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How to Use Mystic Vibrasonics

for a Wondrous New Life

AWAKEN . . . Use your God-given Magical

Powers to vibrate yourself into a new lifetime of happy,
carefree wealth, health, and power. Design your own unique,
happy, free style of life for supreme happiness. This book of
Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques will show you step by step how
to use your Vibrasonic Tuner to transform your life into a
brighter tomorrow . . . now!

When confronted with a crossroad in life that offers an

opportunity to achieve your fondest desires and transform your
life, you may well ask: “What is this technique?” “How does it
work and why will it work for me?” And rightly so, for
curiosity is one of the natural attributes of the human mind. It
is this inherent curiosity that has guided man out of the
wilderness and into so many important discoveries that have
changed his life and made this earth a much better place to live
and work in. Well, let me set your mind at ease. It will work for


Just what is Mystic Vibrasonics—and why is it the key to a

wondrous new life? Mystic, according to Webster's New Ameri¬
can Dictionary, refers to “A person who seeks truth through the
contemplation of things beyond the range of sense perception
and evidential reasoning.” And isn't this what we all instinc-

Howto Use Mystic Vibrasonics for a Wondrous New Life

tively try to do in searching for the answers to life? We may

work hard at our profession, trade, or job, but in the back of our
minds we always wander in search of the answers to the
mysteries of life. This we do instinctively; therefore, mysticism
is a natural quality in mankind. And so it is with the things of
the superior realms. Human minds are not capable of realizing
the absolutes that control the universe, but, in trying to
discover and understand, they accidentally stumble across
truths and principles which we learn to use to better our lot.
This is so even though we may never understand the basic,
absolute reason or its cause. We are all mystics at heart.

Now we don’t have to rack our brains trying to figure out

why, because with Vibrasonic Techniques we learn how simple
it is to contact superior intelligences in outer space that can
enrich our lives and give us power. Vibrasonics is a word that
does not exist in the dictionary. Why, you might ask? Well,
because until I discovered it, it never existed. Its fundamental
core is derived from the word vibration, which according to
Webster’s New American Dictionary means “Oscillation, fluctu¬
ation, to move back and forth with even timing.” The suffix,
sonics, refers to “sound,” “combining form.” Thus, by per¬
forming some syntactic surgery, I grafted “Vibra” to “sonics” to
create the word, Vibrasonics. I felt at that time that it would be
a successful operation, for everything in nature appears to be
seething with the melodious, harmonious vibration of the
universe’s heartbeat . . . God’s Harmonious Vibration. Now I am
sure that it was a total success.

As you read on, you will soon discover how easy it is to

activate your Vibrasonic Tuner and thus be able to tune into
the universal vibration that encompasses everything forever.
More than that, you will also be able to listen to melodious,
harmonious vibrations never before heard on this earthly plane.
Contacting the legions of invisible intelligences which will come
to your aid will become second nature, and the benefits will
pour into your life like a cornucopia at harvest time. This book
will enable you to activate and awaken the tremendous power
that lies dormant within your Vibrasonic Tuner which God in
His Almighty Wisdom has so carefully embedded somewhere

How to Use Mystic Vibrasonics fora Wondrous New Life

within the inner spectrum protection of your brain. Vibrasonic

Tuner vibration is Psychic Power Energy that emanates from
your Vibrasonic Tuner as it vibrates in reaction to the subtle
flickerings of thought.



Every single flickering of your Vibrasonic Tuner inside the

brain is a result of every slight thought released either in the
form of words or mental images. Yes, each and every one is
reproduced in the atmosphere and around the brain area,
forming an Invisible Intelligence Cluster-sometimes called an
aura, an invisible emanation, or exhaltation. Auras tend to
gravitate around brain areas, and, as they continue to do so, a
magnetic invisible force field develops as similar thoughts
continue to be reinforced by the never-ending flickering of the
Vibrasonic Tuner. This is why it is so important to condition
yourself to think properly and to avoid the wrong kind of
thinking. Your Vibrasonic Tuner functions similarly to a
computer. It doesn’t know right from wrong. It will reproduce
exactly what your thought-patterns dictate. If they are pre¬
dominantly negative, the surrounding gravitational field force
will by law attract similar negative Invisible Intelligence Clusters
from the boundless atmosphere and thus strengthen the nega¬
tive potential which will adversely affect your decisions and
actions. Negativism always results in failure. However, by the
same token, if your thought-patterns are predominantly posi¬
tive, the gravitational attracting force will instead draw all the
positive good in the universe to help you succeed and be happy.
Psychic Laws never fail.

Psychic energy is the propelling force that ejects the

invisible molecule-electron clusters spinning out of the Vibra¬
sonic Tuner inside your brain at tremendous speeds into the
atmosphere surrounding your brain cells. And, as the thinking
process continues to follow the same trend, either positive or
negative, more Invisible Intelligence Clusters accumulate and by
the process of accretion begin to form an Invisible Apperceptive

Howto Use Mystic Vibrasonics for a Wondrous New Life

Mass. This is the compass that guides us in life in all of our

experiences, successes, or failures. How true it is when we hear
the truisms, “you can’t run away from yourself,” “you have to
live with yourself,” or “you’ve got to be honest with yourself.”
So let us start with a clean slate by being honest with ourselves.
We all want to be successful, happy, prosperous, powerful,
healthy, and loved. So let’s face the moment of truth. Read on.
Vibrasonic Techniques will now show you the way to turn the
master key to open the treasure chest we all honestly desire.
Vibrasonic Techniques will show you how to change and
control the vibration of your Vibrasonic Tuner to harmonize
with the higher vibrations in space. The following is but a
sampling of the wonders achieved by others, miracles that are
right at your fingertips:

• Rid yourself of all loneliness, anxiety, depression, and fear.

• Energize and reinforce your Vibrasonic Tuner, a God-given, built-

in circuitry to enable you to tune-in to the infinite, invisible,
perpetual motion of the all-encompassing ocean of Superior-
Intelligence Vibration Clusters that permeate the entire universe.
Catch them. Put them to work for you.

• Synchronize your Vibrasonic Tuner to the correct Vibration

Frequencies of any of the floating Superior Intelligences that seek
expression through mortal minds.

• Communicate within the inner-sanctum of your own private Vibra¬

sonic Tuner with the Invisible Intelligence Apperceptive Masses of
departed loved ones, lost persons, and luminaries such as J.F.
Kennedy, Napoleon Bonaparte, Shakespeare, Edison, and Alex¬
ander the Great. The outer fringe of space surrounding our
brains is full of such great intelligences, ready, able, and willing to
communicate their secrets and superior knowledge to us. They are
out in space; our Vibrasonic Tuner is the receiver, we must be in
tune. Vibrasonic Techniques will show you how, regardless of race,
creed, sex, educational background, or experience.
• Further develop your ESP abilities, obtain and maintain perfect
health, locate and return loved ones, embellish your personality
and self-confidence, obtain dominion over all obstacles and
enemies, feel and act like a giant among all, locate hidden treasures
and lost objects, and travel freely and inexpensively through the

How to Use Mystic Vibrasonics for a Wondrous New Life

electronic structure of matter into interplanetary projection

beyond space and time.

The Chosen Few: They Chose Themselves. Wherever you

may pick a sample cross section of humanity you will always
find a small percentage of people who always stand out in the
crowd. They are happy, breezing through their affairs, always
the center of an admiring crowd, having all the money they
want. Their luck is always incredibly good, and everything
comes easy for them. They are the ones who have consciously
or unconsciously discovered the Vibrasonic secret and work it
for all its worth. You too can be a member of this elite group.

Many wonder what secret they possess that makes their

lives so easy and beautiful. After many years of research, it
dawned on me that it all had to come from within the brain.
Yes, I discovered the secret of the Vibrasonic Tuner. It is all
revealed within the pages of this book, and, as you master the
techniques, you too will enjoy all the fruits of good luck in life:
health, wealth, power, dominion, and love.

You’ll read about fabulous changes in the lives of ordinary

people like these:

Jelly Roll Bob agitated his Vibrasonic Tuner into action by

using the Double-Your-Money Chant and quickly won SI,500
at the Las Vegas strip. (See p. 61.)

Nancy released the powerful forces lurking within her

Vibrasonic Tuner by applying the Powerful Mirror Technique,
and her man soon married her. (See p. 28.)

Jake dared to try the Protective Wall of Fire Chant

Technique and quickly dispelled all the evil that was perturbing
his family. (See p. 123.)

Your curiosity is already subconsciously awakening the

giant power of your Vibrasonic Tuner.

Make no mistake about it, for as you continue to read this

message your Vibrasonic Tuner is automatically reacting to the
intelligence clusters being formed by these words and thoughts
as they spin through your thinking Vibrasonic Tuner and off
into infinite space as thought-pattern vibrations. On and on
they journey at speeds faster than light. Time is forever, and
space is insignificant to them as they reach infinity instan¬
taneously to boomerang within your Vibrasonic Tuner
accompanied by myriads of similar vibrating thought-patterns,


Howto Use Mystic Vibrasonics fora Wondrous New Life

which I named scintillas, to reinforce and further your aims and


I Did It. . . Anybody Who Wants To Can Do It... So Can

You! Now! After many years of common, ordinary factory
work and labor, I finally broke the invisible Code of Life and
with it the barrier that had always separated me from the
storehouse of wealth, health, and happiness, which are as
abundant as the very air we breathe. Ever since then life has
been wonderful and beautiful to me. I am exactly what I have
always wanted to be. I have exactly what I have always yearned
for. Once you have mastered the Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques,
you can design your own unique master plan for a happy life
style with all the abundance your mind can conceive. You will
become the absolute master and architect of your destiny, and
no one can stop you. I own over a million dollars worth of real
estate property, my wife and sons drive new automobiles of
their choice, and my bank accounts have always contained very
respectable sums.

My purpose is to prove to you that Mystic Vibrasonics

does work, for it certainly has been good to me. It can also
work for you.

I guarantee you that upon completion of this book you

will never be the same. The difference will be amazing as you
graduate into a new and greater stature in life. You will create
the new, perfected image of you.

Now journey with me into that mysterious world of the

sub-microscopic scintillas, constantly emanating from your
Vibrasonic Tuner. It is not leagues or light years away in space
but as close as reading this book and opening your conscious¬
ness to this miraculous dimension of incredible events.

David Troncoso


How to Use Mystic Vibrasonics for a Wondrous New Life .... 5

1. Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic

Tuner .15

The Key Thought Technique (18)

The Laser Consciousness Awakening Technique (20)

The Here-Now Vibrasonic Technique (27)

The Powerful Mirror Technique (30)

2. The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration.

The Molecule-Shattering Vibrasonic Technique (37)

The Magic Spin-Off Chant (40)

The Cosmic Expansion Breathing Technique (43)

The Zero Vibration Technique (48)

3. Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money


The Special Lost Money Chant (56)

The Money Jingle Chant (59)

The Double-Your-Money Vibrasonic Chant (61)

The Niagara Money Flow Chant (64)

The Blast-Off Money Chant (67)




4. Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys to Regain and

Maintain Perfect Health.70

Invisible Vibration Healing Chant (72)

The Key Word Healing Technique for Perfect Health


The Giant Power Invisible Vibration Healing Chant

The Harmonic Vibrasonic Songster’s Vibration
Healing Chant Technique (86)

The Clear Vibration Chant (91)

5. Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique

to Obtain What You Desire-Effortlessly.97

The Prodigal Vibrasonic Technique (100)

The Chantdo Vibrasonic Technique Chant (107)

The Photographic Projection Vibrasonic Chant

Technique (110)

6. Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques to

Dissolve All Obstacles and Repel Evil Forces.113

The Escalation Vibrasonic Chant Technique (116)

The Slip-In Chant Technique (120)

The Protective Wall of Fire Vibrasonic Chant (126)

The Pyramid Power Escalation Vibrasonic Chant

Technique (129)

7. Synchronizing Vibrations—Golden Key to Unheard of

Wealth and Power.133

The Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique (137)

The Granite Mauler Vibrasonic Chant Technique (145)

Realizations to Practice (147)



8. X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic


The Molecular Telescopic Macrocosmic

Technique (153)
The View Finder Vibrasonic Technique (158)

The Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique (166)

9. Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection.168

The Vibrasonic Vanishing Technique and Chant (175)

Vibrasonic Tuner Reinforcing Affirmations (182)

The Satellite Zoom-In Technique (183)

10. Vibrasonics—The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key

Plan .184

The Master-Key Plan of Successful Living (188)

The First Psychic Law of the Master Plan (190)

The Vibrasonic Big Kernel of Laith Technique (190)

The Second Psychic Law of the Master Plan (191)

The Vibrasonic Attraction Technique (192)

The Third Psychic Law of Master Plan: Visualization


The Creative Visualization Gestalt Technique (195)

The Fourth Law of the Master Plan (195)

Vibrasonic Earthquake Combustion Word Technique


Discovering and Awakening

Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

Ever since the beginning of time man has been

haunted by that vague, recurring thought that whispers to him
that he is a god and, therefore, capable of accomplishing
whatever his heart desires. You are about to discover this and
prove it to yourself as you continue to delve into the myste¬
rious realm of psychic phenomena. We are all predisposed to
play the role of God in our relations with our fellow men. Some
people will feel this tremendous, powerful realization as they
swell up their chests, pick up a sword, and use this great
God-given power to slay, maim, hurt, and destroy their
brothers. On the other hand, the saviors of humanity, en¬
lightened by the simple reality of God, use this awesome power
to pick up the scalpel, the pen, and the tools of science and
technology to improve their brothers’ lot and make this a better
place to live. This use of the powerful Vibrasonic Tuner



Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

enlightens the world with supreme happiness. The power is the

same in both cases, and the invisible psychic laws governing in
both instances are the same. The difference lies in how the
power is used. What you receive is up to you. For, as a “man
soweth so shall he reap.” I am about to unveil this power
through Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques, so get ready, for we will
soon be on our way.

Children throughout the world innocently play in the

sand, in the rice paddies, on the farms, under fire during war
times, in the teeming metropolis, or wallowing in the dirty
tenement slums. Yet very few children, if any, are really
unhappy. Happily and luckily, children ignore the reality of
their environments during their formative years while their
flexible minds create the wonderful world of fantasy in which
they live. While playing cops and robbers, they frequently kill
each other in the magic of their imaginations as bad guys and
then immediately spring from the ground to amicably change
roles with the good guys. They fly through the air with the
greatest of ease as Superman, the avenger of human wrongs.
They soar through space from mountain to skyscraper, easily
defying the laws of physics to experience those wonderful
feelings of power and freedom via the magic of their imagina¬
tions. Others picture themselves as heroes in shining armor
forever rescuing ladies in distress or helping old widows pay
their mortgages right under the villain’s greedy eyes. The power
in their imaginations soars to such infinite heights that they
even think they can stop roaring trains with their mere presence
and command in front of the oncoming tonnage. Others feel
potent enough to snatch airplanes from out of the air like King
Kong did while swaying on the top of the Empire State
Building. Such is the miraculous God-given power inherent in
their pure, wholesome minds. God is pure and good, and that is
the way he created man. Some call children’s play fantasy. But
is it really that fantastic, or is it the periphery of that twilight
state of consciousness called heaven? For it is said that “In my
Father’s House there are many mansions,” and in heaven there
is no pain, worry, malice, or want. Heaven is abundant in all
that we on earth desire. Children appear to be mentally closer
Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner


to heaven, for they live in the magical consciousness of pure,

unadulterated God-Thought, the place where all begins and all
returns. That is why they are so happy in life.

The Bible reveals to us this priceless gem of wisdom: “Ye

must be born again. Ye must be like a child before you can
enter the Kingdom of God.” Which simply means that you must
emerge from the cocoon of negative thinking, usually accumu¬
lated throughout a life of negatively reacting to problems and
setbacks, into the light of a new, conscious state of thinking
positively in relation to everything. Positive thinking is your
ticket to the magical kingdom of heavenly consciousness which
is the Kingdom of God. It is here at hand to help you enjoy a
life of health, wealth, power, and dominion—all encompassed
by supreme happiness.

Georgie Flashed the Key Thought Technique

and Awakened His Vibrasonic Tuner to Gain a Clearer, more Positive

Perspective Towards Life

Georgie was a thirty-five-year-old soda jerk at the local

drug store. He worked long, hard hours for a modest salary and
all the ice cream he could eat. He was confused and dis¬
illusioned with his way of life, and deep down inside he knew
he was entitled to a better life. In his desperation and frustra¬
tion he would sometimes indulge in eating binges, trying to
drown his sorrows with ice cream sodas and malts, until his
weight started to zoom. This created other problems. People
started to make fun of him because of his portly appearance.
What was poor Georgie to do? The answer soon came his way.
Someone left a copy of the Key Thought Technique on the
soda fountain counter. Georgie picked it up and started
practicing it right away.

Several weeks went by, and Georgie began to receive

compliments on his personality change. His whole perspective
towards life changed for the better. His thinking became
imbued with positiveness, which showed in everything he did.
Soon the girl of his dreams met him behind the soda fountain.
It was love at first sight, and they decided to get married. Since
she had money in the bank, before the year was over Georgie


Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

was the proud owner of that neighborhood drug store. It can

also happen to you. Turn on the light, and the darkness


How to Use It to Turn You On

1. Find a quiet place where you can contemplate the purpose of

your existence. Think about this for a good while.

2. Lie flat on your back, on the floor, sofa, or bed. Close your eyes,
and let your body and mind relax. This is most important.
Contemplate the unity of the universe, the oneness of God.

3. Concentrate on the following: Imagine a light bulb within your

mind. Imagine you light it up with the mere command of your
thought. Say seven times within your mind: “Aim... I
am .. . Aim ... I am .. . Aum, Aum, Aum, Aum, Aum, Aum,

4. Take three long, deep breaths. Open your eyes and go about your
daily business. Expect sudden results. Be confident and positive.

Your God-given Vibrasonic Tuner is the Secret Key to the

elixir of life and will be revealed to you in the final chapter of
this book. Negative and positive thinking comprise both aspects
of the Vibrasonic Tuner’s function. The Vibrasonic Tuner is
always thinking something. If we learn how to orient, direct,
and control its function, we will have harnessed the greatest
power at our disposal. Here is how to accomplish this.

Negative thinking always creates negative thought-patterns,

which consist of disorganized clusters of intelligence I call
Quantums. These Quantums become reinforced by continued
thinking along the same thought channels, whether they are
positive or negative. Negative thinking produces negative
Quantums, which accrete around the brain area and attract
similarly charged Quantums from outer space. When negativism
overpowers the positive Quantums, all decisions are influenced
to fail. Negativism forms the dark and gloomy aspect of the
Vibrasonic Tuner, and such thought-patterns, in the form of
Quantums, are always destructive because they are imbued with
fear vibrations which produce indecision in all important affairs.
The results, of course, are always negative, always failures.

Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner


On the other hand, positive thought-patterns form posi¬

tively charged Quantums which tend to form well-knitted,
organized, harmonious patterns. They begin to form magnetic
lines of force which attract other positive intelligence clusters
from the space within and around us. Since order rules the
universe, positive Quantums are constructive by nature.
Continued reinforcement of their production draws from the
universal storehouse all the wealth available to mankind. Posi¬
tive thought-patterns stimulate and tend to awaken your Vibra¬
sonic Tuner to vibrate on the sunny side of life. Using this
technique is like tickling the toe of the powerful giant that
exists dormant within your Vibrasonic Tuner, transforming it
into the invincible powerhouse of action that it is. Success
begets success. Happiness is the manifestation of the supreme
order in harmony with the perfect, universal cosmic vibration
we call God.

Thoughts are invisible clusters of vibrating molecules.

Molecules are minute particles of primordial essence, Quantums
that pervade all space and matter. Molecules form the basic
blocks from which all matter emerges into manifestation.
Energy in the form of thoughts emanating from the Vibrasonic
Tuner center weaves molecules into the reality we call matter.
As the winds caress the leaves and bend the willow trees and the
waves of the ocean forever form furrows on the sandy beaches,
so the fine, subtle vibration thoughts emanating from the
Vibrasonic Tuner center, hidden somewhere within the com¬
plexity of man’s brain, fan and form the invisible fabric mold
from which all matter emerges.

How Eric Used the Laser Consciousness Awakening

Technique to Discover His Many Talents

Ever since he could remember, Eric had been considered a

slow learner. Throughout his school career, he always felt
inferior to the other students. His grades weren’t too bad, but
he always started everything with that idea of inferiority which
had been so deeply engraved in his brain while he was living
with his alcoholic parents. Confession revealed that he didn’t
believe in his inferiority and that deep down within his
consciousness he felt he was very smart, but somehow never


Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

got the breaks to prove himself. According to one of his

statements, “Everybody else is always too fast.” He couldn’t
keep up with the fast-moving competition. Eric was a miserable
young man, indeed, but not for long. After exercising the Laser
Consciousness Awakening Technique, he soon discovered his
real self. What happened to him can happen to you. At the end
of the semester, who do you think was at the head of the class?
It was Eric. His popularity had grown to such a point that he
was unanimously elected class president. Eric at last had
discovered the real Eric, and he was convinced that his many
talents were beginning to bear fruit.


To Find Your New You
I suggest that you perform this technique as the last act
before falling asleep-lights out, tucked in bed, radios and all
noise off—every night until you meet and discover the new you.

1. Count up to 100.

2. When you reach 100, fix clearly in your mind an image of a

square block of human flesh approximately your size and height.
Keep concentrating on it for approximately three minutes. Don’t
time yourself, merely approximate the time.

3. See a pair of brand new arms slowly emerge out of this block of
human flesh. Next, see both legs protrude and then the head.
Continue to visualize your body rising from the bed and slowly
blending into the new one.

4. After you feel this has been accomplished, go to sleep in the

serene confidence that during the night it will take place.

Consciousness starts when the Vibrasonic Tuner becomes

slightly aware of itself as a unique entity in relation to the
immediate environment and the world at large. This spark of
awareness is usually catalytically set off by thought vibrations
emanating from the Vibrasonic Tuner and coalescing into
thought-patterns—Quantum clusters. As the thinking habits
become channeled, the clusters of Quantums become more
dense and they gravitate around the brain area. This well-
established and personalized aura I have called the Invisible
Apperceptive Mass, which eventually sets up its own, unique

Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner


rate of vibration-Vibration Frequency. This eventually be¬

comes the person’s style of life. If it is positive, success will
surely follow. On the other hand, if it is negative, failure will
result. But it doesn't have to be negative once you learn how to
activate and control your Vibrasonic Tuner by using the
powerful Vibrasonic Techniques of success. And success can be
yours forever once its laws are put into motion.

The Invisible Apperceptive Mass becomes our ego identity

in life. Have you ever heard: “You can’t escape from yourself,’’
or “You’ve got to live with yourself,” or “You’ve got to be
honest with yourself”? Of course you have. Now think a little
about those statements. Aren’t they true? We are what we are,
and we can’t escape from ourselves. But we can change what we
appear to be, for our identity develops from infancy to death.

What happens when mortals die? Many people believe that

there is some form of continuing life after death. They believe
that we go on living in some form through a succession of
different phases in space. This lamentable presumption faces us
some two thousand years after the death of Christ despite the
great advances already made by science in this last century. Man
has gone to the moon, created computers that solve the most
complex problems in seconds, made dramatic breakthroughs in
medicine, made technological achievements, and accumulated
vast knowledge ever since the beginning of recorded time. Yet
he still gropes in the darkness in search of his identity and his
purpose in life. Will man ever really know? Absolute truths are
not clearly defined or written in books, on stones, or on sealed
tombs. The answers to questions about the purpose of life are
far beyond the thinking capacity of man. Nor can they be
found with a formula or computer. These are answers which
only those intelligences that have passed the great river of
endless time know and which they can relate to us through the
sensitive synchronization of our Vibrasonic Tuner to receive
their pure Quanturns of wisdom from outer space.

What I have done you too can do, as you continue to seek
the techniques and knowledge which await you in the pages

The physical body changes from “ashes to ashes.” It

eventually returns to its point of inception. Nothing is really
ever destroyed. Matter merely changes form in the continuum


Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

of time and space. The quantity of matter and energy is

constant in the universe. You cannot add to it nor subtract
from it. The metamorphosis that takes place is merely an
illusion. In this process, the invisible, vibrating molecules
sustaining the matter form break away from the magnetic force
field and diffuse into space. They can accomplish this act
because of their tremendous velocities, which scientists con¬
jecture are faster than light. Scientists have not been able to
measure the velocity of the molecules.

One of our brilliant space scientists, Dr. Wernher von

Braun, who at the age of sixteen was already building V-2
rockets in Germany, made the following eyebrow raising state¬
ment, “Matter cannot be created nor destroyed.” Another one
of our brightest scientists, Dr. Albert Einstein, buttressed this
statement with his theory of relativity, which in essence states
that everything in the universe is moving relative to everything
else in time and space. Change the time and space, and the mass
is transformed from one state of being into another.

What happens when the mortal body disintegrates upon

death? Obviously, we cannot deny that it returns to ashes, since
we can see that it does. But what about the clusters of
Intelligence Molecules, the Invisible Apperceptive Mass that has
vibrated for a lifetime around the Vibrasonic Tuner within the
brain? Is the Invisible Apperceptive Mass destroyed upon the
release of the molecular structure of the body mass, or does it
disappear into the vast nothingness of space to be lost forever?
It is believed that the Intelligence Cohesiveness of the Invisible
Apperceptive Mass remains in perpetual movement or incarnates
into a new physical body. The strong magnetic lines of force
firmly reinforced throughout the years of mortal life of the
human brain continue to hold the Invisible Apperceptive Mass
in orbit. Once the Invisible Apperceptive Mass is released from
the deceased brain, it travels freely through space, knowing no
limitations. Since there is no longer a screen, the human brain,
for flashback projections of memories, the released Invisible
Apperceptive Mass has to rely on projection through other
mortal brains still vibrating on earth to express itself. In this
manner, spiritual messages are sent by these advanced Intelli-

Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner


gence Clusters floating through space. Soon you will be shown

how to communicate with them.

How Abraham Activated the Vibrasonic Blast Off Technique

to Project His Id into Space and Communicated with
His Deceased Rich Uncle

Abraham was very unhappy about his rich uncle’s death.

The manner of the death really disturbed him. One quiet
Sunday night Abraham’s Uncle Charlie sat down to watch
television. It all happened so quickly and with such finality.
Poor Uncle Charlie passed away while the good guys beat the
bad guys on the Sunday night western. The family wept, and
Abraham sat in quiet contemplation. Then he spoke and tried
to ease the pain by rationalizing that perhaps Uncle Charlie was
better off since he was almost 80 when the cardiac arrest took
place. Yet, deep down, he wished that he had at least been on
better terms with him. He knew that he had been very mean
and indifferent to his uncle, and he wondered if he was included
in the will. He had wanted to talk to his uncle and make amends
with him. But, of course, like everything else in life, we always
feel sorry after it is too late. He wished that he could at least
spiritually communicate with his uncle.

Several weeks after a friend introduced him to the Vibra¬

sonic Blast Off Technique, Abraham’s wish had come true. And
this is how he did it. On the particular night of successful
communication, Abraham had been very diligently exercising
the technique when sleep suddenly overpowered him. Drowsy,
but conscious of what was happening around him, he very
clearly saw a round, vapor-like mass start to pull away from the
center region of his forehead. The mass stopped and remained
suspended in space approximately ten feet above him. Now he
could see a very thin, gray, thread-like connection between the
mass, which was his Invisible Apperceptive Mass, and his
forehead. Entranced by the unusual sensation his brain was
undergoing, he remained very peaceful and relaxed. The
thought of his Uncle Charlie projected itself into his mind, and
Abraham couldn’t stop thinking about him. Then he observed
another nebulous mass appear out of space and come close to


Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

his. Now he was sure that it was Uncle Charlie’s. A spiritual

peace treaty was consumated, and Abraham quickly changed
for the better. Several days later, Abraham found several
thousand dollars worth of negotiable bonds that had been
missing from his personal effects. Abraham has been a happy
man ever since. Good can happen to you too.

The Clusters of Intelligence travel through space at

tremendous speeds which scientists claim are greater than that
of light. They travel so fast that the travel is virtually instan¬
taneous, and they permeate all matter and space. They are
omnipresent. All the knowledge and wisdom in the universe is
omnipresent, waiting for us to claim it and utilize it for better
or for worse. Let us be constructive, always. But, before we can
have access to it, we must synchronize and tune in our
Vibrasonic Tuner to the Vibration Frequency of the particular
knowledge or spiritual entity we wish to obtain knowledge
from. All matter and space is cluttered with myriads of Invisible
Apperceptive Masses seeking sensitivity in Vibrasonic Tuners so
that they may express and manifest their superior knowledge
through them. These disembodied intelligences appear to be
lonely and constantly striving towards reincarnation in a new¬
born human.

Once rapport is achieved through synchronization with the

Invisible Apperceptive Masses, the Vibrasonic Tuner becomes
conditioned to receive the constant flow of Invisible In¬
telligence Clusters flowing from the Invisible Apperceptive
Masses. This creates the “hot line” between mortal intelligence
and infinite superior intelligences in space. When this line is
opened, you will have gained a thousand years in advantage,
while other minds, ignorant of these superior-power contacts,
will have fallen by the wayside. It will be easy for you to win in


The Invisible Apperceptive Mass, consisting of the thought

clusters accumulated during the entire lifetime of the mortal
mind, is released from the gravitational field of the brain area
Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner


immediately upon death. It escapes quickly into space and

floats for some time at a respectable distance, but close to the
dead brain. In cases where the dead are brought back to life,
this has been possible because the immediately released Invisible
Apperceptive Mass has been able to re-enter the dying brain
seconds before the magnetic cord connecting it is severed. But,
once it is severed, the result is irreversible. Death is very definite
and permanent. Once released into space, the billions of
Invisible Apperceptive Masses roam at will. Their common urge
is to reincarnate and return to mortal life. Although reincarna¬
tion is possible, it becomes very improbable that it will occur
soon. For you see, it would have to take place according to the
Laws of Probability, and there are billions of Invisible Apper¬
ceptive Masses out in space trying to return at the same time.
When reincarnation does take place, it does so because a
particular Invisible Apperceptive Mass happened by chance to
be in the precise point in time and space when conception
occurred. The odds against this happening are astronomical.
And, even when this takes place, there still is the nine-month
gestation period within the mother’s womb that has to be taken
into consideration. Anything can happen there. But if all
continues well, an Invisible Apperceptive Mass returns to mortal
life within the brand-new brain of the baby. Somewhere within
the Intelligence Clusters exists the minute thinking seed, the
Vibrasonic Tuner.


Vibrasonic Tuners are as unique as an individual’s finger¬

prints. There are approximately two-and-a-half billion people
crawling over the surface of this earth, and no two have
identical fingerprints. Fingerprints are only individualized line
grooves that look the same in every human hand. You can imagine
how much more unique and complex each individual Vibrasonic
Tuner must be. No two minds think alike. Not even twins have
identical Vibrasonic Tuners. Each brain’s Vibrasonic Tuner
vibrates within its unique Vibration Frequency rate. No two are
alike. The particular rate is conditioned and determined by the


Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

individual thinking pattern. Winds, rains, and tides may change

the face of the world, but eternal truths will stay the same. That
is the beauty of it all. In this maze of psychic laws that govern
the universe, everything mortal is relative and changing within
the spectrum of time and space. You can always change your
thinking pattern, improving it by using Mystic Vibrasonic
Techniques. Now is the time to start creating the new you. In so
doing “Ye will be bom again.” Man must be so transformed
before he can enter the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is here
and now! I bid you enter.

How Preston Used the Vibrasonic Here-Now Technique to

Win a Brand-New Automobile

Preston was a very good, conscientious worker. He never

missed a day throughout his long career at the rubber plant,
where he had been employed for the past five years. Every
morning as the clock struck 5 A.M., you could see him walking
very briskly to work. It was only three miles away, and he made
it back and forth six days a week. Preston didn’t own an
automobile. He wanted one, but somehow his paycheck just
didn’t stretch far enough. He soon made a great discovery: the
Here-Now Technique. The following week he won a brand-new
car in a raffle.

Gilbert Reclaims His Love and Boosts His Salary

Gilbert never did believe too strongly in the future. He

always wanted everything now. With his crude manner, how¬
ever, he didn’t get very many of his wishes immediately. Now,
at the age of twenty-four, he appeared to be a very nervous,
fast-aging young man. He got so unreasonable that his girl friend
left him. Then he lost Iris job. Gilbert was now all alone. What
was he to do? After he exercised the Here-Now Technique, his
girl friend came back the very next day and a call from his
former employer got him his position back with a substantial
increase in salary. Gilbert has been successful and happy ever

Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner



To Get What You Want Now!

I suggest that you perform this technique every chance

you get. Practice makes perfect.

1. Write your desire on a small piece of paper.

2. Carry this little paper with you wherever you go.

3. Read your desire and mentally repeat it every chance you get.

4. When you read it, do so with all the willpower you can muster.

5. Believe that it will happen—now—and go about your business

supremely confident.

How Rosie Employed the Powerful Mirror Technique to Gain

a Promotion and a Raise in Salary

Rosie was a young, intelligent and beautiful, ambitious

secretary. Yet she never seemed to make it big. Disappoint¬
ments and frustrations finally brought her to my office door. It
was such a beautiful, sunny morning in July. For Rosie it might
as well have been snowing, for she felt dejected and lost in her
dilemma. She sat directly in front of me and very slowly and
carefully related her sad story to me.

“I am so miserable and sad,” she sobbed as her eyes

drooped and tears began to roll down her weather-beaten
cheeks. “I am sick of seeing other girls with less educational
background get promoted with raises while I continue in the
same rut. What can 1 do?”

Her sunken eyes seemed to beg for a solution. I really felt

sorry for her. Of course, I realized that she had conditioned her
Vibrasonic Tuner to vibrate negatively and attract similarly
disorganized Invisible Intelligence Clusters, which were dis¬
orienting her and influencing her to make the wrong moves in
life. Her failure was self-created, and she was paying the price.

I gave her a copy of the Powerful Mirror Technique. She

appeared somewhat relieved as she walked out with a semblance
of hope. I was convinced that her woes would vanish once she


Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

put the technique into action. I didn’t hear from her for about
two weeks. I just couldn’t forget her worn look, and it haunted
the inner recesses of my brain. Occasionally, she would flash
across my mind and I immediately would imagine her being
very happy with her new position. It is very amazing how the
telepathy of the mind works. A few minutes after I had been
thinking of her one day, she called. She was very happy.

She said to me, “God bless you. Do you know what


I replied, “In the name of the Lord, I suspect that you

have been blessed with good news.”

“Yes, and that isn't all,” she said. “I just received a call
from the head office informing me that as of tomorrow I will be
in charge of the office personnel and I will get a healthy
increase in salary. Oh, I am so happy.”

Nancy Also Used the Powerful Mirror Technique to

Conquer Her Man

Nancy wrote to me for help. She had always had bad luck
in love. Her last affair had produced the extra burden of an
illegitimate child. The father had run out of money and left. On
the basis of her written letter, she appeared to be a very nice
girl, but bad luck just seemed to dog her steps. She expressed
sincerity and a yearning to establish a home and live a righteous
life. Hector was elected to be her man. I mailed her the
Powerful Mirror Technique and knew that, if she carried
through, the desired results would soon crown her efforts.

About a month later my telephone rang. By the sound of

the vibration I knew it was good news. Some people would
question such a statement, and I wouldn’t blame them. How¬
ever, over the years I have developed the ability to interpret
vibrations as to whether they bring good or bad news. And this
was definitely a sound of good news. I can’t explain it, but each
telephone call appears to incorporate and transmit the quality
of the emotions and feelings of the caller. Apparently, the
electrical impulses which register the ring also deliver the

Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner


vibrations emitted from the Vibrasonic Tuner of the person

making the call. Thus, when a person is under high pressure and
duress, the Vibrasonic Tuner seems to vibrate at a very unique
and high Vibration Frequency. Couple these forces with the
tremendous speed with which these vibrations travel, and you
have a powerhouse impact which is instantaneous.

“Hello,” I answered.

Silence ensued for a few seconds. It is during those few

psychologically long seconds that both parties on the line
mentally prepare themselves for a verbal and mental confronta¬
tion. I felt triumph as the silence was broken and a clear
sounding voice at the other end of the line said “I’m Nancy. Do
you remember my letter?”

“I sure do, my dear,” I said.

“Thank you forever for having sent me your Powerful

Mirror Technique. I started to exercise it as soon as I received it
and started to feel more confident and poised in everything I
did. About a week later, I was walking to the market, when I
heard a very familiar voice speak to me from behind. It rang a
bell, but my mind said, no, it can’t be. I quickly turned around,
and it was a dream come true. It was Hector. Oh, I had wanted
to see him so badly that I practically dreamed of him every
night. But, of course, he was in New Orleans and I was in New
York. It couldn’t be him after the way he had abandoned me
and never even bothered to write or call me. 1 rubbed my eyes
to make sure. It was him, and I was so happy. He took me by
the arm and whispered in my ear that he had something very
important to tell me. We went into a restaurant which was
nearby, and to my surprise he proposed to me. We were married
the same week. Please, please keep writing to me. Send me some
more of your literature so that we may have continued good
luck and prosperity.”

This is only one of thousands of such letters in my

personal files. Many people have used this Powerful Mirror
Technique and have benefited by it. I have used it to advantage
often and continue to exercise it. You too can use this


Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner

technique and receive what your heart desires. But you must
initiate the action before any rewards can fill your life. Are you
ready for the moment of truth?


My recommendation is that this technique be practiced for

intervals of approximately five minutes per session, once daily
for seven consecutive nights, preferably before you go to bed.
The mirror that you use can be any size as long as you can see
your face clearly.

1. Gaze into a mirror and fondly observe yourself. Study every

minute detail of your face. Mentally analyze yourself and assess
your ambitions. Are you satisfied with yourself? Do you want to
transform yourself? If so, in which ways? Mentally create the
image of yourself the way you want yourself to be.

2. Continue such concentration and admire yourself as the potential

of God’s creation here on earth. You are made in His image.
Think about this idea until it makes sense to you.

3. Throughout the session, keep your mouth closed and don’t open
it for any reason. This is very important.

4. Breathe through your nose very slowly and rhythmically.

5. At this stage of the session, you will begin to feel body sensations.
This is a very good sign. Continue until you feel very buoyant.

6. Think clusters of thoughts related to your desires. Think power¬

fully about them while you imbue them with confident deter¬
mination that they will come to pass soon.

7. For example, if it’s money you want, think big. Think: 1 am rich ,
prosperous or 1 am abundant. Think as many similar thought
groups as come to your mind. Feel great power as you think your
big, moving thoughts. Suppose you want your loved one to
return. In such a situation, you merely change the psychic format
by thinking silently and creating within the dark labyrinth of
your mind the exact situation you want to materialize. You could
think: He or she has returned or I am happy with him or her. By
placing your desire in your Vibrasonic Tuner, you will be putting
the technique to work. Through spiritual revelation, I have
discovered that this exercise activates the invisible neural
connections leading to the Vibrasonic Tuner, and continued

Discovering and Awakening Your Powerful Vibrasonic Tuner


practice will surely awaken and put this giant power into motion.
Once this happens, you will always be pleasantly surprised.

8. Now you will feel very refreshed and peaceful. Continue looking
at yourself in the mirror. Look very closely and try to observe
any kind of transformation that might be taking place within the
contours of your face. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t notice
any change the first few times. Try again. Soon you will begin to
notice the new, youthful you-beautiful, successful, confident-
unfurling in the mirror before your very eyes.

The recommended time limit for this exercise is about five

minutes. Surely you can devote this much time to what you
sincerely desire. You now have taken the first step in the right
direction. As you go on to greater things with the realizations
and revelations of the great Techniques, the mystery of it all
will fade away and nature’s beautiful simplicity will shine
through you. You can vibrate your Vibrasonic Tuner at any
Vibration Frequency you desire. It is all up to you. What is it
going to be? Health or sickness? Riches or poverty? Lucky or
unlucky? You or somebody else?

The Secret Mystery

of the Power of Vibration

Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques activate the Vi*

brasonic Tuner deeply embedded within your mind. They can
help you.


Science theorizes that every object, organism, and person

in the universe exists in a constant state of flux. All movement
is reduced to a common denominator—vibration. Everything
from water to the hardest known substance, diamond, is
composed of vibrating molecules with different frequency rates.
Soft objects are not secure in their mass bodies since the
molecules comprising them are very loosely bound together,
due to the faster vibration frequency of their molecules. In
harder objects and substances of higher Vibration Frequency, the

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration


molecules are more firmly bound. Therefore, it is easier to

disintegrate the form of a mass of matter with a fast vibration
frequency than that of one with a slow vibration frequency. In
inanimate objects, heat is the means to effectuate such a
disintegration. In living matter, the Vibration Frequency of the
Vibrasonic Tuner is what generates the power to influence other
matter and circumstances. Each entity mass is sustained by its
own individualized, unique Vibration Frequency, the rate of
vibration of its molecules.








Figure 2.1

In Figure 2.1, C, having a slower rate of vibration per unit

than A and B, has molecules compressed more closely per unit.
This compression makes the mass body of C harder. Likewise,
the Vibration Frequency of B is lower than that of A, so B is
harder than A. The Vibration Frequency of A, being the fastest
of the three, makes it easier to transform A to another state.
This ease of transformation is due to the fact that its mass body
has a faster Vibration Frequency. Such a condition facilitates
the breaking of the electro-magnetic lines of force binding the
molecules together.


In brain-bearing animals, including human beings, the

power pressure must originate and unfold from within the
Vibrasonic Tuner—that invisible, indivisible thinking center
which is well-hidden within the brain. Its constant activation by


The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

thinking develops the necessary thought-energy, Invisible Intelli¬

gence Clusters which I have termed Quantums, and projects
them into space at speeds greater than that of light. The
Quantums instantaneously reach out to the fringes of infinity
and return to the Vibrasonic Tuner with accumulated similar
Quantums from superior intelligences in outer space. These are
the intelligences that either help us or hurt us. Positive Quan¬
tums help; negative Quantums do not.


The water molecule is composed of two atoms of hydro¬

gen and one of oxygen, locked together in an orbiting field of
electro-magnetic attraction. When heat, as from a Bunsen
burner, is applied, the Vibration Frequency increases to a point
at which the water molecules lose their liquid form and produce
water vapor.


This is where Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques enter into the

human scene. You are now at the threshold of possessing and
realizing this all-powerful, secret key, the Vibrasonic Tuner,
which can help you awaken and direct your thought energies
into success-oriented channels. By controlling your all-powerful
think-center, your Vibrasonic Tuner, you will be able to attract
the very things you desire. These techniques will complete the
link between your Vibrasonic Tuner and those myriads of Super
Intelligences forever roaming in infinite space in quest of

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

reincarnation and the expression of their abilities through
receptive Vibrasonic Tuners. Practice them diligently and with
faith in yourself, and you will be surprised by the results. Other
people have done it, so can you. It is now your move.


The power of your Vibrasonic Tuner is greater than that of

the most powerful nuclear bomb ever imagined by the human
mind. Like all universal forces, it can be utilized for evil
purposes or for the good of humanity. The world is already
over-polluted with evil; therefore, it would be sheer insanity to
even contemplate using it for any evil designs. The rewards are
many, so use it to better your lot and that of humanity in
general. The Vibrasonic Tuner cannot be seen or described, nor
can science pin-point it. All that is known is that it is encased
somewhere within the brain and is suspected of floating from
one brain cell to another to avoid damage. It therefore remains
forever elusive and beyond the reach of human physical tamper¬
ing. One’s only communication with it is through the thought
machinations transpiring within the Vibrasonic Tuner brain
complex. Vibrasonic Techniques are designed to help you make
this contact. Armed with this special knowledge and its applica¬
tions, you will truly possess the magic wand that can move
situations and circumstances to your ultimate advantage, can
help you manipulate and transmute matter, and can concoct
and influence events involving people, objects, and your self-
interests. You will be able to utilize its power as handily as a
scientist works with the laws of gravity and the principles of
electricity. Your laboratory lies somewhere within the mysterious
labyrinths of your Vibrasonic Tuner. With such power, how can
you lose?

How Hugo, the Scapegoat of the Paint Factory, Used the

Molecule-Shattering Vibrasonic Technique to Disintegrate
Almost Fifty Pounds Off His Weight and Become Popular

It is almost impossible to understand man’s inhumanity

towards man. It seems to vary in barbaric degree. So it was in
the case of Hugo, a twenty-three-year-old worker at the local


The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

paint factory. It was a medium-sized factory, and the employees

numbered well into the hundreds. In Hugo’s department, there
were approximately fifty colleagues that weren’t too friendly
towards him. As a matter of fact, they were very unkind to him
and continually made fun of his excess weight. They called him
all kinds of names and continually taunted him. Hugo had to
resort to eating his lunch in the restroom to avoid their giggles
and derogatory comments. Even there he was followed and
tormented. He was rapidly developing an inferiority complex as
big as he was. Slowly but surely, Hugo was withdrawing from
the reality of his environment and into the catacomb of
desperate loneliness. What hurt him most was being called fatty
tissue. But Hugo was no fool. He remembered that a rich uncle
had told him to exercise the Molecule-Shattering Vibrasonic
Technique. He found out to his great delight that his weight was
going down. Soon he had shattered some fifty pounds of fat off
his waistline, and he felt terrific. The other workers flocked to
him in admiration, and he went on to become the most popular
worker in the plant. Needless to say, all the girls were after him
for dates.

Monica Used the Molecule-Shattering Vibrasonic Technique

to Dispel Evil Forces That Had Troubled Her Life

Funny noises, banging, and rattling around her window

sills kept Monica awake most nights until she finally developed
insomnia. One night, she had a very terrifying experience. She
saw a large, corpulent shadow rush through her bedroom while
she was undressing for the night. That morning, when Monica
tried to get out of bed, she found herself being prevented by an
unseen force that pushed her down every time she tried to get
up. This brought her to her wit’s end.

After she was advised to use the Molecule-Shattering

Vibrasonic Technique, she began to feel more confident. After a
few weeks of practice, she began to notice that little by little
those noises were beginning to subside. The technique began to
take effect, and the hordes of invisible evil entities were running
for cover. It was soon over. Now Monica sleeps well, and her
insomnia has disappeared forever.

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration




A Very Versatile Technique That Can

Be Used for Any Purpose You Desire

1. Practice once a day until results are obtained.

2. A duration of approximately five minutes is highly recom¬


3. Sit in a comfortable chair or lie flat on your back on a bed, sofa,

or the floor.

4. Close your eyes and rhythmically repeat the following chant

seven times: “DOLG .. . OTTO ... TENGA.”
5. Now loudly repeat your desires (whatever they may be) seven

6. Arise and go about your daily business.


When you use chants, please try to pronounce the words

with as rhythmical an intonation as possible. Remember that
there are no two identical sound vibrations. Each one has its
own inflection which is as individualized as your fingerprints.
So, as you proceed to send into infinite space your own
particular vibration of the sounds imbued with your own
unique emotional tones, they will attract similar, compatible
vibration reactions from the infinity of space. By practicing,
you will eventually trigger off the correct Vibration Frequency,
which will elicit a response from the invisible entities in space.
They always respond to the vibrational language that is in
harmony with them. Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques and Chants
were designed, after many years of research and experimenta¬
tion, to correspond to these entities. Remember, everything
that occurs in the universe does not happen by accident, things
occur by the conscious or unconscious invocation of psychic

Do not attempt to analyze any of these magical chants.

They are quite beyond the realm of human understanding. They


The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

don’t operate on a rational level, but, instead, function invisibly

through the magical Vibrasonic Tuner. They act as catalysts,
activating unconscious, submerged forces which set the Vibra¬
sonic Tuner vibrating in the Vibration Frequency pattern
required for contact with outer space intelligences that will
come to help you realize your desires.


Being aware means being consciously alive to the environ¬

ment and events and being able to react to them. Some people
call awareness consciousness, but it is the same stream of
vibratory thought-patterns emanating forever from the Vibra¬
sonic Tuner. Each thought is a flickering vibration that spins off
the brain area as a Quantum. The sum total of these Quantums
in each vibration wave determines the high or low threshold of
the Vibration Frequency rate, which I have named the Intelli¬
gence Frequency Awareness Factor.

Positive thinking, thinking with good emotions and expec¬

tations, always stimulates speeding Quantums in multiplying
quantities. This builds up the Vibration Frequency Awareness
Factor, enabling it to reach out farther into the limitless fringes
of space in search of psychic help. On the other hand, negative
thinking reverses the process, forcing the Intelligence Frequency
Awareness Factor to fall to low Vibration Frequencies. This
action tends to withdraw it from any kind of positive help and
relegate it to the influence of disorienting entities.

Ours is a world of pure intelligence, within which we live,

move, and have our being. In it we must compete for survival
and success. Without intelligence, nothing in our universe could
fall into its proper order. Look about you. Observe the stars,
the sky, the huge skyscrapers, your body, and thank God for
His wondrous wisdom. How can anyone claim that there is no
order? Nature is perfect order. Man is the one being that can
create disorder, but he can also align himself with the harmoni¬
ous order of the universe. Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques and
Chants can help you.

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration


Larry Turned On the Spin-Off Chant to Depolarize Negative

Molecules in His Brain and Eliminate the Persistent Migraine
Headaches He Had Suffered from for Years

What a job it was for Larry to finish the day at work. The
continuous grinding of the lathes, compounded by the clankety-
clank sounds of the drill presses, almost drove him crazy. As a
machinist, Larry was almost ready to throw in the towel. Is it
any wonder that he couldn’t get rid of those terrible, persistent
migraine headaches? He had consulted many medical avenues of
relief, but to no avail. Pills just didn’t do the job.

Soon after exercising the Spin-Off Chant I had recom¬

mended in consultation, Larry had rid himself of the excru¬
ciating headaches which had made his life so miserable. Things
continued to improve, and soon he had been promoted to head
the valve department, an easier, supervisory position with more
money and yearly bonuses.

How Cornelius Used the Spin-Off Chant to Ward off His

Wife’s Boy Friend

Cherry Lou had been married to Cornelius for four years.

At first everything went well. Happiness seemed to be theirs
forever. Then something happened. The spell of love began to
wear off, and Cherry Lou started to change and drift away from
her darling hubby. At first Cornelius thought sexual incom-
patability was the cause. That is, until Cornelius found a strange
telephone number in her purse and followed the lead to her
secret boy friend’s apartment. There he discovered her
infidelity. He could have killed them both, but being a prudent
and reasonable man, he let the culprit escape and ordered
Cherry Lou to go home.
At his apartment, he questioned her at great length but
just couldn’t get to the bottom of why she had cheated on him.
With pearl-sized tears, she just nodded her head in bewilder¬
ment. Thinking that perhaps he had neglected her in bed, that
night Cornelius tried to make good what he considered to be his
shortcoming. That was a mistake. The following morning when


The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

he woke up, she was gone—clothes, handbag, and all. He was a

sad husband.

He knew about the Spin-Off Chant from one of my

lectures. He began to exercise it. He had no phone call and no
sight of her for several weeks. Then, one day, he heard a knock
at the rear door and went to open it. He thought that it was
only the gas man or the milk man trying to make a delivery. It
was Cherry Lou, with a big smile. She threw her arms around
him and hurried him to the bedroom. They started their second
honeymoon, which has continued to beam happiness into their


This chant can be used for any purpose. Once you are set
in harmonious vibration with it, you merely have to speak out
your desires with deep confidence and demand them from the
universal mind.

1. Form a very clear concept of what you are going to ask for,

2. Find a very quiet place where you can sit down and meditate for
a few minutes. Now chant this seven times: “CHINGOLE . ..

3. Let all of your thoughts ooze out of your mind, and start
thinking only of what you want. Contemplate these crystal-clear
desires for about five minutes. This may not seem like a very long
period, but when you first try to control and train your
Vibrasonic Tuner to vibrate within your desires, you may find it a
little difficult. Don’t give up. You must continue to practice the
chant until mastery is yours.

4. Close your eyes for about three minutes.

5. Take three long, deep breaths through your nostrils, keeping your
mouth shut at all times. Exhale very slowly, through the nostrils.
Open your eyes and state your desires at least seven times.

6. Go about your business as usual. Expect results.


It is always crowded at the bottom of the heap, but there

is always room for one more at the top! Life is always seething

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration


with many opportunities. Only alertness is needed to take

advantage of them. The past is like running water under the
bridge. One can never bring it back; it travels in only one
direction. The only value of the past lies in the lessons we learn
from experience. It is useless to complain of the past; instead,
one should level one’s sights on the tomorrow which is sure to

Success must be built brick by brick and requires all of

your dedicated skills and talents to bring it about. The success
path is ever so near, yet man always seeks it in far-off
directions. Every job is an open door to a better one, but you
can only open that door by performing better today. Remem¬
ber that each minute of each day becomes part of your
tomorrows. Your future can be richer or poorer to the extent
that you do that work now or leave work undone, to falter and
disappear into the lamentable, fathomless graveyard of yester¬
days. Many people keep looking back to lost opportunities and
fortunes and yearning for their return. Forget them. Don’t
waste your precious time on the dead. Dedicate yourself to
creating new opportunities in your future. You would do well to
remember Emerson’s advice to his daughter: “Finish every day
and be done with it. You have done what you could today;
some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; but forget
them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall
begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be
encumbered with your old nonsense. This day is for all that is
good and fair. It is too dear to waste a moment on the forgotten

How Mr. Manuel Utilized the Cosmic Expansion Breathing

Technique to Sell an Old Building He Had Been Trying to
Sell for Almost a Year at a Huge Profit

Mr. Manuel was getting old, and all .of his life he had been
a loser. On one particular morning, he walked into my office
and sat down looking as dejected as last week’s flat tire. It was a
very sunny and glorious day to be alive, but for Mr. Manuel it
seemed like the end of the road. I immediately sensed that his
Vibrasonic Tuner was vibrating at a very slow, negative Vibra¬
tion Frequency, a locked-in vibration channel he had imposed
on himself by letting his Vibrasonic Tuner flicker negative

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

thoughts. The counseling started. He poured out all the

deteriorating self-pity and self-destructive mental garbage he
had been storing in his mind. We mentally batted ideas across
the desk until our interview time ran out. When the session was
over, I handed him a copy of the Cosmic Expansion Breathing
Technique. I suggested that he get started on it right away. I
had doubts as to whether he would since he walked out of my
office in a very uncertain, unconvinced, and defeatist state of

Faith works miracles, and I’ve always had an abundance of

it. Somehow, I kept feeling that in his sheer desperation Mr.
Manuel would try the Cosmic Expansion Breathing Technique.
Two weeks later, Mr. Manuel bounced into my office,
exuberant with enthusiasm and good cheer. He was truly a
happy man. He shook my hand and gave me a strong bear hug. I
felt the success vibrations radiating from his presence. He was a
sight to behold, and my eyes were feasting.

He said: “I just sold that old building I had for sale. I made
a cool $15,000 profit. And to think that it all started right after
I began practicing the Cosmic Expansion Breathing Technique. I
must admit that the last time I walked into your office, I was
ready to end it all. Yet, somehow, something deep inside of me
kept urging me to try your technique. I did and have continued
to do so to the present. Then, just a few days ago, I received a
telephone call from a company man who expressed great
interest in buying my building. At first I thought it was just
another one of those crank calls, but he insisted on making a
definite appointment to discuss the purchase of my property. I
met him, and here is the down payment check of $5,000. It all
worked out so simply that I still find it hard to believe, but it is

Mr. Manuel waved the check in front of my face and then

sat down to calm his excitement. He went on to register many
more successful deals and became a firm believer and advocate
of Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques.


As a matter of note, it is interesting to analyze the

comment that Mr. Manuel made about the simplicity of his

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

deal. Within this statement lies the elusive secret that is woven
throughout all great discoveries of the world like a common
denominator-simplicity. The world is so wrapped up in trying
to find complex solutions to all of its problems that people fail
to see the forest because of the trees. The trend in thinking
seems to be that if the solution is not complex it isn’t complete.
Naturalists observe nature in wonder and marvel at the
simplicity with which it functions. Many scientists and mathe¬
maticians owe the success of their discoveries to very simple,
accidental turns of events in their search for a solution.

Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravity while

relaxing under an apple tree and observing an apple fall. This
observation activated his brain and set it off into thinking
channels which eventually led to the formulation of the law of
gravity. Dr. Fleming labored for many years, until one evening,
while walking through his spacious gardens, he observed a small
patch of moss growing in one of his ponds. Being of a curious
nature, like most scientists, he took a sample for his laboratory
microscope. The result is medical history. Penicillin was
discovered-a real blessing for mankind. Benjamin Franklin’s
kite served as a pipeline for electricity to find its way into man’s
life. Copernicus, by observing the motions of the stars,
formulated the theory that the earth revolved around the sun
instead of being the center of all planets. Dr. Erhlich, in his
quest to conquer syphilis, found a cure on the 666th trial and
named his medication 666. Alexander Graham Bell discovered
that his voice was transmitted through a wire when he burned
himself. There are a multitude of examples showing that nature
is forever pregnant with secrets ready to bless us with their
wondrous rewards if we only will come harmoniously in contact
with the simplicity of nature.


Use this technique to transport your mind to the outer

fringes of space and bring back those superior intelligences that
await your call.

1. Sit in a comfortable chair, in a relaxed position, for approx¬

imately five minutes. During this time, you must try to keep your
mind as blank as possible.


The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

2. Stand perfectly straight, with your arms limp along the side of
your body. Hold your head erect, eyes fixed on some point
directly in front of you. Keep your heels close together while you
maintain a comfortable stance. Your mouth should be shut
throughout the breathing aspect of the technique. Empty your
mind of all thoughts. Reject those thoughts that tend to creep
into your thinking consciousness. You can do this most effec¬
tively by concentrating on the inner cavity of your forehead.
Visualize it as a black television picture tube. Imagine that it is
teeming with small white-and-black, electrical vibrating dots
dancing all over the screen area. Maintain this situation for
approximately three minutes. Your mind will signal you when the
three minutes are over.

3. Concentrate on that center of the visual, imaginary screen within

the cavity of your forehead. Imagine that you are literally
burning a hole through it with your directed concentration. This
action will begin the activation of your Vibrasonic Tuner, and, as
you persist, you will begin to gain absolute control over your
mind and body. Now you are on the way to success.

4. You have tapped the infinite resource of the mind-mental

energy. Adopt a patient, watchful attitude and continue in this
state of body-and-mind homeostasis. Notice that your breathing
eases and assumes a very natural rhythm. Continuation will make
you feel very pleasant, euphoric sensations tingling throughout
your entire body. Keep enjoying them, because as they continue
to ripple throughout your body they will automatically start
every cell within your body vibrating, and you will be receptive
to the super-intelligence vibrations in space.

5. Close your left eye. At the same time, close your left nostril with
the index finger of your left hand. Inhale a very long, deep breath
through the right nostril. Hold it for approximately ten seconds.
During this short interval, your Vibrasonic Tuner will go into
tailspins adjusting to all these wonderful, new sensations.

6. Immediately open your left eye and close your right eye. Release
your left nostril and close the right nostril with the right index

7. Exhale completely. Repeat this process until you feel satisfied

that you have done a good job. The wisdom of your Vibrasonic
Tuner will always advise you when to terminate each exercise. I
suggest that you practice it each night just before going to bed.

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration


This suggestion is most important, since it is during the sleeping

interim that your Vibrasonic Tuner reaches into the vast realms
of space for the help you need to achieve your needs and goals.

8. When you get up each morning, I suggest that you rush to your
mirror and observe yourself. Look for favorable changes in your
looks, character, gestures, and overall behavior in your daily
living. Bear in mind that if the techniques are exercised with
faithful perseverance you will soon find that your Vibrasonic
Tuner will begin to draw to you the necessary impressions, images
of events, ideas, guidance and decisions which will surely trans¬
form your life into successful, blissful happiness.

Everything in nature has an underlying Vibrating Intelli¬

gence Pattern within which it functions according to a definite
Vibration Frequency.

Man’s best friend, the dog, remains throughout its life

locked in its dog vibrating range. Genetic laws determine at
which rate all of the molecules comprising the dog body vibrate
within its assigned and predetermined Vibration Frequency.
Since the dog is a brain creature, it can alter its molecular
vibration—but only to the extent of its Vibrasonic Tuner range,
which is very limited since the dog is incapable of rational
thinking and reasoning. Since dogs are incapable of desiring
wealth, power, or other niceties of life, their Invisible Apper¬
ceptive Masses never vibrate beyond their range. If powerful
forces, such as those of an illness, acting within the dog’s
Invisible Apperceptive Mass, raised the Vibration Frequency
beyond the threshold of its range, the dog’s physical body
would give way and its vibrating molecules would pass on into
the infinite realm of space and time. In similar fashion, we can
analyze the hardest substance known to science, the diamond,
whose molecules are locked in the closest knit molecular
structure known to science—the diamond vibration range. Even
though the diamond’s molecules are very compressed, science
informs us that there exists astronomical spaces, comparable to
those incredible distances existing between our earth and the
celestial planets, between each carbon atom. Even in the


The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

diamond there are unimaginable, unfathomable, and unex¬

plainable spaces through which vibrations can travel freely.
Even though the diamond is the hardest known substance, we
can readily see that the diamond molecular structure can be
disintegrated and its molecules released. Everything is in
constant motion.

The highest Vibrating Intelligence Pattern range exists

within the human Vibrasonic Tuner zone. Human beings, being
brain creatures, live and have their being locked in their own
Vibrating Intelligence Pattern. Even though it too has its
limitations, the human Vibrating Intelligence Pattern has some
flexibility, due to the reasoning ability of the human Vibrasonic
Tuner. Because it is able to function at a higher frequency, the
human brain is capable of thinking, desiring, and moving
physically along with thought to achieve its goals. This is where
the secret lies in being able to exercise Mystic Vibrasonic
Techniques to increase the Vibration Frequency of the Vibra¬
sonic Intelligence Patterns in space in search of psychic help.
Within this spectrum of intelligence, there exists many degrees
of Intelligence Awareness. Some brains are used to functioning
at a very low vibrating level, thereby limiting their capacity to
draw in the superior vibrations from space. High vibrating
Vibrasonic Tuners always surpass the low vibrating ones. You
too can be a front runner in life’s race towards success. Stay
with me.

How Joel Applied the Zero Vibration Technique to Find

Peace of Mind and Supreme Happiness in His Troubled
Home Life

Joel was almost 36 years old, and he was still living with
his parents. They were getting old, and he felt that he had to
support them. He really wouldn’t have minded it so much if it
weren’t for his brothers and their wives living with them. There
were actually nine people living in their two-bedroom apart¬
ment. One of his brothers, Jack, was working and contributing
to the household expenses, but he offset his contribution by
eating more than anyone else. His other brother, Max, along
with his cranky wife, Myrtle, had been unemployed for several
months and was no help at all. To top off this situation, they

The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration


had two young children. School, noise, nagging, and some

domestic quarrels between his brothers and their respective
wives, plus the constant aches and pains of his elderly parents,
had created an environment of chaos in that little apartment.
Joel was going out of his mind, but, since he was a Christian, he
decided to stick it out. Soon Lady Luck came his way, and he
learned the Zero Vibration Technique from one of my clients.
Soon after he began using it, he experienced a very hannonious
state of mind and body. This feeling brought increasing
happiness into his life, and he began to relate to the whole
unconventional situation with calmness and self-control. The
other members of the family immediately reacted to this change
in him by trying to align themselves with his state of being. This
behavior increased their blessings. Very soon after this change,
his unemployed brother got a job, the cranky wife began to
smile again, his parents felt better every day, and the kids
became more orderly and obedient. A heavenly state was
created within the little, overcrowded apartment. But this
wasn’t all. Jack came in very excited one evening.

“Joel, do you know what I found?” he asked.

“No,” replied Joel.

“Well, pack up our things,” he answered. “We are going to

move into a better and bigger apartment. My friend Charlie,
who has that large apartment in Brooklyn, is moving out, and
he is going to let me rent it.”

Everyone was dancing with joy that night in that little

apartment in the Bronx. They moved and were much happier.

Zero Vibration is a suspended state of body and mind that

approaches supreme, blissful happiness. It is heaven on earth. In
this state of euphoria, you become like a filter in time and space
through which everything that exists is constantly flowing.
Everything exists simultaneously in the universe, and the
universe will respond and fulfill your bodily needs and mental
desires when contact is made.


How can the Vibrasonic Tuner accomplish all that it does?

This is a question asked by all reasonable, prudent people. It is a


The Secret Mystery of the Power of Vibration

logical, proper question, for which there is no answer. Like

electricity, gravity, and the other immutable laws of physics, it
is an absolute for which the human mind has no explanation.
Not even the greatest scientific mind of our time can come up
with an answer. However, this hasn’t prevented mankind from
utilizing these unexplainable forces for its benefit. It is the
spiritual realm where all superior help awaits our call.


Peace and Harmony

This technique helps you realign your Vibrasonic Tuner

into the proper mental perspective. As you imagine the world,
so will the world appear to you.

1. Pick up any small object in your hand. Look at it for approxi¬

mately five minutes. During this time, observe all of its physical
attributes. Notice how it was constructed. Realize that in its
present shape and form it functions as a unique entity in the
scheme of things. It must serve a function and, therefore, is a
necessary part of the universe. At the same time, realize that its
physical form is composed of billions of molecules in constant
motion. They are held together by their cohesive field force. But
once that field force is put under greater stress by any outside
force, the molecular structure comprising the body will disinte¬
grate and the molecules will disappear into space.

2. Put the object down in its proper place and look about you.
Notice that everything exists in its own peculiar shape and form
and does serve a functional need. Realize that you are on this
planet to serve a function. Realize that in order to serve this
function happily you must be in harmony not only with your
own molecular structure but with the world about you as a

3. Wherever you go or whatever you do, always be conscious that

you are in harmony with the universe Feel love towards every¬
thing that exists in the universe. Recognize this feeling every day,
wherever you are and whatever you do. Continuous exercise of
this harmony concept will activate your Vibrasonic Tuner and
maintain you in a constant state of harmonious, blissful happi¬

Vibrasonic Money Chants

for Building Big Money Flow


A word is a unique set of Vibration Frequencies

released by the vocal chords of a human being. Thoughts give
birth to words somewhere within that mysterious labyrinth of
the human mind-in the Vibrasonic Tuner. Propelled by the
spasmodic combustion of all the emotions experienced during
their inception, the thoughts surge throughout the body and all
along the neural circuitry to the larynx. The vocal chords start
vibrating in the same rhythm as the thoughts, transforming the
thoughts into words that reach other understanding ears. The
vibrations of all the words, grunts, moans, laughter, and any
other sounds that have ever been produced in this world of ours
exist in the atmosphere, and a sensitive Vibrasonic Tuner can
tune into them just as surely as you can tune into your favorite



Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

stations on the radio. Vibrasonic Techniques will help you

develop sensitivity.

The larynx thus performs the incredible function of a

step-down transformer. It receives the high-speed thought fre¬
quencies and reduces them to a Vibration Frequency which is
audible to the human ear. It is only capable of responding to a
limited range of Vibration Frequencies. Anything below or
above this range merely filters through the ear without register-

Figure 3.1

ing. As Figure 3.1 shows, human beings are able to com¬

municate by means of this intricate relay of vibration synchro¬
nization. The Vibrasonic Tuner thinks, and thoughts emanate
and travel at incredible velocities along the neural circuitry of
the spine and body systems to the step-down transformer. Here
they are released through the mouth to the lips, which re¬
produce them and send them off into space. These vibration
entities then register on the sensitive ears (C) of the recipient,
which function as step-up transformers. They accelerate the
Vibration Frequency of the words and instantaneously transmit
them through the neural circuitry (A) to the Vibrasonic Tuner,
where the meaning of the words is quickly interpreted. In the
invisible, psychic realm this process is considered to be a

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


primitive and crude method of communication; it is comparable

to the early caveman’s grunts and moans. The evolved psychic
method of communication is silent. Thoughts intuitively and
directly flow from one Vibrasonic Tuner to others that are in


Figure 3.2

tune. The psychic method of communication eliminates the

need for the step-down and the step-up transformation of the
speedy thought vibrations. Information is automatically and
instantaneously registered!

You will soon learn this and many other classical methods
of communication by exercising the Mystic Vibrasonic Tech¬
niques revealed to you. They will enable you to zero in on other
people’s Vibrasonic Tuners and read their thoughts and inten¬
tions just as they are being created within their minds. They will
give you an advantage over all those you deal with.


Words accumulate around the Vibrasonic Tuner. During a

lifetime, this invisible accumulation of thought-word patterns
forms and reinforces the Invisible Apperceptive Mass, which
formulates the aura (some people call it a halo) that surrounds

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

the area of the brain. The aura is the invisible conglomeration of

Invisible Intelligence Clusters that unfold to create a gravita¬
tional field force that will attract similar clusters from dis¬
embodied intelligences in space, which guide us through our
lives to success or failure. The choice is up to you.

Invisible Intelligence Clusters


Vibrasonic Tuner


Invisible Apperceptive Mass


Figure 3.3


The principle of the Law of Attraction, which functions

throughout the universe, is that like begets like. If the gravita¬
tional field forces which bind your Invisible Apperceptive Mass
are positive, they will attract positive Invisible Apperceptive
Masses with superior knowledge from the invisible psychic
realm. Success will be yours. On the other hand, if the
gravitational field forces surrounding your Invisible Appercep¬
tive Mass are negative, by the same Law of Attraction they will
attract inferior, misguiding Invisible Intelligence Clusters that

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


will affect your affairs. The result is usually a fiasco. Once

words have been created by the Vibrasonic Tuner and vocaliza¬
tion processes, they will cling around your entire body and
close to your Vibrasonic Tuner. Their vibrations will cling to
you like barnacles. This clinging is possible because of their
incredible speed, which allows them to reach infinity and return
to their place of origin in zero time. The Invisible Intelligence
Clusters that form the Invisible Apperceptive Mass are omni¬

Words can be your friends or your enemies. It is up to you

to select your company. Positive words tend to create a
wholesome, attracting aura around your Vibrasonic Tuner. To
the eye they are invisible, but to the developed psychic
Vibrasonic Tuner they can be sensed and mentally visualized.
They appear to be beautiful fairies floating through space,
smiling, happy, and always willing to help. Bad words develop a
fossilized, negative force which repels the good and attracts the
negative, destructive intelligences from outer space. Their ap¬
pearance resembles that of ugly demons gravitating around the
Vibrasonic Tuner of their creator. They attract bad things. Bad
words are the villains; good words are the heroes. You can
change your aura by means of the Mystic Vibrasonic Tech¬


Webster’s New American Dictionary defines a chant as “a

melodious, monotonous singing or shouting of words.” In all of
the chants that I will reveal to you, try to pronounce the words
with your individualized intonation. Like fingerprints, there are
no two intonations alike. Police science has now developed the
so-called voiceprint, with which they can identify the voices of
criminals over the telephone. As you proceed to chant your
individualized sound vibrations colored with your emotional
overtones into the infinity of space, they will tend to attract
similar, compatible vibrations to do your bidding. Mystic
Vibrasonic Chants are formulated and designed to enable you to


Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Row

present your petition in the correct manner. Everything that

occurs in the universe happens by the conscious or unconscious
invocation of psychic laws.

How Mr. Marcelino, a Poor Shoemaker, Used the

Special Lost Money Chant and Became Rich Overnight

Mr. Marcelino had struggled very hard to make ends meet.

An urgent transatlantic call from him started our communica¬
tion. He was in desperate need of lots of money to save his little
business and his small home in the rear of his shoe shop. Yet he
was making this expensive call across the ocean which must
have cost him a great deal. I always feel sorry and uneasy for all
of the people that call me from far away places and linger on,
relating so many unnecessary details about their situation. I’ve
always believed that the shortest distance between two points is
a straight line. I have always suggested to them that they briefly
tell me what their problem is and what they are seeking, which
saves so much time and money in those long distance calls. In
Mr. Marcelino’s case, it just didn’t seem right, and I felt guilty.
Here was a fellow in desperate financial straits, spending what
he apparently didn’t have to make such an expensive call. He
could have sent me a special delivery letter and saved all that
precious money. I suggested this to him. I will always remember
his reply: “I am very much aware of this, and I really appreciate
your concern, but I feel that by hearing my voice you could
help me much faster.” There was a great deal in what he said,
and I’ve gone along with his reasoning ever since. It really set
me thinking. It is a fact that each voice is indeed unique in its
own natural intonation and vibration cadence. The sound and
pitch of Mr. Marcelino’s voice lingered very strongly somewhere
in the limbo of my Vibrasonic Tuner. I could feel it every time I
synchronized my Vibrasonic Tuner vibration with his. I mailed
him the Special Lost Money Chant, and he continued to call
me. Then there was a time with no communication from him. 1
continued to exercise the chant in his behalf and felt certain
that he was doing the same across the ocean.

Then it happened. I was in my study doing some night

work when a telephone call came through. It was Mr. Marcelino,
sounding very happy at the other end.

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


“God bless you. Please forgive me for this inopportune

call, but I am so happy tonight that I couldn’t resist the urge to
inform you of my good fortune. I must confess that after
receiving your fine letter with instructions on how to use the
Special Lost Money Chant I became disgusted and started to
frequent a local bar. What you explained seemed so simple that
I just couldn’t see how it could help me solve my financial
problems. However, something inside of me kept me exercising
the technique. Perhaps it was an attempt on my part to prove
that the chant wouldn’t work. I sure was surprised. One day,
while I was having a few drinks with some friends, I met a very
interesting gentleman. We started a friendship, and within a few
days I found out that he was a wealthy, retired businessman
who was more than willing to back me in a new venture that
had popped into my mind one evening while I was practicing
the chant. I got a quick loan from him, and my bills and
financial worries became a thing of the past. My mind was left
free to devote itself to the new business. We have opened a
beautiful office with our names on the front door, and business
is booming. I am so thankful and grateful to you for having
shown me the way. I will never forget you.”

And how can I truthfully say that he did? It is true that as

time went by his calls faded and his letters became fewer and
farther in between, but somehow I felt that he was amassing
more wealth and power in his business. I never thought that he
had forgotten me. It was just that he had found the key to his
success and happiness and naturally was more contained within
it. Later, some more of his letters trickled in with good news of
his financial successes. Mr. Marcelino’s case was just one of many.
Others have used the Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques and Chants
to claim their rightful, divine heritage of success, wealth, and
happiness. You can accomplish the same.

Caroline Used the Special Lost Money Chant to Increase

Her Stock Portfolio and Double Her Dividend Cash Flow

Caroline had been very active in the stock market for some
time, but her financial status remained the same. All of her
money was tied up in the same stocks, and she had been unable
to replace her stale and nonprogressive portfolio stocks with


Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

new, active, money-producing ones. Her dividends remained

about the same, and on some issues she did not receive any for
several consecutive years. She noticed other manipulators
reaping big profits but could never find out how they did it.
And, of course, no one was about to tell her.

Out of sheer desperation, she was willing to try anything.

The Special Lost Money Chant came into her possession, and
off she went. She soon began to see some real action coming her
way, and she quit relying on other people’s advice and, instead,
followed her own intuition. Before the year was over, she had
multiplied her portfolio by over 80 percent, and her cash flow
had increased by well over 50 percent. She has enjoyed her success
so much that instead of taking it easy on her snowballing
income she still continues to buy and sell for profit.


Use this chant only if money interests you a great deal. It

can very well make you rich, just as it has so many others.

1. Take a dollar bill out of your wallet or purse.

2. Fondly look at it for approximately three minutes.

3. Now take a magnifying glass and scrutinize it very carefully. What

do you observe? Magnification reveals very small dots of ink on the
paper, which now appears a little porous. You have discovered
that the ink and paper are not really as solid as they appeared to
the eye. They are bound together by the gravitational field forces,
composed of invisible, vibrating molecules interlocked, with their
minute electrons orbiting around the nucleus of each atom. The
ink and the paper have their own unique gravitational field forces.
Their magnitudes are different, but they are united to form the
composition of the dollar bill entity. Both gravitational field
forces have one common denominator-vibration. Your Vibra¬
sonic Tuner can adjust its Vibration Frequency to harmonize
with both gravitational field forces. This is where you become
one with money.

4. Close your eyes and gently caress the smoothness and tenderness
of the dollar bill. No wonder they call it legal tender. Feel great
love for it.

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


5 . Visualize the perfection of the dollar bill. Concentrate on this

image for as long as you like. When you feel that you have
focused on its perfect image long enough, visualize and feel the
dollar bill exploding into millions and millions of ink and paper
molecules. Imagine your brain being flooded with a thick ocean
of tiny dollar molecules. You have now burst the invisible cash

6. Rhythmically repeat the following chant: “DI... 0 ... MON

. .. DI.. . 0 ... MON.” Keep repeating it until the wisdom of
your Vibrasonic Tuner indicates to you that you have repeated it

Invisible Superior Intelligence Vibrations from the space

beyond are always automatically called into action to guide and
advise those Vibrasonic Tuners that are in harmony with them.
In this chant, as in all of the other Mystic Vibrasonic Tech¬
niques which will be revealed to you through this book, when
the perfect pitch of your own unique Vibrasonic Tuner is
reached, you will feel euphorically happy. Repeat each tech¬
nique or chant as often as you wish. Practice makes perfect.


Knowledge is power, and Solomon was no fool. He has

always been considered the wisest man that ever lived. He once
uttered this pearl of wisdom: “Knowledge is more precious than
silver and gold.” There is an old saying, “The proof of the
pudding is in the eating,” and certainly in life the proof of
wisdom is to be found in the greatest teacher in the world-
experience. Experience coupled with premeditated thought is
more powerful than the most advanced nuclear bomb ever
created. But, as with everything else in the universe, there is a
price to pay for this power. The willingness to pay the price for
power is what separates the select few from the masses.
Continuous repetition and perseverance is the price. Knowledge
can be acquired only by repetition and perserverance. Every¬
thing in nature involves some type of monotonous, repetitive
form of vibration. Endless and repetitive is the summer breeze
or the monotonous pounding of the ocean’s waves as they break

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

against the seashore. The beat of the human heart is nothing less
than a continuous series of repetitive, rhythmic beats that pump
the precious blood throughout the vast, intricate capillary
system to sustain life. Knowledge must be acquired by the
constant, repetitive assimilation of facts.

How Mr. Edwin Used the Money Jingle Chant to Start His
Cash Money Flow

Mr. Edwin worked as a male nurse in a nearby hospital. No

matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t scrape up enough
money to buy anything outside of the bare necessities of life.
He was in real financial trouble. The bank was about to
foreclose on his house, and there was no money in sight. In a
last ditch effort to survive, he tried the Money Jingle Chant. To
his surprise, within a few days a long lost relative arrived in
town looking for him. The relative loaned Mr. Edwin the money
to pay off his mortgage plus a substantial amount of cash so
that he could start in a new, now highly successful, business.
Now the cash flow never stops, and Mr. Edwin is a very happy

How Mr. King Also Tapped the Universal Abundance Stock

Pile by Using the Money Jingle Chant

Mr. King had a very nice, steady job, a good home, and a
lovely, pleasant wife, but he was always broke after paying off
his many obligations and bills. Since most of his debts were
rather large and long-term, he just couldn’t see how he could
ever have any extra cash to buy the luxuries he and his wife
wanted for their home. In consolation, they would go window
shopping in the evenings when the weather was nice. There were
many occasions when Mrs. King wanted to eat out or buy some
little trinket or novelty, but Mr. King would merely shake his
head in admonishment. This is the way it was for some time,
until Mr. King learned about the Money Jingle Chant. The
Money Jingle Chant intrigued him to the point of his wanting to
challenge its effectiveness. So he practiced it. To his surprise,
several weeks later he received a call from a Mr. James. Mr.
James informed him that he had just won $10,000 in one of the

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


puzzle contests he had jokingly entered. The wine, music, and

dancing rang out that night in the humble little home of the
Kings. Their friends, and some unheard of relatives, all came to
the celebration party. Mr. King invested all of that beautiful
money in second trust deeds, from which he receives a nice sum
of interest money monthly.


For this chant it is recommended that you assume an

attitude of indifference as to the end results. I suggest that you
practice it in every spare moment you have. Remember,
practice makes perfect, and perseverance and repetition are
necessary for you to succeed in everything you endeavor. You
must carry two silver dollars in your pocket, ready for action at
any possible opportunity, to exercise the chant.

1. Hold the two silver dollars very loosely within your cupped right
hand. If you are left-handed, place them in your left hand.

2. Jingle the coins seven times, very close to your ear. As you are
doing this, try to record within your memory the exact musical
sounds of the jingle. Listen very closely with a deep, firm,
attentive, and retentive attitude.

3. Repeat the following chant in as rhythmical a manner as possible:

“YENOM . . . YENOM . . . OT . . . EM . . . YADAT . . . DOG

. . . MMAD . .. T.”

4. Return the coins to your pocket and don’t spend them under any
circumstances. This is very important.

5. Forget the chant until the next time you exercise it.

Please don’t expect to understand or make sense of the

chant syllables. They are revealed by spiritual communication
and therefore are not subject to human understanding. Keep
exercising the chant. Be pleasantly surprised!


Within the Kingdom of God there is no poverty, and our

planet is part of His world. Therefore, there is no poverty on
earth except that created by man’s selfishness. There is so much


Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

wealth that no one person can own or control all of it. Wealth is
as abundant and endless as the water in the ocean, the sand on
the beach, and the molecules in the atmosphere. You were born
to have as much as your mind demands from the universal
wealth. You are only limited by the scope of your thinking. If
you are poor, now is the time to break the shackles of poverty
and to start bringing in all the wealth you desire. For you are
the son of the richest father in the universe—God! We are all
created in His image. He did not mean for His children to live in
degrading poverty. Those who live under such deplorable
conditions do so because they have failed to recognize their
Father’s divine gift, their Vibrasonic Tuner, and have failed to
activate this God-given Key to acquire more talents. The Bible
states, “But he that received one (talent) went and dug the
earth to hide his Lord’s money.” He lost his talent. The one
that went out and speculated acquired the “other five.” “Unto
everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance;
but from him that hath not, shall be taken away that which he
hath.” One was static; he lost what he had. The other was
active, and more was added. Your Vibrasonic Tuner is the Key,
the missing link that you can utilize to vibrate yourself in tune
with the vast reservoir of wealth that our Father’s Kingdom has
in store for us here on earth. The vibratory motion of your
Vibrasonic Tuner is the important factor in this accumulation
of wealth. Accumulations are brought about by the synchro¬
nization of your Vibrasonic Tuner vibration with that of the
universal Vibration Frequency, rather than by waiting, in¬
actively, as did the man who lost his one God-given talent. The
iron is hot; you must act now!

How Paco Tried the Double-Your-Money Vibrasonic

Chant and Became a Highly Successful Musician with
More Engagements Than He Could Handle

Paco, the trumpet player in a small combo, laughed when

he first read the Double-Your-Money Vibrasonic Chant. How¬
ever, he liked the rhythmical sound of the chant and remem¬
bered the haunting sound while he played his trumpet. He said
that it helped him keep Iris rhythm moving and aided his

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


concentration. Paco already had accumulated some money,

which he had systematically saved from his earnings, so he wasn’t
too concerned whether the chant worked or not. To him it was
just good fun. He was surprised when several weeks later the
leader of the prosperous combo became ill and decided to quit.
Paco was picked to take over the reins of the musical group.
They were booked solidly into the middle of the following year.
This meant a lot of money for Paco, and he was very happy. His
earnings doubled, and Paco became a great believer in the occult
and the power of Magic Vibrasonic Chants.

How Jelly Roll Bob Vigorously Exercised the Double-Your-

Money Vibrasonic Chant and Doubled His Bank Roll at the
Las Vegas Tables

Jelly Roll Bob they used to call him, as he happily

swapped the shoe shine rag to the tune of his blaring radio. He
would work himself into a frenzy trying to please his customers
and hoping for a tip. What happened to the little money he
made always remained a mystery to him. His money just didn’t
seem to be enough. One day he found a copy of the Double-
Your-Money Vibrasonic Chant on his shoeshine seat, un¬
doubtedly left by one of his customers. He wasn’t much of a
reader, but the word money he understood very well. He
practiced the chant while shining shoes. That day business was
especially good. The next day he was in Las Vegas and won


Pyramiding Your Money Upward-
The Law of Life Is Multiplication

1. Sit in a very quiet place to perform the following act of mental


2. Relax and be completely confident of the results. This emotional

feeling must be fed before you start on the chant technique.

3. Close your eyes and mentally visualize two one-dollar bills

floating within the confines of your mind. Continue this visualiza¬
tion until you see the bills dividing into four, then eight, then


Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

sixteen, and so on until you imagine the sum of money you wish
to obtain. Continue flashing that amount within your mind.

4. Open your eyes and repeat the following chants as many times as
you wish: “NOITA-CIPI-TLUM ... DNA ... NOISI-VID ... OT;


Know that hidden within your inner sanctum Vibrasonic

Tuner there are endless resources ready to burst out into
materialization at your call. Your Vibrasonic Tuner is so
powerful that the tiniest flickering sets off streams of stupen¬
dous power, flowing forever from the all-encompassing universal
Vibrasonic Tuner in God’s infinite mind. Each of the untold
number of streams consists of trillions of Invisible Intelligence
Clusters, each with the power to change the entire course of
your life for the better. Each Vibrasonic Tuner is a gigantic
repository of intelligence power. All you have to do is use it.

Lack of what you desire is the result of not believing in the

great potential that God has reserved in each and every one of
us. This lack of faith is the real sin for which we are punished.
Doubt is our greatest enemy even when we assert that all this
power is ours to have and to use. If you believe in your heart
that this power is yours, you will always be conscious of its
awesome power. However, few people have reached this state of
development. So the first step is to clear your mind of those
treacherous doubts that tend to hinder your progress. Doubt
tends to separate you from this power instead of permitting you
to expand your vision of unity with God. It is essential that
your Vibrasonic Tuner be harmoniously in tune with God’s
Vibrasonic Tuner in order for you to reap the benefits. The
purpose of the Mystic Vibrasonic Chants and Techniques is to
help you accomplish that. When you have unity with God, all
power is yours to use for the betterment of mankind. It all
depends on the Vibration Frequency at which your Vibrasonic
Tuner performs.

Think of yourself as a single drop of water in a stream. You

are one with trillions of other drops of consciousness. You are
being constantly pushed on by all the stupendous power of all

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


those drops which form the total God Niagara. If a drop of

consciousness is separated from the God stream, it has no
power; but, if it is in harmony with the total God stream, it has
all power. You and God flow outward together forever. Separa¬
tion from the stream can only occur through the dysfunction of
your Vibrasonic Tuner, placing it out of harmony with God’s
Vibrasonic Tuner. Together, you and God flow in a stream of
power which is greater and more powerful than a trillion
Niagaras. As part of the infinite flow, you are backed by all
power at all times.

So remember, when you feel a lack of power, don’t try to

bolster yourself with big talk, harmonize your Vibrasonic
Tuner’s vibration with God’s by thinking unity with Him and
exercising the Mystic Vibrasonic Chants and Techniques. Try
visualizing yourself as a drop of consciousness surging within
the gigantic stream of stupendous power which encompasses the
God body, and realize that all of the power of that stream is
pushing you on to accomplish what you desire. This realization
and understanding is what endows you with the real con¬
sciousness of God power. As Matthew 28:18 expresses it so
well, “All power is given unto me in Heaven and in earth.”

How William, the Perennial Also Ran, Unleashed the TNT

Power of the Niagara Money Flow Chant to Increase His
Business Money Flow

It wasn’t too long ago that William came to me for

counseling because of his failing TV repair business. He would
look up and see all of those TV antennas perched on top of the
rows and rows of houses and wish that they would all come
tumbling down so that he could have more business. His whole
dream was to see his repair shop bustling with business with
several helpers to do most of the work. After listening to his
story for a few minutes, 1 soon realized why he was not getting
his wishes. His whole mental process was very positive when he
talked about his desires, and all the enthusiasm he released was
added fuel to project his latent forces into action. The only
trouble was that after his glowing description of his dreams he
would conclude by saying, “What’s the use? I know it won’t be
so.” He was actually destroying the wonderful work of his


Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

positive mental constructions by denying them at the end. His

negation of his positive thoughts was similar to a great artist
laboring to create his masterpiece and then destroying it after it
is finished. I was eager to get out of range of his negative
Vibrasonic Tuner bombardment. So I quickly gave him a copy
of the Niagara Money Flow Chant and suggested that he
practice it and, by all means, keep in touch with me. In his case
it took a while to see any results because of his already
well-fossilized, negative mode of thinking. Three months later I
heard from him. Things had really changed. He was delighted
with the increase in his business volume. According to him, it
has continued to increase, and the money has more than

How Mrs. Perrine Used the Niagara Money Flow Chant to

Increase Her Leather Business and Expand into a New
Location Twice as Big

Mrs. Perrine had been in the leather business for almost

forty-three years. She had often wished that she could double
her production so that she could double her income, semi-retire,
and be able to take the trips she had always yearned for. But, as
she reflected on such a pleasant possibility, down deep inside,
where it really counts, she felt that it was just a pipe dream
which would never come to be. How wrong she proved herself
to be. A letter from her set off our written relationship. We
exchanged letters for nearly two months. Then I did not hear
from her for approximately two weeks. To me this lull was an
indication of one of two things. Either she had given up, or else
things were better and she no longer felt any need to com¬
municate. It was the latter. Her business did increase, and she
did move into a larger building with increased earnings. The last
I heard of her, she was in Paris having the time of her life. The
Niagara Money Flow Chant really did the job for her.


1. This chant is to be performed in a very quiet room every night at

the most convenient hour for you, preferably before going to

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


2. Concentrate on each and every word you pronounce.

3. Say: “God is the Niagara of the universe backed by all the power
available.” Chant: “EM ... OTTO ... WOLF ... YENOM ...
OLF ... OLF . .. YUMIO.”

4. Repeat the following: “Because I identify myself as a single drop

of consciousness in His divine stream, I am backed by all of the
power of God flowing out to me forever. And nothing can stop
His power. Whatsoever 1 ask in His Niagara stream, it shall be
given unto me in His name. I ask that all of the money in the
universal Niagara be channeled to me.” Now repeat out loud: “I
demand that my money be doubled in the name of His Divine

Rose Used the Double-Your-Money Chant to Double Her

Bank Roll by Playing Poker

There once was a very lovely lady who answered to the

name of Rose. Her purse was always nearly empty. Her job was
good, but her pay was low, and her bills just kept piling up. She
always had a very healthy appetite for the good things in life;
unfortunately, she could not afford them. So, one day, after
having chanted the Double-Your-Money Chant, she headed
toward a town where gambling was legal. She got on the first
poker table and went to work on beating the odds. As the night
dragged on, her bankroll kept getting larger and larger. She had
more than doubled her money when, obeying the psychic
guidance emanating from within her Vibrasonic Tuner, she
decided to call it a day. She has continued to win every time she

Max Put the Blast-Off Money Chant into Action and

Stumbled Over $2,000 in Cash

Max had been in the auto-driving instruction business for

well over 15 years, but all he had been able to achieve was a
meager living. He recounted how he had always wanted to enjoy
a real Christmas, with lots of money for presents and with more
to spare. He dreamed big but had always fallen short of the
mark. His thinking was as negative as yesterday’s losing horses.
Yet, somehow, he never gave up hope. Somewhere in the deep
recesses of his mind, he confessed, he knew that there was a


Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

way to obtain all he yearned for, but he had not been able to
discover it.
It was a sunny day in May when he first appeared at one of
my weekly lectures. A copy of the Blast-Off Money Chant came
into his possession. With the chant in his hands, he knocked at
my rectory office eager to question its effectiveness. We talked
for over an hour, and when he left I was sure that he was more
than anxious to disprove the chant. I had been unable to satisfy
his materialistic mind. He left and, with a wave of his hand,
promised to keep in touch with me.

A few weeks later, I heard from him. He said: “I can’t

believe it, but it is true. After practicing the chant early one
morning, I felt the urge to take a walk through the park. On my
way out, I checked my mail box and discovered a check for
$2,000—third prize in a sweepstakes contest. I am now sched¬
uled to take a cruise along the coast of Southern California.”

This money had broken the ice for Max. His luck took a
turn for the better. The most beautiful aspect of the turn of
events is that his business prospered so much that he could hire
a full-time manager. This gave Max more leisure time in which
to enjoy his good fortune. Isn’t it time for your ship to come


Nothing is ever lost in the universe. Everything that exists

is encompassed by it. Any apparent change consists merely of
the reshuffling of atoms into other forms. Matter and energy are
neither created nor destroyed. They must remain a mysterious
constant. So it is with all types of sound vibrations. The
aggregates of molecules that combine to form a sound remain
floating throughout the infinite span of space until they are
changed by a greater force. The atmosphere is full of vibrations
perpetuating the most beautiful music ever heard; unknown
secrets await the sensitive Vibrasonic Tuner in this here-now
outer fringe of space. Everything is ready to fill our thoughts
and materialize to fulfill our wildest dreams. Chants have
existed in time and space for eons. They have been available for

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


the benefit of all. All creative, successful, rich people have used
them to their advantage. Now you too can put these very same
psychic vibrations to work for your benefit.

How Alex Used the Blast-Off Money Chant to Put His

Sales Record over the Top and More Than Triple His
Sales Volume

For two years Alex had seen no visible progress in his life.
He had been trying very hard to become a successful auto¬
mobile salesman, but somehow everything went to the other
guys, and he was always left out. Manny, the sales manager, had
been eyeing him rather strangely, and Alex was afraid of losing
his job. His colleagues also began to look at him strangely and
talk among themselves. Alex did not want to lose his job. He
was in debt up to his ears and needed every sale he could muster

Alex went to work on the Blast-Off Money Chant to help

him increase his sales. His faith was remarkable, and so were the
results. Within a week his sales zoomed up the chart. The
second week saw his sales climb even higher. In the third week
he went to the head of the sales department. After several
months, he was proclaimed the new manager of the sales
department. Now he enjoys not only his own sales commissions,
but also receives a healthy slice of every sale his salesmen make.
By his own account, he now has more money flowing in than he
knows what to do with. Alex is a happy man.


Use this chant to enrich your money consciousness and

fatten your pocket book.

1. This chant can be practiced while you are sitting down, lying
down, standing up, or whatever you may be doing.

2. Repeat the following: “PUM ... PUM .. . PUM ...,” until you
feel you’ve saturated your Vibrasonic Tuner with the rhythmical
sound of these magical words.

3. After you feel that you have repeated the chant long enough, use
your own words to express your desires. Repeat those desires


Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow

with faith and insistence. Always state the amount of money you

4. After you finish the chant, go about your business with the
expectation that from somewhere, somehow,your desires will be

Armand Used the Blast-Off Money Chant to Succeed and

Become Very Wealthy

Armand had always been a hustler, always on the go, and

forever trying to make it big in whatever he tried. He had tried
selling shoes, encyclopedias, automobiles, housing products, and
many other items. Despite all of his effort, he was always in
need of money. He always wanted more. After exercising the
Blast-Off Money Chant for a short period of time, he got a
phone call from one of his old army buddies. It had been years
since they last had seen each other. They were immediately on
the same wave length, and they decided to go into the electronic
distributing business as partners. Armand didn’t have any
money to invest, but his friend took him into the business.
They have been successful ever since. Armand is much happier.
His money flow has steadily increased ever since.


The secret of your Vibrasonic Tuner is belief right now.

Faith stimulates it to communicate with the Invisible Intelli¬
gence Clusters, which will come to your aid. “Believe that ye
receive it” is the mental seed. You must destroy all doubt and
fear. These two emotions are the enemies of prayer. Your mind
must be cleansed of these two obstacles. Don’t ask how or why;
no one knows the answer. “In one season we shall reap if we
faint not.” Galations 6:9. “Be still and know that I am God.”
Psalms 46:10. Hold your thoughts, desire them fervently, and
practice the chants with faith. Everything works according to
unseen, invisible psychic laws. “Trust in Him, and He shall bring
it to pass.” Psalms 37:1. “Thou shall make thy prayer unto
Him, and He shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows. Thou

Vibrasonic Money Chants for Building Big Money Flow


shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee:

and the light shall shine up on thy ways. For when men are cast
down, then thou shall say, there is lifting up; and he shall save
the humble person.” Job 22:27-29.

Activating the Magic

Vibrasonic Keys to Regain and
Maintain Perfect Health

Angela, a very nice Italian lady who was nearly

80 years old, woke up one morning with her knees and finger
joints swollen up. Pain was flaring throughout her entire body.
Fear gripped her, and in panic she ran to see her long time
friend and physician, Dr. Gino.

Dr. Gino had his little office crammed with clients, who
were waiting patiently for his help. However, Angela saw him as
soon as she got there. Dr. Gino’s word was considered the
ultimate in medical knowledge in his neighborhood, and his
diagnosis was arthritis. Poor Angela sadly trudged home. She
had always been such a jolly soul, and now she was very sad. All
of her friends soon found out about her arthritis and tried to

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


cheer her up. Some even dared to suggest that she consult
another doctor. But she merely shook her head in dejection.
After all, she had consulted Dr. Gino ever since she could
remember, and she trusted him. She became more and more
depressed and did not know what to do.

Angela got in touch with me, and I immediately sent her a

copy of the Invisible Vibration Healing Chant Key. After several
weeks, I received a very happy letter from her. She related to
me how at first she had had great doubts as to how much help
the chant would be in eliminating her aches and pains. To her it
appeared very remote from her situation and too simple to be
effective. Nevertheless, she decided to give it a try and with her
dogged persistence prove it ineffective. To her surprise, one
morning she got out of bed and felt no pain or aches. She
quickly moved her legs while still lying down and glowed with
delight as she very easily maneuvered her torso around. Then a
thought flashed in her mind: “I am healed.” She has been well
and happy ever since,


Anyone can accomplish the same results. The activation of

your Vibrasonic Tuner puts the psychic laws into action,
working to accomplish your desired goal. God, the super
healer, grants man everything necessary to heal and maintain his
body in perfect health to honor His creation. For in His image
everyone can be healed. God is your physician. If you let Him
take over, you will always be well.

Mortimer Rids Himself of Bursitis

Mortimer had always suffered from bursitis and had seen

an untold number of specialists in his efforts to remedy it. But
none of them came up with a solution. He was tired of pills and
other therapeutic treatments that apparently did not do the job.
His condition continued to worsen, to the point that, at times,
he could not even get out of bed. However, after exercising the
Invisible Vibration Healing Chant Key for a short spell, he felt
as good as new.


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

Leon Said Goodbye to His Aches

Leon was a rather young man, only 35 years old, to be

having health problems. But he wasn’t well, and, after con¬
sulting all types of healers and doctors, he was almost at his
wit’s end. They had prescribed various medicines that did him
no good. To compound his woes, Susie, his girl friend, was
ready to leave him. Susie suggested a separation so that Leon
could recuperate enough to take her out once in a while. He
objected but had to let her go. In his desperation, he came to
me for help. Several consultations followed, and then he
disappeared from sight. I did not hear from him until one happy
day when both he and Susie came to visit me. He shook my
hand and said, “I want to thank you for having helped me along
the road to happiness. I practiced the chants, especially the
Invisible Vibration Healing Chant Key. Soon after I used that
chant, I began to feel relief. As the days passed, I found myself
free of all those aches and pains that had made me cancel my
dates with Susie. We are now married and are deliriously happy.
Thank you forever.” Susie stretched her hand to me and
nodded in happy approval. And now I must confess sharing
their happiness.


Remember that all of these chants and techniques operate

automatically while you sleep. Therefore, it is most advanta¬
geous for you to exercise them just before going to sleep.

1. Close your eyes for about three minutes. This action puts your
Vibrasonic Tuner into receptivity with the superior vibrations of
the universal Vibrasonic Tuner filtering throughout space. The
universal Vibrasonic Tuner is guided by the divine wisdom and
power endowed to it by its creator-God. It knows what to do
without you trying to figure it out. So have faith and let it be.

2. Direct your thoughts towards those areas of your body that are in
need of healing. Concentrate very strongly on eliminating the
maladies, while imagining all the molecules comprising them
rearranging themselves into harmonious patterns of vibration.

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


Imagine your thoughts shooting out towards those areas at

tremendous speeds, smashing against them and destroying all
foreign growths or bacterial accumulations. This process is similar
to the process of concentrating the sun’s rays through a magni¬
fying glass, which burns a hole through a piece of paper. Keep
imagining your thought vibrations similarly traveling through the
porous molecular structure of all matter, destroying all abnormal
obstructions clinging to the tissues or bones of the afflicted areas.

3. Open your eyes as wide as possible for five seconds. During this
time repeat the following chant in as melodic and harmonious a
manner as possible. “God-Head of the Universe, destroy all
abnormal molecule aggregates that are clinging to me and obstruc¬
ting the perfect health of my body. O .. . MAHA ... RAHAHA.”
Manifest thyself in your divine, perfect, harmonious health.


Everything that exists in the complex universe is composed

of Invisible Electro-Magnetic Field Forces, which in turn are
generated and perpetuated by the Vibration Frequency locked
within each tiny molecule comprising each substance. Each
object, substance, thing, or person maintains its individualized
Electro-Magnetic Field Forces until they are altered by superior
outside forces. These are usually physical forces instigated by
invisible psychic thought-pattern movements released by Vibra¬
sonic Tuner vibrations. Your Vibrasonic Tuner has the power to
emit invisible vibrations that produce perfect chemical combina¬
tions that can heal all abnormal conditions within the physical
body. Anyone can utilize this power merely by putting his
Vibrasonic Tuner into correct action. Mystic Vibrasonic Chants
and Techniques are designed to help you develop the ability to
use this power.

Mary Heals Herself

This is how Mary set her Vibrasonic Tuner into powerful

healing action through the Key Word Technique and healed all
of her infirmities. A thick letter was delivered to my office one
day in June. I paid my mailman the postage due and accepted
the mysterious delivery. With a look of relief in his eyes, he


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

handed me the letter and hurriedly disappeared down the

winding street. I contemplated the overweight envelope for a
few seconds, and I unconsciously felt every portion of the
envelope with my hands, hoping to receive psychic vibrations
from it that would reveal its general content to me. Slowly and
carefully I continued to stroke it and then held it to my
forehead, closed my eyes in deep concentration and receptivity,
and waited for revelations to flash into my Vibrasonic Tuner. A
barrage of images began to flash in my mind. The image of an
elderly woman began to jell within my Vibrasonic Tuner. The
image was of a woman in her late fifties, with long, stringy,
silvery hair, which partially covered her long, thin face. She had
a weather-beaten appearance around her eyes. Time had etched
deep, indelible wrinkles of suffering all over her forehead and
cheeks. She seemed to be a woman rapidly accelerating toward
her demise.

I have always been a vicious letter opener when my mail

arrives, and this time was no exception. I was most anxious to
prove myself right. I quickly pierced the slightly opened comer
of the letter and opened the letter. A sickening odor of
medicine reached my nostrils as I took out the contents. It
conveyed a very low and depressing Vibration Frequency to my
Vibrasonic Tuner. Immediately, I had the answer even before
reading the contents of the letter. The writer was a very sick

In her voluminous letter, she emphasized that she had

always been a sickly child. While other kids her age played and
enjoyed themselves, she usually was cooped up inside her room
getting over the measles, headaches, toothaches, or sore throats.
She confessed that she had never really enjoyed her childhood.
Mary wrote with seeming authority about all of her ailments
and even mentioned that on many occasions she diagnosed her
own illnesses, though her doctors usually disagreed with her.
She had looked high and low, far and near, in search of
someone to heal her, but to no avail. She had consulted just
about every type of specialist and all sorts of healers mentioned
to her by her well-meaning friends. Another one of her
concerned friends, after hearing of her worsening condition,

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


recommended that she seek psychic advice. This is how she

began corresponding with me. When I read her voluminous
letter, I was about to conclude that it was a book on how to get
yourself sick. Then my faithful telephone, which always silently
witnesses everything in the confines of my office, started to
ring. When I answered it, I heard a very high-pitched voice.

“I mailed you a very special letter. Did you receive it?”

“What is your name, my dear?”


“Yes, I did, and I have just finished reading it. Your

answer will be in the mail tonight. Along with it, I will send you
some very special instructions. Please follow them to the letter.
Use them with faith and determination, and you will receive
God’s healing power.”

She continued with a one-sided conversation about her

distresses and illnesses for nearly thirty minutes. At the first
opportunity, I got off the line. No one likes to be exposed to
such negativism for such a long period of time, not even a
professional counselor, and I am no exception. Unfortunately,
this woman had failed to see the forest because of the trees. She
had sought her healing and health everywhere, except where it
had always been waiting for her to claim it as her rightful,
divine heritage, within the inner sanctum of her Vibrasonic
Tuner. Little did she realize that there resided the greatest
chemist-healer in the universe just waiting for her call. She was
about to be pleasantly surprised.

Several weeks went by, and then, on a sunny Sunday

morning, just before church services, my telephone rang. It was
Mary, and happiness seemed to flow from her confident voice.
At the risk of being repetitious, I must confess that the results
were very gratifying. Her information revealed to me how well
she had been feeling ever since she had started exercising the Key
Word Healing Technique. She said goodbye, praising me for
having been instrumental in helping her, but of course it was her
own God-given power that did the work. It was time for a ser¬
vice, and 1 had already donned my red and white robe. So I bid
her good luck, swallowed an emotional lump in my throat, and
walked down the aisle to continue proclaiming the glory of God.


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

Murphy Heals His Stomach

Murphy used the Key Word Healing Technique for perfect

health and, to his surprise, cured his recurring stomach troubles.
Murphy was a seasoned truck driver whose runs usually took
him across country. He would go out on long hauls from the
west coast to the east coast and back. He knew all the ropes of
trucking. He had sampled hamburgers and coffee in most of the
greasy spoon joints from coast to coast. Beer was his favorite
drink, and he used it freely to wash anything down his throat.
He had always blamed his way of life for his stomach ills.
Doctors and X-rays consistently had failed to show anything
that could be causing his troubles. However, the aches and pains
continued until they became unbearable and he had to check
into a hospital for further observation. After a week, he was
released feeling no better. He continued his runs but began to
avoid the coffee houses. This helped him lose weight, but it
didn’t eliminate the pains. He was willing to try anything. He
began exercising the Key Word Healing Technique, and, slowly
but surely, he began to feel better. To his great delight, he
continued to improve. Soon he was making all the greasy spoon
stops. All of his friends had missed him and greeted him with
open arms. Murphy no longer had those sour, gripping stomach
pains, and he gives thanks to that lucky day when he found the
God healer within his own Vibrasonic Tuner.



All real beauty lies in simplicity, so here is how you can

apply the beautiful simplicity of the Vibrasonic Techniques and
Chants to enjoy perfect health. The invisible psychic laws work
for everyone, anywhere and anytime they are set into proper
motion. They even work while you sleep. Here is the powerful
technique for healing.

1. Relax your entire body while sitting or lying down. Close your
eyes and let your mind wander at will for a few minutes. This
procedure tends to release all of the tensions coiled within your
body and mind, and, at the same time, allows signaling impulses

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


to be relayed to your Vibrasonic Tuner. These impulses set your

Vibrasonic Tuner into positive vibratory action. Throughout this
phase, try to relax and let your mind remain as blank as possible.

2. Try to concentrate on the healing you are seeking. Desire very

strongly to be healed now. As your efforts continue in this
direction, your Vibrasonic Tuner will begin to visualize all sorts
of particles flashing before your mind screen. These are scattered
molecule clusters of thought-energy, which coalesce into thought-
pattern images. Don’t let them materialize. Keep them moving,
and, when you feel in complete command of them, order them
by repeating the following powerful statement: “Be still for I
command thee.” This statement will bring all mental forces into
tighter control. Once they are in this state, they should remain in
a nearly motionless state of awareness, like soldiers poised for
action. Now you are ready to start creating your own health
images and the conditions that you want manifested into reality.

3. With your eyes still closed, begin to imagine yourself resting very
comfortably on the warm sands of your favorite beach. Imagine
that the sun is bright and shiny, and that you have just emerged
from the cool, soothing water after a very refreshing and
invigorating swim. Actually feel the coolness of the ocean breeze
as it caresses your sunbathed face and the soothing, rhythmical
vibration of the ocean waves as they endlessly ripple upon the
beach shore. Contemplate this wonderful feeling of euphoria and
happiness. Feel very happy all over.

4. Repeat the following aloud: “I am in perfect harmony with the

Vibrasonic Tuner of the universe. I forgive all those who have
trespassed against me.” Remain silent for approximately three
seconds, then proceed to pronounce the following Key Word
Chant as rhythmically as possible. This procedure will set your
Vibrasonic Tuner vibrating in harmonious cadence with the
universal harmony of God. Say: “I now enjoy perfect health

. . . Y ... NO .. . MM .. . RAM.” Repeat the chant as often as

you wish, and then repeat the following command into infinite
space: “My (insert the name of the part of your body that you
wish healed) is in harmony with the universal health vibration of
the Vibrasonic Tuner.”

5. Repeat the above steps as often as you wish and remember that as
you continue to do so you will be developing the true feeling of
well-being throughout your body, which will extend into your
everyday activities. Healing takes place not only within the body
but in all related actions.


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


Doctors are necessary, and mind power healing does not

replace but, rather, reinforces their skills. Sometimes, however,
medical men are too swift with the stroke of their pens to help
the ailing with the myriad of miracle drugs that ease pain and,
in many instances, slow down the relentless onslaught of the
advancing diseases. They are usually honest and conscientious,
but they offer little or no hope in cases of what they call
incurable diseases. Of course, they cannot cure all diseases, but
God can. His power within your Vibrasonic Tuner cures all, and
now you can turn to it.


The solution to any problem, including the physical one of

illness, can occur instantaneously. All remedies are forever
waiting in infinite space, ready to be recognized into manifesta¬
tion. But, in order for manifestation to take place, your
Vibrasonic Tuner must be synchronized into perfect harmony
with those Invisible Intelligence Clusters constantly roaming
throughout space. In this manner, you can receive their superior
knowledge and aid. Your Vibrasonic Tuner is similar to the
receiver in a radio or television unit. Unless it is in tune to the
correct frequency range, it will not receive the image or
message. Remember, nothing occurs by chance in the universe.
Behind every effect there is a cause.

Dagget’s Colitis: A Miraculous Cure

Dagget was only 26 and was enjoying his peak years as he

played on the college football team and basked in the glory of
the cheering crowds and beautiful girls. After college, he went
into a very prosperous business with his father’s insurance
company. During those few years he was quite happy and
prosperous, and he had amost reached the altar with his lovely

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


Then, one day, everything turned upside down. His health

began to fail, and he began to suffer frequent abdominal pains,
diarrhea, loose bowel movements, and rectal bleeding. He tried
to ignore his problems, hoping that they would go away, but
they got steadily worse until they became very annoying and
embarrassing. His health began to interfere with his business
relations. On many occasions, he had to excuse himself to run
to the bathroom during a business conference. He sought help,
but nothing did the job. The specialists informed him that he
was suffering from colitis. He finally began to practice the Giant
Power Invisible Vibration Healing Chant, and things began to
change. Slowly but surely, he began to feel better, and the
irritating symptoms began to disappear. He completely re¬
covered and has been well ever since.

Bernard’s Hemorrhoids

Constant rectal burning, itching, and bleeding were about

to send Bernard off his well-paying job and into the sidelines.
As a dispatcher at the transportation company, his job consisted
of sitting down all day as he routed each truck. His pay was
good, and until now everything had been fine. Now this health
condition appeared to mar the horizon. But Bernard was a very
stubborn fellow and was not about to give up without a battle.
He prepared himself for a battle with his disease. He soon had
consulted several specialists. Their answer was unanimous: he
had rectal hemorrhoids. According to his own testimony, he
tried everything, but to no avail.

Desperate, he was contemplating the only way out,

suggested by a learned specialist-a surgical operation. But this
is what he had been trying to avoid. By chance, he ran into an
old friend he had not seen for some time. The friend quickly
recommended that he try the Vibrasonic Techniques. He did,
and to this day he is thankful and grateful for having utilized
them to heal those annoying hemorrhoids.

Goodbye Exogenous Obesity

“Hi, Fatty,” was the way people greeted poor Jeremiah.

Socially, he had been inactive for some time. However, it wasn’t


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

his fault. He really tried to keep his weight down by not eating,
sometimes starving for days. But, for some strange reason, he
just could not reduce below 210 pounds. Health spas, reducing
plans, vitamins, and weight-reducing pills all had one thing in
common—they had failed him. So Jeremiah sluggishly dragged
himself around with downcast heart and bowed head. He felt
that he was a failure. The only real friend he had, and this he
did not know, was Pauline. She had always had a sweet feeling
for him. Yet, he had never paid much attention to her and had
never invited her out. She lived right across the street from him,
and every morning she would peek from behind her window
curtains to see him leave for work. In the evening, she knew
exactly what time he arrived. This girl really loved Jeremiah,
but he did not suspect it. Her heart went out to him when she
saw him suffer so much because of his weight problem. Not
wanting to interfere in his personal business, she relied on one
of her good friends to inform him of the solution. Her friend
got Jeremiah interested in the Giant Power Invisible Vibration
Healing Chant.

Three months later, the once chubby Jeremiah was seen

gracefully dancing with Pauline at a local dance. His friends who
had not seen him for a while were amazed by the slender,
graceful new body that he was proudly exhibiting on the dance
floor. There were no more weight problems for Jeremiah.

Chito’s Liver Heals

Chito had long suffered from liver problems. Now the

pains had gotten worse, and poor Chito was contemplating
quitting his job. Cloudy thoughts of his six children going out
into the streets to beg for food nudged him back into line, and
he decided to fight it out with his liver.

One morning, he tried to get out of bed but did not make
it. To his surprise, he fell flat on his back. Chito stroked his long
mustache and made another supreme effort to get on his feet,
but he did not make it. His inability to get up infuriated him, so
he hollered for his son to come to his aid. Little Romero ran to
him, extended his small, chubby hands, and tried to get him on
his feet, but to no avail. Chito was finally hospitalized.

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


At the hospital, Chito was very sad and restless. Then the
nurse announced that he had a visitor. Chito was most anxious
to see who it was, for he had heard that a man’s real friends are
discovered when he is in the hospital. So far, most of his
so-called friends had failed to visit him. His friend came in, and
they had a long conversation, during which some literature on
Mystic Vibrasonics was exchanged. After his friend had gone,
Chito started to use the Giant Power Invisible Vibration Healing
Chant. A week later, his liver ailment had cleared up, and he
was at a comer restaurant celebrating with his comrade.


For All Types of Ailments

Bear in mind that it does not matter what time of day you
put these techniques into action; they work all the time, even
while you are asleep. The Vibrasonic Invisible Intelligence
Clusters continually gravitate around the area of the brain and
are always ready to go into action whether you’re awake or

1. Repeat the following activator seven times: “GURR...

GURRO . . . MUU.”

2. Gently close your eyes and let the key signal you have just
repeated set your Vibrasonic Tuner into receptive action. Try to
remain very still and calm, keeping your mental imagery-screen
very steady and under your complete and absolute control. Try
to visualize your Vibrasonic Tuner stabilizing the millions of
moving molecular particles flashing throughout your mind. These
are Invisible Intelligence Clusters trying to make contact with
your Vibrasonic Tuner.

3. When you feel that you have the molecular particles under
control, begin to imagine all of those millions of molecules
shooting at tremendous speeds through the porous molecular
structure of your flesh and bones. From previous knowledge, you
know that these particles travel faster than the speed of light, and
you can imagine their penetrating power being greater than that
of the most powerful nuclear device or laser beam ever devised.
Demand within your mind that this power be directed towards


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

any abnormal growth or condition that might have formed

abnormal body conditions. Direct this molecular mind-force to
the particular afflicted organ or body area. Command this power
to destroy that which might be causing the sickness. Repeat the
following seven times: “Oh, divine universal power, burn and
destroy all abnormalities by liberating the molecules causing my
condition or disease. Keep my body units and body elements
healthy and in complete harmony with your being.”

4. Open your eyes and give thanks to this almighty power. Once
again repeat the chant: “GURR . . . GURRO .. . MUU.” Give
thanks for the healing and go about your daily activities with
supreme confidence that things will be done on earth as they are
in heaven.


All matter, no matter how solid it may appear to the

senses, is molecular and thus porous. This fact simply means
that between those millions of molecules comprising the body
mass of the substance, there exists incredible and immense
distances, comparable to the tremendous distances that separate
our planet from the moon, stars, and other celestial bodies in
the infinite galaxies in space. Just think about this phenomenon
for a few minutes. Doesn’t it stagger your imagination? Perhaps
you may say, “But how can all that space exist between those
small particles that can’t even be seen?” The idea is beyond
human comprehension, but science has declared it to be so.

Time has proven the validity of the mathematical formulas

and theories of one of the world’s greatest scientists, Albert
Einstein, He is forever stepping forth from the illustrious pages
of scientific history to take a bow as science and technology
advances on the basis of his multiple contributions. One of his
greatest contributions is his brilliant theory of relativity, which
relates not only to science but also to all human activities.
Basically, it asserts that every body occupies space and mass in
time and is always moving relative to all other masses. It is a
beautiful concept in the realm of human relations. It suggests
that we move away from pain and heal our wounds as time
progresses, just as memory of the pain and suffering fades, and

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


new, fresh memories, with which we can continue to live, are

incorporated. Everything is continually moving in a never-
ending state of flux and forever changing in the most minute
and subtle manner, undetected by any of the gross human
senses. Here is where one of the Keys to Success through Mystic
Vibrasonic Chant Techniques lies. It is up to you to use it.

Happy Joe’s Heart

Happy Joe used the Harmonic Vibrasonic Songster’s Vibra¬

tion Healing Chant Technique to heal his bad heart. He was
always cheerful and friendly, because down deep inside he knew
that he had a bad heart and could die any day. He literally lived
under the shadow of death for many years, so he tried to make
every day count. I never knew this until a very close friend of
his told me of his secret. Not wanting to intrude in Happy Joe’s
privacy, yet interested enough in his welfare to want to help
him, I gave his friend some of my Vibrasonic literature. Along
with it, I included a copy of the Harmonic. Vibrasonic Song¬
ster’s Vibration Healing Chant Technique.

No matter how you try to analyze it, heart trouble

basically indicates a disharmony within the normal function of
the total body and heart unit. Bringing those unharmonious
body elements comprising the heart-body unit into harmony
amounts to bringing the heart into harmony with the entire
body. The word disease merely means that a state of uneasiness
within the body and the Vibrasonic Tuner exists.

For several weeks, I took my printing work to Joe’s

printing company and kept an eye open for any noticeable
differences in Joe’s behavior. He appeared as happy as ever, but
there was one slight difference in his behavior. He was a little
more full of pep around the shop. He had a perpetual smile and
a constant courtesy that made you want to take the guy home.
Joe was a real charmer, but he might die any time. I used to
pray very hard for Happy Joe’s heart.

Several months went by, and then, one day, while picking
up some of my work, he took me to the side and started to talk.
“You know, sickness is strange. One day you are sicker than a
dog, the next day it tortures you to pieces and makes you wish


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

you were dead, and then it usually kills you. However, through
some strange, unexplainable quirk of fate, my heart problem is
gone forever. What did it? No one really knows. Not even the
specialists who devote all of their lives to studying the heart
know. I had heart trouble for years and was under treatment all
that time. They could not correct my condition with even the
most advanced techniques. I’ve tried to live every day as fully as
possible, never knowing when my heart would suddenly stop
and the end would come. I spent thousands of dollars attempt¬
ing to regain my health, but it was all in vain. They said that
with plenty of rest, a good diet, and no worries perhaps I could
last a few years—but there was no guarantee. Oh, how wrong
they were! Why, just the last time I went in for a check-up they
ran all kinds of tests and could not believe that my blood
pressure was normal. They said that my heart sounded as steady
as that of a 25-year-old man. Who would believe that the
ancient chant you gave my friend could do me so much good?
Now I do not have anymore chest pains or shortness of breath,
and I can even swim like I used to before I became sick. I want
to thank you most sincerely for your great help. I feel great,
thank God.” I smiled, patted him on the back, and walked out.
That was about five years ago, and I am still doing business with
Happy Joe’s Printing Company.

Prostate Gland Healed

Henry was suffering from enlargement of the prostate

gland. He followed his doctor’s advice for years. Some days he
would feel great, and other days he would be miserable. One
day, he realized that his problem was not going away. After five
years of putting up with massages and hormonal injections,
abstinence from hard liquor and beer, and moderation in his
once very active sex life, he had only gotten worse. He was
annoyed by frequent urination, diminished force of his urine
stream, blood in the urine, and obstruction of urine, so Henry
decided to consent to an operation. He felt that perhaps surgery
was the only solution. His doctor had booked him for the
operation a month ahead of time since he was about to leave on
his vacation.

In the interim, Henry became deeply interested in psychic

phenomena, and he began to exercise some of the Mystic
Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


Vibrasonic Techniques that fell into his possession. Among

them was the Harmonic Vibrasonic Songster’s Vibration Healing
Chant, which he liked very much. Several days went by, and he
began to notice some improvement. His bleeding ceased, and he
lost the feeling of urgency to urinate very often.

When his doctor returned, Henry went in for a final

check-up before the operation. His doctor was astounded at the
results of the check-up and informed him that his gland was
normal. The operation was postponed, and to this day, two
years later, it has never taken place. Henry has never had
any more trouble with his prostate gland.

Sally’s Constipation

With four illegitimate children to take care of, no husband,

and no job, Sally had a hard life. Her welfare check barely
covered her necessities, and only a very small slice of it could be
salvaged for miscellaneous expenses. To add to her problems,
Sally was continually plagued by constipation. Bleeding when¬
ever she had to go to the stool, hard and tight evacuations, and
sluggish bowel movements made her life very miserable. She
became desperate and began to worry day and night, but her
worrying only aggravated her illness. Then she got on a
find-a-cure merry-go-round and tried everything recommended
by the specialists she consulted. Going from one specialist to
another, she only got worse. Her bleeding got so bad that she
began to fear bowel evacuations and tried to restrain herself.
This restraint compounded her constipation.

Then she began her journey into the realm of psychic

phenomena and Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques. She tried the
Harmonic Vibrasonic Songster’s Vibration Healing Chant and,
with perseverance and faith, continued to exercise it until she
began to feel more relaxed and, in general, better. Soon her
rectum synchronized its body elements with the universal
Vibrasonic Tuner, and her constipation vanished into thin air.

Goodbye Asthma

Evelyn was only 33 years old, but she felt as if she were
65. It was all due to the asthma that could attack her anywhere
she went. On the job, all of her colleagues understood her
predicament and were kind and understanding towards her, but


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

any other place she went people would stare at her whenever
the asthma struck. She often refused to leave her lonely
apartment except to go to work. She felt as if she were
becoming an old maid. The only boy friend that had wooed her
stopped coming around after a few sessions of her wheezing and
sneezing. She finally tried the Harmonic Vibrasonic Songster’s
Vibration Healing Chant for several weeks, and, to her surprise,
the asthma disappeared. Her boy friend came back, and now she
enjoys a very normal and happy life.



This technique can be utilized for any type of ailment by

merely placing in the allotted space the command to heal the
particular organ or area of the body that is afflicted.

1. Take seven deep breaths. Exhale completely after each breath;

hold each breath for five seconds. The breaths should be taken
while you are standing up with your head erect and your eyes
facing straight ahead. All breathing must be done through the
mouth only.

2. Close your eyes and feel completely relaxed as you continue to

breathe normally and concentrate on feeling well all through your

3. Place your right hand directly over your heart region and repeat
the following chant in as rhythmical a manner as possible:
“OJO ... OJO . . . OJO . . . HITLAEH.” Repeat this chant as
often as you wish.

4. Maintain the same position while you let your mind create the
following imagery. Imagine your afflicted organ or body area
vibrating happily in joyous harmony with the powerful, universal
vibration of the Vibrasonic Tuner. Realize that it is composed of
millions of molecules invisible to the eye. Every single one of the
molecules is an individual entity functioning in perfect vibratory
motion and in complete harmony with the universal Vibrasonic
Tuner. Such harmony is perfect health. In your mind, greet all of
these little molecules with kindness and love. Command them: “I
command you in the name of the almighty, universal Vibrasonic
Tuner to rearrange yourselves in perfect alignment and harmony

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


with the universal perfect health vibration.” Repeat the name of

the afflicted organ or body area and bless it with happiness.

5. Open your eyes as wide as possible. Sing the following sounds as

rhythmically as possible, seven times: “LOO ... LOP .. .
LUU ... LOO.” Now go about your daily activities and perform
the chants as often as possible. Remember, practice makes


The human body contains its own unique electro-magnetic

field forces which encompass the total combined frequency
ranges of each body unit plus each body element comprising it.

Body units include organs such as the heart, lungs, liver,

pancreas, gallbladder, and kidneys. Body elements are differ¬
entiated units of the whole body functioning in a subservient
capacity to their corresponding body units. They include such
body parts as blood, hair, finger nails, bones, marrow, skin, and
veins. These body elements maintain individualized frequency
rates, which must vibrate in harmonious unison with the total
body units in order for the entire body to vibrate health. Each
body unit and body element has its own unique frequency
range that gravitates around it. This frequency range must
vibrate in perfect harmony with the universal Vibrasonic Tuner
in order for the body unit or body element to be healthy. When
this vibration is disrupted from its healthy, harmonious fre¬
quency range, it is out of tune with the entire body Vibration
Frequency, and a state of disease begins to creep in, which
usually attacks the weakest body element or body unit of the

Skin Deep

Once upon a time, Caroline had the most beautiful skin

among her college colleagues. They all admired it because of its
natural beauty, which had no need of cosmetics. Caroline
always had her pick of men for proms, dances, or any other
school party. Then, one day, she looked at herself in the mirror
and, to her surprise, noticed small blemishes over her entire
face. Quickly, she examined her arms and the rest of her pretty


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

body. The blemishes were also appearing on other parts of her

body. She became panicky and rushed to a dermatologist. After
several weeks, she quit seeing the dermatologist since her skin
was only getting worse. She began to withdraw from her friends
and social activities because she was ashamed of being seen with
her skin in that condition. A friend of hers gave her some
Vibrasonic Techniques, and, soon after she started using the
Vibrasonic Clear Vibration Chant, her skin began to clear up.
Several weeks later, she was seen having a ball at a local
nightclub. She has never been happier.

Jessie Eliminates Her Nervousness

Jessie was a very young and beautiful girl only 23 years
old, but the strands of gray in her hair showed the wear and tear
her nerves had inflicted. She had become so difficult to live
with that her patient husband was contemplating placing her in
a rest home. Her two young boys had suffered dearly at her
hands, and her husband had worked hard to maintain the
household while also earning a living for them. He had tried to
help Jessie, but to no avail. He had consulted doctors, psychia¬
trists, healers, and even some questionable and unscrupulous
practitioners of witchcraft. Nothing seemed to help Jessie, and
she slowly slipped into a great depression. Her husband was at
his wit’s end and was ready to sign her confinement papers.

Mystic Vibrasonics was brought to his attention, but he

was skeptical about everything. I guess that he was like most
people who seek far and wide for what has always been near to
them. People are often close to the solution but, for some
unexplainable reason, refuse to open the door when overnight
miracles are not forthcoming. This is a mistake. In nature,
everything works in accordance with the built-in time clocks set
by divine decree, and no man can change that. Man has to work
in harmony with such invisible schedules with unquestionable
faith and perseverance if he hopes to reap the fruits of nature.

Jessie and her husband finally came to me for counseling. I

soon realized that the unfortunate Jessie was very close to
solving her problem, but she needed some encouragement. This
I tried to give her. After I worked with both of them for several

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


months in the application of Vibrasonic Techniques, she sud¬

denly decided to quit coming. Her husband acknowledged some
improvement, but he merely shook his head in desperation.
Several more months went by, and then, one day, they both
appeared. Jessie’s husband told me: “We have just returned
from a brief visit to Jessie’s folks in Nebraska. We intended to
call you or write, but since we have been so happy it slipped our
minds. However, now that we are here, we want to personally
thank you for all the guidance you have given Jessie. She has
continued to practice the Clear Vibration Chant and feels better
than ever. She is now working and comes home to tend the
household chores, including our kids. Her nervous tantrums
have disappeared, and she is always in beautiful spirits.” And so
she was. Both were sporting wide, beaming smiles as they
walked away.


Nature always sets the Vibration Frequency of the

material elements. These include cement, wood, steel, wire, and
other inanimate substances that man uses in the material realm.
The Vibration Frequency working through the material ele¬
ments radiates its own unique vibration aura field force that
gravitates around it. I call this field force the Material Element
Frequency Range. In material elements, there is no Vibrasonic
Tuner to enable them to modify their frequency ranges, so
material elements must remain static in their orbital range until
a more powerful outside force acts upon them to alter their
status. The Vibrasonic Tuner was reserved for man alone. For,
as the “Son of God and created in His Image,” he was given
“dominion over the beasts that crawl on the surface of the earth
and the fowl that fill the sky.”

No More Cataracts

Ken applied the Clear Vibration Chant to heal himself of

cataracts in both eyes. Now he has normal vision.

Ken sold newspapers at the comer of Sixty and Spring

Streets. Most of his customers were businessmen who came out


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

of their offices around 4 P.M. to go home. To them, it was

rather refreshing to see Ken struggle to sell his wares with such
conscientious gusto. Ken was not young. He had stopped
counting birthdays at the age of forty-six. This corner had been
his stopping place after he had had very bad luck in other
activities and jobs. After a little over three years, Ken was
thinking of quitting because of failing eyesight. He just could
not see well, and, on several occasions, while running to make a
sale, he almost ran into a car.

One of his steady and concerned customers was Dr.

Goldwater, an ophthalmologist with an office nearby. He
suggested to Ken that he drop in for a free examination. Ken
did, and the doctor told him that he had cataracts in both eyes.
An operation was necessary, but Ken had no money, and he was
afraid of the operation. He kept putting it off, hoping that the
cataracts would disappear. For some strange reason that he
could not explain, deep down within himself he felt that the
cataracts could be removed without the recommended surgery.
He searched everywhere for the answer to his health problem.
He found the answer within himself.

Several weeks after he started practicing the Clear Vibra¬

tion Chant, his eyesight began to clear up. Dr. Goldwater kept
buying his evening paper from him, and he noticed the change
in Ken’s motor ability and the straightforwardness of his
delivery. Again, he urged him to visit his office. Ken accepted,
and the doctor was surprised at what he found. He shook his
head and frankly admitted that he could not find any traces of
cataracts. Ken’s vision tested normally.

There exists a limited Vibrasonic Tuner in the animal

species, but it is far inferior to that of man. It operates only
instinctively, within a locked-in range only capable of reacting
in survival behavior patterns. The animal can never consciously
modify its frequency range to engage its mind with the realm of
human thought, speech, intellectual activity, analysis, or ration¬
alization, which could help it consciously change its driving

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


force and motivation. The animal frequency range can only be

changed by superior outside forces acting upon it along those
locked-in instinctual patterns. The sophisticated realm of con¬
scious modification of the Vibrasonic Tuner vibration range is
reserved for the highly developed Vibrasonic Tuner of man.
Only man can consciously utilize and direct his Vibrasonic
Tuner to vibrate at modified rates and thus supersede and
dominate everything on earth—minerals, plants, and animals—
and affect and influence his fellowmen and the surrounding
environment upon which the role of life is acted out. You too
can be the victorious hero.

The Sugar Ran High

Every other day, Molly had to test her urine with special
paper. If it showed a positive reaction to the sugar level, she
would have to see her specialist. Molly had diabetes, and
controlling it was costing her a lot of money. She had been told
that she would have to live with this condition for the rest of
her natural life, though it could be controlled, and, with good
dieting and care, she could very well live out her natural life
span. Molly did not like being afflicted with diabetes, so she
tried the Clear Vibration Chant. It took some time, but after
she had exercised the Clear Vibration Chant for several months,
her blood sugar level began to normalize. One day, she realized
that she was well. To this day, she has never felt better. Out of
curiosity, she has periodically checked her urine with the special
paper, only to laugh with delight when the reaction is negative.


1. You must take a bath prior to performing this powerful chant.

The bath is primarily for you to experience a clean feeling during
the performance of the exercise.

2. Seat yourself in a comfortable chair and try to relax. When you

feel that you are very relaxed, close your eyes and breathe very
steadily and deeply through your nostrils. Breathe in this manner
for approximately three minutes. Attempt to judge the time
instead of looking at your watch or clock. This is very important.

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

3. Imagine that water is dripping all over your brain. Mentally see all
of the water washing off your brain and erasing and carrying off
all the impressions that may have been deeply embedded in it.
Imagine your brain being cleansed as the water continues to wash
everything off. Continue with this mental washing for approxi¬
mately five minutes.

4. Open your eyes and continue normal breathing. Repeat the

following chant seven times: “EESE ... DNA ... SEYES ...

5. Repeat the following command with as much determination as

possible: “I command the invisible forces to heal my (insert the
name of the particular organ or body area that you wish to be
healed).” This command should be repeated at least seven times.

All of the healing chants presented here can be used for

the alleviation of any ailment from which you may be suffering.
All you have to do is to include the name of the particular
organ or part of the body suffering from the disease along with
the command in each chant. The psychic healing laws are
universal and function impersonally once they are set into


Medicines are composed of molecule aggregates of many

different chemicals, which are compounded into liquids or
compressed into tablet form according to formulas and sold by
the billions to the ailing public. Once ingested, they are acted
upon by the other chemical combinations created by the human
body. The medicine molecule aggregates are quickly engaged in
chemical reactions with the body chemical combinations. As a
result of this interchange, modified molecule aggregates are
dispersed throughout the blood system to combat abnormal
chemical aggregates within the body system which are causing
the disruption of the normal body health. Sometimes this
chemical ingesting approach is very effective, but on other
occasions all the medicine in the world fails to break up the
diseased molecule aggregates. The result is death.

Activating the Magic Vibrascpnic Keys

Perfect harmony between the mental and physical aspects
of man results in perfect health. This is the secret of how to
regain and maintain the divine heritage of perfect health.
Getting your Vibrasonic Tuner into perfect harmony with the
universal Vibrasonic Tuner is a sure way of healing yourself.
Harmony is created by conditioning your Vibrasonic Tuner to
flicker positive thought vibrations instead of negative thought
vibrations. Your Vibrasonic Tuner functions like a miniature,
invisible computer lodged in the brain. What you feed into it
determines what comes out. Mystic Vibration Techniques and
Chants can help you condition your Vibrasonic Tuner to
develop and maintain a harmonious, positive Vibration Fre¬
quency around your brain and body area. They can help you
dissolve all abnormal conditions and produce health. “Physician
heal thyself’ is a truism worth thinking about. Become fully
aware of it, and you will automatically summon this powerful,
invisible healing force into action. It will surprise and amaze
you how well it can tear asunder all of those chains of
limitations to bring you supreme health.


The human body is permeated with universal wisdom.

When any one of its body-unit or body-element components
slips out of harmonious vibration with the total body electro¬
magnetic field force, pain impulses are immediately transmitted
to the Vibrasonic Tuner center within the brain. These signals
appear to be the most effective vibrations to get the message
across that something is wrong within the body system. The
afflicted body unit or body element continues emitting such
pain signals until the Vibrasonic Tuner is forced to take some
kind of corrective action to remedy the situation. If such a
condition remains uncorrected, a built-in time clock within each
of the sub-microscopic molecules of the afflicted body element
or body unit sets off a reverse ticking of time, and the disease
condition destroys the overall frequency range of the entire
body as it gets ready for the final kill. If this time-reversal


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

action continues unchecked beyond the threshold of its body

electro-magnetic field force, the body begins to break down,
and the disease deteriorates it into the final stage of dissolution
and death. At this transitional stage, the body matter disperses
into its primeval essence—molecules floating in space.

It is through this inter-molecular space structure that your

Vibrasonic Tuner, with proper Vibrasonic Technique training,
can propel the invisible vibrations that can alter the diseased
condition and correct the events within the matter structure of
the body to give perfect health. This is especially important for
maintaining the harmonious state of well-being and health of
your magnificent body. You can enjoy perfect health. There is
no need to settle for less. The universal Vibrasonic Tuner brings
perfection to everything, including man. Why not claim your
rightful divine heritage?


During the past century, two very significant changes have

taken place in the scientific understanding of illness. One of
them is the idea that sickness is not something that just happens
by accident or is imposed by divine providence. It has been
discovered that sickness can be caused by an abuse of the
human emotions.

An emotion is an agitation of the molecular structure of

the Vibrasonic Tuner area of the brain. If the emotion is
positive, it is beneficial to the human physical body and its
mental well-being. If it is negative, the repercussions become
destructive to the body’s well-being. How we control the
emotional tone of our thoughts flickered off by the Vibrasonic
Tuner, the instigator of all thought, determines whether our
mind and body will function harmoniously in health or under
the disrupting duress called sickness and disease. Mystic Vibra¬
sonic Chant Techniques can orient you along a positive path
and help you to control all of your emotions and channel them
along constructive lines. This is the meaning of happiness. Man
is not merely an aggregate of body elements and body units, but
an organism to be treated as a whole. What affects any of the

Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys


body elements or body units affects the body as a whole.

Clinical evidence has revealed a definite correlation between
health and the emotions. Dr. Rene Spitz, a leading psychiatrist,
has brought forth proof in his clinical studies of the emotional
life of children that the vibration of love is a very positive and
important ingredient for maintaining health and stability. His
research in a foundling home indicated that of the children that
did not receive any real attention and love, 37 percent died within
a span of two years. Those that had received the magical
ingredient, tender loving care, were happy and very active. In
another experiment, two groups of patients were studied. One
group of patients had doctors and nurses interacting with them
in a friendly manner, while the other group did not. The
incidence of sickness in the group without the extra social
interaction was greater. Dr. Robinson of the Johns Hopkins
Hospital, in his study of fifty ulcer patients, found that six
patients had a real physical basis for their stomach condition,
while the rest were victims of emotional stress, which was
responsible for their psychosomatic body conditions. Psycho
refers to the mind, and somatic refers to the physical body
condition brought about and sustained by the Vibrasonic
Tuner. Control this invisible mechanism and you control your
body’s well-being. Psychosomatic refers to a physical body
condition brought about and sustained by the negative use of
emotions and thinking processes. It is a condition created and
sustained by the incorrect utilization of the Vibrasonic Tuner.
Learn to control your Vibrasonic Tuner and you can control
your body’s well-being and happiness. The mere knowledge of
the causes of disease is useless unless we can uproot those causes
and utilize our knowledge to correct the negative conditions
and avoid them in the future. This is the primary aim of Mystic
Vibrasonic Chants and Techniques. They are designed to help
you control your Vibrasonic Tuner and utilize it to further your
goals in life.

One of the first lessons we must learn is to stand on our

own feet. Nature has the accumulated wisdom of millions of
years of experience and has endowed its creatures with the
necessary equipment to combat all obstacles, overcome them,


Activating the Magic Vibrasonic Keys

and survive. Unfortunately, there are many negative stimuli in

life that tend to disorient us with a preponderance of negative
thought-patterns. It is so much easier to go along with negative
thinking than it is to fight negative impulses and think posi¬
tively. Apparently, that is why so many of us take the easy
downhill route. Those who do eventually find themselves
sinking deeper and deeper in a quicksand of despair and
hopelessness. You can avoid this trap by thinking positively.
Positive thinking will always come to your rescue. It is the life
saver that can give you the strength to succeed. Above all, we
must maintain faith. But in whom? Other man, friends, rela¬
tives? Well, perhaps. But having faith in other mortals always
leads to disappointment. It is wiser to believe in the one
sustaining, universal Vibrasonic Tuner, which is the fountain of
all good, and which is related to our own individual Vibrasonic
Tuners. With the Vibrasonic Tuner, all things are possible. You
can be emotionally stable and healthy if you hold on to the
realization that the Vibrasonic Tuner is all. This realization is
our security, and it is one of the basic elements for emotional

Man’s difficulties all lie within himself, rather than in the

actions of others or the laws of nature. Most of man’s diffi¬
culties with others are precipitated by his own restless, undis¬
ciplined use of his Vibrasonic Tuner. To counteract this
negative, self-destructive state of mind and body, you must
develop the quiet, secure state of mind that is the best
guarantee of outward and inner peace and progress. What can be
more certain than the realization that the universal Vibrasonic
Tuner is us, has always been within our reach, and forever
awaits our call? Exercise continuous love towards your fellow-
men, towards all of creation, and find the peace and wealth that
is your divine heritage.

Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage

Chant Technique to Obtain
What You Desire—Effortlessly

Wield your Vibrasonic Tuner Chant Techniques

to smash all obstacles and irresistibly bend anyone and every¬
thing to your will.


Willpower is an inner, thermo-molecular psychic explosion

of tremendous emotional forces that catapult the molecule
aggregates of each body unit and body element beyond their
frequency range threshold to produce changes. When this
occurs, the total body unit is catapulted into goal-oriented
action, the goal being determined by the incessant, repetitive
flickering of the Vibrasonic Tuner. The Vibrasonic Tuner



Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique

operates automatically by psychic law and is always impersonal.

Once a Vibrasonic Tuner is set into motion, it will either create
or destroy according to the mental imagery format created by
the thoughts fed into it. It is better to know how to use your
Vibrasonic Tuner positively than to let it run wild, weaving
negative and adverse thought-patterns.

How Irma Applied the Vibrasonic Prodigal Chant Technique

to Make Her Disenchanted Lover Marry Her

Irma had always been a heavy loser in love. Her first lover
was a middle-aged door-to-door salesman who had a wife and
five hungry kids. Most of the women on his beat knew of his
sexual promiscuity. Some were already his lovers and anxiously
awaited his regular visits, while others knew better and kept
their doors locked when he was around.

Irma was only sixteen when the salesman seduced her. On

that particular occasion, no one was home, and she was afraid
to yell and scream. She became just another one of his
concubines. According to her, their relationship continued for
several years, and then the salesman faded out of her life. But
other affairs followed with the same results. By the time Irma
was 20 years old, she had produced three children to support.
Irma frequented the nearest bar, where she tried desperately to
drown all of her troubles. But instead, she compounded them.
The harder she tried, the more men came into her life. At the
age of 23, she was tired and was really trying to find a man that
would marry her and support her and her children. Soon she
was pregnant again, and the prospect of having another mouth
to feed worried her more. Then a faint ray of hope filtered
through her gloomy life. She met a guy she really fell for—

Harry was no prize package, but she fell for him the
minute their eyes met. He was attracted to her, too, and they
started seeing each other regularly. After three years, however,
the magic began to wear off. Harry began to change towards
Irma, and she did not like it. He wouldn’t take her out as often
as before and didn’t call her for days at a time. Poor Irma was at
her wit’s end. She kept asking him the same question: “When
are we going to make it legal, Harry?” Harry was pushing 38
and knew better than to commit himself. He kept putting her

Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique


off with: “We’ve got to wait until I get a better job,” “Give me
more time,” “We’ve got to know each other,” and so on. Things
had reached the breaking point for poor Irma.

One day, Harry kissed Irma good night and slipped out the
back door. She didn’t see him for six months. Irma was
desperate. She cried uncontrollably. Word of her plight got
around, and one of her good friends advised her to contact me
for advice. She immediately sent me a special delivery letter,
detailing all of the gruesome facts. Within 24 hours, my answer,
with some of the special Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques and
Chants, was on its way.

Two weeks rolled by before I heard from Irma. She wrote:

“I must confess that I was very disillusioned and skeptical upon
receiving your letter with instructions for using the Prodigal
Vibrasonic Technique. However, since I had already tried
everything else suggested to me, I decided to give it a try. After
all, I had nothing to lose; he was gone. Yesterday, I received the
greatest shock and surprise of my life. The phone rang, and who
do you suppose it was? It was Harry. He sounded so cheerful
and happy that I just couldn’t believe my ears. He told me that
he was in Boston, but he expected to return within a few days.
Instead, he returned the following evening. Now I am so happy.
We set the day for our wedding. I thank you from the bottom
of my heart for having guided me.”

How Mr. Michael Used the Vibrasonic Prodigal Technique

to Locate His Faithful Pet, Buster, Who Had Been Lost
Professor Michael, a retired professor, was living out his
last few days in comfort with his faithful dog, Buster. He cared
for Buster as if he were a human being. The best meat was not
good enough for Buster. Professor Michael took him on yearly
vacations to Europe and other places of interest. Buster was his
only companion, for Professor Michael’s wife had been dead for
five years. Professor Michael had always been very methodical
in his way of life. Every morning he and Buster went for a daily
stroll, had a nice swim in the pool, and then had breakfast on
the terrace. They both were quite happy.

One day, Professor Michael’s chauffeur got careless. He left

the rear door open, and Buster decided to do the town alone.
His master was frantic when he realized his faithful companion


Exploiting the Vibmsonic Leverage Chant Technique

was missing. He called the police, but they didn’t have time to
look for a dog. He put ads in all of the local newspapers,
offering a sizable reward for Buster’s return-with no questions
asked. He hired a private detective agency. They were told to
find Buster at any price. They started out like gang busters but
soon lost interest. Professor Michael was at his wit’s end, and his
agitation began to affect his health.

One night, a frantic telephone call reached me as I was

about to sit down for dinner. A man said, “I am Professor
Michael.” He told me the whole story. I immediately sent
Professor Michael a copy of the Prodigal Vibrasonic Technique.
It arrived the following afternoon. Professor Michael was on the
line again. “I seek your help not instructions,” he snapped. I
disregarded his comments because of his distraught condition
and waited patiently and confidently for a change in events. I
knew that if he exercised the Vibrasonic Technique revealed to
him it would only be a matter of time before Buster would be
affected by his master’s Invisible Intelligence Clusters and be
guided back to him.

One Sunday afternoon, my telephone rang. It gave out

good vibrations, and I felt that some good news was about to be
relayed to me. It was Professor Michael. He sounded happy as
he explained what had happened. “I just called to thank you for
the wonderful help you gave me,” he said. “Please forgive my
previous rudeness, but at that time I just couldn’t see how using
such a simple technique could have brought back my Buster. I
did try it, though, and after a few days I began to feel more at
ease and confident. My investigators gave up, and the police
could not find Buster either, so 1 was left with only the
instructions you sent me. Buster came back home exactly seven
days after I started the Vibrasonic Prodigal Technique. I will
always be grateful and will remember you.”
To Locate What You Want

This technique can be performed anywhere you wish—in a

room, on a park bench, in a quiet place, or in the middle of a
booming metropolis. No one will be aware of the powerful,
mysterious, silent eruptions that will be taking place within

Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique


your Vibrasonic Tuner. I suggest that you practice it mentally

every time you recall the missing person, object, or thing. The
wisdom within your Vibrasonic Tuner will always relay to you
when to commence and terminate the exercise. Always listen
for its inner signals.

1. Once the memory of the missing entity enters your mind, latch
on to it and continue to think about nothing else.

2. As you continue to think about it, start to build up a very strong

desire for it to return to you.

3. See veiy clearly within the inner sanctum of your mind the
person, pet, thing, or object returning to you. Don’t try to figure
out how it will return, just see it in your possession.

4. Please don’t close your eyes during the visualizing process.

Instead, wait for that flickering sensation of confidence that you
are doing everything right.

5. When you feel that you have absorbed the image very clearly in
your mind, start to mentally pronounce the name of the desired
person, pet, object, or thing. Continue to do so with lots of
tender loving care.

6. Hold on to this magnificent feeling until you feel confident that

it is strong enough. Go on with your daily living. Psychic laws
work silently and automatically. Expect results.


Objects, pets, and loved ones may become misplaced, but

they continue to exist somewhere in time and space, in their
original form or in a transformed state of existence. They may
be far away or near to you, but you can be sure that they exist.
Nothing is ever really lost in the universe. The Law of
Attraction states that like begets like. If your Vibrasonic Tuner
is synchronized with the Vibration Frequency of the missing
object or person, the missing item or person will be attracted
right to your doorstep.

If you have physically, emotionally, and mentally
possessed the desired pet, thing, or person, then it carries your
influence. For instance, if it is a person, your Invisible Intelli-


Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique

gence Clusters continue to hover around his or her Apperceptive

Mass and affect his or her memory with the associative ex¬
periences relative to you. If it is a pet that has gone astray, your
Invisible Intelligence Clusters gather around its animal Vibra¬
sonic Tuner, affecting its limited fragments of memory and
thought-patterns. If it is an inanimate object that is lost, the
electro-magnetic traces of your own unique Invisible Intelli¬
gence Clusters will continue to hover around its frequency range
field for a long time, unless they are replaced by more powerful
vibrations. Your Vibrasonic Tuner can send magnetic lines of
thought-force towards the lost one and draw it to you. Mystic
Vibrasonics help you to do just that.


Any object or body mass is made of its own elemental

components. Each element, in turn, contains its individualized
molecule aggregate which is similar to its Apperceptive Mass.
This molecule aggregate continually revolves around the Apper¬
ceptive Mass, and the sum total of all of the molecule aggregates
equals the frequency range of the object. It is within this
frequency range that the missing entity is affected by other
electro-magnetic lines of force emanating from other molecule
aggregates projected from other Apperceptive Masses. In
animals, and especially in human beings, each body element and
each body unit contains its own unique Vibration Frequency
which is different from the frequency range of inanimate
objects. The sum total of each body element and each body
unit Vibration Frequency must equal the total frequency range
of the total body mass.


The frequency range of humans is more sophisticated than

that of animals or inanimate objects. The frequency range of
humans is much greater as it revolves around the brain area,
forming the aura which constitutes the Apperceptive Mass,
which in turn is the sum of the Invisible Intelligence Clusters of

Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique

that human being. As the Apperceptive Mass continues to
accrete knowledge and experience in the endless continuum of
time and space, the Invisible Intelligence Clusters tend to
coalesce to give the Apperceptive Mass greater receptivity and
power to influence other Apperceptive Masses and frequency
ranges. Proper exercising and control of the flickering vibration
of your Vibrasonic Tuner can help you to do just that.


Whenever a human being falls in love with a person, an

animal, or an inanimate object, he does so because his own
Apperceptive Mass has interlocked with the Apperceptive Mass
or the frequency range of the loved one. Simple attraction sets
the Vibrasonic Tuner of the human being into vibrating action.
As the attraction is reinforced by the pleasant emotional tones
of the human Vibrasonic Tuner, more thought vibrations flicker
out in the form of electro-magnetic lines of force extending
outward like tentacles or feelers reaching out towards the loved
one. This is the molecular affinity which underlies the basic
psychic laws functioning throughout the Mystic Vibrasonic
Chant Techniques, which literally draw Apperceptive Masses
and frequency ranges to you, bending them to your will.

How Melody Used the Chantdo Vibrasonic Technique Chant

to Locate a Very Expensive Diamond Bracelet

Melody had been an outstanding English teacher in her

community school, and she was well-liked and respected as an
upright citizen. She had been very happy, but, due to pressing
circumstances, she was contemplating quitting her job.

Her problem was that her absentmindedness was becoming

unbearable. Once she almost went mad looking for her car keys.
She couldn’t find them, so she missed an important appoint¬
ment with her doctor. Finally, she flopped on her couch, only
to hear the sound of the keys as they dropped out of her hand
when she relaxed the grip she had on them. Further frustrations
occurred. One day, while driving to school using the same route
she had taken for the past fifteen years, she found herself lost,


Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique

miles away from her destination. There were other occasions

when she failed to report to work on time simply because she
had overslept, thinking it was Saturday. She discovered that the
principal of the school was taking a long, hard look at her
performance and was unhappy with it. She was afraid of losing
not only her job, but also her mind.

When Melody contacted me, she was in serious trouble. A

close friend of hers had gone on a vacation trip to Europe, and,
instead of putting her valuable bracelet in the bank vault, she
had lent it to Melody to use it and take care of it. When
Melody’s friend wrote to say that she’d be coming home soon,
Melody realized that she had misplaced the bracelet. Melody
had put it away, but she could not remember where. Melody
turned everything upside down, but to no avail. The bracelet
was just not to be found.

Melody wrote to me, asking for help. I sent her the

Chantdo Vibrasonic Technique Chant for obtaining what you
desire. A few days later I received a letter from her. She wrote:
“Please accept my most sincere thanks for your immediate
reply and the simple instructions on how to put the Chantdo
Vibrasonic Technique Chant to work. I practiced it in despera¬
tion, and for three consecutive nights it made me dream. I
dreamed that a huge giant with a turban came to me. He picked
me up and carried me off to far-away places. It was a strange
experience, but every time I awoke, I felt happy. Every time he
brought me back, he would point to my closet and then
disappear. Curiosity began to overcome me. The third morning,
I went through that closet with a fine-tooth comb twice. The
first time I looked I found nothing, but the second time I found
what I was looking for. To my great surprise and astonishment,
there was the bracelet in the pocket of an old coat I hardly ever
used. Then it all came back to me. I had hidden the bracelet
there because I never used the coat and felt it was the safest
place to hide it. My friend arrived on schedule, and I had her
bracelet for her. My memory has improved, and I am now
functioning better than ever on the job I’ve always loved-

Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique


How Bob Put the Chantdo Vibrasonic Technique Chant to

Work, and Sparky, His Ten-Year-Old Son, Returned Home

Bob had been a very lonely man since his wife had
divorced him. In the social sphere in which he always traveled,
everything was available to help him adjust and find happiness.
Yet, ironically, he couldn’t find happiness there. It was Sparky,
his young son, whom the court had given into his custody, who
kept him beaming with happiness. But one day, Sparky
disappeared. Bob frantically called the police, who immediately
started to look for the missing boy. Suspicions of kidnapping
were very strong, and the FBI swung into the case. A week went
by, but there was still no news. Bob was frantic.

Bob contacted one of the most effective and expensive

detective agencies in San Francisco. The agency sent out all of
its manpower and did not spare the expense. Bob was at his
wit’s end. He couldn’t sleep or eat. He stayed close to his
telephone in his private study, waiting for news. The light in
that little room burned day and night.
Finally, Bob called me. He asked me to help him find
Sparky. I understood his plight and really desired to give him a
positive answer. However, I couldn’t honestly guarantee him
anything. No one has the right to guarantee anything related to
psychic phenomena. All one can do is try, with faith in the
goodness which sustains this world in harmony. So I told Bob:
“I cannot guarantee you anything. However, I will send you the
Chantdo Vibrasonic Chant Technique, which can help you as it
has helped others. You can be sure that if you honestly and
faithfully practice it with perseverance, your efforts will not be
in vain. It will stimulate the Vibrasonic Tuner in your brain to
send out your personal electro-magnetic thought-vibrations,
which will reach your son’s Vibrasonic Tuner no matter where
he may be and draw him to you once again.”

He was silent for a few seconds and then replied, “What

have I got to lose? I’ve already spent thousands of dollars to no
avail. I will certainly try the Chantdo Vibrasonic Chant Tech¬
nique. You have been very highly recommended to me.”


Exploiting the Vibmsonic Leverage Chant Technique

That very same night, I mailed him my instructions, and

then I forgot all about it. I have formed the habit over the years
of removing my mind from all problems after I have put the
techniques into action. In this manner I avoid interfering with
the superior entities in outer space who will provide help once
the correct techniques are put into action.

Early one morning, my phone rang. I had no idea who it

was, but from the vibration of the telephone ring I knew that it
was an important message. It was Bob. “Forgive me,” he said,
“for calling at such an inconvenient hour, but I am so happy
that I simply had to tell you that Sparky was found. I will send
you the details in a letter. May God continue to bless you.
Please accept my most profound gratitude for your enlightened
advice.” That night I slept very soundly.

Urlich Used the Chantdo Vibrasonic Technique Chant to

Regain His Former Position, with an Increase in Salary

Several years ago, Urlich was considered the most

promising machinist in a large tool manufacturing shop in the
greater Los Angeles area. He had been working less than two
months when he was promoted to head the most meticulous
section of the plant-the precision tool department. Running
this department required immense skill and supervising ability.
Urlich was an efficient supervisor, and the production of his
department quickly zoomed. For six months everything ran
smoothly, and everyone concerned was happy. Then dissension
crept in when a jealous fellow worker began to upset the
beautiful, harmonious equilibrium of that department. He
wanted Urlich’s job and did not care what he had to do to get

Urlich realized that he had two alternatives. He could stick

it out until his adversary got fired, or he could quit his job and
avoid all of the unpleasant hassle. He chose the latter. Urlich
found himself out of a job as the weeks rolled by. He began to
worry as the bills, especially the rent bills, piled up. It soon
became apparent to him that he had made a very unwise
decision. He decided to hide his pride and go back to seek his
former job. He was received coolly, however, and was told that
there were no openings. His adversary was laughing to himself.

Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique


Urlich, however, was determined to return to his former

job at all costs and came to me for help. I gave him a copy of
the Chantdo Vibrasonic Technique Chant. He practiced it with
precision and determination. One week after Urlich embarked
on the project, the plant boss, who had been vacationing in
Florida, returned and, upon finding out what had happened,
quickly called Urlich back to work in his former position, with
a very substantial pay raise.


For Obtaining What You Desire

1. Close your eyes and try to relax. Sit on your favorite chair or lie
on your bed.

2. Formulate within your mind a very clear image of the person,

object, or animal you want to come to you. After you have
created such an image, formulate the desire in your mind. If you
are looking for a lost object, think of its return. If you want
money or some other object, formulate the command that it
come to you.

3. Repeat the following chant mentally, in a very slow, melodic

tone: “KOMO ... CANTO ... YOMO ... MAROCO.” Of
course, the Chant must be memorized, since it must be repeated
while your eyes are closed. After repeating the Powerful Chant
for approximately one minute, release your command by force¬
fully speaking your desire into infinite space.

4. Open your eyes. This liberates the flickering vibrations of your

powerful Vibrasonic Tuner so that they may reach out and affect
the Vibrasonic Tuner or Vibration Frequency hovering around
the Apperceptive Mass of the person, animal, or object you want.
The laws of psychic attraction are immutable.


Some people go through life trying to be so clever that

they always wind up outsmarting themselves, losing out on the
good things in life, and relegating themselves to the also-ran
division of life. They always question everything, even them¬
selves. They try to analyze and dispute everything. They are
always full of excuses and short of results. In their own unique,


Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique

retrogressive manner, they trap themselves in mental alleys of

no return. They are absolute seekers, and they always wind up
frustrated. No one can be really certain of anything, not even
life, for everything in nature is relative. Death is the only
absolute that cannot be disputed. We can point to what is alive
and with certainty say that it will someday be dead. Death is
the only absolute.

Of course, spiritually we know that what we call death is

merely a transition into another state of existence. The seekers
of absolutes say that there are no absolute answers to our
questions, and therefore there is nothing to believe in. They
defeat themselves with their negativism and succumb to failure.
They are kill-joys and can be very depressing people to be
around. Do not throw your pearls before swine; use your
superior knowledge of Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques and
Chants in secrecy for quicker progress and results. You will
surprise those around you, but, more than that, you will earn
their respect and see their astonishment at your successful

How Gloria Used the Photographic Projection Vibrasonic Chant

Technique to Mentally Disintegrate the Molecular Structure of
Her Lover’s Photograph and Make Him Come Back to Her

Gloria was a young woman of 22 who had had her share of

unsuccessful love experiences. When she met Dobie, she made
up her mind to stick with him. Everything was fine for several
months. Then Dobie, for some unknown reason, decided that it
was time to leave. Gloria became hysterical when she came
home from work to find his room empty of all his clothes and
belongings. He had left only a piece of paper on the dining table
on which he had hastily scribbled, “Sorry it had to turn out this
way, but I think it is for the best. Good-bye, Dobie.”

Gloria couldn’t stand the thought of losing out in love

again. That night she went from bar to bar in search of her lost
lover. She could not sleep that night, because she anxiously
awaited the break of dawn to go in search of Dobie at his job.
But Dobie was not to be found. The foreman shook his head
and told her that the day before Dobie had picked up his pay

Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique


and headed for parts unknown. She continued in her search, but
to no avail. Tired, weak, with little sleep or food, she was
beginning to get sick. The odds appeared to be against her, and
she was just about ready to give up when a friend suggested
psychic intervention.

The candle burned steadily into the night as she poured

over the Mystic Vibrasonic Chants and Techniques she had been
given. Then, one night, the candle went out, and all was quiet.
That night, while Gloria diligently exercised her techniques, she
suddenly got the urge to go to the corner drugstore for a malt.
This was something she had not done since she first met Dobie.
Being a very impulsive creature, she followed her urge. To her
great surprise, Dobie was also having a malt and reminiscing
about the good old days when everything was fine. Soon they
were embracing. They drank their malts and made up. To my
knowledge they lived happily ever after.

Charlie Used the Photographic Projection Vibrasonic Chant

Technique on a Photograph of His Enemy to Put Him out of
Business and Remove the Hex He Had Put on Him.

His friends used to call him Charlie Chan, but his real name
was just Charlie. In the beginning, his chop suey joint was
always full of hungry customers, and this made Charlie very
happy. Life was good to him. Then, one day, his dear friend
Joe, who owned the prosperous delicatessen across the street
from him, died. Charlie paid his condolences at the funeral and
returned to his business. The store across the street was not
empty for long. Soon, working men were seen painting the
place for a new owner. Charlie wasn’t worried until he found
out that a competitor was about to open another chop suey
joint right across from his. Then Charlie began to get strange
headaches, aches, and pains all over his body, which prevented
him from getting to sleep. His business started to take a nose
dive and his competitor could be seen standing in front of his
new restaurant merrily chatting with customers and actually
waving to those that used to frequent Charlie’s joint. One
morning, as Charlie arrived to open up his establishment for
business, he was aghast to find an abundance of a strange white


Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique

powder sprinkled right in front of his door. He jumped back

and ran all the way home. He was feeling sick when he reached
home. He got into bed and called an herbalist for treatment.
The herbalist told Charlie that he was hexed and that he could
not do anything for him. He suggested that Charlie consult a
psychic for psychic help, which Charlie did.

Charlie came to see me, and I gave him a copy of the

Photographic Projection Vibrasonic Chant Technique. The
following morning he was on his way back to open up his chop
suey joint. Some of his old customers saw him happily whistling
around the kitchen while the dishes rattled on the counter.
Charlie had something up his sleeve, but no one except me
knew what he was up to.

A month and a half later, the little chop suey restaurant

across the street was boarded up. The inspection department
had condemned that property, and his adversary was out of
business. Charlie’s health improved, and he quickly regained his
old vigor and vitality. His business continued to prosper. At his
special invitation to come and try one of his delicacies, I visited
his little restaurant. 1 was very pleased with his success. Charlie
confessed that he has continued to exercise the Photographic
Projection Vibrasonic Chant Technique just to make sure things
continue in good order.



This chant is to be used only with photographs of the

person, pet, or thing you want to influence. The chant is very
simple, but it is as effective as a ton of dynamite. Use it

1. Obtain a photograph of the person, pet, or thing you want to

affect. The photograph can be recent or old; it doesn’t matter.

2. Study the photograph very carefully and observe every little

detail about it for approximately three minutes.

3. Place the photograph in an ash tray or some other metallic

container. Burn it completely and blow the smoke as it burns.

Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique


4. Close your eyes. This immediately triggers your Vibrasonic Tuner

into action.

5. Imagine the millions of molecules that comprise the ink and

paper of the photograph being scattered off into space as the
photograph burned. Visualize those minute particles shooting
straight towards the object, pet, or person you wish to influence.
Maintain the thought that, wherever they may be, these particles
will reach their Vibrasonic Tuner or Vibration Frequency range.
Maintain this thought for approximately three minutes.

6. Open your eyes with supreme confidence and very softly repeat
your desire. Repeat the following chant seven times with as much
force in your voice as possible: “XE . .. SEYO .. . TON.” Go
about your daily living and give the chant no thought until the
next time you exercise it. Let the invisible forces do their work.


Examine a photograph or a newspaper picture. Observe it

very carefully from a distance and notice how everything falls
into place and the picture appears clear. It conveys the message
captured by the camera. It conveys to your brain an interpreta¬
tion based on the contents of the photographic picture. Now
examine it at closer range, and you will notice that it becomes
blurry and that there are small dots of ink on the paper which
compose the photographed images. Go one step further and
examine it under a powerful magnifying glass. The picture
image in the photograph can be seen to be composed of very
small dots of ink arranged on a backdrop of paper to form a
complete picture. The picture is composed of ink and paper
molecules in constant motion which are bound together by
their fields of force to maintain the image captured by the

Ink is composed of minute molecule aggregates splashed

on top of the molecule aggregates composing the paper. In a
glossy photograph the illusion is more sophisticated because the
molecule aggregates are more compactly arranged to give a more
smoothly finished appearance. However, like all matter, every
molecule in the photograph is in constant flux. Their molecular


Exploiting the Vibrasonic Leverage Chant Technique

trajectory can be affected and offset by outside forces so that

the status of the matter can be changed or completely trans¬
formed. For example, you can bum the newspaper or photo¬
graph. In such an instance, the molecular agitation caused by
the heat of the fire will agitate the molecular aggregate of the
ink and paper molecule chains, binding them together. When
such agitation reaches a certain point, the ink and paper
frequency ranges are shattered and the molecules are liberated
into space.

Basically, this is the principle underlying the Photographic

Vibrasonic Technique Chant, through which your Vibrasonic
Tuner propels the liberated photographic molecules, coupled
with your strong emotional desires, into an affinity complex
which, when it reaches the desired person, pet, or thing,
influences its Apperceptive Mass or Vibration Frequency.


No human mind has been endowed by God with the

supreme capacity to fully comprehend any absolute truths. No
scientist has ever been able to explain the absoluteness of
matter. The laws of physics, gravity, electricity, chemistry, and
so on have been learned and utilized to better mankind’s lot,
but no one can really say that they are absolute. Man can only
understand so much. He has to rely on faith to progress into the
unknown fringes of outer space where the superior invisible
intelligence entities are ready to bestow upon the bold untold
riches, health, and happiness.

Using Psychic Vibrasonic

Equalizer Techniques to Dissolve
All Obstacles and Repel Evil Forces

How a Little Guy, a Born Loser, Overpowered and Superseded

All Obstacles by Utilizing the Escalation Chant and Became an
Overnight Sensation at the Plant Where He worked

Little Joe was no ordinary guy. All 185 pounds

of Little Joe were compactly compressed within his small
body-frame and fused with a lightning-fast temper that soon got
him into trouble at the plant where he labored to hold down his

Little Joe had lived with jeers, sneers, and ridicule most of
his life. Those unpleasant memories lingered in his thoughts. He
remembered being taunted and haunted by the relentless criti¬
cism and fun-poking mercilessly inflicted on him by his peers in



Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

his early school years. He could still vividly hear the names they
called him: “Hey, Chubby” and “Roly-poly Joe.” He had
accumulated a huge backlog of unpleasant experiences which
continued to rob him of his true happiness in life. In his love
life he did not do so well either. The girls laughed at him and
refused his company. Joe was a failure. He had considered many
desperate actions, and suicide often flashed across his mind as a
quick, painless solution.

Suicide seemed particularly attractive after his problems

with Annie, a co-worker at the plant. She was cute, barely
turned 18, and was a favorite in Joe’s department. Joe and
Annie often worked inside the freezer side by side. One day,
Joe mustered up enough courage to ask her for a date. She
laughed at him and called the idea absurd. This rejection was
too much for Joe. The idea of suicide flashed through his brain,
and he decided to jump from the 13th story of the bank
building right across the street from where he worked. He knew
that Annie would find out about it and hoped that she would
be sorry. However, after taking a peek all the way down to the
bottom, Joe chickened out. He decided that it really was too far
to fall. Now Joe felt that he was not only a failure, he also was a

That night, Little Joe cried himself to sleep. The next

morning he got up, put on a clean tie, ate a hearty breakfast,
and walked out the door and into the sunny morning. He had
made up his mind about what he was going to do. He had
decided to resign. As he briskly walked toward his job, Joe
contemplated the idea of moving away to some remote place
where nobody would have the slightest idea of his past and
where, perhaps, he could escape the jinx that had dogged his
footsteps. The idea of running soothed him, but, at the same
time, he felt that running wasn’t the answer. At one point
during his walk, he was about to cross against a red light,
perhaps due to a subconscious thought of suicide, when some
strange force pulled him back just in the nick of time. That
something saved his life. While he was being held back by this
unseen force, he glanced down and his eye was caught by a very
provocative phrase printed on a flier that was on the sidewalk.

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques


It fired his imagination. It said, in big, bold type: “Life Style

Consultant.” This is exactly what he needed, a new style of
living. Instantly, he felt some hope. He had always wanted to be
respected and admired. Perhaps this consultant could help him.

One month after he started practicing the Escalation

Vibrasonic Chant Technique, Little Joe began to feel bigger and
smarter, more powerful and confident. He also noticed that his
co-workers began to notice a decided difference in him. Girls
from the office smiled and greeted him very warmly. One day,
his boss called him into his office and said: “Joe, I’ve had my
eye on you for the past two weeks, and I’ve decided that you
are the right man to put in charge of the shipping and receiving
department. I am also giving you a raise in pay.”

“Why, you could have knocked me over with a pin when I

heard this, but I now am very happy with my life style,” Joe
said later.

How Jane Employed the Escalation Vibrasonic Chant Technique to

Force Her Neighbor, Who Was Casting Evil Influences over Her, to
Move out of the Area

Jane lived in a suburban residential area in a duplex that

had only paper-thin walls. Her neighbor could hear everything
that happened in Jane’s apartment, and she told the gossipy
neighbors everything she heard. Poor Jane was very upset about
her lack of privacy. In addition to gossiping about her, Jane’s
neighbor would periodically sprinkle Jane’s front entrance with
some strange white powder and odd pieces of string. She also
knocked on the wall between their apartments and robbed Jane
of sleep. She poured hot water on Jane’s plants and piled all of
her trash in Jane’s yard. Jane seriously contemplated moving
out, but she remembered something one of her friends had
mentioned to her.

Every time she thought of her neighbor, Jane would invoke

and exercise the Escalation Vibrasonic Chant Technique. She
immediately noticed how well she felt after doing it. Then she
began to note that everytime she did it her neighbor would
come outside, look around, shake her head, and dash inside.
Before ten days went by, her neighbor had moved out like a


Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

thief in the night. Jane had repelled her evilness, and she was
gone for good.

A Foster Mother Wins Legal Rights to Her Loved Ones

Mrs. B. had raised her two grandsons ever since they were
barely six months old. One morning, her irresponsible daughter,
Lucy, had knocked on her door, thrust the two baby boys into
her mother’s hands, and taken off with her no-good boy friend,
Pete. With an abundance of tender loving care, Mrs. Beltran had
raised her grandchildren. Now they were five years old and

Then, one cold and cloudy day, Lucy came back. She
looked old and tired. She smiled and said, “Hello, Mom.
Remember me? Well, don’t look so surprised. I’ve come to take
my sons with me.” Her mother and father pleaded with her to
let them keep the children. The kids cried and clung to their
grandparents, but Lucy yanked them away and dragged them to
her waiting car. It was a sad night in the Beltran home.

In two weeks, the court would decide on the fate of the

children. Mrs. Beltran faithfully exercised the Escalation Vibra¬
sonic Chant Technique. Finally, the moment of truth arrived.
Everyone was tense in the courtroom while the judge weighed
the justice to be done. The children were pale and frightened,
with pleading in their eyes. Mrs. Beltran was haggard and looked
terrified each time the judge glanced at her. Lucy sat and
looked about her with disdain, for she felt sure of victory. The
judge banged the gavel. “Custody of the children awarded to
Mrs. Beltran,” he announced. Tears and shrieks of joy filled the
courtroom, and Lucy sneaked out and was never heard from

This powerful chant can be exercised anytime, anywhere.

It works while you sleep.

1. Repeat the following magical words seven times: “RUM...

RUM(MMM) . . . RUM(M) . . . (M) . . . POOM
.. . POOM(MMM).” Try to escalate each sound as you proceed.

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques


2. Close your eyes while these vibratory messages are relayed to

your Vibrasonic Tuner. Relax for approximately three minutes
before proceeding with the next step.

3. In your imagination, see yourself walking ten feet tall among

your adversaries. See yourself getting taller and taller as you
continue to feel tremendous power and dominion over all your
obstacles, circumstances, problems, or enemies. Feel this very

4. Open your eyes. Take seven long, deep breaths. Rub your eyes
very gently and go about your business with supreme confidence.


Remember that while you think thoughts and repeat the

psychic magical chant words, the vibrations of such mind
motions are instantly relayed to the central intelligence head¬
quarters of all body changes—your Vibrasonic Tuner. From
there, they mysteriously materialize as experience-action pat¬
terns which will influence you to take the appropriate actions.
Your thoughts, together with dynamic emotional feelings,
activate your Vibrasonic Tuner to vibrate at very fast fre¬
quencies that tend to be in tune with the superior invisible
intelligences in outer space. These Invisible Intelligence Clusters
help you to weave the pattern of your destiny.

How Chaffy Used the Slip-In Chant to Repel a Band of Evil

Spirits That Tormented Him to the Brink of Insanity

Chaffy was an ex-wrestler, built like a brick house, and

used to beating big men like himself in the ring. But, in a battle
with evil, invisible entities, he was losing.

There he stood, on the last night of his brilliant career,

beaming with happiness as the referee extended his arm high in
token of his indisputable triumph over his fallen opponent. As
his opponent lay there flat on his back, Chaffy felt good and
powerful. That was his last match, and with it he bowed out of
wrestling in complete and regal glory. Little did he realize or
imagine that a few years later he would be losing a battle against
invisible forces.


Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

Poor Chaffy lay on his lonely bed while the sleep passed
him by and an endless flow of invisible demons kept coming at
him. He would fight them all night long, but swatting the air
and cussing them out just was not doing the job. As the battle
continued for nights, weeks, and months, the invisible, evil
entities became bolder and meaner. Some of them would shout
obscenities and all sorts of crazy things into his ears. “Chaffy,
you are a broken-down bum, you are no champ, ha, ha, ha.”
Other evil entities would jeer at him throughout the night. Still
others practiced very painful, invisible acupuncture on all parts
of his weary body. On slow nights, when things got a little
boring for them, some of them would pull the sheets off the
bed, pull his hair, and pinch his belly. Oh, how Chaffy wished
there were a referee to help him, but he just could not fight
them off. Each night, more swarms of them would filter into his
bedroom no matter how securely he had closed his doors and
windows. He felt that they were getting ready to make a final
assault to put him out of his misery, and apparently there was
nothing he could do. He was losing.

After using the Slip-In Chant Technique, he began to gain

lost ground, and soon the tide began to turn. He was surprised
when the entities began to fade away and their force became
smaller and smaller. Very soon, he had the evil forces on the
run. Once again, Chaffy had a taste of sweet success, but this
time it took place in the invisible psychic arena. Since then,
Chaffy has never missed a night’s sleep. Now he is a happy man.

Julio Used the Slip-In Chant Technique to Cast an Evil

Spirit out-an Evil Spirit that Dwelled within his Stomach

Julio had been in the Korean War, and he had been

discharged without a scratch. He had done his duty, and
everyone who knew him was proud of him. Naturally, Julio
responded to their praise and felt proud of everything he ever
did. That is, until one morning when he got up in the wee hours
of the morning, awakened by a very curious meowing sound
coming from within his stomach. This appeared to be odd but
amusing, and he put his hand upon his belly and felt and then
heard the continuous cat-like purrings coming from there. He

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

closed his eyes and decided to grab a few more winks before
going to work.

When he finally got up, he grabbed some toast and coffee,

grabbed his hat and coat, and was soon driving to the office
where he worked as an accountant. The meowing and grumbling
in his stomach continued even though he had eaten breakfast.
He thought this was strange and tried to ignore it by turning on
his car radio, but he could still hear the meowing and feel the
movement within his stomach. He turned up the volume of the
radio, but the meowing was still audible. This disturbance went
on for days and weeks until it became unbearable. Several visits
to the doctor didn’t help, and Julio was really worried. Many
unpleasant thoughts flashed through his troubled mind. He
would ponder in deep, sorrowful thought. What could have
caused this unpleasant situation? Then he began to hear voices
speaking to him from his stomach. At first, the whispers
consisted of insinuations and then of ridicule, obscenities, and
derogatory phrases. Julio thought of opening up his stomach
with a sharp hunting knife he kept in his room as a souvenir,
but he didn’t want to die. He was becoming desperate.

Finally, Julio started to use the powerful psychic Slip-In

Chant Technique. Night after night, he could be seen laboring
away in earnest effort to dispel the evil spirit that had set up
shop within his stomach. One day, as suddenly as it appeared,
the evil entity that was in his stomach disappeared forever,
never to return.

How Juliana Used the Slip-In Chant to Eliminate All the Obstacles
between Her and Entering College at the Age of Forty-Five

Juliana had always wanted to go to college, but, because

she did not have the necessary educational qualifications, she
had always been turned down. However, she never gave up
hope. In her quest for success, she finally found the Slip-In
Chant. Several weeks went by while she practiced the Slip-In
Chant, and then, one morning, the mailman delivered a special
delivery letter from a nearby college. Having received so many
rejections, Juliana merely shrugged her shoulders and put the
letter on the table. When she finally opened it, she was surprised


Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

to find that it was an acceptance! A few years later Juliana

came to see me, beaming with happiness, to show me her


Perform this chant just before going to bed. Do it while

preparing for slumber time.

1. While undressing, think the following thoughts: Imagine that as

you are peeling off your clothes all of the negative Invisible
Intelligence Clusters surrounding your clothing and body are
falling off. In your mind, see them flake off. Repeat the following
TELOMO.” Say it seven times.

2. Lie down and repeat the following command into space: “All evil
forces and obstacles that hinder my success, I command you in
the name of the Holy Spirit to be cast into the sea forever. I am

3. Repeat the chant as often as necessary. Go about your business

with deep confidence that what is released into space will take

cause and effect

Your Vibrasonic Tuner follows psychic laws of cause and

effect. Create the cause, and the effect is sure to follow. There
is nothing in the universe that you cannot do or have if your
Vibrasonic Tuner’s vibration is in harmony with that of the
desired object, result, person, situation, or event. Vibrasonic
Techniques are designed to help you achieve this and more.
Napoleon once said, “Opportunities? I make opportunities.”
You too can create your own opportunities by utilizing your
Vibrasonic Tuner positively and correctly. What you desire has
always been there waiting for you to claim it.

The Romans could have invented the telephone in their

time, the Greeks could have developed motion pictures, and the
Babylonians could have enjoyed the comfortable, luxurious ride
of the automobile if they had been mentally ready to tap the

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques


invisible storehouse of knowledge which inventors used later to

create these luxuries. The laws of nature were the same then as
they are now. The same materials and ingredients have always
existed. Obviously, these marvelous achievements did not take
place then because the Vibrasonic Tuners of the ancients did
not have the vibrating capacity necessary to tap the vibratory
psychic laws that have existed ever since the beginning of time.

The law of supply and demand has always existed. But the
demand must be made before the supply can be provided.
Whenever your Vibrasonic Tuner is in tune with the vibration of
the supply, you will find that the universal treasure house is
bulging, ready with all of the goodies in life to supply your
demands and make your dreams come true.
How Billy Jo Used the Protective Wall of Fire Technique
to Protect Himself from Evil Influences That Were
Perturbing His Life

Billy Jo had always been an excellent truck driver, never

letting a truck get away from him. He had run away from home
at the age of fifteen and put as much distance between himself
and his mother as he could. He must have looked like a human
speck out there in the middle of the huge highway that night
when a veteran truck driver felt sorry for him and stopped to
give him a lift. He told the truck driver that he was going to

“Who are you going to see there?” asked the big, husky
truck driver.

“Oh, I really don’t know. Mother always talks of an aunt

who lives there. But I’ve never seen her. I barely know her
name,” Billy Jo answered.

Silence ensued for a few, brief moments, during which

time they both searched for a better conversational position.

The truck driver looked at him quizzically, rubbed his

chin, and asked, “Well, how would you like to work for me as a
swamper on Betsy?” He patted the truck dashboard with his
right hand, “We’ve been together for over ten years, and old
Betsy has been good to me. We’ve had many close calls, taken
many sharp turns, but never been involved in an accident. Betsy


Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

has always been too smart for that. Over mountain roads, past
rain-soaked ditches, and on winding highways and byways,
Betsy and I have seen it through. Now what do you say? Shall
we make it a threesome?” Mike extended his big, grubby hand
for a contractual shake and continued, “How about five dollars
a day and lodging. Is it a deal?”

You could have knocked Billy Jo over with a feather. His

small hand immediately latched onto Mike’s tough paw, and
Billy Jo was launched on his truck-driving career. The three¬
some lasted for several years. Then Billy Jo went off on his
own, on to bigger and better trucks. He had acquired a
reputation as a good, tough truck driver to be reckoned with.

One day, Billy Jo ran into his match. She was a small,
frail-looking old lady named Nellie. They used to call her “The
Witch” because of her prowess in dealing with her enemies.
Since the day she moved in next to his house, things just did
not go right for Billy Jo. For some reason, Nellie hated him, and
she soon let him know it. She would come out to water the
lawn, and if he showed his head she would quickly dowse it
with water. Then there were those endless, nightmarish nights
of no sleep and no rest or peace. Weird ideas and notions kept
creeping into.his half-dreams. He knew that she was getting to
him, and it was only a matter of time before something drastic
would have to take place. He wanted to move out, but he
couldn’t find a buyer for his house. He was sure that she had
hexed it. Nellie was only renting, and the landlord, formerly a
very good friend of Billy Jo, had unexplainably turned against
him. Several trips to the psychiatrist had failed to help him out
of his unexplainable dilemma. Billy Jo was at his wit’s end.
Later, confession revealed that bad intentions had often filtered
through his brain along with several half-hatched plots on how
to get rid of Nellie for good. Somehow his subconscious
instincts had managed to contain his violent urges.

The climax and resolution to this messy situation came

very soon after Billy Jo began exercising the Protective Wall of
Fire Chant Technique and was able to build his own invisible,
protective wall against all evil. A few days went by, and the
activity from Nellie’s base of operation had died down. A few

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques


days later, when Billy Jo came out to pick up his morning

paper, he saw that a big moving van had stopped in front of
Nellie’s house. His eyes opened wide, for he thought he was still
asleep. But the burly men were really moving her things out.
There, in their midst, stood Nellie, shaking with rage and
menacing Billy Jo with her small fists. But it was too late. The
battle was over, and Billy Jo was no longer afraid of her. In fact,
he felt happy and relieved. He smiled as he stood there with
both of his hands firmly resting on his hips. She hurriedly went
inside, slammed the door, and released a barrage of profanity
which made the moving men shake their heads. Nellie was gone
and Billy Jo was a happy man again.

What had actually been accomplished was that Billy Jo had

created an invisible wall of Intelligence Clusters via the Protec¬
tive Wall of Fire Vibrasonic Chant Technique to burn all evil
influences as they tried to reach him. Invisible Intelligence
Clusters worked like fire to destroy the molecular affinity
binding the evil thoughts before they could penetrate his own
Invisible Intelligence Clusters and affect him. Prior to his use of
the chant, all of Nellie’s evil projections were finding their
target. This chant is simple, effective, and advantageous, and
anyone can use it to protect himself or loved ones against all
bad luck and evil vibration projections from envious enemies.

How Jake Used the Protective Wall of Fire Chant Technique

to Dispel an Evil Poltergeist from His Home

Jake, Mary, and their daughter, Lou, were renting a nice,

spacious house right across from a park. This was an ideal location,
and they were very happy. The rent was cheap, and they just
could not understand how they had come across such a won¬
derful deal. The house had been redecorated and very com¬
fortably furnished for pleasant living. At first, they thought the
offer was a joke on the part of the landlord, but soon they found
out it was all for real.

One interesting fact about the whole deal was that the
landlord never showed them the property. Jake had noticed a
large ad in the local newspaper, “Drive by (address given) and
pick up key from owner at (address given) to see large house,


Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

with low rent, recently redecorated.” They did, but when they
arrived at the landlord’s address, his maid handed them the key
and looked at them rather strangely. Jake, Mary, and Lou liked
the house and drove back with the money. They moved in the
very same day. Happiness reigned throughout the house. That
night they got their first idea of what was in store for them.

Mary woke up the next morning feeling very tired because

of a sleepless first night. Jake and Lou also got up feeling upset.
Around the little breakfast table they compared notes of their
first evening in the new house. Mary had been very cold because
somebody had pulled off all of her blankets and then had tried
to take her clothes off. Constant tapping noises came from the
walls, as if some sort of animal were crawling over them. The
bedroom windows flew up several times. Something kept
scratching Jake’s head while he tried to sleep. The lights in the
front room kept flicking on and off right before his eyes. Lou
kept tossing and turning, unable to sleep because someone kept
whispering in her ears that she was not going to last very long in
her new home. They rationalized that they were probably just
upset because it was their first night in the new home. Breakfast
was served, and everyone went about his business as usual.

But the trouble was not to be dismissed so lightly. The

situation became more acute as the days passed. The nerves of
all three were frayed. Suddenly, it all became crystal clear to
them why they had walked into such a real bargain. The house
was haunted. What were they to do, move out? Another
breakfast table conference was called, and the decision was
made to stick it out and fight the poltergeist if necessary. But
how do you fight an evil poltergeist? Soon they were experi¬
menting with all types of recommended concoctions, old-wives
remedies, and other such things. But they soon realized that
you don’t fight evil spirits with material weapons, so Jake
attended one of my lectures. Soon he was exercising all of the
available Vibrasonic Chant Techniques. Among them was the
Protective Wall of Fire Chant to dispel evil influences.
Before the month was over, Jake, Mary, and Lou came to
see me. They had triumphed over the evil poltergeist, and their
home had been secured once and for all. Now they live very
happily in their bargain house.

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques



Laboratories are very busy places, bustling with scientists

and experts in every field of scientific endeavor. Test tubes,
scales, thermometers, voltmeters, ammeters, and other scientific
tools are used in their experiments. All of these operations must
be carefully and expertly conducted so as to obtain valid
results. Thanks to the rigid procedures involved in scientific
research, the results are often unparalleled triumphs of modem
science. Science has given us such priceless inventions as the
incandescent light, the radio, the telegraph, the television, man’s
flight to the moon, the automobile, and the telephone. The list
could go on to prove that the scientific method has justified
itself. But behind the scientific method is something more
powerful supporting it. There are invisible spiritual laws oper¬
ating automatically beyond physical space where all ideas and
materializations emerge. These psychic laws support the
physical ones, which also function along very rigid, precise,
spiritual-scientific laws. Your only contact with them is within
the labyrinth of your Vibrasonic Tuner. Through your Vibra¬
sonic Tuner you come into contact with the invisible forces that
function in your molecular mental laboratory. Here is where all
the invisible machinations of psychic phenomena take place.
You must keep in mind that what you feed into this precious
thinking machine is what it will eventually turn out for your
use. Therefore, it is necessary that you control what you feed it.


The data you feed your Vibrasonic Tuner is composed

strictly of what you think, read, talk about, contemplate, and
desire. These become the psychic laboratory tools of the
psychic scientific world. Therefore, you must start out by
training yourself to be constructively positive in all of your
thinking. This is most important, for to think positively is to
feed your Vibrasonic Tuner laboratory the necessary invisible
building blocks that it may use to construct the palaces, wealth,
and happiness you so richly deserve. Accept the positive; reject


Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

the negative. Negative thinking is always destructive. Thinking
negatively is similar to feeding a computer the wrong informa¬
tion. The results will always be wrong. To think negatively is to
think inconsistently with the true nature of the universe, which
will negate your mental life, set your precious Vibrasonic Tuner
vibrating in negative, reverse-action motion, and produce fail¬
ures, troubles, and unpleasant life events. Your Vibrasonic
Tuner is subject to invisible, unexplainable psychic laws and is
impersonal in its operation. It takes the negative fears, doubts,
resentments, hates, and all similar emotional feelings, thoughts,
and actions fed into it, and it grinds out the appropriate results.
Care should be taken to eliminate and starve out all negative
thoughts and feelings from your Vibrasonic Tuner molecular
laboratory so that the proper positive thoughts and feelings can
be planted deeply within your Vibrasonic Tuner and can be
manipulated to produce positive results in your life, such as
health, wealth, power, and happiness.


1. I suggest that you sit down in a very quiet place and relax for
approximately five minutes.

2. Pick any spot on the wall or any object directly in front of you.
For example, choose a picture, a doorknob, or an imaginary point
on the wall

3. Fix your sight on your choice and continue gazing at it for

another five minutes. This is a relaxed type of mental concentra¬
tion which will build up within your mind and body an inner
feeling of power and dominion over everything you see or are
conscious of.

4. Close your eyes and imagine a red-hot wall of vibrating particles

of fire surrounding you like a halo. Maintain this image in your
mind until you realize that anything that tries to reach you must
hit that wall of fire before it can ever touch you. Realize that
anything directed towards you will burn, disintegrate, and scatter
into infinite space, with no harm done to you. This includes bad
intentions, curses, death wishes, physical assaults, or any other
type of evil that might be wished upon you.

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques


5. Repeat, with a lot of feeling, the following magical chant words

seven times (to reinforce the spiritual vibration of their molecular
structure): “REE ... FI ... OOM ... RE ... FI.. . OOM.”

6. Open your eyes. This automatically breaks off the invisible

magnetic contact with your Vibrasonic Tuner and releases all of
the mental work you just performed so that it may materialize
according to the immutable, unexplainable laws of the universe.
Now go about your business with the firm realization that the
psychic laws are working for you even while you sleep.

7. To furnish such powerful protection to another person or loved

one, use same procedure but place in your mind the image of that
person instead of you.

Jane Utilized the Pyramid Power Escalation Vibrasonic

Chant to Break the Jinx and Become the Queen of the
Ballroom Dancing Hostesses

Jane was only 23, and failure had always been her lot. At
the age of 15, Jane had discovered, to her great sorrow, that she
really had no family love and was unwanted. One Sunday
afternoon, when her parents had been drinking, she accepted a
ride to see the country sights, but she experienced something
else. Roger whetted his lips as he drove innocent Jane far into
the countryside to her first rendezvous. She probably didn’t
realize that her ride was to initiate her into the grown-up world
of promiscuous women. On that ride, Jane lost her virginity. On
the way back, Jane was dejected and perplexed, and she
huddled close to Roger like a baby chick to its mother. Roger
was all milk and honey to her, and Jane became Roger’s child

A year later, Jane wandered off and got a job slinging hash
and frying eggs in a greasy-spoon type of restaurant. The
restaurant was next to a highway, and lots of truck drivers
stopped there. Although Jane was a very cute girl, other girls
were always more popular. According to the truck driver’s
grapevine, she was always good for a few sessions in bed, but
that was about all.

Jane decided to try her luck elsewhere, so she hitchhiked

to another city. She woke up after her trip to find herself in a


Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

roadside motel, covered with bruises, and with only a rather

fuzzy recollection of how she got there. The last thing she
remembered was being picked up by a very young, happy-go-
lucky type of truck driver who promised to take her where she
wanted to go. There she was, but he was long gone. She had
been jilted again. She worked for a few days, but she was fired,
so Jane once again hit the road.

Fed up with restaurant work, she decided to try her luck

elsewhere. A big ad in a newspaper caught her fancy, and off
she went to a ballroom. She was quickly shown to a back room,
where the manager offered her a job in return for her favors.
Jane accepted. A half-hour later the manager helped Jane to the
front door and told her to report that evening for work.
On her first night on the job, Jane was confronted with
about forty other girls competing for the customers’ tickets to
make their weekly pay check. Some of the girls were real
beauties, dressed to kill, and knew their way around. Jealousy
began to creep in, and the veterans moved in like sharks to
make the kill. Gossip and innuendoes about Jane began to float
around the ballroom. This made Jane feel so bad she wanted to
quit. However, this time she decided to make a stand and fight.
The Pyramid Power Escalation Vibrasonic Chant was moved
into firing position, and she used it effectively and continuously
until all the obstacles were overcome. Jane became the most
popular dancing hostess of the ballroom. Customers flocked
from all of the other ballrooms just to dance with her. Her
waiting line was always long. Her success was so brilliant and
complete that all of the other girls had to accept her. Jane was
very happy with her triumph, but it was short-lived, for soon
she met the man of her life and joined him in greater

How Carl Used the Pyramid Power Escalation Vibrasonic Chant to

Protect His Business from Evil, Jealous Influences

Carl had made up his mind to build his tailoring business

to serve all of the garment factories within his area. His business
was ideally located in the middle of the garment jungle. He was
off to a good start. The orders kept coming in, and soon he had

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques


to hire several helpers. Carl really felt that he was on his way to
success and fortune in the business.

Then, one day, in walked Leonardo, a swarthy-looking

character sporting a thick, black mustache and wearing a suit
too large for his frame. He looked around and asked many
questions. Carl felt uneasy. He soon found out that Leonardo
was his competitor who worked out of a shop upstairs in the
building. Leonardo began to come in every day to browse and
walk out. Carl became suspicious after he noticed that every
time Leonardo walked out there were peculiar powders where
he had been standing or walking. Carl’s business began to
slacken. Within a few weeks, he had to lay off his newly-
acquired helpers and was finding it hard to obtain contract
work. This convinced him that Leonardo was casting evil
influences on his business premises and was responsible for his
declining business.

Carl decided to find a solution to his dilemma and put

Leonardo out of business. He found out about the Pyramid
Power Escalation Vibrasonic Chant and practiced it day and
night. Soon, Leonardo quit coming to his shop, and Carl began
to feel better. His old customers began to come back, and his
business began to improve. Several months later, Carl learned
that Leonardo had closed shop. Carl has been very busy ever



It works automatically while you sleep, so don’t worry

about it. Do it!

1. Repeat the following power chant seven times in as melodious a

voice as possible: “UR ... UP .. . URR .. . UPP . .. URR. . .
UPPPP.” Please pronounce each syllable very carefully. This is

2. State the protection you desire. For example, if it is for your

business, yourself, or others, then insert the correct name in the
protection request. “I wish to protect and reject all evil from
_.” You may phrase the request to suit your desires.


Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques

3. Close your eyes for approximately five minutes while you

meditate on your desires. Feel within your mind that your desires
will be realized.

4. Open your eyes and notice the changes in your outlook towards
everything in your environment.

5. Go about your business as usual and expect to dominate every

situation. Your words, thoughts, and appearance will project
powerful Invisible Intelligence Clusters from your Vibrasonic
Tuner to the Vibrasonic Tuners of others.


The movements of the planets change the Vibration

Frequency of the forever-moving universe. You can take advan¬
tage of this phenomenon by tuning your Vibrasonic Tuner in
harmony with the ethereal vibrations which affect all Vibra¬
sonic Tuners. To be in tune with ethereal vibrations is to ride
the tide which always reaps fruitful, positive results. On the
other hand, to miss out is to automatically fall into the negative
cycle which always reaps failure. Psychic law's function im¬
personally and are immutable.

Start today to exploit the fullest assets of your personality

to obtain planetary power and dominion over everything in
your environment. I suggest you exercise the Mystic Vibrasonic
Techniques which are in line with your astrological sign.
Jupiter —is a very vital luminary in power struggles. Vibra¬
tory emanations from it can best be received by tuning your
Vibrasonic Tuner into its Vibration Frequency range using the
Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques that can help you develop and
achieve superiority. In conjunction with various planets, as well
as its own position in your chart, it can accelerate your
dominion over evil and all other obstacles.

Aries —Activation of Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. Use your

energies in all possible ways. You must exercise leadership and
action in every move you make. You are very progressive, as a
rule, and need to feel that you are working towards a goal in the
future. You can be very efficient when you are moving around
and in contact with different people. Such aggressive, domi¬
neering talents can be developed easily with the appropriate
Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques to suit your ambitions.

Using Psychic Vibrasonic Equalizer Techniques


Taurus —Activation of Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. You

feel gratification in laying out plans for real action, while at the
same time seeking prestige and esteem in your career. These are
good qualities, leading to super-domination over evil and nega¬
tive influences. Never miss your big chance by making your
plans so rigid that they impair your power to make swift
decisions, even when the risk is considerable.

Gem/m'-Activation of Mercury, Jupiter, and the Moon.

Communication and transportation facilities fit well with your
personality. You are inclined to make your own time and are
creative at every level, so take advantage of your speech-making
and writing abilities to overcome all obstacles. Power revolves
around your self-contained discipline. Use it to advantage.

Cancer —Activation of the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter. Your

domination should help you to excel in financial matters. Great
talent for organization is tied in with your Leo connections,
which puts you in the entertainment spotlight. Stimulate your
ambitions and the rest will surely follow.

Leo—Mercury, Jupiter, and the Sun in activation. This

automatically places you in the elite rank of leaders. You have
talent and much latent superior leadership abilities. However,
you must move rapidly towards expansion in whatever field you
find yourself in active competition.

Virgo-V ibratory activity of Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury.

Determine to branch out into higher remuneration. Use your
special abilities in dealing with others to dominate every
situation. Do not hold on too rigidly to your beliefs, traditions,
and conventions. You must be flexible to use your innate,
precise, demanding characteristics to dominate situations.
Libra- Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury locked in activation. It
is advantageous for you to develop a forceful appearance. You
will be surprised how it will do wonders for you in any
confrontation. You are very artistically gifted and can dominate
in any field. You must overcome sloth through inner storm
catharsis. Keep your mind open to all types of opportunities.

Scorpio— Mars and Jupiter in activation. High mental

abilities favor you. Awaken them to overcome your love for
solitude and go on to conquer. Your ruling sign, Mars, will
supply you with the necessary energy to triumph in all fields of


Using Psychic Vlbrasonic Equalizer Techniques

Sagittarius -Saturn and Jupiter in great activity. You are a

real worker by nature and can accomplish whatever you start
out to do. Great business potential is in your innate arsenal. It
can take you to great heights in management and other business
ventures. Your sign tends to emotional excess; therefore, watch
out for temper flare-ups which could ruin many deals and throw
you off the driver’s seat. Be cautious but firm.

Capricorn -Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn in full conspiracy.

Your sensuality must be used to motivate you to dominate and
conquer all obstacles. You are a naturally constructive, hard
battler to the wire, and if you stick by your guns you will
succeed. It appears that your greatest assets lie in your aggres¬
sive personality. Use it constantly for success.


If you want things to happen, you must initiate them

through the powerful potential of your Vibrasonic Tuner’s
thinking action. The Vibrasonic Tuner is the interlocking link
between the universal wisdom constantly moving through space
and your body movements, which can work together toward
the realization of your goals. Everything can be most effectively
accomplished if you diligently exercise the Mystic Vibrasonic
Techniques revealed to you in this book. Remember that your
thoughts must be the catalytic agents setting the invisible
psychic laws into automatic action. Those who expect to bring
about dramatic miracles from the outside without changing
their thinking patterns are really seeking something for nothing.
This is a violation of cosmic law, which can hardly bring forth
the desired results. Nothing in nature is free. Everything must
be paid for by effort. Continued use of the Mystic Vibrasonic
Techniques will develop your guidance, inspiration, and wis¬
dom, and it will orient you correctly towards a clear, vivid, and
whole-hearted, definite plan of action. When this occurs, you
will be ready to move forward to vitalize your plans with
unceasing stimulation of your wonderful Vibrasonic Tuner, and
then nothing can prevent your success.

Synchronizing Vibrations —
Golden Key to Unheard of
Wealth and Power



You will soon learn how easy it is to harmonize

your Vibrasonic Tuner with the vibrations of all the riches and
hidden treasures existing in the world and how to locate these
treasures and find lost objects and even loved ones.

Billy Strikes It Rich with the Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique

Billy had always been poor. One day, as he stroked his

rough beard and gazed fondly at the flickering campfire, his
eyes gleamed with that same enthusiasm and hope which had
driven him to dedicate half a century of life to gold prospecting.
He had a cornucopia of interesting tales of exploits to tell



Synchronizing Vibrations

around the fire, but they always related how he almost made
that rich strike.

Realizing that he was nearing the end of the trail and that
he was as poor as when he started, he still said that prospecting
was the only thing he knew or cared to do. His wild dreams of
riches were bigger and brighter than ever. Billy really had faith,
and that faith helped him in the long run.

Then one memorable day, he gained access to the Vibra-

sonic Equalizer Technique for locating lost objects, treasures,
and loved ones. He practiced it continuously with great dili¬
gence and faith. In so doing, he was automatically attuning his
Vibrasonic Tuner to the vibration of the gold in the earth. One
night, he had a very vivid dream in which the exact location of a
strike, plus instructions as to how to dig, was revealed to him. It
was no ordinary dream, for prior to it Billy couldn’t remember
anything about his dreams. Now here, vividly imprinted in his
memory, was the whole strike laid out in precise detail.

Billy had to borrow money to travel back to Arizona, his

old stamping grounds. His prospecting had left a lot of Arizona’s
earth scarred, but now he had the plan and proceeded without
any hesitation. He packed up his gear and headed for greener
pastures and a happy new life of retirement. Now he travels first
class wherever he goes. No one really knows how much Billy got
from mother earth, but judging by his behavior it must have
been plenty. The twinkle in his eyes, the lively gait with which
he handles himself, and that ear-to-ear smile indicate that he
made it big. It could happen to you. Read on! Here is how.

Mr. Sapien Used the Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique, and, to

His Surprise and Amazement, He Won $50,000 at the Races

Mr. Sapien was in his sixties. He lived with his wife, Sarah,
and their faithful dog, Zorro. Their sons and daughters were
already grown and married. So Mr. and Mrs. Sapien had nothing
but time on their hands. On weekends they would go to Tijuana
to play the ponies. Mr. and Mrs. Sapien were not rich. They had
only their pensions, which were just enough to pay for the rent
and food. So, as time dragged on his hands and the big money
at the race track impressed him, Mr. Sapien started to dream big

Synchronizing Vibrations


dreams of acquiring a large sum of money. He reasoned that if

others could make it, so could he. He was right, because the
basic psychic laws work in very mysterious and impersonal
ways. Put them into action and the reaction surely will follow.

Mr. Sapien continually practiced the Vibrasonic Equalizer

Technique for money. One Sunday in June, the Sapiens got into
their car and headed towards Tijuana. That night they were
$50,000 richer. Mr. Sapien had picked the winners in the races
and walked away with the jackpot.


Everything in the universe vibrates within its limited

Vibration Frequency range. When you harmonize your Vibra¬
sonic Tuner with the Vibration Frequency of a desired object,
invisible magnetic currents automatically will guide you to it.
Silent meditation puts you in tune and synchronizes you with
any Vibration Frequency in the universe. You will soon find
out how powerful your Vibrasonic Tuner is when it is directed
by Vibrasonic Techniques. Using these techniques is like con¬
verging the sun’s rays through a magnifying glass to set a bale of
hay or a piece of paper on fire.

Meditation is a natural phenomenon. You constantly

unknowingly meditate on many things which are really insignifi¬
cant. It requires no special knowledge or effort. Yet by means
of the Vibrasonic Techniques you can become more aware of
this powerful tool and orient your mental creative forces to
achieve your desired goals.

Many baseball fans are unaware that they devote much

mental meditation on their favorite sport merely by reading and
discussing the morning paper results with their friends. They
can become deeply absorbed in discussing such things as players
and scores. Of course, all other subjects, such as domestic or
business problems, are forgotten and fade into the background.
We all become lost in effortless contemplation on the subjects
we enjoy.

Here, then, is an excellent example of first class medita¬

tion, only it has been about baseball, a delightful pastime. Now


Synchronizing Vibrations

think! If you can readily meditate on a subject which only

brings you pleasure, you can also do it to further your goals.
You can utilize the same effortless mental activity to stimulate
your Vibrasonic Tuner to locate hidden treasures, lost objects,
or loved one and pets. Believe me, such constructive meditation
via the powerful Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique will prove
more helpful for finding missing things than advertisements or
the services of the most astute sleuths in the world. You have
the key in your own Vibrasonic Tuner. Use it and you cannot
fail to witness remarkable and surprising results.

Jeannie Leaps from Poverty to Riches and Love

Jeannie was a very interesting woman. Ambition was her

middle name. She had just come from Mexico. She wasn’t one
to wait for breaks, and she was soon washing dishes in a local
restaurant. Since she was good looking and had a smile that
provoked, she was soon waiting on tables, and the tips began to
flow in. It was as a waitress that she met a rather elderly lady
who was interested in the psychic world. They both came in to
listen to one of my lectures on the Metaphysical Theory of
Wealth. After my speech, they both approached me at the
podium to ask how they could use psychic techniques to get
rich. I gave them copies of the Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique.
Evidently Jeannie must have put it to work, because just weeks
later she walked into my lecture hall with her elderly girl friend
on one arm and a brand-new boy friend on the other. And what
a boy friend he turned out to be. He was wealthy, and he
wanted to marry Jeannie. She soon quit her waitress job and
went into the bridal gown business with her husband. From that
day on, she always had plenty of money.

Jeannie had harmonized her own Vibrasonic Tuner vibra¬

tion with that of money, and her husband just happened to be
at the precise location and place at the right time. They both
matched Vibrasonic vibrations and unconsciously took to each
other. They were both seeking something, and they both
benefited, even though Jeannie was the catalytic mental agent
of the whole amalgamation. Psychic laws work automatically.

Synchronizing Vibrations




The essential unity of the human race and everything

surrounding it is a deeper and more realistic thing than most
people suspect. In a literal sense we are all one in God! There is
but one generic man and we are all expressions of him. I am you
and you are me, for there is but one. My next-door neighbor is
really myself; the man on the street is me; the hero I admire is
me; and the most degraded criminal is me, too. Therefore, we
must not hurt or condemn anyone lest we do so to ourselves.
Let us try to help our fellow men. In so doing, we really help
ourselves. Even though human beings differ from each other
and the surrounding environment of material objects, we are all
living, moving, and having our being within that one common
denominator—God. The difference exists in our unique vibra¬
tion rates, which emanate from the flickering of each individual
Vibrasonic Tuner.

Therefore, to locate a certain individual object or to

acquire great wealth, you must synchronize your Vibrasonic
Tuner with, equalize and superimpose it over the Vibration
Frequency of what you seek.

“Thou, being a man, make thyself God,” John 10:33. One

being, the son of God, is incarnated in over two and a half
billion separate bodies on this earth. This is the adventure called
the human race. The Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique will show
you how to achieve success in finding your heart’s desire.
Money is the prime object of most desires, and you and riches
are one in the universe.


Practice the Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique with faith in

its invisible, unexplainable, magical power. Remember that it
continues to work through your Vibrasonic Tuner even while
you are asleep. Please repeat it once a day at will. Consistency is


Synchronizing Vibrations
L In a relaxed manner, concentrate for approximately three min¬
utes on the person, object, or treasure you want to locate. If
it is money you seek, simply concentrate on the amount of
money you want.

2. Very slowly and softly utter the following incantation in as

rhythmical a manner as possible. Insert the name of the person or
thing you desire. If you seek money or health, insert the
appropriate word. Remember that the Vibration Frequency of
that object can be brought into harmony with yours and that this
harmony will bring it to you. Say: “(I nsert the name of what you
desire), I am now equalizing my Vibration Frequency emanating
from my Vibrasonic Tuner and permitting these vibration
currents to spread throughout my entire body to equal the
vibration of what I seek. I am you (insert name).” Keep repeating
this while slowing down your breathing almost to a standstill.

3. Repeat the Universal Key vibration word: “AUM .. . AUM . ..

AUM,” three times, as loud as you can. Forget everything you’ve
done and go about your business with the firm realization in your
mind that you have released your desires into infinite space and
that they will reverberate back to you when you least expect it.
Leave the magical results to the invisible superior intelligences
that will guide you to your desired meeting with what you
earnestly seek.

How Frankie, Who Operated an Old Age Home, Used the

Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique to Find Out Where One of Her
Patients Had Buried a Large Sum of Money

Aunt Jenny had been living in a rest home for almost three
years. Everyone liked her very much, and they went out of their
way to pamper her and make her happy. The director of the
rest home, Frankie, was always looking out to see what she
needed, and when Aunt Jenny was sad Frankie would try to
make her laugh.

Aunt Jenny always talked about the fortune she had

buried somewhere in a vacant lot she still owned, but she
couldn’t remember where she had buried it. She was no longer
young, and her memory was not as good as it once was. At first,
everybody thought that she was only trying to get attention
with her story. Only Frankie believed her. Frankie decided to
probe more into the possibility that Aunt Jenny wasn’t lying.

Synchronizing Vibrations


Being an avid reader of metaphysical literature and a great

believer in the occult, she immediately went into experimenta¬
tion with the Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique.
One day, Aunt Jenny was taken to an empty lot by
Frankie. They stood in the middle of the lot while Frankie
found an area she had seen in a dream. Then she asked Aunt
Jenny if that spot seemed familiar to her. Aunt Jenny replied,
“Yes it does, but I’m not sure. You see, I buried the money
directly under the living room, and when the house burned
down they said that I had started the fire, and they took me
away to an old age home. So I don’t really remember if this
spot was under the living room.” Frankie returned her to the
home and went to work to line up a contractor to dig for her.
Several days later, Aunt Jenny was the proud possessor of
$63,000, which had been buried in a glass jar for some five
years. Ever since then Aunt Jenny has been the prima donna of
the convalescent home, and cake and ice cream are the order of
the day.

What do you want to locate and attract to yourself?

Whatever it is, it has always existed in time and space. Maybe
you don’t know where in time and space, but if you did you
could gravitate right to it and claim it. For whatever it is, it only
awaits your demand for it, and by superimposing your Vibra¬
tion Frequency over it you can claim it now.



With your marvelous Vibrasonic Tuner you can tap the

infinite realm of Invisible Intelligence Clusters of geniuses that
have lived on this earth. They move in time and space in groups
that form thought-patterns of superior intelligences which can
guide you exactly to what you are seeking. Once you set the
technique into motion, the rest works out automatically during
your sleeping time. It is these superior Invisible Intelligence
Clusters that have been tapped by mortals to create wondrous
things such as music, art, literature, inventions, poetry, and
technological discoveries. You too can tap them to become a
genius, famous, rich, and sought-after. Science has proved that


Synchronizing Vibrations

all forms of energy live forever. You can tune in on them once
you condition your Vibrasonic Tuner to become in tune with
them. The Vibrasonic Tuner vibrations of such immortals as
Leonardo da Vinci, Shakespeare, Lincoln, Napoleon, and
Mozart continue to vibrate in the invisible realm of the universe.
They can still be contacted and their superior intelligences

These vibrations, which are electro-magnetic in nature,

continue to vibrate within their unique Vibration Frequency
channels. Our atmosphere is always full of vibrations. The
whole infinite spectrum of vibrations is always in this invisible
realm that envelopes the whole universe. The physical eye
cannot see these vibrations, and many of them can’t be heard
by the physical ear, but they exist and can be contacted once
your Vibrasonic Tuner is in harmony with their respective
Vibration Frequencies.

How Luther Walked His Way into a Sack Full of Money after
Utilizing the Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique for Riches

Luther was a nice, but rather hard-luck-ridden young man,

30 years of age. He was the kind of a fellow who couldn’t stay
in any one place very long. So young Luther walked the lonely
streets of a big city. He had no place to sleep, no job, and no
money. He was in real trouble.

Back home things were bad, but he had buddies there, and
they were always good for a buck or two. Now he was all alone.
So he walked and continued to scan the sidewalks, hoping to
find at least a good-sized cigarette butt. If the gods would smile
on him, perhaps he would find a dime for a cup of coffee.
Things were bad for Luther. He really wanted a job to tide him
over until the next town, but no jobs were available. So he
walked and walked, not really knowing where it was all going to

One day, Luther realized that his excessive walking was

wearing out his only pair of shoes. Soon he would have to get
another used pair of shoes or barefoot he would have to go.
Around the corner was a friendly religious mission. Luther went

Synchronizing Vibrations


to rest his weary body, relieve his aching feet, and perhaps
mooch a meal before the long road ahead. There, in the middle
of the reception room, was a large table stacked with all kinds
of religious leaflets and pamphlets for the reading, and hope¬
fully the rehabilitation, of the guests. He picked up a copy of
my newsletter. Something caught his eye, and he wrote to me.
A copy of the Vibrasonic Equalizer Technique was immediately
mailed to him.

Approximately two weeks later, I received another letter

from Luther. He wrote: “It is hard to believe, much less
explain, how my luck and life have changed since I wrote to
you. When I received your copy of the Vibrasonic Equalizer
Technique my economic situation was deplorable and there
didn’t seem to be any hope except for your wonderful writings.
Practicing the Mystic Vibrasonic Techniques kept me going.
Last Saturday night I felt an unexplainable urge to go for
another one of those fruitless, lonely walks, hoping to find
something. I put my hands into my pockets, and they were still
empty. I wondered where my next meal was coming from. Of
course, I could go to the mission, but frankly I was fed up with
their slim menu. Suddenly, I felt a very warm flash surging
throughout my entire body and mind. It was a peculiar kind of
blend-love, kindness, and hope. Coming back to reality, I
started off on a walk. For some strange, unknown reason I felt
happy. The air was cool and smacked of cleanliness. I walked a
little more, and then I stopped in front of a well-lit camera shop
to admire its display. When I moved sideways to get a better
view, 1 almost stumbled over a small overnight bag, very
inconspicuously leaning against the side of the wall. All the
colors of the rainbow flashed across my mind, my heart began
to feel that peculiar warm flash, and, before I realized it, I was
really hoofing it at full speed down the street, towards the
nearest alley to examine my Find.

It was full of money, and it had no identification. So, after

the police held it for the required amount of time, I got to keep
it. With this money in my possession, my thinking has changed
very drastically. I now plan to become respectable. I am leaving


Synchronizing Vibrations

for home tonight. There, I plan to find a job and settle down to
a nice quiet life of further study of your marvelous teachings.
How can I ever thank you? I merely say God bless you.”

If Luther went from nothing to money and happiness in

his own way, don’t you think the same universal laws will work
for you? VibrasQnic Techniques can certainly help you along
your way too.

How Lenny Used the Granite Mauler Chant Technique and

Found Himself in a Business Partnership with a Wealthy
Woman Who Took a Liking to Him

Lenny was a good-looking young man of 30 years, blond,

straight as an arrow, and clean cut. When Maria, a wealthy
widow of a very well-known urologist, met him, it was love at
first sight. Lenny had just arrived from Oklahoma. He was out
of a job and wasn’t interested in working regularly, so he took
odd jobs and lived off acquaintances he made at a local pub.
Although lazy and unambitious, he did have one good quality -
he was an avid reader. He loved to go through any kind of paper
or literature that he could lay his hands on. Reading involves
you with a treasure house of ideas which can affect you. Lenny
read about Vibrasonic Techniques and decided to use the
Granite Mauler Technique to break his economically anemic

After weeks of using the technique, he had a very strange

feeling overcome him. During that particular Vibrasonic session,
he felt strange feelings of happiness and hope. Since he liked
what he felt, he continued practicing the technique all night.
The next day, he cleaned up and went out for a stroll in the
park. There, on a bench, was Maria. He walked right up to her
as if they had made a date. She was alone, struggling to handle
her financial affairs, with a clothing business her late husband
had left her. Lenny married her and took over, and now they
are both happy.


Life is a great adventure. Try it, and you will be pleasantly

surprised. When you are in difficulties, don’t despair. Don’t be
tragic or give way to negative feelings of self-pity or discourage-

Synchronizing Vibrations


ment. Attack the problems and obstacles with the firm in¬
tention of destroying all resistance. This can best be
accomplished by the incessant application of the Granite Mauler
Chant Technique. This chant will disintegrate the molecular
homeostasis of the obstacles, and they will dissolve. The
molecular affinity binding together the clusters of obstacles will
filter through space and combine with other Invisible Intelli¬
gence Clusters. When we say that the problems and obstacles are
destroyed, we really mean that their form changes and they no
longer are cohesive entities interfering with our progress.

Your mental attitude should be that of an explorer seeking

a path through the darkest, wildest jungle of human endeavor to
reach the light. There is a way out of any difficulty, and you
can achieve any goal your mind is set on. Bear with me a little
further, and you will discover how you too can achieve all of
your desires. By raising the Vibration Frequency of your
Vibrasonic Tuner, you automatically elevate your own
consciousness to match the Vibration Frequency of the desired
thing and also put yourself in a position to disintegrate obstacle
constellations between you and what you want. Remember that
nobody else can hinder you when these Vibrasonic Techniques
are set into motion. No one can stop you from rebuilding and
elevating your own consciousness. This is the great adventure
called life. Don’t miss out on it.

How Joe Used the Granite Mauler Technique to Make His

Killing at the Race Track

Joe was a good-looking young man who used to hang

around the local race tracks selling programs and tips. Every¬
body who knew him thought that he was mentally unstable.
Crazy as a fox he later proved to be, for Joe was always talking
about making big money at the track and saying that someday
he’d be rich. Everybody laughed at him. Nevertheless, Joe
persisted in his dream.

One day, he came to me for counseling. He was slightly

confused by the turn of events. He didn’t know and couldn’t
understand why some people were always big winners, but he
just couldn’t seem to pick up any real information. In his mind,
he knew that he could win too. I liked this attitude.


Synchronizing Vibrations

After several hours of a question and answer session, Joe

walked out of my office with several copies of Vibrasonic
Techniques. Among them was the Granite Mauler Technique. I
had never seen such a determined and positive person in my 25
years of counseling. As he disappeared into the street, I kept
thinking and musing over the great mysteries that envelope
Vibrasonics. Here was a ripe mind, eager to absorb knowledge,
and all he needed was guidance and the right techniques to put
his eager Vibrasonic Tuner to work for him. Intuitively, I knew
that Joe’s life was about to change for the better.

The next time Joe came to see me, he was as happy as a

lark, wearing a brand-new suit, and driving a brand-new car. He
exclaimed: “You’ll never know how much I thank you for
giving me your time and helpful advice. I went home that night
and practiced that Granite Mauler Technique. Every time I
practiced it, 1 felt bigger and more powerful in all of my
actions. Last Tuesday, while I was working at the race track, I
ran into one of the trainers of one of the stables. On previous
occasions, I had tried to become friendly with him in hopes of
getting some real tips, but he would always shun me. This time
he invited me to have a drink with him in the club house. He
offered me a job as his driver and gave me some tips on the
day’s events. 1 made a bundle that day, and ever since then 1
have felt that with his advice I can continue to clean up. I am
very happy with my position and the opportunities it now
offers me. Soon I will become rich.”

A little over a year later, Joe came to see me again. This

time his visit was a farewell. He had come to let me know that
he was heading for home. He had already bought himself a nice
parcel of land and was going to dedicate himself to breeding
race horses. Joe had made it big, and l was most happy for him.

1 am about to reveal to you this powerful Vibrasonic

Technique. Please use it to remedy your conditions but not to
harm others. You will be pleasantly surprised and pleased. Once
you set it into motion, it continues to work for you, even
during your sleeping hours.

Synchronizing Vibrations


to Break Obstacles and Attract Riches

1. Realize that you are about to use your Vibrasonic Tuner to

generate and elevate the Vibration Frequency of your brain to
disintegrate and disperse the molecular structure sustaining all
adverse entities of the problems or obstacles in your path.
Contemplate this powerful thought until your mind accepts the
idea. This step is like inserting the film clip into the camera and
readying it for action!

2. Close your eyes gently. This action instantly and automatically

relays a signal to your Vibrasonic Tuner that sets it into motion
and puts the invisible forces into action.

3. Open your eyes as wide as possible for a few seconds. This action
allows the invisible radiations emanating from your Vibrasonic
Tuner to project more forcefully into space through your eyes.
Now read the following chant in as rhythmical a manner as
possible until you feel that you have done it well. Repetition will
reinforce the chant deeply in your Vibrasonic Tuner. Say: “Tap,
tap, tap, like the constant falling of water on the hollow stone, I
set invisible forces into perpetual motion. All the molecules from
my Vibrasonic Tuner will continue to hammer away at and
disintegrate all obstacles and problems that may stand in the way
of my goals. Gamuto, tiquina—forever and ever.” Now state your
desires in a very forceful and clear manner. Go about your
business as usual. Let this Technique work for you automatically.
You have done your work.

How Emilio Used the Granite Mauler Technique to Win a

Whopping $15,000 at the Las Vegas Dice Tables

Emilio was once a man of means, but his excessive

gambling led him down the road to ruin. He maintained the
elusive hope that some day he would make it big again. He
never gave up hope, but, unfortunately, he was going at it the
wrong way. Man is a creature of habit, but he has one supreme
advantage over animals, and that is that he is endowed with a


Synchronizing Vibrations

Vibrasonic Tuner. Any reasonable, prudent man can learn from

experience to not repeat the same mistake. When he fails to
learn, he truly falls into the realm of animals. Emilio kept
repeating the same mistakes and was always losing.

One day, his lovely wife, Virginia, approached him with a

plea to give up his ways and go to work. Emilio finally
consented with one condition—that she let him try to make just
one more killing in Las Vegas so they could have a little nest egg
to start with. She agreed.

Then fate stepped in. Through some strange machinations,

Emilio walked into one of my lectures one fine day. He was
highly impressed with the awesome power of the human mind.
Of course, he always knew that he had a mind, but he never
imagined the immense possibilities awaiting his call. He began
his journey into the realm of Mystic Vibrasonics. The Granite
Mauler Technique appealed to him, and that’s the one he
practiced day and night.

Several weeks later, he dropped into my office to tell me

the good news. A week before he came to see me, he had a
dream in which he saw himself winning bundles of money. The
following morning, he was heading towards Las Vegas. He
walked right up to a table, and, with all the confidence in the
world, he began to gamble. The day wore on into night, and
Emilio was the hottest thing that had hit Las Vegas in a long
time. What he won was only a drop in the bucket to the
gambling house, but for Emilio it was a stake on which he could
build a new life for himself and his family.

Several years went by before Emilio and his beautiful wife

paid me another visit. They both appeared to be happy and
content. Emilio had prospered and no longer felt that he had to
gamble. He had a sure thing in the Granite Mauler Technique.


To solve any problem or bring about any good in your

life, you must change the molecular set-up of the matter in
question. You need to build a new mental attitude, a positive

Synchronizing Vibrations


molecular pattern of thought, to replace the old mental cob¬

webs that keep the light of success from filtering through. You
must rebuild the new by wrecking the old, like tearing down an
old building in order to construct a modem one in its place. So
when you direct the Granite Mauler Chant Technique to tear
down the molecular structure of obstacles, you must be ready
to replace it with the new concept, which would be of the
desired result or condition. Let go of that which is bad, but
hold onto that which is good. To renew your faith, repeat the
following as slowly as possible: “Verily I say unto you, if ye
have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is
done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain,
Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be
done.” Matt. 21:21
How many problems or obstacles have seemed like in¬
surmountable mountains to you? Remember that they can be
disintegrated and removed from your consciousness and cast
aside. When you have done this via Vibrasonic Techniques, you
have emptied your consciousness to receive the benefits.


Realize the following as often as possible:

1. Because you vibrate, you ARE and you OUGHT TO DO.

2. Because you OUGHT TO DO, you CAN DO.

3. And because you CAN DO, you DO do.

4. You are made in the image of God and GOD IS LOVE. Think this
thought often to cleanse your consciousness of all the negative
vibrations that tend to obstruct your goals.

5. Realize that you have been given life to enjoy it fully. Continuous
affirmation of this truth will set your Vibrasonic Tuner to vibrate
in harmony with the superior vibrations that rule the universe.
This will convert you into a prince of power vibration. As you
recognize this, your power to claim your divine heritage will be

6. The Creator and His creations (you are one) are one. The Creator
is continually creating through His creation, through you. Your


Synchronizing Vibrations

Vibrasonic Tuner is your contact with Him. As you continue to

exercise it, the inter-communication becomes more intimate and

7. Keep working with the techniques and keep your faith in the
greatest gift made to man, the Vibrasonic Tuner. Dream, for life
is but a dream, and in it everything is possible.

X-Ray Vision through

Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics

You can use this special vision to see around

comers, into far away places, through walls, inside of objects,
into human minds, and into the future.

How Anna Utilized the Molecular Telescopic Macrocosmic

Technique to Break the Vision Barrier and Managed to
Save Her Son from Drowning

It was an autumn day. People were bundled up as they

briskly hurried past Anna’s lower flat window. That particular
day was not unusual for Anna, and she was doing exactly what
she loved to do every day, gazing out the window far off into
space and observing the panorama of human action. She loved
people, and every time she saw a boy about the age of her son,
she yearned to be by his side. Jimmy, Anna’s son, was living
with his grandmother. She had not seen him for about three



X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics

months, and she really missed him. He was constantly crossing

her mind. On that particular day, she felt the urge to see him
more than ever.

For two weeks, Anna had been gazing out of that window
at approximately the same time while activating her Vibrasonic
Tuner with the Molecular Telescopic Macrocosmic Technique.
She yearned to see what her thirteen-year-old boy was doing.
Then, what she considered to be a miracle actually happened.
Suddenly she was there. Anna had pierced the vision barrier by
harmonizing her Vibrasonic Tuner with the infinite vibrating
continuum of past, present, and future. A deep, pulsating,
warm, pleasant sensation kept pounding around her temples and
then slowly receded into smooth ripples of tingling sensations
massaging her entire body.

Through her Vibrasonic Tuner, Anna was viewing Jimmy

attempting to swim in her mother’s pool. Anna was delighted
that she could see her son and feel so close to him, even though
he was unaware of her projected vision. Then she began to
scream. Jimmy had slipped on the wet edge of the diving board
and plummeted straight into the deep end of the pool.
Apparently he had hit his head on the edge. He failed to bounce
back up and air bubbles began to rise to the surface. Hysteri¬
cally, Anna grabbed the telephone.

“Operator, connect with this number. This is an emer¬

gency,” she said. Within seconds her mother was on the other
end of the line.

“Hello, Anna, how are you?”

“Mother, go to the pool and see about Jimmy. He is hurt,

needs your help, and could be drowning.”

Her mother rushed to the pool. She did so in the nick of

time. How she managed to pull him out she has never been able
to comprehend, but she did pull him out. She gave him artificial
respiration. Thanks to the instantaneous warning of his mother,
Jimmy was all right.

Anna became a very devoted student of the occult and

continued to develop through Mystic Vibrasonics. She is using
her talents professionally to help other people. Have you always

X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


wanted to be able to see around corners, into far away places,

and inside of people or objects? Well, others have done it and so
can you.

How Jimmy Used the Molecular Telescopic Macrocosmic

Technique to Take a Peek Inside His Son’s Stomach and
Thus Save His Life

Jimmy was a good, hard worker who had always believed in

the all-American traditions. He was an immigrant who had come
to the United States looking for the land of golden opportu¬
nities. Lady Luck had looked upon him kindly. After a few
years of dishwashing from New York to San Francisco, he had
finally landed a good job as maintenance director of a very
active commercial building. Jimmy had finally found success,
and he was very happy.

After proving himself by putting in many long hours of

work and after having built an enviable record of punctuality,
Jimmy was put in charge of cleaning not only the first five
floors of the building, but all ten. His pay check was fattened
by an extra $5.00 per week, and a hard-working assistant was
put under his charge. Jimmy was a happy man. He realized that
he was really getting up in the world. But his happiness was
soon disturbed.

Little two-year-old Jimmy Jr., his pride and joy, was very
busily playing in the backyard of their modest bungalow one
day, when he picked up a big, shiny safety pin and swallowed it.
Jimmy Jr. became violently sick and was rushed to a nearby
hospital. Since he could not talk, no one knew what had
brought on this condition. Doctors quickly swarmed around
him. Examinations, X-rays, and other diagnostic procedures
were applied, but soon the doctors began to scratch their heads
in sheer desperation. After a round of conferences among
themselves, they decided to put little Jimmy under observation
and wait until the morning, when the head surgeon was due to
make his rounds.
Meanwhile, back at his home, Jimmy Sr. was in a very
depressed mood. As the clock ticked away, it soon became


X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics

evident to him that his son was in real danger. Jimmy had
superb faith in occult phenomena, so he started to perform his
usual Vibrasonic Techniques. He had the brilliant idea of
putting into action the Molecular Telescopic Macrocosmic
Technique. He soon found himself in the fourth dimensional
vision zone, in which many images began to flow through his
Vibrasonic Tuner. His invisible third eye had projected itself
inside of Jimmy Jr.’s stomach and was probing all along the
intestinal tract. He noted that it was rather dark and muddy
inside, but soon it came into focus. Finally, he saw a safety pin
firmly lodged right up against the intestinal wall of the
duodenal tract. Success had crowned his efforts.

Elated, Jimmy Sr. rushed into the hospital and begged the
doctor in charge to operate on his son immediately. The doctor
looked at him quizzically and showed him the stomach X-rays.
They showed some indication of a possible obstruction, but he felt
that he could not be certain. He insisted on waiting until the
resident surgeon showed up in the morning. But Jimmy Sr. was
not to be denied. In sheer desperation, he begged and was able
to convince the good doctor to perform the operation.

After several hours, the doctor came out of the operation

room and summoned Jimmy Sr. “I think that your son is now
out of danger,” he said. “The next few days will tell. By the
way, how did you know it was a safety pin lodged inside the
boy’s intestines? I’m glad I operated. If I hadn’t followed
through on your insistence, the safety pin could have ruptured
the intestinal wall and caused peritonitis. Then the odds for
survival would have been very slim.”

Jimmy Sr. bowed his head in humility and merely smiled

at the doctor. He alone knew what had taken place within his
Vibrasonic Tuner. The operation was successful, and Jimmy Jr.
did recover, thanks to his father’s perceptivity and the doctor’s
skill. Jimmy Sr. accomplished this feat by tapping the fourth
dimensional realm. You can do the same by exercising your
Vibrasonic Tuner receptivity via the techniques revealed to you
in this book. Now you can start to awaken this divine faculty
and put it to use for the good of humanity.

X~jR ay Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


Breaking the vision barrier is to be used only for seeing far

away; through walls; inside of people, objects, and human
minds; and into the future.

1. Sit or stand directly in front of a window. Gaze through it and fix

your gaze as far off as you can see. Relax.

2. Close your eyes and concentrate on what you want to see. Hold
your mind on it for approximately five minutes. During this time,
desire very sincerely to see what you are trying to see.

3. With your eyes still closed, imagine a magnetic current of

molecules flowing from the center of your forehead straight out
to what you want to see. Continue this thought for approxi¬
mately five minutes.

4. Verbally command your Vibrasonic Tuner to enable you to see

what you wish to see. Keep commanding it verbally until you feel
satisfied that you have done it sufficiently to impress your
Vibrasonic Tuner, and then stop and wait for the flow of images
to flood your Vibrasonic Tuner. Do not be discouraged if at first
you don’t succeed. You must keep at it with determination and
faith. Everything requires a certain amount of effort.


There exists one invisible, universal eye that is available to

all Vibrasonic Tuners. Your Vibrasonic Tuner can focus on
vibration ranges far beyond those of normal vision, which in the
human eye is limited to the vibrations the retina picks up.
Tapping the universal eye gives you fourth dimensional vision
which enables you to see around comers, across oceans, through
objects, inside of objects, and into space. These fourth dimen¬
sional images do not reflect on the retina of the human eye but,
instead, register inside the Vibrasonic Tuner, where they appear
as visions. Sensitivity development of the Vibrasonic Tuner is
essential for X-ray vision.


X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


Fourth dimensional vision can be developed so that all

kinds of miraculous results can be obtained via the Mystic
Vibrasonic Techniques. Everyone has this built-in potential.
However, most people are conditioned to limit their visual
scope to the physical range of vibrations, which scientists claim
is man’s limited range. This may be true as far as regular vision
is concerned, but it is not true of the invisible universal eye,
which can relay untold informational visions to your Vibrasonic
Tuner. If you accept the theory of limitation, you will be selling
yourself short. In the universe there is no limit. Everyone can
tune his Vibrasonic Tuner into the universal eye and see even
the future. There is a panorama of events taking place every¬
where. You can tune in now!

How Dominic Utilized the View Finder Vibrasonic Chant

Technique to See through the Thick Walls of a Building
Almost Five Miles Away and Act in Time to Save His
Daughter, Rosa, from Being Raped

For Dominic, one particular night went down in his

memory as a night of unforgettable terror and anxiety.
Dominic’s daughter, Rosa, was barely seventeen, and her beauti¬
ful face did her magnificent carriage true justice. She proudly
and confidently walked all over the neighborhood.

One day, Rosa went alone to her girl friend’s apartment a

few miles away. Her mother was nervous and upset about
letting her go. She halfheartedly waved goodbye to Rosa as
Rosa glided out the front door. Dominic nervously puffed away
on a cheap cigar after having admonished Rosa to behave and
not to come home too late. He sat with his eyes glued to the
television set, but his mind was far away. He was fidgety and
restless. His wife also felt uneasy. Soon they were arguing and
tearing at each other for having allowed Rosa to visit her girl
friend alone.

The clock on the wall struck 10 P.M., and all was quiet.
The television had been turned off, and Dominic and his wife

X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


stared at each other, not knowing what to say or do. The

merciless clock ticked the time away second by second. Human
events, no matter how insurmountable they may appear to be,
can always be reduced to one common denominator—the
struggle of the Vibration Frequency of one Vibrasonic Tuner
with another. When this takes place, the ageless struggle of good
vs. bad unfolds. So it was that this conflict began to unfold for
the Dominic family.

Back at the girl friend’s apartment, Rosa was having a ball.

But then Rosa’s girl friend opened the door to Marcelino, a
young man who lived in the apartment right across the hallway.
He closed the door behind him and went right after Rosa. Rosa
screamed and started to throw everything she could lay her
hands on at him. It didn’t seem to help, though. He kept after
her with more lust in his eyes than ever. The neighbors locked
their doors and listened to the struggle. They were afraid to get
involved. The chase continued, while Rosa’s girl friend waited in
fear for the outcome. She had locked herself in the bathroom.
Rosa was tiring, and Marcelino was sure that he had won.

Back at the Dominic apartment, the old man was still

fumbling around, and he didn’t know exactly why. His wife
started to cry, and he became disgusted as he looked at the
clock on the wall. A thought flashed into his brain. It was
almost 10:30, and it was time for his daily meditation and
Vibrasonic Technique practice time. Since he was worried about
Rosa being out late, he decided to enjoin the View Finder
Vibrasonic Chant to try to see what she was up to.

Within a few minutes, the images started to flash across his

mind in a constant flow. At first they came so fast that he could
hardly focus on them long enough to get a complete picture. So
he steadied them by slowing down his breathing. Then the
millions of rapidly-moving molecules began to fall into proper
perspective. Soon the picture was very clear. Marcelino was
attacking Rosa. Dominic’s Vibrasonic Tuner was witnessing the
struggle taking place miles away, through space and the thick
walls of the apartments. Dominic quickly grabbed the tele¬
phone, and within minutes the police broke down the door and
pulled Marcelino from Rosa. Assisted by two deputy police-


X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics

men and sobbing hysterically, Rosa hobbled out of the apart¬

ment and into the arms of her father and mother. Marcelino was
taken away by the police. Rosa had been rescued just in time.
The View Finder Technique is a very powerful and versatile
psychic tool that can be utilized for many purposes.

Mr. Kayo Used the View Finder Vibrasonic Technique to

Sense his Enemy’s Evil Intentions and Thus Avoided His
Own Death

Gambling breeds greed, and Mr. Kayo was a chronic

gambler. He was always broke, and as the years rolled by he
found himself no better off than when he First got bitten by the
gambling bug. He would bet on anything, for anything, and at
the twinkling of an eye.

One night, not too long ago, he was rolling dice in Las
Vegas. “Come on sweet dice, baby needs new shoes,” he yelled.
He lost again. He rolled the dice again, and he lost again. “Oh,
baby, please come seven,” he said, as he rolled the dice in his
hands. Then his luck turned, and he started to win. He rolled
over eight straight wins. He kept rolling the dice and ringing in
the money. His lucky streak seemed unbeatable.

Across the table, a man with a protruding forehead,

sunken eyes, bushy eyebrows, and very thick lips kept staring at
him. The man, Hal, had been betting against Mr. Kayo’s roll, so
he kept losing. Mr. Kayo was so engrossed in his gambling that
he failed to notice or feel the strong evil vibrations being
emitted by the man who was betting against him.

No one really knows what strange thoughts run through

the minds of gamblers, but for some strange reason Hal was
bent on betting against Mr. Kayo’s rolls and determined to stick
it out until his lucky streak was broken. But Mr. Kayo just kept
rolling the dice and winning.

Hal lost all of his money and planned to take revenge on

Mr. Kayo, whom, for some reason, he blamed for his losses. In
the meantime, Mr. Kayo had picked up all of his winnings and
was cheerfully walking out of the casino. At a distance, Hal
followed him. He was waiting for the appropriate moment to
make his move. Mr. Kayo did not know that his life was in danger.

X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


When Mr. Kayo got to his room, he glanced at his watch. It was
time for his daily meditational Yibrasonic exercises. He put the
View Finder Vibrasonic Technique into action and then went to
sleep. That night, Mr. Kayo had very unpleasant dreams.

The following morning, Mr. Kayo was very apprehensive.

He had the uncomfortable feeling that something terrible was
about to happen to him. He didn’t even consider returning to
the dice tables that night. But gamblers will be gamblers, so he
gambled on his feelings and started out. Across the street,
leaning against a telephone pole, was Hal. Nervously chewing on
a cheap cigar, he was watching every move Mr. Kayo made. He
followed him down the street. Mr. Kayo was about to go
through an alley on his way to his favorite casino, but
something within Mr. Kayo’s Vibrasonic Tuner was already
working for him. He froze in his tracks for a few seconds, and
then he decided to cross the street instead. Frustrated, Hal
threw his cigar to the ground and tried to form new plans.

Suddenly, several police cars stopped in front of Hal. He

was quickly apprehended because of his resemblance to a local
burglar. Upon later reflection and more meditation, Mr. Kayo
realized that his dream of the night before had programmed him
to protect himself, so when he intended to go through the alley,
a warning in his Vibrasonic Tuner made him freeze, change his
course of action, and avoid the lurking danger.

How Lombrasi Used the View Finder Vibrasonic Technique

to See Around the Comer of an Intersection Just in
Time to Avoid an Auto Accident

Lombrasi decided to take an alternate route home from

work. He was tired of battling the freeway traffic. On this
particular occasion, one of his co-workers asked him for a ride.
She lived close to his house, and Lombrasi had always had a
kind eye for her, so he gladly agreed to take her home.

The ride was uneventful until Lombrasi began to hear a

buzzing sound within his head. It wasn’t a headache, nor was it
a figment of his imagination. He stroked his right temple to
soothe it. It refused to go away. Finally, it dawned on him that
it was another one of those mysterious warnings which he had


X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics

experienced before. For some time, ever since Lombrasi had

started to exercise Vibrasonic Techniques and Chants, this
particular throbbing within his brain had warned him of
impending disagreeable events, and he had been able to avoid

The light turned green as he approached a busy inter¬

section, and the traffic around him flowed evenly. Suddenly,
just as he had the right of way to make his turn, he decided to
slow down and stop. A big moving van was parked around the
comer, and it obstructed the view, but the traffic in front of
him made it very easily. Why had he stopped almost

Around the corner sped a small sports car. If Lombrasi had

tried to make his turn, there would have been a terrible
accident. He later confessed to me that he was absolutely sure
that he owed his escape to his practicing the View Finder
Vibrasonic Technique.


Fourth Dimensional Vision at Your Fingertips

This technique is very simple but effective. It works

automatically, even while you sleep. It can be triggered into
action wherever you may be and whatever time you may
choose. Here now is how to put it into action.

1. Close your eyes for a few seconds. This automatically activates

your Vibrasonic Tuner to vibrate at a higher frequency rate,
causes it to start scanning space, and increases its receptivity to
the rapid vibrations of higher intelligences in space that can come
to your aid.

2. Imagine a very powerful ray of light emanating from the center of

your forehead, pointed towards the location, person, or thing you
want to see. This is very important.

3. While you are still in a state of deep concentration, repeat the

following chant until you feel thoroughly satisfied that you have
complete control over all of your mental activities:
“ORAMO . .. AULAMAN . .. PITUR1 . . . KALAMATU.” (Spell
the words if you can’t pronounce them.)
X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


4. Practice the technique with diligence and perseverance, and, when

you least expect it, the visual fragments of what is taking place
beyond the limits of your physical range will fall into their proper
perspective and you will be there. Expect to be surprised.


Simplicity is the key to universal vision. Somewhere within

your Vibrasonic Tuner you contain the invisible key to unlock
the treasure house of the universe. You can tune into any
particular thing, person, or place by simply harmonizing your
Vibrasonic Tuner with the Vibration Frequency of that thing,
person, or place. Everything that exists in the universe is held
together by its own unique Vibration Frequency. Right now,
there are events taking place all over the universe. You can tune
into any one of them by properly synchronizing your Vibra¬
sonic Tuner.

Simplicity is inherent in all things, humans, and condi¬

tions, but you have to be receptive to it. It is usually reflected
in the way you live and work. Vibrasonic Techniques can help
you achieve simplicity, which inevitably results from the realiza¬
tion of God’s omnipresence. Fourth dimensional vision consists
of seeing the one presence everywhere, at all times, and in all
things. This is the single eye of which Jesus Christ spoke.
Cultivate it Vibrasonically, and all things will automatically be
revealed to you through this universal vision.

How Zelda Used the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique to See

Her Husband Cheating on Her and Caught Him Red-Handed

Zelda was 48 years old and unhappy with her life. She was
fighting a last ditch battle to save her deteriorating marriage.
Her husband, Cedric, came in at all hours with lipstick smears
on his shirt collars. He left telephone numbers indiscriminately
available in his pockets and kept the addresses of many girls in a
little black book. Zelda knew that he was cheating on her, but
she had not been able to catch him in the act. Cedric didn’t
seem to care. Endless arguments and threats of a divorce had
failed to check his amorous roamings. Now that Zelda was
pregnant again, she was afraid that he might leave her. She had


X-Ray Vision through PowerfulMacrocosmic Vibrasonics

tried desperately to catch him in the act, but he had always
been one step ahead of her. When accused by Zelda, Cedric
merely smiled, grabbed his coat and hat, and left to meet one of
his women. Zelda reasoned that if she could catch Cedric with a
woman, he would come running back to her. So the cloak and
dagger spying went on for weeks, stretching into months,
without any results for Zelda.

Finally, a friend advised Zelda to seek psychic help to

solve her problem. Zelda, not being one to leave a stone
unturned, found the way to my office. I listened to her story,
and, when she was finished, I gave her a copy of the Dino-
saurian Vibrasonic Technique so she could use fourth dimen¬
sional vision to witness Cedric’s acts. With open eyes and
mouth, she uttered, “But how can reading these instructions
bring him back?”

To which I replied: “God and His invisible forces work in

very mysterious ways. If you are sincere in seeking help, why
not give it a try?”

Action begets results, and results speak louder than words.

A week later, Zelda happily bounced into my office with good
news. “I don’t know how to start,” she said. “When you gave
me the copy of the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique, I was
very skeptical, but my friend kept nagging me to try it. I did,
and to my surprise, on the third night I practiced it, I actually
saw within my mind the hotel where Cedric was actively
carrying on with a tall blond. The picture came to me like an
image in a television tube. I saw a conglomeration of tiny
vibrating specks moving back and forth. They finally fell into
place to form the picture pattern of the hotel, and then I saw
the bedroom where all of the action was taking place.

“Before you could blink an eye, I was speeding down the

empty street straight towards the hotel. On the fifth floor I
found the room. I pounded on the door. It squeaked on its
rusty hinges and cracked open. A familiar voice spoke: ‘Go
away. We aren’t buying anything.’ I pushed the door into his
face and went inside to confront him. Cedric just stood there,
petrified, and bare as when he came into this world. The girl ran
into the bathroom and climbed out the window. I had finally
caught him, and now Cedric could not deny it or call me crazy.

X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


“The following morning he came home, asked me to

forgive him, and promised never to cheat on me. I still can’t
believe it, but you have made me a devoted user of Vibrasonic

With that, another leaf in the human drama of life was

happily and successfully concluded with the aid of Vibrasonic
Techniques. It has happened to many people; it can happen to
you. But first you must dare to want and act to receive the
benefits that await you within your Vibrasonic Tuner. How true
and wonderful are the Master’s divine words, which work
infallibly within the invisible, mysterious realms of psychic law.
They are His laws, by which he governs the universe. Man must
abide by them. Only we are privileged to use them, and only
through our Vibrasonic Tuners can we contact them and
energize them into action. To discover them is, indeed, the
greatest treasure in the world. They are more valuable than gold
and more precious than jewels. No one can take them away
from you. You must step forward and claim your divine
heritage now!

How Emmanuel Used the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique

to Observe a Mistake Being Committed by One of His
Workers a Thousand Miles Away

Emmanuel, at 56 years of age, was riding very high on the

crest of success. He was flushed with power and ever-increasing
wealth. As the president of one of the largest electronic firms
engaged in manufacturing very precise, delicate electronic
timers and devices used for instrumentation in the space
program, he was getting richer every day. His company won a
lot of lucrative contracts, and his plant was continually buzzing
with activity. It was this burgeoning business activity that had
brought him to Washington, D.C., to formalize and seal more

In spite of his success and wealth, Emmanuel continued to

relate to his workmen in a very natural and unpretentious
manner. He remained a dedicated worker, involved in all phases
and operations of the huge plant. It was not unusual to find him
in his office going over details delegated to key personnel. It
was not unusual to find him rubbing elbows with his workers in


X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics

the machine shops, showing them how to overcome difficulties

and solving problems that his foremen could not cope with. He
loved his work, and his efforts were rewarded with success and a
satisfaction and pride in his operations. He was highly respected
and admired by his colleagues.

Emmanuel was a prudent and reasonable man who also

took his meditation seriously. He always took the time to
practice his Vibrasonic exercises. On this particular occasion, he
wanted to see what was going on back at the shop. So he used
the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique to see the activities of
the plant. Within seconds, his Vibrasonic Tuner was scanning
outer space, and the picture of the shop activities came into
A thought is so fast that it can travel around the world in
nothing flat and return to its place of origin. So Emmanuel’s
Vibrasonic Tuner was soon witnessing everything as Emmanuel
freely moved his consciousness from department to department
and bench to bench. Suddenly, his Vibrasonic Tuner zoomed in
on the work bench of Jamie, a well-seasoned employee with
plenty of seniority. Emmanuel was watching very closely, with
deep interest and amusement, for he had performed the same
operation countless times. Jamie was about to set up the
machinery to produce thousands of miniature printed circuits.
Emmanuel saw that he was about to make a mistake. He
quickly dashed across the room, picked up the telephone, and
immediately relayed the information to the general super¬
intendent of the plant. He, in turn, rushed to Jamie just in time
to stop him from making a mistake which could have cost the
company thousands of dollars. The day was saved. The workers
who later found out what had happened were astounded and
wondered how Emmanuel had accomplished such a feat. But, of
course, he never told. True wisdom requires supreme secrecy.
Emmanuel continued to practice his Vibrasonic Techniques and
was able to perform even greater feats as he progressed in his
psychic development.

Vibrasonic Techniques work for anyone who sets the

psychic laws into action. The underlying principals governing
such phenomena function universally and are available, ready to
perform for anyone who dares to put them to the test. How
about you?

X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


How Jerry Utilized the Dinosaurian Technique to Save

His Dog from Death

Rover was a two-year-old German shepherd who had been

raised by Jerry ever since a friend of his had given Rover to him
as a pup. Rover had a fine home with a large backyard to play
in and plenty of leftovers from the dinner table to eat.
Everybody in the household liked him.

One day, Rover ran away. It might have been the pollen in
the air, the sting of the love bug, or just plain restlessness that
caused Rover to jump over the high brick wall and with a burst
of speed disappear down the oak-lined road.

Lonely nights and worried days followed for poor Jerry.

Jerry immediately started looking for Rover. He put ads in the
paper and hired an investigator, but the weeks rolled by with no
results. Jerry yearned to see Rover again. Jerry started exer¬
cising the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique. One day, while
worrying by the side of his spacious swimming pool, he closed
his eyes and started practicing it again. This time it worked.
Yes, right there before his mental eye he was witnessing what
Rover was going through.

He could see a dark alley in a slum district of New York.

Rover was lean and hungry. Jerry’s emotions ascended to a very
high pitch. Suddenly, he saw Rover shoot out towards the
moving traffic. Surely Rover was going to be killed. With
lightning speed, Jerry mentally gave him this command:
“Rover, stop, stop!” Everything froze, and he saw Rover stop
and perk his ears as if listening to his master’s voice. Jerry had
located Rover. With his mind’s eye he looked up, saw the
intersection, and was soon racing down the street. The ending
was a happy one as they drove back home together. Rover has
never jumped the fence again.

How Luigi Utilized the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique

to Locate Plumbing Leaks Easily and Become a Very
Successful Plumber

Whenever there was a very difficult plumbing job, all the

plumbers in the area called on Luigi, the plumber with the
X-ray eyes. In the plumbing business most plumbers like to do
the easy jobs where they know exactly where the problem is


X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics

and can easily fix it. However, sometimes there are plumbing
leaks that occur in the most inaccessible areas of commercial
buildings. These they don’t like and try to avoid. Usually, they
recommend some other plumber that is eager to get the
business. Luigi became a very highly paid specialist in this field,
thanks to the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique.

A very urgent call for service came in one evening. All the
plumbers’ answering services took the telephone number of the
client and promised to relay it to the emergency department.
Several brave souls went out to see the job and walked away.
Water kept leaking down from the second floor of a building
into a leather factory. The owner was pulling out his hair as the
water continued to leak. In desperation, he called the fire
department for help. A tall ladder was soon placed against the
wall, and several firemen were crawling up to the nearest
window. The owner had locked the building, and the water kept
pouring down. Unable to help, the firemen drove away.
Another plumber showed up at the scene with his little black
tool box and ladder. He snooped around, scratched his head,
and recommended that they call Luigi for that job. The big
problem was that the building was pretty old. Built in the
1920’s, it was not up to present building standards. When it was
being built, somebody forgot to allow space between the floor
and the tubing for a man trap so someone could crawl in in case
of plumbing trouble. This meant that someone would have to
guess where the leak originated. Unless the plumber knew where
to cut a hole in the ceiling, there would be no possible way of
fixing the leak without making many holes. This would have
been terribly expensive and time-consuming. The only answer
was to find Luigi.

Bright and early the next morning, Luigi was ready for
work on the building. He walked along the floor directly below
the leaking area and, without hesitation, pointed to a spot on
the ceiling. His assistant quickly set up the ladder and climbed
up towards the ceiling—wrench, hammer, and chisel in hand.
The hole was cut at precisely the right spot. The leaking tube
was cut, threaded, and fixed. It took only 45 minutes for Luigi
to complete the job. He remained the enigma of the plumbing

X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


business, for only he and I knew his secret. It was his

employment of the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique which
had enabled him to see through the walls and find plumbing

Mercedes Used the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique to

See Her Daughter’s Car Stalled on a Lonely Road in the
Desert and Immediately Sent Her Aid

Mercedes was 48, and she was happily settled in a very

comfortable home. One morning, she bid her daughter, Louisa,
good voyage as Louisa left on a vacation with her husband.
They were driving to Las Vegas. Mercedes was happy, for they
really needed the vacation, and they would only be gone for ten
days. Before she could even rearrange her furniture, they would
be back. She spent that whole day whistling to herself and felt
very elated over how happy everybody had been.

However, that night Mercedes turned and tossed in bed.

Sleep just seemed to elude her completely. The next morning,
as she sat by the window of her terrace and sipped hot coffee
and nibbled Danish cookies, Louisa kept popping into her mind.
She rationalized that her thoughts meant nothing, and she tried
to keep herself active. It did not work; something was bothering

That night, she diligently went into her meditation room

and started to exercise the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique,
with the intention of seeing how Louisa and her husband were
doing on their trip. At first, her mind was flooded with all kinds
of images. Then the whole train of thought began to calm down
as the molecular stream of vibration fell into place and the
picture images began to form. She saw them in the middle of
nowhere. Louisa’s husband was trying desperately to make the
car start. They had wandered off the main highway to do a little
exploring of their own, and the car just gave out. Night was
soon to fall. They could hear the howling of the desert coyotes.
Louisa was obviously frightened, and her husband was uneasy.
Before daybreak, the police had found them and they were
safe. Louisa and her husband were very thankful but could not
understand how the police had found out that they were in


X-Ray Vision through PowerfulMacrocosmic Vibrasonics

trouble. Back at the house, Mercedes told them the incredible

story of how she had witnessed their plight through the use of
the Dinosaurian Vibrasonic Technique and had summoned the
authorities to rescue them.


This technique is for seeing far away places, through

objects and people, and inside of anything.

1. Relax your entire body and mind. This can best be accomplished
by sitting or lying down.

2. Signal your Vibrasonic Tuner to make contact with the invisible

intelligences in outer space by closing your eyes and repeating the
following phrase seven times: “I command you, powerful seeing
eye of my mind, to focus on what I desire to see.”

3. Holding your tongue directly behind and against your lower

teeth, hum the following chant: “OUU , . . OU . .. OUU . . .
OU ... OMM . . . OM.” Repeat it at least seven times.

4. Project a very strong desire to see what is going on at that

particular location or event taking place beyond the reach of your
physical senses. Imagine that you are there; feel yourself there.
This action tends to eliminate the distance between you and what
you want to see. Continue reinforcing this desire until you sense
the scene slowly falling into its proper perspective within your

As you progress with the exercises, the true pictures will

rapidly flash into your mind. You will be astounded and
surprised. You should never despair if it does not come easy the
first time. You must work at it.


The power that is within your Vibrasonic Tuner is

activated by the vibration of your commanding words. This
power is not just will; you won’t ever have to will things to
happen. You will only have to release the vibration of the
commanding words and know that they are happening. This
power comes from psychic law that operates from within your
X-Ray Vision through Powerful Macrocosmic Vibrasonics


Vibrasonic Tuner and is neutral and impersonal. The power is

God functioning through the laws of psychic phenomena. You
may use it for definite purposes. It reacts to the vibrations of
your word. The law of cause and effect is a medium, all-
powerful and all-perfect, that functions according to God’s law.
Consciously or unconsciously, you have been exercising power
over this law through the vibration of your thoughts and words.

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection

How Betty Lou Broke the Distance-Time Barrier by Using the

Vanishing Vibrasonic Technique to Visit Fabulous Planets

Betty Lou was always sad. She had always

wanted to visit the planets beyond the rainbow. She had read
The Wizard of Oz, and she envied Dorothy’s visit to that
wonderful land of Oz. So she read all the books she could find
on astronomy. Soon the librarian became her best friend. As her
knowledge grew, she gradually slipped into the realm of psychic
phenomena. And that is how she met me. It is only fair to
reveal to you that when she met me she had already made up
her mind to develop her inner psychic abilities. She was very
eager to absorb the knowledge to accomplish all of her goals.

Betty Lou was a very good girl who was still single and
living with her parents. She had had the advantage of traveling
extensively throughout Europe, Africa, South America and, of
course, the United States. Yet, somehow, she just wasn’t


Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection


satisfied or impressed with her extended coverage of the world.

She yearned to visit other planets. She had always wanted to be
an astronaut so she could travel to the moon and all of the
other celestial bodies in the galaxy. She was, indeed, a great

She learned the art of synchronizing her vibration with any

desired frequency range compatible with that of the object,
being, or place with which she wanted to communicate.
She was unimpressed as we faced each other across my
desk. I could feel the intensity of her forceful, quizzical eyes as
she tried to analyze and correlate the relationship between the
Vibrasonic passport I had just handed her and the means of
transportation most people are acquainted with. Amicably, she
bid me good day and promised to keep me abreast of her
progress. The days passed by with no word. However, being
used to such lapses of time, I busily went about my work with
the same firm conviction that if she was sincere and applied the
Vibrasonic Interplanetary Technique she would obtain good out
of it.

One day, I arrived at my office completely exhausted from

a tennis battle with a friend, and my efficient secretary
informed me that I had a very beautiful visitor waiting in my
office. It was Betty Lou, who was paying me a surprise visit.
Quickly she moved towards me with extended arms and gave
me a bear hug.

“Good morning,” she said. “I am so delighted to see you

again. I have news for you. I was very curious when you handed
me the Vanishing Vibrasonic Technique exercise, and I started
practicing it immediately. After the third session brought no
results, I was beginning to be disappointed. I closed my eyes to
relax a little, and to my surprise I felt the sensation of taking
off, as if in a jet, into space. The intense sensation of elation
continued throughout the entire trip. Then I felt as if I were
being squeezed through the small end of a funnel. Soon I felt
myself floating high above the earth’s surface, close to an
extremely high plateau. The immense vacuum of the sky was lit
up with millions of flashing lights of the most unimaginable,
marvelous colors. The feeling of well-being continued as I got


Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection

caught in a slow, upward, forward motion. It was during this

time that I felt the area occupied by my body being constantly
massaged by great waves of sensations of well-being. I felt alone
and in complete possession of the surrounding space.

“Then I encountered some very strange inhabitants of this

newly discovered planet. There were men, women, boys, girls,
young and old, just as on earth, and they had happy faces and
wide smiles. They greeted me and offered me their friendship
and hospitality. This was a very friendly and happy planet,
where they seemed to telegraph their thoughts even before they
uttered them. On many occasions, I noticed that before they
spoke I somehow already had received the message within my
brain. Their appearance was rather unique. Their heads were
encased in oblong, square, rectangular, pyramidal, cylindrical,
and octagonal shapes of a jelly-like, transparent, shiny sub¬
stance, which seemed to vibrate with every slight thought or
movement they made. Their physical bodies were slender,
well-formed, tall, and beautiful. No one appeared to be over¬
weight, nor did anyone ever mention food at all. Come to think
of it, I completely forgot about eating while visiting this
fascinating planet.

“Locomotion was very easy. The mere thought, or even

the slightest intention, of reaching some place would auto¬
matically propel you to that destination. Out of nowhere, a
beautiful guide appeared and took me on an exciting explora¬
tion of all the big, beautiful valleys. They were adorned by
nature with unbelievable hues amid the majestic topography.
We floated slowly over walls and obstacles and soared over
mountains and deep into infinite space. On this planet every¬
thing belonged to everybody, and everybody appeared to be
content. Apparently, there was a strong, invisible force which
bound everything and everybody together with a powerful
feeling of unity and obedience to this Great Conscious Feeling
which guided everyone. I was very reluctant to leave the planet,
but it was willed that I return to earth. I plan to return to it
many more times and to project myself to other wonderfully
strange planets.”

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection


Incredible? Well, maybe so to those people who have not

evolved to that level of achievement. How many people could
have imagined, even by the wildest stretch of their imaginations,
that in our lifetime man would journey to the moon? But we
did. You can travel to other planets too.

How Jane Used the Vibrasonic Vanishing Technique to

Cross the Realm Beyond the Grave to Visit and Obtain
Vital Information from Her Mother

When Jane’s mother died unexpectedly of coronary throm¬

bosis, Jane’s two envious sisters were still feuding with her
because they wanted to know where their mother had kept a
sizable amount of cash which they wanted. They always
suspected that she had confided in Jane. This was not true, and
the money remained missing. So the feud continued and finally
flared into an open warfare of verbal abuse, threats, and court
action. Jane really did not know where the money was hidden.
However, she was certain that her mother had intended to
reveal it to her. Jane looked in every place she could imagine.
She went through many paper-filled boxes which her mother
had used to save her mementos in, but she had no luck. Jane
continued to grope in the dark.

In the meantime, the sisters were not letting any grass

grow under their feet. They were trying very hard to find the
money. One of them even went as far as to place ads in the local
newspapers, soliciting information relative to their mother’s
activities, unknown acquaintances, or any silent partners or
business associates. The other sister sent letters to the banks in
town, inquiring about any rented boxes their mother might
have had. Nothing turned up.

After several months of bickering and feuding, it seemed as

if the ghost of their mother was winning and the money was
going to remain hidden.

Jane came to me for consultation, and 1 introduced her to

the Vibrasonic Vanishing Technique for interplanetary projec¬
tion travel. My suggestion was that she exercise it with diligence
in order to synchronize her Vibrasonic Tuner’s Vibration


Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection

Frequency with the Vibration Frequency of the dimension

sphere of death. I assured her that it had been accomplished
before with great success and that there was nothing to fear.
She was in sole control of her Vibration Frequency. She was
very excited, and she ran off to try it.

After many nights of experimenting with the Vibrasonic

Vanishing Technique, Jane finally made contact and found
herself in the strange planet of the dead. She told me about it:

“It all came about on one of those exciting nights when I

was practicing the Vibrasonic Vanishing Technique. After about
a half-hour of chanting the words away, I began to feel very
drowsy, and I started to very gracefully drift into a far-away
place I had never seen before. I felt very light and airy, as if the
atmosphere was constantly filtering through my entire body. A
warm current filled my whole being with a powerful elation I
had never experienced before. I was floating through space at
tremendous speeds. Then I felt chilly and cold, and my face
seemed to harden up and my body stiffen. I could hear the
fluttering of wings and sounds of conversation which I could
not understand. A strong force seemed to change my direction,
and before I realized it I was traveling over a deep valley all lit
up with a soft light. Below, covering huge areas of space, I could
see crosses over the graves of everyone that had died. My
direction was changed, and I headed down towards a particular
cross, which seemed to glow brighter as I approached it.
Instantly, I was there, and my mother appeared before me.

“I blinked my eyes and rubbed them several times to make

sure it was really her. Oddly enough, each time I did this her
image was clearer. She appeared to be very happy and relaxed;
her face was free from all the wrinkles and deep forehead lines
which had characterized her earthly appearance. Now she
appeared young and beautiful. We hugged each other. I tried to
speak to her, but, although my lips moved, no words came out.
Yet we were communicating. The flow of her telegraphed
thoughts continued, and they seemed to echo in the back of my
mind. Many powerful feelings of love were exchanged between
us Muring that brief interlude behind the curtain of death. All
the time I was there, I could hear strange music. It felt

Vibrasonic Interplanetary’ Projection


wonderful and beautiful. My emotions were so strong that at

times I felt as if my heart would burst with happiness.

“Mother knew what I wanted to know, and before I

realized it all of the information had been transmitted into my
mind. I wanted to stay there with her, but then my eyes opened
and I found myself back on earth, where the pace of life felt
sluggish. This feeling of sluggishness lingered with me for several
days before I became adjusted to the rhythm of the living again.
This wonderful experience remains vividly engraved in my
mind. I am now exercising for a trip to the planet Venus.”

Events of the mind cannot be explained by any set of

rules, for they are as individual as each person’s fingerprints.
Nor can they be denied, for who can prove or disprove what
goes on within that inner sanctum called the mind? In this case,
as in many other documented experiences, one can only surmise
that if man has achieved the ability to build as intricate an
apparatus as a capsule to orbit the earth or to reach the moon,
why would it seem so impossible for him to project his mind to
other planets?

During Jane’s Vibrasonic trip to the planet of the dead, the

Vibration Frequency of the dead was instantly communicated, so
speech was unnecessary. Through her Vibrasonic Tuner, Jane
obtained the necessary information from her deceased mother
and was able to recover the money. Her interplanetary visit to
the planet was perhaps as brief as a few minutes of earth time,
but it equaled a lifetime of high-speed experience. Events and
information were condensed and funneled into the mind in such
a way that to this day it remains as vividly engraved in her mind
as if it only happened yesterday.

How Harry, a Shoemaker, Used the Vibrasonic Vanishing

Technique to Visit His Idol, Napoleon Bonaparte, at His
Headquarters in the Sky

Harry was a very unhappy man. His great ambition had

always been to become a brilliant military strategist, but at the
age of fifty-four there was little hope that he could ever achieve
his ambition. He spent his time reading all he could on military
strategy and dreaming. Fate had robbed him of his chance of

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection

becoming a brilliant soldier when, during World War II, he was

classified 4F-ineligible for active service. How he envied those
guys who packed their gear and headed towards those exciting
theaters of war.

All he had to show was fifteen years on the shoemaker’s

bench, a mouthful of nails, a weary arm, and a chipped
hammer. However, his eyes did glisten with happiness whenever
he could captivate a customer with his shoes off, waiting for
him to finish putting on a pair of heels or half soles, with his
military talk. On such happy occasions, he would recount how
he almost got into the army but was cheated out of it by fate.
His entire course of life was changed. He could have become a
great soldier.

Poor Harry never saw the end of a rifle, and his lack so
affected him that he became a devoted student of Napoleon
Bonaparte. He sometimes wished that he had lived in Napo¬
leon’s time so he could have served under Napoleon. Harry
remained a dreamer and weaver of fantasies. To compensate for
all that fate had robbed him of, Harry read all of the biogra¬
phies written about his hero. In one of them he learned that
Napoleon was a mystic and a great believer in the occult. This
inspired Harry to read about the occult too. Fate works in very
mysterious ways, and one fine morning I found a letter from
Harry in the pile of correspondence I receive daily in my study.
I immediately mailed him the Vibrasonic Vanishing Technique
for interplanetary projection travel.

Harry prepared himself and, because of his zealous desire

to communicate with his great hero, managed to project his
consciousness into that great beyond and visit Napoleon in his
headquarters in the sky. There, riding a husky white stallion,
was the little giant of warfare. His eyes seemed to radiate fire as
he meticulously surveyed the legions of men that had died in his
battles and were still under his military command. They were
still his soldiers in the sky. Napoleon raised his sword, and the
re-enactment of one of his battles began. Men were fighting and
dying just as they had on earth. The battle was being fought

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection


exactly as it had been before, only this time Harry was fighting
too-fighting at the side of his hero.

Harry had achieved his life’s ambition. Here, at last, in the

war planet, he had met and was the guest of his hero-Napoleon
Bonaparte. He was treated to a front row seat at some of the
most famous battles. When the re-runs of the battles were over,
Harry realized that his time was up and he had to return to
earth. He hated to part. Napoleon bid him farewell, and Harry
quickly found himself back in his shoeshop. The trip to the war
planet had changed his perspective, and he was better able to
adjust to his work and accept his fate.

Harry had witnessed in a short span of time what had

taken Napoleon a lifetime to accomplish. He could only do this
in the fourth dimensional channel in which he had traveled to
the far-off planets. His Vibrasonic Tuner had projected him into
a time differential which was zero. Everything that took place
there had already occurred and was merely a re-run of the past.
In that vibratory dimension, time is reversible. What takes place
can be repeated over and over, just like an old movie film. Harry
told me that his most exciting experience was witnessing the
re-run of the Battle of Waterloo. There, in that great battlefield
in the sky, the great hero met his doom. But time had cured
him of any bitterness or resentment, and Napoleon pointed out
to Harry where he had made his mistakes. When the battle was
over, Harry saw the dead rise from the graves and the blood-
drenched battlefields, the wounded tear off their bandages, the
disabled throw away their crutches and walk away. Soon the
battles would begin again, but Harry would be back on earth.


for Interplanetary Projection Travel

This technique may be performed any time of the day and

as many times as you wish. The more you practice, the better.

1. Sit in front of any mirror and relax your entire body and mind as
you intently gaze at your image in the mirror. The more you gaze


Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection

at your image, the more you should try to visualize it slowly

vanishing away into thin air and going to the planet you wish to

2. As you continue this process, try to slow down your breathing

until you can barely feel yourself breathing. This action will slow
down the Vibration Frequency of your Vibrasonic Tuner’s
vibro-physical body ratio. When you reach the zero threshold,
you will be able to align your Vibration Frequency with that of
the location you wish to visit and instantaneously project your
Vibrasonic Tuner consciousness to witness and experience every¬
thing taking place there.

3. Chant the following with eager fervor seven times: “TROHCORT

... AMAYO.”

To all who seek the power to project themselves to great

heights and who have through the years been seeking-in books,
teachings, religion, and philosophies-truth, freedom, and the
power to liberate and project themselves into the unknown, I
give the Master Key-Vibrasonic Controlled Vibration Tech¬
niques. There is always hope for the soul that is discouraged,
weary, and destitute. To you who have felt the presence of the
Great Truth within your consciousness and seek confirmation
of this God-given power, which has been vaguely struggling for
expression within you, there is a way.


Einstein’s theory of relativity states that everything in time

and space is moving relative to everything else. Depending on
where you are at a specific point in time and space relative to
where you want to project yourself, you must synchronize your
Vibrasonic Tuner to the Vibration Frequency of that particular
object, place, or intelligence you want to contact. In this
manner, we utilize his theory in Vibrasonics interplanetary
travel. Nothing remains motionless. Everything is always in
motion. We are either moving aimlessly, or we are guided

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection


towards a goal or objective. However, you need not worry

about the subtle machinations involved, because once you set
the Vibrasonic Tuner into motion, they are automatically taken
care of.


Science has labeled Vibrasonic Tuner vibrations wave

patterns, and they have been recorded and even measured by an
apparatus called an electro-encephalograph. It has been demon¬
strated that when the vibrations, wave patterns, are slow, the
brain takes longer to learn new facts and time appears to pass
more slowly. People with slow vibrations are usually locked into
a very dull, uneventful vibratory slot and have very little
creativity to push them towards success. The secret to success
lies in speeding up the Vibration Frequency of your Vibrasonic
Tuner to enable you to supersede your competition on every
plane of endeavor. You contain within your Vibrasonic Tuner a
God-given power to activate it and modify its Vibration Fre¬
quency to project your consciousness to any other planet in the
universe—to infinity and back. It is well within your power to
control the vibratory stream of time and distance at will. Time
is always flowing relative to our consciousness and our earthly
measurements of time and space.
How Goldie Used the Satellite Zoom-In Technique to Zoom
into the Recovery Planet of Violent Deaths to Converse
with Her Hero, John F. Kennedy

Goldie was an admirer of John F. Kennedy, and she had

cried bitterly when Kennedy was assassinated. Nevertheless, she
did get to shake his hand several years later via the Vibrasonic
Satellite Zoom-In Technique. You can utilize the same basic
psychic laws to accomplish your desire for interplanetary
projection travel.

Goldie was a beautiful girl with golden hair and deep blue
eyes. She lived with her widowed mother. Although she was
interested in school, she disrupted the classes with her talking
and was asked to leave school when she was 16. She found a job


Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection

in a bookstore, and it was there that someone gave her my card.

She decided to see me.

Goldie walked out of my office with the Satellite Zoom-In

Technique for interplanetary travel. Several weeks went by
before she paid me another visit to ask me more questions
relative to the way she was exercising the technique. Three
more weeks passed by, and then I found her knocking at my
door. This time her face was beaming with supreme happiness.
She told me what had happened.

“One day, while practicing the Satellite Zoom-In Vibra¬

sonic Technique, I closed my eyes and felt my body slowly and
gently rising up into the clouds. 1 found myself in front of a
huge, mirrored, circular mansion that glittered like a million
stars. Tv/o round towers majestically protruded from the two
front comers of the mansion. From the top of each tower,
millions of beams of blue light radiated into the limitless sky. I
looked for its foundation, but the entire mansion appeared to
be suspended in mid-air. Doors opened automatically and
welcome mats unfurled themselves before my feet. The haunt¬
ing scent of incense permeated the atmosphere, and the more I
smelled it the happier I felt. My heart was so happy that I
thought it would burst into a million pieces. Then, from
somewhere in the unseen distance, I heard a wave of applause.
Wild cheers and bravos whizzed past my ears, and the image of
John F. Kennedy appeared before me. I was moving towards an
immense amphitheatre where he was delivering one of his most
memorable speeches. The audience consisted of all the lumi¬
naries that had died a violent death. They were on this planet
recovering from the psychic trauma which followed their
demise. How long they would be there was uncertain. When the
time comes for them to leave, each and every one of these
leaders will be assigned to key positions in other planets, where
they can serve the struggling intelligences striving for fulfill¬
ment. Some of them perhaps would be sent back to earth in a
reincarnated body to guide the destinies of the planet earth.

“After J.F.K.’s magnificent oration, I was able to meet and

converse with him personally. I am so happy about my trip, and
I will continue to practice the Vibrasonic Techniques.”

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection


Jerome, the Comer-Bar Musician, Used the Satellite

Zoom-In Technique to Take a Trip to the Planet of
Deceased Musicians

Jerome was 35 and had studied music for the last 20 years
of his life. He found himself behind the cheap piano of a corner
bar, where he labored six nights of the week for 75 dollars a
week and all the liquor he could drink. This wasn’t what he had
studied for, but circumstances beyond his control had pegged
him down. He was unhappy, because he knew deep inside that
he could do better. But, for the price of a bottle of beer, you
could sit down at the cheap bar and listen to Jerome play the
piano. He played requests. There weren’t too many pieces he
did not know. When business was slow, Jerome would bury
himself in the keyboard, playing his own favorite pieces. One of
his favorites reminded him of his former wife. He had been so
happy with her, until his drinking got out of line. So, here in
the corner bar, Jerome tried to escape from his past and forget
his future.

Jerome was a devoted admirer of the late Glen Miller. He

used one of Miller’s songs as a sort of theme song. He always
started and finished his sessions with it. One night, a very nice-
looking girl walked into the little corner bar with her boy
friend. She was a very good-hearted girl who felt sorry for
Jerome when she saw he was so drunk that he almost fell off his
piano stool. She tried to talk to him, but he just kept playing
his favorite song. However, she left her address and telephone
number on top of the piano. She wanted to help Jerome. He
called her, and she referred him to me for consultation. He
really had a drinking problem, but I assured him that it could be

As 1 helped him dry the liquor out of his system, he

became very much interested in the Satellite Zoom-In Tech¬
nique. He wanted to find the planet where, undoubtedly, all
great musicians go right after death. This desire served as a new
motivational twist, and he embarked on learning to project
himself to the planet immediately.

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection

One Saturday, while sitting across from me in my office,

he related this incredible story to me.

“One night, not too long ago, after the boss closed the bar,
I remained inside playing my favorite tune. He said good night
and reminded me to close the bar when I left. I bid him adieu
and continued playing. Then the idea to practice the Satellite
Zoom-In Technique there, instead of in my room as I had been
doing, occurred to me. This time I tried a novel twist in the
procedure. Instead of playing the musical background from a
record, I did it live with my piano. I played my favorite Glen
Miller tune.

“Suddenly, I felt myself floating along with the musical

strains of the song. Higher and higher I zoomed, and, oh, how
free 1 felt. As I got higher and higher, a great feeling of power
surged throughout my entire being. This was supreme hap¬
piness, and I never wanted to return to earth. While I traveled
leisurely through space, other musical combinations filtered
through with beautiful sounds that I had never heard before.
My whole being felt as if it were on fire. Before I knew it, I was
floating through an immense hallway lined with portraits of all
of the musical greats that had passed away. Each portrait was
directly above a door in the hallway. As I approached the
portrait of Glen Miller, his door opened, and out came Mr.
Miller with outstretched hands. What a great day it was for me!
I had finally met the musical hero of my life. We chatted as I
hovered suspended in mid-air. He related some very interesting
facts concerning his untimely death, which I promised not to
reveal. As I floated through the halls, I kept seeing the same
pattern. The portrait of the deceased artist was directly over the
door, and as I thought about the artist he would peek out and
wave at me. The floors of the hallways were covered with deep
red, wine-colored carpets which I longed to step on because
they looked so lush. Yet, try as I might, I could not put my feet
down. I continued to float towards a huge stage in the middle
of a great big amphitheatre. There were seven high chairs with
yellow felt backs against a background of soft, blue drapes. As I
got closer, I noticed that there were seven men sitting as if they
were on a panel of judges.

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection


“I was drawn towards the podium by some strange

magnetic force which I could not resist. I found myself guided
towards an empty chair. The other men welcomed me. I felt
relaxed. The show was about to start.

“This was a community theater where all deceased musi¬

cians performed at will. I saw Sam Cook, Richie Valens, Louie
Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and more. It was a glorious concert
of the greats on their own planet, the land of happy musical
memories. They all appeared to be content and happy. Before I
returned to Earth, I learned that one of those musical greats had
already been reincarnated and would soon bring music never
before heard to earth.”


You can program your Vibrasonic Tuner to any new

vibratory dimensions you desire. Within it lies all the latent
power you need to program your Vibration Frequency into new
awareness, which will enable you to tune in on all the different
channels of activity on other planets. The whole universe is
saturated with vibrations constantly zigzagging throughout
space in all directions, seeking expression through similar forces.
By synchronizing your own Vibrasonic Tuner with the Vibra¬
tion Frequencies of those vibrations you wish to reach and
communicate with, you can be there. By exercising the Vibra¬
sonic Techniques revealed to you in this book, you are auto¬
matically using the time-space formula to transport any event to
the present.


Experiments by scientists have disclosed that bombarding

growing plants with radioactive waves can accelerate their rate
of growth and hasten their maturity by at least 50 percent of
the time required by nature. For instance, potatoes, tomatoes,
vegetables, grains, and fruits are now being artificially produced
by alteration of their normal Vibration Frequencies. Giant
chickens, huge rabbits, and enormous rats have been created in


Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection

scientific laboratories through the same technique of Vibration

Frequency alteration. In the scientific field, the change is
instigated artificially. In the labyrinth of your Vibrasonic
Tuner, change is accomplished through God-given means. Your
Vibrasonic Tuner is capable of anything, but you must con¬
tinually bombard it with the thoughts you want it to manifest
for you. You must persevere.


I suggest that you repeat the following affirmations as

often as you wish.

The I Affirmation: I. Who am I? I am you, that part of

you who is and knows all—always knew and always was. I am
you, yourself, that part of you that says I am and is I AM. I AM
is that transcendental, innermost part of you that quickens the
vibration within you as you read and respond to my word. It
perceives truth, which recognizes all truth, and discards all error
wherever found.

I, the I AM of you, bring you my message, my living

vibration word, as I have brought you everything in life, be it
poverty, riches, bitter experience, or love, to teach you that I,
and I alone, am your you, the only God in you. I am the
vibration of God in you, who is and always has been providing
you with the bread and wine of life, and all the things needed
for your physical, mental, and spiritual growth and sustenance.
That which appeals to you as you read is my message, spoken in
vibration to your outer consciousness from within, a confirma¬
tion of that which the I AM of you always knew, but had not
yet translated into definite, tangible terms to your outer
consciousness. I am the vibration of the Vibrasonic Tuner in
your mind, the expression of your being, the phases of your
conscious personality. The vibration of your mind must be your
servant, your intellect, and your slave if you are to better your
style of life.

If you are strong enough to bear the truth and can put
aside all your private, personal beliefs, which are only rubbish
that you have gathered from the dumping ground of others,
then the vibration of my word as you read it will free you

Vibrasonic Interplanetary Projection


The Word Affirmation: Your word will reward you with

joy and blessings if it is positive. I am come to you now to make
you conscious of my vibrating presence. I have always been
within you, but you did not know it. I have led you through the
wilderness of new and fascinating techniques, keeping ever
before the seeing eye of your consciousness the reality of the
promised land, so that you may value the bread of life and
enjoy the happiness of your God-given rights. Now I have
brought you to the River Jordan, which separates you from your
divine heritage of supreme happiness. Now the time has arrived
for you to consciously vibrate in harmony with me and utilize
my infinite power to better yourself. Cross over into Canaan,
the milk and honey have always been ready for you. After
following me this far, are you ready? Then follow my word, the
ark of the universal impersonal law of vibration, and you shall
go over dry land. It is the Father in me that does the work.


Tills technique is to be used for interplanetary projection

travel. It can be practiced any time, anywhere, for as long as
you wish.
1. Take seven deep breaths through the nostrils, making sure that no
air is absorbed through the mouth.

2. In a standing position, look straight out into space. Don’t stare,

just gaze peacefully straight ahead of you.

3. With your arms loosely hanging alongside of your body, your

head straight up, and your body straight, pronounce as forcefully
as you can your intended destination, that is, where you wish to
project your consciousness. Do this seven times, without moving
your body.

4. After you have repeated your intended destination seven times,

freeze your whole body for approximately three minutes. At the
same time, freeze the thought that you have just pronounced
firmly in your mind. Think about nothing else except that. Hold
the thought for approximately three minutes, then release it and
forget about it until the next try.

5. Sit or lie down to relax for approximately five minutes.

Vibrasonics—The Elixir of Life:

The Master-Key Plan

You are the master architect of your future, the

captain of your fate. What you are now is the sum total of what
you have designed for yourself in the past. Where you are, what
you are, and what you have are the direct result of your past
thinking, which is nothing more than the Vibration Frequency
of your Vibrasonic Tuner in action. Change your Vibration
Frequency and you automatically change the course of your
entire life. You can transform it forever. Soon the Master-Key
Plan will reveal to you just how. The old must be replaced by
the new.


Jesus Christ said, “Ye must die before you can live in
God.” Wrong thinking must be wiped out by right thinking. Bad


Vibrasonics- The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan


habits must die before existence in another level of conscious¬

ness is possible. One must lose the old life to enter into the new
one. All life-existence-is vibration. By changing the vibration
and receptivity of your Vibrasonic Tuner, you can change your
life. Give up failure for success, poverty for riches, unhappiness
for supreme happiness. In this manner, the greater self replaces
the lesser self. The relative must be surrendered so that the
absolute can be entered into forever. The old must be released
before you can take hold of the new. You must become a voice
instead of an echo. You must vibrate with the harmonious
vibration of the Christ-Mind within.


Saint Paul said: “Let this Mind be in you, which was also
in Christ Jesus.” What this means is that the degree to which we
allow our Vibrasonic Tuner to think-vibrate will determine the
manifestations of God’s good in our affairs. To think-vibrate in
unity with the God-Mind is to fulfill our every desire. We must
exclude the human thought-vibration, the floss, and align our
Vibrasonic Tuner with the Christ-Mind. Of course, we must
recognize that the God-Mind is the only power and cause to
which we can attach ourselves to receive His blessings and
benefits. The release and elevation of our thought-vibration
from the subordinate human thought-vibration to the sublime
Christ-Thought will be the realization of our dreams. You must
remember that everything Jesus Christ accomplished was always
instantaneous. Such is the power that awaits you.

How Millie Used Vibrasonic Techniques to Become a

Successful Decorator

Millie started reflecting over her 61 years of life and

realized that her life had been a failure. She decided to change
all that, but she could not figure out what to do. “It would be a
shame to have lived in vain,” she thought to herself, as the urge
to change her life grew stronger. She decided to change her old
style of life. Through Vibrasonic Techniques she became an
outstanding, successful interior decorator. Money and respect
were paid her in her new career.


Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan

Andres Used the Vibrasonic Techniques to Become

Very Wealthy

Andres was born, raised, and nurtured in poverty. He even

married in poverty and expected to perpetuate his poor style of
life. The odds makers could have given good odds that he would
die in his poverty. But Andres came from way behind to beat
the odds. Not very long ago he retired, a very successful,
wealthy businessman. Incredible? Not if you put into action the
very same basic laws that all other wealthy, successful people
have. These laws are universal and simply await your call. But
you must utilize them correctly before you can reap the
harvest. The secret lies in exercising your ability to modify the
Vibration Frequency of your Vibrasonic Tuner to synchronize
it with the harmonious success vibration of the universe.

Marie Became a Happy Mother at the Age of 45 after Using

the Vibrasonic Techniques

Marie, the lonely spinster, found the one man for her and
at the age of 45 discovered the joys of motherhood and the
blessings of a very happy marriage. She had remained single for
43 years, even though she had felt the natural urge to fulfill
herself as a wife and mother. She had just never found the right
man. She was getting past the age of child bearing, but she never
gave up hope. One happy day she met Pierre and realized that
he was the man for her. They were secretly married and decided
to have a child. Many unhappy experiences followed before she
employed Vibrasonic Techniques. Finally she became pregnant
and had the baby she so desperately wanted—a healthy baby
boy. Now she is the happiest woman in the world.

Mario Utilized Vibrasonic Techniques to Liberate Himself

from Gang Crime

Mario lived in a ghetto. He seemed to be a born loser, and

eventually he took to gang crimes. At the age of 16, he had
already participated in hold-ups, gang beatings, and the use of
narcotics. He realized, however, that his life was no good, and
he wanted out. But the gang would not let him go, and his

Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan


willpower was too weak to fight them. The climax came one
night during a hectic gang battle between rival sides. That
night, while he was lying on the floor beaten in the gang fight, it
suddenly occurred to him that gang life would kill him. He was
frightened for the first time in his life. He turned to religion and
then to the study of psychic phenomena and Vibrasonics. He
turned away from a life of crime and went on to become an
outstanding preacher.

Mariquetta Used the Vibrasonic Technique to Become a

Successful Entertainer

Mariquetta was a young woman from New Orleans. She

was beautiful, and men followed her everywhere she went. But
that was not what she wanted. More than anything in the world,
she wanted to make it big as an entertainer. She followed the
Vibrasonic Techniques and became one of the most popular
singers in New Orleans.

Limpy, the Corner Newsboy, Utilized the Vibrasonic

Techniques to Become the Proud and Successful Owner
of a Grocery Business
Limpy, at the age of 48, was still selling newspapers at the
corner grocery store. All the people knew him and worried
when they did not see him there. Limpy had always wished that
he could own that comer grocery store and be inside looking
out instead of out in the cold looking in. So, one day he started
practicing Vibrasonic Techniques, and, through a miraculous
chain of events, he became the proud owner of that grocery

Helena Used the Vibrasonic Techniques and Became the

Owner of a Lucrative Hollywood Nightclub

Helena came from Chicago in search of big money in

California. At first, she suffered many disappointments. She was
a hash slinger in a greasy spoon restaurant, a waitress in a
hamburger joint, and a cigarette girl in a nightclub. Many men
promised her a chance to hit the big lights but instead turned
out the lights on her in cheap motels. To escape her failures, she


Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan

started reading literature on psychic phenomena and went on to

exercise Vibrasonic Techniques. The net result was that within a
short time she was offered the chance to buy into the nightclub
where she was working as a hatcheck girl. Later, her partner
sold his share of the club to Helena, so she was completely in
charge of it. She finally found her big money.

Mrs. Chelina Used Vibrasonic Techniques to Help Her Sons

and Daughters Solve Their Problems and Find Happiness

Mrs. Chelina was a good-hearted grandmother with many

grandchildren. She loved her grandchildren dearly, but they
tired her out. Her children, however, were too busy with other
things to take care of their own children, so they left them with
Mrs. Chelina. Mrs. Chelina took care of them the best she could,
hoping that their parents would come to their senses and take
care of their own children.

One day, a friend of Mrs. Chelina told me about her

problem. I mailed her some of the Vibrasonic Techniques right
away. To my surprise, a few months later I received a letter in
which Mrs. Chelina told me that her problem had been solved
and everybody seemed to be happy.

My files are bulging with such examples and with letters

sent in by people who have utilized Vibrasonic Techniques to
succeed in their respective endeavors. The message is very clear.


The Master-Key Plan of the new, positive, wondrous style

of life did not come easy. It took me a little over a decade of
study, meditation, and relentless research to form it. During
those years, I studied most of the philosophies, cults, religions,
and psychic phenomena to be found. All the evidence was
carefully considered and evaluated, weighed against the format
of life’s experiences in an attempt to come up with a master
plan of life. Interestingly enough, it soon became evident that
all schools of thought were sustained by a common denomi¬
nator. In discovering it, I would possess the success formula.

Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan


So the search continued. Good points and bad points were

very carefully compared and weighed. The more I studied, the
more I became convinced that behind the rhetoric of some of
the prevailing philosophies was a secret that had simplicity and
universal application. My perseverance finally paid off. Slowly
but surely, I was led to the success formula, and I discovered it
right in the human mind.

One cold winter night as I was reading some very thick and
rather difficult metaphysical books, I suddenly felt very tired.
Being a reasonable and prudent man, I decided to take a quick
catnap and then bounce back refreshed to continue with the
work at hand. I put my pencil down, rested my head in my
hands, closed my eyes, and tried to meditate. After a few
minutes of this self-administered therapy, I was ready to go into
action again. But something strange occurred. I felt a
rhythmical sensation of explosive elation surge from the
throbbing veins on the sides of my temples all along my
quivering fingers to all parts of my body. Suddenly, I realized
that I had found the answer. It turned out to be very simple. It
was the vibration flowing through my fingers from the
throbbing of the blood vessels in my temples that was charging
the Vibration Frequency of my brain cells into an explosive
synchronization with the universal vibration. Experimentation
with the Vibration Frequencies of different things and people
eventually led me to the discovery of the elusive Vibrasonic
Tuner which generates all thought and is receptive to all
thought vibration in the universe.

Vibrasonic Techniques stem from this discovery. They

have been formulated over the years to help you sharpen the
receptivity of your Vibrasonic Tuner and condition it to vibrate
according to your will. Under these conditions it becomes a
very powerful tool. This, my faithful friends, is what has been
revealed to you in this book. I am about to hand you the
missing link to the Master-Key, encompassing and integrating all
of the Vibrasonic Techniques in a master formula for a new and
wondrous life of success, health, wealth, and power. These are
the four psychic laws.

Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan


The first psychic law of the Master Plan is your sincere

Belief. You must first believe that what you desire is possible.
When this thought-vibration is registered within your Vibrasonic
Tuner, it automatically triggers an electro-magnetic current that
activates positive or negative vibrations, depending on the
nature of the thoughts, within the space inside the molecular
structure. These, in turn, are immediately sent to the neuro-
molecular body structure. These pulsating, vibrating waves are
catapulted through the porous texture of the flesh and bone
matter and ejected into outer space at speeds greater than the
velocity of light. Thus, the most subtle scintilla of vibration
emanating from the Vibrasonic Tuner reaches infinity and
returns within such an infinitesimal period of time that the
travel is considered instantaneous. In that fourth-dimensional
psychic plane of thought everything happens so fast that it
happens instantaneously. Therefore, what you desire you must
think quickly and release from your mind until the next time
you wish to put it into action. This is very important.

Big Steve Believed in Himself and Became a Wealthy


Big Steve is what they called him around the loading docks
of San Pedro. He was a big, strapping hunk of a young man who
had a much bigger belief in what he wanted-and he usually got
what he wanted. He was as big as a lumberjack and twice as
strong. He could outwork any two tough workers. He loved to
work, and, although deprived of a thorough education, he was
an intelligent man. One day, by chance, he heard about
Vibrasonics. With only a small part of his big faith, he advanced
from the laborious longshoreman job he had held for five years
to become a very wealthy importer-exporter. He later went on
to even bigger things in the burgeoning shipping business.


This technique is to be used to reinforce, magnify, and

invigorate your faith.

Vibrasonics - The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan


1. Stand or sit before a mirror so that you can see your face.

2. Take seven breaths through your nose. Keep your mouth closed
during the breathing. Exhale through the nose.
3. Repeat the following magical chant seven times: “HITAF. . .
GIB . . . YADA . . . HITAF.”

4. Repeat the following affirmations out loud until you feel satisfied
that you have done a good job: “I know that I am because I see
myself. I know that I am because God created me. I know that
everything I think is possible because God permits me to think it.

I know. I know. I know.”


The second psychic law of the Master Plan is the Law of

Vibratory Attraction. It functions on the principle of like
begets like. Everything in the universe exists and perpetuates
itself because of the universal, invisible, magnetic molecular
attraction existing in all matter. Due to these powerful attrac¬
tion forces, matter maintains its form. Thinking about an
object, person, or desire automatically projects invisible electro¬
magnetic lines of force from the thinking Vibrasonic Tuner
towards the object, person, or desire. Everything is surrounded
by its own unique Vibration Frequency, created by the Vibra¬
sonic Tuner in humans. When the projected lines of force reach
their object, usually instantaneously, a battle for domination
takes place. The most powerful forces always succeed. When the
battle is over, a continuous flow of vibratory molecular thought
is transferred from the victor to the vanquished, thereby
imposing the winners’ demands and desires upon the loser.

How Gloria Used the Vibrasonic Attraction Technique to Improve

Her Job and Marry the Man of Her Dreams

Gloria, a waitress, had always been a frightened person.

She was a traveling waitress, unable to hold down a steady job.
Time after time she would start out on a job with the best of
intentions, only to wind up out of a job again. She dreamed of a
good steady job with good pay and security, but her dreams
never came true. She did notice, however, that whenever she
maintained a positive attitude everything seemed to be better.
Gloria had negative thought-patterns, and they worked


Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan

according to psychic law to her disadvantage. Her situation was

comparable to that of an artist painting a beautiful picture and
then destroying it with an irresponsible stroke of his brush. She
always came up with flimsy excuses for her failures, so she kept
making the same mistakes.

Little did she realize that the old man who lived in the
apartment directly across from hers was going to be instru¬
mental in changing the entire course of her life merely by
chatting amicably with her. One fine day, he accidentally met
her in the apartment lobby. He engaged her in idle conversation.
Soon she was telling him the whole story of her sordid life. The
wise old man just listened. Then, like a bolt of lightning, he gave
her some Vibrasonic Techniques. A new horizon opened up for
Gloria, and she was never the same. She found another job that
paid well. At last her future was assured. She was making plenty
of money, and she accidentally met the man of her dreams and
married him. Her Vibrasonic Tuner had made the right contacts
and changed her thinking from the negative vibrations to which
she had conditioned it for many years. Her new positive
Vibration Frequency had created a refreshing positive outlook
which ultimately attracted all of the good things and happiness
she had always desired but did not know how to obtain.


Before you start on this technique, I recommend that you

stop thinking and concentrate on a blank space in your mind.
Try to maintain the blankness of that spot by attempting to
think about nothing. Reject all thoughts that come into your
mind. It may be rather hard at first, but you must try until you
succeed. This activity should continue for approximately three
minutes. It will help you eliminate interference, which tends to
deter the tuning and control of your Vibrasonic Tuner.

1. Form the image of what you want to attract in your mind. It may
be any thing, person, or situation you wish to attain. Keep the
image for approximately three minutes.

2. Let your breathing slow down until you can feel happy.

Vibrasonics- The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan


3. Repeat seven times what you wish to attract. Do so with firmness

and determination.

4. Chant the following magical sounds seven times: “EBLISS ...



The pulsating vibrations emitted by the Vibrasonic Tuner,

the sub-microscopic waves of molecules streaming out through
space, tend to gravitate toward compatible Invisible Intelligence
Clusters of discarnate entities, which roam through space at
will. Contact with the Invisible Intelligence Clusters changes the
emitted vibrations which affect the total function of the
Vibrasonic Tuner. This is why it is very important that one be
very careful in training and conditioning one’s Vibrasonic Tuner
to generate only the desired thought waves. Positive thought
waves are always beneficial, while the negative ones are always


The third psychic law underlying the Master Plan is

Visualization. The awesome power within your Vibrasonic
Tuner which enables you to think is the one that creates the
vibration thought-patterns you visualize. This is the starting
point of everything that happens in the universe. You are a god.
Vibration in its original state is the undifferentiated substance
of which all matter is composed. When your Vibrasonic Tuner
vibrates, it actually creates the thought-patterns which become
the invisible molds into which this formless, vibrating substance
flows to take form. Visualizing is mentally seeing things. You
can visualize things negatively or positively. A negative visualiza¬
tion creates a destructive mold. A positive visualization creates a
beneficial mold. Visualization is a very powerful creative tool
and must be utilized very carefully along constructive channels.
Otherwise, you might be creating a nest of invisible, mental


Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan

The Universal Law of Harmonious Visualization prevents

any opposition unless you create it within your Vibrasonic
Tuner. Opposition can only be created by negative thinking.
Your mental patterns are the result of your Vibrasonic Tuner
exercising its inherent powers of infinite selection. God gave
man this unique power for the purpose of differentiating
Himself through man. Remember that the mental patterns are
the desired ideas in vibration, the prototypes of the things

How Irene Used the Creative Visualization Technique to Win a

Lottery Prize of $20,000 a Year for Life

Irene had already seen too much of the wrong side of life.
She had two illegitimate sons. With the meager salary that she
got from working at the comer laundry, she just could not
make ends meet. Her new lover did not like her children and
wanted her to leave them and take off with him. If she had
some money, she could send the children back home to her
mother in Texas. There would be trips, holidays, and cruises
with her lover at her side.

Irene may not have known it then, but by mentally

visualizing the money needed she was automatically setting into
creative action her Vibrasonic Tuner. Unconsciously it was
already setting her in the right direction.

One day, her letter arrived at my mail box. I don’t know

how she found out about me, but she did. People usually tell
me in their first letter, but she never mentioned it and I never
asked. That very same day, copies of Vibrasonic Techniques
were winging their way to her. She went to work on the
Creative Visualization Gestalt Technique.

Through some strange quirk of those invisible intelligences

out in space, one lucky day she received a very interesting
brochure from a lottery club. It briefly explained their service,
which consisted of buying lottery tickets for their members for
each drawing. Irene secretly joined the lottery club. Several
months elapsed, and then she was notified that she had won a
$20,000 a year for life prize.

Vibrasonics- The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan



This is a most creative technique which must be exercised

only in complete darkness and solitude.

1. Firmly fix in your mind exactly what you want to materialize in

your life. If it is money, visualize large amounts. If it is health,
visualize yourself enjoying it. Whatever the condition you wish to
manifest itself, visualize it very clearly for about five minutes.

2. Close your eyes for approximately three minutes and firmly repeat
your desire. As you repeat it, feel it as if it were already true.
Believe it.

3. Open your eyes and repeat the following chant as many times as
you feel is necessary in order to feel confident of its result:

4. Go about your business as usual with complete confidence in the



The fourth psychic law underlying the Master Plan for a

new, wondrous life is the power of your Word released into
immediate action! Every letter and syllable of each word
represents an established meaning in the universal mind. The
meaning lies in a static state until it is released by the spoken
word or the flickering of the Vibrasonic Tuner within the mind
through thought. Words are packaged vibrations which are
released into infinite space and catapulted by the vocal chords
as thoughts in action.

This is true of all words, especially words like health,

success, wealth, and happiness. By the same token, negative
expressions such as hate, envy, four-letter words, and others
also represent a meaning in the universal mind. It might also be
interesting to note that each word or phrase, negative or
positive, tends to create a unique invisible aura around the
person releasing it. This invisible aura tends to attract more of
the same types of thought. This invisible electro-magnetic field


Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan

force around the brain is the Vibrasonic Tuner or halo.

Naturally, the more positively you think and speak, the more
capable your Vibrasonic Tuner halo will be of attracting what
you want. By the same law, negativism reinforces a negative
drawing force that will tend to bring to you things you don’t
want. Think positive.

In every word there exists an explosive vibration TNT

germ which tends to project and expand itself in the direction
your Vibrasonic Tuner directs it to. For example, repeat the
word happiness until you feel that you have reinforced it

Observe that the vocalization and repetition of the word

itself begins to set up a unique Vibration Frequency quality
which causes the happiness germ to expand and project itself
throughout your whole being until it becomes permeated with
happiness. Happiness always emanates from within and no one
can give it to or experience it for you. It is a state of mental
vibratory consciousness which only your Vibrasonic Tuner can
emit. The same holds true for any other state of existence.
Recognition of this fact will enable you to bring into conscious¬
ness any state of vibration you desire. Once a thing seems
normal to you, it surely will be yours. Through the Law of
Growth and Attraction, once a word is added to the flickering
thought of your Vibrasonic Tuner, it has no alternative but to
manifest itself.

The Vibrasonic Earthquake Combustion Word Technique

of repeating the word and releasing its built-up, static TNT
potential makes the word with all of its limitless reverberations
one of the most powerful psychic tools at your disposal. Words
are the embodiment of thoughts and thought is the creative
vibration emitted by your Vibrasonic Tuner into infinite space.
Faith builds up, and fear destroys. Faith gives you dominion
over every adverse condition and sets you free. It is this
forever-present creative power inherent in the micro-nucleus of
every word that creates whatever health, peace of mind, or
financial success you desire and reproduces your most habitual
thought-vibration patterns into psychic molds for everything
that materializes for you.

Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan


How Jerome Used the Vibrasonic Earthquake Combustion Word

Technique to Rise from the Cotton Fields and Become Wealthy

Jerome discovered the simple, powerful secret of the

Vibrasonic Techniques and used them to transform his life from
one of laboring in the hot cotton fields to one of wealth and
leisure. He used to work as hard as a mule to make ends meet.
He worked like this for over a decade. His one great dream was
to learn to read. But since he always worked so hard, he never
had time to try reading. He became wealthy long before he
devoted his leisure time to learn the magic of the printed word.

He first started corresponding with me through a very

close friend of his. I sent him some Vibrasonic Techniques. One
day he sent me a joyous letter. In it he extolled the wonderful
changes that had transformed his life in the laboring fields to
one in a partnership in the mail order business. He had met his
partner through the friend who wrote his letters to me. Within a
very short time their business grew tremendously and they were
both wealthy. During that time Jerome was busy learning how
to read. I still treasure within my files his first written letter to
me. It is little things such as this that make life really worth



This is the master Vibrasonic Development Technique that

you can use to blueprint your future. It is the culmination of all
prior techniques and should be performed at least once a week
in the solitude of your room, which must be well-lighted. Sit in
front of a mirror. Gaze fondly at yourself for approximately
five minutes. Admire and compliment yourself as a child of
God. During this interlude you must visualize the exact way
you want your Invisible Master Architect to design your
wondrous new life. Note that continuous exercise of this
technique commands it to produce. Once set into motion, it has
no choice but to work according to the invisible psychic laws,
which are impersonal and immutable. What you impress upon


Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan

your sensitive Vibrasonic Tuner must bring results. Continuous

practice reinforces the technique. Practice it diligently.

1. Sit or stand very close to a mirror, approximately six inches

away. Say your name directly to the mirror image of yourself
seven times.
2. Repeat very slowly all of your desires with a firm, commanding
voice directed at your image in the mirror. Feel the power in your
words. Realize that they are being sent to infinity and back, to
your Vibrasonic Tuner.

3. Feel deep faith and expect things to happen. Never question the
technique; just expect it to work. Psychic laws work in
mysterious ways, beyond human comprehension. Human minds
can never understand God’s wisdom.

4. Repeat the following magical chant as melodically as possible.

Keep repeating it until you feel that you have impressed it deeply
on your Vibrasonic Tuner. This is a matter of feeling and
judgment: “EVOL . . . REWOP . . . WON.”

5. Repeat all of your desires to conclude your exercising of the



The answer to the greatest secrets of the universe are

obvious. Man’s mind has always searched for the complex and
complicated solutions to all of his problems and usually has
missed the mark. God is not complex or far away. His greatness
is obvious. Some of the greatest scientific discoveries have been
made by sheer accident after many arduous years of experi¬
ment, There isn’t enough time in a lifetime to understand
everything. What we must achieve has to be now, enveloped in
blind faith in the Master’s creative genius. We are created in His
image but not equal to Him. The greatest truths are lost in the
beauty of their simplicity.


The control of the vibration of your Vibrasonic Tuner is

the formula of success. Vibrasonic Techniques beckon to you to
utilize the potential in your Vibrasonic Tuner. You are the
captain of your fate.

Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan



Man’s immortality is assured. Immortality implies that we

shall exist after death. Beyond death we will still retain
recognition of ourselves. Personal identity postulates memory
binding the past to the present in one continuous sequence
logged in the infinity of time and space. Memory guarantees us
personality survival. You may cut a man’s brain into the
smallest pieces possible, only to find that memory traces still
exist. All such traces are magnetically linked to the central
power exchange within the Vibrasonic Tuner. This miraculous
Vibrasonic Tuner is the non-physical faculty that thinks and
knows whether we are asleep or awake. It generates, creates,
and maintains the individual personality. What we are is the
direct result of what our Vibrasonic Tuner has created during
our lives. Life is self-existent, and science can never fathom that
which is self-existent. In life our actions can be analyzed, but
the invisible, vibrating life-principle incarnated in our Vibra¬
sonic Tuner cannot. Attempts to do so have always been futile.
Death cannot rob man of his immortal personality vibration,
which lives forever.


Psychic revelation indicates that the atmosphere is forever

saturated with Vibrasonic Tuners in continuous motion, forever
seeking to reincarnate into human bodies. Reincarnation can
take place only at the moment of conception. Since there are
millions of Vibrasonic Tuners attempting to reincarnate at the
same time, the odds against a particular one succeeding are very
high. Upon reincarnation the successful Vibrasonic Tuner begins
a slow unfoldment within the embryo. Life is eternal.


You can enjoy out of life whatever you desire. The word
of Jesus Christ guarantees it. “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
and His Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto
you.” Of course, “these things” refers to riches, power, and all


Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan

other material possessions. You don’t have to be saintly to

qualify for material wealth. Righteousness refers to the
discovery within one’s consciousness of the Vibrasonic Tuner
which is within the Kingdom of God, your brain, and the
correct way to activate it in the invisible psychic world
according to its laws. The Bible reveals to us the greatest secret
of all time with its own unique beauty. It is yours. Use it now
and forever. Whatever you desire awaits you.


It is very important in working within the psychic realm to

give thanks to God. Anticipate His benefits and give thanks
ahead of realization. This is a sure way of making contact with
His omnipresence and harmonizing your Vibrasonic Tuner with
His harmonious vibration which sustains the whole universe.
Christ did it, so can you. David also praised and thanked God
when in trouble, as did Daniel when he was saved from the lion.
Paul had no qualms when he liberated himself from prison by
singing songs of praise to God. Show me anyone who doesn’t
enjoy the recognition and satisfaction of being praised. Praise is
a magical tool. There is an unknown psychic factor in the
universally accepted vibration produced by praise, and it is
always beneficial. Praise God and all of His creation. Step into
harmony with Him.


You must maintain your faith. Don’t ever let temporary

poverty, lack of education, or past failures discourage you or
sway you from the righteous path. There is one and only one
power—the Vibrasonic Tuner in you. It can do anything,
anytime, anywhere for you. It is never too late to consciously
activate and control it. Vibrasonic techniques have been
designed exclusively for that purpose. “Be still and know that I
am God.” Let God use your Vibrasonic Tuner as a channel for
expression of His unlimited power and good. History and
business records are filled with the names of men who after

Vibrasonics-The Elixir of Life: The Master-Key Plan


discovering the TNT potential power in their Vibrasonic Tuners

went on to great heights. No man can fail once he discovers and
uses this God-given power in the great scheme of things. The
only limit upon you is the one you impose upon your
Vibrasonic Tuner. No one but you can build a wall around your
thoughts. No one but you can imprison your ideas. Realization
of this profound truth makes you a free soul. No one can cage
your enthusiastic energy or the ambitious thrusts of your
desired goals. This is what makes you a child of God.

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