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English for Academic and Professional Purpose

Article Analysis
Name:Salvador Tristan James R Date:November 17 2023
Year & Section: 12 STEM 3( Score:___________________________
Directions: Read and comprehend the opinion below. Identify the thesis statement of the writer, collect all his
manifestoes, his evidence and state the type of evidence he used.

Time for a stronger stance against China

The Philippines faces increasing maritime aggression from China in the West Philippine Sea. Diplomatic
protests and peaceful actions have proven ineffective in curbing China’s assertive behavior. Unlike China, the
Philippines upholds principles of good behavior and international law.

Recent international condemnation of China’s actions, notably from the United States and other major
nations, underscores the need for the Philippines to seek support from the global community. The Philippines
should leverage its moral high ground, strengthen its stance, and engage in peaceful, diplomatic actions on the
international stage to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

For numerous years, we’ve strived to maintain a reasonable approach, even going so far as to appease
Beijing, largely due to the actions of the previous administration. However, all these efforts, along with the
hundreds of diplomatic protests, have only strengthened the resolve of Chinese leaders to further disregard
Philippine rights.

With the support of our unwavering democratic allies in the Western countries, the Philippines now
possesses the moral authority to reveal China’s true nature: an aggressive entity more interested in pursuing
dominance than fostering friendly neighborly relations.
Source: Read more:

Main topic The Philippines faces increasing maritime aggression from China in the West Philippine
Thesis Statement The Philippines should leverage its moral high ground, strengthen its stance, and engage in
of the main peaceful, diplomatic actions on the international stage to protect its sovereignty and territorial
argument of the integrity.
Reasons used by 1. Diplomatic protests and peaceful actions have proven ineffective in curbing China’s assertive
the writer behavior

2. The Philippines now possesses the moral authority to reveal China’s true nature: an
aggressive entity more interested in pursuing dominance than fostering friendly neighborly

Write your 1.The Philippines must assertively counter China’s maritime aggression by realigning diplomacy,
manifestoes of the forming global coalitions, and fostering national unity for the immediate defense of sovereignty
topic using the
Thesis Statement =
Position + Reasons 2. The Philippines should assert proactive defense in the West Philippine Sea, emphasizing
strategic defense investments, multilateral diplomacy, and economic resilience for robust

Evidence used by Evidence Type of Evidence

the writer 1.Diplomatic protests and peaceful actions Factual knowledge
have proven ineffective in curbing China’s
assertive behavior

2. For numerous years, we’ve strived to Personal Testimony

maintain a reasonable approach, even
going so far as to appease Beijing, largely
due to the actions of the previous

3. Recent international condemnation of Factual Knowledge

China’s actions, notably from the United
States and other major nations,
underscores the need for the Philippines
to seek support from the global

4. Unlike China, the Philippines upholds Informed Opinion

principles of good behavior and
international law.

5 With the support of our unwavering Informed Opinion

democratic allies in the Western
countries, the Philippines now possesses
the moral authority to reveal China’s true
nature: an aggressive entity more
interested in pursuing dominance than
fostering friendly neighborly relations.

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