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Phyllis Webstad, who managed to escape a residential school, was the impetus behind a

grass-roots movement commemorating on September 30, 2021, and given the name Orange Shirt

Day by people around Canada. This significant yearly effort, which is a part of the

#EveryChildMatters movement, aims to draw attention to the long-term effects of the Indian

Residential School system on individuals, their families, and their communities. Residents of

Algoma will have the chance to further their education, take stock of their lives and actively

participate in the life of their town on this particular day. Today, people who have suffered

through the repercussions of residential school trauma across their families' generations, both

directly and indirectly, are remembered, and those who have passed away are honoured, all while

wearing orange. This day was established to honour those who have passed away and to

remember those who have suffered.

Most professors and teachers

working with honour students take additional care in the classroom to provide the facts and

model with a better path forward for their students so that their pupils may see how wrong
residential schools were. It is essential to consider that inquiries into why victims continue to

remain in relationships with abusive partners are prone to be misunderstood as an attempt to

place the responsibility for the abuse on the victim. To put the responsibility on the victim, then,

means what exactly? We refer to holding a person who has been a victim of abuse accountable

for their own suffering because they believe they are at fault for bringing it on themselves as

victim blaming. Never, ever, under any circumstances, accuse a victim of abuse or violence of

having done anything wrong. Instead, the person or people responsible for the behaviour in the

issue will have to face the repercussions of their actions. Abuse of both genders and acts of

violence against them might result from a person's decision to utilize them.

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