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Doing good for greater number of people:


Utilitarianism would back choices that seek to maximize the welfare of the majority. Decisions

made in the labyrinth that maximize enjoyment or ensure the group's survival might be deemed

morally acceptable. If sacrificing one's own interests or well-being advances the larger good,

utilitarianism may be in favor of such measures. According to Jan Enviro (2022) the utilitarian moral

standard expresses that the morally appropriate doing in any circumstance is the one that creates the most

extraordinary degree of advantages over hurts for every involved participant. So, the choices made by

the characters to face risks or give up personal interests in order to better the community as a

whole may represent this. According to utilitarianism, resources should be distributed in a way

that maximizes total utility. This might be used while making judgements on how to divide up

scarce resources in the Glade or the labyrinth in order to protect the group's existence. Moreover,

utilitarians emphasize rewards and dangers of various activities is a common application of

utilitarian thinking. Characters may be more likely to take measured chances that have the

potential to improve their overall well-being, even if they put them in danger or cause them

temporary suffering.

Quiambao, Jan Enviro. (2022). Thinking ethically: The utilitarianism approach in moral decision

making. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation. 602-604.


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