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Water Worlds in the Solar System, Exploring Prospects His vast interdisciplinary knowledge and broad range
of Extraterrestrial Habitability & Life is a very useful of interests, making difficult subjects easy to understand;
and interesting book for scientists, teachers, and students and his excitement about various topics from different dis-
from various disciplines of science. Dr. Antony Joseph has ciplines of science have made it a spellbound multidisci-
explored broad and complex range of topics extensively plinary book useful for the purpose of both teaching and
and intensively from the core of the Earth and bottom research. He addresses all the topics from various disciplines
of the oceans to the vast expanses of some of the Solar so extensively. My admiration for this book is extraordinary
System bodies, critically exploring geological, geophysi- and stupendous. I congratulate him for authoring such a
cal, physical, geochemical, astronomical, astrophysical, multidisciplinary book.
biological, and biochemical aspects. This book has opened The author begins with addressing the very interesting
up a great new horizon for exploration of water and the and elegant aspects of Solar/Planetary formation and evo-
possibility of life on some extraterrestrial celestial bodies lution. It makes sense that most large planets in our Solar
in our Solar System. Several high-quality illustrations are System stay near the ecliptic plane. Our Solar System is
provided. He has also added some videos in the e-book. believed to be about 4.6 billion years old. It is thought to
Furthermore, text- and picture-specific web sites are pro- have arisen from an amorphous cloud of gas and dust in
vided, which give additional resources and extends the space. The original cloud was spinning, and this spin caused
chapters of the text to the resources of World Wide Web. it to flatten out into a disk shape, rather than a spherical
A large variety of topics have been introduced and pre- shape. The Sun and planets are believed to have formed out
sented in this book in such a simple and engrossing style of this disk, which is why, today, the planets still orbit in a
that even nonspecialist people who have an interest in the single plane around our Sun.
topics of life and extraterrestrial water worlds can under- In consonance with the title, the book provides a brief
stand and enjoy reading this book. When I went through overview of the water-abundant celestial bodies in the Solar
the manuscript of this book, I found it to be a thought-pro- System which could possibly be habitable for life. Life, as
voking and overwhelmingly impressive multidisciplinary we know it, is based on carbon chemistry operating in an
endeavor of its own kind. aqueous environment. Life is supposed to have originated
Dr. Antony Joseph is a scientist who had a long oceano- in the Earth’s oceans’ water when chemical composition of
graphic career associated with CSIR-National Institute of the primordial ocean and the atmosphere was very different
Oceanography (CSIR-NIO), Goa, India, from February from what it is today. It is a consensus belief among scien-
1978 to 31 July 2012. He participated in numerous oceano- tists that the origin of life and the associated biological evo-
graphic cruises onboard research vessels. He had opportuni- lution was preceded by chemical evolution, which resulted
ties to see several types of remarkable marine creatures; and in the production of organic molecules—the building
examine the intricacies of the seafloor, some of the oceano- blocks of life. Thousands and millions of molecules were
graphic processes, and several valuable living and nonliving assembled into structures exhibiting key properties of liv-
resources. ing things: metabolism, respiration, reproduction, and the
Apart from authoring the present book Dr. Joseph has transfer of genetic information. It is highly likely that life
authored three other oceanographic books published by arose in water and that the necessary building blocks were
Elsevier, New York. He has to his credit chapters in edited organic compounds. The origin of water on the Earth has
books, articles in Encyclopedias, and research papers. He been described in much details in a very interesting manner
has presented several research papers at various Science & in this book.
Technology Conferences conducted in India and abroad. The panspermia hypothesis states that the seeds of life
He was also a faculty member at the Indian Academy of exist all over the universe and can be propagated through
Scientific and Innovative Research during his career at space from one location to another. For millennia, this idea
CSIR-NIO. That is why this book is very friendly to stu- has been a topic of philosophical debate. However, due to
dents, teachers, and researchers. lack of any validation, it remained merely speculative until

xx Foreword

few decades ago. It is only with the recent discoveries and of the evolution of that matter. How the warping of cosmic
advances from different fields of research that panspermia fabric of space-time can guide origin and evolution of life
has been given serious scientific consideration. Most of the is described in Kumar’s hypothesis which affirms that the
major barriers against the acceptance of panspermia have organization of DNA molecule—the blueprint of life—is
been demolished when it has been shown that microorgan- correlated to the astronomical organization of planets and
isms can survive the high impact and velocity experienced moons in the Solar System through an elegant mathematical
during the ejection from one planet, the journey through relationship. Life is supposed to have started immediately
space, and the impact process onto another world. after the original accretion of the Earth, with a period of
“Search for life” researchers are optimistic about the chemical evolution in a reducing primitive atmosphere of
possible existence of life on some other planets and moons the newly formed Earth which resulted in the formation of
(e.g., Mars, Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, Saturn’s icy moons small organic molecules that constitutes the building blocks
Enceladus and Titan) and even some extra-solar celestial essential for life; namely, amino acids, nucleic acids.
bodies. While discoveries of liquid water bodies on a couple Evidence for biological activity can be derived from car-
of distant extraterrestial planets and moons are encouraging bon isotopes because a high 12C/13C ratio is characteristic
news, the Year-2018 discovery of subsurface liquid water of biogenic carbon. Microfossil record only extends to ∼3.5
lake on our nearest planet Mars is a good reason for extra BYA and the chemofossil record to ∼3.8 BYA. Besides
cheers to every extraterrestrial enthusiast. The year-2021 this, evidence of life on the Earth is manifestly preserved
discovery of macro- and mega-benthic communities far in the rock record as well. Given the temporal limits of
beneath an Antarctic ice shelf sheds optimism in terms of rock record (∼4 billion years), the detrital zircons as old as
its astrobiological implications. 4.38 billion years have been documented. Zircons, serving
A biosignature is any substance, element, molecule or as time capsules, can capture and preserve their environ-
feature that can be used as evidence for past or present life. ment. There are reports on 12C/13C of graphite preserved in
Biosignatures can also be organic molecules made by life. 4.1 billion years old zircon grains imaged by transmission
Another types of biosignatures are stromatolites which are X-ray microscopy. The carbon contained in the zircon has
microbial mats in shallow waters creating layered structures a characteristic signature—a specific 12C/13C ratio—that
of minerals. Fossilized versions of microbial mats from bil- indicates the presence of photosynthetic life. So, the most
lions of years ago are found today. Study of life here on recent research reported argue that the graphite’s 12C-rich
Earth and knowing about the kinds of biosignatures will isotopic signature may be evidence for the origin of life
help us a lot as we keep questioning ourselves if we’re alone on the Earth by 4.1 BYA, based on examination of zircons
in the universe and whether or not we might find signs of discovered from Jack Hills, West Australia. The discovery
life on other celestial bodies. Dr. Antony has described in indicates that life may have begun shortly after the Planet
details about biosignatures in a separate chapter of his cur- formed 4.54 BYA.
rent book. Scientists are of the view that atoms, stars and galaxies
Extinction events in Earth’s history, and Palaeocene– self-assembled out of the fundamental particles produced
Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) event that occurred by Big Bang. Different combinations of the atoms compose
∼56 million years ago (Mya) resulting into the estimated both the inanimate and the living worlds. Life is a complex
global temperature increase in the range of 5–8°C, has also system of atoms and molecules undergoing natural selec-
been described very well in this book. Serpentinization, tion. The search for life on other extraterrestrial worlds is
which is the process of formation of serpentine minerals often based on the strategy of finding the water. The research
and considered to be responsible for CH4 generation, con- further suggests that life in the Universe could be abundant.
tributed the bricks and mortar for many prebiotic reactions Simple life on the Earth appears to have formed quickly,
that could have led to the first proto-organisms. The pro- but it likely took many millions of years to evolve complex
cess of serpentinization, as observed along mid-ocean ridge organisms. Keeping in view of the core subject matter of
and producing hydrothermal fluids, gaseous methane and this book being “Water Worlds in the Solar System,” a brief
hydrogen, has received much attention by the astrobiolo- overview of the water-abundant celestial bodies in the Solar
gists. System is given adequate attention, highlighting the impor-
Moon-forming impacts might have played a crucial role tance of understanding Earth’s oceans in the search for
in the origin of Earth’s atmosphere and ocean’s water as microbial life in extraterrestrial ocean worlds. Dr. Antony
well as some of the environmental conditions of the early Joseph has written the present comprehensive and scholarly
Earth, which might have influenced the origin and evolu- reference book on complex topics addressed in 17 chapters.
tion of life. Scientists now have reliable information that Surprisingly, the question of the origin of Earth’s Moon
it is the cosmological evolution which has guided matter remained unresolved even after the scientifically produc-
from simplicity to complexity; from inorganic to organic; tive Apollo missions, and it was only in the early 1980s
and the origin and evolution of life which is a natural result that a model emerged—the Giant-Impact hypothesis—that
Foreword xxi

eventually gained the support of most lunar scientists. It other ocean world, an advantage provided by our home
is now well recognized that during the formation of the planet—Earth—is the opportunity to conduct a wealth of
Solar System, the Earth and the other terrestrial planets analogue studies spanning a broad range of conditions that
(i.e., Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars that are composed may be relevant to other ocean worlds in terms of seafloor
primarily of silicate rocks or metals) accreted in a gas-free pressure, maximum water temperatures at those pressures,
environment, mostly from volatile-depleted planetesimals and interactions with different rock types. It is pertinent to
which were already differentiated into metallic cores and note that the Earth’s mid-ocean ridges (where most of the
silicate mantles. hydrothermal vents are located) remain 80% unexplored.
There are several celestial bodies in our Solar System NASA’s Ocean Worlds Exploration Program (OWEP)
where water is abundant and in most cases the surface water envisages to explore ocean worlds in the outer Solar System
is in the form of frozen solid ice, and the liquid water is bodies that could possess subsurface oceans to assess their
stored in subsurface oceans. It is now known that Earth’s habitability and to seek biosignatures of simple extrater-
Moon possesses water not only in its poles and regolith, but restrial life. The various projects undertaken by the United
also in its interior. Lunar scientists think that the caves and States’ NASA, European Space Agency (ESA) and some
large tunnel complexes discovered on Earth’s Moon could universities and space research organizations from various
be harboring some form of life; they can even be potential countries to search for planets that can sustain life has led to
sites for human settlement. an increased curiosity in the 21st century about life beyond
Earth’s neighboring planet Mars was once rich in water. Earth.
In the past, water had caused substantial erosion of the When it comes to the topic of life, based on DNA
Martian surface, including extensive channeling and asso- sequence comparisons and structural and biochemical com-
ciated transport and deposition of material. It was found parisons, all living organisms are categorize into three pri-
that water is present at the poles and in permafrost regions mary domains; namely, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya (or
of Mars. Therefore, scientists think that this body of water Eukaryotes). Both Bacteria and Archaea are prokaryotes,
could be a possible habitat for microbial life. single-celled microorganisms with no nuclei, and Eukarya
Near-Earth asteroid Ceres has given several indications includes humans and all other animals, plants, fungi, and
favoring the presence of water. Jupiter’s icy moons contain single-celled protists—all organisms whose cells have
vast quantities of liquid water. Ganymede and Europa are nuclei to enclose their DNA apart from the rest of the cell.
known to possess oxygen and water. There are scientific rea- The fossil record indicates that the first living organisms
sons to believe that a liquid-water ocean lies hidden within were prokaryotes, and eukaryotes evolved billion years
Europa’s hard ice shell. Search-for-life researchers consider later.
that there are prospects of extant life on Europa. Apart from Because life on Earth depends on a variety of biochemi-
Jupiter’s moons Ganymede and Europa, two of Saturn’s cal respiratory chains involving electron transport, it has
moons Enceladus and Titan are also known to possess been argued that the presence of electrochemical gradients
conducive environments to support microbial life. There is one of the most critical prerequisites for life’s initiation
is striking resemblance of Enceladus’s organics-rich ocean forming intense selection pressures on initial evolution.
to Earth’s primitive prebiotic ocean, indicating a favorable Genetic analysis of the respiratory chains in the Archaea,
scenario for life’s emergence on Enceladus. The researchers Eukarya, and Bacteria indicates that terminal oxidases are
have postulated a strong possibility of finding biomolecules linked to oxygen, nitrate, sulfate, and sulfur which were all
on Titan. Neptune’s moon Triton and the dwarf planet Pluto present in the last common ancestor (LCA) of living organ-
orbiting in the outer periphery of the Solar System are also isms. Note that oxidase is an enzyme which promotes the
endowed with the ocean of liquid water. transfer of a hydrogen atom from a particular substrate to
Microbes living at submarine hydrothermal vents do not an oxygen molecule, forming water or hydrogen peroxide.
depend on sunlight or oxygen. They grow around the vents It is believed that our LCA must have evolved on a
and feed upon hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S) and dissolved world in which these redox (oxidation and reduction con-
minerals to produce organic material through the process sidered together as complementary processes) gradients
of chemosynthesis. There are some extraterrestrial ocean were present in large enough quantities to evolve and to be
worlds, in which submarine hydrothermal vents are present maintained, and in which metastable, energetic compounds
on the seafloor (e.g., Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus). When could diffuse across redox boundaries. Because the effi-
considering the habitability of an ocean world, especially ciency of biological systems tends to improve over time as
one far from the Sun where photosynthesis is unlikely to be a result of the processes of random mutation and natural
effective, a key issue is the nature of the underlying seafloor selection as propounded by Charles Darwin in 1859, primi-
and water–rock interactions (e.g., submarine hydrothermal tive metabolic electron transport systems likely could not
vent environment). Although the full diversity of settings extract energy as efficiently from the redox couples as do
observed on the Earth may not be repeated on any single those of modern organisms. Based on these observations
xxii Foreword

it is argued that life is more likely to have evolved on the simplest, but not the only, proof of life is to find something
planet that had the broadest dynamical range of electro- that is alive. There are only two properties that can deter-
chemical species early in its history. mine if an object is alive: metabolism (an organism’s life
Oxygenic photosynthesis is Earth’s dominant metabo- functions, biomass increase, and reproduction) and motion.
lism, having evolved to harvest the largest expected energy All living things require some level of metabolism. Life
source at the surface of most terrestrial habitable zone plan- is basically a chemical system that is able to transfer its
ets. Using CO2 and H2O-molecules that are expected to be molecular information via self-replication and to evolve via
abundant and widespread on habitable terrestrial planets, mutations. Mutation is the change in the structure of a gene
oxygenic photosynthesis is plausible as a significant plan- (DNA), resulting in a variant form which may be transmit-
etary process with a global impact. It is evident that the ted to subsequent generations.
production of oxygen or oxidizing power radically changed Studies in extreme ambient conditions have changed
Earth’s surface and atmosphere during the Proterozoic Eon, the previous paradigm that life can only be found on pleas-
making it less reducing than the conditions prevalent during ant Earth-like planets. In the last few decades, substantial
the Archean. In addition to ancient rocks, our reconstruction changes have occurred regarding what scientists consider
of Earth’s redox evolution is informed by our knowledge of the limits of habitable environmental conditions. Our
biogeochemical cycles catalyzed by extant biota. knowledge about extreme environments and the limits of
All life is organized as cells. Physical compartmenta- life on Earth has greatly improved in recent decades. These
tion from the environment and self-organization of self- advances have been fundamental to the development of
contained redox reactions are the most conserved attributes astrobiology, which studies the origin, evolution, and dis-
of living things, hence inorganic matter with such attributes tribution of life in the Universe. Numerous planetary bod-
would be life’s most likely forebear. It has been widely sug- ies and moons in our Solar System have been suggested to
gested that life based around carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sustain life (e.g., Mars, Europa, Enceladus).
nitrogen is the only plausible biochemistry, and specifically Submarine seafloor hydrothermal vents are considered
that terrestrial biochemistry of nucleic acids, proteins, and to have an important role in the emergence and persistence
sugars is likely to be "universal." It is argued that many of life not only on Earth but also on worlds beyond Earth.
chemistries could be used to build living systems, and that Simulations of hydrothermal vent to study origin of life on
it is the nature of the liquid in which life evolves that defines the early Earth, Early Mars, and the Icy Moons of the outer
the most appropriate chemistry. planets have been done in the Laboratory. Discovery of the
Water (a good solvent) plays an important role is sus- indications of hydrothermal vents adorning the subsurface
taining life as we know it. For temperate, terrestrial planets, seafloors of Enceladus and Europa is suggestive of the pos-
the presence of water is of great importance as an indicator sibility of life & habitability.
of habitable conditions. Water is a good solvent, primarily Relevant information about a wide variety of terrestrial
because it is liquid at high temperature, and secondarily and extraterrestrial topics has been included in this book.
because of its chemical properties (polar, high dielectric New descendants of scientists are paying more attention
constant). In a water molecule, two charges are present with to multidisciplinary approaches of research. We have got
a negative charge in the middle, and a positive charge at to acquire more knowledge, and encourage publication of
the ends. Thus, a water molecule (which is a polar inor- more such multidisciplinary books. I believe that this book
ganic compound) possesses an electric dipole moment, is an excellent piece of work worthy of finding a place in
with a negatively charged end and a positively charged end. every library.
Polarity underlies a number of physical properties including Prof. (Dr.) Arbind Kumar
surface tension, solubility, and melting and boiling points. Head and Director (Retired)
Water is the most abundant substance on Earth and the only P. G. Department of Zoology,
common substance to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas on Patna Science College Campus,
Earth’s surface. It is also the third most abundant molecule Patna University,
in the universe. Liquid water is both a crucial source of oxy- Patna, Bihar, India
gen and a useful solvent for the generation of biomolecules. September 28, 2022
Life is supposed to be a material system that undergoes
reproduction, mutation, and natural selection. Probably the

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