Assignment B 7

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Exercises Lecture 7

Finite wings
Ir. Nando Timmer
Salomon Voorhoeve
Delft University of Technology

Franck Cabrol - CC - BY - SA 3.0

AE1110x - Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering

Exercise 1
Consider the following questions on load distributions:
A) What kind of load distribution gives the lowest induced drag?
B) What is the span eciency factor for this distribution?
C) What can we introduce to increase the span eciency factor, when the optimal (lowest induced
drag) loading distribution is not available?

Exercise 2
Consider a wing with an aspect ratio of 10, ying with a CL of 0.5 and a drag coecient CD
of 0.0126. From windtunnel tests, we know that the prole drag coecient for this wing is
A) Calculate the span eciency factor for this wing
B) What is the drag coecient if we increase the aspect ratio to A=13?

Exercise 3
A) What is the theoretical lift-curve slope for a 2D, thin airfoil, per degree?
B) Suppose now we have an elliptic wing with A=12. Calculate the lift-curve slope for this wing,
per degree.

Exercises Lecture 7 - Finite wings 1

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