DLL - Basic.Physics.2019.Week 1

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school year 2019 - 2020

Saint Catherine’s School

Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya


Department Science Department Grade Level 9
Teacher Darwin P. Paran Learning Area Basic Physics
Teaching Dates and Time August 5 – 9, 2019 Quarter Quarter
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
Write the LC code for each
At the end of the session, the
learners are expected to:
At the end of the session, the
1. define physics and cite the
leaners are expected to:
important roles of physics in
1. define the steps of the
the modern world;
scientific method;
2. describe the nature of
2. explain the main purpose
of scientific method; and
3. relate the role of physics in
3. use the scientific method
technology; and
to create an experiment in
4. enumerate some Filipino
their daily life.
and foreign physicists.

What is Physics?
INTRODUCTION Physics and Technology Scientific Method (Discussion) Scientific Method (Laboratory)
Filipino and Foreign Physicists
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material
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school year 2019 - 2020
3. Textbook pages Exploring Life Through Science by Silverio, Angeline A. pp 2 – 3
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson The learners will be oriented Help them recall the importance
or presenting the new with the following: of Physics in understanding how
lesson a. Overview of the our world works. Emphasize that Presentation of output from
Let them read the expected
Subject in order to this, careful studies Session 3.
output for the session using the
b. Grading System should be carried out. Relate this
read aloud method.
c. Laboratory Procedures with scientific experiments.
d. Materials to be used for
the subject Present the lesson objectives.
B. Establishing a purpose for e. Permanent grouping for Present to them the following Activity 1. Separate Us!
the lesson
Performance Tasks pictures:  Ask the learners to solve
1. stove (wood vs burner) the puzzle in 3 minutes.
2. telephone vs cellphone
3. cart vs SUVs After 5 trials, ask them to discuss
the problems met in solving the
Ask volunteers from the class to puzzle. Help them realize that
describe the posted pictures. solving problems involves
Lead them to the idea that careful analysis of the problem to
humans always try to find ways come up with efficient solutions.
to improve their lifestyle.
C. Presenting Present to them a laptop. Let
examples/instances of the them discuss the importance of
Demonstrate the Electromagnetic
new lesson laptop (or any computer) in our
Swing to the class. Discuss with
daily activities.
them how this demonstration led
to the discovery of electricity.
Help them realize the roles of
technology in our lives.
D. Discussing new concepts Through a powerpoint Discuss with them the scientific

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school year 2019 - 2020
and practicing new skills presentation, discuss with them method. Explain to students that
#1 the definition, branches, and they can use these steps to
nature of physics. answer many questions in
everyday life. If they can ask the
Activity 1. Give them 3 minutes question, they can apply the
to list down the importance of scientific method to answer it.
the study of physics. Help them
use the discussed concepts to
arrive with their answers. After
the given time, ask at least 3
volunteers to read their answers
in front of the class. Encourage
the other members of the class to
give their comments on the
presented answers.
E. Discussing new concepts Discuss with them the Activity 2.
and practicing new skills connection between physics and As a class, choose one of the
#2 technology. questions from the list below.
Follow the scientific method to
answer the question. Then ask
students to design their own
experiment to answer another
question from the list.
1. What is the fastest route
from my house to school?
2. What breakfast gives you
the most energy in gym
3. What type of joke makes
my little brother laugh the
4. What most annoys my
best friend?
5. What time of day do I
feel most awake?

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F. Developing mastery
Ask the students to present their
(Leads to Formative
experiment design in Activity 2.
G. Finding practical Present to them the following
Present nuclear power plants as
applications of concepts scenario:
an example of a very useful and
and skills in daily living
efficient source of electrical
One of your classmates told you
energy. Help them realize how
that your friend is trying to tell
this kind of technology helps us
lies behind your back. (Present
to be more productive in dealing
and example.)
with our daily activities.
Ask them what would they do in
Present also the disadvantages
this situation.
(example: nuclear warfare) of
this technology. From this, help
Lead them to the idea that
them realize that we should be
solving problems require a stable
responsible in using our
state of mind and emotions
knowledge to live peacefully and
before dealing with the problem
H. Making generalizations Ask 3 volunteers from the class
and abstractions about the to share the big concepts they Journal Writing
lesson learned from session.
I. Evaluating learning The students will be given
another question:

What is the best way to keep cut

Short Quiz flowers fresh the longest?
Ask them to design an
experiment to answer the
question. This will serve as their
output for the next session.
J. Additional activities for application Homework: Internet research
or remediation
1. Enumerate some foreign
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and Filipino scientists.
2. Choose one foreign and
Filipino scientist.
Enumerate their
contributions in their
respective field of
interest. Present your
output during the next

Prepared by: Checked:


Subject Teacher Department Chair


School Principal

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