storing hydrogen gas in a safe and efficient
manner for later use as an energy source. There are several methods of hydrogen
energy storage, including:

Compressed hydrogen storage: This method involves compressing hydrogen gas

to high pressures (typically around 700 bar) and storing it in high-pressure tanks.
Compressed hydrogen storage is a mature and well-established technology, and it
is commonly used for fuel cell vehicles.

Liquid hydrogen storage: Hydrogen can also be stored in liquid form at

cryogenic temperatures (-253°C). Liquid hydrogen storage is more energy-dense
than compressed hydrogen storage, and it is commonly used for space
applications(rocket propellant).

Metal hydride storage: This method involves storing hydrogen in a metal alloy,
which can absorb and release hydrogen as needed. When the hydride is heated, the
hydrogen is released and the original metal is recovered. Metal hydride storage is
a safe and efficient method of hydrogen storage, but it is currently more expensive
than other storage methods.

Chemical storage: Hydrogen can also be stored in chemical compounds, such as

ammonia or methanol. These compounds can be easily transported and stored, and
they can release hydrogen through a chemical reaction when needed.

Underground hydrogen storage: Hydrogen can be stored underground in

depleted natural gas reservoirs or salt caverns. This method is still in the research
and development phase, but it has the potential to be a large-scale solution for
long-term hydrogen storage.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITE



Hydrogen energy has a wide range of potential applications, including:

Transportation: Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are an increasingly popular option for
clean transportation, as they emit only water vapor and do not produce harmful
pollutants or greenhouse gasses.

Aircraft Applications: The earliest application of liquid hydrogen fuel is expected

to be in a jet aircraft

Power generation: Hydrogen can be used as a fuel for power generation, either
through combustion or fuel cells. Fuel cells are commonly used and a more
efficient and cleaner method of hydrogen-powered electricity generation. Fuel cells
can be used in stationary applications, such as backup power for buildings, or in
mobile applications, such as auxiliary power units for trucks or ships.

Industrial processes: Hydrogen is used in a variety of industrial processes, such

as ammonia production, oil refining, and chemical manufacturing. Hydrogen can
also be used as a reducing agent in metallurgical processes.

Energy storage: Hydrogen has the potential to be an important energy storage

medium, as it can be produced from renewable energy sources and stored for later
use as an energy source.

Residential and commercial heating: Hydrogen can be used as a fuel for heating
systems in residential and commercial buildings, either through combustion or fuel

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITE



While hydrogen energy has many potential benefits, there are also several
challenges and problems associated with its use. Some of the major problems

High cost: Currently, hydrogen production and storage technologies are expensive,
which makes hydrogen energy less competitive with other energy sources.

Safety concerns: Hydrogen is highly flammable and requires careful handling to

prevent leaks or explosions. In addition, hydrogen gas is invisible and odorless,
which can make it difficult to detect leaks.

Infrastructure requirements: The widespread adoption of hydrogen energy

would require significant investments in new infrastructure, such as hydrogen
production facilities, storage tanks, and transportation systems.

Energy efficiency: Hydrogen production requires energy, and the efficiency of

current hydrogen production methods is relatively low. This means that a
significant amount of energy is lost during the production process, which reduces
the overall energy efficiency of hydrogen energy.

Carbon emissions: While hydrogen is a clean energy source when it is used, the
production of hydrogen can result in significant greenhouse gas emissions if fossil
fuels are used as the primary energy source for hydrogen production.

Limited availability: While hydrogen is abundant in the universe, it is rare on

Earth in its pure form. Most hydrogen is currently produced from fossil fuels,
which means that the availability of hydrogen is limited by the availability of fossil

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITE



Zero energy buildings are designed to produce as much energy as they consume
over the course of a year, resulting in a net-zero energy consumption. To achieve
this goal, they typically employ a combination of energy efficiency measures and
renewable energy systems.

1. Energy Efficiency Measures:

The first step in designing a zero energy building is to optimize energy efficiency.
This can be achieved through various measures, including:

● Insulation and Air Sealing: The building envelope, including walls, roof,
and windows, is designed to minimize heat loss and gain. This is typically
achieved through high-performance insulation and air sealing, which help
maintain a stable indoor temperature and reduce the need for heating and
● Energy-efficient Lighting and Appliances: The building is equipped with
energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and equipment that use less energy than
standard models.
● Passive Solar Design: The building is designed to take advantage of natural
sunlight and heat through strategic placement of windows, skylights, and
shading devices. This can help reduce the need for artificial lighting and
● Natural Ventilation: The building is designed to utilize natural ventilation
for cooling and heating, which can reduce the need for mechanical
ventilation and HVAC systems.
● Thermal Mass: The building incorporates materials with high thermal
mass, such as concrete or brick, to absorb and store heat, which can help
stabilize indoor temperatures.

2. Renewable Energy Systems: To achieve zero net energy consumption, zero

energy buildings also incorporate renewable energy systems, such as:

● Solar Panels: Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels can be installed on the roof or
walls of the building to generate electricity from the sun.
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● Wind Turbines: Wind turbines can be installed on or near the building to

generate electricity from wind energy.
● Geothermal Energy: Geothermal heat pumps can be installed to provide
heating and cooling using the earth's natural thermal energy.
● Biomass: Biomass boilers or stoves can be used to burn organic materials,
such as wood chips, to generate heat.
● Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Hydrogen fuel cells can be used to generate
electricity from hydrogen gas, which can be produced from renewable
sources like solar or wind power.

3. Water Conservation: In addition to energy conservation, zero energy

buildings also typically incorporate water conservation measures, such as
low-flow fixtures and rainwater harvesting systems, to reduce water
consumption and conserve resources.

Overall, the concept of zero energy buildings represents a sustainable approach to

building design, with the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions and
mitigate the effects of climate change. While the initial cost of designing and
building a zero energy building may be higher than a conventional building, the
long-term savings in energy costs and environmental benefits can make it a
worthwhile investment.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, MITE


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