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Mechanical Power Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Programs

Fall 2022 Course Code: MEP 231s Time allowed: 60 Min.

Midterm Measurement and Instrumentation
Model (A) Maximum Marks: 25 Marks

Part (1) [10 Marks]
1- ‘A system will be error free if we remove all systematic error’
a- True
b- False
2- By calibration,
a- Accuracy can be improved up to but not beyond the precision
b- Precision can be improved up to but not beyond the accuracy
c- Accuracy ban be improved beyond the precision
d- Precision can be improved beyond the accuracy
3- Error of measurement =……………………
a- True value – measured value
b- Precision – true value
c- Measured – precision
d- None of the above
4- ……………..stage of the generalized measurement system may act to control the
measured variable
a- Detector-transducer
b- Intermediate
c- Terminating
d- None of the above
5- For a measurement device, if the device readings (for the same input) near each
other and far from the input, the device is said to be ……………….
a- Precise and accurate
b- Precise but not accurate
c- Not precise but accurate
d- Not precise and not accurate
6- Any measurement device has to be calibrated …………………..
a- At certain points
b- Over certain measurement range
c- Over full scale range
d- None of the above
7- The average of the deviations of all the readings equals…………..
a- The standard deviation
b- The variance
c- The median
d- Zero
8- The low value of the standard deviation means ………………………..
a- The expected errors of all readings are small
b- The expected errors of all readings are large
c- The mean value is not the most probable reading
d- None of the above

Mechanical Power Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Programs

Fall 2022 Course Code: MEP 231s Time allowed: 60 Min.

Midterm Measurement and Instrumentation
Model (A) Maximum Marks: 25 Marks

9- Chauvenet’s criterion specifies that a reading may be rejected if The probability of

obtaining the particular deviation from the mean is less than ..………………
a- (1/n)
b- (2/n)
c- (1/2n)
d- (n/2)
10- The instrument hysteresis may arise due to……….
a- Mechanical effects and elastic deformation’
b- Magnetic and friction effects
c- Thermal effects
d- All of the above
Part (2) [15 Marks]
1- If measurements are made on seven resistors as follows 10, 13, 23, 16, 26, 15 and 11,
then the median value is
a- 16
b- 13
c- 15
d- 26
2- A force transducer is connected such that the output registers a static sensitivity of 1.0
V/kgf input. What is the output for a force input of 10 kgf?
a- 0.1 V
b- 1V
c- 10 V
d- 11 V
3- A resistor is measured with a device which has a known precision of ± 0.2 kΩ when a
large number of measurements is taken. How many measurements are necessary to
ensure that the resistance is within ± 0.08 kΩ with a 1 percent level of significance?
a- 16
b- 25
c- 18
d- 42
4- Twelve pressure measurements are made of a certain source giving the following results
in kPa: 125, 128, 129, 122, 126, 125, 125, 130, 126, 127, 124, and 123. The mean value
is about….
a- 151
b- 125.8
c- 137.3
d- 140
5- Ten measurements are made of a certain resistance giving the following values in kΩ: 1.21,
1.24, 1.25, 1.21, 1.23, 1.22, 1.22, 1.21, 1.23, and 1.24. The sample standard deviation is
a- 0.0143
b- 0.0135
c- 0.0122
d- 0.0151
Mechanical Power Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Programs

Fall 2022 Course Code: MEP 231s Time allowed: 60 Min.

Midterm Measurement and Instrumentation
Model (A) Maximum Marks: 25 Marks

6- A certain length measurement is made with the following results in inch: 49.36, 50.12,
48.95, 49.24, 49.26, 50.56, 49.18, 49.89, 49.33 and 49.39. Applying the Chauvenet’s
criterion to eliminate the defected data points. The maximum acceptable deviation to
standard deviation for N= 8 – 10 readings is 1.96. the defected data point is
a- 49.89
b- 50.56
c- 48.95
d- 49.33
7- During the temperature measurement using a thermocouple, the thermocouple
responded by 5.3 mV change when the temperature was varied by 10 °C. the
thermocouple sensitivity is about……
a- 0.053 mV/°C
b- 53 °C.mV
c- 0.53 mV/°C
d- 1.886 °C/mV
8- The power dissipated in a resistance can be calculated from P=E.I, for a certain
measurement E=100 ± 2V and I= 10 ± 0.2 A. the uncertainty in the power is about……..
a- 2.83 %
b- 20%
c- 0.63 %
d- 4.53 %
9- A ten resistance measurements are made which give a mean value of 15 kΩ with an
unbiased standard deviation of ± 0.03 kΩ. The 5 percent significance level is about…….
a- ± 0.0588 kΩ
b- ± 0.0313 kΩ
c- ± 0.0771 kΩ
d- None of the above
10- A certain length measurement is performed 100 times. The arithmetic mean reading is
6.823 ft, and the standard deviation is 0.01 ft. How many readings fall within ± 0.02 ft
a- 50
b- 68.3
c- 99
d- 95.4

Mechanical Power Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering Programs

Fall 2022 Course Code: MEP 231s Time allowed: 60 Min.

Midterm Measurement and Instrumentation
Model (A) Maximum Marks: 25 Marks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(1) 10

Part 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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