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1. Monitor weight at the same time of the day  Family History  Stress
2. Assess skin color and palpate skin for  Sex (Female)  Dietary factors (Increase intake of
warmth  Grave’s Disease iodine)
3. Increase calorie intake and protein intake as
well as carbohydrates
4. Avoid caffeine and spicy foods Grave’s Disease

Increase heat tolerance

 Weight loss TSH Receptor Antibodies Stimulate TSH receptor
 Hyperthermia
 Moist hands
 Skin warm, shiny and moist TSH receptor stimulate thyroid gland

Increase metabolic activity

Increase secretion of Thyroid hormones (T3 & T4)


Overactivation of TSH receptors antibodies Increase GI Activity Increase blood flow to Increase blood Stimulate activation of Sympathetic
Increase sensitivity of Beta-receptors
peripheral tissue flow to skin Nervous System

Overstimulation of T-cells
Increase GI motility Increase stroke volume
Increase secretion of epinephrine
 Plummer nails  Flushed skin
& norepinephrine
Release of Tumor Necrotic Alpha  Patchy hair loss  Hyperhidrosis
Increase cardiac output  Diaphoresis
 Nausea
 Vomiting  Itchiness of skin
Stimulate activation of Fibroblasts  Nervousness
 Increase appetite 1. Trim nails regularly
Increase cardiac workload 2. Administer  Palpitation, tremors
antithyroid drugs  Paranoid
Increase level of glucose amino glycans 1. Palpate skin
temperature for  Difficulty sleeping
Myocardial hypertrophy
1. Increase fluid intake to prevent warmth
Accumulation of GAG in dermis 2. Provide a cool and
quiet environment
2. Increase intake of fiber Cardiomegaly 3. Instruct to wear light 1. Instruct client to increase
Exophthalmos 3. Avoid caffeine containing clothing rest periods
beverages as well as spicy food 2. Allow the client to express
4. Administer antiemetics as concerns about body
 Periorbital edema and pain ordered image
 Headache  Hypertension 3. Administer anxiolytics as
 Tachycardia ordered
 Tachypnea
1. Assess client’s level of pain for headache 1. Assess vital signs
 Dyspnea upon
2. Restrict salt in the diet & elevate head of patient 2. Place patient in semi-fowlers position
3. Administer prophylthiouracil to decrease level of thyroid 3. Increase rest periods
 Fatigue
hormones 4. Administer beta blocker as prescribed by the physician
4. Administer norgesic forte for headache
1) Inadequate blood flow will result in
1) Early diagnosis provides prompt medical decrease oxygen supply in blood
management to achieve homeostatic 2) Untreated hypoxemia can
balance of the body immediately lead to severe damage
2) Delay progression of cardiomegaly to of brain cells causing brain death
heart failure 3) Noncompliance to treatment
3) Thyroidectomy is performed when regimen will place patient at risk for
persistent hyperthyroidism occurs severe complications such as heart
4) Lifestyle modification together with failure if cardiomegaly is not treated
compliance to drug regimen will promptly
improve health condition of client 4) Hyperthyroidism can progress
through acute thyrotoxicosis or also
known as thyroid storm
5) Improper management of
hyperthyroidism can cause thyroid


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