Audit Report

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Summary of Audit Findings: Adequacy Audit Report



Company Audited: Kurtin Catering Company

Address: 12 William Street, Perth

Audit period: April to June

Date of Audit: 23 October 2023

Student Name:

Observation Explanation Objective Evidence

Missing documents Forms 10, 16, and 21

Documentation 1. Allergens Declaration: The staff were not fully trained

regarding the allergen emergency protocols. Ref: EH Form

20 and 18

2. Allergens Declaration : The allergen forms for the month of

May were incomplete: Ref: EH Form 20 and form 5

3. Allergens Declaration: Improper labelling of common food

products and items that people are allergic to. Ref: EH Form


4. Allergens Declaration: Declaration forms for 13th April by the

chef James griffin were inaccurately filled. Ref: EH Form 20

5. Food safety: the manager failed to adhere to food safety

inspection forms: food storage check list were not completed

as required: Ref: EH Form 19

6. Temperature Control: Legislative requirements for

temperature control were not consistently met.

Ref: EH Form 17

7. Temperature Control: From April 10th to May 25th, the regular

equipment temperature control forms were not filled by the

staff. Ref; EH Form 17

8. Temperature Control : The walk-in refrigerator temperature

fluctuated from time to time : Ref: EH Form 20

9. Temperature Control: The kitchen temperature was too high,

lack of install temperature control system in the kitchen area.

Ref; EH Form 20

10. Temperature Control : The kitchen oven was over heating:

Ref; EH Form 20

11. Cleaning and sanitation: The recorded forms on kitchen fridge

and the food refrigerator was inconsistent. Indicated on forms

from 3rd April, 12th, 14th, 15th, and 22nd may. Ref; EH Form

20, and 12
12. Cleaning and sanitation: Perishable food were poorly stored

under room temperature rather than refrigerated. Ref; EH

Form 20

13. Cleaning and sanitation: : The food refrigerators were not

cleaned regularly as per the food safety requirement

Ref; EH Form 18

14. Cleaning and sanitation: kitchen smoke exhaust pipes had not

been clean for an estimated period of one month

Ref; EH Form 18

15. Cleaning and sanitation: The kitchen utensils were greasy and

dirty Ref; EH Form 18

16. Cleaning and sanitation: : Lack of gloves by the food servers

Ref; EH Form 18

17. Cleaning and sanitation: On 4th may, and 28th may, the forms

on pest control were not filled. On 2st June, the pest control

forms were inaccurately filled by unqualified personnel

Ref; EH Form 18

18. Cleaning and sanitation: The supplies store rooms were not

cleaned per week as per the requirements.

Ref; EH Form 18

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