Mathematics in The Modern World

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Nature of mathematics
● Mathematics is present in everything we do, it is all around us and it id the
building block of our daily activities.
● Mathematics is the art of patterns and connections embedded in nature and in
our environment.
● Mathematics is an study of pattern, art, language, set of problem solving tools
and process of thinking.
“Mathematics is everywhere”
● We use mathematics in our daily activities. It is our important tool in the field of
sciences, humanities, literature, medicine and even in music and arts.
A pattern is a structure form or design that is regular consistent or recurring.
Different kind of patterns
● Pattern of visuals
Visual patterns are often unpredictable, and often contain fractals. These patterns are
can be seen from the seeds and pinecones to the branches and leaves. They are also
visible in self-similar replication of trees, ferns and plants throughout the nature.
● Patterns of flow
The flow of liquid provides an inexhaustible supply of nature’s patterns. Patterns of flow
are usually found in the water, stone, and even in the growth of trees. There is also a
flow pattern present in meandering river with the repetition of undulating lines.
● Patterns of movement
In the human walk, the feet strikes the ground in a regular rhythm. The left-right-left-right
rhythm. When a horse, a tour-legged creature walks, there is more of a complex but
equally rhythmic pattern. This prevalence of pattern in locomotion extends to the
scuttling of insects. The flights, of birds, the pulsation of jellyfish and also the wavelike
movements of fish, worms and snakes.
● Patterns in rhythm
Rhythm is conceivably the most basic pattern in nature. Our hearts and lungs follow a
regular repeated pattern of sounds or movement whose timing is adapted to our body’s
needs.many of nature’s rhythms are most likely similar to a heartbeat, while others are
like breathing. The beating of the heart, as well as breathing, have a difficult patterns.
● Patterns of texture
A texture is a quality of a certain object that we sense through touch. It exits as a literal
surface that we can feel, see and imagine. Textures are of many kinds. It can be britstly
and rough, but it can be also be smooth, cold and hard.
● Geometric patterns
A geometric pattern is a kind of pattern which consists of a series of shapes that are
typically repeated. These are the regularities in the natural world that are repeated in
predictable manner. Geometrical patterns are usually visible in cacti and succulents.
● Patterns found in nature
Spots and Stripes
Patterns like spots and stripes that are commonly present in different organisms are
results of a reaction-diffusion system(Turing,1952). The size and the shape of the
pattern depend on how fast the chemicals diffuse and how strongly they interact.
● Patterns found in nature
Waves and dunes
A wave is any form of disturbance that carries energy as it moves. Waves are of
different kinds: mechanical wave which propagate through a medium air or water,
making it oscillate as wave pass by. Wind waves, on the other hand, are surface waves
that create the chaotic patterns of the sea. Similarity, water waves are created by
energy passing through water causing it to move in a circular motion. Likewise, ripple
patterns and dunes are formed by sand wind as they pass over the sand.
In mathematics, if a figure can be folded or divided into two with two halves which are
the same, such figure is called symmetric figure. Symmetry has a vital role in pattern
formation. It is used to classify and organize information about patterns by classifying
the motion or deformation of both pattern structures and processes.
Different kind of symmetries
● Reflection symmetry
Sometimes called line symmetry or mirror symmetry, captures symmetries when the left
half of pattern is the same as the right half.
● Rotation
Also know as rotational symmetry, captures symmetry when it looks the same after
some rotation.
● Translation
Translational patterns exists in patterns that we see in nature and in man-made objects.
Translation acquires symmetries when units are repeated and turn out having identical
figures, like the bees honeycomb with hexagonal lines or shape.
● Symmetry in nature
Human body, animal movement, sunflower and snowflakes
From the structure of subatomic particles to that of the entire universe, symmetry is
present. The presence of symmetries does not only attract our visual sense, but also
plays an integral and prominent role in the way our life works.
Symbols are used to express the meaning of words in brief and they find very important
place in the language of mathematics.
Mathematical reasoning
It is well known fact that human race has evolved from lower species over the period of
time and the process of evolution is still going on. Our ability to reason make us superior
to the other species. In mathematics, there are two kind of reasoning.
1. Inductive reasoning - principle of mathematical induction.
2. Deductive reasoning- - here we shall discuss some elements of deductive
reasoning and the need, process and procedure of reasoning as well as proofs in
What is reasoning and why reasoning?
Reasoning is a process of logical steps that enable us to arrive at a conclusion. The
need for reasoning arises out of the decision making process i.e, to decide what is right
and wrong in case of a mathematical statement.
Axiom- a mathematical statement which is accepted as true without any formal proof
given for it.
Definition- a mathematical statement which is used to explain the meaning of certation
words in the subject.
Statement and mathematical statement
Mathematical statement - a given sentence will qualify as a mathematical statement if
either it is true or it is false but not both.
Conjecture- a conjecture is a proposition that is unproven but it appears correct.
Theorem- a mathematical statement which is accepted as true only when a formal
proof is given for it.
Generation of new statement from old
An english mathematician, George Bool, invented logical methods of generating a new
statement from a given statement and published in a book of laws of throught which
involves two techniques:
1. Negation of a statement
2. Compounding of a statement
Negotiation of a statement - denial of a statement is called negation. (not)
Compounding of statement - by combining two or more components. (and and or)
Inductive reasoning
The type of reasoning that uses specific examples to reach a general conclusion of
something is called reasoning. The conclusion formed by using inductive reasoning is
called conjecture. A conjecture is an idea that math or may not be correct.
Deductive reasoning
The main purpose of deductive reasoning is to use facts, definitions and hypotheses to
reaches conclusion.
Ex. x divide x is equal to zero - zero divide zero is equal to 1
Law of detachment
This law implies that if the conditional statement if p then q is true, then the statement p
is also true,then the conclusion q is also true.
Ex. all basketball varsity players are exempted in their PE class. Megs is a basketball
varsity player.
Conclusion: megs is exempted in his PE class.
Law of syllogism
The law of syllogism is similar to the property of equality. If p-q and q-r both true
statement, then it implies that p-r is also true.
Ex. if i study well, i will get god grades. If i get good grades, i can enroll to my chosen
Conclusion: if i study well, i can enroll to my chosen university.

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