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Once upon a time, in a small town nestled deep in the countryside, lived a curious and adventurous young boy

named Ethan. One sunny afternoon, while exploring his grandfather's dusty attic, Ethan stumbled upon a
weathered and mysterious grimoire hidden beneath a pile of old forgotten books.
Intrigued by its ancient appearance and the promise of untold secrets within, Ethan eagerly opened the grimoire.
Its pages were filled with cryptic symbols, incantations, and spells that seemed to whisper ancient knowledge to
him. Unable to resist the temptation, Ethan's eyes fixated on a particular spell that caught his attention - a spell
for necromancy.
Driven by an overwhelming desire to see his beloved grandmother once again, who had passed away a year
ago, Ethan decided to delve into the forbidden art of necromancy. With trembling hands, he carefully followed
the instructions, speaking the incantation aloud.
To his astonishment, a soft glow emanated from the grimoire, and before his eyes, his grandmother's spirit
materialized. She looked just as he remembered, her warm smile filling him with joy. However, he soon realized
that the spell had consequences he hadn't anticipated.
As days turned into weeks, Ethan found himself growing more intrigued by the supernatural. He craved further
knowledge and power, and it was during one of his late-night readings that he stumbled upon a summoning
spell to call forth demons. The name "Lucy Fiji" stood out, promising the location of a hidden treasure in
exchange for a single gold coin every month.
Without hesitation, Ethan scoured his grandfather's coin collection and found a golden coin embossed with the
image of an eagle. Determined to unlock the secrets of the hidden treasure, he went to a local store and
exchanged the gold coin for 100 Sacagawea gold dollars.
The following night, Ethan lit candles, drew intricate symbols on the floor, and chanted the summoning spell.
The air crackled with dark energy, and suddenly, a sultry figure materialized before him. It was Lucy Fiji, a
demon with fiery red eyes and a mischievous grin.
"I hear you seek a treasure, young one," the demon hissed, her voice dripping with intrigue.
Ethan eagerly presented the 100 Sacagawea gold dollars to the demon, expecting gratitude in return. However,
Lucy Fiji's eyes narrowed, and her expression turned sinister.
"Foolish mortal," she sneered. "I asked for gold, not these trinkets. Your ignorance displeases me."
Ethan's heart sank as he realized his grave mistake. He had misunderstood the demon's request, and now, he
faced the wrath of Lucy Fiji. Desperate to rectify his error, he pleaded with the demon to give him another
But Lucy Fiji had other plans. She saw an opportunity to seize Ethan's soul for herself. She conjured a swirling
vortex to block any communication with the world beyond, trapping Ethan with her in a realm of darkness.
Terrified, Ethan realized that his journey into the world of the supernatural had taken a dangerous turn.
Determined to escape Lucy Fiji's clutches, he frantically searched the grimoire for a solution. Finally, he
discovered a counter-spell that could banish the demon back to the depths from which she came.
Summoning all his courage, Ethan recited the incantation with unwavering determination. The air crackled

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