Strategy People Management

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Strategy People Management Name – Meha Dalvi_ Roll No 18_ Batch no-21 1


SUBJECT: Strategy People Management BATCH: 21
Part: DATE: 4th March 2023
FACULTY: Prof. Mihir Ajgaonkar and Prof. Tanvi Mankodi

Q1. Bharat Vikas Group is an NGO running various programmes in India. You have recently taken over as
the President and CEO of this organisation. So far, BVG has continued hiring field workers on contracts and
paid them a minimal salary as there were constraints on funding. As a result, there is a heavy employee
turnover, and retention is a big issue. But recently, a donor agency promoted by an Indian NRI millionaire
has pledged massive funding support to BVG on a very long-term basis. You believe that a committed
workforce makes a huge difference in the social impact that the organisation desires. So, you wish to change
the HR approach of the organisation. Describe in detail the new strategy you would like to implement in the
organisation to have a very committed workforce.

 Answer- The new strategy you would like to implement in the organisation to have a very committed
workforce is as follows- It will focus on organisational culture to make to make it more employee
friendly. It will have shared values and beliefs. Every employee will be valued for his/ her skills and
performance. It should give more focus on employee engagement activities to strengthen their skills and
make them part of the organisation. To have more commitment the focus should be on performance-
based appraisals, rewards for ideas and other benefits. There should be encouragement of creativity,
team work and collaborative tasks. This creates a sense of belongingness to the team and the
organisational goal. A strategically designed compensation philosophy which includes both Direct and
Indirect strategies that support retention of the company’s top talent. There should be an Effective
recruitment and appraisal systems need to be formulated. There should be regular interaction and team
meetings so as to increase the team’s morale and collaboration among them. Also, organization should
have yearly employee engagement activities (for cross functional teams), which will help them for
collaboration and effective task completion. HR can link its performance management tools with the
kind of impact the employees has created on the stakeholders. This can be done by facilitating
communication with stakeholders. HR should be a Strategic asset. Its goals should be creating
sustainable competitive advantage and maximize the contribution of HR towards that goal. HR should
deliver the HR services in such a way that supports the implementation of the firm’s strategy, this will
lead to high performance and employees will show strategically focused competencies, high motivation
and associated behaviors.
Strategy People Management Name – Meha Dalvi_ Roll No 18_ Batch no-21 2

Q2. As the CEO of BVG, you believe that the employees need to provide learning and development oppor-
tunities by the organisation. But on the other hand, you would like to ensure that these opportunities are
firmly tied with the organisation’s strategic plan. Describe the process you would like to take to align em -
ployee learning with the organisation’s strategy. Also, describe how you would like to measure the return on
investment on training.

 Answer- It is very important to Aling employee learning and development opportunities with the
organizations plan. This will help to ensure employees are learning skills and developing knowledge
that will benefit their organization.
a) Identify strategic goals- understand the visons, mission and values of organization.
b) Conduct skill gap analysis- this will help employees to develop new skills and knowledge.
c) Develop learning and development programs – have more development programs bases on
identified skill gaps.
d) Implement the program- It should be accessible to all the employees. It should benefit all the
employees and fulfill need of everyone.
e) Measure the impact – Organization should use both qualitative and quantitative measure to
understand the impact.
f) Adjust the programs – based on feedback received the organization should make changes in the
training programs.

To measure the Return on investment (ROI) on training the organization should do following things-

a) Employee performance – this can be measured through Key performance indicators.

b) Employee engagement- through surveys and participation in activities
c) Impact on the bottom line- whether there is any impact on the field.
For this the organization should focus on Performance management they should develop position
description, establish performance expectations, identify tools and training needs, give feedback and
communicate, handle issues, adjust assignments, plan formal performance evaluations, discuss
possible professional development and provide merit by rewards.

Q3. Shivshakti NGO runs a shelter for victims of domestic abuse. Their administration and financial re -
quirements are under the leadership of a private limited organization. The organization wants to formalize
the processes in the NGO so that there is more accountability and fairness. How would you advise them to
go about their discipline handling / grievance management process? Explain in brief what are the top two
challenges with managing discipline.

 Answer- Grievances refers to any type of dissatisfaction or discontentment arising out of factors
related to an employee’s job which he or she thinks are unfair. There can be various reasons for this
such as, wage rates, leave policy, work overload, role conflicts, unrealistic targets, conflicts with
peers or seniors, poor safety etc. Grievance is a complaint that is put in writing and made formal.
Grievance procedure is a formal communication between an employee and the management
designed for the settlement of a grievance.
The Model Grievance Procedure (16th session of Indian Labor Conference). This will have lot of
advantages as employees can have an opportunity to vent their feelings, whereas management a can
Strategy People Management Name – Meha Dalvi_ Roll No 18_ Batch no-21 3

focus on finding the root cause of the issues. Seniors will listen to their juniors. There will be more
transparency. There will be a fair redressal mechanism. They can focus on searching the issues in
more formal way with proper observations, open door policy, exit interviews and opinion surveys.
The organization should have conformity with statutory provisions, promptness, training in
grievance management etc.
The top two challenges with managing discipline are, a) attendance related problem- unexcused
absence, chronic absenteeism, misuse of sick leaves, slow response to work requests, leaving
without permission and excessive tardiness. b) performance related problems such as failure to
complete the assigned work, producing standard products and failure to meet production norms.,
inaccuracy of work, client dissatisfaction, failure to meet expectations.

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