Asthma Repertory

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BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

Gordan: +18776677621, +91 9833429908

Asthma Repertory is available in Zomeo,

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BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)


2 ASTHMATIC: 1:Abel, 1:Abies-n, 1:Abrom-aug, 1:Acet-ac, 1:Acetan, 2:Acon, 1:Acon-c, 1:Acon-

f, 1:Acon-l, 1:Aconin, 1:Act-sp, 1:Adren, 1:Aeth, 1:Aether, 2:Agar, 1:Ail, 1:All-s, 1:Alum, 1:Alumn, 2:Am-

c, 1:Am-caust, 2:Am-i, 1:Am-m, 3:AMBR, 1:Aml-n, 1:Ammc, 1:Amyg-am, 1:Anac, 1:Ang, 1:Anis, 3:ANT-

AR, 1:Ant-c, 2:Ant-m, 1:Ant-s, 3:ANT-T, 1:Anthro, 1:Antipyrin, 2:Apis, 1:Apoc, 1:Aral, 1:Aran, 1:Aran-

ix, 1:Arg-c, 3:ARG-N, 2:Arn, 3:ARS, 3:ARS-I, 1:Arum-d, 1:Arum-m, 1:Arum-

t, 1:Arund, 1:Asaf, 1:Asar, 1:Asc-t, 1:Astra-e, 2:Atro, 2:Aur, 1:Aur-m, 1:Aza, 1:Ba-sv, 1:Ba-

tn, 3:BAC, 1:Bad, 1:Bals-p, 1:Bapt, 2:Bar-c, 1:Bar-m, 2:Bell, 1:Benz-

ac, 1:Bism, 3:BLATTA, 1:Bor, 2:Brom, 2:Bry, 2:Cact, 2:Calad, 2:Calc, 1:Calc-acet, 1:Calc-ar, 1:Calc-

hp, 1:Calc-i, 1:Calc-l, 2:Calc-p, 1:Calc-s, 1:Camph, 1:Cann-i, 3:CANN-S, 2:Caps, 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-

v, 1:Carbn-s, 1:Card-m, 1:Caust, 2:Cedr, 3:CHAM, 1:Chel, 1:Chen-a, 2:Chin, 1:Chin-ar, 1:Chin-

s, 2:Chlol, 1:Chlor, 2:Cic, 1:Cimic, 2:Cina, 1:Cist, 1:Coc-c, 1:Coca, 1:Cocc, 1:Coch, 1:Coff, 1:Coff-

t, 1:Colch, 2:Con, 1:Conv, 1:Cop, 1:Cor-r, 1:Croc, 2:Crot-h, 1:Croto-t, 3:CUPR, 1:Cupr-acet, 2:Cupr-

ar, 1:Cur, 1:Daph, 1:Der, 2:Dig, 2:Digin, 2:Dros, 1:Dubin, 2:Dulc, 1:Egg-

vac, 1:Elaps, 1:Electr, 1:Emb, 1:Erig, 1:Eucal, 2:Eup-per, 2:Euph, 1:Euph-pi, 1:Euphr, 1:Fel, 2:Ferr, 1:Ferr-

ar, 1:Ferr-br, 1:Ferr-i, 2:Ferr-m, 1:Ferr-p, 1:Fic, 1:Fil, 2:Fl-ac, 2:Form-ac, 1:Gad, 1:Galeg, 1:Gall-

ac, 1:Galv, 2:Gels, 1:Gins, 1:Glon, 2:Graph, 1:Grin, 1:Gua, 1:Guare, 1:Hecla, 1:Hed, 3:HEP, 1:Hepat, 2:Hi

ppoz, 1:Hist, 1:Hydr, 1:Hydr-

ac, 1:Hyos, 2:Hyper, 1:Hypoth, 1:Iber, 3:ICTOD, 2:Ign, 2:Iod, 3:IP, 1:Jab, 1:Jug-c, 1:Junc, 1:Just, 3:KALI-

AR, 3:KALI-BI, 2:Kali-br, 3:KALI-C, 1:Kali-chl, 1:Kali-cy, 2:Kali-i, 1:Kali-m, 1:Kali-n, 1:Kali-p, 1:Kali-

s, 1:Kalm, 1:Kola, 2:Kreos, 2:Lac-c, 2:Lac-d, 3:LACH, 1:Lact, 2:Laur, 2:Led, 1:Lem-m, 1:Levo, 1:Lil-

t, 1:Lim, 1:Linu-u, 3:LOB, 1:Lob-s, 1:Luf-op, 2:Lyc, 1:Lycpr, 1:Lycps, 2:Mag-c, 2:Mag-p, 3:MAG-S, 1:Magn-

gr, 1:Manc, 1:Mang, 2:Med, 1:Meny, 1:Meph, 2:Merc, 3:MERC-I-F, 2:Merc-i-r, 2:Mez, 1:Mill, 3:MORG-

G, 1:Morph, 2:Mosch, 1:Mut, 2:Naja, 1:Napht, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Nat-c, 2:Nat-m, 3:NAT-S, 1:Nat-sal, 1:Nicc, 1:Nit-

ac, 1:Nit-s-d, 2:Nux-m, 3:NUX-V, 1:Oena, 1:Ol-an, 1:Ol-j, 1:Olnd, 1:Onis, 2:Op, 1:Osm, 1:Ox-

ac, 1:Paraph, 1:Passi, 1:Pect, 1:Penic, 1:Petr, 3:PH-AC, 1:Phel, 2:Phos, 1:Phos-m, 2:Phyt, 1:Pitu-

gl, 1:Pix, 2:Plb, 1:Podo, 1:Pop-c, 1:Prot, 1:Prun, 3:PSOR, 1:Ptel, 1:Pulm, 3:PULS, 1:Queb, 1:rach, 1:Ran-

b, 1:Ran-s, 1:Raph, 3:RHUS-T, 2:Rumx, 2:Ruta, 1:Sabad, 1:Sabin, 3:SAMB, 1:Sang, 1:Sanguin-

n, 1:Sanic, 1:Saroth, 1:Sars, 1:Scroph-n, 1:Sec, 1:Senec, 2:Seneg, 2:Sep, 3:SIL, 1:Silphu, 1:Sin-

n, 1:Solid, 1:Spig, 3:SPONG, 1:Squil, 2:Stann, 2:Staph, 2:Stict, 1:Stram, 1:Stroph, 1:Stry, 1:Succ, 2:Sul-

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

ac, 1:Sul-h, 1:Sul-i, 1:Sulfa, 1:Sulfon, 3:SULPH, 1:Sumb, 2:Syc-

co, 2:Syph, 3:TAB, 2:Tarent, 1:Tela, 1:Ter, 1:Term-c, 3:THUJ, 1:Thym-

gl, 1:Thyr, 1:Tril, 1:Trio, 3:TUB, 2:V-a-b, 1:Vac, 2:Valer, 1:Vario, 1:Verat, 2:Verat-v, 1:Verb, 1:Viol-

t, 1:Visc, 2:Wye, 1:Xan, 1:Zinc, 1:Zinc-val, 1:Zing, 1:Ziz,

3 Morning: 2:Aur, 2:Calc, 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-v, 2:Coff, 2:Con, 1:Dig, 3:KALI-

C, 2:Meph, 1:Phos, 2:Verat, 1:Zing,

4 Bed,in: 1:Alum, 1:Con,

4 Waking,on: 1:Alum, 2:Con, 1:Sep,

3 Forenoon,10 to 11 a.m.: 2:Ferr,

3 Noon: 2:Lob,

3 Evening: 1:Bell, 2:Cist, 1:Ferr, 1:Nux-v, 2:Phos, 3:PULS, 1:Stann, 2:Sulph, 2:Zinc,

4 In bed: 1:Am-c, 1:Cist, 2:Ferr, 1:Graph, 1:Sep, 1:Sulph,

4 After lying down: 1:Aral, 1:Ars, 2:Cist, 2:Meph,

4 9 p.m.: 1:Bry,

3 Night: 1:Am-m, 2:Ant-t, 3:ARS, 1:Aur, 2:Brom, 1:Bry, 2:Carb-

v, 3:CHEL, 2:Chlol, 2:Cist, 1:Coff, 1:Coloc, 1:Daph, 2:Dig, 2:Ferr, 1:Ferr-ar, 2:Ip, 1:Kali-ar, 2:Kali-

c, 1:Lach, 2:Meph, 1:Nux-v, 2:Op, 1:Phos, 3:PULS, 1:Sang, 2:Sep, 2:Sulph, 2:Syph, 2:Thuj, 1:Zinc,

4 10 p.m.: 1:Meph,

4 11 p.m. when urinating: 1:Chel,

4 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.: 2:Ars-i,

3 Midnight,after: 3:ARS, 1:Calc-ar, 2:Carb-v, 2:Ferr, 1:Ferr-ar, 2:Graph, 2:Lach, 3:SAMB,

4 Must spring out of bed: 3:ARS, 2:Graph, 1:Samb,

4 2 a.m.: 3:ARS, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Rumx,

4 2 to 3 a.m.: 3:KALI-AR, 3:KALI-C,

4 3 a.m.: 2:Chin, 2:Cupr, 3:KALI-C, 3:KALI-N,

4 4 to 5 a.m.: 2:Nat-s, 1:Stann,

4 5 a.m.: 1:Kali-i,

3 Air draught of,agg.: 2:Sil,

3 Open air,amel.: 2:Am-c,

3 Alternating with:

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Eruptions: 1:Calad, 1:Croto-t, 2:Hep, 2:Kalm, 1:Lach, 1:Mez, 1:Rhus-t, 2:Sulph,

4 Headache: 1:Ang, 1:Glon, 1:Kali-br,

4 Gout: 1:Benz-ac, 1:Lyc, 2:Sulph,

4 Nocturnal diarrhoea: 2:Kali-c,

4 Urticaria: 1:Calad,

3 Anger,after: 2:Ars, 3:CHAM, 2:Staph,

3 Autumn: 2:Chin,

3 Bending head backwards amel.: 1:Cham, 3:SPONG, 2:Verat,

3 Bluish discoloration of upper extremities,with: 2:Kali-c,

3 Bronchial: 2:Ant-t, 3:ARS, 2:Bar-

c, 2:Bell, 3:BRY, 3:CALC, 3:CAMPH, 3:CHIN, 2:Con, 3:CUPR, 3:DULC, 3:FERR, 3:GRAPH, 2:Hep, 2:Ip,

3:LACH, 2:Merc, 3:PHOS, 3:PULS, 3:SENEG, 3:SEP, 2:Sil, 3:STANN, 3:SULPH, 2:Zinc,

3 Change of weather: 2:Ars, 1:Chel, 1:Dulc,

3 Children: 2:Acon, 1:Ambr, 3:CHAM, 3:IP, 1:Kali-br, 1:Kali-i, 2:Mosch, 3:NAT-S, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Psor, 3:PULS, 3:SAMB, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph,

3 After vaccination: 1:Thuj,

3 Coition,during: 1:Aeth, 1:Ambr,

3 Coition,after: 1:Asaf, 1:Cedr, 1:Kali-bi,

3 Cold,from taking: 1:Acon, 1:Dulc, 2:Lob, 2:Podo, 2:Puls, 1:Sil, 3:SPONG, 1:Stann,

4 Heated,when: 2:Sil,

4 In summer: 2:Ars,

3 Cold air agg.: 2:Lob, 2:Nux-v, 1:Petr,

3 Cold air amel.: 1:Bry, 2:Carb-v, 2:Cham, 1:Lach, 2:Merc,

3 Cold damp weather: 3:DULC, 2:Med, 2:Nat-s,

3 Cold water agg.: 3:ARS, 2:Meph,

3 Cold water amel.: 1:Cham, 2:Cupr, 1:Merc-i-f,

3 Constriction,with: 1:Ang, 1:Coff, 2:Led, 1:Mez, 1:Naja, 1:Nux-v, 1:Sulph,

3 Coryza,with: 2:Ars, 2:Ars-i, 2:Bad, 2:Carb-v, 2:Dulc, 2:Euphr, 3:IOD, 2:Kali-i, 2:Lach, 2:Naja, 2:Nat-

s, 2:Nux-v, 2:Sabad, 1:Sang, 2:Sil, 2:Sin-n, 1:Stict,

3 Coughing agg.: 2:Meph,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Dinner,after: 1:Thuj,

3 Drunkards: 2:Meph,

3 Dust,from inhaling: 1:Ars, 1:Hep, 1:Ictod,

3 Eating,after: 2:Kali-p, 2:Nux-v, 2:Puls,

3 Eating amel.: 1:Ambr, 2:Graph,

3 Emotions,after: 2:Acon, 1:Ambr, 3:CHAM, 2:Coff, 1:Cupr, 2:Gels, 2:Ign, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Pall, 1:Staph, 1:Verat,

3 Eructations amel.: 1:Carb-v, 1:Nux-v,

3 Eruptions,after suppressed: 2:Apis, 2:Ars, 2:Carb-

v, 2:Dulc, 2:Ferr, 1:Hep, 2:Ip, 2:Psor, 3:PULS, 1:Sec, 2:Sulph,

3 Excitement: 1:Ambr,

3 Expectoration amel.: 1:Hyper,

3 Faceache with disappearance of tetter on face: 1:Dulc,

3 Flatulence,from: 2:Carb-v, 2:Cham, 2:Chin, 2:Lyc, 1:Mag-p, 2:Nux-v, 1:Op, 1:Phos, 2:Sulph, 1:Zinc,

3 Hay asthma: 2:Ambr, 2:Ars, 2:Ars-i, 2:Bad, 2:Carb-v, 2:Dulc, 2:Euphr, 3:IOD, 2:Kali-

i, 2:Lach, 2:Naja, 2:Nat-s, 2:Nux-v, 2:Op, 2:Sabad, 2:Sil, 2:Sin-n, 2:Stict,

3 Humid (see rattling):

3 Hysterical: 3:MOSCH, 3:NUX-M, 1:Nux-v, 1:Phos, 3:PULS, 1:Stann, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph,

3 Heart,from fatty degeneration of: 3:ARN,

3 Injury of spine,after: 2:Hyper,

3 Intermittent fever,with: 1:Mez,

3 Leaning backwards: 1:Psor,

3 Measles,after: 1:Brom, 1:Carb-v, 2:Puls,

3 Menses,before: 1:Sulph,

3 Menses,during: 1:Kali-c,

3 Menses,after suppression of: 2:Puls, 1:Spong,

3 Mental exertion: 1:Sep,

3 Mercury,after: 1:Aur,

3 Miller: 3:ACON, 2:Ars, 3:IP, 2:Lach, 2:Mosch, 3:SAMB,

3 Miners' asthma from coal dust: 1:Nat-ar,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Music agg.: 1:Ambr,

3 Old people,in: 2:Ambr, 3:ARS, 2:Bar-c, 2:Carb-v, 2:Con, 1:Phel, 1:Sulph,

3 Periodic: 1:All-s, 2:Alum, 1:Ant-t, 3:ARS, 2:Asaf, 2:Carb-v, 2:Chel, 2:Hydr-ac, 1:Nux-

v, 2:Phos, 2:Plb, 2:Seneg, 1:Sulph, 1:Tab, 1:Thuj,

4 Every 8 days: 1:Sulph,

3 Rash,after suppression of acute: 1:Acon, 2:Apis, 2:Puls,

3 Rash recurrence again: 2:Am-c, 3:ANT-C, 3:ARS, 3:CALC, 2:Carb-

v, 2:Caust, 2:Cupr, 2:Ferr, 2:Graph, 3:KALI-C, 2:Lach, 2:Lyc, 3:NIT-AC, 3:NUX-

V, 2:Phos, 2:Sep, 2:Sil, 2:Stann, 3:SULPH, 2:Zinc,

3 Riding agg.: 1:Meph,

3 Rocking amel.: 1:Kali-c,

3 Rose cold following: 2:Sang,

3 Sailors,as soon as they go ashore: 3:BROM,

3 Sleep,coming on during: 2:Acon, 2:Ars, 2:Carb-v, 2:Hep, 2:Kali-c, 2:Lach, 1:Meph, 1:Nat-

s, 1:Op, 1:Sep, 2:Sulph,

3 Spasmodic: 1:Am-c, 2:Ant-c, 2:Ant-t, 1:Arg-

n, 3:ARS, 2:Asaf, 2:Bell, 2:Bry, 2:Cact, 1:Caust, 2:Cham, 2:Cocc, 1:Coff, 1:Con, 2:Cupr, 2:Dros, 2:Ferr, 1:

Ferr-p, 2:Gels, 2:Graph, 2:Hydr-ac, 2:Hyos, 3:IP, 2:Kali-br, 2:Kali-

c, 2:Lach, 1:Laur, 1:Led, 3:LOB, 1:Lyc, 2:Mag-p, 2:Meph, 1:Merc, 2:Mez, 2:Mosch, 2:Nux-v, 2:Op, 1:Ph-

ac, 1:Phos, 2:Plb, 2:Puls, 1:Raph, 1:Samb, 2:Sars, 2:Sep, 3:SPONG, 2:Stann, 2:Stram, 1:Sulph, 2:Sumb,

2:Tab, 3:VALER, 1:Zinc,

3 Stool amel.: 1:Ictod,

3 Sudden attacks: 1:Cupr, 1:Ip,

3 Talking agg.: 2:Dros,

3 Talking amel.: 1:Ferr,

3 Thunder storms,during: 1:Sep, 2:Sil, 1:Syph,

3 Thymic: 3:ACON, 2:Am-c, 2:Ambr, 3:ANT-

T, 2:Asaf, 2:Aur, 3:BELL, 3:CON, 2:Cupr, 2:Ferr, 3:HEP, 2:Ign, 3:IP, 2:Lach, 3:MERC, 2:Phos, 3:SENEG,

3:SPONG, 3:VERAT, 2:Zinc,

3 Urinating,while: 2:Cham, 1:Chel, 3:IGN, 1:Mez,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Vaccination,after: 1:Thuj,

3 Vexation,from: 1:Ars,

3 Warm food agg.: 2:Cham, 2:Lob,

3 Warm room agg.: 2:Am-c, 1:Carb-v, 1:Kali-s,

3 Warm room from open air: 2:Bry,

3 Warm wet weather: 2:Bell, 2:Carb-v,

3 Wet weather,in: 2:Aur, 2:Chin, 1:Con, 2:Dulc, 2:Nat-s, 1:Sil, 1:Verat,

3 Wind,walking against: 1:Cupr,

3 Winter attacks: 2:Carb-v, 2:Nux-v, 1:Phel,

2 BRONCHITIS: 1:Am-m, 1:Apis, 1:Bals-p, 1:Benz-ac, 1:Blatta, 1:Cact, 1:Chlor, 1:Dulc, 1:Euph-

pi, 1:Hepat, 1:Hippoz, 1:Led, 1:Napht, 1:Phel, 1:Plb, 1:Prot, 1:Term-c, 1:Trio, 1:Verat-v,

2 BRONCHITIS,ACUTE: 1:Am-i, 1:Ars-i, 1:Asc-

t, 1:Bell, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Caust, 1:Chin, 1:Colch, 1:Cop, 1:Dulc, 1:Emb, 1:Euphr, 1:Ferr-

p, 1:Gels, 1:Grin, 1:Hep, 1:Hyos, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-

bi, 1:Lob, 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Sang, 1:Seneg, 1:Solid, 1:Spong, 1:Stict, 1:Sul-

ac, 1:Sulph, 1:Thuj, 1:Tub, 1:Verat,

2 BRONCHITIS CAPILLARY: 1:Am-i, 1:Ant-t, 1:Bac, 1:Bell, 1:Bry, 1:Calc, 1:Camph, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Chel, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Emb, 1:Erig, 1:Ferr-p, 1:Kali-c, 1:Kali-i, 1:Kali-s, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Ph-

ac, 1:Phos, 1:Seneg, 1:Sulph, 1:Verat,

2 BRONCHITIS,CHRONIC: 1:Am-i, 1:Ars-i, 1:Asc-t, 1:Bac, 1:Bar-m, 1:Calc, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Chel, 1:Chim, 1:Coc-

c, 1:Con, 1:Cop, 1:Dig, 1:Dros, 1:Dulc, 1:Eucal, 1:Grin, 1:Hep, 1:Hist, 1:Hydr, 1:Hyos, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Kali-

c, 1:Kali-i, 1:Kreos, 1:Lob, 1:Lyc, 1:Merc, 1:Mut, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Phos, 1:Pix, 1:Podo, 1:Puls, 1:Sabal, 1:Sang, 1:Seneg, 1:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Silphu, 1:Spong, 1:Stann, 1:Stry

, 1:Succ, 1:Sulph, 1:Tub, 1:Verat,

2 BRONCHITIS FIBRINOUS: 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Calc-acet, 2:Kali-bi, 1:Phos,

2 BRONCHITIS TOXAEMIC: 1:Ant-t, 1:Bry, 1:Colch,

2 BRONCHIECTASIS: 1:Bac, 1:Bals-p, 1:Benz-ac, 1:Calc, 1:Ferr-i, 1:Grin, 1:Hep, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Kali-

c, 1:Kreos, 1:Lyc,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

2 DIFFICULT: 1:Abies-n, 1:Abrot, 1:Absin, 1:Acet-

ac, 2:Acon, 2:Adren, 2:Aeth, 2:Agar, 2:Agn, 1:Ail, 1:All-s, 1:Aloe, 1:Alum, 1:Alumn, 2:Am-c, 1:Am-

m, 2:Ambr, 3:ANAC, 1:Ang, 2:Ant-ar, 2:Ant-c, 3:ANT-T, 3:APIS, 1:Apoc, 2:Aral, 1:Arg-m, 2:Arg-

n, 2:Arn, 3:ARS, 2:Ars-i, 1:Arum-t, 1:Arund, 2:Asaf, 2:Asar, 2:Asc-t, 1:Astac, 2:Aur, 1:Aur-m, 1:Aur-m-

n, 1:Aur-s, 2:Bad, 1:Bar-c, 2:Bar-m, 2:Bell, 2:Benz-

ac, 1:Bism, 2:Blatta, 1:Bor, 2:Bov, 2:Brom, 3:BRY, 1:Bufo, 3:CACT, 1:Calad, 2:Calc, 2:Calc-ar, 2:Calc-

f, 2:Calc-p, 2:Calc-s, 2:Camph, 1:Cann-i, 1:Cann-s, 1:Canth, 2:Caps, 1:Carb-ac, 1:Carb-an, 3:CARB-

V, 2:Carbn-o, 2:Carbn-s, 2:Carl, 1:Cast, 3:CAUST, 2:Cedr, 2:Cench, 2:Cham, 3:CHEL, 1:Chen-

a, 3:CHIN, 2:Chin-ar, 2:Chin-s, 1:Chlol, 3:CHLOR, 2:Cic, 1:Cimic, 2:Cimx, 3:CINA, 1:Cist, 2:Coc-

c, 2:Coca, 2:Cocc, 1:Coff, 2:Colch, 1:Coll, 2:Coloc, 2:Con, 1:Cop, 1:Cor-r, 1:Croc, 2:Crot-c, 2:Crot-

h, 3:CROTO-T, 2:Cub, 3:CUPR, 3:CUPR-AR, 1:Cupr-

s, 1:Cur, 2:Cycl, 2:Dig, 1:Dirc, 2:Dros, 2:Dulc, 1:Equis, 1:Ery-a, 1:Eup-

per, 1:Euph, 1:Euphr, 3:FERR, 2:Ferr-ar, 2:Ferr-i, 2:Ferr-p, 1:Fil, 2:Fl-

ac, 2:Gels, 1:Gins, 2:Glon, 2:Graph, 2:Grin, 2:Guai, 1:Ham, 2:Hell, 3:HEP, 1:Hippoz, 1:Hura, 1:Hydr, 1:Hyd

r-ac, 1:Hydrc, 1:Hyos, 1:Hyper, 2:Ign, 1:Indg, 2:Iod, 3:IP, 2:Irisin, 1:Jab, 1:Jatr, 1:Jug-c, 3:KALI-AR, 2:Kali-

bi, 3:KALI-C, 2:Kali-chl, 3:KALI-I, 1:Kali-n, 2:Kali-p, 2:Kali-s, 2:Kalm, 1:Kreos, 1:Lac-

c, 3:LACH, 2:Lact, 2:Lat-m, 2:Laur, 1:Led, 2:Lil-t, 2:Lith, 3:LOB, 3:LYC, 2:Lycps, 2:Lyss, 1:Mag-c, 1:Mag-

m, 1:Mag-s, 1:Manc, 1:Mang, 2:Med, 1:Meli-a, 1:Meny, 3:MEPH, 2:Merc, 3:MERC-C, 2:Merc-

s, 1:Merl, 2:Mez, 1:Morph, 2:Mosch, 2:Mur-ac, 1:Murx, 1:Mygal, 3:NAJA, 1:Nat-ar, 2:Nat-c, 2:Nat-m, 2:Nat-

p, 3:NAT-S, 1:Nicc, 2:Nit-ac, 3:NUX-M, 2:Nux-v, 1:Oena, 1:Ol-j, 3:OP, 1:Osm, 2:Ox-

ac, 1:Par, 1:Petr, 2:Ph-

ac, 1:Phel, 3:PHOS, 2:Phys, 2:Phyt, 2:Plat, 2:Plb, 1:Podo, 2:Prun, 2:Psor, 1:Ptel, 3:PULS, 2:Ran-b, 1:Ran-

s, 1:Raph, 1:Rat, 1:Rheum, 1:Rhod, 2:Rhus-

t, 1:Rumx, 1:Ruta, 1:Sabad, 1:Sabin, 2:Samb, 2:Sang, 1:Sarr, 1:Sars, 2:Sec, 3:SEL, 2:Seneg, 2:Sep, 3:SI

L, 2:Spig, 3:SPONG, 3:SQUIL, 3:STANN, 1:Staph, 2:Stram, 3:STRY, 1:Sul-

ac, 3:SULPH, 2:Tab, 2:Tarax, 3:TARENT, 1:Tax, 2:Ter, 1:Thuj, 2:Tub, 1:Valer, 3:VERAT, 1:Verat-

v, 1:Vesp, 1:Viol-o, 1:Vip, 2:Zinc, 1:Zing,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

Gordan: +18776677621, +91 9833429908

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Abdominal irritation: 2:Carb-v, 2:Lyc, 1:Mosch, 2:Nux-v, 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Rhod, 1:Staph,

3 Abuse of arsenic or ipecac: 1:Verat,

3 Acid food: 1:Cham, 1:Nat-m,

3 Addiction: 1:Coca, 1:Nux-v,

3 Air passages too narrow,as if: 1:Cist,

3 Air,cold to warm entering: 1:Acon-c,

3 Air,warm to cold entering: 1:Acon-c, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Ruta, 1:Spig, 1:Stann,

3 Air,dry in closed room: 1:Lup,

3 Air,impure,dusty: 1:Lyc,

3 Air,night: 1:Nat-s,

3 Air,sea: 2:Nat-s,

3 Alcoholism: 1:Agar, 1:Asaf, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-ar, 1:Carb-v, 1:Chin, 1:Dig, 1:Gels, 3:KALI-

BI, 1:Lach, 1:Led, 1:Lob, 2:Nux-m, 2:Nux-v, 1:Op, 1:Ran-b, 1:Sep, 1:Sulph, 1:Ter, 1:Verat,

4 Bad beer: 2:Kali-bi, 2:Nux-m, 1:Rhus-t, 3:THUJ,

4 Wine: 1:Coff, 2:Lyc, 1:Nat-m,

3 Altitudes high: 1:Coca,

3 Anger: 1:Alum, 1:Ant-t, 1:Aur, 1:Calc-ar, 2:Cham, 1:Chin, 1:Cocc, 1:Gels, 2:Kali-

br, 2:Lach, 2:Lyc, 1:Mez, 2:Nat-m, 2:Nat-s, 2:Nux-v, 1:Op, 1:Phos, 1:Ran-b, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sep, 1:Staph,

4 Suppressed or reserved: 2:Staph,

3 Anthrax: 1:Anthr,

3 Anxiety: 1:Samb,

3 Apoplexy: 1:Cocc, 1:Oena, 1:Stram,

3 Autumn: 1:Clem, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Stann,

3 Ascending elevation: 1:Chin-ar,

3 Ascending mountains: 1:Canth, 1:Coca,

3 Back,kink in: 1:Acon, 1:Ferr-p,

3 Bathing in fresh or salt water: 1:Rhus-t,

3 Bad news: 1:Alumn, 1:Apis, 1:Calc-p, 1:Dig, 2:Gels, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Tarent,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Bed sores: 1:Sulph,

3 Bites: 2:Hyper, 1:Led,

4 Poisonous: 1:Seneg,

3 Blood letting: 1:Squil,

3 Blow on epigastrium: 1:Arn,

3 Blows: 1:Kali-m, 1:Kali-p, 1:Mag-c, 1:Psor, 1:Sep, 1:Sulph,

3 Bread: 2:Nat-m, 1:Zing,

3 Bright light,looking into: 1:Stram,

3 Burns: 1:Kali-m,

3 Cabbage: 1:Petr,

3 Cardiac diseases: 1:Dig, 1:Eucal, 1:Euph-pi, 1:Fil, 1:Lyc, 1:Spong, 1:Stroph,

3 Catheterism: 1:Mag-p,

3 Change of temperatures, warm to cold: 2:Acon, 1:Ant-c, 2:Ant-t, 1:Bell, 1:Bry, 1:Genist, 1:Nat-

c, 1:Ran-b,

3 Change of weather: 1:Carb-v, 1:Merc-i-r, 1:Ran-b,

3 Charcoal fumes: 1:Op,

3 Cheese: 1:Nit-s-d,

3 Chicken pox,after: 1:Ant-t,

3 Child bearing: 1:Cimic, 2:Sep,

3 Child birth: 1:Stram,

3 Chill when overheated: 1:Kali-s,

3 Chill: 1:Mosch, 2:Puls, 1:Spig, 1:Sulph, 1:Visc,

3 Chorea: 1:Mygal,

4 Of respiratory muscles,amel. by deep inspiration: 1:Mygal,

3 Circulation disturbed,from: 2:Bell,

3 Coffee: 1:Coff-t, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Thuj,

3 Coitus: 2:Ambr, 1:Cedr, 1:Staph,

3 Coitus,after: 1:Dig,

3 Coitus,after,in a woman: 1:Cedr,

3 Coitus,during: 1:Ambr, 1:Arund,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Coitus,towards end: 1:Staph,

3 Cold,catching: 1:Kali-c,

4 Exposure to cold: 1:Rumx, 1:Sanguin-n,

4 Inhaling extremely cold air during winter: 1:Rumx,

3 Cold water: 1:Ars,

4 Cold drinks when overheated: 1:Ars, 1:Nat-c,

3 Cold milk,drinking: 2:Ars, 1:Kali-i,

3 Cold dry winds: 1:Hep, 1:Mag-p, 1:Sanguin-n,

3 Cold bathing: 1:Mag-p,

4 Standing in cold water: 1:Mag-p,

4 Working in cold clay: 1:Mag-p,

3 Cold,taking: 2:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Spong,

3 Cold draught when perspiring: 1:Merc-i-f,

3 Cold damp weather: 2:Merc-i-f, 1:Phyt,

3 Congestion,chest,in: 1:Aur,

3 Consumption: 1:Meph, 1:Rumx,

3 Contradiction: 1:Aur, 2:Lyc, 2:Nat-m,

3 Convulsions: 1:Cupr-n, 1:Mill, 1:Plat,

4 Puerperal: 1:Ant-t,

4 Tetanic: 1:Mill,

3 Contusion: 1:Vario,

4 With pain dyspnoea & palpitation: 1:Ars,

3 Chorea: 1:Mygal,

4 When purging ceases,congestion to brain & chest: 1:Cic,

3 Damp: 1:Cact, 2:Nat-s, 1:Ter,

3 Damp cellars (basements): 2:Ant-t,

3 Damp weather: 2:Dulc, 2:Gels, 2:Nat-s, 2:Rhus-t, 1:Sin-n, 1:Syph,

3 Damp sheets: 1:Rhus-t,

3 Death,sudden,in the family: 1:Ph-ac,

3 Decayed:

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Fish: 1:Ars, 1:Carb-an,

4 Vegetables: 1:Carb-an,

3 Dentition: 1:Bor, 2:Calc, 2:Calc-p, 2:Cham, 1:Mag-c, 1:Mag-p, 1:Stann, 1:Staph,

4 Cutting wisdom teeth: 1:Mag-c,

4 Tooth extraction: 1:Ter,

3 Deranged internal functions: 1:Kali-m,

3 Disappointment: 2:Ign, 2:Nat-m, 1:Nat-s,

4 Consequences of: 1:Alum, 3:IGN, 2:Nat-m,

4 Business: 1:Cimic, 1:Kali-br,

4 In love: 1:Ant-c, 1:Aur, 1:Cact, 1:Calc-p, 1:Cimic, 1:Dig, 1:Hyos, 2:Ign, 1:Iod, 2:Lach, 2:Nat-m, 1:Ph-

ac, 1:Tarent, 1:Verat,

3 Dislocations: 1:Psor,

3 Displeasure reserved: 1:Aur, 2:Staph,

3 Disproportion,external & internal atmosphere: 1:Coca,

3 Downward motion: 1:Bor,

3 Draught of air: 1:Lach,

3 Dropsy: 2:Apis, 1:Apoc, 2:Chlor, 1:Eup-per,

4 In anasarca: 1:Arg-mur,

4 In ascites: 1:Apis,

3 Drug mixtures,all kinds of: 1:Nux-v,

3 Dust: 1:Ars, 1:Hep, 2:Ictod, 1:Kali-c,

4 From inhaling (stone cutters): 1:Ars, 1:Bell, 1:Calc, 1:Cinch, 1:Hep, 1:Ip, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Phos, 2:Sil, 1:Sulph,

3 Dust,coal dust,from (miners): 1:Nat-ar,

3 Dusty hay,from: 1:Ictod,

3 Eating ice: 1:Arg-n,

4 Ice creams: 2:Ars, 2:Puls,

4 Ice water: 2:Ars, 1:Carb-v, 1:Rhus-t,

3 Eating too much: 2:Nux-m, 1:Nux-v, 2:Puls,

3 Electric shock: 1:Morph,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Emotional excitement: 1:Cocc, 1:Coch, 1:Cupr, 1:Glon, 2:Kali-br, 2:Nat-m, 1:Psor, 1:Stann,

4 Depressing: 1:Gels,

4 Pleasurable: 1:Coff,

3 Emphysema: 1:Am-c, 2:Ant-ar, 3:ANT-T, 2:Ars, 1:Calc-s, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Coca, 1:Dros, 1:Hist, 1:Led, 1:Merc, 1:Napht, 1:Nat-m, 1:Phel, 1:Sars, 2:Verat,

3 Enlargement of thyroid gland,causing dyspnoea: 1:Sil,

3 Examination: 1:Aeth, 1:Anac,

4 Over study: 1:Anac, 1:Calc-p, 1:Ph-ac,

3 Excitement,every little: 1:Ars,

3 Exertion:
4 After running: 1:Hyos,

4 Bodily exercised: 1:Acet-ac, 1:Ammc, 2:Ars, 1:Bov, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Phos, 2:Sil, 2:Staph, 1:Sulph,

4 Bodily or mental: 1:Cocc, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Nux-v, 2:Sil,

4 Climbing or rapid walking: 1:Meli-a,

4 From climbing mountains,other muscular exertion: 1:Ars, 2:Coca,

4 From least exertion: 1:Iod, 1:Ip,

4 From normal labour: 1:Nat-m,

4 Mental: 1:Prot,

4 Over exertion: 1:Coff, 2:Mill, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sulph,

4 Travelling long: 1:Coff,

4 While dressing,after rising from bed: 1:Stann,

3 Fall,result of: 1:Lac-c, 1:Mill, 1:Sep, 1:Staph, 1:Stict, 1:Sulph, 1:Tarent, 1:Ter,

3 Fatigue of journey: 1:Cocc,

3 Fatty granulation and degeneration of heart: 1:Ars,

3 Fear: 1:Arg-n, 1:Glon, 1:Graph, 1:Lyc, 1:Op, 1:Phos,

3 Fevers: 1:Lyc,

3 Fish: 1:Carb-v,

3 Flatulence,incarceration of: 2:Carb-v, 1:Cham, 1:Cinch, 2:Lyc, 2:Mag-p, 2:Nux-

v, 1:Op, 1:Phos, 1:Sulph, 1:Zinc,

3 Highly seasoned food: 2:Nux-v,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Fatty food: 2:Puls,

4 Fat meat: 1:Thuj,

3 Food,smallest intake: 1:Phos,

3 Foreign bodies: 1:Hep, 1:Lob, 2:Sil,

4 Splinters: 1:Sil,

3 Fright: 1:Agar, 1:Apis, 2:Arg-n, 1:Aur, 1:Aur-m, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-

ar, 1:Cimic, 1:Cocc, 1:Cupr, 2:Gels, 1:Glon, 1:Hyper, 1:Ign, 1:Kali-br, 2:Lach, 1:Laur, 1:Lyc, 1:Merc, 2:Nat-

m, 1:Nux-m, 1:Op, 1:Petr, 1:Sabad, 1:Samb, 1:Stann, 1:Stram, 1:Verat, 1:Visc,

3 Fullness in stomach: 1:Nux-m,

3 Fumes of arsenic or copper: 1:Hep, 1:Ip, 1:Merc,

3 Gastric derangements:
4 Due to overeating or eating wrong food: 2:Nux-v,

4 Drinking coffee or liquor in excess: 2:Nux-v,

3 Goitre: 1:Spong,

3 Grief: 1:Aml-n, 2:Apis, 2:Aur, 1:Calc-p, 1:Cocc, 1:Colch, 1:Dig, 1:Graph, 3:IGN, 2:Lach, 1:Lob-

s, 1:Naja, 3:NAT-M, 2:Ph-ac, 1:Phos, 1:Samb,

3 Haemorrhage: 2:Carb-v, 1:Stict,

3 Haemorrhoids (swelling of): 1:Agar, 1:Arg-n, 1:Sulph,

3 Hair cutting: 1:Bell, 2:Bry, 1:Glon, 1:Led, 1:Phos,

3 Hay fever: 1:Ail, 3:ALL-C, 2:Ars, 2:Ars-i, 2:Arum-t, 1:Asc-c, 2:Bad, 2:Brom, 1:Camph, 2:Carb-

v, 1:Cycl, 2:Dulc, 1:Eucal, 2:Euph, 1:Euphr, 2:Gels, 1:Grin, 1:Hydr-ac, 3:IOD, 2:Ip, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-i, 2:Kali-

p, 1:Lach, 1:Lob, 1:Mosch, 2:Naja, 3:NAT-M, 2:Nat-s, 2:Nux-

v, 1:Op, 3:PSOR, 2:Puls, 3:SABAD, 1:Sang, 2:Sil, 2:Sin-n, 2:Stict,

3 Heat: 2:Gels, 1:Nat-c,

4 Fire heat: 2:Glon,

4 Gas light: 1:Nat-c,

4 Going from heat into icy cold: 1:Dulc,

4 Heat of sun: 1:Ant-c,

4 Hot air: 1:Carb-v,

4 Hot weather: 1:Kali-bi,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Over heated: 1:Ant-c, 1:Carb-v,

3 Heart,fatty degeneration of: 3:ARN,

4 Organic disease of: 3:GELS, 1:Spong,

3 High living: 1:Dig,

3 Hives: 3:APIS,

3 Horizontal position: 1:Kali-n,

3 Hysteria: 1:Cedr, 1:Lob,

3 Hydrothorax: 1:Am-c, 2:Ars, 3:BRY, 1:Carb-v, 1:Colch, 1:Dig, 1:Fl-ac, 1:Hell, 2:Kali-

c, 1:Lact, 1:Psor, 1:Seneg, 1:Spig,

3 Indigestible food: 2:Ip, 3:NUX-V, 3:PULS,

3 Inflammation,after,of respiratory organs: 2:Phos,

3 Inflammation,bronchi in: 2:Bac, 1:Bals-p, 1:Nat-m, 2:Sil, 1:Stann, 1:Sulph, 1:Tub,

3 Influenza: 1:Chel, 1:Ip, 1:Kreos, 1:Stict,

3 Inhalation of copper vapours: 1:Cupr,

3 Injured pride or honour: 1:Verat,

3 Injury: 3:ARN, 1:Camph, 1:Ferr-p, 2:Glon, 1:Hep, 1:Kali-m, 1:Kali-p, 1:Kali-s, 1:Lac-d, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Oena, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Phos, 2:Psor, 1:Ran-b, 1:Samb, 1:Sec, 1:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Staph, 1:Valer, 1:Verat,

4 After a bee sting: 2:Apis, 2:Lach,

4 After a fall: 2:Arn,

4 After concussion of spine: 2:Hyper,

4 In shock: 1:Camph, 1:Laur,

4 To bone: 1:Hecla,

4 To head: 2:Con, 1:Nat-m, 3:NAT-S,

4 To nerves: 1:Xan,

4 To spine: 1:Calc, 2:Hyper, 1:Ign,

3 Jealousy: 1:Apis, 2:Hyos, 2:Ign, 2:Lach,

3 Joy,sudden: 1:Op,

3 Larynx,spasms of: 1:Cupr-n, 2:Sil,

3 Affections of: 1:Hippoz,

3 Chronic inflammation: 1:Kali-bi,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Contraction,from: 1:Coca,

3 Compression,from: 1:Bufo,

3 Laughing: 1:Ars, 1:Aur, 1:Cupr, 2:Lyc,

3 Loss of fluids: 1:Calc, 2:Chin, 1:Nat-m, 2:Ph-ac, 2:Phos, 2:Staph,

4 Vital fluids: 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-v,

3 Lying on feather bed: 1:Mang,

3 Masturbation: 2:Lach, 1:Lyc, 1:Nat-m, 2:Nux-v, 2:Phos, 1:Stann, 1:Staph,

3 Measles,after: 1:Ant-t, 1:Kali-c, 1:Puls, 1:Stict,

3 Meningitis: 1:Verat-v,

4 Cerebro-spinal meningitis: 1:Gels,

3 Menses,amenorrhoea: 1:Cocc,

4 Menopause: 1:Aml-n,

4 Suppressed: 1:Cham, 2:Puls,

3 Mental condition:
4 After a fit of anger: 1:Cham,

4 After emotions: 2:Acon, 3:CHAM, 1:Coff, 1:Cupr, 1:Gels, 3:IGN, 2:Nux-v, 1:Puls, 1:Verat,

4 Anxious: 1:Ant-t, 1:Ars, 1:Spong,

4 Fears that she will die of suffocation: 2:Ars, 1:Phos, 1:Spong,

3 Mental exertion: 1:Agar, 1:Nux-m, 1:Nux-v, 1:Psor, 1:Sabad,

4 Brain fag,after: 1:Ph-ac,

4 Overstudy: 1:Calc-p, 1:Nat-c, 1:Ph-ac,

4 Study: 1:Mag-p,

4 Thinking: 1:Sabad,

3 Mercury,abuse of: 1:Asaf, 1:Aur, 1:Carb-v, 1:Chin, 1:Hep, 1:Mez, 1:Staph, 1:Sulph, 1:Thuj,

3 Milk: 1:Mag-c, 2:Nat-c, 1:Nux-m, 1:Sep,

3 Misbehaviour of others: 1:Colch,

3 Mortification: 2:Ign, 1:Puls,

3 Motion: 1:Arn, 3:ARS, 3:BRY, 1:Calc, 1:Cann-i, 1:Caps, 1:Con, 1:Ferr, 1:Graph, 1:Iod, 1:Lyc, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sep, 1:Stann, 1:Verat,

3 Music: 1:Phos,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Nerve exhaustion: 1:Anac,

3 Nitric acid: 1:Petr,

3 Odours:
4 Flowers: 1:Phos,

4 Gas: 1:Phos,

4 Strong: 1:Ph-ac, 2:Phos,

3 Oesophagus,chronic catarrh of: 1:Verat,

3 Onions: 3:LYC, 2:Thuj,

3 Operations:
4 Abdominal: 1:Bism,

4 Eyes: 1:Alumn,

4 Fistula: 1:Sil,

4 Surgical: 1:Hyper, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Staph,

4 Teeth: 1:Alumn,

3 Opium: 1:Verat,

3 Over lifting: 1:Graph, 2:Lyc, 1:Mill, 2:Ph-ac, 1:Phos, 1:Prun, 1:Psor, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sec, 1:Sep,

3 Overstrain: 1:Kali-c, 1:Rhus-t,

3 Painters: 1:Plb,

3 Paralysis of bladder: 2:Cic,

3 Pneumonia: 1:Ant-t, 1:Chel, 1:Kali-c, 1:Kali-m, 1:Kreos, 1:Lyc, 1:Phos,

4 Chronic: 1:Grin,

4 Chronic of old people: 1:Camph,

4 Pleuro-pneumonia: 1:Phos,

4 Typhoid and pneumonia: 1:Sang,

3 Pastries: 1:Puls,

3 Pork: 1:Puls,

3 Poultry: 1:Carb-v,

3 Pregnancy: 1:Mag-c, 1:Nux-m, 1:Viol-t,

3 Punishment: 1:Tarent,

3 Quarreling: 1:Cham,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Quinine: 1:Carb-an, 1:Carb-v, 1:Nat-m,

3 Rich food: 1:Kali-m,

3 Riding in a carriage: 1:Lyc, 1:Petr,

3 Riding in a ship: 1:Petr,

3 Salt: 1:Nat-m,

3 Scarlatina,during: 1:Apis,

3 Scarlatina,after: 1:Hell,

3 Scolding: 1:Tarent,

3 Sea bathing: 1:Ars,

3 Sea travelling: 1:Ars, 1:Cocc,

3 Self abuse: 1:Gels,

3 Seminal emissions: 1:Anac, 1:Phos, 1:Staph,

3 Separation from home: 1:Ph-ac,

3 Sexual abuse: 1:Staph,

4 Excess: 1:Agar, 1:Arg-n, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-p, 1:Chin, 1:Dig, 1:Kali-br, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ph-

ac, 1:Phos, 1:Plb, 1:Samb, 1:Sec, 1:Staph, 1:Thuj,

4 Excitement (indulgence or suppressions): 1:Kali-p, 1:Staph,

3 Shock: 1:Gels, 1:Hyper, 1:Iod, 1:Mag-c, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Stram,

3 Spasm or weakness of glottis: 1:Med,

3 Spleen,in,inflammation: 1:Cist,

3 Spring: 1:Kali-bi, 1:Merc-i-f,

3 Stone cutter: 2:Sil,

3 Strain over: 1:Kali-c, 1:Nat-c, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sanic, 1:Sil, 1:Ter,

3 Sulphur: 1:Thuj,

3 Sun: 1:Cocc, 1:Gels, 1:Glon, 1:Lach, 1:Op, 1:Prun, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph, 1:Syph, 1:Verat-v,

3 Sunstroke: 1:Acon, 1:Aml-n, 1:Arn, 1:Ars, 1:Cact, 1:Camph, 1:Glon, 1:Verat-v,

3 Suppressions: 1:Cupr, 1:Graph, 1:Lob, 1:Lob-s, 1:Mez, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph,

4 Cholera: 1:Cit-v,

4 Catarrh: 1:Ip,

4 Condylomata: 1:Thuj,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Coryza: 1:Ars, 1:Chin,

4 Discharges: 1:Calc-ar, 1:Mill, 1:Puls, 1:Sulph, 1:Viol-o,

4 Eruptions: 1:Ail, 1:Anac, 1:Ant-c, 1:Apis, 1:Ars, 1:Asaf, 1:Bell, 1:Bry, 1:Calad, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-

ar, 1:Camph, 1:Caust, 1:Cic, 1:Cupr, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Graph, 1:Hep, 1:Ip, 1:Lach, 1:Lyc, 1:Merc, 1:Nux-

m, 1:Petr, 1:Plb, 1:Psor, 1:Ptel, 1:Puls, 1:Sec, 1:Sil, 1:Staph, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph, 1:Zinc,

4 Expectoration: 1:Ant-t,

4 Fissures: 1:Thuj,

4 Fistula: 1:Calc-p, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Sil,

4 Gonorrhoea: 1:Dig, 3:MED, 1:Merc, 2:Nat-s, 1:Sil, 2:Thuj,

4 Haemorrhage (especially of lungs): 1:Calc-l,

4 Haemorrhoidal flux: 1:Alum, 1:Lycps,

4 Herpes: 1:Alum, 1:Ambr, 1:Calc, 1:Lach, 1:Lyc, 1:Psor, 1:Sulph,

4 Hives: 1:Apis,

4 Intermittent (fever): 1:Carb-v,

4 Itch: 1:Ambr, 1:Ars, 1:Carb-v, 1:Caust, 1:Sel, 1:Sep, 1:Sulph,

4 Lochia: 1:Hyos, 1:Mill, 1:Verat-v,

4 Menses: 1:Calc, 1:Mill, 1:Mosch, 1:Puls, 1:Seneg, 1:Spong, 1:Verat-v, 1:Visc, 1:Xan,

4 Measles: 1:Brom, 1:Cham, 1:Phos, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Stram,

4 Milk: 1:Hyos, 1:Mill,

4 Perspiration: 1:Acon, 1:Bell, 1:Bry, 1:Calc, 1:Cham, 1:Chin, 1:Colch, 1:Dulc, 1:Kali-

c, 1:Led, 1:Lyc, 1:Nat-c, 1:Nux-m, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Olnd, 1:Op, 1:Phos, 1:Sec, 1:Seneg, 1:Sil, 1:Sulph, 1:Teucr, 1:Thuj,

5 Checked perspiration on a warm summer day: 1:Ferr-p,

5 Foot sweats: 1:Bar-c, 1:Calc, 1:Coch, 1:Merc, 1:Ol-an, 1:Sil,

5 Wanting: 1:Dulc,

4 Rash: 1:Acon, 1:Apis, 1:Ars, 1:Calad, 1:Carb-v, 1:Dulc, 1:Ferr, 1:Ip, 1:Puls, 1:Sulph,

4 Scarlatina: 1:Ail, 1:Stram,

3 Syphilis: 1:Merc-c, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Syph,

3 Talking: 1:Apoc, 1:Caust, 1:Dros, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Spong,

4 Even in low voice: 1:Sulph,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Tea: 1:Abies-n, 1:Cocc, 1:Lob, 1:Puls, 1:Thuj,

3 Thunder storm: 1:Gels, 1:Morph, 1:Phos, 1:Psor, 1:Sulph,

4 Lightning,with: 1:Morph, 1:Phos,

3 Tobacco: 1:Abies-n, 1:Arg-n, 1:Ars, 1:Chin-ar, 1:Lob, 1:Lyc, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Phos, 1:Sep, 1:Spig, 1:Staph, 1:Thuj, 1:Verat,

3 Trachea:
4 Compression of: 1:Bufo, 1:Canth, 1:Phos,

4 Chronic inflammation of: 1:Kali-bi,

4 Mucus in: 1:Sel,

3 Uraemia: 1:Ars,

4 Aseptic form: 1:Hydr-ac,

3 Urticarial condition of the lung tissue: 1:Chlol,

3 Uterus,displacement of: 1:Nit-ac,

3 Vaccination: 1:Kali-m, 1:Mez, 1:Sil, 1:Thuj, 1:V-a-b,

4 Ailments from: 1:Aza,

4 Many or bad vaccination: 1:Thuj,

3 Venesection: 1:Senec,

3 Vexation: 1:Ant-t, 1:Apis, 1:Aur-m, 1:Camph, 1:Cham, 1:Cupr, 1:Lach, 1:Mag-c, 1:Petr, 1:Scroph-

n, 1:Sep,

3 Weakness: 1:Agar, 3:ARS, 2:Phos,

4 In irritation of cardiac nerves: 1:Coll,

4 In intermittent fever: 1:Chin-s,

3 Weather: 1:Chin, 1:Nat-s,

4 Cold,damp: 1:Asc-t,

4 Cold,exposure to: 1:Lob,

4 Cold and wet: 1:Ip,

4 Hot: 1:Kali-bi, 1:Lach, 1:Sin-n,

4 Stormy: 1:Nat-c, 1:Nit-s-d, 1:Psor, 1:Sep,

4 Warm,damp: 1:Carb-v,

4 Weather changes: 1:Merc-i-r,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Wet,getting: 1:Bell, 1:Calc-p, 1:Merc-i-r, 1:Sep, 1:Visc, 1:Xan,

4 Wetting feet: 1:Lob, 1:Puls, 1:Xan,

4 Wetting head: 1:Rhus-t,

4 When heated: 1:Rhus-t,

3 Washing clothes: 1:Phos, 1:Sep,

3 Washing floor: 1:Merc-i-r,

4 Rain: 1:Dulc, 1:Nat-s, 1:Phos,

3 Worms: 1:Cina, 1:Sabad,

3 Wounds: 1:Hyper, 1:Phos, 1:Senec, 1:Staph,

4 Poisoned wounds: 1:Lach,

3 Yawning: 1:Cina,

3 Daytime: 2:Chel,

3 Morning: 1:Ambr, 1:Ant-t, 1:Aur, 2:Bac, 1:Bell, 2:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-p, 1:Carb-an, 1:Carb-

v, 2:Caust, 1:Cedr, 1:Chel, 1:Coff, 2:Con, 1:Cop, 2:Dig, 2:Digin, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-c, 1:Kali-chl, 1:Kali-

i, 1:Lac-d, 2:Lach, 1:Lyc, 1:Mag-s, 1:Meph, 1:Merc, 1:Morg-g, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Nit-ac, 2:Nux-v, 1:Ph-

ac, 1:Phel, 2:Phos, 1:Phos-m, 1:Puls, 1:Rhod, 2:Sang, 1:Sanguin-n, 2:Sep, 2:Sil, 1:Squil,

4 Bed,in: 1:Alum, 1:Ant-t, 1:Carb-an, 1:Com, 1:Con, 1:Led, 1:Mag-s, 1:Nux-v, 1:Puls, 1:Sulph,

4 Bed,getting out of: 1:Samb,

4 Chest,from anxiety in: 1:Puls,

4 Day break: 1:Meph,

4 Early morning: 1:Calc, 1:Dig, 1:Phyt, 1:Vac, 1:Verat,

4 Exertion,from: 1:Lyc,

4 Expectoration amel.: 2:Ant-t, 2:Sep,

4 Noon till: 1:Chin-ar,

4 Rising,on: 1:Calc-p, 2:Kali-bi,

4 Rising,after: 1:Bell, 1:Coc-c, 1:Con, 1:Dig, 1:Ran-b,

4 Rising after amel.: 1:Led, 1:Puls, 1:Sulph,

4 Sleep,after: 2:Lach, 1:Seneg, 1:Sil,

4 Standing,while: 1:Con,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Waking,on: 2:Ant-s, 1:Arund, 1:Bapt, 1:Benz-ac, 1:Calc-p, 1:Calc-s, 2:Carb-

v, 1:Con, 1:Digin, 1:Gad, 2:Kali-bi, 1:Kali-i, 1:Lac-c, 3:LACH, 1:Lact, 2:Med, 1:Naja, 1:Nux-

m, 1:Op, 1:Seneg, 2:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Stram,

4 Waking on early morning: 1:Calc, 1:Verat,

4 Wet and warm weather: 2:Aur-m,

3 Forenoon: 1:Alum, 1:Bry, 1:Chin-ar, 1:Ferr, 1:Hyper, 2:Ip, 1:Nat-c, 2:Nat-s, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Ph-

ac, 1:Stann, 1:Sulph,

4 Standing,while: 1:Kali-n,

4 Walking: 1:Cocc,

4 Walking in open air: 1:Ferr,

4 Writing,while: 1:Mag-s,

4 8 a.m.: 1:Dios,

4 9 a.m.: 1:Chel, 1:Chin, 1:Chin-ar, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Tarent, 1:Valer,

4 9 a.m. after breakfast: 1:Valer,

4 10 a.m.: 2:Ferr, 1:Iod, 1:Stann,

4 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.: 2:Ferr, 1:Iber, 1:Nat-m,

4 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.: 2:Cedr,

4 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.: 1:Dig,

4 11 a.m.: 1:Agar, 1:Squil,

3 Daytime: 1:Lyc,

3 Daytime amel.: 1:Dulc, 1:Hep,

3 Noon: 1:Gels, 1:Hura,

4 Every day at noon: 1:Lob,

3 Afternoon: 1:All-s, 1:Alumn, 1:Bapt, 1:Bell, 1:Chel, 1:Dig, 1:Elaps, 2:Fl-

ac, 1:Gels, 2:Lach, 1:Lim, 1:Lob, 1:Lyc, 2:Merc-s, 1:Mosch, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Op, 1:Sabad, 2:Sang, 1:Sanguin-n, 1:Sars, 2:Sulph,

4 Amel.: 1:Hed,

4 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.: 1:Ars, 1:Sabad,

4 1 p.m.: 1:Cact, 1:Cupr, 1:Squil,

4 2 p.m.: 1:Chel, 1:Lil-t, 1:Rumx,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 2 p.m.,after: 1:Lil-t,

4 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.: 1:Cur, 1:Sabad,

4 3 p.m.: 1:Ang, 1:Chin-s, 1:Cupr, 1:Lyc, 1:Naja,

4 3 p.m. when running: 1:Am-c, 1:Lyc,

4 3-30 p.m. while sitting: 1:Mag-c,

4 4 p.m.: 1:Cedr, 1:Phos,

4 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.: 1:Dig,

4 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.: 1:Lyc, 1:Nat-s,

4 5 to 7 p.m.: 1:Nat-m,

4 5 p.m.: 1:Erig, 1:Med,

4 5 p.m.,sudden: 1:Ign,

4 6 p.m.: 1:Bapt, 1:Mag-c, 3:RHUS-T,

4 6-30 p.m.: 1:Chel,

4 6 to 9 p.m.: 1:Cact,

4 6 to 4 a.m.: 1:Gua,

4 6 to 6 a.m.: 1:Kreos,

4 6 to 12 a.m.: 1:Laur,

4 10 p.m.: 1:Valer,

3 Evening: 1:Acon, 1:Aeth, 1:Agar, 1:Agn, 2:All-c, 1:Anac, 1:Ant-t, 1:Aral, 2:Ars, 1:Bell, 2:Calc-p, 1:Calc-

s, 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-v, 2:Carbn-s, 2:Chin, 1:Chin-

ar, 1:Cist, 1:Clem, 1:Coloc, 1:Con, 1:Cycl, 1:Dig, 1:Elaps, 2:Ferr, 1:Ferr-ar, 1:Ferr-p, 2:Fl-

ac, 1:Graph, 2:Hell, 1:Hyper, 1:Ip, 2:Kali-ar, 2:Kali-c, 1:Kali-s, 1:Lac-

c, 2:Lach, 1:Lim, 2:Lob, 1:Lyc, 1:Lycps, 1:Mang, 1:Merc, 1:Mez, 1:Naja, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nicc, 1:Nux-m, 2:Nux-

v, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Petr, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Phel, 2:Phos, 2:Psor, 2:Puls, 2:Ran-b, 1:Raph, 1:Rhod, 2:Rhus-

t, 1:Sars, 1:Sep, 2:Stann, 3:SULPH, 1:Syph, 1:Ther, 1:Verb, 1:Zinc,

4 Evening amel.: 1:Hed, 1:Lyc,

3 Evening,towards: 1:Brom, 1:Chin,

3 Till late in the evening: 1:Hep,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Bed,in: 1:Ant-t, 2:Ars, 1:Bor, 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-v, 1:Chin, 2:Cist, 1:Coca, 1:Con, 1:Crot-

h, 2:Ferr, 2:Graph, 1:Lact, 1:Merc, 1:Nat-m, 2:Nat-s, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Par, 2:Phos, 1:Podo, 2:Sep, 2:Sulph, 1:Zinc, 1:Zing,

4 Bed,in,amel.: 2:Chel,

3 Twilight,after: 1:Puls,

4 Lying quiet: 1:Con,

4 Meal,after: 1:Puls,

4 Moving about: 1:Ox-ac,

3 Evening,midnight,till: 1:Hep,

3 Evening till at the end of the day: 1:Chlor, 1:Pitu-gl,

3 Evening till 9 a.m.: 1:Ip,

4 6 p.m.: 1:Mag-c, 3:RHUS-T,

4 7 p.m.: 1:Lycps,

4 9 p.m.: 1:Blatta, 1:Bry,

4 10 p.m.,till: 1:Calc-p,

4 Bedtime: 1:Syph,

4 Eating,after from flatus which agg. dyspnoea: 1:Zinc,

3 Night,during: 1:Abel, 1:Acon, 1:Act-sp, 1:Alum, 1:Am-c, 1:Am-m, 2:Ant-t, 1:Apis, 1:Aral, 1:Arg-

n, 3:ARS, 1:Ars-i, 1:Arum-d, 1:Asar, 1:Aspar, 2:Aur, 1:Aur-m, 1:Aur-s, 1:Bar-c, 1:Bar-

m, 1:Bell, 1:Berb, 1:Blatta, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Bufo, 1:Cact, 1:Calad, 2:Calc, 1:Calc-s, 1:Cann-i, 1:Carb-

ac, 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-v, 3:CARBN-S, 1:Cast, 2:Cench, 1:Cham, 1:Chel, 2:Chin, 2:Chin-

ar, 1:Chlol, 1:Cist, 2:Coca, 1:Cocc, 1:Coch, 2:Colch, 1:Coloc, 1:Con, 2:Croto-

t, 1:Cupr, 1:Daph, 1:Der, 2:Dig, 1:Digin, 1:Dros, 1:Elaps, 1:Eucal, 2:Ferr, 1:Ferr-ar, 2:Ferr-i, 2:Ferr-

p, 2:Graph, 1:Grin, 1:Gua, 2:Guai, 1:Hep, 1:Hyos, 1:Iber, 1:Ign, 2:Iod, 2:Ip, 3:KALI-AR, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-

br, 1:Kali-chl, 1:Kali-i, 1:Kali-p, 1:Kali-s, 3:LACH, 1:Lact, 1:Lil-t, 1:Lob, 1:Lob-s, 1:Lyc, 1:Mag-c, 1:Mag-

s, 1:Med, 1:Meph, 1:Merc, 1:Merc-i-f, 3:NAJA, 1:Napht, 1:Nat-c, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nicc, 1:Nit-ac, 2:Nux-v, 1:Ol-

an, 2:Op, 1:Pect, 1:Petr, 1:Ph-ac, 3:PHOS, 1:Plb, 1:Podo, 2:Psor, 2:Puls, 1:Ran-b, 1:Ran-s, 2:Rhus-

t, 3:SAMB, 1:Sanguin-n, 1:Sel, 1:Seneg, 2:Sep, 1:Spig, 2:Spong, 2:Stann, 1:Stict, 2:Sul-

ac, 3:SULPH, 2:Ter, 2:Thuj, 2:Tub, 1:Viol-o, 1:Zinc, 1:Zing,

3 Night and day: 1:Cact,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Every night: 1:Chel,

3 Night,asleep,while: 1:Chin,

3 Night,bed,in: 1:Apis, 3:ARS, 1:Carb-an, 2:Graph, 1:Hep, 1:Plb, 1:Spong,

3 Night,bed,in,amel.: 2:Chel,

4 Forepart of the night: 1:Sulph,

4 10 p.m.: 1:Blatta, 1:Ip, 2:Phos, 1:Phys, 1:Valer,

4 10 p.m. to 10 a.m.: 1:Ip,

4 10 p.m. to 12 p.m.: 1:Meph,

4 11 p.m.: 3:ARS, 1:Cact, 1:Chel, 1:Nat-m, 2:Squil,

4 11 p.m. to 3 a.m.: 1:Colch,

4 11 p.m. to 4 a.m.: 1:Samb,

4 11 p.m. to 11 a.m.: 1:Ip,

4 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.: 2:Ars, 1:Ars-i,

4 11 p.m. until midnight: 1:Phos,

4 Lying down: 1:Cist, 1:Sin-n, 1:Syph,

4 Lying down with head low: 1:Sang,

3 Midnight: 1:Acon, 1:Ant-s, 3:ARS, 1:Arum-

d, 1:Brom, 1:Calc, 2:Chin, 1:Cocc, 1:Hep, 1:Ign, 1:Puls, 2:Rhus-t,

3 Midnight,towards: 1:Chin,

3 Midnight,before: 1:Coloc, 1:Puls, 2:Squil, 1:Stram,

3 Midnight,after: 1:Aral, 3:ARS, 1:Calc-ar, 1:Dros, 1:Ferr, 2:Graph, 1:Hyos, 1:Ign, 1:Lyc, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Psor, 3:SAMB, 2:Spong,

4 On waking: 1:Arund, 1:Cann-i, 1:Chin, 1:Cimic, 2:Lach, 1:Squil,

4 12 to 2 a.m.: 3:ARS,

4 12 to 3 a.m.: 1:Arum-d,

4 12 to 7 a.m.: 1:Chlor,

4 On waking,1 a.m.: 1:Ptel, 2:Spong, 1:Squil,

4 On waking at 2 a.m.: 1:Rumx,

4 1 to 2 a.m.: 2:Ars, 2:Spong,

4 1 to 3 a.m.: 1:Kali-ar,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 1 to 4 a.m.: 2:Syph,

4 2 a.m.: 1:Ant-ar, 3:ARS, 1:Bufo, 1:Chin-s, 1:Cur, 1:Ign, 2:Kali-bi, 1:Rumx,

4 2 to 3 a.m.: 1:Ba-sv, 1:Gins, 3:KALI-AR, 3:KALI-C, 1:Syc-co,

4 2 to 4 a.m.: 1:Kali-bi, 1:Kali-c, 1:Podo,

4 3 a.m.: 1:Am-c, 3:ANT-T, 1:Bufo, 1:Calc-ar, 1:Chin, 1:Cupr, 1:Fel, 1:Hed, 1:Kali-bi, 3:KALI-C, 1:Nat-

m, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Phyt, 3:SAMB, 1:Sulph,

4 3 to 4 a.m.: 1:Aeth, 1:Caust,

4 4 a.m.: 1:Kali-bi, 1:Lil-t, 1:Penic, 1:Phyt,

4 5 a.m.: 1:Chin, 2:Kali-i, 1:Phyt, 1:Tarent,

4 4 to 5 a.m.: 1:Nat-s, 1:Stram,

4 Frequent attacks until 4 a.m.: 3:SAMB,

3 Day break amel.: 2:Syph,

3 Abdominal disease: 1:Asaf,

3 Abdominal
pain: 1:Arn, 1:Ars, 1:Bry, 1:Calc, 1:Canth, 1:Caps, 2:Chin, 2:Cocc, 1:Croc, 1:Dros, 1:Hell, 3:IGN, 1:Kali-

bi, 1:Led, 1:Mez, 1:Mosch, 2:Nux-v, 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Rhod, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Ruta, 1:Spig, 1:Stann, 1:Staph,

3 Acids: 1:Cham, 1:Nat-m,

3 Acids amel.: 1:Ptel,

3 Air in cold: 1:Act-sp, 1:All-s, 1:Aral, 2:Ars, 1:Aur, 2:Bac, 1:Bar-

c, 1:Camph, 1:Caps, 1:Caust, 1:Cham, 1:Chin, 1:Cimic, 1:Con, 1:Cur, 1:Dig, 1:Ferr-

p, 1:Hep, 1:Hist, 1:Hyos, 3:LOB, 2:Lyc, 1:Mag-c, 2:Merc, 1:Mosch, 1:Naja, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Petr, 1:Puls, 1:Sel, 1:Seneg, 1:Spong, 1:Sulph,

4 Air in cold amel.: 2:Am-c, 3:APIS, 2:Arg-n, 2:Aur, 1:Bell, 2:Bry, 2:Carb-v, 2:Carbn-

s, 1:Cham, 1:Cist, 1:Lac-c, 1:Merc, 2:Op, 2:Puls, 1:Ust,

4 Air,cold,least current of: 1:Nat-c,

4 Air dry cold: 1:Hep,

4 Air,cold draft of: 1:Hep, 1:Mag-s, 1:Sil, 1:Valer,

4 Air,cold draft of,amel.: 1:Tub,

4 Air fresh amel.: 1:Aml-n, 1:Apis, 1:Arg-n, 1:Asar, 1:Bapt, 1:Cact, 1:Calc, 1:Cann-

i, 1:Cist, 1:Hecla, 1:Hed, 1:Mag-s, 1:Pitu-gl, 1:Stram, 1:Term-c,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Air open in: 1:Ars, 1:Aur, 1:Calc, 1:Carb-v, 1:Cocc, 1:Graph, 1:Lyc, 1:Nit-ac, 2:Nux-

v, 2:Psor, 1:Puls, 1:Seneg, 1:Sep, 1:Sulph, 1:Zinc,

5 Air in open amel.: 1:Alum, 2:Am-c, 1:Ambr, 1:Ant-c, 3:APIS, 1:Aran-ix, 1:Aran-s, 1:Arg-n, 1:Ars-

i, 1:Arund, 1:Aur, 1:Bapt, 1:Bell, 2:Bry, 1:Bufo, 2:Cact, 1:Calad, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-s, 2:Carb-v, 1:Chel, 2:Chin-

ar, 1:Chlol, 1:Chlor, 1:Cist, 1:Conv, 1:Croc, 1:Dig, 1:Dros, 1:Euphr, 1:Ferr-i, 1:Fl-

ac, 2:Gels, 1:Glon, 1:Ictod, 2:Ip, 1:Kali-cy, 2:Kali-i, 2:Kali-s, 1:Lac-c, 2:Lach, 1:Lact, 1:Lil-

t, 1:Lyc, 1:Mang, 1:Merc-i-f, 1:Morg-g, 1:Mosch, 3:NAT-M, 1:Nat-s, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ol-an, 1:Petr, 1:Pitu-

gl, 1:Plb, 3:PULS, 1:Stann, 1:Stram, 3:SULPH, 2:Tub,

3 Alternating with convulsions: 1:Ign, 1:Ip,

3 Alternating with eruptions: 1:Calad,

3 Alternating fistula in,and: 1:Calc-p, 2:Sil,

3 Alternating with diarrhoea: 1:Ars,

3 Alternating with gout: 1:Benz-ac, 1:Lyc, 1:Sulph,

3 Alternating with headache: 1:Ang, 1:Ars, 1:Glon, 1:Kali-br,

3 Alternating with hysteria: 1:Plat,

3 Alternating with leprosy: 1:Sulph,

3 Alternating with mental symptoms: 1:Astra-e,

3 Alternating with pain in hypochondria: 2:Zinc,

3 Alternating with pain in extremities: 1:Guai,

3 Alternating with pimples: 1:Ant-c, 1:Hura, 1:Hyos, 1:Ol-an, 1:Phos, 2:Sep, 1:Thuj,
3 Alternating with psoriasis:
3 Alternating with skin complaints: 1:Ars, 1:Caust, 1:Croto-t, 1:Hep, 1:Lach, 1:Rhus-t, 2:Sulph,

3 Alternating with rash on chest: 1:Calad,

3 Alternating with rheumatism: 2:Kali-bi, 1:Med, 1:Nat-s,

3 Alternating with sopor: 1:Plb,

3 Alternating with spasmodic vomiting: 1:Cupr, 1:Ip,

3 Alternating with urticaria: 2:Calad,

3 Alternating with uterine haemorrhage: 1:Fl-ac,

3 Alternating with yawning: 1:Sulph,

3 Alcohol,from: 1:Aran-ix, 1:Coca, 1:Dig, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Lach, 1:Merc, 2:Nux-v, 1:Phel,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Agitation,after: 1:Aconin,

3 Amenorrhoea,in: 1:Cocc,

3 Anger,after: 1:Arn, 1:Ars, 3:CHAM, 2:Ign, 2:Nux-v, 1:Ran-b, 2:Rhus-t, 2:Staph,

3 Anguish,from: 1:Levo, 1:Pitu-gl,

3 Anxiety in chest: 1:Puls,

3 Arms,moving: 1:Ang, 1:Camph, 1:Led, 1:Spig,

3 Arms,raising the: 1:Ant-c, 1:Cupr, 1:Led, 1:Spig, 1:Sulph,

3 Arsenical vapours: 1:Camph, 1:Cupr, 3:HEP, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Merc,

3 Athletic sports,after: 1:Coca,

3 Ascending: 1:Acet-ac, 1:Acon, 1:Aesc, 1:Agn, 1:Aloe, 2:Am-c, 1:Ang, 2:Apis, 2:Arg-n, 3:ARS, 2:Ars-

i, 1:Arund, 1:Aspar, 1:Aur, 2:Aur-m, 1:Bar-c, 1:Berb, 2:Bor, 2:Brom, 1:Bufo, 2:Cact, 3:CALC, 3:CALC-

AR, 1:Calc-p, 1:Calc-s, 1:Cann-i, 1:Canth, 2:Caps, 2:Carb-ac, 1:Carbn-s, 1:Carl, 1:Cast, 1:Chin-

ar, 1:Cist, 2:Clem, 3:COCA, 1:Croto-

t, 1:Cupr, 1:Cur, 1:Dirc, 2:Elaps, 1:Ferr, 1:Graph, 1:Grat, 1:Hyos, 2:Iod, 3:IP, 1:Kali-ar, 1:Kali-i, 1:Kali-

n, 2:Kali-p, 2:Kreos, 1:Led, 1:Lil-t, 2:Lob, 2:Lob-s, 2:Lyc, 2:Lycps, 1:Mag-c, 1:Mag-m, 3:MERC, 1:Nat-

ar, 3:NAT-M, 2:Nat-s, 3:NIT-AC, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ol-an, 1:Olnd, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Petr, 2:Pic-

ac, 2:Plb, 1:Prun, 1:Puls, 1:Ran-b, 1:Rat, 2:Rhus-

t, 2:Ruta, 2:Sars, 2:Senec, 2:Seneg, 1:Sep, 2:Sil, 1:Spig, 2:Spong, 1:Squil, 2:Stann, 1:Stroph, 1:Sul-

i, 1:Sulph, 1:Tab, 1:Ther, 1:Thuj, 1:Til, 1:Zinc,

3 Ascending amel.: 1:Ran-b, 1:Tab, 1:Ther, 1:Thuj, 1:Til, 1:Zinc,

3 Ascending: 1:Bar-c, 1:Clem, 1:Plb,

3 Ascending stairs: 1:Kali-p,

3 Ascending uphill (mountains): 1:Canth, 1:Card-m, 1:Coca, 1:Glon,

3 Autumn: 2:Aur, 1:Chin,

3 Awake,while: 1:Chel,

3 Awaking,on: 1:Alum, 1:Ant-c, 1:Bapt, 1:Bell, 1:Bry, 1:Chin, 1:Con, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Kali-

c, 1:Led, 1:Meph, 1:Naja, 1:Nux-v, 1:Op, 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Sep, 1:Spong, 1:Squil,

3 Backache: 1:Arg-n, 1:Cann-i, 1:Lach, 1:Petr, 1:Ruta, 1:Sep, 1:Staph,

3 Bathing: 1:Caps, 1:Sulph,

3 Bed,getting out of,and sitting by the table amel.: 1:Carb-v,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Bed,in: 1:Ant-t, 1:Ars, 1:Bell, 1:Carb-an, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Chin, 1:Con, 1:Ferr, 2:Graph, 1:Lach, 1:Merc, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nux-v, 1:Sep, 1:Spig, 1:Sulph, 1:Verb,

3 Bed,turning in: 1:Spig, 1:Sulph,

3 Bed,getting warm in,amel.: 1:Kali-bi,

3 Bed,in,amel.: 1:Nux-v,

3 Beer,after: 1:Bry, 1:Cocc, 2:Kali-bi,

3 Beer,bread,with: 1:Croto-t,

3 Belching amel.: 2:Carb-v, 1:Chel, 1:Cocc, 1:Iber, 2:Nux-v,

3 Belching and passing stool,amel.: 1:Ter,

3 Bending arm backwards,on: 3:SULPH,

3 Bending,backwards: 1:Apis, 1:Cupr, 1:Psor,

3 Bending backwards,amel.: 1:Cupr, 1:Fl-ac, 1:Hep,

3 Bending head backwards: 1:Bell, 1:Cham,

3 Bending backwards amel.: 1:Verat,

3 Bending head backwards and holding breath amel.: 1:Bell, 2:Spong,

3 Bend,must rise up and bend head backwards: 1:Apoc, 2:Hep,

3 Bending forward and throwing head back amel.: 1:Lach,

3 Bending forward: 1:Apis, 1:Calc, 1:Seneg, 2:Spig,

3 Bending forward amel.: 2:Ars, 2:Cench, 1:Coc-c, 1:Colch, 1:Gels, 1:Hyos, 1:Junc, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-

c, 2:Lach, 1:Op, 2:Sep, 2:Spong, 1:Tril,

3 Bending upper part of body backwards: 1:Cupr,

3 Bending sideways: 1:Junc,

3 Bending double amel.: 1:Stann,

3 Bending shoulder backwards amel.: 1:Calc, 1:Calc-acet,

3 Bent sitting: 1:Dig, 1:Rhus-t,

3 Body outstretched amel.: 1:Caps,

3 Breakfast,after: 1:Cham, 1:Valer,

3 Breath,on taking a deep: 1:Cupr, 1:Ip, 1:Phos, 1:Ter, 1:Visc,

3 Breath,hot: 1:Med,

3 Breath,sour: 1:Cham, 1:Rumx,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Breath,as if next would be the last: 1:Apis,

3 Breathing deeply: 1:Ars, 1:Bry, 1:Calad, 1:Canth, 1:Kalm, 1:Merc, 1:Ran-s, 1:Rhus-t,

3 Breathing,deeply,after,amel.: 1:Chin, 2:Cupr, 1:Osm, 1:Stann,

3 Carried,being,amel.: 1:Ars, 2:Cham, 1:Puls,

3 Carried,being,children,in upright position,amel.: 2:Ant-t,

3 Catarrhal causes: 3:ANT-T, 3:ARS, 2:Camph, 2:Carb-v, 1:Graph, 2:Ip, 1:Lach, 2:Nux-

v, 1:Puls, 1:Samb,

3 Change of weather: 1:Benz-ac, 1:Calc-p, 1:Calc-

s, 1:Camph, 1:Chel, 1:Cur, 1:Dulc, 1:Galeg, 1:Ip, 1:Mang, 2:Merc, 1:Phos, 2:Psor, 2:Sil,

3 From clear to damp: 1:Hyper,

3 Change from warm to cold room: 1:Cor-r,

3 Change of temperature: 1:Mag-c,

3 Change,atmospheric: 1:Merc-i-r,

3 Change to damp weather: 2:Nat-s,

3 Change of posture,amel.: 2:Nux-v, 1:Ol-an,

3 Chest,right side: 1:Anac,

3 Children: 1:Acon, 2:Ambr, 1:Ant-t, 1:Ars, 1:Asc-t, 1:Bar-c, 1:Bell, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-

p, 1:Camph, 2:Cham, 2:Cina, 1:Cinch, 1:Coff, 1:Cupr, 1:Hed, 1:Hep, 1:Hepat, 3:IGN, 2:Ip, 1:Kali-br, 1:Kali-

i, 2:Lach, 1:Lyc, 1:Mosch, 3:NAT-S, 1:Nux-v, 2:Op, 1:Phos, 2:Puls, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph, 1:Sumb, 1:V-a-b,

Chill,during: 1:Anac, 3:APIS, 1:Ars, 1:Bell, 1:Bry, 1:Camph, 2:Cham, 2:Chin, 1:Cimx, 1:Dig, 2:Gels, 1:Gin

s, 1:Guare, 1:Kali-c, 1:Mez, 1:Nat-c, 2:Nat-m, 1:Nux-m, 1:Nux-v, 1:Puls, 1:Seneg, 2:Thuj, 1:Zinc,

3 Closed windows: 1:Arg-n,

3 Closed room: 1:Just, 1:Pitu-gl, 1:Puls,

3 Closing eyes,on: 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-v,

3 Clothes agg.: 1:Caust,

3 Clothes fastened,as soon as: 1:Aur-m,

3 Clothes,loosening,amel.: 3:LACH, 1:Napht, 1:Nux-v, 1:Stann,

3 Clothes,tight: 2:Puls, 1:Stann,

4 Around hypochondria and throat: 1:Nux-v,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Tight and warm: 1:Ars, 1:Sars,

3 Coffee,from: 2:Bell, 1:Caps, 2:Cham, 1:Cocc, 2:Coff-t, 1:Dig, 1:Digin, 1:Lup, 1:Merc, 1:Nux-v,

3 Coffee amel.: 1:Aran-ix, 1:Ars, 1:Bell, 1:Coff,

3 Coition,during: 1:Aeth, 2:Ambr, 1:Arund, 1:Asaf, 1:Con, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Kali-c, 1:Sep, 2:Staph,

3 Coition,on attempting,or caused by: 1:Ambr,

3 Coition,after: 1:Asaf, 2:Cedr, 2:Dig, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Petr, 1:Tarent,

3 Coition,toward end of: 2:Staph,

3 Coition amel.: 1:Merc,

3 Coition,desire for: 1:Nat-c,

3 Cold feeling,with: 2:Ars,

3 Cold,after taking: 1:Acon, 1:Aran-

ix, 1:Ars, 1:Arund, 2:Bell, 2:Bry, 1:Caust, 1:Cham, 1:Chin, 2:Cycl, 1:Dulc, 2:Gins, 1:Ip, 2:Kali-i, 1:Kali-

m, 1:Lob, 1:Lyc, 1:Morg-g, 1:Nux-m, 2:Nux-v, 1:Op, 1:Podo, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Samb, 1:Spong, 1:Stann, 2:Staph,

3 Cold agg.: 1:Caust, 1:Gins, 1:Kali-m, 1:Lob, 1:Lyc, 1:Puls,

3 Cold amel.: 1:Aur-m,

3 Cold from,in summer: 2:Dulc,

3 Cold drinks: 3:ARS, 1:Dig, 1:Elaps, 2:Hep, 1:Lyc, 1:Merc, 2:Psor, 2:Samb, 2:Sil, 1:Thuj,

4 Cold water: 1:Agar, 3:ARS, 1:Kreos, 2:Lim, 2:Lyc,

3 Cold water amel.: 1:Bry, 1:Cham, 2:Cupr, 1:Led,

3 Cold water,when heated,after: 2:Kali-c, 1:Samb,

3 Cold drinks amel.: 1:Lac-c,

3 Cold air: 2:Rumx, 1:Samb, 1:Seneg,

3 Cold air amel.: 1:Cham, 1:Merc, 1:Ptel,

3 Coldness: 2:Act-sp, 2:Ars, 1:Bry, 1:Carb-v, 1:Petr, 1:Puls,

4 Dry weather: 1:Caust,

4 Foggy weather: 1:Kali-c,

4 Summer,in: 1:Dulc,

4 Room,going into: 1:Sang,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Weather: 1:Agar, 1:Ammc, 1:Apis, 1:Apoc, 1:Arg-n, 1:Calc-ar, 1:Caust, 1:Euph, 1:Mag-

p, 1:Phel, 1:Stram,

4 Weather amel.: 1:Meph,

4 Wet weather: 2:Ant-t, 1:Aran, 1:Ars, 2:Calc-s, 1:Cham, 1:Cur, 2:Dulc, 1:Kali-bi, 2:Mang, 1:Ol-

j, 1:Penic, 2:Sil, 1:Stict,

3 Cold things: 3:ARS, 1:Bad, 1:Carb-an, 1:Elaps, 3:HEP,

3 Congestion in chest: 3:ACON, 1:Am-c, 2:Aur, 3:BELL, 1:Calc, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Cupr, 1:Ferr, 2:Merc, 3:NUX-V, 3:PHOS, 1:Puls, 2:Spong, 2:Sulph,

3 Company,in: 1:Arg-n,

3 Congestive: 1:Cact,

3 Congestion of blood to chest: 1:Nux-v,

3 Constitution:
4 Debilitated anaemic subjects: 1:Eucal,

4 Emphysematous subjects: 3:ANT-T, 1:Ip,

4 Hysterical individuals & children: 1:Bell, 1:Cocc, 3:CROT-

H, 1:Hell, 3:LACH, 1:Mosch, 1:Naja, 1:Sars, 1:Spong,

4 Irritable lively blondes: 1:Phos,

4 Light haired persons: 1:Aur,

4 Scrofulous: 1:Asaf,

4 Young people with c/o chest and sleeplessness: 1:Kali-i,

4 Young people with general bronchial catarrh: 2:Nat-s,

3 Constipation: 1:Lyc,

3 Contraction of chest: 1:Lach,

3 Constriction of larynx: 3:APIS, 1:Bell, 1:Cocc, 2:Crot-h, 1:Hell, 3:LACH, 1:Sars, 1:Spong,

3 Constriction of trachea: 1:Petr,

3 Continuous for years: 1:Nat-s,

3 Convulsions,during: 2:Cupr, 2:Lyss, 2:Op, 1:Stry, 1:Tab, 1:Tanac,

3 Convulsions,tetanic: 1:Mill,

3 Convulsion,after: 1:Cocc,

3 Convulsion of diaphragm: 2:Plb,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Coryza,fluent,suppression of: 2:Samb,

3 Copper fumes of: 1:Ars, 1:Cham, 3:HEP, 2:Ip, 1:Merc,

3 Coryza,after: 1:Ant-t, 2:Ars, 1:Carb-v, 3:CHAM,

3 Corrosive exhalations: 1:Lact,

3 Cough,with: 1:Acon, 1:All-s, 3:ALUM, 1:Am-c, 1:Am-m, 1:Anac, 3:ANT-T, 1:Aral, 1:Arn, 3:ARS, 2:Ars-

i, 1:Aspar, 1:Bar-c, 1:Bar-m, 2:Bell, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Calad, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-p, 1:Calc-s, 2:Carb-

v, 2:Caust, 1:Chin, 1:Chin-ar, 2:Cina, 1:Coc-c, 1:Con, 1:Cor-r, 3:CUPR, 1:Dig, 1:Dol, 3:DROS, 1:Eup-

per, 1:Euphr, 2:Ferr, 1:Ferr-ar, 1:Ferr-p, 1:Guai, 2:Hep, 1:Hydr-ac, 1:Ign, 3:IP, 1:Just, 1:Kali-ar, 2:Kali-

bi, 1:Kali-c, 2:Kali-s, 2:Kreos, 1:Lac-c, 2:Lach, 1:Lact, 1:Laur, 1:Led, 1:Lob, 1:Lob-

s, 2:Lyc, 1:Merc, 1:Mez, 1:Mur-ac, 1:Nat-m, 2:Nat-s, 1:Nicc, 1:Nit-ac, 2:Nux-m, 3:NUX-

V, 3:OP, 1:Phel, 3:PHOS, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Samb, 2:Sep, 2:Sil, 1:Spig, 1:Spong, 1:Squil, 3:STANN, 1:Sul-

ac, 1:Sulph, 1:Viol-o, 1:Zinc, 1:Zing,

3 Cough,before: 1:Coc-c, 1:Led,

3 Cough,beginning to: 1:Anac, 1:Bry,

3 Cough,after: 1:Ars, 1:Ferr, 1:Merc,

3 Coughing: 1:Ant-t, 2:Ars, 1:Arum-t, 1:Asar, 1:Aur, 1:Bad, 2:Bar-c, 2:Bell, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Calc, 1:Cann-

s, 1:Cina, 1:Cocc, 2:Con, 3:CUPR, 1:Dig, 3:DROS, 1:Ferr, 2:Ferr-p, 1:Iber, 2:Ign, 2:Ip, 1:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-

c, 1:Kreos, 1:Lach, 1:Led, 1:Lyc, 2:Meph, 1:Merc, 1:Mez, 1:Mosch, 1:Nicc, 2:Nux-

v, 1:Op, 1:Osm, 1:Petr, 2:Ph-ac, 2:Phos, 3:PSOR, 3:PULS, 2:Rhus-

t, 1:Sil, 1:Spig, 1:Squil, 1:Tarent, 2:Verat,

3 Cough,whooping: 2:Brom, 1:Carb-v, 1:Cupr, 2:Dros, 1:Hep, 1:Stann,

3 Cough,successful,amel.: 1:Caps,

3 Covering nose or mouth: 2:Arg-n, 2:Lach,

3 Covering till head amel.: 1:Rumx,

4 Uncovering agg.: 1:Samb,

3 Crowded room: 2:Arg-n,

3 Crowded room amel.: 1:Med, 1:Sars,

3 Crying: 1:Hep, 1:Tarent,

3 Dampness: 1:Bar-c, 1:Caps, 1:Cupr, 1:Kali-bi, 2:Nat-s, 1:Ol-j, 1:Sabal,

3 Dancing,after: 1:Spong,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Dark,in the: 1:Aeth, 1:Grin,

3 Dark and solitude: 1:Stram,

3 Daytime: 1:Chel,

3 Deep breath: 1:Am-m, 1:Arg-n, 1:Card-m, 1:Mag-s, 1:Phos, 1:Sulph,

3 Deep breath amel.: 1:Aur-m, 2:Cann-i, 1:Caps, 1:Stann,

3 Delirium furious: 2:Hyos,

3 Debilitated anaemic subjects: 1:Eucal,

3 Depletion,after: 1:Chin, 1:Ign, 1:Ip, 1:Op,

3 Dentition,during: 1:Cham,

3 Descending: 2:Bor, 1:Stann,

3 Descending stairs: 1:Aml-n, 1:Ran-b,

3 Dinner,after: 1:Arg-n, 1:Chel, 1:Kali-cy, 1:Lob-s, 1:Nat-m, 2:Nux-v, 1:Ol-

an, 1:Phel, 1:Phos, 2:Puls, 1:Sars,

3 Dinner during amel.: 1:Anac,

3 Dinner,late: 1:Nux-v,

3 Discolouration,bluish,with: 2:Stram, 1:Tab,

3 Disease of distant parts not involved breathing: 1:Puls,

3 Diseased condition of liver: 1:Podo,

3 Discharges,free,amel.: 3:ANT-T, 1:Camph, 2:Lach, 1:Mill, 1:Sulfa,

3 Discharge,chronic,suppressed: 1:Sulph,

3 Discharge,appearance of,amel.: 3:ZINC,

3 Dreams,during: 1:Sang,

3 Downstairs,going,agg.: 1:Aml-n, 1:Lob, 1:Ran-b,

3 Dreams,frightful,after: 2:Chel,

3 Dreams,lascivious,after: 2:Staph,

3 Dreams,waking from frightful,anxious dreams: 1:Nux-v,

3 Draughts: 1:Bac, 1:Kali-c, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ol-j,

3 Dressing,while: 2:Stann,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Drink cold amel.: 1:Anac, 2:Arg-

n, 1:Arn, 1:Bell, 2:Bry, 2:Chin, 2:Cimx, 1:Cocc, 1:Euphr, 1:Gins, 1:Hyos, 1:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-c, 1:Kali-

n, 1:Meph, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nux-v, 1:Plb, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Squil, 1:Thuj, 1:Verat,

3 Drink cold agg.: 1:Verat,

3 Drinking ice water or wine: 1:Meph,

3 Drinking,when: 1:Acon, 1:Anac, 2:Arg-n, 1:Bell, 1:Bry, 2:Cimx, 1:Gins, 2:Kali-c, 1:Kali-n, 1:Meph, 1:Nat-

m, 1:Plb, 1:Squil, 1:Thuj,

3 Drinking,after: 1:Arg-n, 1:Hyos, 1:Merc, 1:Nux-v, 1:Phos, 1:Pop-c, 1:Thuj,

4 Drinking amel.: 1:Cupr, 2:Lach,

4 Warm coca amel.: 1:Spong,

3 Drinks,cold: 1:Verat,

3 Drinks hot amel.: 1:Verat,

3 Drinks,warm: 2:Apis, 1:Sec, 1:Spig,

3 Drinks,warm,amel.: 3:ARS, 2:Ars-i, 2:Hep, 1:Lyc, 2:Sil,

3 Driving,while: 1:Sep,

3 Dry weather: 1:Cham,

3 Dry weather amel.: 2:Dulc, 1:Nux-m, 1:Penic,

3 Dryness of the mouth: 1:Calc-s,

3 Dust,as from: 3:ARS, 1:Aur-m, 1:Bell, 2:Brom, 2:Calc, 1:Cycl, 2:Hep, 1:Ip, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Phos, 3:SIL, 1:Sulph,

3 Dust agg.: 2:Ars, 1:Bell, 1:Brom, 1:Calc, 1:Ictod, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-c, 1:Puls,

3 Dust of stones,inhalation of: 1:Ars, 1:Bell, 3:CALC, 1:Chin, 2:Hep, 1:Nux-v, 1:Phos, 3:SIL, 2:Sulph,

3 Drunkards: 1:Ars, 1:Meph,

3 Dwarfish persons,in: 1:Bar-c,

4 Eating,before: 1:Chin, 1:Cocc, 1:Sabad,

4 Eating,while: 1:Bry, 1:Lach, 1:Mag-m, 1:Tril,

3 Ears tinnitus: 1:Nux-v, 2:Puls,

3 Eating quickly whatever is on hand,amel.: 1:Graph,

3 Eating,not,regular meals,amel.: 1:Graph, 1:Nat-m,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Eating,after: 2:Anac, 1:Ant-ar, 1:Ant-c, 1:Apoc, 1:Arn, 1:Ars, 2:Asaf, 1:Asc-

t, 2:Aur, 1:Bry, 1:Calad, 1:Calc, 1:Caps, 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-

v, 1:Cham, 1:Chel, 1:Chin, 1:Cocc, 1:Dig, 1:Ferr-m, 1:Hydr-ac, 1:Hyos, 1:Ign, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Kali-

m, 1:Kali-p, 3:LACH, 2:Mag-m, 1:Merc, 1:Morph, 1:Nat-c, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nat-s, 2:Nux-m, 2:Nux-

v, 1:Petr, 3:PHOS, 1:Pop-c, 3:PULS, 1:Ran-b, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Ruta, 1:Sang, 1:Sanic, 1:Sars, 2:Sil, 2:Sulph, 1:Syph, 1:Thuj, 1:Verat, 1:Viol-t, 1:Zinc,

3 Eating after,amel.: 1:Cedr, 1:Chin-ar, 2:Graph, 1:Iber, 1:Iod, 2:Spong, 1:Wye,

3 Eating cold food: 1:Lyc,

3 Eating very warm food: 1:Lob,

3 Eating least: 1:Phos,

3 Eating little,amel.: 1:Lob,

3 Eating breakfast amel.: 1:Alumn, 1:Phyt,

3 Eating satisfying meal (overeating): 1:Asaf,

3 Eating light meal,after: 1:Apoc,

3 Eating moderate meal,after: 1:Kali-p,

3 Effort,on: 1:Levo, 1:Ph-ac,

3 Egg,agg.: 1:Ferr, 1:Ferr-m,

3 Electric shock,after: 1:Morph,

3 Emission,after: 2:Phos, 3:STAPH,

3 Emotions,after: 2:Acon, 1:Ambr, 1:Arg-n, 1:Ars, 1:Cham, 2:Coff, 1:Cupr, 1:Ferr, 1:Gels, 1:Ign, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Phos, 2:Puls, 1:Verat,

3 Emotions,depressing: 2:Nat-s, 1:Nux-m, 1:Penic, 1:Ph-ac,

3 Emphysema,in: 1:Am-c, 2:Ant-t, 2:Carb-v, 2:Ip,

3 Empty stomach: 1:Chin-ar,

3 Empty stomach amel.: 1:Dig, 2:Nat-m,

3 Enlargement of tonsils: 1:Bar-c,

3 Entering a room where scallops were being opened: 1:Pect,

3 Epilepsy: 1:Cit-v,

3 Eructations amel.: 1:Ambr, 1:Aran-ix, 1:Asaf, 2:Aur, 3:CARB-V, 2:Nux-v, 1:Petr,

3 Eruptive diseases,with: 2:Apis,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Eruptions,suppressed: 1:Carb-v, 2:Hep, 1:Ip, 2:Psor, 2:Sulph,

3 Eruptions,appearance of,amel.: 1:Zinc,

3 Excitement agg.: 1:Ambr, 1:Aml-n, 1:Arg-n, 1:Ars, 2:Coc-c, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Ferr, 2:Lyc, 2:Puls, 2:Sep,

3 Excitement,physical: 1:Aml-n,

3 Exercise agg.: 1:Apis, 1:Coc-c, 1:Iod, 1:Ip, 1:Laur, 1:Lycps, 1:Nux-v, 1:Stann,

3 Exercise of arms amel.: 1:Nat-m,

3 Exertion,after: 1:Aconin, 1:Am-c, 1:Am-m, 1:Aml-n, 2:Apis, 2:Arg-n, 3:ARS, 2:Ars-i, 1:Asaf, 2:Aur-

m, 1:Benz-ac, 1:Bor, 1:Bov, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 3:CALC, 1:Calc-ar, 2:Camph, 1:Cann-i, 2:Carb-v, 1:Carbn-

s, 2:Cench, 1:Cimic, 1:Coc-c, 3:COCA, 1:Colch, 1:Con, 1:Cupr, 2:Dig, 1:Dirc, 1:Ferr, 2:Ferr-

m, 1:Gua, 1:Iber, 1:Iod, 3:IP, 2:Kali-ar, 2:Kali-c, 2:Kali-i, 3:LACH, 2:Laur, 2:Led, 3:LOB, 1:Lob-

s, 3:LYC, 3:LYCPS, 2:Merc, 1:Mill, 1:Nat-ar, 3:NAT-M, 2:Nat-s, 2:Nit-ac, 2:Nux-m, 2:Nux-v, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Ph-

ac, 2:Phos, 1:Pulm, 2:Puls, 1:Rat, 1:Rumx, 1:Sars, 1:Sep, 2:Sil, 1:Solid, 2:Spig, 3:SPONG, 1:Squil, 2:Stan

n, 2:Staph, 2:Sulph, 1:Ter, 1:Tub, 2:Verat, 1:Wye,

3 Exertion least: 1:Bry,

3 Exertion with hands and arms: 1:Am-m, 1:Bov, 3:LACH, 2:Nat-m, 2:Nit-ac, 2:Sil,

3 Exertion,mental: 1:Acon, 1:Phos, 1:Sep,

3 Exertion,mental,amel.: 1:Ferr, 2:Kali-br,

3 Expansion,full,of lungs impossible: 1:Abies-n, 1:Mang, 1:Phos,

3 Expectoration amel.: 1:Ail, 1:Ant-ar, 3:ANT-

T, 1:Apis, 1:Aral, 2:Ars, 1:Bry, 2:Cact, 1:Calad, 1:Caps, 1:Cedr, 2:Grin, 1:Guai, 1:Hyper, 1:Ip, 1:Manc, 1:Nit

-ac, 2:Sep, 2:Zinc,

3 Expectoration checked,after: 2:Sep,

3 Expectoration of large lumpy mucus: 1:Sanic,

3 Expectoration,stoppage of: 1:Zinc,

3 Expectoration purulent amel.: 1:Nat-c,

3 Expectoration,without: 1:Cupr, 1:Rhus-t,

3 Expiration: 1:Am-c, 2:Arg-

m, 1:Ars, 2:Caust, 3:CHLOR, 2:Ip, 2:Med, 2:Meph, 1:Puls, 3:SAMB, 1:Seneg,

4 Absolutely obstructed: 1:Chlor,

4 Almost impossible: 1:Meph,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Barking: 1:Meph,

4 Bellowing (pneumonia): 1:Ant-t,

4 Blowing: 1:Lach,

4 Crowing or barking: 1:Ant-t,

3 Cough during: 1:Meph,

4 Difficult: 1:Arg-m, 1:Ars, 1:Chlor, 1:Ip, 1:Puls,

4 Difficult in asthma: 1:Ars, 1:Chlor, 1:Ip, 1:Puls,

5 During sleep: 1:Cinch, 1:Nux-v,

4 Deep: 1:Lob-s,

4 Difficult,cough,during: 3:ANT-T, 2:Brom, 2:Chel, 2:Iod, 3:LYC, 1:Meph, 1:Merc-i-f, 2:Phos,

4 Expired,air,cold: 1:Chin-s,

4 Fine in tone like high falsetto: 1:Ars, 1:Meph, 1:Nux-m, 2:Nux-v, 1:Sang,

4 Frequent deep sighing: 1:Lac-ac,

4 Groaning: 1:Lyss,

4 Grunting: 1:Lyc,

5 In coma: 1:Cinch,

4 Insufficient as if air cells hardly half empty: 1:Chlor,

4 Interrupted: 1:Ars,

4 Long: 1:Ant-t, 1:Cham, 1:Chlor, 1:Lob, 1:Op,

4 Loud rattling in trachea: 1:Calc,

4 Loud whistling rales,heart pulse,slow feeble: 2:Chlor,

4 Painful with dyspnoea: 1:Viol-t,

4 Quick: 1:Arn, 1:Cham, 2:Ign, 2:Stram,

4 Rattling in threatened paralysis of lungs: 1:Calc,

4 Rapid: 2:Ign, 1:Spong,

4 Sawing in croup: 1:Kaol,

4 Short: 1:Cast,

4 Sighing: 1:Carb-ac, 1:Chlor, 1:Lyss,

4 Slow: 1:Ant-t, 1:Arn, 1:Op,

4 Slow wheezing: 1:Pyrog, 1:Sep, 1:Spong, 1:Sul-ac, 1:Zinc,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Snoring: 1:Camph,

4 Sound like a sigh (spasmus glottidis): 1:Verat,

4 Spongy sound (asthma): 1:Caps,

4 Sudden forcible: 1:Gels,

4 Suffocative feeling: 1:Meph,

4 Wheezing,rattling,with retraction of epigastrium: 1:Op,

4 Whistling in asthma: 1:Ars,

4 With cough: 1:Samb,

3 Expulsion of gas from above or below amel.: 1:Aran-ix,

3 Fan like motion of alae nasae: 1:Ammc,

3 Fanned,wants to be: 3:ANT-T, 1:Apis, 3:ARS-I, 2:Cann-i, 3:CARB-

V, 1:Chin, 1:Chlol, 2:Ferr, 1:Hist, 2:Lach, 2:Med, 1:Sulph,

3 Fanning from distance amel.: 2:Carb-v,

3 Fanning from distance and slowly amel.: 1:Lach,

3 Fatigue,after: 1:Ars,

3 Fever,during: 1:Conv,

3 Flatulence,from: 1:Ars, 1:Caps, 3:CARB-V, 1:Cast, 1:Cham, 2:Chin, 1:Hep, 2:Lyc, 1:Mag-p, 2:Nat-

c, 2:Nat-s, 3:NUX-V, 1:Ol-an, 1:Op, 1:Osm, 1:Phos, 1:Sang, 1:Sulph, 1:Verat, 2:Zinc,

3 Flowers of first hot weather: 1:Sang,

3 Flatus,accumulation of: 2:Carb-v, 1:Cham,

3 Flatus,passing of,upwards and downwards,amel.: 1:Sang, 1:Ter,

3 Foggy weather: 1:Bry,

3 Food which disagrees: 1:Cina,

3 Food,least: 1:Kali-p,

3 Foreign bodies: 1:Ant-t,

3 Formication,preceded by: 1:Cist, 1:Lob,

3 Fright,after: 2:Acon, 2:Cupr, 2:Samb,

3 Frightful dreams,after: 1:Chel,

3 Frost: 1:Syc-co,

3 Fruits: 1:Elaps, 1:Puls,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Fullness of stomach: 1:Nux-m,

3 Fumes of arsenic or copper: 1:Merc, 1:Nux-v,

3 Grief,repeated: 2:Ign,

3 Handkerchief,cannot bear to approach the mouth: 2:Arg-n, 2:Lach,

4 Before face: 1:Cupr,

3 Hang down,legs,amel.: 2:Sul-ac,

3 Hand,pressure of: 1:Ph-ac,

3 Hard pressure amel.: 2:Mag-p,

3 Headache,during: 1:Ferr,

3 Heart,during pain in: 2:Arg-n, 2:Aur, 2:Cact, 1:Cimic, 1:Kalm, 2:Psor, 1:Sep, 2:Spig, 2:Spong, 2:Tarent,

3 Complaints of urinary troubles: 3:LAUR, 1:Lycps,

3 Complaints of ovarian troubles: 3:TARENT,

3 Heat,because of: 1:Ambr, 1:Con, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Fl-ac, 1:Gua, 1:Hist, 1:Ign, 1:Kali-s, 1:Laur, 1:Morg-

g, 1:Pitu-gl,

3 Heat amel.: 2:Ars, 1:Benz-ac, 1:Caps, 1:Gins, 1:Hep, 1:Mag-p, 1:Podo,

3 Heat,with: 1:Aeth, 1:Anac, 3:APIS, 1:Arn, 1:Ars, 2:Cact, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Chel, 1:Cimx, 1:Cina, 1:Cinnb, 1:Con, 3:KALI-C, 2:Lach, 1:Nat-m, 1:Phos, 2:Sep, 2:Sil, 2:Tub, 1:Zinc,

3 Heat of bed: 1:Dros, 2:Merc,

3 Heat,during: 1:Sabad,

3 Heat especially of sun agg.: 1:Acon, 1:Psor,

3 Heat of stove agg.: 1:Psor,

3 Heated,when overheated: 1:Acon, 3:APIS,

3 Heaviness in left lung: 1:Ferr,

3 Herpes suppressed,after: 1:Psor,

3 High altitude: 1:Coca,

3 Hives,after: 1:Apis,

3 Holding firmly to something amel.: 1:Graph,

3 Hot room hot weather: 1:Croc,

3 Hot damp application amel.: 1:Paraph,

3 Hot covering amel.: 1:Hep,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Hour,same,each day: 2:Cedr, 1:Chin-ar,

3 Humid heat: 1:Bapt, 2:Caust, 1:Cham, 1:Cocc, 1:Coff, 1:Con, 1:Conv, 1:Cor-r, 1:Cupr,
Hysterical: 1:Acon, 1:Ars, 1:Asaf, 1:Aur, 2:Bell, 1:Caust, 1:Cham, 3:COFF, 1:Con, 1:Cupr, 2:Gels, 2:Ign,

1:Ip, 1:Lach, 2:Lob, 2:Mosch, 1:Nux-m, 3:NUX-V, 2:Phos, 2:Puls, 1:Stann, 2:Stram, 1:Sulph,

3 Hurried if: 1:Caust,

3 Ice creams: 3:ARS, 1:Dulc, 2:Hep, 2:Puls,

3 Ice water: 3:ARS, 2:Hep, 1:Meph, 2:Sil,

3 Impure breath: 1:Cist,

3 Infants: 1:V-a-b,

3 Inhaling acrid vapours: 1:Cupr,

3 Coal dust: 1:Nat-ar,

3 Inspiration: 2:Acon, 1:Apis, 1:Aral, 2:Arg-

n, 1:Arn, 2:Ars, 1:Asaf, 1:Aur, 1:Bell, 1:Bor, 2:Brom, 2:Bry, 1:Calad, 2:Calc, 1:Caps, 3:CAUST, 1:Chel, 1:C

hin, 2:Chlol, 1:Chlor, 2:Cina, 1:Croc, 1:Croto-t, 1:Euphr, 2:Ferr, 1:Hyos, 2:Ign, 2:Iod, 1:Kali-c, 1:Mag-

c, 1:Mag-s, 1:Meph, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Nat-c, 1:Nit-ac, 2:Nux-

m, 2:Phos, 1:Plb, 1:Puls, 3:SAMB, 1:Spong, 1:Squil, 1:Zinc, 1:Zing,

4 Asthma, miller's, seem to be suspended in child: 2:Op,

4 Asthma thymicum in: 2:Samb,

4 Bronchitis in: 2:Phos,

4 Crowing: 1:Cor-r,

4 Deep: 1:Ars, 1:Bor, 2:Cast, 1:Hist, 1:Iod, 2:Kali-c, 1:Lob-s, 1:Phel, 1:Scroph-n,

4 Deep amel.: 1:Aur, 1:Chel, 1:Led, 1:Osm, 1:Podo, 1:Sang, 1:Seneg,

4 Forcible: 2:Brom,

4 Full: 1:Stann,

4 Full amel.: 1:Kreos,

4 Gasping: 2:Ant-t,

4 Mouth,with open,amel.: 1:Squil,

4 Noisy sibilant rales mostly on left side: 2:Caps,

4 Wheezing: 2:Caps,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Whistling: 2:Cinch, 2:Hep, 2:Kali-c, 2:Lyc, 2:Spong,

4 Painful: 2:Cinch,

4 Quick: 2:Arn, 2:Ars,

4 Rapid: 1:Chin, 1:Ign, 2:Kali-c, 2:Meph, 2:Nux-m, 1:Nux-v, 2:Sang,

4 Short: 2:Coff, 1:Lob, 2:Op,

4 Shorter than expiration: 1:Camph, 1:Lob,

4 Short easy: 2:Sep,

4 Slow: 2:Cast, 2:Cham, 2:Ign, 1:Stram,

4 Slow expiration rapid inspiration: 1:Cham,

4 Grows less rapid until they cease,then spasms: 1:Valer,

4 Expiration rapid: 1:Cham, 1:Chin, 2:Ign, 2:Kali-c, 1:Meph, 2:Nux-m, 1:Nux-v, 2:Sang,

4 Spasmodic resembling panting of dog,by diaphragm: 1:Valer,

4 Violent in asthma, millars: 2:Arum-d,

4 Undulating during attack: 2:Iod,

3 Joy: 1:Coff,

3 Knee chest position amel.: 2:Kali-c, 2:Med,

3 Kink in the back: 1:Acon, 1:Ferr-p,

3 Labour,during: 1:Lob, 1:Lob-s,

3 Larynx,stitches in: 1:Hydr-ac,

3 Laughing: 2:Ars, 1:Aur, 2:Bry, 1:Cupr, 1:Iber, 1:Lach, 1:Lyc, 1:Manc, 1:Plb, 1:Psor,

3 Laying right thigh across left: 1:Aur,

3 Leaning forward: 1:Sul-i,

3 Leaning forward with head on table or knees amel.: 3:KALI-C, 3:MED,

3 Leaning head backwards amel.: 1:Term-c,

3 Left side: 1:Ant-ar,

3 Lifting: 2:Calc, 3:RHUS-T, 2:Sulph,

3 Lifting arms: 1:Pop-c,

3 Lips red: 1:Spig,

3 Liver,from stitches in: 1:Acon, 1:Con, 1:Ran-b, 1:Sep,

3 Looking up and to the right side: 1:Gins,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Loosening clothes amel.: 3:LACH, 1:Stann,

3 Lumbar pains,with: 3:NUX-V, 2:Puls, 1:Sel,

3 Lung,from heaviness in left: 1:Ferr,

3 Lungs,upper part: 1:Ammc, 1:Apis,

3 Lungs,lower part: 1:Cann-s, 1:Levo, 1:Lob-s,

3 Lungs,upper left: 1:Ant-ar, 1:Ant-s,

3 Lungs,left: 1:Aral, 1:Cop, 1:Phos,

3 Lung,base of left: 1:Asc-t,

3 Lungs cannot expand the: 2:Croto-t,

3 Lying,while: 1:Abies-n, 1:Acet-ac, 1:Acon, 1:Act-sp, 2:Ant-ar, 2:Ant-

t, 1:Antipyrin, 3:APIS, 1:Apoc, 1:Aral, 1:Aran, 3:ARS, 2:Ars-i, 1:Asaf, 2:Aur, 2:Bapt, 1:Bar-

m, 1:Bell, 2:Blatta, 1:Bor, 1:Brom, 1:Bufo, 1:Cact, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-s, 2:Cann-s, 3:CARB-V, 1:Carbn-

s, 1:Cast, 1:Caust, 1:Cedr, 1:Cench, 1:Cham, 2:Chin, 1:Chin-ar, 1:Chlol, 1:Chlor, 1:Cist, 1:Coc-

c, 1:Colch, 1:Coll, 1:Con, 1:Croc, 2:Croto-t, 2:Dig, 1:Euph, 1:Euphr, 2:Fel, 2:Ferr, 2:Ferr-ar, 1:Ferr-p, 1:Fl-

ac, 3:GRAPH, 1:Grin, 2:Ham, 1:Hell, 2:Hep, 1:Hyos, 2:Ip, 2:Kali-ar, 2:Kali-bi, 3:KALI-C, 2:Kali-n, 1:Kali-

s, 1:Kreos, 2:Lac-c, 2:Lach, 1:Lact, 3:LOB, 2:Lob-s, 2:Lyc, 2:Mag-p, 2:Meph, 2:Merc, 2:Naja, 1:Nat-

m, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Olnd, 1:Phel, 2:Phos, 2:Plb, 1:Podo, 2:Puls, 1:Rumx, 2:Samb, 1:Sang, 1:Sars, 2:Seneg, 2:Sep, 2:Sil,

2:Spig, 2:Spong, 1:Stann, 1:Staph, 1:Stict, 2:Sulph, 1:Syph, 1:Tarax, 2:Tarent, 1:Tell, 1:Ter, 3:TUB, 1:Vera

t-v, 1:Zinc, 1:Zing,

4 Lying,while,amel.: 1:Bry, 2:Calc-p, 2:Chel, 1:Conv, 1:Cupr, 2:Dig, 1:Euphr, 2:Hell, 1:Kali-

bi, 2:Laur, 1:Mang, 1:Nat-s, 2:Nux-v, 3:PSOR, 1:Sabad,

4 Lying,abdomen,on,amel.: 1:Acet-ac, 1:Bar-c, 1:Cina,

4 Lying,affected side,on,agg.: 1:Anac, 1:Ant-t,

4 Lying,while,bed,on,assuming horizontal position: 1:Euphr,

4 Lying,while,enlargement of the tonsils,from: 1:Bar-c,

4 Lying,while,feather pillow or bed,on: 1:Mang,

4 Lying flat: 1:Pect,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Lying,head low,with the: 1:Ant-t, 3:APIS, 3:CACT, 1:Caps, 2:Carb-

v, 2:Chin, 1:Colch, 1:Con, 1:Cop, 1:Eup-per, 2:Hep, 3:KALI-C, 1:Kali-n, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Puls, 1:Rumx, 1:Sin-

n, 2:Spig, 2:Spong,

4 Lying,while,head high,with the: 1:Lach,

4 Lying,while,head very high,amel.: 1:Cann-i, 1:Caps, 2:Chin, 2:Kali-n, 2:Puls, 2:Sep, 2:Spig,

4 Horizontal position: 1:Cact, 1:Dros,

4 Lying,horizontal position,on,amel.: 1:Bry, 1:Dig, 1:Nux-v, 3:PSOR,

4 Lying on the back: 1:Acet-

ac, 1:Aeth, 1:Agar, 1:Alum, 2:Ars, 2:Aur, 1:Cast, 1:Dig, 1:Dros, 2:Dulc, 2:Hyper, 2:Iod, 3:LYC, 1:Med, 1:Na

t-m, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ol-an, 2:Phos, 1:Ptel, 2:Puls, 2:Sil, 2:Spig, 1:Spong, 2:Sulph,

5 Lying on back amel.: 3:ACON, 1:Aeth, 1:Bor, 1:Bry, 3:CACT, 1:Dig, 1:Ign, 1:Ind, 1:Kali-

i, 2:Kalm, 2:Lyc, 1:Med, 2:Nat-m, 1:Nux-v, 1:Puls, 1:Stann, 1:Stry,

4 Lying on mother's arm with head thrown back amel.: 1:Hep,

5 Lying arms outstretched amel.: 2:Psor,

4 Lying with head and shoulders elevated amel.: 1:Eup-per,

5 Lying with shoulders elevated amel.: 3:CACT,

4 Lying on face bending forwards amel.: 3:MED,

4 Lying on knees and elbows amel.: 1:Med,

4 Lying on face amel.: 1:Hyper,

4 Lying on face and protruding tongue amel.: 2:Med,

4 Lying,head high,with: 1:Petr,

4 Lying horizontal position: 1:Arn,

4 Lying keeping arms wide apart amel.: 1:Kali-n, 1:Psor, 1:Spong,

4 Lying on the side: 1:Acon, 1:Arg-c, 2:Ars, 1:Bry, 1:Carb-

an, 1:Ign, 1:Plat, 2:Puls, 1:Sabad, 1:Sang, 1:Stroph, 1:Sulph,

4 Lying on the side amel.: 1:Alum, 1:Lyc, 2:Phos,

4 Lying,side,on affected: 1:Bor, 1:Calc, 1:Lyc, 1:Sabad, 1:Sulph,

4 Lying,side,on unaffected: 1:Stann,

4 Lying down,after: 1:Apis, 1:Podo, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Squil,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Lying on right side: 1:Acon, 1:Aral, 1:Bad, 2:Bry, 1:Cann-i, 1:Cast, 1:Caust, 1:Kali-

c, 1:Lycps, 1:Plb, 2:Ran-b, 1:Sang, 1:Spig, 1:Spong, 1:Squil, 1:Stroph, 1:Sulph, 1:Visc,

4 Lying right side amel.: 1:Ail, 1:Ammc, 2:Ant-t, 1:Colch, 1:Naja, 2:Spig,

4 Lying on right side with head high amel.: 1:Cact, 1:Spig, 2:Spong,

5 Going to sleep: 1:Bad,

4 Lying,right side,turning on: 1:Euph,

4 Lying,turning either side: 1:Scroph-n,

4 Lying left side: 1:Absin, 1:Acon, 1:Am-c, 1:Apis, 1:Bry, 1:Cact, 1:Cann-i, 1:Card-

m, 2:Hydr, 1:Iber, 1:Ind, 1:Ip, 2:Kali-c, 1:Med, 1:Merc, 1:Naja, 1:Nat-

s, 1:Pect, 2:Phos, 1:Plb, 1:Ptel, 2:Puls, 1:Rumx, 2:Spig, 1:Sulph, 2:Tab, 2:Tarent, 1:Visc,

4 Lying,while,turning on left side,sitting up,amel.: 1:Pect, 1:Phos, 1:Plb, 1:Ptel, 1:Puls, 1:Spig, 1:Sulph,

4 Lying first on left side agg.: 1:Acon, 1:Lac-c,

4 Lying left side amel.: 1:Cast, 1:Sulph,

4 Lying impossible: 1:Acon, 2:Ant-t, 3:APIS, 2:Apoc, 3:ARS, 2:Aur, 1:Bar-

m, 1:Bor, 1:Brom, 1:Bufo, 2:Cact, 1:Cann-s, 1:Chin, 2:Croto-t, 2:Hep, 2:Kali-c, 2:Lac-

c, 2:Lach, 2:Lyc, 2:Merc, 1:Nux-v, 2:Puls, 2:Seneg, 2:Sep, 1:Stann, 1:Staph, 2:Sulph, 2:Tab, 2:Ter, 2:Tub,

4 Lying and raising the trunk amel.: 1:Nux-v,

4 Lying,recumbent position,in: 1:Apoc, 1:Dig,

4 Lying,recumbent position,in,amel.: 1:Bry,

4 Lying in the evening: 1:Sil,

3 Malarial districts,in: 1:Nat-s,

3 Manual labour: 1:Am-m, 2:Bov, 2:Lach, 2:Nat-m, 2:Nit-ac, 2:Sil,

3 Meals,after: 1:Viol-o,

3 Meals amel.: 1:Valer,

3 Measles,during: 1:Kali-c,

3 Measles,after: 1:Brom, 1:Carb-v, 1:Cham,

3 Measles,from suppressed: 3:CHAM, 3:PULS, 2:Zinc,

3 Menopause: 1:Aml-n,

3 Menorrhagia from being suppressed: 1:Fl-ac,

3 Meditating,while: 1:Nux-v, 1:Phos,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Menses,before: 1:Arg-n, 1:Bor, 1:Brom, 2:Cupr, 1:Kali-c, 1:Nat-m, 2:Nat-s, 1:Phos, 1:Pop-

c, 1:Sec, 2:Sulph, 1:Thyr, 1:Verat, 3:ZINC,

3 Menses,deranged: 1:Bell, 1:Caul, 1:Cocc, 1:Cupr-n, 1:Merc, 1:Nux-v, 1:Phos, 2:Puls, 2:Sep, 1:Sulph,

3 Menses,during: 1:Arg-

n, 1:Cact, 2:Calc, 1:Chin, 1:Cimic, 1:Cocc, 2:Coloc, 1:Cupr, 1:Graph, 2:Ign, 2:Iod, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-

c, 1:Kreos, 2:Lach, 1:Laur, 1:Lyc, 1:Plat, 1:Puls, 1:Sec, 1:Sep, 3:SPONG, 1:Sulph, 1:Thyr, 1:Verat, 1:Zinc,

3 Menses,during,amel.: 2:Lach,

3 Menses,after: 2:Ferr, 1:Kreos, 2:Nat-m, 1:Nat-s, 2:Puls, 1:Spong,

3 Menses,after,amel.: 1:Lach, 1:Thyr, 1:Zinc,

3 Menses,scanty: 1:Arg-n, 1:Cupr, 1:Hypoth,

3 Menses,suppressed,with: 3:PULS, 1:Sang, 1:Spong,

3 Mental exertion: 1:Agn, 2:Bell, 3:CUPR, 1:Ferr, 2:Merc, 2:Nux-v, 1:Phos, 3:PULS, 1:Sep, 1:Sulph,

3 Mental distress: 1:Mag-c,

3 Mercury,after: 1:Aur, 1:Calc-i,

3 Milk: 1:Lac-d,

3 Midsummer: 1:Ars,

3 Miscarriages,after: 1:Lil-t,

3 Monsoon: 1:Mag-s,

3 Moon,new,agg.: 2:Alum, 2:Am-

c, 1:Arn, 1:Ars, 1:Bufo, 1:Calc, 3:CAUST, 3:CINA, 1:Croc, 3:CUPR, 2:Lyc, 1:Sabad, 3:SIL, 2:Thuj,

3 Moon,new and full,agg.: 1:Alum, 1:Croc, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Sil,

3 Moon,full,agg.: 2:Alum, 1:Arn, 1:Ars, 2:Bell, 1:Brom, 2:Calc, 1:Caust, 1:Chlor, 2:Cycl, 2:Fl-

ac, 2:Graph, 1:Kali-n, 2:Lyc, 1:Med, 2:Nat-c, 1:Psor, 1:Sabad, 2:Sep, 3:SIL, 2:Spong, 3:SULPH,

3 Moon,increasing and decreasing with: 2:Clem, 1:Phel,

3 Moon,waning,agg.: 1:Daph, 2:Dulc, 3:SULPH,

3 Moon,waxing,agg.: 1:Alum, 1:Chin, 1:Clem, 2:Cupr, 1:Lyc, 1:Staph, 3:THUJ,

3 Mortification,after: 1:Ars, 3:IGN, 1:Puls, 1:Ran-b, 2:Staph,

3 Motion: 1:Agar, 1:Anac, 2:Apis, 2:Arg-n, 1:Arn, 2:Ars, 1:Ars-

i, 1:Aspar, 1:Bapt, 1:Bell, 1:Bor, 3:BRY, 1:Cact, 1:Calc, 1:Cann-s, 1:Caps, 2:Carb-

v, 1:Chin, 1:Cocc, 1:Coff, 1:Colch, 2:Con, 1:Cupr, 1:Euph, 1:Ferr, 1:Ferr-i, 1:Ferr-

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

p, 1:Graph, 1:Hist, 1:Hyper, 1:Iber, 2:Ign, 1:Iod, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-ar, 2:Kali-c, 2:Kali-i, 1:Lac-

d, 1:Laur, 2:Led, 2:Lob, 1:Lob-s, 1:Lyc, 2:Mag-c, 1:Meph, 1:Merc, 1:Morph, 1:Mosch, 1:Mur-ac, 1:Nat-

m, 2:Nat-s, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Nux-m, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Penic, 1:Petr, 2:Phos, 1:Plb, 1:Psor, 1:Puls, 1:Ran-

b, 1:Rhod, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sabad, 1:Sars, 1:Seneg, 2:Sep, 1:Sin-

n, 2:Spig, 3:SPONG, 3:STANN, 1:Stict, 1:Stry, 1:Sulph, 2:Tarent, 1:Ter, 2:Verat, 1:Zinc,

4 Motion amel.: 1:Arn, 2:Aur, 1:Bell, 1:Brom, 1:Calc, 1:Coff, 3:FERR, 1:Kali-i, 1:Lob, 1:Mag-c, 1:Nat-

m, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Samb, 1:Seneg, 2:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Sulph, 1:Verat,

4 Motion,beginning of: 1:Euph, 1:Thuj,

4 Motion,continuous,amel.: 1:Coff,

4 Motion,downward: 1:Bor,

4 Motion in open air: 1:Coca, 1:Kali-s, 1:Lil-t, 1:Nicc,

5 Motion gentle amel.: 1:Carb-v, 1:Con, 1:Kali-n, 1:Psor,

4 Motion,least,slightest: 1:Acon, 1:Bry, 1:Con, 1:Merc, 1:Spong, 1:Stann,

4 Motion of arms: 2:Am-m, 3:LACH, 1:Laur, 1:Nat-m, 1:Spig, 1:Sulph,

4 Motion of arms when stooping: 1:Am-m,

4 Motion of arms and upper part of body amel.: 1:Napht,

5 Motion of arms amel.: 1:Napht, 1:Nat-m,

4 Motion of head: 1:Gels,

4 Motion,slow,agg.: 2:Sep,

4 Motion,slow,amel.: 1:Ferr-p,

3 Mouth,handkerchief approaching: 1:Lach,

3 Moving head in bed: 1:Spig,

3 Mucus in bronchi,from: 1:Cedr,

3 Mucus in larynx,from: 1:Cupr,

3 Mucus,dry,in trachea loosened with difficulty: 1:Plb,

3 Mucus in trachea,from: 1:Alum, 1:Ammc, 1:Ant-s, 3:ANT-T, 3:ARS, 1:Bar-

c, 1:Bell, 1:Blatta, 1:Bov, 1:Bry, 2:Cact, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-acet, 1:Calc-ar, 1:Camph, 1:Cann-s, 1:Carb-

an, 1:Cham, 1:Chin, 1:Cina, 1:Cocc, 1:Con, 1:Cupr, 1:Dulc, 1:Ferr, 1:Ferr-

i, 1:Graph, 1:Grin, 1:Hep, 3:HIPP, 2:Ip, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Lach, 1:Merc, 1:Morph, 1:Napht, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nux-


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

v, 1:Olnd, 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Rumx, 1:Sel, 1:Seneg, 1:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Stann, 1:Sul-

i, 1:Sulph, 1:Thuj, 1:Thyr, 1:Verat, 1:Zinc,

3 Music,sad,amel.: 1:Mang,

3 Neck,turning the: 3:BELL, 2:Hep, 3:SPONG,

3 Nervous,causes: 1:Coca,

3 Nose,felt in: 1:Kreos,

3 Nervous irritation: 1:Hist,

3 Noise,least: 1:Nux-v, 1:Stry,

3 Nose,felt in: 1:Kreos, 1:Lach, 1:Puls, 1:Sulph,

3 Obstruction in larynx and trachea: 1:Alum, 1:Lob, 1:Mang, 2:Spong, 1:Verb,

3 Occupation,mental and physical,amel.: 2:Kali-br,

3 Odour,caused by: 1:Agar, 1:Am-c, 1:Ambr, 1:Anac, 1:Arn, 1:Ars, 1:Aur, 1:Bapt, 1:Bar-

c, 1:Bell, 1:Bism, 1:Camph, 1:Caps, 1:Carb-an, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Cham, 1:Chin, 1:Coff, 1:Croc, 1:Hep, 1:Hyos, 2:Ign, 1:Iod, 1:Ip, 1:Rhus-t,

3 Odour,flowers,of: 1:Cina, 1:Croc, 1:Dros, 2:Dulc, 2:Ferr, 1:Graph, 1:Nat-m, 1:Ph-

ac, 2:Phos, 1:Sang, 1:Sars, 2:Sep, 1:Spig, 1:Stann, 1:Stram, 1:Zinc,

3 Oedema,pulmonary: 3:AM-C, 2:Carbn-s, 2:Ferr-i,

3 Old people: 1:Am-c, 1:Ambr, 1:Anis, 1:Ant-c, 3:ANT-T, 2:Ars, 1:Aur, 2:Bar-c, 1:Camph, 2:Carb-

v, 1:Caust, 2:Chin, 1:Chin-ar, 1:Cinch, 1:Con, 1:Dros, 1:Eucal, 1:Hippoz, 1:Hydrc, 1:Kali-

br, 1:Lycpr, 1:Phel, 1:Prot, 2:Psor, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Seneg,

3 Onions: 2:Lyc, 1:Thuj,

3 Open air: 1:Ferr, 1:Ferr-p, 1:Lycpr, 1:Olnd, 1:Phel, 1:Prot, 1:Psor, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Seneg,

3 Open air,desires to be in: 1:Calc-s, 1:Euphr, 1:Gels, 1:Glon, 1:Hecla, 2:Ip, 1:Kali-cy, 1:Lact, 1:Lob-

s, 2:Lyc, 1:Mang, 3:MED, 2:Merc-i-f, 1:Mosch, 1:Napht, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nat-s, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ol-

an, 2:Puls, 1:Sanic, 1:Sars, 1:Sep, 1:Stann, 1:Stram, 1:Tab, 1:Ter, 2:Tub,

3 Open,wants,doors: 3:APIS, 2:Arg-n, 1:Aspar, 1:Bapt, 2:Cann-s, 2:Carb-v, 2:Chel, 1:Chin-

ar, 1:Cist, 2:Dig, 2:Ip, 3:LACH, 2:Nat-s, 1:Plb, 3:PULS, 1:Sil, 3:SULPH,

4 Must sit by the window: 2:Cann-s, 2:Chel,

3 Open mouth with inspiration: 1:Acon, 1:Squil,

3 Outdoors: 1:Calc-ar, 1:Phyt,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Pains during: 3:ARS, 1:Berb, 1:Cact, 1:Caps, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Cham, 2:Cocc, 1:Con, 1:Glon, 1:Lach, 1:Lob, 1:Lyc, 3:NAT-M, 1:Nat-s, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Plb, 2:Puls, 2:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Staph, 1:Sulph, 1:Verat,

3 Pain with every labour: 1:Lob,

3 Pain in region of heart,with: 1:Kali-i,

3 Palpitation,during: 1:Am-c, 1:Ars-i, 3:AUR, 1:Brom, 2:Cact, 1:Cadm, 2:Calc, 1:Calc-ar, 2:Carb-

v, 2:Colch, 1:Grat, 1:Iod, 2:Kali-c, 1:Lach, 1:Nit-

ac, 1:Plb, 2:Psor, 1:Puls, 1:Sep, 2:Spig, 2:Spong, 1:Tab, 2:Verat, 1:Verat-v, 1:Viol-o,

3 Palpitation 11 to 3 a.m.: 1:Colch,

3 Palpitation,night,after lying down: 1:Syph,

3 Palpitation,night: 1:Tab, 1:Ter,

3 Periodic attacks: 1:All-s, 1:Alum, 2:Ars, 1:Asaf, 3:CACT, 2:Calc-p, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Chel, 1:Chin, 1:Colch, 1:Kali-c, 1:Nat-s, 1:Plb, 1:Sulph,

3 Periodic attacks seven days: 1:Sulph,

3 Periodic attacks every year: 1:Cact,

3 Perspiration: 2:Ars, 1:Arund, 1:Lach, 1:Nux-v, 2:Sep, 2:Sulph,

4 Perspiration amel.: 1:Hyper, 1:Nat-c, 1:Samb, 1:Term-c,

4 Perspiration checked: 1:Sil,

5 Perspiration checked amel.: 1:Hyper, 1:Samb,

4 Perspiration,anxious face and sleeplessness: 1:Eup-per,

3 Pneumonia,after: 2:Ant-t,

3 Pollen,inhaling: 1:Ars, 1:Ictod,

3 Pork,after: 1:Ip, 1:Nat-c, 1:Puls,

3 Position,quick change,amel.: 1:Bad, 1:Ign,

3 Posture,changing one to another: 1:Nux-v,

3 Position,any other,agg.: 2:Chin-ar,

3 Puberty,before: 1:Kali-i,

3 Pregnancy,during: 1:Apis, 1:Aur, 1:Kreos, 1:Lob, 1:Nux-m, 2:Puls, 1:Sang, 1:Sec, 2:Sep,

3 Pressing on spine: 2:Chin-s,

3 Pressure: 1:Calad,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Pressure amel.: 1:Hist, 2:Mag-p, 1:Stann,

4 Pressure of clothes: 1:Nux-m,

4 Pressure on sternum: 1:Ph-ac, 1:Phos, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Squil,

4 Pressure on chest: 1:Aur-m,

3 Quiet amel.: 1:Bry,

3 Raising up amel.: 1:Chin, 1:Kali-c, 1:Olnd, 1:Puls,

3 Raising arms: 3:BERB, 3:SPIG,

3 Raising arms above head: 1:Cupr,

3 Raising the head amel.: 1:Mang,

3 Raising trunk amel.: 1:Nux-v,

3 Reading,while: 1:Hell,

3 Reading aloud,while: 1:Ph-ac,

3 Reading amel.: 1:Ferr,

3 Recumbent position amel.: 1:Nux-v,

3 Rectal pain,from: 1:Nux-v,

3 Repose,during: 1:Seneg,

3 Rest: 1:Ars-i, 1:Caps, 1:Ferr, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Samb, 1:Seneg, 3:SIL,

3 Rest amel.: 1:Bapt, 2:Bry, 1:Cupr-ar, 1:Elaps, 1:Gins, 1:Lac-d, 1:Merc, 1:Nat-s, 1:Nux-m, 1:Nux-

v, 1:Thyr, 1:Verat,

3 Rest in recumbent position: 1:Thyr,

3 Retraction of shoulders amel.: 1:Am-c, 1:Ars, 2:Calc,

3 Rheumatism of heart: 2:Abrot, 2:Aur, 2:Cact, 1:Cimic, 2:Kalm, 2:Psor, 1:Sep, 2:Spong,

3 Riding,while: 1:Lyc, 1:Meph,

4 Riding,while,amel.: 2:Psor,

4 Riding on horseback agg.: 2:Meph,

3 Riding downhill: 1:Bor,

3 Rising,after: 1:Coc-c, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Lyc, 1:Puls, 1:Ran-b, 1:Sars, 1:Sulph,

4 Rising,on,amel.: 1:Olnd, 1:Samb,

4 Rising up in bed: 1:Laur, 1:Lyc, 1:Nat-c,

5 Rising up in bed amel.: 1:Grin, 1:Iod, 1:Ip, 1:Meph, 1:Samb,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Rising up in a chair amel.: 1:Rumx,

3 Rocking: 1:Bor,

3 Rocking amel.: 1:Ars, 2:Ferr, 2:Kali-c,

3 Rose,cold,after: 1:Sang,

3 Room,entering from cold to warm: 1:Acon-c,

3 Room,entering from warm to cold: 1:Acon-c,

3 Rubbing amel.: 1:Kali-m, 2:Mur-ac, 1:Petr, 1:Phos, 1:Plb, 2:Podo, 1:Sec,

3 Running,after: 1:Bor, 1:Hyos, 1:Ign, 1:Laur, 1:Sil, 1:Sul-i,

3 Running does not agg.,slow motion agg.: 2:Sep,

3 Sea air: 1:Nat-s,

3 Sea shore: 1:Ars, 1:Brom, 1:Nat-m,

3 Sea shore amel.: 1:Lyc, 2:Med, 1:Syc-co,

3 Secretions,excessive: 1:Hippoz,

3 Self-abuse: 1:Coca,

3 Seminal emissions: 1:Staph,

3 Sexual desire: 1:Nat-c,

3 Shock,after: 1:Acon,

3 Shoulders elevated: 1:Cact,

4 Shoulders elevated amel.: 1:Calc,

4 Shoulders,retraction of,amel.: 1:Calc,

3 Siesta,after,agg.: 1:Calad, 1:Calc-s,

3 Singing,when: 1:Arg-m,

3 Sitting: 1:Alum, 1:Alumn, 1:Anac, 1:Calc, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Caust, 1:Cedr, 1:Cic, 1:Dig, 1:Dros, 1:Euphr, 2:Ferr, 1:Ferr-m, 1:Fl-ac, 1:Gins, 1:Indg, 1:Kali-

c, 2:Lach, 2:Laur, 1:Led, 2:Lyc, 1:Nat-s, 1:Nicc, 1:Nux-v, 1:Petr, 2:Phos, 1:Plb, 2:Psor, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Sep, 1:Staph, 1:Stict, 1:Verat, 1:Zinc,

3 Sitting bent backwards: 1:Apis, 1:Psor,

4 Sitting bent backward amel.: 1:Aran-ix, 1:Cham, 1:Hep, 1:Kali-c,

3 Sitting bent forwards: 1:Alum, 1:Apis, 2:Ars, 1:Chlor, 1:Cupr, 1:Dig, 1:Ran-b, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sep,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Sitting bent forwards amel.: 2:Ars, 1:Bar-m, 1:Blatta, 1:Bufo, 1:Chin, 1:Chin-

ar, 1:Coch, 1:Colch, 1:Gels, 1:Hyos, 1:Iod, 1:Junc, 3:LACH, 2:Naja, 1:Op, 1:Pulm, 2:Spong,

3 Sitting bend forward lying on face amel.: 2:Med,

3 Sitting amel.: 1:Acon-f, 1:Ant-ar, 2:Ant-t, 2:Apis, 1:Apoc, 1:Aral, 1:Ars, 1:Ars-i, 1:Asaf, 1:Asc-

t, 1:Aspar, 1:Atro, 1:Bapt, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Cann-s, 1:Chel, 2:Croto-t, 1:Dig, 1:Hep, 1:Ip, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-

c, 1:Lact, 1:Merc-i-r, 1:Op, 1:Phel, 1:Samb, 1:Sang, 1:Tab, 1:Verat,

3 Sitting up must: 1:Ferr,

4 Sitting up head forwards amel.: 1:Bar-m,

3 Sitting at open window amel.: 2:Cann-s, 2:Chin-ar, 1:Cupr, 1:Squil,

3 Sitting bolstered up in bed amel.: 1:Cop,

3 Sitting erect: 1:Lach,

3 Sitting erect amel.: 1:Acon, 1:Alum, 1:Ant-t, 1:Apis, 1:Bar-

m, 1:Bell, 1:Cact, 1:Dulc, 1:Euphr, 1:Fel, 2:Ferr, 1:Hyos, 2:Kali-c, 1:Kali-m, 1:Naja, 2:Nat-s, 1:Nux-

v, 2:Puls, 1:Seneg, 1:Sin-n, 2:Sulph,

3 Sitting half amel.: 1:Nat-sal, 1:Spig,

3 Sitting stooped: 1:Alum, 1:Cupr, 1:Lact, 1:Sulph,

3 Sitting up in bed agg.: 2:Med,

4 Sitting up in bed amel.: 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Zing,

3 Sitting upright agg.: 1:Acon,

3 Sitting upright amel.: 1:Ant-t, 1:Ars, 2:Asaf, 1:Bar-m, 1:Carb-v, 1:Cham, 1:Ferr, 1:Hyos, 3:KALI-

C, 2:Lach, 2:Laur, 2:Lyc, 1:Nat-c, 1:Nat-m, 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Samb, 2:Seneg, 1:Sulph, 2:Ter,

4 Sitting upright and bent forward amel.: 1:Acon, 1:Aur, 1:Bufo, 2:Lach, 1:Spong,

3 Sitting still and idle: 1:Ferr,

3 Sitting in a chair and laying head on table: 1:Ant-t,

4 Sitting with head bent forwards on knees amel.: 1:Coc-c, 3:KALI-C,

4 Sitting with head bent backwards amel.: 1:Dig,

4 Sitting half,head resting on palms of hands,amel.: 1:Acon-f,

4 Sitting half,sitting supported by pillow,amel.: 1:Tela,

5 Sitting,half,sitting posture,amel.: 1:Nat-s, 1:Spig,

3 Sitting knee-chest position amel.: 1:Med,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Sitting propped up in bed amel.: 1:Fl-ac, 1:Ter, 1:Zing,

3 Sitting up with shoulders drawn forward: 1:Sin-n,

3 Sitting up to write: 1:Psor,

3 Sitting bent amel.: 1:Ph-ac,

3 Sitting down to meals: 1:Valer,

3 Sleep,during: 1:Acon, 1:Agar, 1:All-s, 1:Am-caust, 1:Anac, 2:Ant-

t, 1:Bell, 1:Brom, 1:Calc, 1:Camph, 2:Carb-

v, 3:CENCH, 1:Cham, 1:Chel, 1:Chin, 1:Chlol, 1:Con, 1:Dig, 2:Grin, 1:Guai, 1:Hep, 1:Ign, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-

c, 3:LACH, 2:Lact, 2:Lyc, 1:Manc, 1:Meph, 1:Merc, 1:Nat-s, 1:Nux-v, 2:Op, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Samb, 1:Sep, 2:Sulph,

3 Sleep,awakened,to avoid suffocation,must be: 1:Grin, 1:Hep, 1:Kali-br, 1:Lach, 3:OP, 1:Sulph,

3 Sleep,awakening from: 1:Hep, 1:Lach, 1:Samb,

3 Sleep,after: 1:Alum, 1:Apis, 1:Bell, 1:Cedr, 1:Coc-c, 1:Grin, 1:Lac-c, 3:LACH, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Ph-

ac, 2:Phos, 2:Sep, 3:SPONG,

3 Sleep,falling asleep,when: 1:Am-c, 2:Arum-t, 1:Bad, 1:Bapt, 1:Bry, 2:Carb-v, 2:Carbn-

s, 2:Cench, 2:Crot-h, 1:Cupr, 1:Cur, 1:Dig, 2:Graph, 3:GRIN, 1:Hep, 2:Lac-c, 3:LACH, 1:Manc, 1:Merc-i-

r, 1:Morph, 1:Nux-m, 3:OP, 1:Phos, 2:Spong, 1:Sulph, 1:Tab, 1:Valer,

3 Sleep,lying on right side: 2:Bad,

3 Sleep,loss of: 1:Cupr,

3 Sleep,when going to: 1:Carb-v,

3 Sleeping in a chair,amel.: 1:Croto-t,

3 Short nap,after: 1:Aral,

3 Smoke,as from: 1:Bar-c, 2:Brom, 1:Cocc, 1:Nat-ar,

3 Smoking: 1:Asc-t, 1:Op, 1:Puls, 1:Spong, 1:Staph, 1:Tarax,

3 Smoking amel.: 1:Aran, 1:Tarent,

3 Spasms of lungs: 1:Thuj,

3 Spasmodic: 1:Asaf, 1:Caust, 2:Chlor, 2:Cupr, 2:Laur, 1:Plb, 2:Puls,

3 Speaking: 1:Bell, 1:Bor, 1:Cimic, 1:Kali-c, 2:Stict,

3 Speaking attempting to: 1:Merc,

3 Speaking beginning to: 1:Manc,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Speaking rapidly,when: 1:Caust,

3 Spoken to,when: 1:Tub,

3 Spring,in the: 2:Aur,

3 Stand,compelled to stand erect: 1:Cann-s, 1:Cedr,

3 Standing: 1:Arn, 1:Arum-m, 1:Cina, 1:Con, 1:Kali-n, 1:Olnd, 1:Phel, 1:Puls, 2:Sep,

4 Standing,amel.: 1:Bell, 1:Sars,

4 Standing and supporting hands on knees amel.: 2:Cann-s,

4 Standing,when,only,breathe can: 1:Cann-s,

5 Standing in erect position amel.: 1:Cedr,

4 Standing still amel.: 1:Agar, 1:Nux-v,

4 Standing,can only breathe when: 1:Cann-s,

4 Standing in water: 1:Nux-m,

3 Steps,ascending,when: 1:Led, 1:Nux-v, 1:Spig,

3 Sternum,from pressure on: 1:All-s, 1:Cann-s, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Phos, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Squil, 1:Thuj,

3 Sternum,from pressure on upper part of: 1:Bry,

3 Stimulants agg.: 1:Bell, 1:Lach, 2:Merc, 1:Thyr,

3 Stone cutters,asthma of: 1:Ars, 1:Bell, 3:CALC, 2:Chin, 2:Hep, 1:Ip, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ox-

ac, 1:Phos, 3:SIL, 2:Sulph,

3 Stool,before: 1:Ictod, 1:Ox-ac, 2:Rhus-t,

3 Stool,during: 2:Alumn, 2:Calc, 2:Rhus-t,

3 Stool,after: 1:Caust, 1:Croto-t, 1:Rhus-t,

3 Stool,amel.: 1:Ictod,

3 Stool,urging to: 1:Bry,

3 Stooping,on: 1:Alum, 1:Am-c, 1:Anac, 1:Arg-

n, 1:Bell, 2:Calc, 1:Caust, 1:Chin, 1:Dig, 1:Laur, 1:Lyc, 1:Olnd, 1:Ph-

ac, 1:Phos, 1:Prun, 1:Psor, 1:Seneg, 1:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Sulph,

3 Stormy weather: 2:Ars, 2:Nat-s, 2:Sep,

3 Storms,before: 1:Hyper,

3 Stove,heat of: 1:Psor,

3 Strangers,presence of: 1:Phos,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Stretching out amel.: 1:Aran-ix,

3 Stretching arms agg.: 1:Lyc,

3 Stupor: 1:Hyos,

3 Sudden: 2:Gels, 1:Graph, 1:Ign, 1:Iod, 2:Sulph,

3 Sudden 5 p.m.: 1:Ign,

3 Sulphur,as if he inhaled fumes of: 1:Am-

c, 3:ARS, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Calc, 1:Camph, 1:Canth, 1:Croc, 1:Kali-

chl, 3:LYC, 1:Meph, 2:Mosch, 3:PULS, 1:Sulph,

3 Summer: 1:Arg-n, 1:Calc-p, 1:Kali-bi, 2:Syph,

3 Summer amel.: 1:Carb-v, 1:Hecla, 1:Sil,

3 Sun: 2:Med, 2:Nat-c, 1:Psor, 1:Tub,

3 Sunset to sunrise: 1:Aur, 1:Puls, 1:Syph,

3 Syphilis,after: 1:Calc-i,

3 Supper,during: 1:Ant-c,

3 Supper,after: 1:Alumn, 1:Ant-c, 1:Sanic,

3 Suppressed eruptions,from: 3:APIS, 1:Lach,

3 Up : 1:Atro, 2:Bell, 3:BROM, 2:Calc, 1:Chen-a, 1:Cinnb, 2:Cupr, 1:Thuj,

3 Sweat,after: 1:Chel,

3 Talking,after: 1:Alum, 1:Apoc, 1:Arg-

n, 2:Ars, 1:Bor, 1:Bry, 1:Canth, 2:Caust, 1:Dig, 2:Dros, 1:Hyos, 1:Kali-

c, 3:LACH, 1:Laur, 1:Lyc, 1:Meph, 1:Mez, 2:Nat-c, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Rhus-

t, 2:Sil, 2:Spig, 3:SPONG, 2:Stann, 1:Stram, 3:SULPH, 3:THUJ, 1:Zinc,

4 Talking amel.: 2:Ferr,

4 Talking loud: 1:Petr,

3 Talking forcibly,when: 1:Petr,

3 Talking rapidly,when: 1:Caust,

3 Temperature,change of: 1:Act-sp, 2:Dulc, 2:Mag-c, 2:Merc,

3 Temperature,extremes of: 1:Caust, 2:Merc,

3 Temperature,equable: 1:Acon-c,

3 Thinking of ailments: 1:Gels,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Thirst,during: 1:Lach,

3 Thorax,fullness of: 1:Iber,

3 Thorax,constriction of: 1:Hypoth,

3 Thorax,malformation of: 1:Tela,

3 Thorax,spasm of: 1:Mosch,

3 Throat-pit,constriction at: 1:Cocc, 1:Fl-ac,

3 Throat-pit,lump in: 1:Lob,

3 Throat,touching the: 3:BELL, 2:Hep, 1:Lach, 1:Spong,

3 Throwing head backwards amel.: 1:Bell, 1:Cham, 1:Spong, 1:Verat,

3 Thunderstorm,before: 1:Sep, 2:Sil, 1:Syph,

3 Thunderstorm,during: 1:Electr, 1:Petr, 1:Phos, 1:Sil, 1:Syph,

3 Tickling: 1:Alumn,

3 Tobacco: 1:Aloe, 1:Arg-n, 1:Coca, 1:Tab, 1:Tarax,

3 Tobacco fumes: 1:Lob, 1:Merc,

3 Tobacco fumes,amel.: 1:Merc,

3 Touch: 1:Stry,

3 Touching: 1:Ign,

3 Touching epigastrium: 1:Arn,

3 Touching larynx: 2:Apis, 1:Bell, 3:LACH,

3 Touching neck: 1:Apis, 1:Bell, 1:Lach,

3 Touching throat: 1:Apis, 2:Bell, 1:Guare, 2:Lach,

3 Turning in bed: 3:ARS, 2:Carb-v, 2:Sulph,

3 Turning in bed to left side goes on sitting up: 2:Sulph,

3 Turning in bed to right side: 1:Euph,

3 Undressing: 1:Kali-bi,

3 Upstairs,on going: 1:Acet-ac, 1:Am-c, 1:Ang, 1:Apis, 1:Arg-n, 2:Ars, 1:Aur-m, 1:Brom, 1:Calc, 1:Croto-

t, 1:Elaps, 1:Hyos, 1:Iber, 1:Iod, 1:Kali-i, 1:Kreos, 1:Laur, 1:Led, 1:Lob, 1:Lycps, 1:Merc, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nit-

ac, 1:Seneg, 2:Stann,

3 Upstairs,on going,amel.: 1:Cact, 1:Ran-b,

3 Urinating,while: 1:Chel, 1:Dulc,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Urination profuse amel.: 1:Benz-ac, 1:Gels, 1:Hyper, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Solid,

3 Uncovering: 1:Hep, 1:Samb,

3 Uncovering amel.: 1:Calc-s, 1:Med, 1:Sars,

3 Uncovering chest amel.: 1:Ferr,

3 Uncovering abdomen amel.: 1:Tab,

3 Vapour of sulphur: 1:Cham,

3 Vexation,after: 1:Acon, 1:Ars, 2:Cupr,

3 Vomiting when: 1:Ars, 1:Asar, 1:Cann-i, 1:Cic, 1:Lach,

3 Vomiting amel.: 1:Cocc, 1:Cupr, 2:Ip, 1:Tab,

3 Waking with: 1:Alum, 1:Am-c, 2:Ant-t, 2:Apis, 2:Arg-n, 2:Arn, 2:Arum-t, 1:Bad, 1:Bapt, 1:Bell, 1:Benz-

ac, 2:Cadm, 1:Calc, 2:Carb-v, 2:Cench, 2:Chel, 2:Chin, 1:Conv, 1:Crot-

h, 1:Cupr, 1:Cur, 2:Dig, 1:Dulc, 1:Euphr, 1:Gad, 2:Graph, 3:GRIN, 1:Guai, 2:Hep, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-c, 2:Kali-

i, 2:Lac-c, 3:LACH, 1:Lact, 1:Med, 1:Morg-g, 2:Naja, 2:Nux-m, 1:Nux-v, 3:OP, 2:Phos, 1:Rhus-

t, 2:Samb, 1:Seneg, 1:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Spong, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph, 1:Syc-co, 1:Tab, 1:Valer, 1:Vesp,

3 Waking from frightful dreams: 1:Nux-v,

3 Walking: 1:Acon, 1:Agar, 2:Am-c, 1:Am-m, 1:Anac, 1:Ang, 2:Apis, 1:Apoc, 1:Arg-

n, 2:Arn, 3:ARS, 1:Arund, 1:Aur, 1:Bell, 1:Bor, 2:Brom, 1:Bry, 2:Cact, 3:CALC, 2:Calc-s, 2:Caps, 2:Carb-

v, 1:Cast, 2:Caust, 1:Chel, 1:Chin, 1:Coc-c, 1:Coca, 1:Cocc, 2:Con, 2:Dig, 1:Gins, 2:Ign, 2:Ip, 2:Kali-

ar, 2:Kali-c, 2:Kali-i, 1:Kali-s, 2:Lach, 1:Lact, 2:Laur, 1:Led, 1:Lil-t, 1:Lyc, 1:Lycps, 1:Mag-c, 1:Mag-

m, 1:Mag-p, 2:Merc, 1:Naja, 1:Napht, 1:Nat-m, 2:Nat-s, 2:Nit-ac, 1:Nit-s-d, 1:Nux-v, 1:Olnd, 1:Ox-

ac, 1:Petr, 1:Phel, 2:Phos, 1:Plat, 1:Plb, 2:Prun, 1:Psor, 2:Puls, 1:Ran-b, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Sel, 1:Seneg, 2:Sep, 3:SIL, 1:Spig, 1:Squil, 3:STANN, 1:Stront-c, 3:SULPH, 1:Thuj, 1:Viol-t,

4 Walking amel.: 1:Alum, 1:Arg-n, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 1:Carb-

v, 2:Dros, 1:Euph, 2:Ferr, 1:Indg, 1:Lob, 1:Meph, 1:Mosch, 1:Nicc, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Samb, 1:Sep, 1:Staph, 1:Tarax, 1:Term-c,

4 Walking,air,in the open: 2:Am-m, 2:Ars, 2:Aur, 2:Carb-

v, 1:Caust, 1:Cina, 1:Dig, 1:Graph, 1:Hell, 1:Kali-n, 2:Lyc, 1:Nux-m, 1:Nux-v, 1:Tarax,

4 Walking,air,in the open,amel.: 2:Am-m, 2:Ars, 2:Aur, 2:Carb-v, 1:Caust, 1:Cina, 1:Dig, 1:Phos,

4 Walking in cold air: 1:Ip, 1:Lyc, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Sulph, 1:Ter,

4 Walking in cold air,amel.: 1:Alum, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Seneg,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Walking in open air,after: 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Vac,

4 Walking,beginning to walk on: 1:Petr, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Verat-v,

4 Walking,constant,amel.: 1:Carb-v, 2:Ferr,

4 Walking on level ground but not when ascending: 2:Ran-b,

4 Walking over uneven ground (rough road): 1:Clem,

4 Walking rapidly: 1:Ang, 3:ARS, 2:Aur, 1:Bor, 1:Brom, 2:Caust, 2:Cupr, 1:Ign, 2:Kali-

c, 2:Lob, 1:Merc, 3:NAT-M, 2:Nat-s, 3:PHOS, 3:PULS, 1:Seneg, 2:Sil, 1:Spig, 1:Squil, 1:Sulph,

4 Walking rapidly amel.: 2:Sep,

4 Walking slowly about amel.: 3:FERR,

4 Walking,wind,against the: 2:Calc, 1:Coc-c, 2:Cupr, 1:Lyc, 2:Nat-m, 2:Phos, 1:Plat, 1:Psor, 1:Rhus-

r, 1:Sel,

4 Walking in,wind,cold and dry,agg.: 1:Acon,

3 Warm bath: 2:Iod, 1:Nit-ac,

3 Warm air: 1:Aur, 1:Bor, 1:Ip, 2:Lach,

3 Warm clothing,from: 2:Ars,

3 Warm,on becoming,in bed: 1:Kali-bi,

3 Warm drinks,after: 1:Apis, 1:Phos, 1:Stann,

3 Warm drinks amel.: 1:Ars, 1:Lyc,

3 Warm food: 1:Cham, 2:Lob,

3 Warm food amel.: 1:Arg-n, 1:Chel, 1:Lyc, 1:Sabad,

3 Warm room,in a: 1:Am-c, 1:Ant-t, 3:APIS, 2:Arg-n, 1:Ars, 1:Brom, 1:Bry, 2:Carb-v, 2:Carbn-

s, 1:Chlol, 1:Chlor, 1:Conv, 1:Fl-ac, 1:Iber, 2:Iod, 1:Ip, 1:Just, 1:Kali-c, 2:Kali-i, 3:KALI-S, 1:Kreos, 2:Lil-

t, 1:Lyc, 1:Nat-m, 1:Ol-an, 3:PULS, 3:SULPH, 1:Thuj, 1:Tub,

3 Warm room amel.: 1:Bad, 2:Lyc, 2:Lycpr, 1:Sil,

4 Becomes deathly pale and must remain quiet: 2:Am-c,

3 Warm water amel.: 1:Zinc,

3 Warm weather: 1:Bor, 1:Carb-v,

3 Entering warm room from open air: 2:Bry, 1:Mag-p,

3 Becoming warm in bed: 1:Kali-bi,

3 Warmth: 1:Am-m, 1:Aur, 1:Bry, 1:Dig, 1:Euph, 1:Iod, 1:Mez,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Warmth amel.: 1:Ars-i, 1:Bar-c, 1:Calc-p, 1:Camph, 1:Cic, 1:Coff, 1:Dros, 1:Dulc, 1:Nux-m,

3 Warmth of bed: 1:Arg-n,

3 Water,when standing in: 2:Nux-m,

3 Washing hands,while: 1:Mez,

3 Weakness: 1:Ars, 1:Lach,

3 Weakness of respiratory organs: 1:Act-sp, 1:Plat, 3:STANN,

3 Weeping amel.: 1:Anac,

3 Wet,on becoming: 1:Colch,

3 Wet weather: 1:Am-c, 1:Ant-t, 1:Ars, 1:Bar-c, 1:Blatta, 1:Calc, 1:Calc-s, 1:Chin, 1:Colch, 1:Con, 1:Cupr-

ar, 1:Cur, 1:Dulc, 1:Gels, 1:Glon, 1:Hep, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-n, 1:Lach, 1:Mang, 1:Med, 1:Nat-m, 3:NAT-S, 1:Nux-

m, 1:Petr, 1:Phyt, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sang, 1:Sil, 1:Sin-n, 1:Spig, 1:Syc-co, 1:Ter,

3 Wet,cold wet weather: 1:Ant-t, 1:Aran, 1:Ba-sv, 1:Bell, 1:Calc-s, 1:Cham, 2:Kali-bi, 1:Ol-

j, 1:Penic, 1:Sabal, 1:Stict, 2:Thuj, 1:Verat,

3 Weather,damp: 1:Chin, 1:Nat-s, 1:Thuj,

3 Warm wet weather: 1:Aur-m, 1:Brom, 1:Carb-v, 1:Cupr, 1:Syph,

3 Warm wet weather amel.: 2:Caust,

3 Windy weather: 1:Ars, 1:Calc, 1:Lach, 1:Plat, 1:Rhus-t,

3 Winter: 1:Blatta, 1:Carb-v, 1:Hydr, 3:KALI-BI, 1:Morg-g, 1:Petr, 1:Psor, 1:Syc-co, 1:Syph,

3 Weather dry amel.: 1:Nat-s, 1:Nux-m, 1:Penic, 1:Phyt,

3 Weather dry agg.: 1:Cham,

3 Weather,warm: 1:Phel,

3 Weather,change of: 1:Phos, 1:Psor, 1:Verat,

3 Weather,change of,warm to cold: 1:Ars,

3 Weather,foggy: 1:Hyper, 1:Plb, 2:Rhus-t,

3 Weather,stormy: 1:Ars, 2:Nat-s, 2:Sep, 1:Spig,

3 Work: 1:Am-m, 1:Bov, 1:Calc, 2:Lyc, 1:Nit-ac, 2:Nux-v, 1:Sars, 2:Sil,

3 Working in a stooping position as when digging: 1:Cop,

3 Working in water: 1:Sep,

3 Worms: 1:Cina,

3 Wrapping up amel.: 1:Samb,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Yawning,when: 1:Cocc, 1:Nux-v,

3 Writing,while: 1:Aspar, 1:Dig,

3 Writing,while,amel.: 2:Ferr,

3 Yawning amel.: 1:Coc-c, 1:Croc, 1:Gua, 1:Staph,

3 Yawning and stretching amel.: 1:Lact,

3 Abdomen,distended,with: 1:Lob,

3 Abdominal muscles,laboring of: 1:Spong,

3 Addiction excess,tobacco,whiskey,opium,etc. with: 1:Coca,

3 Air,hunger,with: 1:Carb-v, 1:Digin,

3 Albuminuria,with: 1:Apis,

3 Amenorrhoea,with: 1:Bry, 1:Lach, 1:Phos, 1:Puls, 1:Sulph,

3 Anxiety,with: 2:Acon, 1:Am-c, 1:Aml-n, 1:Anac, 2:Ant-ar, 1:Arn, 3:ARS, 3:ARS-I, 1:Arum-

m, 1:Arund, 1:Asaf, 1:Bism, 1:Bor, 1:Cact, 2:Cann-i, 1:Carb-an, 2:Carb-v, 1:Chel, 1:Chin, 1:Chin-

s, 1:Cist, 1:Coc-c, 1:Coca, 1:Cocc, 1:Coch, 1:Croc, 2:Cupr, 1:Cupr-

acet, 1:Dig, 1:Digin, 1:Dros, 1:Electr, 1:Eup-per, 1:Fel, 1:Ferr, 1:Ferr-ar, 1:Form-

ac, 1:Graph, 1:Guare, 1:Hed, 2:Hep, 1:Hydr-ac, 2:Hyos, 1:Hypoth, 1:Iber, 1:Ictod, 2:Ign, 1:Iod, 2:Ip, 2:Kali-

ar, 3:KALI-BI, 3:KALI-C, 2:Kali-chl, 3:LACH, 1:Lact, 2:Lyc, 2:Lycpr, 2:Mag-p, 2:Mag-

s, 1:Mang, 1:Mez, 1:Morph, 1:Mosch, 1:Nat-m, 2:Nat-s, 1:Nicc, 1:Nit-ac, 2:Nux-v, 1:Ph-ac, 3:PHOS, 1:Pitu-

gl, 1:Prun, 2:Puls, 1:Sabad, 1:Samb, 1:Saroth, 1:Sars, 1:Seneg, 2:Sil, 1:Spig, 1:Spong, 1:Squil, 1:Stann, 1:

Stict, 1:Stram, 1:Sul-ac, 1:Sulph, 2:Syph, 1:Tarent, 1:Thym-gl, 1:Tril, 2:Tub, 1:Verat, 2:Verat-v, 1:Viol-

o, 1:Wye,

3 Anxious dreams,with: 1:Nux-v, 1:Sabad,

3 Appetite,loss of,with: 1:Kali-c,

3 Arthritic rheumatism,with: 2:Cann-s,

3 Backache,with: 1:Ang, 2:Kali-c, 1:Lach, 2:Lyc, 1:Morg-g, 1:Ox-ac, 2:Sep, 1:Staph, 1:Sulph, 1:Vario,

3 Bleeding orifices from,with: 1:Am-caust,

3 Blood rushes to head and chest with: 1:Spong,

3 Burning in chest and dry cough,with: 2:Ant-c,

3 Burning sensation in lungs,with: 2:Tub,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Cardialgia,with: 1:Sabad,

3 Chest,feeling of band around: 1:Acon,

3 Chilliness alternating with heat: 1:Solid,

3 Chorea tetanic convulsions,with: 1:Ign,

3 Circulation,disturbed,with: 1:Antipyrin,

3 Clothes,intolerance of,pressure of,with: 1:Am-m, 1:Bry, 2:Calc, 1:Carb-

v, 2:Caust, 1:Coff, 3:HEP, 1:Kreos, 1:Lach, 3:LYC, 3:NUX-V, 1:Sars, 2:Spig, 1:Spong, 3:SULPH,

3 Clothing around neck,chest must be loosened,with: 2:Lach,

3 Clubbing of fingers,with: 1:Laur,

3 Cold before,with: 1:Aral,

3 Cough dry,with: 1:Asaf,

3 Cold,during: 1:Aral, 1:V-a-b,

3 Coldness,with: 1:Amyg-am, 1:Aran, 2:Benz-ac, 2:Gels, 1:Gins, 1:Hed, 2:Hep, 1:Hydr-ac, 1:Just, 1:Lac-

d, 1:Led, 2:Lycps, 1:Merc, 1:Merc-i-f, 1:Mez, 1:Morph, 1:Nux-m, 2:Nux-v, 1:Oena, 1:Ox-ac, 2:Ran-

b, 1:Sabad, 1:Sars, 2:Sep, 2:Sil, 1:Spig, 1:Vario, 1:Zing,

3 Internal and external heat,with: 1:Laur,

3 Colic,with: 1:Berb, 1:Caps, 1:Cham, 1:Chin-

ar, 1:Cocc, 1:Kreos, 1:Lach, 2:Lyc, 1:Mez, 1:Mosch, 1:Prun, 2:Rhod, 1:Sulph,

3 Congestion of chest,with: 3:ACON, 1:Aur-m, 3:BELL, 1:Merc, 1:Nux-v, 2:Phos, 1:Spong, 2:Sulph,

3 Constipation,with: 2:Coca, 2:Coff, 1:Croc, 1:Euphr, 1:Ferr-ar, 1:Just, 1:Morg-

g, 1:Podo, 1:Prot, 1:Sabad, 1:Sanic, 1:Sars, 1:Sul-ac, 2:Thuj, 1:Xan,

3 Constrictive sense in epigastrium,anguish,with: 1:Grat,

3 Constrictive sensation in larynx,trachea,with: 1:Mosch,

3 Contraction,single part,alternate with extension: 1:Lyc,

3 About heart and palpitation during menses,with: 1:Ign,

3 Coryza,violent,and headache,with: 1:Calc,

3 Cough tickling with,in old people: 1:Con,

3 Cough,drawing,left pectoral region to back,with: 1:Croto-t,

3 Cough,dry,with: 1:Kali-c,

3 Cough,habitual,with: 1:Kali-c,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

4 Spasmodic,with: 1:Sil,

3 Cramp,pains,in hypochondria,hypochondriasis,with: 1:Zinc,

3 Cramps,general,with: 1:Cupr,

3 Craving for fresh air,with: 1:Calc, 2:Carb-v, 1:Kali-c, 2:Puls, 1:Sanguin-n,

3 Craving for cold air,with: 2:Tub,

3 Cyanosis,with: 2:Acetan, 2:Acon, 1:Amyg-am, 1:Antipyrin, 1:Apoc, 1:Bor, 2:Cor-

r, 1:Cupr, 1:Cur, 1:Dros, 1:Glon, 1:Hep, 1:Hydr-ac, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-m, 2:Lach, 2:Laur, 1:Lob, 1:Lycps, 1:Mag-

p, 1:Meph, 1:Naja, 1:Op, 1:Queb, 1:Samb, 1:Sul-ac, 1:Tab, 1:Verat,

3 Cyanosis of lips,with: 1:Chlol, 1:Napht,

3 Cyanosis around eyes,with: 1:Coff, 1:Zing,

3 Cyanosis of face,with: 1:Acon, 2:Ars, 2:Aur, 1:Cor-r, 1:Cupr, 1:Hep, 1:Ip, 1:Mag-p, 2:Op, 1:Verat,

3 Dancing and jumping,alternating with: 1:Bell,

3 Despondency,thinks he will die with: 1:Psor,

3 Depression,with: 2:Mag-s,

3 Diarrhoea,with: 1:Chin-s, 1:Dulc, 1:Emb, 1:Linu-u, 1:Lob-s, 1:Napht, 2:Nat-m, 1:Nit-

ac, 1:Phyt, 1:Sabad, 1:Sang, 2:Sulph, 1:Verat,

3 Diarrhoea and colic,with: 1:Lem-m, 1:Sulph,

4 Diarrhoea alternating with constipation,with: 1:Lyc, 1:Sanic,

4 Each attack followed by loose evacuation,with: 1:Nat-s,

3 Dilatation of aorta,with: 1:Spong,

3 Discharge,watery,from eyes and nose,with: 1:Nat-m,

3 Distention of abdomen,with: 1:Caps,

3 Distention in epigastrium,evening & morning,with: 1:Rhod,

3 Dropsy,with: 1:Conv, 1:Dig, 1:Lact,

3 Dropsy of legs,hydrothorax,hydropericardium,with: 1:Colch,

3 Drowsiness,with: 1:Aeth, 1:Ant-t, 1:Brom, 1:Coca, 1:Hyos, 1:Laur, 1:Manc, 1:Napht, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nux-

m, 1:Puls, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Samb,

3 Drowsiness during day & sleeplessness at night: 1:Psor,

3 Dyspepsia,with: 1:Hydr,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Emaciation,with: 1:Bac, 1:Calc-hp, 1:Chel, 2:Ferr-m, 1:Hep, 1:Hippoz, 1:Kali-ar, 1:Laur, 1:Led, 1:Luf-

op, 2:Lyc, 1:Nat-acet, 1:Nat-ar, 2:Nat-m, 1:Phos, 1:Pulm, 1:Samb, 1:Sang, 1:Sanguin-

n, 1:Sanic, 1:Sars, 1:Senec, 2:Stann, 1:Stict, 1:Sul-h, 1:Syph, 1:Tab, 2:Thyr, 2:Tub,

4 Shallow sunken eyes,with: 1:Kali-p,

3 Emphysema,with: 2:Ant-ar, 2:Ant-t, 2:Ars, 1:Camph, 1:Carb-v, 1:Ip,

3 Enlargement,glands,with: 3:BAC, 2:Bar-c, 1:Brom, 1:Graph, 3:IOD, 1:Med, 2:Merc-i-f, 1:Merc-i-

r, 1:Mez, 1:Nat-c, 1:Petr, 1:Syc-co, 1:Tarent, 3:V-A-B,

4 Axillary,with: 1:Carb-an, 1:Tarent, 1:Trio,

3 Epigastrium,with bloating of,with: 1:Lac-d,

3 Epigastrium,pain
in,with: 1:Arn, 1:Bry, 1:Calad, 1:Camph, 1:Canth, 1:Chin, 1:Cic, 1:Cina, 1:Cocc, 1:Ferr, 1:Hell, 1:Hyos, 1:I

gn, 1:Mosch, 1:Nux-m, 3:NUX-V, 1:Olnd, 1:Puls, 2:Rhus-t, 1:Ruta, 1:Sabad, 1:Samb, 1:Spig, 2:Stram,

4 Pressure in,with: 1:Kali-c,

4 Tetanic convulsions and asphyxia and death: 1:Ign,

4 Weakness and oppression of,with: 1:Lob,

3 Epilepsy,with: 1:Cic,

3 Eructations,with: 1:All-s, 1:Ambr, 1:Arum-d, 1:Asaf, 1:Brom, 1:Calad, 1:Caps, 3:CARB-

V, 1:Gua, 2:Kali-bi, 2:Kali-c, 1:Kali-chl, 1:Kali-m, 1:Lach, 1:Laur, 1:Lim, 3:LYC, 2:Mag-p, 1:Merc-i-

r, 1:Mill, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Nux-v, 1:Psor, 1:Ran-b, 2:Sanic, 1:Sars, 1:Sin-

n, 1:Spong, 1:Squil, 1:Stann, 1:Stroph, 1:Ter, 1:Verb,

3 Expectoration:
4 Profuse frothy or watery mucus: 1:Nat-m,

4 Profuse purulent: 1:Sil,

4 Tough mucus: 1:Rumx,

3 Fainting: 1:Berb, 1:Kreos, 2:Lach,

3 Face,alternating red and pale: 1:Caps,

3 Fatty degeneration of heart: 2:Arn, 1:Aur, 1:Phos, 1:Queb,

3 Fear,with: 1:Gins, 1:Glon, 1:Kali-c, 1:Mang, 1:Mosch, 1:Squil,

3 Fear of death: 1:Acon, 1:Cact, 1:Lob, 1:Verat-v,

3 Fear of going to sleep: 1:Grin,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Fear of suffocation: 1:Phos, 1:Samb, 1:Seneg, 1:Spong, 1:Tab, 1:Verat,

3 Fever,intermittent: 1:Mez,

3 Fever,hectic: 1:Calc-s,

3 Febrile attacks: 1:Stram,

3 Fistula in and: 1:Cop, 1:Sil,

3 Flapping alae nasae: 2:Ant-t, 2:Lyc,

3 Flatulence: 1:Aran-ix, 1:Asaf, 3:CARB-V, 3:CHIN, 1:Croto-t, 1:Emb, 1:Ictod, 1:Lem-m, 1:Lob, 1:Lob-

s, 2:Lyc, 2:Mag-p, 1:Mag-s, 1:Nit-s-d, 1:Nux-m, 1:Ol-

an, 1:Sabad, 1:Sars, 1:Stroph, 1:Ter, 1:Thuj, 1:Thyr, 1:Zing,

3 Flushes of heat,with: 1:Lach,

3 Fright,anxiety,trembling frequent awaking due to: 1:Samb,

3 Fullness in stomach: 1:Cocc,

3 Gagging,with: 1:Lach,

3 Gall stones,with: 1:Morg-g,

3 Giddiness: 1:Con, 1:Lach, 1:Lact, 1:Lob-s, 1:Nux-m, 1:Ol-an, 1:Tab,

3 Glands,bronchial,swelling of: 1:Merc-i-r,

3 Globus hystericus: 1:Valer,

3 Goitre: 1:Podo, 2:Spong, 1:Syc-co, 1:Thyr,

3 Gonorrhoea: 3:MED, 2:Syc-co, 2:Thuj,

3 Gout: 1:Led, 1:Magn-gr, 1:Visc,

3 Gout alternates with: 1:Sulph,

3 Haemorrhoids,with: 1:Nux-v, 1:Petr,

3 Head hot with flushed cheeks,with: 1:Abies-n, 2:Bell,

3 Headache,with: 1:Coloc, 1:Kali-c,

3 Heart visible,beating of,with: 1:Chlor, 1:Sulph,

3 Heart disease,with: 1:Croto-t, 1:Dig, 1:Grin,

3 Heat,with: 1:Chel, 1:Lach, 3:MED, 1:Naja, 2:Nat-m, 1:Nat-sal, 1:Phos, 1:Ran-

b, 1:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Squil, 1:Sulph, 1:Tub,

3 Heat in face,with: 1:Spong,

3 Hot feeling in lungs,with: 1:Acon, 1:Phos,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Heavy feeling as of weight in back,shoulder,with: 1:Nat-m,

3 Hiccough,preceded by: 1:Cupr,

3 Hiccough,with: 1:Puls,

3 Hot drinks,dread of,with: 1:Kali-s,

3 Hot drinks,craving for,with: 1:Med,

3 Heat flushes,with: 1:Lach,

3 Hunger,with: 1:Am-c, 1:Asc-t, 2:Calc-i, 1:Cann-

s, 1:Erig, 1:Mez, 1:Olnd, 1:Op, 1:Sec, 1:Stann, 1:Staph, 1:Sulph, 1:Valer,

3 Hunger,canine,with loss of appetite: 1:Ferr,

3 Hydrophobia,with: 1:Sabad,

3 Hydrothorax,with: 1:Psor,

4 Chronic tendency,with: 1:Am-c,

3 Hyperaemia of gastric mucous membrane,with: 1:Grin,

3 Hyperaemia of lungs and brain,with: 1:Acon,

3 Hyperchlorhydria,with: 1:Grin,

3 Hypochondriac pain in,with: 1:Ars, 2:Cham, 1:Cocc, 1:Dros, 1:Hell, 1:Ign, 1:Led, 3:NUX-

V, 1:Puls, 1:Staph,

3 Hysterical symptoms,with: 2:Ign, 1:Lob, 2:Mosch, 1:Nux-m, 2:Nux-

v, 1:Puls, 1:Stann, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph, 1:Valer, 1:Verat, 1:Viol-o, 1:Zinc-val,

3 Involuntary stool,with: 1:Amyg-am,

3 Involuntary urine,with: 1:Amyg-am,

3 Involuntary stools and urine,with: 1:Amyg-am, 1:Spong,

3 Irritability,with: 1:Conv, 1:Sanic, 1:Staph, 1:Thuj, 2:Tub,

3 Nervous,with: 2:Kali-p,

3 Itching,burning rash,forearm,chest,alternate: 1:Calad,

3 Kidney troubles,with: 1:Coc-c, 1:Morg-g, 1:Plb,

3 Languor,with: 1:Lach,

3 Leucorrhoea,with: 1:Bor,

3 Lips red: 1:Spig,

3 Liver conditions,with: 1:Morg-g,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Liver pains,with: 1:Ran-b, 1:Sep,

3 Lumbar pains,with: 3:NUX-V, 2:Puls, 1:Sel,

3 Metrorrhagia,with: 1:Fl-ac,

3 Muscles,rigid,with: 1:Acon,

3 Muscles,flabby,with: 1:Calc,

3 Nausea,weakness,palpitation and cold sweat,with: 1:Lach,

3 Nausea,with: 1:Acet-ac, 1:Adren, 1:Aether, 1:Alumn, 1:Ambr, 2:Ant-t, 1:Arg-c, 1:Ba-sv, 1:Benz-

ac, 1:Brom, 1:Canth, 1:Cop, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Dulc, 1:Electr, 1:Fic, 1:Fl-

ac, 1:Graph, 1:Gua, 1:Iber, 3:IP, 2:Kali-c, 1:Kali-chl, 1:Kali-cy, 1:Kali-i, 1:Lac-c, 1:Lach, 1:Led, 1:Lil-

t, 1:Lim, 1:Lob, 1:Lycps, 1:Merc-i-f, 2:Morph, 1:Nit-s-d, 3:NUX-V, 1:Oena, 1:Ol-j, 1:Onis, 1:Ox-

ac, 1:Petr, 2:Ph-ac, 2:Phos, 1:Psor, 1:Ptel, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Sabad, 1:Samb, 1:Sars, 1:Scroph-

n, 1:Seneg, 2:Sep, 1:Spig, 2:Spong, 1:Squil, 2:Staph, 1:Stram, 1:Stroph, 1:Stry, 2:Tab, 1:Thyr, 1:Valer, 1:V

ario, 1:Verat, 1:Verat-v,

3 Nose,dry,with: 1:Canth,

3 Oedema of hands and feet,with: 1:Abel,

3 Oedema,general,with: 1:Kali-br, 1:Lact, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Nat-sal,

3 Oedema of feet and ankles,with: 1:Mang, 1:Stroph,

3 Pains,sharp,cutting,shooting cardiac region,with: 1:Calc-p,

3 Pains,griping,abdomen,constricted with anxiety: 1:Spig,

3 Pain in larynx and trachea: 1:Bell, 1:Hep,

3 Pain and palpitation,with: 1:Puls,

3 Pain,paroxysmal,with: 1:Lob,

3 Pain,middle,in,preventing sleep: 1:Bry,

3 Pain,pinching in stomach impeding respiration: 1:Puls,

3 Pains darting from heart to vertex with: 1:Tab,

3 Palpitation,with: 1:Anis, 2:Calc-

ar, 1:Chin, 1:Coff, 1:Cur, 1:Digin, 1:Electr, 1:Eucal, 1:Galv, 2:Glon, 2:Graph, 1:Gua, 1:Hydr, 1:Iber, 1:Iod, 3

:KALI-BI, 2:Kali-c, 1:Kali-chl, 2:Kali-m, 3:KALI-P, 1:Lac-

c, 2:Lach, 1:Laur, 1:Lycps, 1:Manc, 1:Mang, 1:Merc-i-f, 1:Naja, 1:Nat-m, 2:Nat-s, 2:Nit-ac, 1:Ol-

j, 1:Olnd, 1:Osm, 1:Prun, 1:Psor, 1:Puls, 1:rach, 1:Rumx, 1:Sabad, 1:Samb, 1:Sang, 1:Seneg, 1:Sep, 1:Sil,

BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

1:Spig, 1:Spong, 1:Squil, 1:Staph, 1:Stry, 1:Sul-ac, 1:Sulph, 1:Tab, 1:Tarent, 1:Ter, 1:Thuj, 1:Thym-

gl, 1:Thyr, 1:Tril, 1:Tub, 1:Verat, 1:Verat-v, 1:Viol-o,

3 Palpitation with anxiety: 1:Kalm, 1:Verat,

3 Paralysis of extremities: 1:Plb, 1:Queb,

3 Perspiration,profuse,with: 1:Anac, 2:Ars, 3:ARS-I, 1:Arum-d, 2:Bry, 1:Chen-

a, 1:Cur, 1:Dig, 1:Dulc, 1:Eucal, 1:Graph, 1:Hep, 1:Hydr, 1:Ictod, 1:Ip, 2:Kali-

c, 1:Lact, 3:MED, 1:Merc, 1:Mez, 1:Oena, 2:Ph-ac, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Sabad, 1:Samb, 1:Sang, 1:Sanic, 1:Saroth, 1:Senec, 1:Sil, 1:Stram, 1:Sulfon, 2:Sulph, 2:Tub,

3 Perspiration,cold and clammy,with: 1:Blatta, 2:Carb-v, 1:Chin, 2:Chin-ar, 2:Chin-

s, 1:Coff, 1:Croc, 1:Cupr-ar, 1:Digin, 1:Elaps, 1:Fl-ac, 2:Lach, 1:Lob, 1:Manc, 1:Ox-

ac, 1:Sang, 1:Sep, 1:Spong, 1:Squil, 1:Tab, 1:Ter, 1:Term-c, 1:Verat, 1:Verat-v,

3 Perspiration and chilliness,alternating with: 1:Glon,

3 Perspiration,sternum,with: 1:Graph,

3 Perspiration,hot,with: 1:Op, 1:Rumx,

3 Perspiration,cold,of upper part of body,with: 1:Verat,

3 Perspiration,foul acrid on soles of feet,with: 1:Graph, 2:Sil,

3 Perspiration,profuse,oily,with: 1:Thuj,

3 Perspiration smelling of onions,with: 1:Kali-p, 1:Morg-g, 1:Thuj,

3 Perspiration on uncovered parts: 1:Thuj,

4 Night sweats: 3:COP,

3 Plethora,with: 1:Acon,

3 Pollutions,with: 1:Staph,

3 Pressure,aching,in region of liver,with: 1:Lyc,

3 Pressure in stomach,swollen,drawn together,with: 1:Rhus-t,

3 Pupils dilated,with: 2:Bell, 3:CALC, 1:Mosch,

3 Renal conditions,with: 1:Benz-ac,

3 Respiration,short,with: 1:Sec,

3 Restlessness,with: 1:Ant-ar, 1:Aran, 3:ARS, 1:Arum-t, 1:Asaf, 1:Atro, 1:Bism, 2:Blatta, 1:Calc-

acet, 2:Card-m, 1:Cedr, 3:CUPR, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Cupr-ar, 1:Cur, 2:Dig, 1:Dros, 1:Dulc, 1:Electr, 1:Eup-

per, 2:Euph-pi, 1:Ferr-i, 1:Ferr-


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

p, 1:Fic, 2:Gels, 1:Glon, 1:Gua, 1:Hep, 1:Hippoz, 1:Hydr, 1:Hyos, 1:Kreos, 1:Lac-d, 1:Mag-

c, 3:MED, 2:Merc, 2:Merc-i-r, 1:Morph, 1:Mosch, 1:Napht, 1:Nat-ar, 1:Nat-sal, 1:Ol-j, 1:Phyt, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Rumx, 1:Sabad, 1:Samb, 1:Sang, 1:Sanic, 1:Sars, 1:Sec, 1:Sil, 2:Stann, 1:Stict, 1:Sulph, 2:Tarent, 1:T

ela, 1:Ter, 2:Tub, 1:Vac, 1:Verat,

3 Rheumatism,with: 2:Led, 1:Nat-s, 1:Visc,

3 Rheumatism arthritic,with: 1:Cann-s,

3 Rheumatism inflammatory,with: 1:Benz-ac,

3 Rheumatic pains,with: 1:Cimic, 1:Coc-c, 1:Colch, 2:Gua, 1:Lycps,

4 About chest,with: 1:Kali-i,

3 Rheumatoid arthritis,with: 1:Ba-sv,

3 Rheumatic heart,with: 1:Psor, 1:Sep, 2:Spong,

3 Salivation,bloody,with: 1:Mag-c,

3 Salivation,cold,with: 1:Cist, 1:Morph, 2:Phyt,

3 Salivation,increased,with: 1:Abel, 1:Act-sp, 1:Aether, 1:Arum-t, 1:Asar, 3:CALC-I, 1:Carb-

v, 1:Cop, 2:Cupr, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Cupr-ar, 1:Cur, 1:Der, 1:Dig, 1:Digin, 1:Dros, 1:Electr, 1:Eucal, 2:Fl-

ac, 1:Form-ac, 1:Gad, 1:Galv, 1:Glon, 1:Hep, 2:Iod, 1:Ip, 1:Kali-ar, 1:Kali-br, 1:Kali-c, 2:Kali-chl, 2:Kali-

i, 1:Kali-p, 1:Lac-c, 3:LACH, 1:Lact, 1:Lob, 2:Merc, 2:Merc-i-f, 2:Merc-i-r, 1:Mosch, 1:Napht, 2:Nat-s, 1:Nit-

ac, 1:Nux-m, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Phel, 1:Pitu-gl, 1:Podo, 1:Psor, 1:Ptel, 1:Ran-

b, 1:Rumx, 1:Sabad, 1:Sang, 1:Seneg, 1:Sep, 1:Sin-

n, 1:Spig, 1:Squil, 1:Stann, 1:Staph, 1:Stict, 1:Stram, 1:Sulph, 1:Syph, 2:Tab, 1:Thuj, 1:Tril, 1:Visc, 1:Wye,

3 Salivation,sweet,with: 1:Merc, 2:Nicc,

3 Scarlet rash,dry red eruption,high fever with: 1:Acon,

3 Sinuses,frontal,painful,with: 1:Antipyrin, 1:Hed, 2:Kali-bi, 1:Meny, 1:Penic, 1:Sil,

3 Skin conditions: 1:Morg-g,

3 Sleep,lethargic,with: 1:Lact,

3 Sleeplessness,with: 1:Kali-i,

3 Sneezing,with: 1:Chlol, 1:Dros, 1:Meph, 1:Merc, 1:Sec, 1:Sil, 1:Sulph,

3 Spasms,general,with: 2:Mag-p, 1:Mez, 1:Mill, 1:Op,

3 Spasms,intestinal and rectal,with: 1:Pitu-gl,

3 Spasms,peripheral vessels of,with: 1:Prot,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Spleen symptoms,with: 1:Arn, 1:Ruta,

3 Spotty pains,with: 1:Kali-bi,

3 Sputum,purulent,foetid,with: 2:Lyc, 1:Stann, 1:Sulph, 2:Tub,

3 Stitches between scapulae,with: 1:Kali-n,

3 Stitches in stomach and abdomen,with: 1:Kali-c,

3 Stitches pressing spine,more in sacrum,with: 1:Tarax,

3 Stomach,butterfly sensation in,with: 1:Kali-bi,

3 Stomach puffed,with: 1:Lach,

3 Stomach symptoms,with: 2:Arg-n, 1:Bism, 1:Bry, 1:Caps, 1:Carb-v, 1:Chin, 1:Lact, 1:Lob, 1:Lob-

s, 3:LYC, 3:NUX-V, 2:Phos, 1:Prot, 2:Puls, 1:Sang, 1:Sep, 1:Spig, 1:Squil, 1:Sulph, 1:Thuj, 1:Verat-

v, 1:Zing,

3 Suffocating,with: 1:Lach,

3 Suicide,feels like committing,in despair: 1:Rumx,

3 Sweat,with: 1:Ars, 1:Lach, 1:Nux-v,

3 Swelling,bag like,between upper eyelids,brows: 1:Kali-c,

3 Swelling,chronic,of eyelids: 1:Kreos,

3 Swelling of knees feet around ankles,with: 1:Hep,

3 Tension & constriction,with: 1:Puls,

3 Thirst,large quantity water for,long intervals: 1:Bry, 1:Sars,

3 Thirst,with: 1:Abrom-aug, 2:Acet-ac, 1:Acon-l, 1:Alumn, 1:Am-c, 1:Am-caust, 1:Ant-c, 1:Aran, 2:Ars-

i, 1:Arum-m, 1:Arund, 1:Bism, 1:Cann-i, 1:Caust, 1:Cimic, 1:Cina, 1:Colch, 1:Cop, 1:Croc, 1:Croto-

t, 2:Cupr-ar, 1:Cur, 1:Dig, 1:Fel, 1:Ferr, 1:Ferr-i, 1:Ferr-p, 1:Gua, 1:Hep, 1:Hippoz, 1:Iod, 1:Jab, 1:Kali-

ar, 1:Kali-bi, 1:Kali-br, 1:Kali-c, 1:Kali-i, 1:Kali-m, 1:Kali-s, 2:Lac-c, 1:Lac-d, 2:Lach, 1:Lact, 1:Laur, 1:Mag-

c, 1:Med, 2:Merc, 1:Morph, 1:Nat-m, 1:Nat-sal, 1:Nicc, 1:Ol-j, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Phel, 1:Psor, 1:rach, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Samb, 1:Sec, 1:Seneg, 1:Sil, 1:Spig, 1:Stram, 1:Stry, 2:Tab, 1:Thuj, 1:Trio, 2:Tub, 1:Verb, 1:Xan, 1:Zin


3 Thirstlessness,with: 3:APIS, 1:Cann-s, 2:Gels, 1:Guare, 1:Ip, 1:Mang, 2:Nux-

m, 1:Psor, 2:Puls, 1:Sabad,

3 Tongue,aphthae on,with: 1:Bor, 1:Merc,

3 Tongue,coating on,at black,at tip,with: 1:Am-caust,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

3 Tongue,indurations knotty,with: 1:Carb-an,

3 Tongue,nodosities warts on,with: 1:Mang,

3 Tongue,red,with: 1:Mosch,

3 Trismus and tetanus,with: 1:Phyt,

3 Unconsciousness,with: 1:Bad, 2:Bell, 2:Op, 1:Syph,

3 Urinary troubles,with: 1:Laur, 1:Lycps,

3 Urination,painful: 1:Solid,

3 Urination,profuse,with: 1:Abrom-aug, 1:Ba-sv, 1:Bar-c, 1:Blatta, 1:Galv, 2:Gels,

3 Urine,bloody,with: 1:Con,

3 Urine,constant desires to pass,with: 1:Lac-c,

3 Urine,greenish,with: 1:Mag-s,

3 Urine,involuntary,with: 1:Amyg-am, 1:Caust, 1:Cocc, 1:Ferr-p, 2:Hydr-ac, 2:Hypoth, 1:Kreos, 1:Nat-

m, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Puls, 1:Rumx, 1:Sars, 1:Squil,

3 Urine,turbid,with: 1:Coc-c, 1:Meph,

3 Urticaria,with: 1:Gall-ac,

3 Uterine neuralgia,with: 1:Chin-s,

3 Uterine symptoms,with: 1:Ang, 1:Lil-t,

3 Vertigo,with: 1:Cham, 1:Lach, 1:Lob, 1:Lycps, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Ox-ac, 1:Puls, 2:Tab,

3 Vomiting,with: 1:Acetan, 1:Adren, 1:Aether, 1:Ambr, 1:Arg-c, 1:Arund, 1:Asc-t, 1:Ba-sv, 1:Bals-

p, 2:Benz-ac, 1:Bism, 2:Cocc, 1:Cupr-acet, 1:Dros, 1:Electr, 3:IP, 1:Just, 1:Kali-br, 1:Kali-c, 1:Kali-

chl, 1:Kali-i, 1:Lac-d, 2:Lach, 1:Laur, 1:Lim, 1:Linu-u, 1:Lob, 2:Lyc, 1:Meph, 2:Nat-m, 2:Nat-s, 1:Nit-s-

d, 1:Oena, 1:Ol-j, 1:Onis, 2:Op, 1:Osm, 1:Ox-ac, 2:Ph-ac, 1:Phyt, 1:Pix, 1:Podo, 1:Puls, 1:rach, 1:Rhus-

t, 1:Sars, 1:Seneg, 1:Sep, 2:Sil, 1:Stram, 1:Stry, 1:Ter, 1:Thuj, 1:Verat-v,

3 Weakness,with: 1:Aran, 3:ARS, 2:Ars-i, 1:Asar, 1:Ba-sv, 1:Card-

m, 1:Cedr, 1:Chin, 1:Coca, 1:Croc, 2:Cupr-acet, 1:Cupr-

ar, 1:Cur, 1:Cycl, 2:Dig, 1:Digin, 1:Dros, 1:Dubin, 2:Dulc, 1:Eucal, 2:Eup-per, 1:Euph-pi, 1:Ferr, 1:Ferr-

i, 1:Ferr-m, 1:Ferr-p, 1:Fic, 1:Gad, 1:Graph, 1:Hydr, 1:Hydr-ac, 1:Hyos, 1:Jab, 1:Kali-ar, 1:Kali-

bi, 2:Lach, 1:Lim, 2:Lyc, 1:Mag-c, 1:Mag-p, 1:Manc, 1:Merc-i-f, 1:Merc-i-r, 1:Morg-g, 2:Nat-m, 1:Nat-

sal, 1:Nit-ac, 1:Osm, 1:Petr, 1:Ph-ac, 1:Phel, 2:Puls, 1:Ran-b, 1:Sang, 1:Scroph-


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

n, 1:Sec, 1:Senec, 1:Seneg, 2:Sep, 1:Sil, 1:Silphu, 1:Solid, 1:Spig, 1:Stann, 2:Staph, 1:Sul-h, 1:Sul-

i, 1:Ter, 1:Tub,

3 Weeping,with: 1:Cupr, 2:Puls, 1:Ran-b, 1:Rhus-t, 1:Samb, 1:Spig, 1:Verat,

3 Yawning,with: 1:Aur-m, 1:Brom, 1:Cedr, 2:Ign, 1:Manc, 1:Psor, 1:Sars,

2 HAY ASTHMA: 1:Naja, 1:Napht, 2:Nat-s, 1:Nux-v, 1:Sabad, 1:Sang,

2 MILLAR'S ASTHMA: 1:Aran-ix, 1:Arum-d, 1:Asar, 1:Cor-r, 1:Cupr, 1:Gels, 1:Guare, 1:Hydr-

ac, 1:Ictod, 1:Ip, 1:Lach, 2:Lob,

2 MINER'S ASTHMA: 1:Card-m, 2:Nat-ar,

2 NERVOUS ASTHMA: 2:Acon, 1:Ambr, 1:Arg-n, 1:Asaf, 1:Card-m, 2:Cham, 1:Chin-

s, 1:Cina, 1:Coff, 1:Con, 1:Cupr, 1:Dros, 2:Hydr-ac, 1:Kali-br, 1:Kali-p, 1:Kreos, 1:Levo, 1:Lob, 2:Mag-

p, 1:Mosch, 1:Nux-v, 1:Ol-an, 1:Samb, 1:Sil, 1:Tela, 1:Thym-gl, 2:Thyr, 1:Valer, 1:Verat, 1:Viol-o,

2 THYMICUM ASTHMA: 1:Meph, 1:Samb,


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)


BRONCHIAL ASTHMA By Dr. Jawahar J. Shah MD (Hom)

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