Quadratic Equation

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QuadraticExpression & Quadratic Equation :
An expression
of the form ax +bx+cis called quadratic expression of x. Here a 0.
Eor example, 2x - 4x + 0.8 is a quadratic expression of x.
of x. Here a 0 but b.c
An equation of the form ax +bx +c=0 is called quadratic equation
For example 3r =0 is açuadratic equation of x. (Here a = 3,b =0,c = -).
L3.2. Root of a Quadratic Equation :
+hx+c=0 ifit satisfies the equation
ANumber, say a is called a root of a quadratic equation ax'
ie. if aa + ba +c=0.
Example : -2 and 3 are the roots of the quadratic
equation x-x -6=0 because
(-2) -(-2)-6=0 and 3 -3-6=0.
1.3.3. Sridhar Acharya's Formula :
roots which are
Aquadratic equation ax +bx+c=0 has two
-b+Vb -4ac -b-Vb' -4ac
= and ß = 2a

Proof: The quadratic equation is ar +bx +c=0 (a0)

Or. x+x+=0,dividing both side by a.

or. x +2-x. + + =0 or. X+

2a 2a 4a'
Jb -4ac =0
6 - 4ac x +
=0,o, 2a) 2a

vb'- 4ac b
Jb² -4ac
Or. 2a 2a
2a 2a

b+ Vb' -4ac
b-b'- 4ac = 0
2a 2a

b-Vb'-4uc -b+ yb' -44c

2a 2u

b+ yb-4ac -b-yb'-4ae
X= 2a

So, one root is a= -b+ Vb - 4ac and another root is ß= -b-Vb-4ac

2a 2a
Illustration :
The roots of the equation
3y22r+5=0 are

{-2) +(-2)' -4x3x5 2+-56 -(-2)- /(-2)' -4x3x5 2-/-56
2x3 6
and ß= 2x3 6
1.3.4. Discriminant of a Quadratic Equation :
The quantity }² -4ac is called thediscriminant of the quadratic cquation ax'+ bx +c=0
Example : The discriminant of theqadratic equation 4x2 0.7=0 is 0 -4x4x(-07) = 12.
1.3.5. Nature of Roots :
If ax + bx +c=0 is a quadratic cquation then
(1) its roots are imaginary if the discriminant b² -4ac <0 and a,b are real.
(11) its roots arc real and unequal if the disicriminant, b 4ac >) and a,b are real.
(i1i) its roots are real and equal if the discriminant b -4ac= 0 and a,b are real.
(iv) its roots are rational (assuming a,b,c as rational) if the discriminant b -4ac is a perfect

Illustration :
(i) The roots of the equation 2x-3x+5=0 are imaginary because its discriminant is
(-3) 4 x2x5 =9-40=-31<0.

Note one root of the cquation is {3)+(-3)-4×2x5 3+-31

2x2 4
3+-1W31 3+iv31
4 4 which is nothing but imaginary.
(ii) The roots of the equation x-4x +1=0 are real and distinct
because its discriminant is
(-4)-4xlxl =12>0.
Note that one root of the equation is {-4) + -4)' -4x1x1
4+ 12
= 2 +W3 which is nothing but a
2 real quantity.
(i) The roots of the equation 4x-12x +9=0 are real
and equal because its discriminant
=(-12)-4x4x9 = 144- 144 =0.
Note that the equation can be written as (2x-3) =0 i. e., the roots are 3
(a) The roots of the equation 2 2
x*-2x-15=) are rational because its discriminant is
(-2)' -4 xlx-15=64=8, a perfect square.
realme Snot by Upu

13.0. Rclation between Roots and

Coefficients :
If a and B arc twOroots of the
quadratic cauation gx2 +hx+c=0 then the relation among ,P
and a,b,c arc a+B=-- & oß = C

Proof: As we know a= -b+b' -4ac -h-Vh'- 4ac

2a B=

a+B= -b+b' -4ac -b-Vb-4ac 2b b

2a 2a

and oxß =
-b+Nb?-4ac -b-No?-4ac (-6)' -V8-4ac 6-b +4ac
2a x 2a 4a? 4a'
Ilustration :

If a,ß are roots of the equation 3-4-7=0 then a+B== and oß = -7

3 3 3
Construction of a quadratic equation if its roots are given :
If a,ß are roots ofa quadratic equation then the equation will be x-(a+B)x + aß =0.
Proof : If ax +bx +c=0be the required equation then a+ß=- and aß =
The equation can be re-written as x*+x+=0
or, x-(a+B)x +aß = 0.
1.3.7. Theorem on Conjugate Roots :
Theorem 1: In a quadratic cquation ar +hx +c=0 if a,b,c are real then if a +iß s a oot
then its conjugate a-iß will also be a root (provided B0).
Theoremn 2 : In a quadratic equation ax +bx +c=0 if a,b,c are rational then i a+ Bisroot,
its conjugate -JB will also be a root (provided Bis not a pertect square).
Illustration :
(i) The roots of the cquation x +3r+4=0) are
-3±|3-4xlx(4) 3t
2 2 2 2

3 another root beconnes

We see while one root is 2
(ii) The roots of the equation x-(3+i)x +(2+ 2i) =0 are 1+i and 2. Note that 2 is not
Conjugate of 1+i.
This happens because the coefficients (3+i),(2 + 2i) are not real.

realme SoUpu
(ii1) The roots of the cquation
2x2-2xl=0 are
-(-2) ±(-2)' -4x2 x(-1) 2tJ4+8 2tV12 1tV3 1 + V3 1

2x2 4 4 2 2 2 2 V4

1 1
We see while one root is , another root becomes its conjugate 2 V4

(iv) The roots of the equation x?-(2+ 2)x+ 2/2 =0 are J2 and 2 (detail calculation is not
Note that 2 is not conjugate of 5 (conjugate of 2 i.e., + 2 is 0N2 = -/2). This happens
because the coefficients 2 +W2.2/2 are not rational.
1.3.8. Illustrative Examples
Example.1. Find the roots of the equation 4x -2x+l=0.
Solution. Here a=4,b=-2,c= 1. Therefore the two roots are

<-2)± (-2)' -4x4x1 2±J4- 16 2t/-12


2±-112 2ti-2/3 1+iv3|

8 4

Example.2. If a be a root of the equation ax+bx+c=0 then show that ma'(m0) is a root of the
cquation a'x +(2ac-b mx +mc =0.
Solution. Since is a root of ax+bx +c= 0 aa +ba +c=0 or, a'+c=-ba (1)

Now, a'(mna?)" +(2ac -b mma') +m'e =a'm'a +(2ac-b'}m'a² +m'c?

=m²a'a' +(2ac-b²la' +c =m'ata' +2aca' -b'a' +e}
+2-ae' .c+c' -b'a'=m{aa' +o)-b'a'=m-ba'-sta} by ()
=m'(ba'-b'a') = m' x0=0,
n2 satisfies the equation a'x* +(2ac-b)mx tm'e' =0 ie., ma is a root of the same.
Example.3. Discuss the nature oT the rootS of the following quadratic equations
(i) 4x-6x+3 =0. (ii) x-10x + 22 =0
are rational. (iv) x- 18x +81=0.
(iii) (b+c)x-(a +b+c)xta=0,4,b,c
Solution. (i)The discriminant of theequation
-36-48 =-12 which is negaive. So theroots of the cquation are imaginary.
..s The discriminant of the equation =(=10) -4 xlx22 = 100-88= 12 which is positive.

So the roots of the equation are real. Note that the discriminant "12' is not a perfect square so we
can further conclude that the roots are not rational.
(iii) The discriminant of the equation
={-{a+b+c)} -4(b 4+ c)a=(a +b+ c) -4a(b +c)
={a+(b+ c)} -4a(b+c) =fa-(b+ c)}' =(a -b-c' which is positive and perfect
sauare. So the roots of the equation are rational (.: a,b,c are rational).
(iv) The discriminant of the equation =(-18)-4x1 x 81 = 324-324 =). So the roots of the
equation are real and equal.
Example.4. For what value of m the roots of the equation x-2(5 +2m)x +3(7+10m) =0 are
Solution. Since the roots of the given equation are cqual so its discriminant = 0.
or,-2(5 +2n) - 4x 1x3(7 +10m) =0 or, 4(5+ 2m)-12(7 +10m) =0
or, (5+2m) -3(7+10m) =0 or, 4m' -10 +4=0 or, 2m -Sm+2=0
or, 2m - 4m- m+2=0 Or, 2m -2) - (m-2) =0 or, (2m - 1Xm -2) =0 m =
Example. 5. If the roots of the equation gr +2 px+ 2q =0 are real and unequal, prove that the
roots of the equation (p+g)x +2qx +(b-q) =0 are imaginary. [H.S. 1990]
Solution. Since the roots of the equation qx +2px +2y =0 are real so its discriminant.
(2p) -4q2q >0.0r, 4p' -8g° >0or, 4{p'-24')>0 or,p'-2g' >0 ()
Now, the discriminant of the equation (p+q)x*+2qx +(p-q) =0 (2)
is (24)' -4(p+ q)lp-q) =4g' -4p -)=8q'-4p' =-4|p -24')<0 by (I).
Therefore the roots of the equation (2) are imaginary.
Example.6. If the roots of the equation a +4bx + 2a =0 are imaginary, prove that the roots of
(a+b)r +2hx +(a-b) =0 are imaginary.
Solution. Since the roots oftheequation ux +4bx +2u =0 are imaginary so its discriminant <0.
i.e., (4-b) -4-a-2a <0 or, 16b* -8a* <0 or, 8(28-a)<0 or, 26°-a <0 (1)
Now the discriminant of the equation (a+b)x* +2hx+(a-b) = 0 (2)
is (2b) -4(a+ b)\a -b) =4b -4(a -b)=4(b -a' +b')=4(26 -a?)<0 by ().
So the roots of the equation (2) are also imaginary.
Example.7. Prove that, if the roots of the equation (u +b²)x +2(be +ad)x+(c +d')=0 be
real, then they are equal.
Solution, Since the roots of the equaion are real so ils discriminant >0.
or, {2(bc +ad)}'-4a +b° \e° +d')z0 or, 4(be +ad)' - 4(a' + b° \e² +d)20
eallme 85 2*
by Upu
or. (he +ad) -(o' +h° Xc' +d')z0 or, b'e' +a'd' +2 he ad -(a'e' +a'd' +h'e' +big)a
or. b +a'd' + 2abcd - a'c'-a'a' -b'e'-b'd' >0
Or. 2abcd -a'c'-þ'>0 or, a' +B'd2- 2abcd<0 or, (ac)´ +(bd)-2-ac bd so
Or. (ac- bd)' s0; but since (ac-bd)' is a square quantity so (ac-bd)' t0.
.i: from above we have only (ac- bd)' = 0ie., the discriminant =0 i.e., the roots are cqual
Example. 8. If a,b.c are rcal, prove that the roots of the cquation =0 are
always real and cannot be cqual unless a =h=c·
1 1 1
Solution. The given cquation is 1 + -=) or,
x-b+x-a 1 2x-a -b -1
(r-a)x-b) or,
(x-a)lx-b) Or, (2x-a-b)x-c)=-aXx-b)
or, 2x -2cx - axt ac- bx+ bc= -(x- bx- ax + ab)or, 3x - 2(a +b+c)x + (ab + bc + ca) =0
Its discriminant =-2(a +h+c)}-4-3-(ab+bc +ca)
=4(a +h +c)' -12(ab +bc +ca) =4{(a +b+c)' -3(ab +bc +ca)}
=4a' +b +e +2ab +2ie+ 20a3alb-3Be- 3eat =4a' +b +ß-ab-b-ca)
=2(2a' +26? +2e' - 2ab-2bc-2ca)
-2(a° +b' -2ab) +(b² +e -2he) +(e +a' - 2ca)}
= 2B(a -b)´+ (6-c)´ +(c-a)20. Since this is sunm of three perfect square
So the roots of the equation are real.
The roots of the equation will be equal if the discriminant =0.
i.e., 2(a-b)' +(b-c)' +(e-a)'}=0 or, (u -b)' +(b-c) +(e-a)' =0
(u-b)´ =0, (b-c)' =0, (c-a)' =o I: the lett side is sum of three pertect square
u-b= 0,b-c=0,c- a =0 a=b=C.

Example.9. If P.4.r are rational and ptqtr=0, prove that the roots of the quadratic cquation
+ qxtr=0are

Solurion.The discriminant of the cquation a tqtr=0is -4pr=p+r)}'-4y :: ptgtr=

=ln+)'-4pr =(p-4) whch is a perlcct square. So theroots of the given equationare rationa.

Example.10.. Ifthe roots of the equation g-r +qr-px+p-)=0 be equal,

show that [WB. S. C 2010, 2014, 2016]
Solution : Since the rootsof the given equation are cqual so its discriminant =0.
or. fglr-p) -4plg-r)r(p-)=0 or, (gr -gp)' -4(pg- pr(rp-rq) =0
or. (pg -rg) -4(p9-prpr-rg) =0
{(p9-pr) +(p-ro)}-4{pg -pr)\p-rq) 0
Or. {(pg - pr)-(p-rq)=0 or, (pg +rq- 2pr =0
2pr 2
or, Pq +rq- 2pr=0 or, pq +rq= 2pr Or,
pqr pqr pqr

Example.I1. For what value ofc the roots of the equation cx' -(c+ I)x+|=0 are always real.
Solution. The roots are real if its discriminant >0,
i.e. -{c +1) -4c:l>0 o, (c+1)' - 4c >0 or, (c-I) 0 which is always true if cis real. So
for any real value ofc the roots of the equation are aluays real.
Example. 12. The product of the roots of the equation 3x + K-2K=3 is 5. Find K.
Solution. 3x + Kx-2K =3 or, 3x + Kr-(2K+3) = 0.
Let a.ß be its two roots. From relation between roots and coefficient we have
a+ß= ()

aß = -{2K +3) (2)

By problem, aß = 5. So from (2) we have
-(2K + 3)
or, (2K+3) = 15 or, 2K+3=-15 Or, 2K=-18 or, K= -9.

Example. 13. If a.B are roots of the equation ax + bx + c= 0 then find the values of
(i) ap +B'a (ii) (iii) Ia + b aß +b

Solution. Since a.B are roots of the equation ax +bx +c=0, fron relation between roots and

coefficient we get a. +B= D and aß=

(i) Now, a'ß+B'a =oß(a +p) =-=

(ii) 4 (a +B)'- 3aß( + B)
aß aß
a 3abe-b
C C a'c

(iii) Sincea is root of ax' +bx +c=0 aa' +ba+c=0 or, oqaa+b)+c=0 or, ag +h- t
Similarly we have aß +b=
1 1 1
aß +b C

| -)--a-9)--)-:
Example.14. If p,q are roots of the equation ax+bx +c=0 find the value of

Solution. From relation between roots and coefficient we have p+g=- and pg = a

Since p is root of ax+ bx +c=0 .. ap +bp+c=0. or, ap +c=-bp.

Similarly we had rg+c=-bg.
1 1 1 1
+ +
(ap? +c) (ag? +o (-bp) (-bg)? bp b'g?
1 1 1 p'tq 1 (ptq)'- 2pq
p'y'? (pq)?
-2. 2c 1-2ac
1 a? a 1
a' b' - 2ac

Example. 15. For what value of n will the have roots equal in
Xta+m x+h+m [WBSC1985]
but opposite in sign.
+ =1
Solution. The given equation is Xta + m x+b+ m
x+6+ m
Or, Xta
+ m x+b+ m
Or, x(x+b+m) = (x+nx +a +m)
oI, Xta t m

Or, x* + bx + mx = x + ax +mx+ x+m + n' or, r+ 21mx +(nn - ab) =0.

According to problem we suppose the roots are and -a. From relation betwcen roots and
coefficient we have a +(-a)=
Or, 0=-2) 1)=0,

Example.J6. 1f a and B be the roots of ax' + br +c=0, then prove that a = 3ß where
36 +9a'c+ ac =9abc. [WB.S.C 2006]
Solution. From relation between roots and coefficients we have a +B=--;aB= (1)
We are given, 36 +9a'c+ ac =9abc
363 9a'c ac? 9abc
or, a' a' 3 or,
a a'
or, 3{-(a +B)} +9aß +(aß)° =9.{-(a +p)}oaß using (1)
or, -3(a + B) +9aß+ a'p' =-9aß(a +B) or, 3/(a +B)'-3aß(a +B)=a'p° +9cf
G or, 3(a'+B)=aß'+9aß or, 3a +38² -a²p² -9aß =0
or, (3a'- 9aß) +(38'-a'p)=0or, 3a(a' - 38)-B{a'- 38)0 or, (3a -Be-39)=0
This gives a'=3ß.
9 Sxample.17. If the sum of the roots of x + bx +c=0 be equal to the sum of their squares then
prove that 2ac = ab +b.
b and aß =.
Solution. We have a+B=-
By problem a +ß=a'+B' or, -=a+B

b 2c
=(a+B)-2aß or, 2. or, Or,

Or, -b=
b-2ac or, -ab= b - 2ac or, 2ac = ab+ b'.
Example. 18. If one root of thc cquation AN* + bx tc=0 is square of other, prove th:at
b +ac+a'c=3abe [".B.S.C 2003, 1991, 2012]
Solution. Let a be a root. Then a is also a
a +a'=
Froin relation between roots and coctficient we get ()

and a a ' = i.e., a'= (2)


Cubing (1) we get


or, a' +(a')' +3-a a'(a+a?)= or, +(u') + 30'-(a+o')=

Or. from (1) and (2)

C 3bc a'c+ac2 - 3abc +b =0 or, b' + ac' +a'c= 3abc.

=0 Of,
a a a

Example. 19. If the roots of the cquation ax+bx+c=0 are in the ratio 3:4 prOve that 49ac = 191)
Solution : Let o,ß be the two roots of thc given cquation
a+ß=-,aß =
By problem a:ßB = 3:4 .. a=3K,ß = 4K.
So from the above two relations we get
3K + 4K = or, 7K=: (1)
e a

and 3Kx4K: or, 12 K?= C (2)


From (1) we get K=

123 1222
Putting this in (2) we get or, =c or, 12b = 49ac or, 49ac =12b
49 a 49a
respectively, show
Example.20. If a,B and Y,8be the roots of x-bx +c=0and x-px+q = 0
2(c+q)-bp =(a-B- )+(B-Y)\a-8).
Solution. Since a,ß are roots of x-bx +c=0 .. a+ß=b, aß =c.
Similarlysince y,8 are roots of x - px+q=0 Y+Ó=p, yÓ = q.
RHS =(a-y\(ß-8) +(ß-Y)\a-8) = oß- aô-By +yð + aß-Bö -oy +yÓ
= 2oß + 2y× - aô -By-BÓ-oy = 2c+ 2q- s(a +B)-y(a + B)
= 2c+ 2q-(a+B\Y +8)= 2e +2q -bp = 2(c+q)-bp.
Example.21. If p'-g(3p- 1) tg =0, establish the relation between the roots of the
x+ px +q=0.
Solution. Let a. and be the two roots of x + px +q=0.
a+B=-p and oß =g. So, p={a+B) and g = oß.
We are given p'-(3p -1) +y'=0.
or, (-Ha+P)}'-aß{-3(a +B)-1}+(aß) =0or, {a+B)' +3ß(a +B)+ oß- +a'g'

or, (a+B)'-3aß(a +B)}+ oß +a'B?

or, Ya'+B')+aß +«'ß' = o|: a'+b'=(a +b)'- 3ah{a +b)
or, a' +B - aß-oa-B = 0 (a' -a'p')+(p' -oß)=0

or, a(a-B°)-B(-B°)=0 or, (a-B°\a -p)=0

a=B OR a» =B. That is onc root is square of other root.
Example.22. 1f a and B be theroots of ax+hy+o0and +&B-+å be those of Ax +2Bx + C=0,
b-ac [W.B.S.C 2003]
prove that B- AC
Solution. Since a,ß are roots of a' +2bx +c=0therefore a+ß=- and oß = a (1)

me Again since a +6,ß+8 are roots of Ax +2Bx +C=0 therefore

2B C
(a+8) +(B+8)=- A
and (a +8)(B+8) = A (2)
45 462
From (1) we get (o+ B)²
=4D Or, (a-p)* +4oß = Or, (a-B) +4, a

4c 462 4c 45
or, {(a+8)-(B+8)} + a2 or, {(a+òj (B +)} -4(a+ ö)\(ß +8)+ a a'
12 -4c,4c 4b 4B? 4C 4c 462 B² C
or, using (2) + -=
A a A a a a
B' C b B'- AC b-ac h'- ac þ² - ac
A a' a
B' - ACB'- AC
Example.23. If the ratio of the roots of the equation x-2px+ q =0 be equal to the ratio of the
roots of the equation x?-2rx +s² =0prove that p's =q'r. [W.B.S.C 1997, 20001
Solution. Let a.,ß be the roots of the equation x-2px + q =0.
a+B=-P and aß=9 i.e., a+B=2p and aß = g (1)
1 1
Let y, be the roots of the equation x2rx + s =0
Y+ô=-. and yô = i.e., Y +Ó =2r and yÑ = s?
1 (2)
a_Y a+ß_Y + doing Com & Div.
By problem B
2p 2r
a-ß Y
from (1) and (2) or, r(a-B) = p(y-8)
or, r° (a-p)° =p'(y-8) o1,
{(a+p)' -4c} -p°{(r+8j -48}
or, of, 4r'(p-o)=4p°(r -s)
r(p'-g)=p'ír' -) or, p'y'-'q' =p'r'-'s' or, r'q' =p's or, p's' g'
Example.24. If the roots of the quadratic cquations +2px + q= 0 and r +2qx +
differ by a constant, prove that 1+p+q=0. p=0(p*a)
Solution : Let a,ß be the roots of the cquation x +2px +q= 0.
a+B=- 2p and aß = i.e., a+ß=-2p and aß=q (1
1 1
Again let y,8be the roots of +2¡x +p=0 :: Y+8=-24 and yð = P (2.
Now, according to problem, a-B=y-8 or, (a-B) =(r-8) or, (a +B)" -4oß =(y+8) -478
(-2p)´-4q =(-2q)' -4p Or, 4p -4g =44' -4p or, p'-g=g'-p
(p'-g')+(p-g) =0 Or, (p+lp-g)+(p-g)= 0
me or, (p-)p+q+1) =0 ptq+l=0 p-q0
Hence 1+ p+q=0.
Example.25. Forn the quadratic equation whose roots are reciprocal ofthe roots of x*+3x +4 =0.
Solution. Let a,ß be the roots ofthe equation x +3* +4 = 0. We have to findthe equation whose
y U roots are

From relation between roots and coefficient we get o+ß=-3 and aß=4
1 a +B -3 3 1 1 1_1
Now, and
4 (1)
B oß 4 4
1 1
and is
1 1 1 =0
The equation having roots
3x 1 4x +3x+1
or, x -

=0 using (1)or, + =0 0r, =0 or, 4x +3r+l=0.

4 4 4
Example.26. If the sum of the rootsof a quadratic equation is 2 and the sum of theircubes is27, find
the equation.
Solution. Let a,ß be the roots of the required cquations a+ß=2 (1)
a'+ß' =27
From (2), (a+B)-3cß(a +B) = 27 or, 2°-3aß(2) =27 or, 6gß =8-27 =-19
19 (3)
or, oß = 6

The required equation is x-(a+B)x + aß = 0 or x'- 2,x. using (1)and (3)

or, 6x 12x-19=0.

Eyample.27. Find the cquation with rcal cocfficicnts whosc onc root is -5- 6i
Solution. Since one root is a = -5-6 by 'Theorcm on Coijugate root' another root will be B= -5+ 6i .
Now, +B=-5- 6i-5 +6i =-10
and aß =(-5-6i)-5+ 6i) =(-s)-(6i) = 25-36i = 25 36(-1) = 25+36= 61
the requircd cquation is x -(a +B)x+ oß =0 or, x-(-10)x +61=0 or, + 10x + 6l=0
Eyample.28. Find the cquation with rational cocfficient whose one root is -3+ V7:
Solution. Since onc root is a=3+7, by "Theorem on Conjugate root' another root will be
Now, a+B=J+V7-3-W+=-6 and of =(-3+A-3-i)=(-3)'-(7 =2
.. the requircd equation is x*-(a +B)x +oß =0 ie., x-(-6)x +2=0 ie., x²+6x +2 =0.
Example.29. Find the equation with rational cocfficient whose one root is
7+3-2/21 5-/21 5 1
7-3 2

Since one root is = - 2 1 ,by 'Theorem on Conjugate root' another root is ß=tV21
5 1
2 2 22
Now, a+ß= 5-V21++V21=£,5,
1 +=5
2 2 2 2 2 2

25 21
(a)--(a 4 4

:. the required equation is x-(a+B)x +aß =0 or, x-Sx+l=0.

Example.30. If c.,B be the roots of the equation x - px +q=0 find the equation whose roots are
-+1 and -+1.
Solution,Since a,B are roots of the equation x - px +q=0.
a+ß=-2 and aß =1
1 1
i.e., . +B=p and aß=g (1)
a' +B? +2 (a+p)'-2oß +2
Now, (-)
(1)= p'-24 +24p
p-24 4+2 using (2)

a+ß a +B (a+ B)*

() oß


or, x'-P+ =0 using (2) and (3)

Or, qx-px+p =0.

Example.3 1. 1f a'= Sa -3 and b = 5b-3(a #b) find the quadratic equation whose roots are
and [WB.S. C.1996, 1998,20011

Solution. Since a'=Sa-3 and b =5b-3 therefore a and b satisfy the equation x 5x-3
i.e., a and bare roots of x -5x +3=0. .. a+b=5 and ab=3. (1)
oyUpl 5'-2x3 25-6 19
a b a' + b? (a+ b) 2ab
Now, +
a ab ab 3 3 3
a D1.
b a
a b is x2 b ab 19
and =0 or, x -+l=0
The equation whose roots are 3

or, 3x-19x+3=0.

and are the roots of the equation 3x-18x+2=0. Find the equation whose
andB are real).
Oroots are a and ß ( a
Solution. Since and are roots of 3x-18x + 2=0

6 :

2 (2)
and oß= 3
=-6 or,

=-6 or, a' +B = -6x
From (1), 3

+ß' =-4 or, (a+B) - 3aß(a +B) =-4 or, (a +B) 3. 3 -(a+B) +4 = 0
or, a a+B=-)
(a+B)°- 2(a+B) +4 =0 hich is satisfied for
equation is 2-(a +B)x + aß =0 or, x-(-2)x+=0 or, 3x2 +6x+2 =0.
The required 3

Example.33. If the roots of the equation ax equation whose

+ bx +c= 0 be a and B, find the
roots are and
(aa + b) (aß + b)
Solution. Since o and B are roots of the equation it would satisfy the equation.
aa + boa +c=0 or, a(aa + b)=-c Or, a¡ +h=
and aß +bß +c=0 or, B(aß +b) = -c Or, aß +h=

o3 and
(aa + b) (aß +b)*
Again from relation betvween roots and coefficient we get a+ß=-: and aß=.


(aa +b}' (aß +b)' &-aB°)

b 3bc | -b' + 3abc 3abe -b
a a'

and 3
(aa + b) (aß + b)"
The required equation is
2 =0
(aa +b)' (aß + b)
3abc- b
=0 or, a'e'r'-(3abe - b')x +l=0.
Example.34. If a be a root of the quadratic equation 4r* +2r-l=0 prove that ta'- 3 is the
other root. [WB S.C 1999, 2002, 201S]
Solution. Since a is a root of 4x'+2x-|=0 : 4a + 2a-|0

Or, 2a +a= ()

Let ß =4'- 3u =u4a'-3) =a(1-2a) -3 using ()

=a(-2a - 2) = -2la +I).
So, a+ß=a-2au+I)=a-2u'-2a =-2u-a=
and oß =-0-2(o + 1) =-2a' (a+1)= a+1)=(2a -1Xa +1)
(2a' +2a -a-1)-(2r' +o-i)=-= 1
using ()
0 and B i.e.. 40-3o are roots of thc cquation

=0 or. 4x' + 2x -|=0


EXample.35. If the cquation ax + by =l and cy + dy' =1 possesses only one solution then prove
a' a
=l and x = d [WB.S. C 1987)
Solution. ax + by=1 ()
cx'+ d² =1 (2)
]- ax
From (l) we get y= Putting this in (2) we get
+d. (1-ax)
=1 or, b'a'+ d(l- ax)' =b?
or, b'cx? +d(1+ a'x - 2ax)=}? or. þ'cx' +d+a'dx?- 2adx b' =0
Or. (b'c+ e'd)*-2adu +(d-b²)=0 (3)
Sincc (1)and (2) have only oncsolution so the roots of this quadratic cquation are cqual., i.e., its
discriminant = 0
or, (-2ad)' -4(b'c+ a'd\d -b') =0
4a'd' -4(b'c+ a'd\d -b)=0. or,, a'd'-(bic+ a'dEd -b) =0
Of. a'd' -(b?cd -b'e+ a'd' - a'b'd) =0 or, b'c-b'cd +a'ba' =0
or, b²(b'c- cd+ a'd) =0
or. bc- cd + u'd=0 : b 0
or, a'd +b'c=cd
a'd b'c =] OF,
cd cd
(3) is
The value of xobtained from
-2ud) +-2ud)' - 4|b'eta'dEd - b') 2ad t
2(b'c*a'a) 2(b'c ra'd) usng (+)

by (5)

From (1), a:+ by=| Or, by = | a' c-a'

or, y =
C hc

or, =
cd - a'd b'c
bcd bcd using (5)

Example.36. l1f a+b+c=0 show that the equation x'+ax +bc=0 and x' +bx +ca =0 have a
common root, [H. S.1999]
Solution. a+btc=0 a=-(b+c)
the first equation becomes x-(b+c)x +bc = 0 its two roots are band c.
Again since a +b+c=0 . b=-(a+c)
:. the second equation becomes x -(a+c)x + ac =0 its two roots are a and C.

So c is root of both the two equations. Thus the two equations have a common root which isc.
Example.37. Show that the equation x + px+ q=0and x'+qx +p= 0will have acommon root
if p+q+l=0 or, p=9. [WB. S.C 1988]
Solution. If p+g +l =0 then p=-(q +1). Then the first equation becomes r-(g+1)x + q= 0
or, x-{q+)x +q xl=0 so its two roots are q and 1.
root of
Similarly the second equation has two roots which are p and 1. Thus 1becomes common
the two equations if p+q+l=0.
the two roots of both
Now if p=q then both the two equations become x* + px +p= 0, i.e.,
the two equations are common. Hence proved.
have a common root prove
Example.38. If the two equations x + ax+b=0 and x*+a'x+b'=0
ab' - a'b b b' [WB. S.C 2012]
that, it is either Or,
b-b' a'-a

a + aa +b=0 and c + a'a+b' = 0

Solution. Let a be the common root.
two we get
Doing cross-multiplication between the
a' or, ab' - ba' b-b' a'-a
ab' - bu'

From the first two we get ab' - ha' b-b'

ab' - ba' ab' - a'b

or, a =
or, b-b' b-b' b-b'
ab' - ba'
or, C= .Hence proved.
From the last two we get b-b' a'-a a'-a
Example.39. For what values of mthe equations 3x +4mx +2=0 and 2x´+3x-2 =0
a comnon rOot. have
Solution: 2x +3x-2=0 or., 2x+ 4x- x-2=0
or, 2x(x +2)-(* + 2) =0 or, (2x-1)x +2) =0
X= ,-2 are the two Ioots.

1S Common root then
2m =-2 - 3 11 11
Or, + 2m +2=0 Or, Or, m=
4 4 4 8
If -2 is common root then 3(-2)* +4m-2) +2=0.
or, 12 -8m +2=0 or, 8m=14 Or, m=

Example.40. If the two equations ta+b=0 and +hx ta=0(a+b) have a common root, show
that other roots are the roots of the equation x'+x+ab= 0 [H.S.1984
Solution. Let a be the common root.
Let a,B be the roots of the cquation x + ax +b=0.
a+B = -a (1)
and oß=b (2)
Let a,y be the roots of the equation x + bx +a =0
a+Y=-b (3)
and ay =a (4)
Again since a is root of both the two equations therefore a +aa +b=0 and a' +ba+a=0.
Subtracting we get a(a -b) +(b-a) =0or, aqa-b) =a-b : a=1(: a-b0).
Adding (1) and (4), a+ß+ y=0 or, 1+ß+y=0 : a=1]
or, B+Y=-1.
Multiplying (2) and(4) we get oß-cy =ba or, By =ab : a= 1]
Now, B,Y are roots of the cquation x-(B+Y)x + By =0
or, x-(-)x + ab =0 or, x+xt ab=0.
Eyample.41. If the equation x* tcx t ab=0 and x* + bx+ ca =0 have only one common root
different from zero, prove that the reciprocal of their other roots will satisfy the
bex + ax +l=0.
Soution. Let be the conmmon root of
x + c + ab=0

aits + bxt ca =
tatdh =0 and a» +batca=0. Subtracting
(b-cla-a) =0.. a-a=0 : btcl
roots of (2).
be the twO roots of (1) and a,y be the two
Let, a,ß 1 1
other roots' are and (3)
The'reciprocal of their B
and oaß = ab (4)
Now a+B=-c
= ca
a+y= -band ry a+ß=-c+B=-a+c) and aß= ab ’ B=b.
(3) and (4)
Putting a=a we get from
and Y=c.
Similarly from (4), Y=<at+ b)
11_B+Y_b-(4+)2 : B=b,y=
+ bc bc
O 11 1 1
and B Y BY bc 1 bcx + ax +l=0.
x+ bc =0 or,

the required equation is x (B Y BY value.[H.S. !989]

always positive; find the least
x is real, prove that 5x-&x +6 is
Exampie.42. If attained.
x this least value
Por, what value of
or, 5x-8x +(6- y)=0.
Soh on. Let y= 5x -8+6
discriminant >0.
Since x is real the 16-S(6-y)>0
-4x5x(6-y)>0 or, 644 x5(6- y)20 or, 14
or, (-8) y2 (1)
or, -14+5y 20 or, 5y2 14 or,
Or, 16-30+ 5y >0
14 i.e., 5x-8x +
Since >0 . y is also >0 +6 is
5 14 i.e.. the least value of Sx-8r
value of y is
From (1) we see the least 4

16=0 0r, (5x -4)* =0-=

14 25x-40x +
Now, 5x2-8x +6= 5 16
-2x| 25

Second. Process: 5x2 -8x + 6=

2 14
[Since is non-negative ).
5 5

Hence Proved.
The '= sign hold when x=

Example.43. Find the greatest valuc of (2 +3rX1-x) where .x is rcal.

Solution. (2+3x)\1-x)= 2+ 3r2x-3x =-3x +x+2


25 25
36 12
12 [:: is always >0)]
25 25
Thus (2 + 3*)(1- x)s12 for all values of x. :. the required maximum value is 12

Example.44. For what values of x the expression 2x? +5x3 is negative ?

Solution : 2x' +Sx-3=2x' +6x-i-3=2x(x+3)-(*+3) =(2x-1Xx+3).
2x +5x-3<0 implies (2x -1x+3)<0. Then two cases arise.
1 1
Case 1 : 2x-1<0and x+3>0i.e., x< and x>-3 i.e., -3<x<*
Case 2: 2x-l>0 and x+3<0 ie., x> 2
and x<-3, but this is impossible.
Thus for -3<x< the given expression is -ve.
Example.45. If the quadraticexpression 3x-17x+ 20 is always positive, findthe nature of x.
Solution. Given 3x-17x+ 20>0
or, 3x -12x-5x+ 20>0 or, 3r(r-4)-s(x-4) >0 or, (3r-5)\x-4) >0.
Then two cases imay arise:

x> and x>4; these imply x>4 only.

Case 1: 3x-5>0 and x-4>0 i.e., 3

Case 2: 3x-5<0 andx-4<0 i.e.. x < 3 and x<4; these imply x< only.
Therefore either x>4 o, in other words x cannot lie between and 4.
quadratic cquations :
1, Find the roots of the following
(ii) -4x-1=0 (iii) x-6x +25=0.
() ' +5x- 24 =0
(v) 9x'-12x +4 =0.
(iv) 81x +8lx +20=0.
realmeShorb Uo

2. If a be a root of the cquatio: ax +bx +c=0 prove that ma m# 0) is a root of the cquation
ax+bnx +cm =0.
3., Discuss the nature of the roots of the following
quadratic cquations:
(i) x'-18r +81=0 (i1) 3r-7x+3=0 (iii) 2x-3x +5=0
(iv) 4x -6x +3=0 (v) 7x +4x3=0
(vi) (a-b+c)x* +2cx+{b+c-a)=0, a,b,c rational.
(vi) (b-c)a+2(c-a)x +a-b=0;a,),creal. (vii)(-p)\x-q) =g»p.grcal.
1 1
(ix) , a,b,p are real. (x) x-2/7x-2 =0. [WB.S.C 1995]

(xi) 34 +4x=7. (X1) (a+2h-3e)x +{b+ 2c-3a)x+(c+ 2a-36) =0, a,b,care rational.
1 1 1 1 3
P.4,r are real.
(xii) X-1 -2
-=0, (xiv) + +

(xv) ax+2bx +c=0if b =ac. (xvi) N5x? -6x = /5.

4. If a,b,C are rational and a+b+c=0 prove that the roots of the equation
(b+e-a)x +(c+a-b)x +(a +b-c)=0 are rational. Hence find the roots.
5. The roots of the quadratic equation x+ bx+c=0 are equal and one root of the equation
x + bx +8=0 is 4. Find c.
6. For what value of mthe roots of the following equations are equal
(i) (m+1)x +2(n+3)x+m+8 = 0. (i) 3x+m=5x.
7. If the roots of theequation x +ala+2b +c) =2(a +b)x are equal prove that b= tvac:
8. Prove that if the equation (*--q) +(x--) tx-r*-p)=0 has cqual roos then p=q =r.
9. Ifthe roots of p+x+q=0 are equal, prove that (p+q) =1+(p-g.
10. Show that the roots ofthe equation (a-bcl +2b -calx+e-ab=0 are equal if either b= 0 or,
a' +b'+c=3abc .
11. If the roots of the cquation (B-Y)x* +(Y-a)x +(a-B) =0 be equal then prove that B=
12. Prove that the values ofy obtained from the two equations a tly =l and ax +by =l are equal
if a+b=1:
13, Ifthe roots of theequation gx' +px +q=0(P>4 are real) bec imaginary, prove thatthe roots of
the equation x-4qx + p =0 are rcal and [H.S. 1984, 1988]
14. 1fthe roots of the cquation x* tx+m=0 be real and uncqual, prove that the roots of the
equation 2x-4(1+ m)x +2m´ +3=0 are imaginary where mis real.
15, Prove that if the roots of the equation (a to jr tAalk +(¢" +)=0 are real then they are equal
(a,b, c,d , are real).


. e roots of the cquation ny2 _2or4ne0 are real and unequal show that the roots of the
cquation qx -2px +g = 0 are imaginary. (both pand q are real). [H.S. 1993]
te sum and product of the roots of the quadratic equation 2x + ax +b=0 be 5 and 2
respectively, find a and b.
1Ï. One root of the cquation 3x2-5x+0=0 is 2: find its other root.
19. lf one root of thecquation 2?-Sr+a=0be twice the other, find a.
20. 1fp and q are roots of the equation x(x-3)-4=0, find the value of p" g
Z1. 1 a and ß be the roots of the equation ax? +bx +c=0 find the values of the following in terms
of a.b and c.
1 1
() (a-B). (i) a² +B². (iii),3 +

(iv) (vi) aa +b aß +b
aa aß? 1 1
(vii) b + (viii) [H.S. 1990]
bB +c
22. If oa and ß are roots of x-px +q =0 find the value of the following expression in terms of p
and g :
() aß+ B'a?. (i) a +B. (iii) B

23. Ifp and q are roots of 5x +7x+3=0 find the value of

24. If a and B be roots of the quadratie equation
x-(1+*)+l+R +*)=0 prove that

25, (i) If . and B are roots of the quadratic equation

3x-6x+4=0, find the value of
. B
[W.B.S.C 2004,2010]
(ii)If o and B are roots of the equation x+
ax+B=0, find the numerical value of and B
(a*B,a 0,ß0).
[H.S. 1997]
k (i) If a.b are roots of X PX T9 =,G, äre rootS of x-+s=0 Drove that
(a-c' +(b-c)'+(a-d)'+(b-d) =2(p +r-pr-24 -2s).
..sTe are the roots of x t px +l0and C,a
are the roots of + ar+l0 show that
g²-p' =(a-clb-cXa+ d)\b +d). [W.B.S.C 1992]
27 1fo.B be the roots of theequation px* tqxtr=0, find the value oe
(pa +q' (pB+q)

roots of the cquation px* + qx +r=0 arc reciprocals of thosc of ax+ bx +c=0,
28. Ifthc
that r:q:p=a:b:c.
5 3 -=1 are equal in
29. Find the value of mfor which the roots of the cquation
X+5t m x+3+ m

magnitude and opposite in sign.

30. Find the value of mfor which the roots of the equation x-2(5+2m)x
+3(7 +10m) = 0 are
equalin magnitude and opposite in sign.

31. If the roots of the equation -5= are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign prove
Xa b-x
that a +b=0.
that 25ac = 6b
32. if e roots of the quadratic equation ax?4hx+c=0 are in ratio 2:3 prove
33. If the roots of the equation ax +bx +b=0 are in the ratio p:g,prove that a(p + g) = bpg.
u If be the ratio of thetwo rOots of ax+bx+c=0 prove that acr² +1)+(2ac -b° r=0,
35. If one root of the equation x+(Sa+2)x +(5a +2) =0 is five times the others, then find numerical
value of u. [H.S. 1997]
36. If the ratio of the roTts of the equation ax' + bx+c=0 be m:n prove that (m +n) ac = bmn.
37. If one root of the equation x -px +q =0 be twice the other prove that 9q =2p
m |n
38. If the roots of the equation ax +bx+c=0 are in the ratio min, show that +

[WB.S.C 1990]

39. If the ratio of the roots of the equation ix +nx+1)=0 be a:b then prove that
a + + =0

40. Ifa is real, prove that the roots of the cquation ax+{a-]x+l=2a are real. If the sum of the
Toots of the equation be equal to three times their difference, then find a.
41. If thesum of theroots ofthe equation x-px+q=0 be three times their difference show that
2p =9q . [H.S. 1990]
42. If 2+/3i is aroot of the equation x + px +q=0, where p and g are real, find p and a.

43. If and B be the roots of theequation x*+ px+q=0 prove that g is a root of the equation
qx? -(p'-2q)x+q=0,
44. Ifthe roots of the equation 3x +8-5p= 2(7+9p)* are reciprocal to onc another find the value of
45. If one root of the equation x+ rx-S= 0is the square of other, prove that 3
+s+3sr -s=0
46, The difference of the roots of the equation 2x-12x + m+2= 0 is 2, find m

realme Shor by

T he difference of theroots -r+a= 0is 1prove that (1+2q) -4g =p":

O. T the difference of the roots ofthe cauation -x +g=0 be the same as that of the equation
X-qr tp=0, prove that p+q+4=0 unless P=9.
4. T b +a»c+ ac = 3abc , find the relation between the roots of the cquation ax +bx +o=0,
[W.B.S.C 1993;
50. 1f the a+1 and +2
be the two roots of the cquation a?+x+c=0, show (a +b+c)´ =*-4ac.
Sl. li a,$ are roots of the cquation 2x2-x-l=0 find the value of a-B' and for:n the equation
whose rOots are 20-1 and 2ß-1.
S2. Find the quadratic cquation whose roots are a and Bwhere a? +B² =1600,cß = 768.
1 1.1
53. If a,ß be the roots of the equation x+ px+q =0, show that and + are ine roots
of pqx +(p +q)x+p= 0.
54. If .,B are roots of the equation 3x + 6x+2= 0, find the equation whose roots are and
B² B

55. Form the quadratic equation whose roots are square of the roots of
+3x+2= 0
56. If a and ß be the roots of the equation 2x+ x+l=0, find the equation whose roots are
B² B
[W.B.S.C 1983;H.S. 1983]
57, If the roots of the equation ax+ bx +c=0 be o and B, find the
equation whose roots are
a' and B B

58, Form aquadratic equation with rational ccefficient whose one root is
59. Form a quadratic equation with real coefficients which has 2-3 as a root
60. If 2+i3 is a root of the equation x*+ px+q=0,
wherep and q are real, find the value of p
and q.
[W.B.S.C 1996, 2000]
A1 1f D.a are roots of cx+2bx +2c=0 (b,C are
real and c>b)find the eqguation vhose one root
is a+ß-ya' +B²
62 1f and B be the roots of the equatton ax +DX +e=0 Iind the
equation whose roots are oã +: 1
and B+
of the cquation ax? +bx +
63. If a and B be the roots c=0, form an
equation whose roots are


64. Find the quadratic cquation whose roots arc recinrocals of the roots of ax +bx
65. If thc product of the roots of a quadratic cauation is 768 and the sum of their square 1S 100
the equation.
66. If ,ß be the roots of the equation - )x+o=0 find the equation whose roots are zp
and 20 -B.
67. If a,B be the roots of thecquation x* +q= px find the equation whose roots are p-a p-B
68. Find the equation whose roots are cube of the roots of x-4x+3=0.

69. If 30a =40-5 and 38 =4ß-5 (a#B), find the value of o +ß.
roots are 3p-2q and
70. If 3p =5p+2 and 3g = Sq +2 (p*), obtain the equation whose
are -a'B- and
71. If a' +3=5o, and B +3=5ß(a #B) find the quadratic equation whose roots
x-Bx+a =0 respectively,
72. If a,b and c, d be thc roots of the cquation x -1Ox +B1=0 and
1 1
prove that the equation whose roots are ac
ad bc
is afß'x(x-1)+ a'+B -4ß=0.
73. If a and B be the roots of the equation ax + bx +c=0 find the equation whose roots are
a'+1 and B +1.
74. If and are the roots of equation 2x +7x4, find the equation whose roots are a
B (where +ß is real).
B, find the equation whose roots are
75. If the roots of the equation ax'+bx +c=0 be a and
(aa +b) and (aß +b)
whose roots are
76. If and B be the roots of the cquation x+3x + 4=0 find the equation
[W.B. S.C 2005]
(a+B)´ and (a-B)
sum and difference of the roots of
77. Find a quadratic equation whose roots are the squares of the
x+3x +4=0.
product of the two roots of
78. Find a quadratic equation whose roots are the sum and the half of the
the equation 2x +5x +2 = 0
79. If and B are the roots of the quadratic equation ax+ bx+c=0 find the quadratic equation
whose roots are and
B+1: [W.B.S. C 20071
80. Find those values of kfor which the cquauon X - Kx- 2|=0 and 2-3kr +35=0 have a
Common root.


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