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1 115, Hemkunt Tower, 98, Nehru Place, New Delhi-11@19
Phone : 4088SSSS, Telefax : 011-40BBSSS0
E-mail :

To Dated - 2210612021
The Additional Plant Protection Advisor & Secretary
Central Insecticides lloard & R.egistration Committee
Directorate of Plant Protection, Qunrantine & Storage,
NH - IV, Paridabad - 12l00l (Haryana).

Sutr- Submission of hard copy two sets and check listviz.2,4-D Sodium Salt Technicil94.5o/o
Min. (contaiuing 2,4-Ilichlorophenoxy acetic acid 807o w/w min.) r. f. std 2, {-D Sodium Salt
"lechnieal (containing 2,A-I]ichlorophenoxy acetic acid 80%o ilw min.) and its impuriiies
slirndards w.r.t. our application 2,4-D Sodium Salt Technical94.5'th Min. (containing 2,4-
Dichlorophcnoxy acetic acid 807o w/w min.) u/s 9(4) TIM Computer Serial No. : 106340, Pre-
registration Test/Analysis Veri fi cation.

Ref: - Computer Serial No. : 106340

Dear Sir,

We like to .inforrn you that we are ready to submit the sarnples of 2, 4-D Sodium Salt Technical
94.5% ll{in. (containing 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid 807o ilw min.) reference standard, 2, {-
D Sodium Salt Technical 94.5o/o Min. (containing 2, 4-Dichloroplrenoxy acetic acid 807o 1ry/w
min.) and its irnpurities standard along with Certificate of Analysis 2, 4-D Sodium Salt Technical
94.5% Min. (containing 2,4-llichlorophenoxy acetic acid 80Yo w/w min.) u/s 9(4) TIM, to CIB
tbr thc purpose of evaluation and issue of Registration Certificate. Now as per online communication
lve have received for submission of Affidavit, two hard copy $ets and checklist to Secretariat of
CIB&RC: for fiuther necessary action,

So, we are submitting hard copy two sets of the Affidavit, filled Form- Checklist for the samples of
Applicants u/s 9(4).

i"{ope you will find ths subrnission in order and issue us the sample submission letter for further
process of our application.

Thanks & Best Regards

For Agro Life Science {.'rrrliiir"tiitru

ct} $ -'g$to 6'[T 0

t] dtho ?Tftr{th
Remant Kumar Singh
(Authorized signatory)
l': :':it;,r";. pa " " l1+-l ZOel

n;,-i ..-.--Di..-....-

I'.' t:,',:'.' t {;.'i 1:

Works:26, Panchratna lndustrial Estate Part-|, Sarkhej Bavla Road, Behind Laxmi Narayan PetrolPump, Changodar,
Taluka Sanand, Distt. Ahmedabad - 382213. Phone :0221-7294361
Plot No. 1 66-173A, IID Gentra, Govindsar, (SICOP) Kathua J & K-1 84104
Phons : 09906031 250, 0941 91 -23021 , Fax : 019222070A4

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