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Mega Corp. / HQ: Albuquerque, N.M. / Employees: 150 / Specialty: Heavy haulage equipment / Jim Kunz,
president: “We can sell to construction and mining dealers around the world, yet we are small enough to pay attention to the details.”

The Long Haul

mega corp. is meeting international demand for product
by expanding into new markets. by brooke knudson
since 1976, mega corp. has con-
tinued to add new products
and increased its internation-
al business sales.

Jim Kunz knows the power of a company in the past five years. want to add to their portfolio.”
good business relationship. As presi- Mega Corp. caters to OEM dealers Founded as Magnum Industries in
dent of Mega Corp. Inc. – the worldwide, including Caterpillar, 1976 as a manufacturer of construc-
Albuquerque, N.M.-based construc- Komatsu and John Deere. Dealers, in tion and mining equipment, the
tion and mining equipment manu- turn, sell product primarily to surface company evolved into an auxiliary
facturer – Kunz sees first-hand how mining and large construction con- equipment manufacturer. In 1983, its
maintaining OEM partnerships can tractors. Larger haulage equipment is name was changed to Mega Corp. to
be beneficial in uncertain economic typically purchased outright, while more accurately reflect its business
times. smaller haulers are rented. markets.
Despite a floundering economy, “We look for niche products that are Kunz joined the company in 2001
2008 was a strong year for Mega Corp. in the general category of construction as vice president of operations. With
“Our revenues are about five times and mining hauling and are something more than 16 years of experience in
what they were five years ago,” Kunz that we would produce less than 50 new product development for
maintains. Solid OEM partnerships, units per year,” Kunz explains. Komatsu and also with Caterpillar,
increasing international demand for “We look for lower volume and the transition to Mega Corp. was
equipment and the ability to create more customization, where our spe- smooth, he recalls. Four years later,
low-volume, highly specialized prod- cial features can command the mar- Kunz became general manager and in
ucts has been the saving grace for the ket. These are the things that [OEMs] 2006 was promoted to president. WINTER 2009

Mega Corp.

Making Transitions world that matches up against our South America – including Columbia
Mega Corp. intends to continue to broad product spectrum.” and Chile – and will pursue ventures
grow business through the introduc- in Europe and Australia in 2009.
tion of new products. Working in New Markets “These products are very large, and
conjunction with OEMs, Mega Corp. In the last several years, Mega Corp.’s the sea freight costs are based on the
has steadily added to its product line, construction equipment sales have size of the product,” Kunz explains.
which now includes coal haulers, been largely dependent on the trends “We pay for how many cubic feet
equipment trailers, specialty dumper of the residential and commercial we are moving. So, a product that
bodies, tailgates, articulated truck construction market. Although might cost $150,000 might add on
conversions, scrapers, and portable domestic sales have leveled off, inter- $50,000 in shipping alone from say
tanks and truck chassis. national business is becoming a sig- Albuquerque to Chile. That’s a signif-
“We can sell to construction and nificant source of revenue. “Our icant portion of the total price in the
mining dealers around the world, yet exports exceeded our domestic busi- end. There is a lot of pressure to
we are small enough to pay attention ness this year, so we responded by locate the manufacturing closer to
to the details,” Kunz notes. “Our peo- finding partners overseas that could the destinations where they’re going
ple have a lot of experience building increase our capacity,” Kunz says. to be used.”
this product and that is the most valu- “Our business has become increas- Mining commodity price increases
able asset that we can have. ingly global.” have meant strong sales for Mega
“That is our advantage in the mar- Because of the robust international Corp. “2008 was a record year for rev-
ketplace and it goes hand in hand construction scene, Mega Corp. has enues and was the sixth consecutive
with our niche business model. There established three licensed contract year of increasing revenues in a row,”
is nobody that is just like us in the manufacturers in South Africa and Kunz maintains. “Our business has






Mega Corp.

comes directly from the dealer or

OEM, Mega Corp. employs seven
engineers devoted to product devel-
opment, as well as outsources some
engineering services. Once enough
interest is generated for a new prod-
uct, Kunz says, it doesn’t require
high-volume demand for the compa-
ny to begin production. “If we feel
there is enough of an interest, we’ll go
ahead and put it on the list,” he says.
A typical engineering project lasts
between one and three weeks, with
larger projects taking between one
and three months. Almost every
order has some form of engineering
associated with it, according to Kunz.
“Because our equipment is highly
customized and because the pace of
change in the mining and construc-
tion industry is so great, [OEMs]
come out with something new almost
to control dust on the job,
water spray equipment is every two years,” Kunz says.
becoming a high-demand
product line for mega corp. Kunz describes its manufacturing
facility as a “very traditional shop,”
changed profoundly this year. After plex, Mega Corp. is required to devise without a lot of automation, where
watching construction machinery components that align with the more products are built one or two at a time
dominate our build schedule for the technologically advanced systems, and the minimum lead time from
past several years, we experienced a including hydraulic systems or order entry is 90 days. The 62,000-
180-degree change to virtually all sophisticated electrical controls in square-foot shop is outfitted with
mining equipment.” the operator cabs. “[Dealers] do not cutting machines, press brakes, steel
have as many sophisticated techni- rollers and cutting shears and a blast
Work With the Trends cians as they once did, so the dealers and paint area. Depending on the
In addition to the volatility of the expect more of a plug-and-play prod- type of equipment, Mega Corp. will
markets, Mega Corp. has also adjust- uct, and they want us to come up with ship out a complete machine or sell it
ed to the needs of its end-users, it,” Kunz notes. as a kit where it can be installed on a
which are sometimes dictated by Buyers are also using newer vehi- truck once delivered.






environmental regulations and cles in their applications. “If you look It also manufactures components
increasingly complex technologies. 15 years ago, the majority of the such as the water spray system, hose
Several years ago, infrastructure equipment would have been on a assemblies or operator controls. “We
contractors found auxiliary equip- used truck, and now that truck is have a general philosophy to build as
ment such as water haulers was a con- new,” Kunz says. “90 percent of the much of that as we possibly can and
venience. Today, using this equip- machine is being combined with not outsource if we don’t have to,”
ment is almost a requirement, Kunz something new, because it’s likely to Kunz notes.
says. “Environmental laws require be more productive and comply with Although involved heavily in the
dust control on almost every job site, the latest emissions laws and envi- manufacturing process, Mega Corp.
so what used to be something nice to ronmental regulations.” is primarily a fabricator. Water
have is now essential. That’s caused a pumps, steel plates, tube pipe, hard-
lot of people to pay attention to the Engineering Expertise ware fittings and electrical compo-
availability and productivity of their Mega Corp. employs seven engineers nents are a few of the items the com-
water-hauling equipment.” on its 150-person staff. Although pany purchases from a handful of
As machines become more com- most direction for new product specialty suppliers. WINTER 2009

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