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Chapter 1: The Foundations of Psychological Science

Section 1.3: The History of Psychological Science

Learning Outcomes: Making Connections:

In Sections 1.1 and 1.2, we saw the importance of a scientific approach to
After reading this section psychology, and some of the ways that psychologists use that scientific
you should be able to: approach in their everyday work. In this section, we take a closer look at
how the approach to psychological science has evolved over time,
 Explain the method that beginning in the 1800s.
Wundt and Titchener
used to study conscious Notes:
experience and the Take a look at the learning outcomes and The Big Picture diagram for
limitations of this Section 1.3 and you’ll see that this section covers seven main approaches to
method psychological science that have been popular with psychologists over the
decades (see the dark blue boxes). The starting point is usually considered
 Contrast Titchener’s the work of Wilhelm Wundt, who focused on the importance of scientific
structuralist approach observation.
to psychology with
(a) the Gestalt Explain the characteristics of scientific observation, distinguishing it from
approach developed casual observation.
by Wertheimer
(b) the functionalist Wundt’s primary method of having his research participants “look within”
approach developed was called _________________________________, and could be described
by James as follows:
(c) the behaviorist
approach developed Titchener brought Wundt’s basic ideas to the US. He named his approach
by Watson and ______________________________, and defined it as the study of:
(d) the psychoanalytic Your Turn: Try to come up with your own example of a question that
approach developed Titchener might have asked using his unique approach to psychology.
by Freud
(e) the cognitive Though there were differences in the way they framed their research
approach questions, both Wundt and Titchener used introspection as a method for
(f) the humanists’ studying their questions. But introspection has some important limitations
approach developed as a method for gathering information. Summarize those limitations in your
by Maslow and own words. Remember, the best way to ensure you can explain something
Rogers in your own words is to do the textbook reading and then, once you feel
that you understand, close the book and write down what you know. Once
you’re done, go back to the text and make sure you haven’t missed
What questions do you anything important.
have about this section that
need to be addressed? Use the table below to summarize the central ideas of the approaches that
followed Wundt and Titchener, and contrast each one with Titchener’s
approach (including the use of introspection):
Name: Name of Their Approach to Contrast this Approach to

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Chapter 1: The Foundations of Psychological Science
Section 1.3: The History of Psychological Science
Psychology and Central Structuralism and Use of
Ideas: Introspection:

Summary: Try to summarize this section in 250 words or less. Consider comparing your summary with
others in your class to make sure you’ve covered all of the essential elements of this section, and how they
are connected to one another.

Looking Forward: In this section, we have reviewed historical approaches to psychological science, many
of which continue to be relevant today. In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at a more modern
approach to psychological science, which is referred to as the biopsychosocial model.

Do you have feedback about how these guided notes are working for you? Contact the author at

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