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1. How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge?

- I am excited and happy as I listed all the things I want to buy. I imagine different
scenarios where I can use all those things. But I also feel guilty of the thought, that I'm
not the one who worked hard to get the money that I'm going to spend, but since it's
offered by the rich person, I'm not going to miss my chance to make use of it to make
myself happy as well as my family.

2. Which among the items on your list do you like the most? Why?

- The first item that I buy is food specially high protein such as chicken breast, second is
house or mansion.

3. If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one among the list, which would you
choose? Why?

- The first I should do refuse, because something you need to under that, to earn money
you should have a strong planing it simple, Rather what can I buy think about how can I
invest it.

4. Does your choice differ from your answer in question number 2? Why or why not?

- Sometime I spend money on my wants, but I learned that money cannot double on its
own you should make profit on it rather than spend it on a temporary want.

5. Let your classmate read your list. Ask him / her to give or write a quick impression of yourself
based on the list you showed him/her.

- For me it's ok nothing happened if you're classmates see you're list they just gonna tell
their opinions and reason.

6. Is the quick impression of your classmate has some truth about who you are?

- They thing I'm weird because sometimes I'm silent but I'm listening.

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