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2502046143 - Renaldi Chandra 2502046194 - M.

Fabian Ramadhan 2502040070 - Philip Johansen L 2502037832 - Martin Fo

Activities and data flows in Expenditure Cycle AB Hi-Fi
Context Process level 0 Process level 1 Data flow Data source Data destination
Checking stock levels via computer Goods details Computer Purchase officer
Monitor stock levels Reorder the items Product ID number Computer Purchase manager
Decide the goods listed on P.O Product quality Computer Purchase manager
Giving accept or reject P.O P.O details Purchase manager Computer
Sending the P.O P.O details Purchase manager Computer
Determine demand for goods
Purchase requisition Generating P.O P.O details Purchase manager Computer
Sending the completed P.O P.O details Purchase manager Computer
Made a decision about P.O P.O details Purchase manager Computer
Request input valid supplies Sales order details Purchase manager Computer
Monitor Valid suppilies
Predefined valid input Product quantity Purchase manager Computer

Context Process level 0 Process level 1 Data flow Data source Data destination
Shipping goods Product ID number Computer Purchase manager
Supplier Supplying goods to departement Product quantity Purchase officer Receiving departement
Create a P.O by ticking check box P.O details Purchase manager Computer
Posting of inventory Product quantity Purchase manager Warehouse officer
Inventory control Product ID number Purchase manager Warehouse officer
Order goods Purchase Requisition
Examine the inventory record P.O details Purchase manager Warehouse officer
Prepares the purchase requisition P.O details Computer Purchase manager
Request the good to various departement Product quantity Computer Purchase manager
Computer Open P.O P.O details Computer Purchase manager
Request the production Purchase manager Computer Inventory production

Context Process level 0 Process level 1 Data flow Data source Data destination
Provide a delivery docket Document details Suppliers Warehouse
The lists items Order details Suppliers Warehouse
Warehouse Copies of delivery docket Document details Warehouse officer Warehouse
No purchase order number Document details Warehouse officer Suppliers
Counts the number of cartons Product quantity Goods received report Warehouse officer
Verifies the count against delivery docket Order details Goods received report Warehouse officer
Purchase Requisition
Receive goods Signs the goods received report Order details Goods received report Warehouse officer
Receives the completed input goods Document details Computer Accounts payable officer
Extracts purchase order status Order details Purchase order data store Warehouse officer
Purchase order number is valid Order details Purchase order data store Warehouse officer
Purchase order number is invalid Order details Purchase order data store Warehouse officer
Indicate the input is complete by ticking a box Document details Goods received report Warehouse officer
Update purchase order and inventory data Document details Goods received report Warehouse officer
Print goods received report Document details Computer Warehouse officer

Context Process level 0 Process level 1 Data flow Data source Data destination
Suppliers Provide related purchase order Purchase order Suppliers Computer
Extracts purchase order status Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Accounts payable officer
Purchase order number is valid Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Accounts payable officer
Purchase order number is invalid Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Accounts payable officer
Print purchase order Purchase order detail Computer Accounts payable officer
Retrieves details of items ordered Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Accounts payable officer
Identified discrepancies Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Warehouse Supervisor
No quantity discrepancies identified Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Computer
Display payment screen Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Suppliers
Input invoice data (Item quantity and price) Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Suppliers
Pay for goods Computer Extracts purchase order price Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Accounts payable Supervisor
Calculate payment due date Purchase order detail Supplier data store Suppliers
Update purchase order and general ledger Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Accounts payable officer
Files the goods receiving report Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Awaiting payment folder
Extracts details of payments due Purchase order detail Accounts payable data store AB Hi-Fi's Bank
Print a report of payment Purchase order detail Computer Suppliers
Update account payable and general data stores Purchase order detail Purchase order data store Accounts payable officer
Collects printed report payments Purchase order detail Awaiting payment folder Accounts payable officer
Match documents Purchase order detail Payments made report Awaiting payment folder
Transfer payment file Purchase order detail Computer AB Hi-Fi's Bank
Payment Transfer money to relevant suppliers Purchase order detail Computer Suppliers

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