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1. regular and irregular reflection

Regular reflection Irregular reflection

Parallel beam of light remains parallel Parallel beam of light do not remain
even after reflection parallel after reflection
It occurs on smooth surfaces It occurs on rough surfaces
Image is formed No image is formed

2. real and virtual image


Rays of light are actually meeting at a point Rays of light do not meet at a point
Image is generally inverted Image is erect
Can be captured on the screen Can’t be captured on the screen
Ex: Cinema Screen Ex: Plane mirror

3.myopia and hypermetropia

Myopia(nearsightedness) Hypermetropia (far- sightedness)

When a person is unable to see far off objects When a person is unable to see near by
Usually occurs at young age Usually occurs at 40 plus
Can be corrected by concave lens Can be corrected by convex lens

4. luminous and illuminated objects

Luminous Objects Illuminated Objects

Objects which can produce light of their own Objects which do not produce light of their
Sun and stars moon

Q.2 Describe the characteristic features of the image formed by plane mirror.

1. The image formed is exact.

2. The image formed is virtual and erect.

3. The image formed is laterally inverted.

4. The image is formed at exact distance.

Q.3 Calculate the number of images formed , when the two plane mirror are placed (use
formula n=360/angle-1)
A Parallel Perpendicular
C 60 degrees
Q.4Give reasons why?
A Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness.
-Vitamin A is required for the production of rhodopsin pigment , which enables rod
cells to be functional .
B If we flash a series of sequential 16 pictures in a second , they seem as if they are in motion.
-As the image of any object stays on the retina for 1/16th of a second, even when the
object is removed , so if 16 or more pictures are flashed in a second , they seem to be in

C Owls have more rod cells.

-To enable them to see in the dark, as they are active during the night time.
D It looks dark as we come in the room after we come from sitting in the sunshine.
-As pupils were adjusted to the more light , as we come inside the pupil takes time to get
adjusted to the less light in the room.
E We cant see if the image is formed on the blind spot.
- As no sensory cells are present there.
Q.4 How do pupil and iris control the amount of light entering into the eye.

Light Pupil Iris

bright Contraction relaxes
dark Dilation contracts

Q.5 Our eyes adjust our lens to focus on nearby and far off objects.

Vision Eye lens Ciliary Muscles

Nearby More globular, thicker contract
Far -off Flatter, thinner relax

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