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Reverence to Allah and Bounties of Allah:

1. Answer: a) The belief in the oneness of Allah

2. Answer: a) The ability to see and hear

Wisdom of Allah in Creation:

3. Answer: a) To give humans time for work and rest

4. Answer: b) To display Allah's power and creativity

Hajj as a Pillar of Islam:

5. Answer: d) All of the above

6. Answer: c) Dhu al-Hijjah

Benefits and Virtues of Hajj:

7. Answer: a) Forgiveness of sins

8. Answer: d) All of the above

Categories of Islam:
9. Answer: b) Submission to Allah

10. Answer: b) Iman

11. Answer: c) Excellence in faith

The Creator:
12. Answer: c) Allah

13. Answer: c) All-Knowing

14. Answer: a) He is the only Creator and sustainer of all things

15. Answer: d) All of the above

Reverence to Allah and Recitation of Surahs:

16. Answer: d) All of the above

17. Answer: a) Seeking blessings and guidance from Allah

Phenomenon of Divine Ability:

18. Answer: a) Allah's power to create and control the universe

19. Answer: b) Omnipotence

Divine Preference of Believers in Allah:

20. Answer: b) Allah shows mercy and rewards to those who believe and do righteous deeds

21. Answer: d) All of the above

Divine Ability to Create the Unseen:

22. Answer: d) All of the above

23. Answer: c) Allah

Divine Information:
24. Answer: c) Divine information and guidance

25. Answer: a) It is infallible and divine in origin

26. Answer: a) To guide humanity to the right path

Acts that Nullify Islamic Belief:

27. Answer: c) Associating partners with Allah (Shirk)

28. Answer: a) Belief in the oneness of Allah

29. Answer: c) Denying the truth of Islam after knowing it

30. Answer: c) Mocking the Islamic faith

Association of Allah with Other Deities:

31. Answer: b) It is the greatest sin (Shirk)

32. Answer: d) All of the above

33. Answer: b) Failing to practice Islam sincerely

34. Answer: c) Doubting the truth of Islam

Fear of Allah and Belief in Life After Death:

35. Answer: b) To avoid punishment and accountability

36. Answer: a) It reinforces the concept of divine justice and accountability

37. Answer: a) It encourages righteous behavior and moral conduct

38. Answer: c) Denying the existence of Allah

39. Answer: a) Eternal damnation in Hellfire

40. Answer: a) Trusting in Allah and relying on Him completely

41. Answer: d) All of the above

Islamic Values:
42. Answer: a) Honesty

43. Answer: a) Excellence in faith and worship

Roles and Traits in Daily Lives:

44. Answer: a) It fosters contentment and appreciation of Allah's blessings

45. Answer: a) Generosity

The Spirit of the Night Journey and Ascension (Layla al-Isra wa Mi'raj):
46. Answer: c) Prophet Muhammad's miraculous journey to Jerusalem and the heavens

47. Answer: a) The importance of prayer (Salah)

Effect of Lawful (

Halal) and Unlawful (Haram) in Daily Lives:

48. Answer: a) It promotes physical and spiritual well-being
49. Answer: a) It brings about spiritual degradation and distance from Allah

50. Answer: a) Consuming pork

51. Answer: a) It cultivates righteousness and moral conduct

52. Answer: a) It encompasses modest dress and behavior

53. Answer: a) It promotes trustworthiness and integrity

54. Answer: c) It promotes kindness and empathy towards all creation

55. Answer: c) It encourages the pursuit of knowledge in various fields

56. Answer: b) It encourages impartiality and equal treatment

Sincerity in Activities:
57. Answer: a) Performing actions solely for the sake of Allah

58. Answer: a) It ensures acceptance and rewards from Allah

Human Dignity and Equality:

60. Answer: a) All humans are equal regardless of their race or social status

61. Answer: b) It is condemned and prohibited

Life as a Valuable Gift of Allah:

62. Answer: c) It is a valuable gift from Allah to be cherished and protected

63. Answer: c) It is strictly prohibited and considered a major sin

Obedience to Parents and Elders:

64. Answer: b) They are to be obeyed and respected, except in matters of disbelief

65. Answer: c) Their authority is secondary to personal desires

Respect for Women and Children:

66. Answer: b) It promotes equality, dignity, and protection of women's rights
67. Answer: b) Children should be protected, nurtured, and provided for

68. Answer: b) It promotes empathy, care, and support for their well-being

69. Answer: b) It strongly condemns and prohibits any form of child abuse

70. Answer: b) It encourages women to pursue education, work, and contribute to society

71. Answer: b) It strongly condemns and prohibits all forms of violence and abuse

72. Answer: b) It encourages women to pursue education, work, and contribute to society

Protecting Nature:
73. Answer: a) Taking care of the environment and preserving its resources

74. Answer: b) Wildlife should be protected and preserved as part of Allah's creation

Conserving Natural Resources:

75. Answer: a) To ensure their availability for future generations

76. Answer: b) Islam emphasizes the importance of water conservation and moderation

Recycling Materials:
77. Answer: a) To minimize waste and reduce environmental impact

78. Answer: b) Islam promotes responsible consumption and resource recycling

Importance of Planting Trees in Islam:

79. Answer: b) Planting trees is encouraged as a means of environmental preservation

80. Answer: d) All of the above

81. Answer: c) Ihsan (excellence in faith)

82. Answer: b) Forest destruction is condemned as a disregard for Allah's creation

83. Answer: b) It promotes the responsible stewardship and preservation of the environment

84. Answer: b) Islam encourages the pursuit of sustainable development for the benefit of society and the
85. Answer: b) They should be preserved and protected as signs of Allah's creation

86. Answer: b) Islam discourages overconsumption and promotes moderation and gratitude

87. Answer: b) Nature is a reflection of Allah's wisdom and is characterized by balance and harmony

88. Answer: b) Barakah encourages sustainable practices and the preservation of natural resources for
future generations

89. Answer: b) Islam emphasizes the importance of waste reduction and responsible waste management

90. Answer: b) Islam promotes fair distribution of

environmental resources and protection for marginalized communities

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