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Teoxon, Trixan Tarnate January22, 2020


The kingdom of Spain (Reino de Espana, Regne d’Espanya, Espainiako Erresuma, Reiaume
d’Espanha). Spain’s motto was “FUTHER BEYOND” and their national anthem was MARCHA

Spain or ESPANA is a European country located in south western Europe. Its continental
European territory is situated in Iberian Peninsula within the area of 505,990 km2 Spain is the
largest country in Europe. By the population about 47 million Spain’s capitals is Madrid and the
major urban areas are Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Malaga and Bilbao. Modern humans first
arrived in Iberian Peninsula around 35,000 years ago.

The origins of the roman name HISPANIA from which the modern name espana as derived are
uncertain due to inadequate evidence, although it is documented by the Phoenicians and
Carthaginians referred to the region as spania therefore the most widely accepted etymology is
Semitic Phoenician.

Spain is a secular parliamentary democracy and parliamentary monarchy with king Felipe VI as
the head of state. The prime minister as Pedro Sanchez. It is a major developed country
considering it as the worlds 14th largest economy by normal gdp and 16th largest purchasing
power parity. It is a member of the united nations or (un), the European union or (EU), the
eurozone, the council of Europe and many more international organizations. And in addition,
Spain is participating in every summit which makes Spain as the de facto member of the group.
Spain’s cuisine consists of huge variety of dishes it is basically influence with seafoods hence
Spain is at the edge of the is easily identified into three main divisions: Mediterranean,
Inner, Atlantic.

Mediterranean foods are from Catalonia to Andalusia the heavy usage of seafoods such as
pescaito frito or fried fish, gazpacho and paella from Valencia and aros negro from Catalonia.
The inner Spain cuisine are basically composed of hot thick soups, breads and garlic based
Castilian soup along with substantial stews such as cocido madrilleno. Food is traditionally
conserved by salting, such as Spanish ham or also can be immerse by olive oil such as manchego
cheese. Atlantic consisting of the whole northern coast including Asturian, Basque, Cantabria
and Galicia cuisine. It is most likely vegetable and fish-based stew like caldo gallego and

Meal routines are also divided, continental style breakfast(desayuno), lunch (el almuerzo),
appetizers, dinner (la cena).

Desayuno or breakfast maybe taken after waking up or before entering the work place. Due to
the large span of time between lunch and breakfast it is uncommon to disorganized the working
schedule just to take mid-morning snack. Lunch usually taken between 2:00 to 3:00 it is usually
composed of two courses and one dessert the content is usually a soup dish, salad, a meat or fish
dish ad fruits for dessert. As for the dinner it was taken 8:30 to 10:00 it is typically consisting of
one course and dessert. for appetizers it is common in the form of tapas or small portion.
Spaniards is a huge fan of football since 20th century, REAL MADRID C.F. and FC
BARCELONA are the two well-known and successful football clubs in the world. The country’s
national football team won the UEFA EUROPENEAN FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP in 1964,
2008, and 2012 and the FIFA WORLD CUP in 2010. Basketball, tennis, cycling, handball,
futsal, motorcycling are mostly Spain’s common sports

As for the leisure activities Spain has a bunch of ways to past times, it is common for Spanish
women to have this kind of leisure as they were still being productive. The soap making of
Spanish women is a good way of killing time and enjoying the procedure. Spanish women use
different kinds of scented oils and fragrant flowers and helpful herbs for their soap. This another
leisure activity is unisexual, Spaniards are into music and dancing they like the festive vibe and
some classical touch. Years before Spanish women enrolls to voice, piano, violin or anything
that can be used for killing some time. Men often take classes about politics and stays on the
library for hours.

As for this time music, singing and dancing is for everyone the examples of Spanish classical
composers are Isaac Albeniz, Manuel de Faila, and Enrique Grandos and singers like Placido
Domingo, Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe, Alicia de Larrocha, Alfred Kraus, Pablo Casals,
Ricardo vines, Jose Iturbi and some orchestras such as orquestra simfonica de Barcelona,
orquestra nacional de espana and orquestra sinfonica de Madrid.

As for leisure Spaniards also loves cooking since the resources abundant to the whole country.
People invented various kind of dishes combining spices and herbs for great taste. Flamenco is
the common dance in Spain in the tune of folk music
Spain has a huge a range of iconic stuffs starting from literature, architecture, cuisine, eye
satisfying sightings, art. Literature of Spanish people is rich in the mixture of different races;

Muslim, Jewish, Christian. The earliest record of vernacular roman- based literature dated from

the same time and location. On the other hand, the artist from Spain have been highly influential

in the development if various European and American artistic movement. The Mediterranean

heritage with Greco roman and some Moorish influences Spain. There are some autochthonous

styles such as pre-Romanesque style and isabelline gothic. the plateresque style extended from
beginning of 16th century Alonso berruguete the prince of Spanish sculpture his main works are
the upper stairs cathedral of Toledo, the tomb of cardinal tavera and the altar piece of the
Visitation of Santa Ursula. The architecture has drawn the host of influences. An important
provincial city founded by the romans and with an extensive Roman era infrastructure
Spain is a western country almost every aspect of Spanish life is permeated by its roman heritage
making Spain one of its major Latin countries of Europe. Spain has 47 world heritage sites this
includes the landscapes of monte peridido in the Pyrenees which is shared with France. The
prehistoric rock art sites of coa valley and Siega Verde which is shared with Portugal. The
heritage of mercury

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