DOC-20230825-WA0006 Id en

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Blitar, 25 August 2023

Subject: Application for Employment

Attachments: 5 sheets

Dear. Minister of Finance

Jl. Raden Intan No.1, Polowijen, Kec. Blimbing

Malang, East Java

Yours faithfully,

Looking at the website from, there are CPNS job vacancies at
the Ministry of Finance. Based on this announcement, I expressed my interest in applying for a job at the
Ministry of Finance.

I, the undersigned below:

Name: Ahmad Difa Hendriansyah

Place, date of birth: Blitar, October 1 1995

Education: S1 Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia

Position applied for: Expert Staff for Financial Services and Capital Markets

For your consideration, I hereby submit the following documents:

1. Scan of original KTP.

2. Scan of the original transcript.

3. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

4. Scan the 2021 Tax Return (SPT).

5. Photo (Passport Photo)

Best regards,
Ahmad Difa

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