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Cervical Procedures

Fertility and pregnancy

after cervical procedures
The challenge of achieving good outcomes

Dana M. Chase, MD
Clinical Instructor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Division of Gynecologic Oncology
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California

Michela Angelucci, MD
Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Rome, Italy

Philip J. DiSaia, MD
The Dorothy Marsh Chair in Reproductive Biology
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology
University of California, Irvine
Irvine Medical Center
Orange, California

ince the development and wide
implementation of cervical cancer
screening programs, cervical cancer
rates have decreased by up to 80%.1
Screening has increased the identification cervical stenosis, preterm delivery, and low
of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), birth weight. This article reviews the ablative
carcinoma in situ (CIS), and cervical dys- and excisional procedures used to treat cer-
plasia in young women during their repro- vical disease, their potential adverse impact
ductive years. In fact, the International Fed- on reproductive and fertility outcomes, and
eration of Gynecologists and Obstetricians what guidance the literature offers regarding
(FIGO) 2006 annual report showed that 49% tailoring treatment to minimize residual dis-
of all cases of cervical carcinoma worldwide ease and improve the chances of good gyne-
occurred in women younger than 49 years.2 cologic and obstetric outcomes.
This is a challenging situation given that the
age of nulliparous women has increased.2
The data point to the need for conservative Treatments for cervical disease
fertility-preserving management of cervical Treatment of CIN can include eradication
dysplasia and carcinoma, especially in pre- of the transformation zone (TZ) by ablation
invasive and microinvasive disease. or excision, depending on the nature and
While the therapies used to treat cer- extent of disease. Ablative methods include
vical disease have high success rates, they cryotherapy, laser vaporization, and electro-
also carry a risk for long-term morphologic coagulation diathermy. Excisional methods
damage that may in turn result in gyneco- include laser conization, cold knife coniza-
logic and obstetric complications, including tion, and large loop excision of the transfor-
mation zone (LLETZ) or loop electrosurgical
The authors report no commercial or financial relation- excision procedure (LEEP). (See the TABLE for
ships relevant to this article.
a description of these procedures.)

Vol. 9, No. 1 3
Cervical Procedures

Excisional techniques preserve the abil- grade lesions, excision is the standard treat-
ity to obtain an optimal histologic evalua- ment.3 Excision techniques are well accepted
tion, including examination of the margins because of their success in treating disease.
of the lesion, while also preserving fertility. For example, the treatment success of cold
Additional advantages include the low cost, knife conization is reported as high as 90%
the outpatient procedure and fast treatment to 94%.4,5 Treatment success of LLETZ is
time, the simplicity of the procedure, and reported between 91% and 98%.6-11
a good compliance rate of patients in the In patients with early-stage cervical
outpatient setting. For patients with high- cancer (stage FIGO IA-IB1), radical vaginal

TABLE Fertility-preserving treatments for cervical dysplasia or cancer

Technique Description

ABLATIVE Electrocoagulation diathermy Electrocoagulation diathermy or electrocautery uses electricity to destroy the
METHODS cervical lesion. The lesion is coagulated with a ball electrode at a power setting of
40-80 watts to a depth of 7 mm around the cervical canal.

Cryotherapy Cryotherapy involves freezing the cancerous lesion with a metal probe that is
cooled with refrigerants. The probe is applied to the tissue and kept in contact with
the tissue until an ice “ball” forms. After the tissue has visibly thawed, it is usually
frozen a second time to ensure a thorough treatment.

Laser vaporization A laser beam is used to destroy the abnormal tissue. Laser destruction of tissue can
be controlled by the length of exposure. Defocusing the beam permits photoco-
agulation of bleeding vessels in the cervical wound.

EXCISIONAL Large loop excision of the The cervix is infiltrated with a local anesthetic and vasoconstrictive agent. The loop
METHODS transformation zone (LLETZ) is placed with slight pressure at the edge of the lesion and the cutting mode is acti-
or loop electrosurgical excision vated. When the loop has advanced 5-6 mm into the tissue, it is drawn through the
procedure (LEEP) tissue with almost no force. A depth of 7-8 mm is reached toward the cervical canal.
The pass through the tissue can be made from above to below or from one side to
the other. For hemostasis, the cut surface is coagulated with the ball electrode.

Cold knife conization (CKC) The cervix is stained with Lugol’s solution to define the base of the cone and is
infiltrated with 10-20 mL of dilute solution of vasopressin. Beginning at the posterior
lip, a 5-cm–deep sagittal incision is made with a small, straight scalpel. Then a slender
pointed angled knife is used to direct the plane of the incision toward the cervical
canal and define a cone. A Hegar probe is placed in the cervical canal to ensure that
the tip of the cone encompasses the cervical canal. Any remaining tissue bridges
are snipped with scissors. The cut surface of the cervix is coagulated with a conical
thermocoagulator for 15-30 seconds or closed with a Sturmdorf suture.

Laser conization The exocervical margins are outlined with 0.5-1 mm dots produced by laser energy
at a power setting of 20-50 watts. A laser incision is performed to connect the dots
and extended to a depth of 3-5 mm.
The procedure is completed using laser, scalpel, and Mayo scissors.

Radical vaginal trachelectomy The surgical technique includes making a “vaginal cuff,” opening the ventrolateral
(RVT) dry spaces (vesicovaginal space and paravesical spaces), and then dividing the
bladder pillars (vesicouterine ligaments) to identify the ureters and uterine arteries.
After opening the Douglas pouch, the rectum pillars (rectouterine ligaments) are
divided. At this time, the paracervical ligaments, the ventral and dorsal aspects of
which are visible, can be divided between 2 clamps, the most lateral being placed
2 cm outside the vaginal cuff. The last step of the procedure involves dividing the
uterus, which is transected 5 mm underneath the isthmus. The reconstruction
includes closing the Douglas pouch, putting a cerclage around the isthmus, and
reanastomosing the vagina to the isthmus. No drain is left in place. A Foley catheter
is inserted for 2-6 days

4 FEB 2011
Cervical Procedures

trachelectomy (RVT) with laparoscopic pel- procedure is reserved for patients who are
vic lymphadenectomy may be a valid surgical thought to be at higher risk for carcinogene-
alternative to radical hysterectomy; this pro- sis yet may be managed more conservatively,
cedure preserves reproductive potential by as the disease is still preinvasive.
removing only the cervix plus some parame- Data are conflicting regarding the
trial tissue and a margin of vagina.12 The onco- impact of LLETZ or LEEP on pregnancy
logic outcome is thought to be comparable to risks. A meta-analysis published in 2006
traditional surgery for early-stage disease.13 showed that LLETZ was significantly associ-
ated with preterm delivery (RR=1.70; 95% CI,
1.24-2.35), low birth weight (RR=1.82), and
Ablation treatments preterm premature rupture of membranes
Cryotherapy, laser vaporization, and dia- (PPROM) (RR=2.69).20 However, many ear-
thermy have in common the principle that lier studies found that cervical excision treat-
the entire TZ is destroyed to a depth of about ment, including LLETZ, was not associated
7 mm.14 Destruction of epithelium precludes with preterm delivery or PPROM.23-25 These
histologic evaluation; therefore, this treat- conflicting results may be explained by poor
ment is advisable when colposcopy is sat- study design, small sample sizes, and several
isfactory and when there is no suspicion of confounding factors, such as depth of the
glandular or invasive disease. Treatment cervical excision or the presence of other risk
success, in terms of disease recurrence, after factors for pregnancy outcome (smoking,
laser vaporization is approximately 95%.15 multiple sex partners, or sexually transmit-
Success of treatment with cryotherapy is ted disease).26 A recent study in Brazil attrib- KEY POINT
between 77% and 93%.16-18 The literature uted most of these clinical consequences to In general, there does
suggests that long-term morbidity is less cervical stenosis.27 However, this study did
concerning after ablative cervical proce- not prove that cervical stenosis is necessarily not appear to be an
dures than after excisional procedures. a prognostic factor for obstetric outcome: the association between
In general, there does not appear to be 7.66% incidence in the study population was
ablative procedures
an association between ablative procedures not higher than the percentage described
and infertility. In 1995, Spitzer et al reported in the literature for excision electrosurgical and infertility.
that cervical laser surgery was not associated treatments. It is possible, however, that hem-
with impairments in fertility or with preterm orrhagic complications requiring cauteriza-
labor.19 A 2006 meta-analysis found that laser tion or suture may cause infertility, preterm
ablation was not significantly associated labor, or PPROM.27
with adverse effects on pregnancy outcomes A meta-analysis by Kyrgiou et al concluded
or on fertility (RR=0.87; 95% CI, 0.63-1.20).20 that fertility is not impaired after LLETZ.20
More recently, another meta-analysis dem- Other studies demonstrate that LLETZ does
onstrated that, although the risk associated not have a role in first- or second-trimester
with ablative treatment was not increased, miscarriage, probably because the procedure
there was a trend toward increased perinatal removes a smaller amount of cervical tissue.24,25
mortality in patients who had been treated In general, a literature review reveals a lack of
with diathermy (RR=1.54).21 In addition, good evidence regarding the effect of cervical
while laser ablation and cryotherapy were excision treatments on fertility.
not associated with preterm delivery, a sig-
nificantly higher rate of low birth weight was Cold knife conization
observed in women treated with diathermy.21 When endocervical assessment shows CIN
and colposcopy is not satisfactory, and/or if
cytology or colposcopy examination suggests
Excisional treatments cancer, ablative therapy is not appropriate.28
LEEP or LLETZ To preserve fertility in young women, the
The LLETZ procedure utilizes a high cur- cold knife conization (CKC) technique was
rent in a very thin wire loop that cuts the developed in 1985.29
tissue, producing minimal thermal damage This conservative approach is highly effec-
to the surrounding tissue.22 The depth of the tive in controlling preinvasive disease. While
cervical excision is between 0.7 and 1.5 cm. CKC provides the cleanest specimen margins
Typically used to treat CIN2 or CIN3, this for further histologic study, it is typically asso-

Vol. 9, No. 1 5
Cervical Procedures

ciated with more bleeding than laser or LEEP; protracted,36 patients who have an RVT often
in some cases, general anesthesia is required. present with dysmenorrhea (24%), irregular
A recent Cochrane Review reported treatment bleeding (17%), excessive vaginal discharge
success (in terms of no residual disease) of 90% (14%), and isthmic stenosis (10%) with or
to 94% in nonrandomized studies.30 without amenorrhea.37 A recent comparative
Several reproductive concerns are asso- study confirmed that disease recurrence rate
ciated with CKC, including a significant asso- and death rate in patients treated with RVT
ciation with second-trimester miscarriage. A were comparable to those of patients with
study comparing pregnancies in 414 patients equivalent-sized lesions who underwent
before and after CKC reported a rate of late radical abdominal hysterectomy.38
spontaneous miscarriages in treated patients Cervical incompetence caused by RVT
7 times greater than before surgery.31 This presents important obstetric consequences.
complication increases based on the size Second-trimester miscarriage in RVT
of cone biopsy.31 Conversely, a prospective patients is twice the rate found in the gen-
study by Mathevet et al found no increase of eral population (8.6% vs 4%), while the rate
early or late miscarriage or PPROM.24 of first-trimester miscarriage is comparable
A recent meta-analysis revealed that only to that in the general population (16% to
CKC was consistently associated with serious 20%). Preterm labor is more frequent, with
adverse pregnancy outcomes.21 Unavoidably, the premature birth rate varying among dif-
the CKC procedure removes more cervi- ferent studies, likely due to the variability
cal tissue than other techiniques.20 Finally, a in the amount of cervix excised. In 2005,
KEY POINT recent meta-analysis that included data from Plante et al showed that 8 of 50 pregnancies
Several reproductive 27 studies found a significant association (16%) ended prematurely (<37 weeks).34 In
between CKC and preterm delivery (gesta- another study of RVT for early-stage cervi-
concerns are tion <32/34 weeks) (RR=2.59), low birth weight cal cancer, preterm delivery occurred in 7 of
associated with CKC, (RR=2.53), and perinatal mortality (RR=2.87).21 9 live births.39
The estimated cumulative fertility rate
including a significant
Laser conization in patients who underwent RVT has been
association with Laser conization employs a highly focused reported as 55%.40 This is probably due to
second-trimester laser spot to make a cervical external side cervical stenosis, absence of cervical mucus,
circular incision to a depth of 1 cm. Hemo- subclinical infections, and adhesion forma-
miscarriage. stasis is generally guaranteed through tion. Cervical stenosis occurs in about 15%
laser coagulation by defocusing the beam. of RVT patients. Although this complication
The advantages of this technique are more is often asymptomatic, patients sometimes
accurate tailoring of cone size, less cervical present with pelvic pain and hematometra.
trauma, and low blood loss. A disadvantage Assisted reproduction techniques (ART)
is that the cone biopsy specimen receives may be helpful for these women. Jolley et
thermal damage, precluding histologic al reported 200 pregnancies post-RVT and a
evaluation of margins. A Cochrane Review second-trimester spontaneous abortion rate
reported laser conization treatment success of 9.5% (19/200).41 Of the 200 pregnancies,
as 93% to 96% in nonrandomized studies.30 there were 49 (25%) preterm deliveries (24 to
The relative risk of perinatal mortality asso- 37 weeks’ gestation) and 84 term births (>37
ciated with laser conization was heteroge- weeks).41 Compared with the US incidence
neous.21 The frequency of cervical stenosis in of preterm birth (13%),42 patients who under-
patients who underwent laser conization has went RVT have a 2 times greater chance of
been reported as 4% to 11%.32,33 preterm delivery. The risk for PPROM in
these patients appears to be higher than in
Radical vaginal trachelectomy the general population.39, 43,44
In select young women with stage I cervical
cancer who desire future fertility, RVT has
become an acceptable alternative to radical Possible mechanisms that
hysterectomy.34,35 compromise cervical function
While surgical morbidity appears to be Two recent meta-analyses demonstrated
lower in patients who undergo conservative that cervical excisional procedures are asso-
approaches because the procedures are less ciated with adverse pregnancy outcomes.

6 FEB 2011
Cervical Procedures

These outcomes may be caused by the cer- exceeded 6 cm³ (RR=3.17) when compared
vical modifications after surgery; in other to small excisions defined as volumes of less
words, the loss of cervical tissue may com- than 3 cm. There has not been an associa-
promise mechanical function. The new col- tion between length of excision, but between
lagen formed in scar tissue may be more large-volume excision and preterm deliv-
fragile and react abnormally to hormonal ery.46 Therefore, the concept that the large
changes of pregnancy. Furthermore, coniza- amount of volume excised increases the risk
tion removes endocervical glands, causing for preterm delivery is plausible.
a decrease in mucus, which may potentially Timing of pregnancy after surgery. Time
compromise both fertility and pregnancy to pregnancy after excision may also be
outcome. For instance, this might lead to important. Himes and Simhan demonstrated
endocervical infections, which contribute to that in women who underwent conization,
PPROM and preterm labor.45 those with a subsequent preterm birth had
Amount of tissue excised. A greater vol- a shorter conization-to-pregnancy interval
ume of cervical tissue excised could relate to (337 days) than women with a subsequent
the occurrence of partial or complete obstruc- term birth (581 days) (P=.004).47 These data
tion of the cervical canal; cervical stenosis are significant, and women of reproductive
often is associated with dysmenorrhea, amen- age who must have a conization procedure
orrhea, and infertility. In the literature, there can be counseled that conceiving within 2 to
is a lack of consensus regarding the definition 3 months of the procedure may be associated
of cervical stenosis, which may account for with an increased risk of preterm birth. Tim-
the high variability in incidence (0% to 25.9%) ing could be an important factor for thera- KEY POINT
observed. A study in Brazil found that hem- peutic or prophylactic management.47 Women of
orrhagic complications during the immedi- Cervical length. Identifying predictive
ate pre- or postoperative period, which led to factors of adverse pregnancy outcome in reproductive age
suturing of operative wounds or intense cau- patients treated with cervical surgery would who must have a
terization, were found to be associated with be valuable. Berghella et al showed that a cer-
conization procedure
subsequent cervical stenosis.27 vical length measured by ultrasound could
Depth of surgical incision. Depth of be predictive of preterm birth if its value was can be counseled that
conization and the volume of cervical tissue less than 25 mm in patients who underwent conceiving within
removed have been evaluated as a risk factor cervical procedures.48 Another study con-
for adverse pregnancy outcome and infertil- firmed that cervical length is predictive of
2 to 3 months of
ity. The proportion of the total cervical volume preterm delivery.49 This study found that at the procedure may
or endocervical canal removed seems to be 24 to 30 weeks’ gestation, women with prior be associated with
more important than the actual depth of exci- cervical surgery had cervical lengths similar
sion. A meta-analysis showed a relative risk to women with a previous spontaneous pre- an increased risk of
of 2.61 for preterm delivery with a core depth term birth. preterm birth.
of cone specimen greater than 10 mm (95%
CI).21 The retrospective studies included in
this meta-analysis presented wide variations Preventing preterm birth
in the loop sizes used and, consequently, the One might consider screening women who
cone volume removed. This may explain the have had prior cervical surgery. Between 16
wide range of relative risks (from 0.46 to 7.00) and 18 weeks’ gestation might be an optimal
and the nonsignificant pooled effect of loop period to start prophylactic therapy with pro-
excision on perinatal mortality. gesterone. Meis et al showed that progester-
A paper presented at the British Soci- one (17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone capro-
ety for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology ate, or 17P) could decrease the recurrence of
meeting in 2009 described 353 women who preterm birth when administered starting
underwent LLETZ in the same hospital; between 16 and 20 weeks and continuing until
nearly 10% had a preterm delivery.46 The delivery or 36 weeks’ gestation.50 Berghella et
authors examined the correlation between al reported that 17P had no additional benefit
volume, length, and thickness of removed for preventing preterm birth in women who
zone with the risk of preterm delivery. There had prior spontaneous preterm birth and
was a more than 3-fold increase in the risk received ultrasound-indicated cerclage for
of preterm delivery if the excision volume cervical length <25 mm.51 Instead, in women

Vol. 9, No. 1 7
Cervical Procedures

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Unexplained Infertility: Individualizing Treatment

for a Successful Outcome
A CME/CE Webcast activity sponsored by the FREE
1.0 CME
American Society for Reproductive Medicine Credit
Sexuality, Reproduction & menopause
and its journal, Sexuality, Reproduction & Menopause

Expert faculty describe current therapeutic approaches for unexplained infertility and discuss how to
select the most appropriate, evidence-based treatment regimens for patients in various clinical scenarios.

The Role for Oral Agents Spontaneous Pregnancy The Role for HMG-IUI?
Marcelle I. Cedars, MD (Chair) in Couples With Bradley J. Van Voorhis, MD
Professor and Director, Unexplained Subfertility Professor and Director,
Division of Reproductive Valerie L. Baker, MD Division of Reproductive
Endocrinology and Infertility, Medical Director, Endocrinology and Infertility,
University of San Francisco Medical Center, Stanford Fertility and Reproductive University of Iowa
San Francisco, California Medicine In Vitro Fertilization Program, Carver College of Medicine,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa
Stanford, California

Webcast Lecture Key Points

Available at
› Treatment options for unexplained infertility
› Cost-effective treatment strategies
› Risks and benefits of gonadotropin stimulation Supported by an educational grant from
with intrauterine insemination EMD Serono, Inc., and Merck.

Vol. 9, No. 1 9

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