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NAMA : Tassa Nur Halimah

NIM : 220101109

Which of the following words are nouns? See if they sound like a unit when you put them
here: Check the appropriate column.
1. tree ................... nouns 6. slowly ................... keterangan
2. when ................... waktu 7. factory ................... nouns
3. beds ................... nouns 8. ticket ................... nouns
4. glass ................... nouns 9. boxes ................... nouns
5. said ................... kerja 10. almost ................... keterangan

Underline the nouns in these phrases!

1. your red sweater 6. their carpets
2. those boxes 7. a hand-painted plate
3. a few men 8. the court stenographer
4. many digital photos 9. our psychology professor
5. his very interesting article 10. two interesting museums

Decide if each noun is concrete or abstract.

1. muffin ........................... concrete 6. friend .......................... concrete
2. violin ............................ concrete 7. friendliness ................. abstract
3. freedom ....................... abstract 8. economics .................. concrete
4. elegance ...................... abstract 9. dormitory ................... concrete
5. train ............................ concrete 10. capitalism ................. abstract

Underline the noun !

1. She read the play over again.
2. The actions became monotonous.
3. He felt that his marriage, his relationship with her, was strong.
4. The time had finally come to confess the truth.
5. He’s the boy who delivers the paper.
6. The glitterati always like to follow the fashion of the day.
7. They will repair his stove.
8. The arrangement was good for all of them.
9. The audience stared at the screen, fascinated by the action they were seeing.
10. The definition was in his dictionary.

Underline each noun in the sentences below and indicate whether it is singular (SG) or plural
(PL). There may be more than one noun in a sentence.
Sample: They used her computer (SG) to download the ¢les (PL).
1. He had a few good ideas. (SG)
2. The boys spoke in a quiet whisper. (PL)
3. The tourists greeted the queen with attitudes of respect. (PL)
4. My neighbor is a neurologist. (SG)
5. The exterminator found bugs in the office. (SG)
6. Sharks live in water. (PL)
7. Yesterday, I caught a big trout. (PL)
8. There are many beautiful homes on this block. (PL)
9. Visitors to this country must obtain visas. (PL)
10. His cousin fought in a brutal battle to free ninety hostages. (SG)

For each noun below, determine if it is a proper noun or common noun. For this exercise, the
proper nouns are not capitalized.
Sample: england proper
1. seattle ............................... Proper noun 6. mediterranean sea ..............proper noun
2. crater lake national park .............proper noun 7. disneyland ............................proper noun
3. tissues ............................... common noun 8. company ............................common noun
4. sofa ............................... common noun 9. British broadcasting company proper noun
5. pepsi cola ............................... common noun 10. television ........................common noun

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