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Remedies for those pesky bugs.

Vegetable Cooking Oil will quickly disable Beetles, Weevils, chewing Larvae,
and most garden Insect Pests.
Put a couple tablespoons of oil in an open
container. I like an old wok, but most anything will do. Above is a plastic salad
Then just brush or shake the critters into the container, where they will
quickly cover themselves and be immobilized by the oil. It gets in their
breathing apparatus and suffocates them in nothing flat. No chemicals, no
storage concerns, no cost.

Bug Spray from your Pantry

This spray will help control many Garden Bugs and Fungal diseases.
1 Tablespoon veg/olive Oil

1 Tablespoon Baking Soda

3 Tablespoons Tabasco Sauce

6 Drops of non-detergent dishwashing Soap

Add enough Water to make 1 quart of spray

Mix it thoroughly and agitate it often during application.
Spray it on all foliage surfaces once a week or as necessary


Here is a list of deterrents:

Cayenne in nest

Bleach in nest

Lemon Dishwashing Detergent

Boiling Water
Equal Parts Borax Detergent and Sugar (mix with water or use dry)


1/3 C Molasses or Honey

6 T Sugar

6 T active Dry Yeast

Mix together. Outside put the paste in a container near the colony. Inside put
the mixture on a piece of cardboard in the areas ants come into the house.
Kill by spraying with rubbing alcohol.


Rub dryer sheets over your body to repel.

Mix the following ingredients and let sit 5 days. Then put in a spray bottle:

3 C Rubbing alcohol

1 � Cups Red Cedar Wood Shavings

� C Eucalyptus leaves


Use Bay leaves. Crumble them and spread them around.

(Homemade Fly Paper)

� C Maple Syrup
T Granulated Sugar

1 T Brown Sugar
Pour over strips of shopping bags or other paper and let soak overnight.
Poke a hole in the strip and hang.


Use Mint- soak cotton balls in mint extract and place around house.

Steel Wool- Stuff in holes leading to house.


Any infusion with catnip. Tea used as spray, essential oil added to water to
Tinctures with either ACV or alcohol.

Spray outside area 3 times a week (early morning or late night) with a 20 Gallon
Hose Sprayer with this mixture:

1 Cup Lemon Scented Ammonia

� Cup Baby Shampoo

Mix the following and spread around house:

1 Lb Borax

60 oz. powdered sugar

1 oz. cocoa powder

2 oz. salt


Spray with liquid detergent diluted in water

In the Garden:

Using a solution of diluted neem oil and detergent and

also Diatomaceous Earth (DE), all over our garden.

The neem solution keeps alot of the flying critters at bay, but it cant be too
strong or it will "burn" leaves.

The DE is great for crawling critters (even spiders) and can be used in the
garage with pretty good results too.

Caterpillars on roses can be killed with a little dish detergent in a spray

bottle of water.
Organic Insecticide


1 Med Onions

8 Cloves Garlic, large

Peel and coarsely chop onions and garlic. Pack into a 2c glass jar. Pour in enough
water to reach the top of the jar. Cover jar tightly and let it steep
in a dark place at room temperature for 1 WEEK. Strain liquid into a small
spray bottle and mist liberally over any outdoor plants where there is an
insect problem. This insecticide uses the same principle as planting chives
or scallions next to insect-prone plants. The spray works well on roses and
is especially safe and effective on garden vegetables where chemicals are
unwanted. For use on indoor plants, dilute it with equal amounts of water
and use sparingly. Shared by Sherilyn Schamber

Insect repellent

1 gal water
3 cloves garlic, juice only

1 tsp curry powder

1 tbsp soap

1 tsp ground cayenne

a good non-toxic spray to keep away flea beetles and other pests. Mix
thoroughly to make sure soap is dissolved. spray mid morning after dew is
evaporated. Seems to work great on wasps.

Plants that repel insects

Cayenne can be made into an insect spray for the garden.

Red Pepper Spray Concentrate:

1 unpeeled onion

1 unpeeled head of garlic

1 tablespoon cayenne pepper

3 pints water

Chop onion and garlic and combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Simmer 20 minutes.
Cool and store in jars in the refrigerator for 6 weeks.
Strain and store in jars.

To use, dilute 1 tablespoons of concentrate with 1 pint of water. Add a little

Ivory snow. Red pepper spray is a good general insect spray and is effective
against caterpillars.

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