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Training Report

Employee Training Report SEG-HSE-TR-23

Training Type: Internal Training

Training Category: Safe Work Procedures
Starting Date: 18-Nov-23 End Date: 18-Nov-23
Duration Hours: 2 Number of Days: 1
Number of Attendees: 78 Training Hours: 156
Attach List of Attendees & Evidence Pictures

Project: EWPL-SINOPEC Started Time: 11:00

Description of Training Given:

Define the Training Objectives:

The Material Handling training was conducted with the primary objective of educating employees and relevant stakeholders
about the potential hazards and risks associated with not handling of material properly within the workplace. The training aimed
to enhance the participants' understanding regarding Material Handling protocols, to ensure a safe and compliant working

Training Result use by Trainer/Training Coordinator

Trainer Report:
This training was delivered at EWPL SINOPEC PS Laydown Yard Area.
The Material Handling training covers a range of topics related to hazard management. The key topics discussed during the
training include:

Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Policy

Introduction Material Handling at Work Place
Employee Roles and Responsibilities
Hazard Analysis
Prior to use inspection benifets
Protection and Storage of material

Response of the training was very good. Participants actively participated in the training and Q/A session.

Area HSE Lead Trainer

Trainer Name: Muhammad Shahbaz
Name: Ghazanfar Ali
(Sign & Date) 18-Nov-23 (Sign & Date) 18-Nov-23

SEG-HSE Trng Report Revision-0 Dated: 2023-06-20

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