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Schools of the future

School is our everyday life. We spend a lot of time there, we think about it all
the time. Sometimes it is fun, sometimes it hurts. Technology is an everyday
part of our school work but I still think, how will it be in 20 or 30 years? Won´t
we miss nature, grass or flowers in our schools? Will everything be about
computers, touchscreen or wifi? I hope not.

And there comes my dreaming about something nice, natural, something that
we will miss. Maybe our schools will be like in my dreams...

Everything about this school will be green and sustainable: from the building
itself to the activities (gardening, yoga, sports) as well as teaching. Teachers will
be innovative and creative. Older students will get to choose the subjects and
projects they want to work on. Outdoor schooling will be practised every day, at
least for one class, even if it’s snowing.

Technology will be used by the students to make them producers, not

consumers. Kids in older grades will learn how to code and use their computers
to do research for their projects. Younger and older students will spend time in
the gardens, they will plant fruit and vegetables, then they will prepare some
school meals, so they will learn how important is to work hard if you want to
gain something.

I hope there will be schools that make children happy, less stressed, kind and
loving. I dream about schools that will bring up children who will love our
Mother Earth.
While the soldiers of Ukraine were resting after the battle, news from Russia arrived.

When Putin mentioned the peace, Zelinsky was talking to reporters.

While I was reading these sentences, my mum asked me about my homework

They stopped in the middle of the street while we were running away.

As I was writing this homework I got thirsty.

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