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Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness:

An Overview
GK Ingle, Chetna Malhotra
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Annually, over 10 million children in low- and middle- and cost-effective, and therefore, has the potential to make
income countries die before they reach their Þfth birthday. the greatest impact on the global burden of disease.(4)

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Seven in ten under-Þve deaths in such countries are from An evaluation of IMCI strategy in 12 countries over the
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illnesses such as diarrheal dehydration, acute respiratory world revealed that the training of healthcare workers

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infections, measles, malaria, and malnutrition. All these improved the quality of care signiÞcantly. For example, in

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Þve conditions can either be treated or prevented.(1) Tanzania, IMCI was associated with a 13% reduction in
Despite this, more than 25,000 under-Þve children die under-Þve mortality over a two-year period and stunting

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from these illnesses each day. Factors that contribute was reduced signiÞcantly. In Bangladesh, the utilization

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to illness are poor living conditions like lack of safe of government facilities improved substantially due to its
water supply, poor hygiene, overcrowding; inability of availability. This strategy has now been implemented in

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parents to recognize danger signs; and delay in seeking more than 100 countries.(5)
appropriate treatment. The problem is compounded by
the poor quality of care provided at the health facilities.(2) kn kno ee In India, there are nearly 17 lakh child deaths each
year, and child mortality rates are one of the highest
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Projections based on 1996 analysis in the Global Burden
of Disease indicate that these conditions will continue to in the world. The Government of India recognized
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make major contributions to childhood mortality through the need to strengthen child-health activities in the
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the year 2020 unless signiÞcant greater efforts are made country and decided to launch IMCI. A core group was
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to control them.(3) constituted comprising representatives from Indian

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Academy of Paediatric (IAP), National Neonatology

Children brought for medical treatment are often found Forum of India (NNF), National Anti-Malaria Program
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suffering from more than one morbid condition, making (NAMP), Department of Women and Child Development
a single diagnosis impossible. These children require (DWCD), Child-in Need Institute (CINI), WHO, UNICEF,
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a combined therapy for successful treatment. Thus, eminent Pediatricians and Neonatologists and the
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the need of the hour is an integrated strategy that representatives from the Ministry of Health and Family
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combines the treatment of major childhood illnesses, with Welfare (MOHFW), and the Government of India. The
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involvement of parents in provision of home-based care, generic IMCI guidelines were adapted and the Indian
prevention of disease through immunization, improved version was named Integrated Management of Neonatal
nutrition, and breast feeding. This integrated strategy and Childhood Illness (IMNCI). The major adaptations

led to the formation of “The Integrated Management were as follows:


of Childhood Illness (IMCI)” in 1992 by UNICEF and i) The entire age group of 0 to 59 months (as against 2
WHO. It was based on the rationale that decline in child weeks to 59 months in IMCI) was included to address
mortality rates is not necessarily dependent on the use of the neonatal mortality challenge.
sophisticated and expensive technologies but rather on ii) The order of training was reversed, starting from
a holistic approach that combines the use of strategies the young infant (0-2 months) to the older child (2
that are cheap and can be made universally available and months-5 years).
accessible to all.(2) According to the World Bank Report iii) The total duration of training was reduced from 11
1993, for situations where laboratory support and clinical days to 8 days out of which, half of the training time
resources are limited, such an approach is more realistic was earmarked for the management of the young
infants, 0 to 2 months, which contributes to a lot to
Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical the mortality rate.
College, New Delhi, India iv) Home-based care of newborns and young infants
Correspondence to: was included.
Dr. G. K. Ingle,
Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical The management guidelines were made consistent with
College, New Delhi - 110 002, India. E-mail: the current policies of MOHFW, DWCD, and NAMP.(6)
Guarantor of paper: Separate training material, e.g., training module, chart
Dr G. K. Ingle, Professor and Head, Department of Community booklet, photo booklet, and video was developed for
Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.
Received: 22.07.06
the health and nutrition workers and for the physicians.

108 Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol. 32, Issue 2, April 2007
Ingle GK, et al.: IMNCI: An overview

The training material for the health workers was also child at home when hospital admission is either not
translated in Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, and Tamil.(7) required or is not possible. She is also directed to return
for follow-up visits as per the IMNCI protocol.(1)
The major objectives of IMNCI strategy are to reduce
mortality and the frequency and severity of illness The IMNCI strategy provides for home-based care for
and disability and contribute to improve growth and newborns and young infants. The home care component
development during the Þrst Þve years of a child’s life. for newborns aims to promote exclusive breast feeding,
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The guidelines represent an evidence-based, syndromic prevent hypothermia, improve recognition of illnesses
approach of case management that includes rational, by parents, and reduce delays in seeking care. As per
effective, and affordable use of drugs and diagnostic the IMNCI protocol, a health worker has to make at least
tools. The syndromic approach is used to determine the three home visits for all newborns, the Þrst visit should be

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health problem(s) of the child, severity of child’s condition, within 24 hrs of birth, second on day 3-4 and third at day
and the actions taken. It also promotes the adjustment of 7-10. Three additional visits are scheduled for newborns

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interventions to the capacity of the health system and the with low birth weight at day 14, 21, and 28.(1)

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active involvement of family members and the community
IMNCI strategy promotes the accurate identiÞcation of

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in the health care process.(1)
childhood illnesses in outpatient setting and ensures

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IMNCI includes both preventive and curative interventions. appropriate combined treatment of all major illnesses,
The strategy has the following three components:(1) strengthens counseling of caretakers, and speeds up
1. Health-worker component: Improvements in the
case-management skills of health staff through the ow w do the referral of severely-ill children. At a referral facility,
the strategy aims to improve the quality of care provided
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provision of locally adapted guidelines to sick children. In the home setting, it promotes
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2. Health-service component: Improvements in appropriate care-seeking behaviors, improved nutrition

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the overall health system required for effective and preventive care, and the correct implementation of
management of neonatal and childhood illness recommended care.(1)
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3. Community component: Improvements in family

and community health care practices. In India, IMNCI is a component of the World Bank-
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supported Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) II

IMNCI does not imply that the health workers will not program. It is being implemented through a joint effort
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treat individual diseases. Rather, it implies that the of UNICEF, National Rural Health Mission (NRHM),
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workers will broaden their approach to consider and Government and other child survival partners. IMNCI was
respond to the child and manage the different factors Þrst piloted in six districts from end of 2002 to 2004. For
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that could be contributing to child’s sickness. These training the physicians, the Þrst training of trainers (TOT)
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guidelines recommend standardized case management was carried out for three batches at Kalawati Saran Child
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procedures based on two age categories: (i) upto 2 Hospital, Delhi and for two batches in Vellore district. For
months and (ii) 2 months to 5 years. In IMNCI, only a conducting the training of workers, TOT was conducted

limited number of carefully-selected clinical signs are in Jhalawar, Valsad, and Vellore districts. The health and

considered, based on their sensitivity and speciÞcity, to nutrition workers of one primary health center (PHC) of
detect the disease. A combination of these signs helps Osmanabad and two sub-centers of Shivpuri were also
in arriving at the child’s classiÞcation, rather than a trained. Implementation of IMNCI has been initiated
diagnosis. ClassiÞcation(s) also indicates the severity in the states and union territories of Delhi, Gujarat,
of the condition. The classiÞcations are color coded: Haryana, Jharkahand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashatra,
“pink” suggests hospital referral or admission, “yellow” Nicobar Islands, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and
indicates initiation of treatment, and “green” calls for Uttaranchal. IMNCI training for undergraduate medical
home treatment. A sick young infant up to 2 months of students has been introduced in Þve medical schools.
age is assessed for possible bacterial infection, jaundice, The National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child
and diarrhea. A sick child aged 2 months to 5 years is Development (NIPCCD), India, has also introduced
assessed for general danger signs and major symptoms IMNCI in the pre-service curriculum of Integrated Child
like cough or difÞcult breathing, diarrhea, fever, and ear Development Services (ICDS) workers. The faculty
problems. All the children are also routinely assessed for of the Council for Technical Education and Vocational
nutritional and immunization status, feeding problems, Training-the apex national institution responsible for
and other potential problems.(1) training paramedical staff-were trained in IMNCI.
The Indira Gandhi National Open University has also
The management procedures in IMNCI involve the use included IMNCI in distance learning courses for doctors
of only a limited number of essential drugs in order to and paramedics. Collaboration with Emergency and
promote their rational use. The mother is given clear Humanitarian Action Unit has resulted in the production
instructions on how to give oral drugs and to treat the of an orientation package on IMCI for health workers who
Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol. 32, Issue 2, April 2007 109
Ingle GK, et al.: IMNCI: An Overview

provide health care to children in disaster situations.(7) IAP districts by 2010.(11) At the sub-center level, it shall be
has now formed the IAP National Task Force in HIV/AIDS implemented through ANMs; at PHCs, through medical
to look into the feasibility of adaptation of pediatric HIV doctors, nurses, and Lady Health Visitors; at First
care in IMNCI.(8) Referral Units, through medical ofÞcers and nurses; and
at the village/household level through the AWWs.(11)
The major strength of IMNCI strategy is that it makes
use of evidence-based management decisions like oral Thus, IMNCI offers a strategy for improving the state of
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rehydration therapy for diarrhea, childhood vaccinations health of children in India. This approach could help the
to reduce deaths due to diphtheria, pertussis, and country in achieving the Millennium Development Goals
measles and antibiotic treatment for pneumonia. Other of reducing the under-Þve mortality.

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strong points of IMNCI are the hands-on clinical training
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for 50% of training time, feasibility of its incorporation References

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into pre-service education and in service training, focus
1. WHO Department of Child and Adolescent Health and

). lica ad
on communication and counseling skills, and locally Development (CAH), MOHFW. Student’s handbook for
adapted recommendation for infant and young child Integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness.

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feeding. By improving the coordination and quality of 2003.

.c Pu wn
services provided by existing child health and other 2. WHO. Improving Child health, the integrated approach.
programmes, the IMNCI strategy will increase the Division of Child Health and Development; WHO/CHD/97.12

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effectiveness of care and simultaneously reduce the Rev.2. WHO: 1997. p. 2-7.
cost. IMNCI has the potential of lowering the burden on 3. Murray CJ, Lopez AD. The global burden of disease: A
hospitals, particularly, in urban areas where access to kn kno ee
care is not a limiting factor. It offers a model for improving
comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability from
diseases injures and risk factors in 1990 and projected to
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2020. WHO: Geneva; 1996.
one aspect of service delivery that could be applied
m e or

4. World Bank. World development report 1993: Investing in

to other aspects of health care. On the other hand, a Health. Oxford University Press: New York; 1993.
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critical appraisal of IMNCI revealed that it has failed to 5. Available from:
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address the key issues of safe home delivery, training of documents/maternalchild-chapters3-4.pdf. [Last accessed
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traditional birth attendants, creating facilities for a triage on 2006 Jun 3].
system at primary, secondary, and tertiary care levels, a 6. Child Health Programme in India - Major milestones in Child
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referral system with linkages between these levels, care Health. Available from:
childhealthrti.pdf. [Last accessed on 2006 Jun 3].
of newborn at birth and childhood injuries.(9) There is also
ho a

7. Chaturvedi SK, Chaturvedi K. Adaptation of the Integrated

a need to evaluate the content, duration, and period of
te is

Management of Newborn and Childhood Illness

training of IMNCI. (IMNCI) Strategy for India. Available from: http://www.
si F
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The major challenges before IMNCI are the feasibility 21001/20421.ppt. [Last accessed on 2006 Jun 3].
of provision of health care using IMNCI at sub-center 8. Bhargava SK. The challenge of neonatal mortality in India.
and village level by ANMs and Anganwadi workers

Indian Pediatr 2004;41:657-62.

(AWWs) considering the irregular supply of drugs and 9. IAP Action Plan 2006. Available from: http://www.iapindia.

logistics, lack of proper supervision, sustaining what is org/president.cfm. [Last accessed on 2006 Jun 3].
initiated through indicator-based monitoring, making 10. Aggarwal SP. Towards achieving millennium development
home-based care of young infants operational by ANMs goals in the health sector in India. J Indian Acad Clin Med
and AWWs and a high staff turnover. An assessment 2005;6:268-74.
11. WHO. Child and adolescent health and development
of the effectiveness of IMNCI was initiated in 2005 by
Progress report 2002-2003. WHO: Geneva; 2004.
Government of India and WHO.(10)

The program aims to reach out to 1 million people

and provide a comprehensive newborn and child care
Source of Support: Nil, Conßict of Interest: None declared.
package at all levels of care in 250 of the country’s 602

110 Indian Journal of Community Medicine, Vol. 32, Issue 2, April 2007

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