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People who are very ambitious, have a high energy level, a desire to lead, self-confidence,

intelligence, a deep understanding of their profession, are honest, and adaptable are more likely
to thrive as organizational leaders. Individuals who study organizational leadership acquire
collaborative skills, effective communication skills, conflict resolution skills, and group problem
solving approaches. Organizational leaders clearly explain the firm's purpose, vision, and
policies; boost employee morale; and help people grow professionally and contribute positively
to the mission of the organization.

Definition of Leadership
According to Martin Chemers, Leadership is the “process of social influence in which one
person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”.

According to Alan Keith, Leadership is “ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute
to making something extraordinary happen”

What are the Leadership Theories?

Leadership theories are explanations for how and why people rise to positions of power. They
concentrate on the qualities and actions that people might develop in order to improve their
leadership abilities. The following are some of the top qualities that leaders believe are essential
for effective leadership:

 Strong ethics and high moral standards

 Great self-organizational skills
 Efficient learner
 Nurtures growth in employees
 Fosters connection and belonging

Research shows that these traits are considered the most important to leaders around the world.
And leadership theories help explain how leaders’ harness and develop these traits. Recently
leadership theories have been more formalized, making them easier to understand, discuss, and
analyse in action.
Ralph Nader says, “The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not followers.” This is
known as transformational leadership, in which a leader can change a follower's worldview or
psychology, inspiring them to desire to be a leader as well. This implies that leadership should, at
the end of the day, be elevating and inspirational. Leaders should push those they lead to new
heights, assisting them in developing into the individuals they know they can be. If leaders wish
to truly influence and impact others, transformational leadership is an important psychological
approach to know and comprehend. Different leadership theories focus on developing stronger
and more effective leadership, as well as encouraging followers to become leaders themselves.

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