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Convex Optimization

2022 Fall
Seongah Jeong

Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab

Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Instructor and TAs

• Instructor: Seongah Jeong

– IT1-717

• Office hours: Appointments by arrangement via email

• Offline class
• All lecture slides and notices will be posted @ LMS

• TA information will be posted @ LMS

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab

• Linear algebra
– Ref: Boyd & Vandenberghe

• Probability and stochastic processes

– Ref: Bertsekas & Tsitsiklis

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab

• Boyd & Vandenberghe, “Convex Optimization”,

Cambridge University Press, 2004.

• Calafiore & El Ghaoui, “Optimization Models”,

Cambridge University Press, 2014.

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab

• Assignments will be posted @ LMS

• Submission with all the details via LMS

• Solutions usually available right after the due date

– Delay penalty!

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab

• Midterm:
– Offline 1:30~2:00 hrs

• Final:
– Offline 1:30~2:00 hrs

• Allowed to use one cheating sheet

(A4-sized & double-sided)

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Grading policy

• Participation 5%
– Attendance, in-class participation, questions & discussion,
any type of interaction with me

• Midterm 40%

• Final 45%

• Assignment 10%

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab

Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab

Definition: Find an optimization variable that

minimizes (or maximizes) an objective function.

The birth of the optimization field traced back to an

astronomy problem in the 1800s.

Let us talk about the problem to see how the theory

was developed.

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
An astronomy problem in the early 1800s

A new planetoid (미행성) was discovered: Ceres.

To figure out the trajectory, made 19 observations

(over 42 days).
However: Lost behind the glare of the sun.
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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 ~ 1855)

A young mathematician, named

Gauss, took an approach to
figure out the trajectory.

In the process: Developed a

math problem that later laid the
foundation of optimization field.

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Gauss’s approach


Fix two points.
Draw an orbit that crosses the two points.

Wish to find an orbit (determined by ) that minimizes

the sum of the squared errors.
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Gauss’s problem

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Gauss’s problem

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Gauss’s problem

least square

Called the “least-squares” problem.

Turns out: Opened up optimization field


1. Closed-form solution:
2. Efficient method to compute the solution.
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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
What people tried from that time on

Tried to translate an interested problem to a

least-squares problem.

Various translation techniques have been developed.

However: Encountered many situations in which

translation is not doable.

Another breakthrough was made in 1939, which

revolutionized the optimization field.

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Leonid Kantorovich in 1939
레오니트 칸트로비치

Tried to solve a military-related

problem during WWII:
Find an optimal planning of
expenditures-returns of soldiers.

In the process: Formulated an

optimization problem:
Linear Program (LP)

(or linear optimization problem)

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Leonid Kantorovich in 1939

No closed form solution for LP.

However: Developed an efficient

algorithm that achieves the
optimal solution.

Won him the 1975 Nobel Prize in Economics!

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
What people tried from that time on

Tried to translate an interested problem to a

least-squares problem or linear program (LP).

Various translation techniques have been developed.

However: Encountered still many situations in which

translation is not doable.

Hence: Tried to come up with a class of tractable

optimization problems which can be solved efficiently.

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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
A class of tractable optimization problems

Convex Optimization

Least-squares Linear Program

1800s (LP) 1939
Quadratic Program (QP) 1956

Second-Order Cone Program

(SOCP) 1994
Semi-Definite Program
(SDP) 1994
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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab
Course outline
Part I: Convex optimization (4~5 weeks)
Basic concepts and several definitions
Definition of convex optimization
LP, Least-squares, QP, SOCP, SDP
Algorithms for special cases
Part II: Duality (3~4 weeks)
Strong duality  Algorithms for general convex optimization
Weak duality  How to approximate non-convex problems
Part III: Applications (3~4 weeks)
Supervised learning
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Fair classifiers
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Ubiquitous and Intelligent Communication Lab

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