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Revision questions

Question 1: Can you, on phonetic ground, explain the differences between consonants and
vowels? Clarify your explanation with examples.

Question 2: On what basis are vowels divided into monophthongs and diphthongs?

Question 3: Give the classification of monophthongs on the basis of the highest part of the

Question 4: Why are /i:/; /ɪ/; / e/; /æ/ classified as spread vowels?

Question 5: How are high vowels different from low vowels. Give examples to prove your point
of view.

Question 6: List all the short vowels in English. Give three examples for each sound.

Question 7: On what basis are vowels divided into front, central and back vowels. Give
examples to clarify your answer.

Question 8: Which vowel of English is referred to as the schwa. Can you give the phonetic
description of the sound and explain why it is called a weak vowel?

Question 9: What are centring diphthongs in English? Why are they labeled centring

Question 10: Give three examples of closing diphthongs in English. For what reason(s) are they
referred to as closing diphthongs?

1.3. Exercises for further practice

Exercise 1: Choose the word(s) that begin(s) with a high vowel:

1 Expensive 3 apple 5 entrepreneur

2 Excellent 4 isolate 6 uncle

Exercise 2: Choose the word(s) that contain(s) a closing diphthong:

1 child 3 development 5 tour

2 buffet 4 entertainment 6 determine

Exercise 3: Choose the word(s) that contain(s) a back vowel:

1 flood 3 charm 5 chocolate

2 tomb 4 family 6 afraid

Exercise 4: Choose the word(s) that contain(s) a centring diphthong:

1 either 3 pour 5 musketeer

2 tear 4 shoulder 6 potato

Exercise 5: Choose the word(s) that DO NOT contain a closing diphthong

1 slave 3 advantageous 5 Temperature

2 bravery 4 stationary 6 Cheer

Exercise 6: Choose the words that DO NOT contain a high, front, long vowel

1 phoenix 3 Oedipus 5 Metre

2 feature 4 steak 6 Pizza

Exercise 7: Fill in the following transcriptions with the missing vowels:

quay /k / leopard /l p d/

flour /fl / lettuce /l t s/

preface /pr f s/ water /w t /

courageous /k r dʒ s/ purpose /p p s/

Christ /kr st/ mosquito /m sk t /

Exercise 8: Find two words that

a. contain a high, back, long vowel

b. begin with a low, front, short vowel

c. end with a mid, central, short vowel

d. begin with a low, back, short vowel

e. contain a centring diphthong

Exercise 9: Fill in the following table

Words The number of vowels The vowels

Secretary 3 vowels - /ˈsekrətri/ /e/, /ə/, /i/





Exercise 10: Study the following conversation and then answer the question that follows:

What will happen when vowels are mistaken?

A: I went to a funeral this morning.

B: Whose funeral was that?

A: Mark’s dad!

B: Mark’s dead? Can’t believe it! How come?

A: He just died of old age!

B: Old age? Mark’s just 35!!!

A: ???

With your understanding of English vowels, can you explain this awkward situation?


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