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Women's New Lease on Life

Dr. Christopher's Newsletter 1-7

by Dr. John R. ChristopherMany women dread each menstrual period, because they
experience pain, flooding and/or poor cycle timing. In many instances they have
suffered from these conditions since the time of puberty. A large number of them
believe this is a pattern they must put up with throughout their life.
This is not the truth because the "dreaded" monthly cycle can be altered and the
feeling of fear for the coming cycle can change to one of indifference, after
learning how to control the situation.

Discomfort and pain generally starts early in life, with many women, and continues
on in one form or another until late in life. This, as we've said, need not be. A
young girl that has been fed properly and has lived in a healthy environment with
emphasis on exercise, fresh air and sunshine can generally go through life without
the discomforts so many suffer.

Some of the problems (menstrual suffering) come from the lack of hormone and
estrogen balance in the body, and this is often because of poor diet habits,
especially the use of processed and overcooked foods. Fruits, vegetables, grains,
nuts and seeds in their "wholesome" state carry with them the values (minerals,
etc.) brought out of the earth during the growth period as nature intended! They
and especially the grains, provide the hormones and estrogens needed throughout a
person's life span. When these foods are processed, many of the needed substances
and minerals are discarded, or lost. When such foods are eaten in their natural
state the vitamins, minerals, hormones and estrogens, etc., are easily assimilated.
When one eats good "wholesome" food, the reproductive organs can be kept in a good
healthy condition, barring accident of course. Take the automobile, for example--
the right kind of fuel, oil and care keeps the car running a long period of time
with ease, barring accidents.

Without the proper "fuel" and care from the beginning, a girl will be suffering
malnutrition and will not have adequate hormones and estrogens for the reproductive

One of the very first things under the "care" part of the program is to see that
the bowels are functioning properly. In other words, at least three or more bowel
movements each day.
Improperly working bowels are the cause of over 90% of all disease on the face of
the earth. Here is a good example of how this principle works. If a woman has
suffered a lot during her life with painful menstrual periods all she has to do is
to look back over the past and remember that when she was badly constipated during
her menstrual cycle she was in far more pain and discomfort than if she was having
free bowel movements. It is good, we feel, to start the subject of "relieving
menstrual pain and cramps" with first teaching the proper principle of keeping the
bowels in a good clean condition.

There are two ways of working on the bowel in order to clean it up. One is to use
purging or strong laxatives to force the issue. This procedure is a habit-forming
one and not well accepted by the body itself. This principle will work on the
effect and give temporary relief by removing some of the compacted and congested
fecal matter that is causing griping and pain. By using this procedure, we are only
working on the effect and it can never give anything except temporary relief--
because we are not going to the cause. Another procedure is to use regular enemas
and colonics to give relief, and these can also become habit forming. As one
patient said to me, "I get two bowel movements every day--two enemas--two bowel
movements." In other words no enemas--no bowel movements. This again is merely
working on the effect--and not going to the cause.

Our program is to go to the cause and rebuild the areas of the body that are not
functioning properly and let the body do its own job of its own free will.

The organs that are not doing a good efficient job are usually the liver, gall
bladder and the peristaltic muscles of the small and large bowel, which muscles are
supposed to keep the food particles and the fecal matter moving on their own.

In order to get the organs back into a smooth working and healthy condition we have
combined a number of herbs (food) that do the job and do it well. This formula
consists of the following herbs:

Barberry bark (Berberis vulgaris)

Cascara sagrada bark (Rhamnus purshianus)
Cayenne (Capsicum minimum)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Lobelia herb and/or seed (Lobelia inflata)
Red raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus)
Turkey rhubarb (Rheum palmatum)
Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgaris)
Golden seal root (Hydrastis canadensis)

Mix the powdered herbs shown above; then place in #0 gelatin capsules (which can be
purchased from almost any health store, herb shop or drug store) and take according
to need. As there are no two people alike in age, size or physical construction
(and the bowel itself will differ in persons as much as do the fingerprints), most
cases will start with two #0 capsules three times a day, and then regulate the
dosage from there on. If the stool seems too loose, then cut down; but if it is
difficult to get a bowel movement and the stool is hard and takes much effort, then
increase the amount accordingly. In order to reach the condition of a free-easy
flowing movement in very difficult cases, one could take up to even 40 or more of
these capsules a day, for these herbs are only FOOD and can do no damage. Then
after the hard material has broken loose and is eliminating, it will gradually
decrease (these are hard incrustations of fecal matter that have been "stored" in
the bowel for many years that are breaking loose and soaking up intestinal
liquids). Do not taper off the lower bowel tonic dosage so much at this point that
you loose this advantageous momentum and continuity of elimination. In most cases,
the improper diet has caused the peristaltic muscles to quit working, and it will
take six to nine months with the aid of the lower bowel tonics for the average
individual to clean out the fecal matter and to rebuild the bowel structure
sufficiently in order to have the peristaltic muscles work entirely on their own.

Most people have pounds of old dried fecal matter that is stored in the colon which
is toxifying the system and keeping the food from being assimilated and because of
this putrefied condition, most people engorge themselves with many times more food
than the actual body requirements. In the process they wear out their bodies trying
to get nourishment and yet are still always hungry. On the other hand, when the
bowel has been cleaned, the food is readily assimilated and a person can sustain
himself on about one-third the quantity of his former food consumption and have
some four or five times more power, vitality and life. Now the clean body is able
to normally assimilate the simple food values through the cell structure in the
colon, instead of it being trapped in a maze of waste, and inhibited by the hard
fecal casing on the intestinal wall. For then, or earlier, the largest part of the
nutritional substance had been pushed on and eliminated before it could do much
good. When the body is completely clean, these herbal aids will no longer be
necessary--because the food will be medicine, and your medicine will be your food.
As long as you stay on the program properly, this should only be used when needed
after the bowel is once cleaned.

The next step is to be sure the blood stream is in a good clean condition.
When the blood stream is flowing "clean" and doing an efficient job by feeding the
system properly and carrying off the wastes, the whole body benefits. The
reproductive organs are also being fed and cleansed (fed if the materials are there
to deliver). When a "good clean blood-purifying program" is being used, we will see
that the toxic poisons are being removed and boils, acne and other skin diseases
will start clearing up.

In reference to the blood-purifying formula: The blood stream is life itself and it
is our job to keep it clean and pure so that we can have a good circulatory system
for delivering food to the body properly, and in addition, to carry off all waste

A good blood purifier in teamwork with a bowel cleansing and rebuilding formula
makes a wonderful combination. These two along with a good mucusless diet, can
renew and add "healthy years" to a life.

This herbal blood rebuilder or formula is made up of some herbs that are cleansers,
and also herbs that have astringency, others aid in removing cholesterol, some kill
infection, or build elasticity in the veins and arteries to strengthen their walls.
It consists of red clover blossoms, chaparral, licorice root, poke root, peach
bark, Oregon grape root, stillingia, prickly ash bark, burdock root and buckthorn

Use this tea (or two capsules #0 or two seven grain tablets) three times a day, six
days a week and week after week to help bring health and give more pep and energy.

Now with the bowels operating properly, and the blood stream flowing properly, we
now need to see that the basic food (fuel) being carried by the blood stream is the
right type. This is the time to be sure to use the mucusless diet, which is
"wholesome." Fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds--as explained in the
booklet "Dr. Christopher's Three Day Cleansing Program and Mucusless Diet,"
Christopher Publishing Co., P.O. Box 352, Provo, Utah 84601.

The program we have just outlined is excellent for the continuation of a good
operating system, but so often some of the organs have become weakened with disease
and need special help.
There are so many young people today who have grown up on highly processed foods or
a "junk-food" diet! Take wheat for example: it is fashionable to discard the outer
layers (bran) and the "germ" which bear the hormones and estrogens, vitamins and
minerals needed in our bodies. The human system craves and demands these missing
items and so through the stress brought on by the difficulty in trying to get
"something for nothing" one can expect troubles in this human mechanism ranging
from irritability and other emotional problems to actual "disease."

To correct this situation we have, over the years, collected a choice group of
herbs that replace these missing items. It is a hormone estrogen herbal combination
consisting of: black cohosh, sarsaparilla, ginseng, blessed thistle herb, licorice
root, false unicorn root and squaw vine.

These are natural herbal foods that are needed by both men and women of all ages.
Since they are natural, the body can accept, assimilate and use those materials
that are needed to produce estrogens and other hormones naturally. This formula
will assist in rebuilding the weak malfunctioning areas and help keep the organs
healthy so they can supply the proper amounts of hormones and estrogens themselves.
Herbs are a natural food, so they do not have "side effects" and "after effects" as
are so evident in man-made and synthetic drugs.

The recommended dosage is a cup of the tea (one teaspoon of tea to cup of hot
water) or two #0 capsules, both a.m. and p.m. (or more often if needed) six days a
week as long as necessary to get the desired results. This herbal combination is a
great blessing during puberty; and again a boon to womankind right after a baby is
born in order to replace the estrogens and hormones used during pregnancy.

One of the most appreciated times for this formula's use is during menopause. Many
older women claim they have found relief from hot flashes--and other menopause
problems, after using this formula. The recommended dose would be a cup, two or
more times a day, as needed, or two capsules or tablets instead of the cup of tea.

One of the most important and helpful formulas for the female reproductive organs
is one we have mixed and used over our years of practice and have called it the
"female corrective formula."
This was developed to aid women with weak organs, or ones not fully mature, or do
not produce their own hormone and estrogens, or when the organs are not working
efficiently and are causing discomfort and/or pain. This female corrective formula
can be used from puberty or throughout life as needed. It is merely a combination
of herbs in a food formula to feed this specific area of the body. It is comprised
of the following herbs: three parts golden seal root and one part of each of the
following: blessed thistle, cayenne, cramp bark, false unicorn root, ginger, red
raspberry leaves, squaw vine and uva ursi. This is an amazing combination of herbs
to aid in rebuilding a malfunctioning system (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes,
etc.). Over the years herbalists and patients have seen painful menstruations,
heavy flowing, cramps, irregularity, etc., that have been helped, and then the
patient now has a painless menstrual period, good menstrual timing and a new
outlook on life by using these aids to readjust the poorly operating reproductive

Recommended dosage is one cup or two capsules or tablets morning and evening or
three times a day if needed, six days a week for as long as required to get the
desired results. We have seen many severe cases who have had many years of
suffering cleared up in ninety to 120 days. Some get relief sooner, some take
longer, no two cases are alike. This is a food to rebuild the malfunctioning

We have recommended additional helps to cause a more rapid healing of the

reproductive organs to help in the more severe cases. One of these is called "the
vaginal and/or rectal bolus." This is an excellent aid for the women (or rectal
bolus for the men) who have problems in the reproductive areas.

Boluses are made with healing herbs that (1) draw out the toxins and poisons, (2)
aid (with herbal foods) in making the malfunctioning area healthy, so that cysts,
tumors, and cancerous conditions will not have waste materials to "live in",
because they are scavengers. Herbalists have found that some will come out through
the orifices and others disperse into the blood stream and will be eliminated if
the program is followed faithfully. (3) The bolus spreads its herbal influences
widely from the vagina or bowel through the entire urinary and genital organs. The
formula consists of one part of each: squaw vine herb, slippery elm bark, yellow
dock root, comfrey root, marshmallow root, chickweed herb, golden seal root,
mullein leaves. These herbs are all in powder form. Coconut butter should be melted
down so that it will mix well with the herb powder. Mix a small quantity of this
powder, and wet to pie dough consistency with coconut butter (which can be
purchased from the drug store, health food store, or herb shop). Next, roll this
mass between hands until you have a pencil-like bolus approximately the size of the
middle finger and in about inch-long pieces. Cool and harden in a refrigerator.
Then these are to be inserted into the vagina and/or rectum. It will be necessary
to wear a sanitary napkin in order to hold the bolus in the vagina (or rectum).

Insert upon retiring and leave in all night, six nights a week. The coconut butter
melts at body temperature, leaving only the herbs, and these are easy to wash out
with a douche the following morning.

The slant board combination. Here is a further aid in rebuilding the muscle tone
and organ tissue in not only the reproductive organs (uterus, etc.) but also for a
prolapsed bowel and other organs. Make a concentrated tea (simmer finished tea down
to half its amount) of six parts oak bark, three parts mullein herb, four parts
yellow dock, three parts walnut bark or leaves, six parts comfrey root, one part
lobelia and three parts marshmallow root. Then inject this tea with a syringe into
the vagina while on a slant board (head down, of course), or use one cup or so into
the rectum. This is to be used to flush out the vaginal/rectal bolus inserted the
night before and to give nourishment to the cell structure within the area that can
use this excellent herbal food for prolapses and/or hemorrhoid problems. Leave this
liquid in the area as long as possible before voiding. Also, while lying on the
slant board, knead and massage the pelvic and abdominal area to exercise the
muscles, so the herbal tea (food) will be assimilated more readily.

The tea we have just given is one we have called our "yellow dock combination" and
should be used orally as well. Drink one fourth of the concentrated tea in three-
fourths cup of steam distilled water--three times a day.

To take the teas, tablets, capsules and to insert the boluses, then the next
morning to flush them out, sounds like a lot of fussing and extra work, doesn't it?
Is it worth it?

Many of my patients, over the years, have told of continual suffering from
menstrual problems throughout their youth as well as adult lives. Why should some
enjoy perfect health with problems during this cycle time, while others have lain
in excruciating pain a week or more each month. Let's just suppose the discomfort
and pain is only for three days each month, ranging from hardly noticeable, to
uncomfortable, to severe. Three days is, one tenth of a month. One tenth of each
month for thirty years is three years of suffering in the life of a "still young"

Instead of so much suffering and discomfort, why not use a few minutes each day for
ninety to one hundred and twenty days. The average patient sees such an amazing and
happy change in life, in this short period, that they are astounded. (Many find it
in less time than this, in accordance to the severity of the case.)

A lady had come to us a number of years ago who lived in a nearby town, only ten or
twelve miles away. She had suffered sheer agony each menstrual period for ten years
and dreaded to see the cycle approach because she knew she would be down in bed
with pain for five to seven days. During these ten years she had traveled to
specialists in female diseases from coast to coast and had spent over ten thousand
dollars in fees, and for remedies, but to no avail. One day a neighbor lady told
her of our formulas--the "female corrective" and the "hormone estrogen
combination." She tried them and in about ninety days she was having no pain, no
flooding and was on a twenty-eight day cycle, the first time in her life. Here was
a happy woman now! She said here she had lived within a dozen miles of where the
formulas were put together for years--so near but yet so far!

We have on file hundreds of letters from women who have received relief by this
simple procedure of feeding the areas of the body suffering malnutrition.

By having a weakened reproductive system many things can happen to the body in
retaliation. This is caused from weakened tissue inviting disease, cysts, tumors,
etc., into the body. These are scavengers and must have toxic, low type cells and
tissue, weak and dying organs to feed on. All this is the result of malnutrition!
We must reverse the condition, strengthen the cells and tissues, making them so
healthy they are to "rich" for scavenger diseases to live on. Herpes simplex, yeast
infection, leucorrhea, flooding, cramps, swollen and painful breasts, miscarriages,
inability to conceive, etc., etc., stem from the reproductive organs or systems
being in an unhealthy condition.

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