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Why you should choose in a fast paced

learning environment?
Tamara-kuro Simon Alale
Software Engineer Trainee, ALX SE program.

Mid 2021, I decided that I want to becoming a software engineer was the way forward for me after
exploring other ventures. I began the long journey by revising HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript from
freecodecamp and w3school. The plan was that in the next six month, I should be an expert with the
reactjs framework with at least two project to my portfolio. It is worthy to note that I had acquire solid
programming fundamentals from my undergraduate studies.

Well coming bac this way wasn’t easy despite the fact that I was able to remaster the first three
aforementioned languages with at least 7 projects to my portfolio, 4 of which were made with just html
and css. Why, it too nothing less than six month to achieve all these. I could have done better indeed
with a good mentorship, learning community all of which are features of a fast paced learning

There is a good old saying that ‘good things do not come easy’. Well sometimes they do, but that is on
rare occasion. Fast paced learning is one of the most difficult but efficient way to learn. It requires
gulping lots of information within a short period of time. This kind of learning environment are common
with learning in groups, schools, bootcamps and skill acquisition institutions. They usually involve
persons learning and solving projects in teams or groups. They are really fast and requires a lot of
collaboration. On the other hand, self-paced learning allows the learner to learn at the pace their mind,
schedule and allow. Unlike fast paced learning, self-paced learning is most times solo learning because
every person definitely has their own pace they would learn if they want to and would be inconvenient
collaborators. Some platforms offer structured self-paced learning, example is udemy, udacity, the list
goes on. A person can also decide to learn learning at their own pace by consuming random resources
from the internet.

Each of these learning environment has their pros and cons but this articles will compare and contrast
between a fast paced environment and a self-paced one and outline reasons you should choose a fast
paced one over a self-paced one. Points given here are based on my own experience utilizing both
learning environment to learn software engineering.

Fast paced learning is easier.

In a short period of time, you see yourself cover a lot and this serves as a motivation for you to continue
to the end. In a faced learning environment, you are motivated by the persons around you which include
peers, technical mentors

or other persons of similar interests. There are persons there to help explain concepts you don't
understand, fix bugs, discuss issues. In a self paced learning most of these issues that arise with learning
are handled by yourself which makes
learning a chore.

Helps you decide if this is what you want to do or not? It defines your passion.

The energy that comes from a fast-paced environment through peer learning coupled with your passion
and zeal can help you decide if what you are going into is for you or not. It will aid you to set your goals
right and redefine your path. This is not the case with self-paced learning which gives room for self-
deceit. One can decide when and what to learn and how to learn it. This way can give you insights that
will allow you to decide what is best for you on the long run.

Constant source of motivation from peers, mentors that keep your going.

Excuses such as im tired which always mae you lag in self learning are easier overlooed and overcomed.
This is because seeing peers wor so hard gives you constant motivation. you want to do what your peers
can do. Consistent community hangouts, meetups and conferences are also ways you can sustain your
motivation during the program. These inds of supports are not there when you are self learning. And
with self learning, when the going becomes tough you can just pull out due to demotivation.

Builds your character.

Today most companies work places are fast paced and they require professionals who have had
experiences working in a fast paced environment. Of course, fast learning plays a huge role in such kind
of working environment.

Once you get in you have to learn everything that you need to know as quickly as possible. Most times a
two-weeks is used for onboarding were huge information and tools are thrown at you and are expected
to master them within this time period.

At this point can you think of the kind of impression you give when you say to your employers, 'please
can you allow me to learn this at my own pace' or something of that sought. You know the kind of
impression that

will give of you. You you are the kind of person who like to learn slowly, you will find yourself always
playing catchup in such a work environment.

Defines your direction and shows you the correct way.

In a fast paced environment you learn a lot within a short period of time and become ready to apply
your skills in a professional settings. By the end of a specified period you would have acquired a lot and
also achieved alot. This builds your confidence and ability to relate with industry experts and other
professionals in the field.

Self-paced learning does not allow you to ever measure up to speed with your peers in the industry. It
takes longer time, mostly structured and longer time is spent learning.
It offers what self learning cannot offer (Long term networking, team work, soft skills, communication,
problem solving, job preparation).

Fast paced learning offers you large networking base through peers you have worked with. Teamwork
and communication and job preparation skills can be acquired in this kind of environment which may
not be the case with a self-paced environment.


Fast pace learning can help you acquire knowledge and skills in a shorter period of time, sustain
motivation and complete a programme which you have started. If you adopt the concept of fast paced
learning, one will have less abandoned project in their life

unlike self paced ones where discouragement, fatigue can set in and maim the project. Most times
programmes that can be completed in 9 - 12 months will take you 5 - 10 years to complete. By then your
project may become obsolete and maybe you start another

one and fail again. One will have a lot of abandoned projects in their life and this becomes a curse.

I stand with fast paced learning.

I would advise that if you want to undertake a very demanding program like software engineering, you
should take full advantage of fast learning environment if any one is available.

Tips to spice up this draft.

Search for quotes from industry expert.

Share personal experience why I would prefer to work in a fast paced environment.

Be mindful of search engine optimization.

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