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Fluency Severity Rating Scale Instructions

1. Determine frequency of stuttering by administering a commercial

stuttering severity instrument or by collecting a spontaneous
communication sample and analyzing according to frequency of
stuttered words.

2. Utilize information obtained from a commercial stuttering severity

instrument and/or spontaneous communication sample, Fluency
Charting Grid, classroom observation, teacher/parent input to describe
types of dysfluencies and secondary characteristics.

3. To determine student’s self-awareness/perception of his/her

fluency disorder, utilize information obtained from the various student
checklists and rating scales.

4. To determine the effect of the fluency disorder on the student’s

educational performance utilize information obtained during classroom
observations, teacher/parent input.

5. Add the scores on the rating scale & circle the total.

6. Answer yes/no to the final statements at the bottom of the form.

Criteria: The total score must fall at least within the mild range and the
score for “effect on educational performance” must be at least “4” to
support a recommendation of eligibility.
Student: Date:
School: SLP:


For ma l/In for mal 0 2 3 4
Ass es s me n t
Frequency of Occasional Frequent Dysfluencies are
dysfluency is within dysfluencies are dysfluencies are observed in majority of
normal limits for age, sex observed in speaking observed in many speaking situations
Frequency of and speaking situation situations and/or speaking situations and/or
Stuttering and/or 3-4 stuttered words and/or More than 9 stuttered
< 2 stuttered words per minute and/or 5-9 stuttered words words per minute and/or
per minute and or 5% to 11% stuttered per minute and/or > 23% stuttered words
<4 % stuttered words words 12% to 22%
stuttered words

Speech flow is within 2 3 4
normal limits Fluent speech One or more major Dysfluent speech
Developmental periods predominate dysfluency types are predominates
dysfluencies may be One or more major present One or more major
present dysfluency types are Secondary dysfluency types are
Descriptive No secondary present characteristics, present
Assessments characteristics are No secondary including blocking, Secondary
observed characteristics are avoidance, and characteristics
present physical concomitants predominate. Avoidance,
may be observed frustration and struggle
behaviors are observed

0 2 3 4
Self-Awareness Little overt reaction May or may not be Typically aware and Awareness may result
and apparently no self- aware. Typically no demonstrates in extreme reactions and
concept as a stutter particular reactions are reactions. May or may avoidance of most
observed. not demonstrate speaking situations.
Effect on Educational 0 4 6 8
Performance. No int erfere nce with Min ima l imp act on Does in terfer e Serio us ly limit s
Social child’s participation in the child’s with child’s child’s participation in
Emotional educational setting. participation in participation in educational setting.
Academic Acquisition of basic educational setting. educational setting. Acquisition of basic
Vocational cognitive and/or Acquisition of basic Acquisition of basic cognitive and/or affective
affective performance cognitive and/or cognitive and/or performance skills is
skills is not affected. affective performance affective performance impaired.
skills may be affected. skills is usually
Total Score 0 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19
5 10 15 20
Rating Scales Normal/Adequate Mild Moderate Severe

Ye s No Based on compilation of the assessment data, this student scores in the Mild, Moderate or Severe range for a Fluency
Ye s No There is documentation/supporting evidence of adverse effects of the Fluency Disorder on educational performance.

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