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Chapter 1

1 Introduction ( IOT Based Solid Waste Management)

Definition :

The term solid waste management mainly refers to the complete process of collecting,
treating and disposing of solid wastes. In the waste management process, the wastes are
collected from different sources and are disposed . This process includes collection,
transportation, treatment, analysis and disposal

the process of waste handling and disposal varies in different countries. In India, the
processes differ according to the source of solid waste. They can be classified as:

⦁ Hazardous Solid Waste.

Municipal solid waste can further be divided into biodegradable, recyclable and hazardous
domestic wastes. The biodegradable waste includes rotten food, vegetable peel and mostly
wet kitchen waste. Recyclable waste includes plastic and hazardous wastes include, bulb,
batteries, etc.

The industry generated like chemical factories, medical waste from hospitals are
considered as Hazardous Solid Waste and needs special settings to dispose of them.

In any region, solid waste management is very important for the safe disposal of wastes and
to reduce environmental pollution and avoid any health hazards that it may cause.

The tasks of solid-waste management present complex technical challenges. They also
pose a wide variety of administrative, economic, and social problems that must be managed
and solved.

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1.1 Purpose

With an increase in population at an unprecedented rate, the scenario of cleanliness

with respect to garbage management in terms of collection, sorting and finally disposal is
facing an increasing number of challenges .The overflow of garbage in public areas creates
the unhygienic condition in the nearby surrounding which may cause serious diseases. To
avoid this and to automate the cleaning and ensure end to end efficient garbage disposal “IOT

1.2 Motivation And Scope

The key motivation is in achieving efficiency in the waste management sector at the
national level. Issues in the waste management Waste truck drivers need a navigation system
and reporting problem system. Citizens want to have better service, lower cost and having
easily accessible reports. In order to maintain a clean and hygienic environment in the area
around us, we are using the technology for the better garbage monitoring system. In big
institutions or a city under a municipal corporation where there are extensive quantities of
garbage bins deployed and workers are kept specifically for this task, the antiquated
technique for physically hunting down filled garbage bins is wasteful and does not run well
with the technological era we are in. Routine checks for cleaning the garbage bins which
depend on time crevices are wasteful in light of the fact that a dustbin may get filled early or
may get tampered and might require prompt consideration or there might not be any need of a
routine check for a drawn out stretch of time. Likewise, to save fuel and time and make the
entire process more effective and convenient, the workers going on routine check should
know the shortest route consisting of all the filled garbage bins

Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering, Pune 2


Chapter 2



“International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research” The

characteristics and composition of the urban waste i.e. sewage and municipal solid waste was
studied by various workers in the world. Literature shows evidence of the work carried out on
the health risk assessment due to urban waste. The impact of urbanization on the water
quality as well as soil quality was also studied by various researchers in the different parts of
the world.

At International level, there are various organizations including private and

government which are working in the field of environment and are engaged in research and
development in the field of waste management. The international agencies like World Health
Organization (WHO), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and United Nations
Environment Program (UNEP) are engaged in developing new technologies for waste
management and its disposal including its characterization.

Management of Municipal Solid Waste for various cities and towns has been widely
studied throughout the world. As the huge quantities of solid waste generated in the urban
areas is the major problem, the majority of researchers concentrated on this issue. Numbers of
researchers have tried to find out new techniques for solid waste management. Mahar et.al.,
2007[1] reported the review and analysis of solid waste management situations in urban areas
of Pakistan. According to him poor solid waste management is one of the major causes for
environmental degradation in Pakistan. According to Rajput et.al., 2009[2], municipal firm
squander production displayed divergent fashion and a beneficial parallel with monetary
development in expression of kg/capita/day firm waste production at humanity weighing

2.2 International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science

The garbage management in cities has to be effectively and efficiently implemented. The
various proposals were put forward and some of them already implemented. But it cannot be

Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering, Pune 3


considered as an effective one. So a survey was done among different proposals and this
survey paper includes survey among different methods for smart garbage management in
cities using IoT.

The paper [1] Smart Garbage Management in Smart Cities using IoT proposed a method
as follows. The level of garbage in the dustbins is detected with the help of ultrasonic sensors
system, and communicated to the authorized control room through GSM system. Arduino
microcontroller is used to interface the sensor system with GSM system. A GUI is also
developed to monitor the desired information related to the garbage for different selected
locations. This will help to manage the garbage collection efficiently. Level detector consists
of IR sensors which is used to detect the level of the garbage in the dustbin. The output of the
level detector is given to the microcontroller.

The idea of smart garbage bins and systems have been in discussion for quite a long time.
The technologies used at disposal to develop this smart system have also evolved, Internet of
Things (IoT). Each idea seems to be similar but is slightly different at its core and our
proposed work is no exception from the same. After the IoT field, finding its hold in our
lives, this is our original plan for designing a smart garbage collection system which has
provision for citizen participation and analysis of data for better decision making. At
hardware level, the smart system is a garbage bin with ultrasonic sensor, a micro-controller
and Wi-Fi module for transmission of data. The worldwide implementation of Internet of
Things is possible with a Cloud centric vision.

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Chapter 3

3.1 Historical background

Early waste disposal

In ancient cities, wastes were thrown onto unpaved streets and roadways, where they
were left to accumulate. It was not until 320 BCE in Athens that the first known law
forbidding this practice was established. At that time a system for waste removal began to
evolve in Greece and in the Greek-dominated cities of the eastern Mediterranean. In ancient
Rome, property owners were responsible for cleaning the streets fronting their property. But
organized waste collection was associated only with state-sponsored events such as parades.
Disposal methods were very crude, involving open pits located just outside the city walls. As
populations increased, efforts were made to transport waste farther out from the cities.

After the fall of Rome, waste collection and municipal sanitation began a decline that
lasted throughout the Middle Ages. Near the end of the 14th century, scavengers were given
the task of carting waste to dumps outside city walls. But this was not the case in smaller
towns, where most people still threw waste into the streets. It was not until 1714 that every
city in England was required to have an official scavenger. Toward the end of the 18 th century
in America, municipal collection of garbage was begun in Boston, New York City,
and Philadelphia. Waste disposal methods were still very crude, however. Garbage collected
in Philadelphia, for example, was simply dumped into the Delaware River downstream from
the city.

3.2 Developments in waste management

A technological approach to solid-waste management began to develop in the latter part of

the 19th century. Watertight garbage cans were first introduced in the United States, and
sturdier vehicles were used to collect and transport wastes. A significant development in
solid-waste treatment and disposal practices was marked by the construction of the first
refuse incinerator in England in 1874. By the beginning of the 20th century, 15 percent of

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major American cities were incinerating solid waste. Even then, however, most of the largest
cities were still using primitive disposal methods such as open dumping on land or in water.

Technological advances continued during the first half of the 20 th century,

including the development of garbage grinders, compaction trucks, and pneumatic collection
systems. By mid-century, however, it had become evident that open dumping and improper
incineration of solid waste were causing problems of pollution and jeopardizing public
health. As a result, sanitary landfills were developed to replace the practice of open dumping
and to reduce the reliance on waste incineration. In many countries waste was divided into
two categories, hazardous and on-hazardous, and separate regulations were developed for
their disposal. Landfills were designed and operated in a manner that minimized risks to
public health and the environment. New refuse incinerators were designed to recover heat
energy from the waste and were provided with extensive air pollution control devices to
satisfy stringent standards of air quality. Modern solid-waste management plants in most
developed countries now emphasize the practice of recycling and waste reduction at the
source rather than incineration and land disposal.

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Chapter 4
4.1 Solid-waste characteristics

Composition and properties

The sources of solid waste include residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial
activities. Certain types of wastes that cause immediate danger to exposed individuals
or environments are classified as hazardous.

All non -hazardous solid waste from a community that requires collection and transport
to a processing or disposal site is called refuse or municipal solid waste
(MSW). Refuse includes garbage and rubbish. Garbage is mostly decomposable food waste;
rubbish is mostly dry material such as glass, paper, cloth, or wood. Garbage is highly
putrescible or decomposable, whereas rubbish is not. Trash is rubbish that includes bulky
items such as old refrigerators, couches, or large tree stumps. Trash requires special
collection and handling.

Construction and demolition (C&D) waste (or debris) is a significant component of total
solid waste quantities , although it is not considered to be part of the MSW stream. However,
because C&D waste is inert and non -hazardous, it is usually disposed of in municipal
sanitary landfills.

Another type of solid waste, perhaps the fastest-growing component in

many developed countries,is electronic waste, or e-waste, which includes
discarded computer equipment, televisions, telephones, and a variety of other electronic
devices. Concern over this type of waste is escalating. Lead, mercury, and cadmium are
among the materials of concern in electronic devices, and governmental policies may be
required to regulate their recycling and disposal.

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Fig 1.1 Wastage

Solid-waste characteristics vary considerably among communities and nations. Food
waste accounts for less than 10 percent. The rest is a mixture of yard trimmings, wood, glass,
metal, plastic, leather, cloth, and other miscellaneous materials. In a loose or uncompacted
state, MSW of this type weighs approximately 120 kg per cubic metre . These figures vary
with geographic location, economic conditions, season of the year, and many other factors.
Waste characteristics from each community must be studied carefully before any treatment or
disposal facility is designed and built.

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4.2 Generation and storage

. In 2016, the worlds’ cities generated 2.01 billion tonnes of solid waste, amounting to a
footprint of 0.74 kilograms per person per day. With rapid population growth and
urbanization, annual waste generation is expected to increase by 70% from 2016 levels to
3.40 billion tonnes in 2050

Most communities require household refuse to be stored in durable, easily cleaned

containers with tight-fitting covers in order to minimize rodent or insect infestation and
offensive odours. Galvanized metal or plastic containers of about 115-litre (30-gallon)
capacity are commonly used, although some communities employ larger containers that can
be mechanically lifted and emptied into collection trucks. Plastic bags are frequently used as
liners or as disposable containers for curbside collection. Where large quantities of refuse are
generated—such as at shopping centres, hotels, or apartment buildings—dumpsters may be
used for temporary storage until the waste is collected. Some office and commercial buildings
use on-site compactors to reduce the waste volume.

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Chapter 5

5.1 Solid-waste collection


Proper solid-waste collection is important for the protection of public health, safety, and
environmental quality. It is a labour-intensive activity, accounting for approximately three-
quarters of the total cost of solid-waste management. Public employees are often assigned to
the task, but sometimes it is more economical for private companies to do the work under
contract to the municipality or for private collectors to be paid by individual home owners. A
driver and one or two loaders serve each collection vehicle. These are typically trucks of the
enclosed, compacting type, with capacities up to 30 cubic metres (40 cubic yards). Loading
can be done from the front, rear, or side. Compaction reduces the volume of refuse in the
truck to less than half of its loose volume.

The task of selecting an optimal collection route is a complex problem, especially for
large and densely populated cities. An optimal route is one that results in the most efficient
use of labour and equipment, and selecting such a route requires the application of computer
analyses that account for all the many design variables in a large and complex network.
Variables include frequency of collection, haulage distance, type of service, and climate.
Collection of refuse in rural areas can present a special problem, since the population
densities are low, leading to high unit costs.

Refuse collection usually occurs at least once per week because of the rapid
decomposition of food waste. The amount of garbage in the refuse of an individual home can
be reduced by garbage grinders, or garbage disposals. Ground garbage puts an extra load on
sewerage systems, but this can usually be accommodated. Many communities now conduct
source separation and recycling programs, in which homeowners and businesses separate
recyclable materials from garbage and place them in separate containers for collection. In
addition, some communities have drop-off centres where residents can bring recyclables.

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Transfer stations :

If the final destination of the refuse is not near the community in which it is generated,
one or more transfer stations may be necessary. A transfer station is a central facility where
refuse from many collection vehicles is combined into a larger vehicle, such as a tractor-
trailer unit. Open-top trailers are designed to carry about 76 cubic metres (100 cubic yards) of
uncompacted waste to a regional processing or disposal location. Closed compactor-type
trailers are also available, but they must be equipped with ejector mechanisms. In a direct
discharge type of station, several collection trucks empty directly into the transport vehicle.
In a storage discharge type of station, refuse is first emptied into a storage pit or onto a
platform, and then machinery is used to hoist or push the solid waste into the transport
vehicle. Large transfer stations can handle more than 500 tons of refuse per day.

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Chapter 6


6.1 Solid-waste treatment and disposal

Temperatures. Once collected, municipal solid waste may be treated in order to reduce
the total volume and weight of material that requires final disposal. Treatment changes the
form of the waste and makes it easier to handle. It can also serve to recover certain materials,
as well as heat energy, for recycling or reuse.

Furnace operation

Burning is a very effective method of reducing the volume and weight of solid waste,
though it is a source of greenhouse gas emissions. In modern incinerators the waste is burned
inside a properly designed furnace under very carefully controlled conditions. The
combustible portion of the waste combines with oxygen, releasing mostly carbon dioxide,
water vapour, and heat. Incineration can reduce the volume of uncompacted waste by more
than 90 percent, leaving an inert residue of ash, glass, metal, and other solid materials
called bottom ash. The gaseous by-products of incomplete combustion, along with finely
divided particulate material called fly ash, are carried along in the incinerator airstream. Fly
ash includes cinders, dust, and soot. In order to remove fly ash and gaseous by-products
before they are exhausted into the atmosphere, modern incinerators must be equipped with
extensive emission control devices. Such devices include fabric baghouse filters, acid gas
scrubbers, and electrostatic precipitators. (See also air pollution control.) Bottom ash and fly
ash are usually combined and disposed of in a landfill. If the ash is found to contain toxic
metals, it must be managed as a hazardous waste.

Municipal solid-waste incinerators are designed to receive and burn a continuous supply
of refuse. A deep refuse storage pit, or tipping area, provides enough space for about one day
of waste storage. The refuse is lifted from the pit by a crane equipped with a bucket or
grapple device. It is then deposited into a hopper and chute above the furnace and released
onto a charging grate or stoker. The grate shakes and moves waste through the furnace,
allowing air to circulate around the burning material. Modern incinerators are usually built

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with a rectangular furnace, although rotary kiln furnaces and vertical circular furnaces are
available. Furnaces are constructed of refractory bricks that can withstand the high

Combustion in a furnace occurs in two stages: primary and secondary. In primary

combustion, moisture is driven off, and the waste is ignited and volatilized. In secondary
combustion, the remaining unburned gases and particulates are oxidized, eliminating odours
and reducing the amount of fly ash in the exhaust. When the refuse is very
moist, auxiliary gas or fuel oil is sometimes burned to start the primary combustion.

In order to provide enough oxygen for both primary and secondary combustion, air must be
thoroughly mixed with the burning refuse. Air is supplied from openings beneath the grates
or is admitted to the area above. The relative amounts of this underfire air and overfire air
must be determined by the plant operator to achieve good combustion efficiency. A
continuous flow of air can be maintained by a natural draft in a tall chimney or by mechanical
forced-draft fans.

6.2 Energy recovery

The energy value of refuse can be as much as one-third that of coal, depending on the
paper content, and the heat given off during incineration can be recovered by the use of a
refractory-lined furnace coupled to a boiler. Boilers convert the heat of combustion into
steam or hot water, thus allowing the energy content of the refuse to be recycled. Incinerators
that recycle heat energy in this way are called waste-to-energy plants. Instead of a separate
furnace and boiler, a water-tube wall furnace may also be used for energy recovery. Such a
furnace is lined with vertical steel tubes spaced closely enough to form continuous sections of
wall. The walls are insulated on the outside in order to reduce heat loss. Water circulating
through the tubes absorbs heat to produce steam, and it also helps to control combustion
temperatures without the need for excessive air, thus lowering air pollution control costs.

Waste-to-energy plants operate as either mass burn or refuse-derived fuel systems.

A mass burn system uses all the refuse, without prior treatment or preparation. A refuse-
derived fuel system separates combustible wastes from non -combustibles such as glass and

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metal before burning. If a turbine is installed at the plant, both steam and electricity can be
produced in a process called cogeneration.

Waste-to-energy systems are more expensive to build and operate than plain incinerators
because of the need for special equipment and controls, highly skilled technical personnel,
and auxiliary fuel systems. On the other hand, the sale of generated steam or electricity
offsets much of the extra cost, and recovery of heat energy from refuse is a viable solid-waste
management option from both an engineering and an economic point of view. About 80
percent of municipal refuse incinerators in the United States are waste-to-energy facilities.

6.3 Composting

Another method of treating municipal solid waste is composting, a biological process in

which the organic portion of refuse is allowed to decompose under carefully controlled
conditions. Microbes metabolize the organic waste material and reduce its volume by as
much as 50 percent. The stabilized product is called compost or humus. It resembles potting
soil in texture and odour and may be used as a soil conditioner or mulch.

Composting offers a method of processing and recycling both garbage and

sewage sludge in one operation. As more stringent environmental rules and siting constraints
limit the use of solid-waste incineration and landfill options, the application of composting is
likely to increase. The steps involved in the process include sorting and separating, size
reduction, and digestion of the refuse.

6.4 Sorting and shredding :

The decomposable materials in refuse are isolated from glass, metal, and other inorganic
items through sorting and separating operations. These are carried out mechanically, using
differences in such physical characteristics of the refuse as size, density, and magnetic
properties. Shredding or pulverizing reduces the size of the waste articles, resulting in a
uniform mass of material. It is accomplished with hammer mills and rotary shredders.

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Chapter 7
7.1 3R Reuse Reduce and Recycle :

Fig 1.2 Reuse Reduce and Recycle symbol

The best way to manage waste is to not produce it. This can be done by shopping
carefully and being aware of a few guidelines:
 Buy products in bulk. Larger, economy-size products or ones in
concentrated form use less packaging and usually cost less per ounce.
 Avoid over-packaged goods, especially ones packed with several
materials such as foil, paper, and plastic. They are difficult to recycle,
plus you pay more for the package.
 Avoid disposable goods, such as paper plates, cups, napkins, razors, and
lighters. Throwaways contribute to the problem, and cost more because
they must be replaced again and again.
 Buy durable goods – ones that are well-built or that carry good
warranties. They will last longer, save money in the long run and save
landfill space.
 At work, make two-sided copies when ever possible.
 Maintain central files rather than using several files for individuals.

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 Use electronic mail or main bulletin board.

 Remove your name from the mailing lists of materials you no longer
want to receive: write .
 Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins.
 Use a dish cloth instead of paper towels.

It makes economic and environmental sense to reuse products. Sometimes it takes
 Reuse products for the same purpose. Save paper and plastic bags, and
repair broken appliances, furniture and toys.
 Reuse products in different ways. Use a coffee can to pack a lunch; use
plastic microwave dinner trays as picnic dishes.
 Sell old clothes, appliances, toys, and furniture in garage sales or ads, or
donate them to charities.
 Use reseal able containers rather than plastic wrap.
 Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of paper cups.
 Reuse grocery bags or bring your own cloth bags to the store. Do not take
a bag from the store unless you need one.
Recycling is a series of steps that takes a used material and processes, remanufactures,
and sells it as a new product. Begin recycling at home and at work:
 Buy products made from recycled material. Look for the recycling
symbol or ask store managers or salesmen. The recycling symbol means
one of two things – either the product is made of recycled material, or the
item can be recycled. For instance, many plastic containers have a
recycling symbol with a numbered code the identifies what type of plastic
resin it is made from. However, just because the container has this code
does not mean it can be easily recycled locally.
 Check collection centers and curbside pickup services to see what they
accept, and begin collecting those materials. These can include metal
cans, newspapers, paper products, glass, plastics and oil.

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 Consider purchasing recycled materials at work when purchasing

material for office supply, office equipment or manufacturing.
 Speak to store managers and ask for products and packaging that help cut
down on waste, such as recycled products and products that are not over
 Buy products made from material that is collected for recycling in your

7.2 Why India’s solid waste management system needs a digital overhaul

Fig 1.3 Dumping Ground

Rapid increase in urbanisation and per capita income in India has significantly led to an
increase in municipal solid waste generation in the country.

Electronic waste and plastic waste has contributed a large amount to the total waste stream in
recent years. The use of domestic hazardous waste and bio-medical waste last year shot up
due to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Improper and unscientific
disposal of these wastes can be hazardous for human life and the environment.

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Urban Indian generates 62 million tonnes of waste (MSW) annually, said a 2014 Planning
Commission report. It also predicted that the volume will increase to 165 million tonnes by

India’s solid waste collection efficiency, however, is around 70 per cent at present, while it is
almost 100 per cent in many developed countries.

Moreover, 43 million tonnes of municipal solid waste was collected annually, out of which
31 million was dumped at the landfill sites and 11.9 million was treated, the environment
ministry said in 2016.

A huge portion of the untreated waste is dumped irregularly on the outskirts of towns or
cities, causing groundwater contamination and air pollution. There is, thus, a growing need to
detect blind spots in the collection and transportation of waste so that the operation can be
made more efficient.

Similar to the central government’s ‘Digital India’ campaign launched in 2015, progressive
digitalisation needs to be introduced in waste management. India should shift from
conventional logistics to digitally automated tracking technologies which are energy-efficient
and cost-sensitive.

The need for digitalization in waste collection and disposal operations goes beyond
information technology. Smart waste management will create improved data quality and
better insights into waste streams during operations.

Any disposal which may be necessary at a later stage needs to be considered in the initial
design and then carried out accordingly.

A smart, integrated waste management system ensures real-time monitoring of collection and
transportation. Technologies like global positioning system, radio frequency identification,
global system for mobile communications, machine-to-machine communication and internet
of things, along with innovative mobile and web-based applications can be used to improve
and smoothen ground-level mechanism for collection and efficient processing and recycling
of waste.

The waste management facilities with Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) monitoring system can be automatically
monitored and operated from a centralised control station to ensure efficiency and minimum
manual operation.

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Waste management with proper information and communications technology (IOT) system
can ensure efficient monitoring and assessment. Complaints of citizens can be handled with
actual details and analytical reports of the operation can be accessed easily.

Bins and vehicle movement can be tracked live and the route can be optimised for efficient
collection and transportation of waste. Also, ICT can help in identifying gaps in the overall
system by connecting to the central ERP system for seamless communication between the
head office and collection vehicles or bins.

An automated underground waste collection system aims at minimising human interventions,

space requirement, health hazards and impact on environment. The digitalized world enables
waste management and public authorities to provide increasingly better services to their
customers and society and brings them a step closer to circular economy.

Digital technologies come with the promise of a more effective waste management regime
which is safer and more transparent with better sourcing of valuable materials in the waste
streams and effective link to other sectors in a future circular economy.

Furthermore, the digital transformation can further improve waste management sector
economically, environmentally and socially. Moreover, hardly any sector is as intricately
linked to the emergence of circular economy as waste management.

Hence, it will not be inaccurate to say that digitalization in the waste management sector is
necessary and indeed indispensable to the creation of the circular economy.

Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering, Pune 19


Chapter 8

Solid waste using IOT

8.1 Solid waste using IOT

A smart solid waste bin operates to ensure the efficient measurement of its status
while consuming minimum energy. At present, most of the cities around the world require
challenging solutions for solid waste management, as there is rapid growth in residential
areas and the economy. Solid waste management is a costly urban service that consumes
around 30% of Municipal Corporation’s annual budget in many developing nations. After
various surveys and study done by numerous organizations it has been seen that factors
affecting effective solid waste management are due to improper management and lack of
cutting edge technology infrastructure. Municipal authorities have inadequate resources for
waste management institutions to effectively collect the waste generated. It becomes an
excessive wastage of resources when bins are collected that are filled up partially. By
optimizing the quantity and deployment of smarter technology for waste collection and
management activities can be carried out very efficiently to reduce operational cost.
In today’s connected devices era, Internet of things (IoT) technology is
revolutionizing society in different domains like healthcare, industrial automation,
automobile and smart cities. In this paper, we have proposed IoT internet of things based
smart waste management system which allows waste management authorities to continuously
monitor status of dust bins placed at different locations and as per the status take appropriate
actions to collect it immediately and efficiently. This is not a unique thought, for the usage of
keen trash container; the thought has existed for a long time. Motivation for this work comes
from “Integrated Sensing Systems and Algorithms for Solid Waste Bin State Management
Automation” [1] have already presented sensing system and algorithm for solid waste bin to
automate the solid waste management process. Several sensing methods have been integrated
and have combined their verdicts that offer the detection of bin condition and its parameter
measurement. Though results and developed algorithms are efficient for automatic bin status
monitoring work lacks remote monitoring of bin. So, in this paper we have proposed system
which can be deployed in general purpose dust bins placed at public places and which allows
us to monitor its status remotely over web browser for efficient waste management.

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Fig 1.4 Smart Dustbin

The proposed system offers remote monitoring of the real time bin status data from two
sensing systems: waste filled level sensing, weight sensing. Explicit of the individual systems
are described below. The sensing of waste filling level inside a bin is based on the
measurement of the time of flight i.e. the time taken by an ultrasonic pulse to transmit and
receive its reflected echo between the sensor and the sensed material level. The weight
estimation of the waste inside a bin is based on the principle of an electrical conductor whose
resistance changes when its length changes due to stress and it is virtually proportional to the
applied strain.
A Wheatstone Bridge Network is formed by using four strain gauges with four
separate resistors. Waste inside the bin causes a variation in value of one or more resistors
due to the generated strain. Thus, the bridge output voltage is changed with this variation in
resistance which is proportional to the weight of the waste.

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8.3 Proposed Methodoiogy

Things (inserted gadgets) that are associated with the Internet and occasionally these
gadgets can be checked from the web are regularly called as IoT i.e. Internet of Things. In
this framework dustbins are arranged at different locations. The Smart clean dustbins are
related with the web to get the ongoing status. Two ultrasonic sensors are settled at the
highest point of the dustbin to avoid inaccurate level measurement and is interfaced with PIC
microcontroller. Weight sensor is placed at the base of the dustbin and is additionally
interfaced with controller to recognize over weight of the junk filled in the dustbin. Both
sensors send the signals to the controller. The RF-transmitter encode the information
originating from PIC and send to Arduino unit which acts as receiver, it sends the information
to RF-collector which is associated with the Arduino Ethernet shield. Arduino collects
information received by the collector and transfer on website page through the Ethernet

8.4 Block Diagram

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Ultrasonic sensor is used to check the level status of dust bin so to determine if it is full or
empty, while Load cell senses the weight of the garbage present in the dustbin and to
determine if the threshold limit is reached or not. Algorithm has developed which checks
filled level continuously and if dustbin is filled to its maximum limit then there is indication
on LCD display at the same time the encoded signal will be transferred by RF transmitter. RF
receiver receives the data which is then transferred to the arduino modem connected with the
Ethernet shield. Active status of dustbin is shown on web page using connections through
Ethernet shield. Simplified flowchart of proposed system is shown in figure (3). Monitoring
the webpage will help the garbage collection department to track for the exact location and
amount of the garbage. The garbage vehicles can then unload the garbage from a particular
location. The function of GSM module is to send a message to the garbage collection

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8.5 Flow chart

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8.6 Resulting images

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This IoT based solid waste collection and management system for smart city.The
integrated sensing system is designed using ultrasonic sensor and load cell to offer a
proficient and automatic dustbin status monitoring system. Still there is good scope for
improvement in algorithm which synthesize bin operative situation, its status, time threshold
and loaded status perception. Optimizing power required for the system would also be a
challenge. Numbers of test runs were performed for assessment of proposed system.

Shree Ramchandra College of Engineering, Pune 27


Integrated Sensing Systems and Algorithms for Solid Waste Bin State Management
Automation Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, Mahammad A. Hannan, Member, IEEE, Aini Hussain,
Member, IEEE, and Hassan Basri VOL. 15, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015 . [2]Kanchan
Mahajan,Waste Bin Monitoring System Using Integrated Technologies, International Journal
of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Issue 3 ,Issue 7 , July 2014.
3] P. H. Brunner and J. Fellner “Setting priorities for waste management strategies in
developing countries Basri, “Radio frequency identification (RFID) and communication
technologies for solid waste bin and truck monitoring system,”

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