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CPF (Central Processing Facilities)

The work contents of CPF include Central processing facilities with all associated systems:

● Inlet and outlet pipe headers

● Crude oil separators
● Crude oil dehydrators
● Degassers
● Desanders
● Gas boots
● Knockout drums
● Instruments air systems
● Metering systems
● Water treatment systems
● Fire fighting systems
● Substations
● Control systems
● Emergency shutdown systems
● Crude oil tanks
● Oil exports systems
● Heat exchangers and/or any crude processing systems necessary for CPF

Symboles – Abréviations
BKH : Benkahla
BOPD : barrel of oil per day
BWPD : barrel of water per day
Bo : Le facteur volumétrique de fond
PAM : polyacrylamide
PHPAM : partialy hydrolysed polyacrylamide
QH : Quartiz EL Hamra
RPM : relative permeability modifer
CHFR : cased hole formation resistivity
CRD : centre de recherche et développement
CFPA : compagnie française de pétrole Algérie
CTU : Coiled tubing
TAG-SI : Trias argilo-gréseux série inferieur
TDS : total dissolved solide
TFD : température de fond dynamique
Pp : Pression de pipe.
DPR : disportional permeabilty reduction
GLR : gas liquide ratio
GOR : gas oil ratio
PFD : pression de fond dynamique
Ptête : Pression de tête.
WPM : water production mecanism
HBK : Haoud Berkaoui WOR : Water oil ratio
IOR : improved oil recovery WPM : water production mecanism
Ko : la perméabilité effective d’huile WC : Water Cut.
PLT : production logging tool ρw : Densité d’eau
POA : processus avancé d’oxydation μo : Viscosité d’huile

μob saturated oil viscosity (at or below bubble point)

μod dead oil viscosity correlations

Bg gas formation volume factor

Bo oil formation volume factor, bbL/STB

Bob oil formation volume factor at the bubble point

Bou under-saturated oil formation volume factor Co oil compressibility

Cob saturated oil compressibility (at or below bubble point)

Cou under-saturated oil compressibility (above bubble point)

GOR producing gas-oil ratio

Ki the equilibrium constant of component i in the recombined sample

N number of separators

Pb bubble point pressure

Pci critical pressure of component i in the recombined sample PVT pressure-

Rs gas solubility

Rsp separator GOR, scf/STB

Rst GOR from the stock-tank,

SCF/STB Scf/STB standard cubic foot/stock tank barrel

Tbi true boiling point temperature of component i in the recombined sample

Tci the critical temperature of component i in the recombined sample

xi the mole fraction of component i in the separator oil

yi the mole fraction of component i in the separator gas

Z gas compressibility factor

Zf gas compressibility factor measured at the field

Zl gas compressibility factor measured at PVT lab

γg solution gas specific gravity

γsep separator gas gravity

γst gas gravity from the stock-tank

ρf gas gravity measured at the field
ρl gas gravity measured at PVT lab
ρob oil density at the bubble point
μou under-saturated oil viscosity bbl/STB barrel/stock tank barrel

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