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VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Digital Logic Design:

Principles and
ELG5195 (EACJ5705 )
Carleton CRN: 18371
Voicu Groza
Monday 11:30 - 13:00 MNT203 SITE Hall, Room 5017
Wednesday 10:00 - 11:30 MNT203 562 5800 ext. 2159

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

• Charles H. Roth, Jr. Larry L. Kinney, Fundamentals of Logic Design, 7th
Edition, Cengage Learning, 2013, ISBN-13: 9781133628477
• Donald D. Givone, Digital Principles and Design, McGraw Hill, 2003,
ISBN: 0072525037
• Alan B. Marcovitz, Introduction to Logic Design, McGraw-Hill, 2009, ISBN-
13: 978-0073191645
• Randy Katz, Gaetano Borriello, Contemporary Logic Design, Pearson –
Prentice Hall, 2005, ISBN: 0-201-30857-6
• Logic Design, Editor-in-Chief Wai-Kai Chen, Copyright © 2003 CRC Press,
LLC [electronic resource]
• Zoran Salcic, Asim Smailagic Digital systems design and prototyping using
field programmable logic and hardware description language [electronic
• James Hamblen; Michael D. Furman; Tyson S. Hall; Rapid prototyping of
digital systems [electronic resource], 2008
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

• 10% Assignments: Two or three assignments, to
be handed in during class on the due-date specified.
• 20% The mid-term exam is a closed book exam
and covers material presented in the weeks prior to the
mid-term. The mid-term schedule is to be announced.
• 30% A project involving a literature review and
experimental work; a report and a short presentation at
the end of the course will be required.
• 40% Final examination will cover all material
studied during the term

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Course Outline 1
• Background of Digital Design.
• Logic Function Representation and Minimization.
– Karnaugh maps
– Quine-McCluskey Method
– Iterated Consensus Algorithms
– ESPRESSO minimization Algorithms
– Function Minimization by Using K-map XOR Patterns
– Variable-Entered K Maps
– Multiple output problems

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Course Outline 2
• Programmable Logic Devices.
• Propagation Delay and Timing Defects in
Combinational Logic.
– Static hazards
– Function hazards
– Stuck-at faults and the effect of hazard
cover on fault testability

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Course Outline 3
• Introduction to Synchronous State
Machine Design and Analysis.
• Synchronous FSM Design
Considerations and Applications.
– State table reduction
– State assignment
– Output race glitches and static hazards
– Asynchronous Inputs
– Clock skew

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Course Outline 4
• Special Topics in Switching Theory
– Threshold Logic
– Functional Decomposition
– Symmetric Functions
• Alternative Synchronous FSM Architectures
and Systems-Level Design.
– Algorithmic State Machines
– FSM/ASM realizations using PLA, PAL, ROM, PLD
– FSM architectures centered around a shift register
– FSM architectures centered around a parallel
loadable up/down counter
– The One-Hot design method
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Worldwide Semiconductor Annual

Billings (US$)

forecast from
the Forecast
Meeting held
in November
2012 in Kobe,

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

The PC-dominated data processing

segment - the largest semiconductor
application market - is on track to
plunge by 7.8 percent this year.
Global PC shipments will shrink in
2012 for the first time in 11 years, due
to a combination of economic factors
and competition with new platforms,
including media tablets.

Wireless semiconductors will be the only

application market to grow in 2012. The
surge in popularity of smartphones and
media tablets is driving healthy growth in
the overall wireless semiconductor market
segment in 2012 with a projected 7.7
percent expansion. However, all of the other
end markets for semiconductors will see
revenues fall in 2012, negating all the
positive effects of the wireless segment.
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices




2009 10 11 12 13

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Global Billings Report History

(3-month moving average)

$12,000,000 Asia Pacific




1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Growing importance of embedded systems

• Exponentially increasing computing power (Moore’s law), ubiquitous
connectivity and convergence of technology have resulted in
hardware/software systems being embedded within everyday
products and places.
• Already today 90% of computing devices are in Embedded Systems
and not in PCs.
• The growth rate in embedded systems is more than 10% per annum
and it is forecasted there will be over 40 billion devices (5 to 10
embedded devices per person on earth) worldwide by 2020.
• Today 20% of the value of each car is attributed to embedded
electronics and this will increase to an average of 35-50% by 2020.
• Moreover, the value added to the final product by embedded
software is often orders of magnitude higher than the cost of the
embedded devices themselves.
University of Twente, The Netherlands
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Gartner: Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2012

• Media Tablets: business - employee (B2E) @ business-consumer (B2C)
– ICC 2012 the first IEEE paperless conference, based on RIM’s PlayBook
• Mobile-Centric Applications and Interfaces: touch, gesture, voice
• Contextual and Social User Experience
• Internet of Things.
• App Stores and Marketplaces
• Next-Generation Analytics
o From traditional offline analytics to in-line embedded analytics;
o Analyzing historical and real-time data to simulate and predict the future.
• Big Data in-memory DBMS (IMDB, also main memory DBMS/database management system)
• In-Memory Computing use of flash memory in embedded systems & SSD
• Extreme Low-Energy Servers
• Cloud Computing

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

• Embedded sensors:
Sensors that detect and
Internet of Things
communicate changes are being
embedded, not just in mobile
devices, but in an increasing
number of places and objects.
• Image Recognition: Image
recognition technologies strive to
identify objects, people, buildings,
places logos, and anything else
that has value to consumers and
enterprises. Smartphones and
tablets equipped with cameras
have pushed this technology to
broad consumer and enterprise
• Near Field Communication (NFC) payment: NFC allows users to make payments by
waving their mobile phone in front of a compatible reader.
• E-society = e-Communities in areas from e-Government, e-Democracy, and e-Business to e-
Learning and e-Health
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Gartner: Top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2013

Businesses in China and India will begin to dominate global IT commerce. Big data will
fuel demand for IT jobs, but many of those positions will remain vacant. And you'll likely
have more opportunities to exhibit technology as a fashion statement. (Really!?)
1. Windows 8: Through 2015, 90% of enterprises will bypass broad deployment of W8,
2. Mobile Handset Vendors: Android creates new markets: 3 of 5 vendors will be in China by 2015.
3. Big Data will create 4.4 million global jobs by 2015; only 1/3 will be filled as companies need time
4. IT Hiring: by 2014, IT hiring in major western markets will be driven by Asian-based companies.
5. Facebook 40% of enterprise contact information will leak into Facebook by 2017.
6. BYOD (Bring your own device) through 2014 malware will compromise BYOD devices at more than
double the rate of corporate-owned devices. Firms will block access for those not compliant with policies
7. SW Spending for "smart operational" tech (link to the Web) will surge by 25% through 2014.
8. Gamification‘s feedback, measurement and incentives will better engage employees.
9. Wearable Smart Electronics: by 2016, wearable smart electronics will be a $10 billion industry.
It will include accessories to track personal preferences, location, biosensing and social info.
10. Market Consolidation: by 2014, market consolidation will replace up to 20% of the
top 100 IT services providers. Cloud, data, mobility and social media will help
restructure a nearly $1 trillion tech services market.
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Hardware back in fashion!

• New York Times, Aug 25, 2012:
“HW is becoming the new SW”
• Raspberry Pi (UK) - dimension of a credit card
– single-board computer (SBC) with USB, HDMI, etc. to stimulating
the teaching of basic computer science in schools
– Modernized version of the ‘80’s ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64

• Arduino (Italy)
• Pebble: E-Paper Watch for iPhone and Android
– pledged of $100,000 goal at Kickstarter
=> 68,929 Backers -> $10,266,846
– VS Sony SmartWatch (OLED)
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014 16


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Web-TV Smart/
STB dumb

Digital Home
DVD Based Cam
Player Corder

Voice Video Streamer
Phone Phone PC-1 Video
Laptop/ Game
Tablet netbook
Smart Telecom
phone Based
Printer Based Internet
Door Sprinklers
Detectors Window Utility Toasters
Sensors Customization
Security Appliance
Based Router
Smoke Audio
Detectors Alarms

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Alberto
Engineering Sangiovanni-Vincentelli,University
and Computer Science, 2014 of California at Berkeley

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

The TV Battle
• in 2017 221 million Smart TVs
are expected to be sold
– an increase > 400% from 2012.
• by the end of 2017 there will be
over 800 million Smart TV sets
Home – 31% of households worldwide
Centre? will own a Smart TV
• 63% North America (63%) and
Western Europe (64%)
• Smartphones set a pace TVs can’t match
Smart TV – TVs have long lifecycles + lack processing power
and HW to perform truly smart TV functions
– Devices that are regularly replaced (smartphones,
tablets, set-top boxes, media streamers and games
consoles) = key devices in the digital home
- Smartphones will continue to define what smart truly is due to short lifecycles and rapidly
increasing processor power; users will rarely own a smart phone for longer than 3 years.
Data from
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer A. Ladbrook,
Science, 2014 Informa Telecoms & Media, Nov 2012


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Over-The-Top (OTT) Application or Service

• OTT = any service that one can receive over the Internet without any
interaction whatsoever with Internet Service Providers (nor any
revenue to that ISP):
– Video-on-demand: YouTube, Hulu, Netflix or Apple TV for streaming
– VoIP: Skype or Apple's Facetime for voice/video calls
– Blackberry Messenger (BBM) or Apple's iMessage for messages on a
mobile device -> SMS revenue by telcos are facing a serious decline
– Xbox 360 or World of Warcraft for gaming
• OTT apps = major component of the ongoing battle between "content
providers" and "access providers
• Add OTT apps to Set top Boxes (STB), or media streaming devices
(Boxee Box, Roku, Apple TV) or DVD players, since standards and
protocol changes way faster than the lifespan of TV sets.
– TV 2-way communications with smart devices (2nd screens) – send video to TV
and know what is watched
– Intel WiDisplay = wireless streaming HDTV (1080p) from PC to TV with 802.11-n
University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, D. York, Disruptive Telephony, July 10, 2012

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Semiconductor Industry Association

Charter Members:

International Semiconductor Corporate Associate Members

Associate Members Cadence Design Systems
Infineon Technologies NA Sandia National Laboratories
STMIcroelectronics Synopsys
Samsung Semiconductor Teradyne
Mentor Graphics
Gartner Group

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

U.S. Semiconductor employment reached nearly 250,000 semiconductor manufacturing

jobs increase by 3.7 percent over previous year, outpace overall job growth.

1. California = 47,100 jobs,

2. Texas (28,800),
3. Oregon (23,400),
4. Arizona (18,800),
5. Massachusetts (10,100)
6. New York (7,600).

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014

VOICU GROZA - Digital Logic Design: Principles and Practices

Computer and Electronic Product

Manufacturing in Canada
Number of Employer Establishments in Canada
By Employment Size Category and Region: Dec. 2011
Computer &Electronic Product Manufacturing (NAICS 334)
Employment Size Category
(Number of employees)
Province or Territory
Micro Small Medium Large
1-4 5-99 100-499 500+
Source: Statistics Canada, Canadian Business Patterns Database,
Alberta 70 88 8 0
British Columbia 82 120 14 1
Manitoba 13 17 0 1
New Brunswick 3 7 0 0
Newfoundland and Labrador 2 8 1 0
Northwest Territories 0 0 0 0
Nova Scotia 8 14 4 0
Nunavut 0 0 0 0
Ontario 302 514 68 14
Prince Edward Island 0 3 0 0
Quebec 126 255 34 4
Saskatchewan 3 9 2 0
Yukon Territory 0 1 0 0
Source: Statistics Canada, special tabulation, unpublished data, Annual Survey
CANADA 609 1,036 131 20 of Manufactures, 2001 to 2003; Annual Survey of Manufactures and Logging,
Percent Distribution 34% 58% 7% 1.1% 2004 to 2010. (

University of Ottawa, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2014


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