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Project Proposal

Students Database Management
page no:- 1

Himalayan Whitehouse International college

(Affiliated to Purbanchal University)

Ramshahpath, Putalisadak, Kathmandu

Department of Information Technology

A Project
Proposal On
"Students Database Management System"
(course code: BIT106CO)

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Name: Dharma Raj Patherkat Jay Raj Joshi
Name: Bibek Shah
Name: Ayuscal Sedhai

7th February, 2023

Project Proposal
Students Database Management
page no:- 2

1. Introduction of the project

A Student Database Management System is also known as a Student
Information System (SIS). These systems work to coordinate scheduling and
communications between faculty regarding students. This system exists to simplify
information tracking for both parents and administrative staff. We have studied C
language, now we come to the real life problems and see how we can solve them.
Here we will use C Program to develop one real life project with a simple project life
cycle using Dev-C++.

The proposal of the project has been prepared and is being submitted in response
to our respective course of Purbanchal University soliciting proposal from Himalayan
White House International College.
2. Purpose of project:
The real purpose behind the student information system is to streamline the
entire student information, make it accessible, so higher education campus leaders,
faculty, academicians, and students have data right in their hands with no fuss. It
generates multiple reports, reduces manual workload, allows faculty to invest quality
time in education, by improving students’ performance. This program is developed
after consulting with the C Programming Teacher of Himalayan White House
International College (HWIC).

Scope of Project:
A student database management system manages, organizes and analyzes
student data regarding attendance, exam results, homework, assignments, etc.
Teachers can use these reports to study the students' performance and give them
meaningful feedback.
Project Proposal
Students Database Management
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 Student record maintenance - reports, dashboards, and

 Comprehensive student details in a single view
 End-to-end admissions management
 Track and manage attendance
 Automates grades
 Maintains students project proposal records
 Maintain end-students history
 Delivers end-students reports and dashboards
 students fee management system
 can access each students records even when there is no internet
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Students Database Management
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3. Flowchart/Algorithm
A general pictorial representation of the program is given under the following

Welcome to SDMS

Yes Login No

Students/Admin Records/Marksheets Sorry Invalid

 Manage subject
 Search Students details
 Check Attendance
 Fees report
 Check result in GPA
 Edit students records

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Students Database Management
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4. Theory
C program is a general purpose, structured programming language. Its
instruction consists of terms that resemble algebraic expression, augmented by
certain English keyboards such as if, else, for, do ad while. In this respect C
program resembles other high level structured programming language such as
Pascal and FORTRAN 77-C –program allows certain features that allow it to be
used at a lower level, thus bridging gap between machine language and the more
conventional high level language. This language allows C –program to be used
for system programming (e.g. for writing Operating system like UNIX OS) as
well as application programming. This language has large number of operators.
The C programming is developed by AT&T‟s, Ben Laboratories USA in 1972
A.D. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie.
C-program compilers are commonly available for computers of all its interpreters
are becoming increasingly common. The compliers are usually compact and they
generate object program that are small and highly efficient when compared with
programs compiled from other high level language. Another important
characteristic of C-program is that its program is highly portable.

 Features of „C‟ Programming Language

 C is known as one man language. Since it was developed by one person (lisp and
 C is General purpose, structure programming language.
 C comes between High Level and Low Level Language. So it can be called as
Middle Level Language.
 It is machine Independent Language & is portable.
 It consists of large no of syntax and statement.
 It is used for program making as well as operating system (UNIX).
 Birth of C is C i.e. Compiler of C is written in c language.
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Students Database Management
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5. Project Scheduling
Our Project life-cycle took over weeks of scheduling which are as listed:
Week 1: Research about previous project
Week 2 : Literal Review
Week 3: Prepared Proposal & Flow chart

Week 4 &5: Coding started

Week 6 & 7: Completed structure part

Week 8 & 9: Completed file handling
Week 10 & 11: Coding completed
Week 12, 13 & 14: Report started & completed
Week 15: Project completed
The following figure shows the project scheduling in diagram.

Week 1:
Research about previous project.

Week 2:
literal review

Week 3:
prepared proposal & Flow chart

Week 4 & 5:
Coding started

Week 6 & 7:
Completed Structure Part

Week 8 & 9:
Completed file handling

Week 10 & 11:

Coding completed

Week 12, 13 & 14:

Report started & completed

Week 15:
Project completed
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Students Database Management
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6. Conclusion
Student management systems make faculty jobs more accessible by giving
them an easy place to find and sort information. This system allows teachers and
student managers to follow with their student engagement. The idea is to create a
scenario that makes the lives of administration and teachers easier. The collaborative
partnership with academia via the Database Technology Project provides for sound
research guidance to ensure data gathered is reliable and proper research standards are
applied. More importantly, these partnerships open the doors for more creative
thinking and expert input. It is also useful for students or professional who wants to
learn C Programming Language.

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