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Activity 5
Situation Analysis

Name: ________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Direction: Read each situation and analyze the given information to identify the disease, its causes, treatment and
actions to prevent such diseases.

1. Ericka works in the hospital as Nurse attendant. She attended a patient that is keep on coughing hardly. While taking
the vital signs of the patient, she notices that she is not wearing her face mask. Going home, she feels headache and
muscular pains. Upon reaching her house she feels hot and start to chill and already has runny nose.

Respiratory Disease: ______________________________

Cause: ___________________________________
Treatment/Remedy: __________________________________
Actions to Prevent: ____________________________

2. Mr. Lim is a chain smoker since high school. He cannot live a day without smoking even one time. One day he rushed
to the hospital due to persistent coughing and difficulty in breathing. He complaining of chest pain so he was asked to
have a laboratory examination and find out to have bloody sputum.

Respiratory Disease: ______________________________

Cause: ___________________________________
Treatment/Remedy: __________________________________
Actions to Prevent: ____________________________

3. Narda wakes up feeling pain in her throat and cannot speak clearly. As she remembers she has been to Brgy. Palasan
yesterday where people are complaining of a factory that is releasing dark smokes from processing plastic products.
After talking to the factory manager she went home with a feeling of headache and difficulty in breathing.

Respiratory Disease: ______________________________

Cause: ___________________________________
Treatment/Remedy: __________________________________
Actions to Prevent: ____________________________

4. Lolong decided to have general cleaning in their house. He decided to start in the garage to remove the old furniture
and things that for long time has not been used. It is almost 4:00 pm when he finished and decided to take a rest. After
some time, he feels pressure feeling in the face specially in the forehead and around his nose and below the eyes. He
decided to drink water and feels congestion in the nasal cavity and starts to have runny or stuffy nose.

Respiratory Disease: ______________________________

Cause: ___________________________________
Treatment/Remedy: __________________________________
Actions to Prevent: ____________________________

5. Jericho has inherited the respiratory disease in the family of his father. He is not allowed to hold animals with fur like
cats and dogs. There are times he is experiencing shortness of breath, tightness on chest and trouble sleeping because of
difficulty in breathing. He was medicated with inhalers to relieve the symptoms.

Respiratory Disease: ______________________________

Cause: ___________________________________
Treatment/Remedy: __________________________________
Actions to Prevent: ____________________________

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