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Three-Dimensional Stress

C.J. Chuong
Distribution in Arteries
A three-dimensional stress-strain relationship derived from a strain energy function
Department of Applied Mechanics and of the exponential form is proposed for the arterial wall. The material constants are
Engineering Science/Bioengineering, identified from experimental data on rabbit arteries subjected to inflation and
University of California, San Diego, longitudinal stretch in the physiological range. The objectives are: 1) to show that
La Jolla, Calif. 92093 such a procedure is feasible and practical, and 2) to call attention to the very large
variations in stresses and strains across the vessel wall under the assumptions that
the tissue is incompressible and stress-free when all external load is removed.

1 Introduction
In attempting to gain a better understanding about cir- the isotropy hypothesis unacceptable in view of experimental
culatory physiology we need to know the basic mechanical results.
properties of the arteries. In the present paper we propose a three-dimensional stress-
The most precise and compact way to express the strain relationship based on a strain energy function of the
mechanical properties is to use constitutive equations. A huge exponential type. Fung, et al. [9] have discussed the relative
literature exists on the mechanical properties of arteries; see merits between polynomial and exponential forms of strain
bibliographies in Bergel [1], Fung [7], Patel and Vaishnav energy functions. We use experimental results obtained from
[17]. Most papers seek to relate the average circumferential the authors of reference [9] to evaluate the material constants.
and longitudinal stresses in the vessel wall with certain The numerical method is in principle similar to that given by
characteristic strains (e.g., those at the midwall). A few Vaishnav, et al. [23]. We shall show that the method is
examine the three-dimensional distributions of the stresses practical, and that there is a large variation in stress and strain
and strains in the arterial wall. In the latter category Simon, et across the vessel wall whose significance is discussed.
al. [20, 21] assumed that the blood vessel wall is transversely Compared with the previous works reviewed in the foregoing
isotropic and incompressible, and determined the material we avoided the isotropy hypothesis of Vito [25], and the
constants for each fixed longitudinal stretch by using average transverse isotropy hypothesis of Simon, et al. [20, 21], and
stress and strain to start a trial-and-error scheme until the we did not use the material constants derived from average
computed pressure-radius curve agreed with experimental stresses and strains or the "thin-walled" shell hypothesis to
measurements. For a given vessel they found that different evaluate the three-dimensional features as Simon, et al. [20,
longitudinal stretches lead to different sets of material 21] and Doyle and Dobrin [4, 5] did. We shall show that the
constants. Vaishnav, et al. [22, 23] assumed the material to be thin-walled shell hypothesis (that stresses are uniform in the
incompressible, curvilinearly orthotropic, and characterized vessel wall if the wall is thin), is, in general, very wrong under
by a strain energy function of the polynomial type. Doyle and the assumptions of incompressibility, and zero residual stress
Dobrin [4, 5] determined material constants from average when all external loads are removed.
circumferential stress and average stretch ratio relationship,
and assumed that the resulting stress-strain relation is valid 2 Material Identification
throughout the vessel. On substituting this relationship into We assume the arterial wall material to be incompressible,
an integral form of equation of equilibrium, they determined homogeneous, cylindrically orthotropic, and characterized by
the relationship between the pressure and the external radius a pseudo-strain energy function of the form
by a trial-and-error method. They also found that different
longitudinal stretches lead to different material constants. P0W=-eQ
Vito [25] reported his microprocessor-based, biaxial testing (1)
machine and his experiments on arterial segments. He where
assumed material isotropy so that his strain energy is a
function of the strain invariants. He tested arterial segments Q = blE2e + b2E\ + biE2r+ 2b,E0Ez + 2b5EzEr + 2b6ErEe (2)
in the "strip biaxial" mode by varying longitudinal stretch. In Wrepresents the pseudo-strain energy per unit mass, p0 is the
this type of strains the two invariants /, and I2 are ap- mass density of the vessel wall, so that p0 W is the strain
proximately the same, and Vito assumed the strain energy energy per unit volume in the undeformed configuration. The
function to be a polynomial of It up to the 4th order. Most constants c, bu b2, b3, b4, bs, b6 characterize the material.
other authors [1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 18, 21, 22] have found, however, E
e, Ez, Er are Green's strain components in the cir-
cumferential, longitudinal, and radial directions, respectively.
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL The condition of incompressibility requires that
OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering
Division, September 9, 1982; revised manuscript received March 23, 1983. (\+2Ee)(\+2Ez)(\+2Er)=\. (3)

268/Vol. 105, AUGUST 1983 Transactions of the ASME

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This condition is imposed by defining a new function p0 W*
through a Lagrangian multiplier H: F+Piirrl=2irc[l ((1 +2Ez)[b4Ee + b2Ez + bsEr]

PoW* = p0W+ ^ [ ( 1 +2E„)(1 +2Ez)(l +2Er)-l] (4) - (1 + 2Er)[b6Ee + b5Ez + b3Er]} e^r dr

It is well known that H has the significance of a hydrostatic -2tXX rdr\ c{(l+2Er)[b6Ee + b5Ez+biEr]
pressure. The Kirchhoff stress components can be obtained
J r2 Jrl
S -(\+2Ee)[biEe+b4Ez+b6Er]}eQ^ (13)
u=-£-Pow* 0,7=1,2,3) (5)
The second term on the right-hand side can be simplified by
If Xu X2, X3 denote the coordinates of a particle at the reversing the order of integration, and is found to be
stress-free state and xux2, x3 that at the deformed state, then
the Cauchy stresses can be obtained from
Trr22L(r2)-Trc\ ' r[(l +2Er)[b6E„ + b5Ez + b3Er]
p dx; dx, Jr2
>J=-^r^FS^ (i,./, a, 0 = 1 , 2 , 3 ) (6)
p0 OXa 6X& -(l+2Ee)[b1Ee + b4Ez+b6Er]}eQdr (14)
where dXj/dXa and dXj/dXp are components of deformation Use of equations (12) and (14) in (13) yields
gradient, and p, pg denote the densities of the material in the
deformed and undeformed configurations, respectively.
Summation convention is used in these expressions. Written F= 2-KCj^' re<2[(1 + 2Ez)(b4E0 + b2Ez + b5Er)
out in extenso, we have, typically

Sg = - | - Po W* = c[b,Ee + b4Ez + b6Er]eQ + -£— (7) - - (1 + 2Er) (b6Ee + b5Ez + b,Er)

OEg 1 + 2Eg
and 1
--(l+2Ee)(b]Eg + b4Ez+b6Er)]dr (15)
Tg = ca+2Eg)[blEg+b4Ez + b6Er]eQ+H
Tz=c(\+2Ez)[b4Ee+b2Ez + b5Er]eQ+H (8) Equations (12) and (15) are two integral equations from
which we can determine the material constants with the
77 = c(l + 2Er)[b6Eg +b5Ez+ b3Er]eQ + H knowledge of ph F, ru r2 and Eg(r), Ez{r), Er(r), i.e.,
The only nontrivial equation of equilibrium is intraluminal pressure, longitudinal stretching force, external
radius, internal radius and distribution of strain components,
respectively. E0{r), Ez(r), Er(r) are known functions of r
because of the condition of incompressibility.
On substituting (8) into (9) and then integrating it from r,, the Experimental data from reference [9] are used to identify
deformed external radius (see Fig. 1), to r, the hydrostatic the material constants. Raw data onph F, rx, and length / for
pressure / / a t any radial distance r can be solved as each step of loadings were obtained from the authors of
reference [9]. In each experiment, the internal pressure p,
H(r) = -c(l+2Er)[b6Ee and/or the logitudinal stretch were varied in ten incremental
+ bsEz + b}Er]eQ-L(r)+K (10) steps. We have, therefore, 20 simultaneous integral equations
to be satisfied: 10 in the form of equation (12), 10 in the form
of equation (15). These 20 simultaneous equations were
where solved by the Gaushaus method [16], a nonlinear least-squares
algorithm which minimizes the sum of squares of the dif-
L(r) = \r c{(\+2Er)[b6Eg+biEz+b,Er] ferences between experimental data and theoretical predic-
tions. The solutions c, bx, b2, bit b4, b5, b6 that minimize the
errors are the material constants we seek. Note that in these
experiments the stretch ratio \z is a constant independent of
-(l+2Eg)[blEe + b4Ez+b6Er]}eQ^- (11) r, the stretch ratio \e is equal to r/R where r and R are the
corresponding radial coordinates of a material particle in the
and K is an integration constant. The stresses rg, TZ, rr are deformed and undeformed states, respectively, and the stretch
obtained by substituting (10), (11) into (8); 7> becomes -L(r)
+ K.K will be determined by boundary conditions.
The boundary conditions are as follows (see Fig. 1):
(a) On the external surface r = rx, the extravascular
pressure is assumed to be zero. Since a uniform hydrostatic
pressure can be imposed on an incompressible material
without any deformation, this hypothesis incurs no loss of
generality of the result. Application of this condition yields K
= 0.
(b) On the internal surface r = r2, an internal pressure p, is
imposed. This condition yields
Pi=Hr2) (12)
(c) On the ends of a blood vessel segment, an external force
Facts. From static equilibrium we have, with reference to Fig.
1, F + Pj wr2 equals the integral of TZ over the vessel wall Fig. 1 Cross-sectional view of arterial wail indicating the spatial
cross section. This yields the condition distribution of stress components

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ratio \r is equal to (XzXe) ' because of the assumption of
S = (17)
incompressibihty. Thus, the strains » lik+pB<>
wherep is the hydrostatic pressure and Ey, By are the Green's
Ee=1-(\j-l), E7=^\\-\) £r=I(X?-l)
and Finger's strain tensors, respectively, (see p. 450, reference
[8]). Following an approach similar to the foregoing, we
are known functions of r in the arterial wall.
obtain equations (12) and (15) with b3 = b5 = b6 = 0 when
An Alternative Strain Energy Function With Four Con- (16) is used. Equation (16) is the same as that used by Fung, et
stants. An alternative to equation (1) is the simpler form al. in [9]; but unlike [9], we shall now identify the constants by
three-dimensional boundary conditions instead of the "two-
p0W=^-exp(blE2e+b2E2z+2b4EeEz) (16) dimensional" average stress-average strain concept.
The strain energy function p0 W given in equations (1) and
together with the condition of incompressibihty. The (2) is applicable to compressible materials. Incompressibihty
Kirchhof f stress tensor S,y is obtained through is imposed by the addition of a Lagrangian multiplier as in

Table 1 Numerical values of three-dimensional material constants determined for those experiments in Fung, et al. [9] -
rabbits normal carotid arteries with body weight = 2 Kg( = 20N)

Po ^ 6 ) = ^exP[blE2g+b2E2z+b}E2+2bAEgEz+2bsEzEr+2b6ErEg]

Expt. Protocol Eh F* F*
rr C
no. (104 N / m 2 )* bi b2 bi ft4 b5 be
71 p+L 0.4898 0.9357 -0.4120 2.6950 0.9925 0.4180 0.0089 0.0749 0.0295 0.0193
71:1 P 0.4898 0.9357 -0.4120 1.0860 0.7894 0.6274 0.0054 0.5058 0.0177 0.0151
71:2 P 0.4935 0.9389 -0.4126 0.7070 2.5160 0.8060 0.0052 0.0441 0.0181 0.0165
72 p+ L 0.4747 0.8690 -0.4063 2.6460 0.6734 0.1428 0.0079 0.5052 0.0193 0.0181
72:1 P 0.4747 0.8690 -0.4063 0.4740 3.9220 0.2049 0.0061 0.1825 0.0139 0.0137
72:2 P 0.4866 0.8735 -0.4078 2.3360 0.2223 0.4587 0.0052 0.5105 0.0132 0.0128
78 p+ L 0.4492 0.9432 -0.4088 2.1312 1.8623 0.5120 0.0043 0.4125 0.0145 0.0168
78:1 P 0.4492 0.9432 -0.4088 0.2389 3.5168 0.0161 0.0067 0.2747 0.0158 0.0155
78:2 P 0.4458 0.9447 -0.4085 1.4460 2.1875 0.4660 0.0002 0.1245 0.0137 0.0126
78:3 P 0.4659 0.9336 -0.4097 1.8620 1.4720 0.3244 0.0053 0.3390 0.0125 0.0129
81 p+L 0.6040 1.0423 -0.4266 1.8265 1.6253 0.8173 0.0046 0.3125 0.0456 0.0310
81:1 P 0.6040 1.0423 -0.4266 0.9327 0.6898 0.7406 0.0082 0.2986 0.0410 0.0348
81:2 P 0.5735 0.9752 -0.4211 1.6320 0.9630 0.5485 0.0087 0.2792 0.0309 0.0270
81:3 P 0.5766 1.0497 -0.4251 1.8684 1.5529 0.9293 0.0068 0.2369 0.0328 0.0274
82 p+L 0.5693 1.0168 -0.4229 4.6750 1.2157 0.1282 0.0035 0.7125 0.0316 0.0089
82:1 P 0.5693 1.0168 -0.4229 3.1920 0.2730 0.0097 0.0053 0.6109 0.0232 0.0145
82:2 P 0.5729 1.1799 -0.4306 1.6400 0.5485 0.0132 0.0062 0.2526 0.0402 0.0339
82:3 P 0.5469 1.2185 -0.4305 4.5530 0.9584 0.2099 0.0002 0.2231 0.0013 0.0009

*10 5 dyne/cm 2

Table 2 Numerical values of three-dimensional material constants determined for those experiments in Fung, et al. [9] •
rabbits normal carotid arteries with body weight = 2Kg( = 20N)

Po w<»- -exp[b1EJ+b2El+2b4EeEz]

Expt. C
no. Protocol Eh F* (104N/m2)* bi b2 b.
71 P+L 0.4898 0.9357 1.5720 1.4953 2.1208 0.0398
71:1 P 0.4898 0.9357 1.4450 2.7450 2.7840 0.0261
71:2 P 0.4935 0.9389 2.1670 2.4000 1.2240 0.02519
72 P+L 0.4747 0.8690 3.8205 0.4771 0.0621 0.4276
72:1 P 0.4747 0.8690 4.1240 0.5741 0.0571 0.3013
72:2 P 0.4866 0.8735 2.7160 0.2831 0.0979 0.1973
78 P+L 0.4492 0.9432 1.2780 1.1092 0.1041 0.1216
78:1 P 0.4492 0.9432 2.7652 1.6750 0.7864 0.0246
78:2 P 0.4458 0.9447 1.2850 1.1381 0.1017 0.1065
78:3 P 0.4659 0.9336 1.1460 1.1478 0.1343 0.0878
81 P+L 0.6040 1.0423 1.4291 1.4521 1.8683 0.0576
81:1 P 0.6040 1.0423 0.6678 1.7088 0.2096 0.2885
81:2 P 0.5735 0.9752 1.8730 0.6767 0.0472 0.3293
81:3 P 0.5766 1.0497 1.6510 0.4307 0.0112 0.3769
82 P+L 0.5693 1.0168 4.2524 0.2578 0.1254 0.0283
82:1 P 0.5693 1.0168 1.3850 0.5397 0.0824 0.1235
82:2 P 0.5729 1.1799 3.7210 0.1571 0.0824 0.4088
82:3 P 0.5469 1.2185 0.5607 1.1516 0.0174 0.1770

*105 dyne/cm2

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equation (4). The strain energy function given in equation (16) —
is applicable to a material compressible in two-dimensions A*
(i.e., one whose area is variable); but for a three-dimensional
state of strain it is meaningful only if the incompressibility
condition is imposed.
- /
SSSsjs^ / , 2
3 Results
Material Constants. The material constants of the con-
stitutive equations proposed, (1) and (16), are identified from
those experiments reported in Fung, et al. [9] for carotid
arteries from five rabbits with body weight = 2 Kg (~ 20 N).
- 1

outer wall
Table 1 gives the numerical values of c, bu b2, b3, b4, bit and
b6 for equation (1). Table 2 lists the values of c, b\, b2, and b4
for equation (16). Dispersion of the values of the material
constants is seen in both Table 1 and Table 2. If comparison is
made with Table 1 of reference [9], it is seen that the stability
of the numerical values of material constants with respect to "" ^-3
different experiments is reduced if we adopt a three- —*c
dimensional formulation, either based on equation (1) or on 0.71 1.10
equation (16).
Whereas the numerical approach can still be improved, the a UNDEFORMED RADIAL COORD, (mm)
main purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate the Fig. 2 Spatial distribution of principal stretch ratios X„, \r at 1) p,- =
nonuniform distribution of strain and stress in the arterial 60 mm Hg (~ 8 kPa), Az = 1.542; 2) p, = 120 mm Hg ( - 1 6 kPa), Xz =
1.691; and 3) p, = 160 mm Hg (-21.3 kPa), Xz = 1.696.
wall, while the number of simplifying hypotheses is
minimized. In the following the stress and strain will be
discussed on the basis of the three-dimensional formulation than the corresponding average values. Comparing the stress
with strain energy function given in equation (1) and distribution with the strain distribution, we see that the
numerical values of the material constants for the carotid nonuniformity of the strains in the wall is much amplified by
artery of the rabbit listed in Table 1 for Experiment No. 71. the exponential constitutive relationship to result in a
tremendous nonuniformity in stresses in the wall. This
Spatial Distribution of Strain Components. Figure 2 shows nonuniformity is especially evident in the circumferential
the spatial distribution of the principal stretch components X9 stress T0. Note the very large circumferential stress con-
and Xr for internal pressures/?, = 60, 120, 160 mm Hg (~ 8, centration at the inner wall at a blood pressure of 120 mm Hg
16, 21.3 kPa, respectively), and stretch ratios Xz = 1.542, (~ 16 kPa) and above. Also note the large circumferential
1.691, 1.696. Note that even for/?,- = 60 mm Hg (8 kPa), \0 is strain there. The nonuniformity in strain and stress is seen to
large and varies from 1.339 at external surface to 1.820 at increase as the loading parameters (/?, and \z) are increased.
internal surface. This may be compared with most of the It is interesting to look at the radial stress rr also. It is seen
existing works in which the circumferential strain is treated as that the internal pressure applied to the inner wall is at-
approximately uniform and the variation of the strain in the tenuated rapidly in the wall. The resulting average radial
wall is overlooked. Such a simplifying assumption may entail stress is far smaller than the -/?,72 assumed in most
an error of 25-30 percent in the circumferential strain at the publications [20, 22].
inner wall of rabbit arteries in the physiological pressure
range. The Ratio of the Inner Wall Radius to the Wall Thickness,
Note also the rather small values of \ in the wall, i.e., a r2/h. One of the parameters that deserves attention is the
large compressive strain in the radial direction. This is due, of r2/h ratio. For Xz = 1.5 the variation of r2/h ratio vs. in-
course, to the stretching of the wall in the circumferential and ternal pressure is shown on Figure 4. In the initial undeformed
longitudinal directions under incompressibility condition. configuration, r2/h = 1.8, but this ratio becomes 9.5 when
the pressure is increased to 120 mm Hg (— 16 kPa) and 10
Spatial Distribution of Stress Components. Figures 3(o, b, when the pressure is 1 6 0 m m H g ( ~ 21.3 kPa).
c) show the stress distributions for/?, = 60, 120, and 160 mm It is often said that when the ratio r2/h is 10 or larger the
Hg (— 8, 16, and 21.3 kPa), respectively. The corresponding stress distribution across the wall thickness can be ap-
longitudinal stretches ranging from 1.542 ~ 1.696 as shown proximated by the average stress with an error of less than 10
on the graphs are the measured data and are within the percent. Indeed, for an axisymmetricaily loaded cylinder of
physiological range. The circumferential, longitudinal, and Hookean material subjected to infinitesimal deformation, this
radial stresses, 7>, TZ, and rr, respectively, are plotted against is true according to Lame's solution (1852), in which case the
the undeformed radial coordinate. The corresponding stress distribution is independent of the elastic constants.
deformed coordinate can be obtained from the kinematic However, for an artery which is composed of a nonlinear
relationship r = \R, where r denotes deformed coordinate material in which stress increases exponentially with in-
and R is that of the undeformed. creasing strain, and which is subjected to finite deformation
Average stress components <re>, <TZ> are also shown with stretch ratios \ , \e lying in the range of 1.0 to 2.0, and
for comparison. For the longitudinal stress TZ the maximum \ in the range of 0.3 to 0.7, there is a drastic change in r2/h
value at the inner wall can be more than twice larger than the ratio as the internal pressure is increased, and a large stress
average one. For the circumferential stress T9 the ratio be- concentration of T0 and TZ at the inner wall results. The
tween the value at the inner wall and that of the average average stresses cannot represent the local stresses at
becomes quite large at higher pressures: being 3.7 when/?, = all: there could be a difference of almost an order of
60 mm Hg (~ 8 kPa) and \z = 1.542, 6.5 whenp, = 120 mm magnitude. Thus, in the low pressure range, if the dimensions
H g ( ~ 16kPa)andX z = 1.691, and 8.2 when/?, = 160 mm of r2 and h are comparable, we need the "thick-walled"
Hg ( — 21.3 kPa) and \z = 1.696. On the other hand, at the solution in order to determine the nonuniform strain and
outer wall, the actual values of rg and TZ are always lower stress distributions. In the high pressure loading range when

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18 - »
s~ T

106 dyne /cm

16 AVG <Tg>

AVG. <7 -z>

14- 1 T=(TB*Tl*y/3

o 8 \
a. A
o O
6- \

outer wall

inner wall
4 -
\\ \

0.71 1. 0 R(mm)
CO i

-1 -
Fig. 3(a) Spatial distirbution of Cauchy stress components T„ T Z , -,\
the mean stresses < T6 >, < rz > averaged throughout the wall; and the
Fig. 3(c) Same as 3(a), for the case p, = 160 mm Hg (~ 21.3 kPa), A,
mean stress (negative of pressure) T = (T0 + TZ + Tr)/3 in the vessel
wall, for the case p f = 60 mm Hg (~ 8 kPa), Xz = 1.542, based on the
coefficients of Expt. 71 listed in Table 1

AVG. < " / - , , >


40 .160 180 mm Hg
12 16 20 KPa
Fig. 4 Variation of r2/f) versus increasing internal pressure at a fixed
R(mm) longitudinal stretch ratio of Xz = 1.50

Fung [7]), but the detailed structure of the wall as a composite

material is not yet known quantitatively, and a mathematical
modeling would not be profitable at this time.
Fig. 3(b) Same as Fig. 3(a), forthe casep, = 120 mm Hg ( - 1 6 kPa), Az
= 1 .691 Question About the Incompressibility Assumption. The
incompressibility assumption is used in this paper as is in most
r2/h> 10 the much higher gradients of strain and stress can other papers. Carew, et al.'s [2] experiments are often quoted
only be exhibited with the aid of an exact thick-walled as justification for this assumption. They immersed arterial
theory. segments in water enclosed in a cylinder and showed that the
Nevertheless, the formulas <T0> = p2r2/h and <TZ> = total volume of the tissue and water in the cylinder did not
(Fz + p2w\)/-w(r\ -r\) still yields correctly the average change with increasing pressure and longitudinal stretch.
stresses because these formulas stem from the condition of Whether the water in the arterial wall moved out into the
static equilibrium irrespective of large deformation. surrounding fluid or not is undetectable in their method. If
water does move out of the vessel, then the volume of the
4 Discussion tissue is most likely not constant, and equation (3) is not valid.
This is equivalent to the question: could the blood vessel
Questions about the Homogeneity Assumption. One may wall be treated as a one-phase material? Should we treat water
question how strong are the effects of the assumptions of and other solid components in the arterial wall as two phases
homogeneity and/or incompressibility. The arterial structure in a porous material? To answer this question, let us point out
is layered. A softer inner layer will relieve the stress con- that several authors have shown that water moves across the
centration at the inner wall. Compressibility, similarly, may vessel wall in the presence of a pressure gradient. Vargas, et
offer some relief to stress concentration. The wall is com- al. [24] performed experiments on the hydraulic conductivity
posed of elastin, collagen, smooth muscles, and ground of rabbit aorta. Their results show that the hydraulic con-
substances, see Rhodin [19]. The mechanical properties of the ductivity is = 4 x 10 ~8 cm3/(cm2-s-cm H 2 0) for the whole
individual components are known to some extent, (see, e.g., intact vessel wall. For the endothelium and outer layer

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separately, the corresponding values are 8.6 and 7.3 x 10~8 possible, and satisfying all boundary conditions in detail, and
cm3/(cm2-s-cm H 2 0), respectively. The "specific hydraulic using identified material constants from experimental data of
conductivity" of the outer layer is obtained by multiplying the specific artery under investigation, the final result reveals
with the thickness and it comes out to be 1.55 x 10 - 9 cm2/(s- truly what is implied by the remaining hypothesis. The
c m H 2 0 ) o r l . 6 x 10 - n cmV(dyne-s) if the thickness is 0.02 alarming stress concentration revealed here provides a strong
cm. Harrison and Massaro [10] obtained a value of 7.0 x motivation for research into the validity of the remaining
10 " 13 cmV(dyne-s) for swine thoracic aorta. Yamartino, et hypotheses.
al. [28] obtained 2.2 x 10 - I 3 cmV(dyne-s) for rabbit aorta in
cylindrical geometry. Wilens and McCluskey [26, 27] reported 5 Conclusion
a flux of 15.6 and 12.2 /xl/(cm2-hr) for human common iliac
and external iliac arteries. If 0.6 mm is used for the thickness A three-dimensional stress-strain relationship is determined
(Learoyd and Taylor [13]), the corresponding specific from a strain energy function of the exponential type for the
hydraulic conductivities would be 1.59 x 10 "12 and 1.24 X arterial wall from data obtained under inflation and
10" l2 cm4/(dyne-s), respectively. longitudinal stretch experiments. The distribution of the
Now, in a one-phase material, pressure is the negative of stresses and strains in the vessel wall is found to be very
the mean stress. In Fig. 3 a nonvanishing gradient of pressure nonuniform. For the rabbit carotid arteries subjected to
is seen in the arterial wall, (df/clr ^ 0). Hence, if water higher transmural pressures the circumferential stress at the
responds to pressure it should move in the arterial wall. inner wall can be 7 or 8 times larger than the average stress. A
Furthermore, at the inner and outer surfaces of the vessel wall similar concentration exists for the longitudinal stress. The
the radial stress is continuous, but the circumferential and radial stress is found to attenuate rapidly in the wall. The
longitudinal stresses are not; therefore the mean stress is pressure gradient in the wall (i.e., the negative value of the
discontinuous. If water responds to the mean stress then water gradient of the mean stress) can be computed, and is certainly
movement in or out of the vessel at the surfaces of the arterial not equal to the transmural pressure divided by the wall
wall can be expected since the data quoted in the preceding thickness, as assumed by most authors in the current
paragraph show that the surfaces are permeable. The alter- literature. Since the pressure gradient is the driving force for
native is to consider the arterial wall as a two-phase material, fluid movement in the arterial wall, and thus plays a central
in which the stresses in water and solids can be different. Lew role in the current theories of atherogenesis, a more precise
and Fung [14] studied the theoretical problem in some detail. analysis of three-dimensional stress distribution in arteries is
As a two-phase material with permeable walls the hypothesis important. The high stress concentration illustrated in the
of incompressibility is untenable, because the movement of present analysis draws attention to the assumptions of
water changes the volume. Water uptake or desorption by material incompressibility and zero residual stresses when all
cells is also affected by stress condition. This will also change the external loads are removed. The purpose of the present
the tissue volume. paper is to document as precisely as possible the consequences
of these hypotheses by doing the calculations accurately using
The importance of the question may be seen in another the exponential stress-strain relationship and three-
way. Since the predominant circumferential stress is tensile, dimensional boundary conditions. Further work on com-
the mean pressure (negative of the mean stress) is the lowest at pressibility and residual stress can then refer to the results
the inner wall, far lower than the fluid pressure in the vessel presented here for comparison.
lumen (p,). This low mean pressure at the inner wall will
enhance fluid movement from the blood stream into the vessel
wall. The tissue elements should swell more in that region. As Acknowledgment
a result, the tensile stress will be reduced (if the total cir- This work is supported by NIH Grant HL-26647, HL-
cumference at the inner wall remains the same) and the 07089, and NSF Grant CME 79-10560.
thickness of the vessel wall will be increased.
Research on fluid movement in the arterial wall has been References
motivated by atherogenesis theories [3, 12, 24, 26, 27]. In the 1 Bergel, D. H., "The Properties of Blood Vessels," Biomechanics: Its
current literature on this subject, the stress distribution in the Foundations and Objectives, eds., Y. C. Fung, N. Perrone, and M. Aniiker,
vessel wall is treated in a very crude manner, even though its Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1972, pp. 105-140.
2 Carew, T. E., Vaishnav, R. N., and Patel, D. J., "Compressibility of the
importance is recognized. The analysis presented above, and Arterial Wall," Circulation Research, Vol. 23, pp. 61-68.
the examples shown, should be relevant to the atherogenesis 3 Caro, C. G., Lever, M. J., Laver-Rudich, Z., Meyer, F., Liron, N., Ebel,
research in correcting a very commonly used W., Parker, K. H., and Winlove, C. P., "Net Albumin Transport across the
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Vol.37, 1980, pp. 497-511.
equal to the transmural pressure divided by the wall thickness. 4 Doyle, J. M., and Dobrin, P. B., "Stress Gradients in the Walls of Large
Our results show that this hypothesis can be very much in Arteries," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 16,1973, pp. 631-639.
error. 5 Doyle, J. M., and Dobrin, P. B., "Finite Deformation Analysis of the
It is urgent that a quantitative "compressibility" ex- Relaxed and Contracted Dog Carotid Artery," Microvascular Research, Vol. 3,
1971, pp.400-415.
periment be done with the objective to assess the two-phase 6 Fry, D. L., "Acute Vascular Endothelial Changes Associated with In-
feature of the blood vessel wall. creased Blood Velocity Gradients," Circulation Research, Vol. 22, 1968, pp.
165-197; see also, ibid, Vol. 24, 1969, pp. 93-109.
The Stress-Free Condition. The analysis presented in the 7 Fung, Y. C , Biomechanics—Mechanical Properties of Living Tissues,
Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 1981.
foregoing, as well as those in all the references cited, is based 8 Fung, Y. C , Foundations of Solid Mechanics, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
on the assumption that the vessel wall is stress-free when all Cliffs, N.J., 1965.
the external load is removed. This is, indeed, a questionable 9 Fung, Y. C , Fronek, K., and Patitucci, P., "Pseudoelasticity of Arteries
hypothesis, particularly in view of the fact that biological and the Choice of Its Mathematical Expression," American Journal of
tissue can grow or resorb in response to stresses. Residual Physiology, Vol. 237(5), 1979, pp. H620-H631.
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may reduce the stress concentration at inner wall of the vessel 24, 1976, pp. 363-367.
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because by removing simplifying assumptions as much as Tissue," Bull, of Math. Biology, Vol. 41, 1979, pp. 79-90.

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13 Learoyd, B. M., and Taylor, M. G., "Alterations with Age in the 21 Simon, B. R., Kobayashi, A. S., Strandness, D. E., and Wiederhielm,
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Calendar of Events August 26-27

Second Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, The El
Tropicana Hotel on the River, San Antonio, Texas
August 7-12
IX International Congress of Biomechanics, University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Contact:

Dr. C.William Hall

Southwest Research Institute
P . O . Box Drawer 28510
ISB Congress Secretariat San Antonio, TX 78284
Department of Kinesiology Telephone: (512)684-5111
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
September 5-7
International Symposium on Physiological Fluid Dynamics,
August 15-17
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Modeling,
Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zurich (Honggerber
Campus), Zurich, Switzerland Contact:

Dr. Megha Singh

Organizing Secretary, ISPFD
Biomedical Engineering Division
Professor X. J. R. Avula
Indian Institute of Technology
School of Engineering
Madras—600 036, India
University of Missouri-Rolla
Rolla, MO 65401
Telephone: (314) 341-4581 September 12-14
36th Annual Conference on Engineering in Medicine and
Biology, Hyatt Regency Columbus, Columbus, Ohio
August 22-24
20th Annual Meeting Society of Engineering Science, Inc.,
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Patricia I. Horner
4405 East-West Highway, Ste. 210
Bethesda, MD 20814
Prof. M. Toya
Telephone: (301) 657-4142
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19711
Telephone: (302) 738-2246 (Continued on p. 299)

274/Vol. 105, AUGUST 1983 Transactions of the ASME

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