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(238) Applied Physics

» Definition of viscosity : Viscosity is the property of fluid by virtue of which an
Torce of friction comes into play when a fluid is in motion Surface layer internl
and which opposes the relative motion between its different
layers. The backward dragging force called viscous drag or
VISCous force, acts tangentially on the layers of the fluid in FF
motion and tends to destroy its motion. Increasing
»Causes of viscosity : It is considered that liquid is
moving slowly and steadily over a fixed horizontal surface. Fixed Surface
Each layer moves parallel to the fixed surface. The layer in contact with the fixed surface is
at rest and the velocity of the every other layer increases uniformly upwards, as shown b
arrows of increasing lengths.
When two adjacent layers are considered, the upper fast moving layer tends to accelerate the
lower slow moving layer and the slow moing layer tends to retard to fast movihg layer. Asa
result a backward dragging tangential force F called viscous drag comes into play which tends
to destroy external force has to be applied to overcome the backward viscous force.

Newton's Formula and co-efficient of viscosity:

Let us consider liquid is flowing steadily in the form of parallel layers on a fixed horizontal
surface. Two layers are considered at a distance x and x + dx from the solid surface and moving
with velocities v and v + dv respectively. Then dx is the rate of change of velocity wih
distance in the direction of increasing distance and is called velocity gradient.
Area (A)

F +

W!X+ dx

Fixed Surface
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Properties of Matter
According to Newton, a force of viscous drag F acting tangentially between two layers is-
() prrooportional to the area A of the layers in contact
F« A......1.)
(ii) proportional to the velocity gradient Vbetween the two layers.

Combining the above two laws,

dx 2)
.. F=- KAX dv
Where n is the co-eficient of viscosity of the
force acts in adirection opposite to the liquid. Negative sign indicates that the viscous
direction of motion of the liquid.
Numerically, when A= 1and =1, then iottiee d
F =n
That means viscous force is equal to
co-efficient of viscosity
»Definition of Co-efficient of Viscosity (n):
Co-efficient viscosity of a liquid may be defined as the
to maintain a unit tangential viscous force required
velocity gradient between its two parallel layers each of unit area.
Dimension of n:
n=:FAdydxeooe MLT-2 ·L
:[n]=: L':LT
Units of n :
C.GS. Unit: 1 Poise 1dyne I cm
lcm2 S-Idyne S
S.I. Unit : (Poiseuille or
1 Poiseuille = IN Im
lm' Im S-! =1NS m =1Pa-S
PRelation between Poiseuille and Poise :
TPI= 1NSm2= (105 dyne) x S x (10 cm)
= 10dyne S cm-2
= 10P o i s e s s
= 1decapoise.
Factors on which co-efficient of viscosity depend :

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8 5G 2023
240) Applied Physics
(i) Nature of fluid
(ii) Temperature
(a) In case of liquid Co-efficient of viscosity decreases with the
increase in its
1+ at +Bt
(b) In case of gases :Co-efficient of viscosity inereases with temperature.
(ii) Pressure :
(a) Liquid: Except water the viscosity of liquid increases with increase in pressure.
(b) Gas: The co-efficient of viscosity is independent of pressure.
Importance of viscosity:
The knowledge of the co-efficient of viscosity of different fluids has great importance in
our daily life. Some of its applications are as stated below :
alme 1. The knowledge of the co-efficient of viscosity of different liquids and its variation of
temperature helps to choice a suitable lubricant for a machine.
8 2. The liquid of high viscosity are used as buffers to absorb the shock during the shunting
5G of trains.
3. The knowledge of the co-efficient of viscosity of organic liquid is used in determining
the shape and molecular weight of organic molecules.
11 by 4. The viscous nature of air and some other liquids are used for the damping of motion of
20Upu some instruments.
5. The activity of human heart is affected by.the viscosity of the blood.
6. The motion of high speed vehicle such as aeroplane, rocket, speed boat etc. are affected
due to resistance offered by viscous force. To avoid high resistance the face of the
vehicle is made pin-pointed.
Stoke's law :
When a small spherical body moves through a viscous medium at rest, the layers of the
body in contact with the medium are dragged along with it. But the layers of the medium àr
away from the body are at rest. This causes a relative motion between diferent layers o
medium, As a result of this, a backward dragging foree (i.e. viscous drag) comes mu
increases with
play, which opposes the motion of the body. This backward dragging force
the increase in velocity of the moving body. small
On a
Stokes law : Stokes found that the backward dragging force F acting
Spherical body of radius , moving with velocity through a medium of co-efficient
viscosity n is given by
Properties of Matter
This is called stokes law of viscosity.
Derivation of Stokes' law by dimensional analysis :
formula of stokes' law can be derived from dimensional analysis. Stokes observed
wiscous dragging force (F) depends on the following factors :
() Co-efficient of viscosity (n) of the medium.
(ii) velocity (v) of the body.
(ii) radius (r) of the spherical body.
Now, letFanyb re
.F= kn v r ......... (1 )

Where a, b, c are the dimensions of F in terms of n, v and r and k is a dimensionless


Now taking the dimensions of both sides.

[MLT]= [ML-T-P [LT-1 [L]'
= Ma L-atbtc Ta-b
Applying the principle of dimensional homogeneity, we get,
a =1
-a + b +c= 1
-a -b -2
Since, -a -b =-2
or, -1 b=-2 or, b= 1
Again from equation, -a +btc= 1
or, -1 + | + c = |
.. c= 1

Hence, we have, a = 1, b = 1, c =1
Now putting the value of a, b, c in eqn. (1),
F = knrv
The value of k was found to be 6, experimentally

WImportance of Stoke's law :
I, This law is used in the determination of electronic charge with the help of
oil drop experiment.
2.. This law accounts the formation of cloud.
Applied Physics-I - 16
242 Applied Physics-
3. This law helps to determine the velocity of rain drops of uniform motion
large velocity attended like freely falling body.
t. This law also, helps a parachutist to come down slowly.
instead of
Terminal velocity :
It is maximum constant velocity acquired by a small
spherical body falls freely through a viscous medium
due to the resultant of following three forces
the acting on
body becomes zero.
The three forces are given below:
() weight of the body acting vertical downwards Motion
o (w).
(ii) upward thrust due to buoyancy equal to the Viscous
weight of displaced fluid (F).
(iii) Viscous dragging force acting in the direction opposite to the
motion of the bo
realme whose magnitude according stoke's law is F = 6nrv.
f Mathematical expression of Terminal
velocity :
8 From the direction of three forces, we can write,
Shotby F, + F, = W
4 4 4
or, 6zyrv+;r'og-ar' Pg or, 6m7rv=3 r (p-)g
2 p-o)8

This is the expression for terminal velocity.

V = terminal velocity
r=radius of the spherical body.
p'=density of the body.
G = density of fluid.
n =coefficient of viscosity of fluid,
g= acceleration due to gravity.
On what factors terminal velocity depend? spherical
() Terminal velocity is directly proportional to the Square of radius of the
body. bod
(ii) Terminal velocity is directly proportional to the difference of density o
and fluid. .
Properties of Matter
Gon Inversely proportional to coefficient of viscosity of fluid. 243
(iv) Directly proportional to acceleration due to gravity.

terst (Viscosity)

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