Sam Aji Analytics Assigment 1

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Analytics Assignment

Due by 24 of November

compare fishing in Kenya and Norway

with references

Ocean + plants + fish

something related to fishing and underwater.



FAO company

please use these five SDGS

1) zero hunger

2) decent work and economic growth

3) Responsible consumption and production

4) climate action

5) life under water

use Venngage

identify to stakeholders and shareholders.

use rubric and guidelines.

add 10-year forecast about the situation of sustainable fishing in kenya and norway

Sustainability report infographic

1 to 2 p general information including to compare Kenya + Norway.

3 to 8 p SDGS in these two countries

9 to 10 stakeholders

11 to 12 10-year forecasting + future solution + conclusion and recommendations

use graphs fish diagram + swot analysis + similar graphs such as line + bar and pie graphs.

ALSO Please Follow the following guide lines

Each team will produce a group Infographic. Working as a group, you will choose one of the three
main business sectors:- Primary: Business category examples include fishing, farming, mining.-
Secondary/manufacturing: Business category examples include car production, brewing, flour
milling.- Service/tertiary: Business category examples include banking, retail, restaurants. Select a
business category within your chosen sector and create an Infographic detailing:- The SDGs that this
business category is impacts, both positively and negatively, citing the relevant metrics and changes
over time;- SDG related initiatives, cooperation, and/or partnerships describing the stakeholders
involved, their mutual interest, and the SDGs that they strive to impact;- A ten-year outlook based in
metrics and on relevant research.- The developed Infographic which will be presented and defended
by the group in class and form the basis for class discussion. While there is considerable scope for
each team to craft their own infographic, the following must be taken into consideration and
reflected in the finishedproduct:1. Title: A title of one sentence in length with an optional additional
tagline underneath.2. Narrative: Your infographic should convey a strong narrative as opposed to
simply presenting a collection of loosely related facts, data, graphs and images.3. Research and data:
You should present (some) infographic elements based on data sourced and analysed from two or
more publicly available data sources. Evidence should be present that data from multiple sources has
been analysed and combined to create new insights.4. Quality graphics: Your infographic should be
of a professional quality and suitable to communicate your key message(s) in a convincing manner to
senior level management. Guidance: Take the time to design a clear and compelling storyline.
Research data sources carefully to ensure that the data required to support your Infographic is
available in the format you require. There is a wide range of online resources providing both
inspiration and a process for designing an Infographic. Examples include: • Designing an infographic:• Infographic tools: and Sustainability Analytics –
Assignment A Page 2 of 11

• Example Infographic designs:

1329#imgrc=afrNCSwyp-wuLM5. Footer: Use the following footer format: [Module name], [Module
code], Team: [Team name], Members: [Name 1] [(ID)], [Name 2] [(ID)], ... [Namen] [(ID)]. 11 pt, Ariel,
bold. Example: Business and Sustainability Analytics, ZZ493, Team: NextGen, Members: Bob Smith
(234523), Femke Smit (56294), Elles Abel(992311), Jan Janssen (119932), Cees de Bruin (48912)6.
References: A separate list of references in APA format (i.e. not part of the Infographic).7. Appendices
(not more than 6 pages): These should contain supporting data or data abstractions and can include
tables and graphs. One of your appendices must be your ‘Team log’. This must detail at least the
following:- Roles and responsibilities within the team.- Team meeting dates, times, and attendance.-
Meeting notes: discussion topics, milestones, contributions by name, issues and solutions to those
issues, upcoming planning. Submission of Assessment: Your submission should conform to the
following specification: .pdf format. The submission must adhere to the following naming
convention: [Module name] - [Module code] - [Team name] Size A4 (or larger format) suitable for
displaying on screen in class in its entirety. Both assignments must be submitted online via the Turn-
it-in submission link found in the ‘Assessment’ tab on the left-hand menu of the module’s dedicated
blackboard site. See Annex 1 for the assessment criteria.

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