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STANDART Muhammad Alvin Fuzail Iyaz

Bachelor of Applied Nursing
Poltekkes and Nursing Profession
Kemenkes Semarang

Definition Diabetes mellitus is a chronic hyperglycemia accompanied by various

metabolic conditions resulting from hormonal disorders

Purpose As a reference for implementing the steps in determining the patient's

diagnosis so that people with Diabetes Mellitus can be treated, especially
to prevent complications

by Himpunan Perawat Pencegah dan Pengendali Infeksi Indonesia

Risk Factor 1. Overweight and obese (BMI = 25 kg/m2)

2. Family history of DM
3. Have hypertension (BP = 140/90 mmHg or moderate in
hypertension therapy) 4. History of giving birth to babies with BBL >
4000 grams or having been diagnosed with gestational diabetes

5. Women with a history of PCOS (polycystic ovaries syndrome)

6. History of GDPT (Interrupted Fasting Blood Glucose) / TGT
(Interrupted Glucose Tolerance)
7. Lack of physical activity

Tools and 1. Tensimeter (1)

Materials 2. Stethoscope (1)
3. Weight scale (1)
4. Semmes-Weinstein monofilament 10 g (1)
5. Medical records
6. Register book
Procedure Preparation:
1. Nurse calls the patient according to the queue number and
medical record
2. Nurse greets the patient in a friendly manner
3. Introduce the nurse's name.
3. Explain the purpose, procedure and duration of action
to clients/families.

3. Nurse taking an anamneses the history of the present illness,
whether the patient complains of classic DM symptoms in
the form of polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (often
thirsty), and polyphagia (often hungry), as well as weight
loss for which the cause is not clear, or also accompanied by
unexplained symptoms. Typical symptoms include
weakness, tingling, itching, blurred vision, sores that don't
heal, pruritus vulva in women and erectile dysfunction in
4. Nurse conduct checks (blood pressure, body temperature,
pulse, weight, and respiration)
5. The nurse escorts the patient to do laboratory tests
6. The nurse informs about the results of the examination that
has been carried out
7. Nurses collaborate with doctors about providing therapy
8. Nurses provide counseling about diabetes mellitus, the causes
of diabetes mellitus, allowed foods and taboos
9. The nurse directs the patient to the pharmacy to pick up the

10. The nurse records the patient's identity, diagnosis, and
therapy given in the register book
11. The nurse takes the patient to consult about DM diet with the
Nutrition program holder, if the patient has never received DM
diet consultation
12. Clean up the tools used.
13. Say goodbye to patient.
Related unit Registration and Medical Record Room
Laboratory room
Counseling Room
Pharmacy Room

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