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Lesson 1
Some ketchup, please! Messages 2 /CD 2/ Unit 10,step 1, 2b

Close your book and listen to the conversation. How many 'food
and drink' words can you hear?

The Kellys are having a barbecue in their garden. Jack and his mother,
Sally, are there.

MR KELLY: Jack, would you like a beefburger, a veggieburger or some

JACK: Er, could I have a beefburger and some sausages?
MR KELLY: Yes, sure. Would you like some special Caribbean barbecue
JACK: No, thanks. I think I'll have some ketchup.
MR KELLY: What about you, Sally?
MRS ELLIS: I'd like a veggieburger and a baked potato, please, Mike.
ex. 1 Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences.
And I'd like some barbecue sauce, please.
MR KELLY: OK. 1 Jack isn't very hungry.
SADIE: Would you like a drink, Sally? 2 Jack doesn't want any ketchup.
MRS ELLIS: Yes, please. 3 Sally isn't having any sausages.
SADIE: Lemonade or fruit juice?
4 The Kellys haven't got any fruit juice.
MRS ELLIS: Could I have some lemonade?
5 Sally would like some lemonade.
SADIE: Here you are. Help yourself to some salad.
6 There isn't any salad.
MRS ELLIS: Thanks very much.
Respond to the questions in each dialogue using a word
ex. 2
from the box in the correct form.

Chop sth up - cut sth into small pieces.

Heat sth up - make sth become warm or hot.
Cool down - become cool
Run out of smth - don’t have something
Cut down on - to reduce something.
Get rid of smth - eliminate or remove something or someone ex. 3 Look at the picture and complete the text

1. Was the oven temperature too low? - Yes, I had to ___________________.

2. The chef decided to _________ a variety of fresh vegetables to create a
colorful salad.

3. To improve my health, I decided to _______ on sugary snacks and focus

on a balanced diet.

4. Why you don’t drink the tea? - Because it’s very hot, it needs to _______.
5. I need to _________________ old clothes that I no longer wear.

6. I was going to make pancakes, but I couldn’t, we _________________ milk.

Let’s speak

1. What food and drinks you like and what you don’t like?
2. How often you eat or drink them?
3. Do you like fast food?
4. How often do you eat out?
5. Do you order food from restaurants

Often Always day

Sometimes Every week
Never Usually year
lik es was
INDEFINITE as tes food.
every bo d yw
But nearly

PRONOUNS FACT Farmers everywhere throw away good fruit and

Why? Because supermarkets and food shops don't buy anything
with a strange shape.

FACT 24-35% of school lunches go in the bin. We can do

something about this!

Indefinite pronouns use

a singular verb:

Everyone knows the

ex. 3 Complete the conversation with somebody / anybody / nobody / everybody

Man 1: Hi. Can I speak to _________________ in the Human Resource office, please?
Man 2: I am sorry, sir. It’s after 6:00. There isn’t _________________ in the office now.
________________ has closed for the day.
Man 1: But I must speak to ________________ today.
Man 2: I am sorry. There is _________________ here. Can you phone back in the morning?
There will be ___________________ here then.

ex. 4 Complete the sentences below by circling the correct answer.

Listen to four people talking about their Look at the words and cross out the wrong word in each group.
Lesson 2 ex. 1 ex. 2
breakfast. Write down what they have. Can you say why it’s different? You have one minute.
Cutting Edge(Elem) Module 6

1. mineral water, fish, juice, coffee

Fish, because the other words are drinks.

2 banana, egg, apple, orange

3 pizza, salad, bread, sandwich

4 milk, rice, cheese, ice cream

5 steak, pasta, burger, chicken

Sonia comes from Recife, in Dimitry lives in Moscow, the ex. 3 Do the survey
the north of Brazil. capital of Russia.

Mi-Kyung lives in Seoul, the José and Anita come from

capital of South Korea. Valencia in Spain. Results on the last page ->
Some (Affirmative sentences)
I’ve had some problems with my project, but now it is ok.
Jack has some news.

Any (Negative sentences)

There isn’t any money left.
There aren’t any people here.

Much + Uncountable
We don’t have much time.
There isn’t much water in the kettle.

Many + Countable
There are many books on the table.
Have you got many kids in your class?
After a shopping trip, the Johnson family have a lot of
ex. 5
food. Complete the sentences with some or any.
ex. 4 Fill in the gaps with some or any.
It's okay not to eat breakfast.
ex. 6 Read these ideas about healthy eating. Do you think they are true? Coffee and tea are bad for you.

Food: Facts and Myths

Vegetarian food is always healthy.
Carrots help you see in the dark.
Fruit juice is good for you. 1

There are 'good' foods and 'bad' foods.

1 Fruit juice is good for you.

True and false. Natural fruit juice is good for you, but it can be bad for your teeth. So yes, have some orange juice with your breakfast or lunch, but don't
drink any juice between meals. Try water instead. Up to eight glasses of water a day is good for you, and water hasn't got any calories!
False. When you sleep you don't eat for a long time and in the morning it's important to start the day with a good breakfast. Without breakfast you often
feel hungry later in the morning and start eating biscuits or chocolate. These sugary snacks are not a good idea. (If you want a healthy snack, try some
nuts or melon.)
True and false. People drink coffee when they are tired, but it isn't very healthy so don't have more than two cups a day and don't drink any coffee before
you go to bed. Tea is generally good for you, but drink it with lemon and don't put any milk or sugar in it! Green tea is especially healthy.
False. Vegetarian dishes often contain a lot of cheese and oil and these can be very fattening. It's important to eat some vegetables every day. (Doctors say
five portions of vegetables and/or fruit). We need the vitamins and minerals, especially from green vegetables.
False. Carrots have a lot of vitamin A and vitamin A is good for your eyes, but nobody can really see in the dark!
False. There are good and bad diets. For example, real chocolate contains vitamins and minerals and can help you when you are tired. But it also has a lot
of sugar, so don't eat it often. Eat a balanced diet with some rice, pasta, bread or noodles and lots of vegetables and fruit. You also need protein, from
meat, grilled fish. cheese or nuts. And you need oil: olive oil and fish oil are particularly good.
ex. 6 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. For his main course, Andi chooses ...

a normal cheese burger.
a double cheese burger.
a burger with chips.

2. For dessert, Andi chooses ...

ice cream.
chocolate cake.
banana cake.

3. To drink, Andi chooses ...

Café worker: Next, please! What would you like? apple juice.
Andi: Can I have a burger, please? fizzy water.
Café worker: A cheese burger or double cheese burger? still water.

Andi: Double cheese burger, please.

Café worker: Anything else?
Andi: Yeah, I'd like some banana cake.
Café worker: Would you like a drink?
Andi: Yes, can I have an apple juice, please?
Café worker: OK, so that's one double cheese burger, one banana cake and an
apple juice. What's your table number?
Andi: Table 3. How much is that?
Café worker: That's £8.37, please.
Andi: Here you are.
Café worker: Thank you ... that's £10.00 ... and £1.63 change. Next, please...
VOCABULARY (lesson 1)

Bread Pasta Salad Meat Fish Sausages Potato Lemonade Juice

Oil Cake Vegetables Pineapple Onion Chips (UK) Crisps (UK) Sugar Salt / Pepper
Fries (USA) Chips (USA)

Eat out Chop sth up

Run out of smth Heat sth up
Get rid of smth Cool down
Cut down on (something)
Put on weight
Lose a weight

Mushroom Lettuce Cucumber Mussels Cocnut Butter


Piece of cake = very easy

Big cheese = an important person
Top banana = leader or boss
Have a sweet tooth = to love sweet food
VOCABULARY (lesson 2)

Slice/Chop Whisk Pour Mix Peel Stir Beat Boil Bake

Fry Spoon Knife Fork Plate Chopping Teapot Mixer Cooker

ex. 2 Complete the text with the words in the box.
cola / juice / melon / salad / sweet

I love (1) sweet things like chocolate, but I'm careful I don't eat a
Listen to the audio and tick the things, lot of them. I always eat good things like vegetables or a green
ex. 1
that each person says they eat. (2)_______ drink (3)_______ tasty fruit (4)_______. My favourite juice
Beyond (A1+) Workbook / Unit 6 P72 is made of apple, orange and (5)_______. I make it at home. with
my lunch and dinner. I don't because there are lots of Is that are
better for you.
Steak Cheese Pasta Fish Chicken

ex. 3 Choose the best option.


1. Fish / Chickens come from the sea.

2. Do you want milk in your pizza / coffee?
3. Steak's my favourite pizza / meat.
4. I always have orange oil / juice with my breakfast.
Steak Vegetables Eggs Fruit Salad Chicken
5. My mum drinks a lot of tea / pasta.
6. We usually have eggs / ice cream for Sunday breakfast.

ex. 4 Complete the sentences with a/an.

Paul goes to university every day. In his backpack there is .....

Juice Cheese Milk Vegetables book, ..... pencil case, ..... apple and ..... egg and mayonnaise
sandwich. Some days he also buys ..... icecream for dessert. Today
Tara he has ..... English exam. The exam is not very difficult. He writes
..... short story about ..... adventurer. The story begins like this: “It
is ..... special day for Oliver. At ten o´clock in the morning he gets
on ..... plane. His destination is Australia...”
HOMEWORK (LESSON 2) ex. 1 Read the text about Zach’s favourite recipe, and then write your own favorite recipe.

Zach’s Spanish Omelette

Level of difficulty Time Serves
Easy 40 minutes 4 people

500g potatoes
1 onion
150ml oil
6 eggs

1. Cut the potatoes into small pieces. Chop the onion.
2. Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Add the potatoes and onion and fry for 20-30 minutes. Stir occasionally
until the potatoes are soft.
3. Beat the eggs in a bowl.
4. Add the potatoes to the bowl and stir with the eggs. Before you pour the mixture into the frying pan, add
some salt and pepper. Then cook on a medium heat.
5. To cook the top of the omelette, put the frying pan under the grill for a few minutes. Or turn the omelette
in the frying pan.

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