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Ramses College for Girls

English Department

Second Preparatory Booklet

2023 – 2024

Name: ____________________
Class: ____________________

Table of Contents
Grammar Section ……………………………………………………………………..3
1. Revision on Tenses and time clauses ………………………………………...4
2. Modal verbs explanation and questions ……………………………………..11
3. Profile Unit 9 Passive ………………………………………………………….18
4. Collective exercises on modals and passive ………………………………..20
5. 2nd Term: Profile Unit 10 Causative …………………………………………..22
6. Profile Unit 12 Wish / If only ………….……………………………………….26
7. Exercise on Wish and had better …………………………………………….28
8. Profile Unit 12: would rather/ (would) prefer …………………………...…...29
9. General Revision on Unit 12 ……………………………………………….…30
10. Grammar unit 17 Inversion …………………………………………….…..…31
11. Collective Exercises on 2nd term items ……………………………………...34

Vocabulary Section ………………………………………………………………....37

1. Unit 1 ……………………………………………………………………………38
2. Unit 2 ……………………………………………………………………………40
3. Unit 5 ……………………………………………………………………………43
4. 1st term revision on units 1,2, 5 ………………………………………………46
5. Unit 13 ………………………………………………………………………….48
6. Unit 14 ………………………………………………………………………….50
7. Unit 15 ………………………………………………………………………….52
8. 2nd term revision on units 13,14,15 ………………………………………… 54

Novel Section ………………………………………………………………………. 56

1. Historical Background ………………………………………………………...57
2. Character Map …………………………………………………………..…….58
3. Each Chapter Main points, questions and quotations …………....…59 - 78
4. General discussion ……………………………………………………………79

Drama Section …………………………………………………………………….…80

1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………….……81
2. Main points, Questions and quotations ……………………………..…82 - 87

Writing Section ………………………………………………………………………88

1. Complaint email …………………………………………………….……….…89
2. Describing places/buildings ………………………………….…………….…94
3. For and against essays ……………………………………….………………98
4. Providing Solutions to problems ……………………………….…………...103

Previous exam samples, dialogues, comprehension passages ………..…108

Revision on Tenses
Choose the correct answer:
1. I can’t see you tonight because I always(go - am going- will go - am
going to go) to the gym on Mondays.
2. Simon looks happy because he (had passed- has passed- passes - is
passing) his exam.
3. Mum can’t come to the phone because she (is – is being – is going to
be - will be) busy at the moment.
4. By the time we arrived at the restaurant , they (ate - had already eaten-
would eat- were eating ) their lunch.
5. I (go - am going – have gone - will go) out with Jim tonight , would
you like to join us?
6. He (didn’t drive – wouldn’t drive - hasn’t driven - was driving) a car
since he had that accident.
7. He hasn’t finished the work yet , but he (will have finished – will finish
- is going to finish - finishes) by this evening.
8. I wish they’ d be quiet as they (had talked – talked - have been talking
- were talking) for hours.
9. Tim (slept – sleeps - was sleeping - has slept ) while Pam was
watching TV.
10. The manger (will visit – is going to visit - will be visiting-visits) our
office 10 o’clock tomorrow .
Correct the verbs between brackets :
1. The flight (leave) _________________ this time tomorrow.
2. He (talk) _________________on the phone for an hour.
3. She (not/ meet)________________ her since she was ten years old.
4. He asks for help because he (hang)_______________from the roof for
the past five minutes.
5. Permanently he (run)_____________ a large company .

6. Tom (pick) ______________ me up at 7 o’clock tonight.
7. The professor (not/ speak) ______________ until everyone was quiet.
8. By the time next month he (study)_____________piano for two years.
9. It’s hot here . I (open)_______________the window.
10. The manager (see) ______________ you as soon as he comes out of
the meeting.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) between brackets:

1. We started English lessons six years ago. (Use: for)

2. When did you start work? (Use: How long)
3. I’ve eaten salmon once before. (Use: time)
4. They have never had such a miserable Christmas. (Use: ever)
5. He’s been the owner of this shop since his father died. (Use: had)
6. I haven’t been to the beach for two years. (Use: ago)
7. The last time we went to Florida was ages ago. (Use: have)
8. Peter always forgets to take out the rubbish. (Use: remembers)
9. I have a dental appointment tomorrow.(Use: seeing)
10. She’s excited because she’s never been to a dance before.
(Use: first)

11. When did you last visit him? (Use: How long)
12. How long is it since you last had a proper meal? (Use: When)
13. We haven’t had a night out for six weeks. (Use: last)
14. As a bachelor I ironed my shirts myself. (Use: used to)
15. During our flight to Morocco the plane developed engine trouble.
(Use: were)
16. I had no sooner opened the door than the phone rang. (Use: just)
17. I had never done such a dangerous thing.
18. Immediately after I closed the door behind me, I heard a loud scream.
(Use: sooner)
19. He fell unconscious but the ambulance came an hour later.
(Use: lying)
20. He started to water the flowers at 6 and at 7 it began to rain.
(Use: watering)
21. Go and finish your shopping and I’ll wait here. (Use: until)

22. I have arranged to meet the manager at 5 tomorrow. (Use: am)
23. The moment he calls, I’ll let you know. (Use: soon)
24. He has been waiting for half an hour and she will take 15 more
minutes to come. (Use: have)
25. When I saw the old lady, I recognized her at once. (Use: moment)
26. They won’t be in the country tomorrow. (Use: left)
27. At 5 o’clock tomorrow, I’ll be on a plane to Paris. (Use: flying)
28. She had lunch and then she started watching TV. (Use: soon)
29. I am waiting for her to return and then I’ll leave. (Use: after)
30. I have already lived here for 10 years. (Use: By next year)

Choose the correct answer:

1. I (don't understand - didn't understand -don't understand - doesn't
understand) the question. Can you please repeat it?
2. Shelia never (went - go - goes - is going) out with friends on
3. Alex is annoyed with Anna because he (has been waiting - has waited
– had been waiting - is waiting) for her in the pouring rain for over an
4. Jeremy (has been learning - had been learning - was learning - is
learning) Spanish ever since he was in primary school.

5. Natasha (always wants - is always wanting - wanted - has always
wanted) to be a doctor.
6. How long (were you doing - are you doing - will you be doing - have
you been doing) yoga for? You've excellent concentration skills.
7. This is the first time Jane (has worn - wears -is wearing - wore) that
dress. It looks really nice on her.
8. I (hadn't eaten - didn't eat- don't eat - haven't eaten) any meat since I
(have become - become - had become - became) a vegetarian.
9. I (has just finished - had just finished - finished - have just finished)
doing my homework and I am exhausted.
10. Pauline's plane (left - leaves - will leave -is going to leave) at 10
tomorrow morning, so she has to be at the airport at around 6.
11. What (did you enjoy - do you enjoy - have you enjoyed - had you
enjoyed) doing in your free time?
12. He (will always use - always use - is always using - had always used)
my computer without taking permission.
13. Laila (is having - has -will have - had had) no idea what to buy.
14. I (clean - have been cleaning - would clean - cleaned) the windows
since lunch time. It's so exhausting.
15. How's Maggie? I (see saw - haven't seen - have seen) her for ages.
16. Sara usually puts on black shoes but now she (wears - was wearing -
is wearing - wore) white trainers.
17. I (loved - had loved - loves - love) this film. I have seen it four or five
times already.
18. I (stay - am staying - have stayed - had stayed) with my friend for a
couple of weeks till my parents return from Europe.
19. It (would take - takes- is taking - has taken) me two minutes to clean
my teeth in the morning.
20. The boys (watched- are watching - have watched - watch) television
every night unless they have homework.

Exercise on Time Clauses:
1. I ___my homework when this programme ___.
a. do, will finish
b. will do, finishes
c. does, finishes
2. When I ___ at the hotel I ___you.
a. arrives, calls
b. arrive, will call
c. will arrive, will call
3. When she ___ my letter, she ___ my problem.
a. will read, will understand
b. will read, understands
c. reads, will understand
4. We ___in the classroom if the teacher ___us to leave.
a. will stay, tells
b. will stay, will tell
c. stay, tells
5. If I _____ late for class, my teacher ________ angry.
a. am, are
b. is, will be
c. am, will be
6. Where___he ___ when he ___ to New York?
a. does-stay, go
b. do-stays, will go
c. will-stay, goes
7. If Robert _____the bus, he _____late for the lesson.
a. misses, will be
b. will miss, will be
c. miss, will be

8. When Lina _____to her granny, she _____help around the house.
a. come, help
b. comes, will help
c. will come, helps
9. People _____ more money, when the industry_______ .
a. will earn, develop
b. earn, develop
c. will earn, develops
10. You _______ a new car, if you ______ some savings.
a. will buy, will have
b. buy, will have
c. will buy, have

Underline then write the verb in the correct form:

1. I’ll call you ____________(while/the moment) I get home.
2. You can visit me (whenever/ till) you ___________ (want) to.
3. We went for a walk (after/ until) we ____________ (eat) breakfast.
4. (As soon as/ Before) he _______________ (read) the manual, he
knew how to operate the machine.
5. I was doing the ironing (during/ while) he __________ (wash) the
1. Tom will wake up then he will call you. (when)
2. We finished shopping then mum returned home. (by the time)
3. You can’t go out. You have to finish your homework first. (until)
4. Jim talked to the teacher during the break. (having)
5. As soon as he saw the police, he started running. (moment)

Modal Verbs
A) Can - Could - Be able to

(1) for Ability:

 Can = Be able to (ability in the present). Could expresses ability in

the past.
Tom can/is able to play tennis well. (present ability)
He could climb up mountains before he had an accident.
Grandpa can't climb mountains now. However, he was able to win an
international mountain climbing competition when he was 20.

 Was/Were able to (= managed to do) expresses ability in a past single

Luckily, he was able to reach Brighton before midnight. (single action)
(NOT: could)

A) Could is used in statements to express general ability in the past for

repeated actions.
She could/was able to read when she was four. (could/was able to are both
correct in this case)
However with feel, hear, see, smell, understand, etc. we normally use could
for single actions.
I could hear a noise coming from the dining room. (single action) (NOT:
was able to)

 Could/Was able to are both used in negations and questions for

either single or repeated actions.
They weren't able to/couldn't win the race. (single action)
Could you/Were you able to drive a car when you were fifteen? (repeated
action - general ability in the past).

(2) for Permission:

You can/can't borrow my car. (giving or refusing permission; informal)
Could I use your phone? (more polite; asking for permission)
I'm afraid you can't/mustn't see the patient. (refusing permission)
Yes, you can. (giving permission)

 Note: The answer to a polite request using (could) is by using (can).

Fill in: can, can't, could, couldn't, was/wasn't able to or had been able to:
1. He could/was able to run much faster when he was younger.

2. On entering the house, she…………...smell something burning in the

3. I am busy today, so I……………….. go shopping with you.

4. I heard Brian's voice, but I …………………….. see him until I turned

on the lights.
5. When I lived on the coast, I……………………... swim in the sea every
6. If Gordon ………………………………. avoid the rush hour traffic, he
would have arrived at the party on time.
7. I'm not usually very good at tennis, but yesterday
I………………………... beat my brother in a match.
8. He……………………………… fix the tap, so he called a plumber.

9. I had my hands full, so I………………. open the door.

10. Angela is very clever. She……………………….speak four languages.

B)Must - Have to (Necessity/ Obligation)

 Must (= it's necessary; I'm obliged to) is used when the speaker
decides what is necessary to do.
I must buy some new clothes (I say so. I decide what to do.)
 *Have to (= it's necessary) is used when the necessity comes from
outside the speaker or when others decide for the speaker what is
necessary to do.
He has to be at work at 9.00. (The boss says so.)
 *Must is used only in the present or future.

I must go to the meeting tomorrow.

 It borrows the rest of its tenses from 'have to'.

She had to be present at the lecture last Monday.

When she is 18, she will have to pass a driving test to have a licence.

Fill in: must or have to:

Bill : Hi, Alan. Why weren't you at the meeting this morning?
Alan : I had a doctor's appointment. So, what did I miss?
Bill : Well, Mr Newton, the new factory owner, said that we 1) have to
wear overalls at all times. Also, he wants us to arrive at 8 am
and we 2) ________________ clock in.
Alan : What about overtime?
Bill : There is a possibility of working overtime but you 3)
__________decide whether you want to work extra hours
Alan : Did he say anything about break times? I hope we don't 4)
___________ clock in and out every time we have a break
Bill : No, we don't, but Mr Newton insists that we 5) ____________
have fifteen-minute breaks every three or four hours. Like
before, we 6) __________ choose when we would like to take
those breaks
Alan : I see. And did he say anything about the parking? I think it's
terrible that the company says we 7) ___________________ use
the public park. It’s too far away.
Bill : I 8) ______________say I agree with you, Alan, but he didn’t
say anything. We 9) _________________bring it to the attention
of the personnel department sometime.

C) Mustn't - Needn't (Prohibition - Absence of necessity in the present or


* Mustn't/can't = (it's forbidden). You mustn't/can't get off the bus before is
* Needn't/Don't - Doesn't have to + bare infinitive = (it isn't necessary).
Today is a holiday - you needn't/don't have to go to work

Underline the correct item:

Information and safety tips
1- You mustn't/needn't go snorkelling alone.
2- You mustn't/don't have to be an athlete to go snorkelling.
3- You don't have to/mustn't go snorkelling in dangerous waters.
4- You needn't/mustn't buy your own equipment. You can rent it.
5- You needn't/mustn't harm the wildlife when you go snorkelling.
6- You mustn't/don't have to wear equipment that doesn't fit properly.

D) Didn't need to - Needn't have (Absence of necessity in the past)
 Didn't need to/Didn't have to + bare infinitive = (It was not necessary
in the past and we may not know if the action happened or not.)
She didn't need to /didn't have to buy a dress for the party. (It wasn't
necessary for her to buy a dress and we don't know if she bought one.)
 Needn't + have + past participle (We know that something happened
in the past although it was not necessary.)
You needn't have bought any bread. I'd already bought some. (It wasn't
necessary, but you did.)

Fill in the gaps with: needn't have didn't need to and the correct form
of the verb in brackets:
1. l ran through the airport, but I needn't have hurried (hurry) because
the flight had been cancelled.
2. I……………………(ask) for directions since I'd been to Karl's house
3. We ……………………. (give) her a present after all; it wasn't even her
4. I……………………………. (buy) any milk since I later discovered that
Brian had picked up some that morning.
5. Since all cinema employees get free entry, Frank……………………
(pay) for his ticket.
6. He…………………………… (get up) early on Saturdays. He never
worked at weekends.

E) Should – Ought to – Had better (Advice):

1. You should obey your parents. (general advice; I advise you)
2. You ought to respect traffic signals. (I advise you; most people
believe this)
3. You had better not keep your boss waiting. (it's not a good idea;
advice on a specific situation)
4. Shall I buy that car? (asking for advice)

1. Can I borrow your book? (informal)
2. Could I borrow your book? (polite)
3. May I have a cup of coffee, please? (formal)
4. Might I use your phone? (very formal)
5. Will you phone Jane tonight? (very friendly)
6. Would you mind sending this fax? (polite)

Shall l do it for you? (informal)
Shall we dance?

Exercise 1:
1. A: I found a briefcase on the train.
B: You (can – ought to – shall – will) take it to the police station as
soon as possible.
2. A: Sorry I'm late again.
B: You (might – would – should – shall) wear a watch.
3. A: (May – Couldn't – Shall – Will) I speak to Claire, please?
B: Just a moment, please. I'll call her.
4. A: We (must – should – ought to – could) go out for a meal this
if you like?
B: Oh, yes. That would be nice.
5. A: (Could – Would – Should – Will) I use your telephone, please?
B: Yes, of course.
6. A: When (will – would – should – shall) I visit you next?
B: You (can – must – will – ought to) call in tomorrow, if you like
7. A: (Shall – Would – Could – Must) I speak to the manager, please?
B: I'm afraid he's busy at the moment.
8. A: (Would – Should – Shall – Will) we go for a walk this afternoon?
B: Why not? It's a lovely day.

Exercise 2
1. Sorry, I (must - have to - don't have to - should) go now. I don't want
to be late.
2. Shop assistants (must - have to - mustn't - shouldn't) deal with the
3. You (shouldn't - have to-mustn't - don't have to) come with us if you
don't want to.
4. I was late because I (must- have to- didn't have to- had to) wait a long
time for the bus.
5. In Spain, teachers (should - don't have to – mustn't – shouldn't) wear
6. You (must – haven’t – mustn't – shouldn't) take food in your room.
7. You (don't have to - have to – mustn't - shouldn't) use the elevators in
case of fire.

8. I ( must - have to – mustn't – shouldn't ) wear glasses because I can't
see very well.
9. You ( must - had to – mustn't – shouldn't ) read this book. It's really
10. You (didn't have to – don't have to – mustn't – shouldn't ) go
shopping today. We don't need anything.
11. You ( must - don't have to – mustn't – shouldn't ) use a mobile phone
in class.
12. We ( must - have to – mustn't – shouldn't ) feed the animals. It's
13. We ( must - have to - had to – should ) book the tickets before it's too
14. In Spain, teachers ( don't have to - didn't have to – mustn't-
shouldn't ) work on Saturdays.
15. In Britain you ( must - don't have to - had to – should) drive on the
16. Every player in a football team (had to - have to - has to - should)
have a number.
17. You (must - have to – mustn't - should) forget his birthday again.
18. Doctors sometimes (must-have to-mustn't-shouldn't) work at the
19. Nowadays in Spain pupils (don't have to - had to – mustn't -
shouldn't) learn Latin at school.
20. You (must - have to – mustn't - shouldn't) smoke in public places.
21. My wife (don't have to-doesn't have to-mustn't-shouldn't) go to work
today. It's a holiday.
22. You (don't have to - have to – mustn't - shouldn't) shout. I can hear
23. We (should - have to - mustn't - shouldn't) be quiet in the library.

24. You (don't have to - have to – mustn't - shouldn't) use a computer on
the plane.
Rewrite the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1. It's not necessary to go to school on Saturdays.(don't)
2. It's obligatory for all drivers to have a driving license.(have to)
3. It's compulsory for Peter to learn Spanish.(must)
4. It's not obligatory for customers to go on the trips organized by the
5. Passengers are not allowed to smoke in this compartment.(mustn't)
6. It's necessary to book in advance. (must)
7. It's essential to have a visa to travel to India. (You)

Rephrase using the suitable modal verb:

1. It's forbidden to touch the statues in the museum.

2. Would you like me to carry your shopping for you?
3. Let's go and see "The Blob" tonight?
4. It isn't necessary for you to do that exercise?
5. It would be a good idea to eat less high-cholesterol food.
6. I advise you to check the details before you sign the contract.
7. Would you mind if I used your pen?

Profile Unit 9
Passive Voice
Exercise 1:
Change into passive:
1. Has nobody informed you about the last minute changes?
2. They've given Tom a month's notice at work.
3. They believe he paid millions for this painting.
4. They wouldn't let us see her.
5. Someone stole the Picasso from the gallery.
6. The Pyramids can be seen from my balcony.
7. The police were said to have acted properly.
8. Nobody heard him leave last night.
9. Don't hold the milk bottle upside down.
10. Send off these letters to the official.
11. She saw them go out.
12. They say he is a millionaire.
13. They think he has escaped from prison.
14. They thought he had been brave to do so.

15. They say she lied to the police.
16. Everyone heard her shout at the students.
17. When did they demolish that building?
18. People believe she lives in New York.
19. The manager made all the staff work overtime.
20. They didn't let anyone enter the building.
21. They gave her all the details.
22. Who offered her the job?
23. The bad weather has spoiled my holiday plans.
24. Do they always pay their workers on time?
25. you should wash those walls before you paint them.
26. Did they give you a reward for finding their cat.
27. The nurses take very good care of the patients.
28. The officers took the suspect in for questioning.
29. Will they hand out free T-shirts at the concert?
30. Does the school provide accommodation for all new teachers?

Collective exercises on
Modals and Passive Voice

Rewrite the sentences using a suitable modal:

1. I advise you to see a doctor .

2. It isn’t necessary for him to buy her a present.
3. I’m sure Frank isn’t at football practice .
4. It’s possible that Lisa will go to the party tonight.
5. You aren’t allowed to make noise at night.
6. We are obliged to wear a uniform at work.
7. Would you like me to carry your luggage?
8. How about getting a part time job?
9. It’s forbidden to park here.
10. Tom managed to pass his driving test.

Rewrite using the passive form:

1. They are going to paint the house tomorrow. (is)


2. She cleans the office every evening at 5 o’clock.(is)


3. Volunteers are planting trees in the forest.(planted)


4. They are hold the summer Olympics every four years .(held)


5. Did they discover America in 1492? (was)


6. The have closed the road due to an oil spill.(has)


7. He sent the party invitations yesterday afternoon.(were)


8. They will award him a Nobel prize. (be)


9. Has she watered the plants ? (been)


10. They saw a dolphin swimming in the sea . (seen)


2nd Term
Profile Unit 10
Exercise 1
Rewrite using have something done:
1. Sam has paid the plumber for repairing his washing machine.
2. Sara's new fridge will be delivered tomorrow.
3. Someone is filling Mary's car with petrol.
4. Jane's room is going to be redecorated next month.
5. Someone dry-cleaned Tom's jacket.
6. When will your glasses be made?
7. The man had asked the porter to take his luggage to his room.
8. Did you employ a painter to decorate your house?
9. The hairdresser was styling Mrs. Brown's hair.
10. John's suit is dirty. It has to be dry-cleaned. What should he do?
11. The doctor's examined Paul's ankle. What has Paul done?
12. Hire someone to repair the leaking roof.
13. A builder will do up Jane's attic. What will Jane do?
14. Don't get someone to plan the wedding.
15. A printer has printed party invitations for Emma. What has Emma

Exercise 2 on Causative:
1. Someone was servicing Jack's car then. (having)
2. I had the electrician look at my broken light. (looked)
3. The doctor will have the nurse call the patients. (called)
4. The teacher asked the students to write the answers on the
whiteboard. (had)
5. The maid has cleaned my house. (I)
6. "Is it possible he paid someone to burgle his house?" wondered the
insurance investigator. (burgled)
7. Will you ask someone to take these boxes to the basement? (taken)
8. I must find someone to fix that broken window before night. (fixed)
9. My hair is being cut at the moment. (having)
10. I made my son wash the window before he could go outside to play.
11. A company decorated Mrs Crane's house. (her)
12. Did the teacher ask her class to write a 3000 word research? (have)
13. After the tailor had shortened the sleeves, the jacket fits me
perfectly. (I)
14. Let someone send the email. (sent)

15. I asked Jim to redo the report because I wasn't satisfied with it. (had)
16. Dad is hiring a professional photographer to take pictures of
everyone who is participating in our wedding. (having)

17. Tom had a bad headache yesterday, so his twin brother went to class
for him.
18. Mr Fields went to the doctor to remove the wart on his nose.
19. Alice stopped at the service station to fill the tank. (filled)
20. I'm sure your mum will prepare some sandwiches for you. (have)
21. Why did they sell their car? (sold)
22. Can you ask someone to pay the phone bill for me? (paid)
23. Don't let him buy the car for you. (bought)
24. Tell Sally to roast the turkey for you. (roasted)
25. The waiter should serve me the food. (my)

Exercise 3:
1. Tell her not to write those letters by hand.
2. When will your glasses be made?

3. She asked her son to do the shopping.
4. Have you told the secretary to make some photocopies?
5. The chef was cooking Tom’s lunch.
Exercise 4
1. Our new furniture is going to be delivered tomorrow.
2. Did you ask anyone to sweep the chimney?
3. Ask him not to paint the room blue.
4. Why don’t you ask John to collect the money for you?
5. The doctor had examined her wound.

Exercise 5
1. We need to build an extension in our house.(have)
2. The beautician is painting Liz’s nails.(having)
3. Robert has written his new novel.(had)
4. A jeweller has made a special ring for Ann.(had)
5. Simon’s suits are all made by a tailor.(has)
6. Sonia is going to the optician for an eye test tomorrow.(have)
7. She can paint her portrait .(have)
8. His tooth was taken out yesterday.(had)
9. Somebody took Henry’s wallet from his pocket.(had)
10. Joseph’s winter coat needs cleaning.(has)

Profile Unit 12
Wish/ If only
Rewrite using the words in brackets:
1. He hopes that his father will come early. (wishes)
2. I didn't do my homework. (l wish)
3. Sue doesn't speak good French. (wishes)
4. It's bad you didn't turn off the tap before travelling. (I wish)
5. I regret not listening to my father's advice. (If only)
6. I'm sorry for not coming to the party tomorrow. (wish)
7. He dreams of playing for the National Team but he is too young. (If only)
8. He never stops quarrelling with his younger sister. (Mum wishes)
9. She has lied to her mother. (If only)
10. He never answers my emails. (wish)
11. You make rude remarks about me. (would)
12. Sally never does the washing-up. (would)
13. You didn't tell me the whole story. (only)
14. You are blowing cigarette smoke in my face. (If only)

15. l am so tired. (wish)
16. Her work isn't going well. (was)
17. Life is too complicated. (wish)
18. I can't sing. (wish)
19. You were shouting loudly. (been)
20. I don't live close to my family. (wish)
21. They parked their car in front of my house. (wish)
22. We haven't got a house by the sea. (wish)
23. I wasn't studying yesterday evening. (had)
24. The garden really needs water. (rained)
25. I'm afraid there is no food in the fridge. (only)
26. It's a pity she forgot her passport at home. (wishes)

Exercise on Wish/ Had Better
Rewrite using the words between brackets:

1- It's a pity I have to work late. (wish)

2- It's snowing so we can't go for a drive. (only)
3- It's shame I lost all the important stuff. (wish)
4- He would like to be an engineer. (wishes)
5- She regrets trusting them. (only)
6- It's a shame we missed the beginning of the film. (wish)
7- You had better take an umbrella with you. (advise)
8- I think you should have your hair cut. (were)
9- I am afraid John won't accept our offer. (would)
10 - He shouldn't wait any longer. (better)
11- John didn't come with us. (had)
12- If I were you, I wouldn't go to the party. (should)
13- I can't play a musical instrument. (wish)
14-You shouldn't borrow any more money; you won't be able to pay it
back. (had)
15- I forgot what I wanted to say. (only)

Profile Unit 12
Would rather/(Would) prefer
Correct the verbs between brackets:
1. Take our advice. We'd rather you ___________ (take out) separate
holiday insurance.
2. She'd rather ___________ (not/show) him her passport when she
goes to check in.
3. I can’t sleep peacefully every day. I'd rather Sam ___________
(not/play) his music so loudly.
4. Tom's mother made him go to school although he would rather
___________ (stay) at home.
5. I'd prefer ___________ (ride) my bicycle to the shops rather than
___________ (take) the bus
6. I'd rather______ (live) alone than_________ (share)a flat with a
7. I prefer ___________ (talk) with friends to ___________ (watch)
8. Chris would prefer _________ (work) mornings rather than evenings.
9. I'd rather you ___________ (tell) me yourself that you were leaving
10. In general, I prefer ___________ (walk) to ___________ (ride) a bike.
11. I'd rather you ____________________ (not always turn up) late.
12. I'd rather _____________ (go) fishing this afternoon.
13. I'd rather _______________ (ski) than ______________ (skate).
14. I'd prefer ___________ (eat) what I want rather than ___________
(count) calories.
15. I prefer ____________(watch) TV to _____________ (read) books.
16. I would rather ____________________ (not/go) out yesterday
17. I'd rather Tim ________________ (do) the shopping today.
18. I'd rather Kate ____________ (not/spend) so much money yesterday

General Revision on Unit 12
wish/ (would) prefer/ would rather/ had better


1. Children prefer playing games to studying .(rather)

2. I didn’t want you to leave so early.(rather)

3. It would have been better if I had woken up earlier last Sunday.

4. If I were you , I’d book a ticket in advance . (better)

5. It’s a shame we missed the beginning of the play.(wish)

6. You had better tell her all about it. (to)

7. I want you to leave my office right now.(would)

8. I don’t want to borrow anymore money from you .(not)

9. I wish you had remembered the key .(If only)

10. He prefers saving money to spending it .(rather)


Grammar Unit 17
Using inversion, write the following sentences beginning with the words

1. John had never been to such a fantastic restaurant.

Never ______________________________________________________
2. They had no sooner eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the
dining table.
No sooner___________________________________________________
3. I had scarcely finished writing my essay when the examiner announced
the end of the exam.
Scarcely ____________________________________________________
4. I seldom leave my house so early.
Seldom _____________________________________________________
5. People rarely appreciate this musician’s talent.
Rarely ______________________________________________________
6. The twins were very alike, and few people could tell them apart.
So _________________________________________________________
7. He became so suspicious that he searched the proof everywhere.
Such _______________________________________________________
8. He hardly understood about this situation.
9. It was the first time he had ever been in such a predicament.
Never ______________________________________________________
10. If an emergency should arise, dial 999.
Should _____________________________________________________
11. They started to argue soon after they got married.
No ________________________________________________________
12. If Mr Chan had been kinder to his employees, his business would not
have collapsed.
13. I have seldom heard such beautiful singing.
Seldom _____________________________________________________
14. He would never play in front of a live audience again.
Never ______________________________________________________

15.I have never seen such a terrible performance of Hamlet before.
Never before ________________________________________________
16.The new park was hardly finished when vandals destroyed the
Hardly ______________________________________________________
17.We need food and we need medicine.
Not only ____________________________________________________
18.The car is cheap to buy and it is economical to use.
Not only ____________________________________________________
19.If you finish, give me a call.
20.We opened the gate. The dog ran towards us.
No sooner __________________________________________________
21.I had no sooner entered the house than the lights went out.
Hardly _____________________________________________________
22.The bus was very late. We decided to take a taxi.
So ________________________________________________________
23.He had no sooner fallen asleep than the telephone rang.
No sooner __________________________________________________
24.We not only got lost, but our car broke down, too.
Not only ____________________________________________________
25.I have never heard such a terrible story.
Never before ________________________________________________
26.Business has rarely been so good.
Rarely ______________________________________________________
27.If I had known about the party, I would have gone.
Had ________________________________________________________
28.If I were you, I would look for a new job.
Were _______________________________________________________
29.It was very exciting news and I couldn’t wait to tell everyone.
Such _______________________________________________________
30.He had such a heavy luggage that he had to call a porter.
Such _______________________________________________________

Choose the correct answer.

1. (No sooner – Only when) had I left than I heard them laughing.
2. (Not only – No sooner) were they late to work, but they also forgot to
bring the reports.
3. (No sooner – Scarcely) had Alan arrived in Mexico when he was
4. (Rarely – Never) before has the company found itself facing such stiff
5. (Hardly – No sooner) had the alarm gone than the police cars arrived.
6. (No sooner – Rarely) do you meet anyone as charming as Mr
7. (Never – Not only) did Jerry forget my birthday, but he also forgot our
wedding anniversary.
8. (Hardly – No sooner) did the gang know that the police had them
under surveillance.
9. Seldom (does Sandra go – Sandra goes) out for dinner.
10. Never (can you – you can) go there alone.
11. Not only did Suzan (smoke – smoked), but she drank, too.
12. “I’m going out now.” “(Had – Should) you pass a chemist’s; would
you get me some aspirins?”
13. “So, how was the film?” “It was great! (Had – Were) you come, you
would have enjoyed yourself.”

Collective Exercises on 2nd Term Items
Units 10, 12, 17
Causative, Wish , Would rather, Had better, Inversion
1. I have seldom eaten at such an expensive restaurant.(Seldom)
2. She had no sooner fallen asleep than the telephone rang.
( No sooner)
3. We not only got lost , but our car broke down. ( Not only)
4. I have never heard such a terrible story before. ( Never)
5. We realised only then that the jewels had been stolen . (Only then)
6. Business has rarely been so good . (Rarely)
7. If I were you , I would look for a new job. (Were)
8. If I had known about the party , I would have gone.(Had)
9. The police didn’t know the man was a criminal. (Little)
10. I want to go surfing but my friend want to sunbathe .(would prefer)
11. Your parents want you to take the rubbish . You want your
brother to do it.( would rather)

12. Your brother has started playing the violin . You want him to stop
practising late night. (would rather)
13. Your friend has a flu . You think she should go to the doctor.
14. Your parents have offered to buy you an MP3 player for your
birthday rather than the computer you had asked for .(would rather)
15. You friend has asked if you want to go to the beach but you want
to stay home. (would prefer)
16. John eats a lot of junk food and you think he should eat less.
17. I didn’t enjoy visiting the museum . (rather)

18. I advise you to apply for the job.(were)


19. He doesn’t want to annoy his sister while she is studying.

20. She didn’t bring her umbrella. (wish)
21. I don’t know them very well .(wish)
22. She didn’t wake and was late for her appointment.(wish)

23. The driver isn’t careful. He crashed his car into a wall.(wish)

24. I didn’t buy tickets . We can’t go to the theatre .(wish)

25. They missed their flight . They won’t arrive until tomorrow.(wish)
26. He always plays music loudly at night.(would)
27. I should have got earlier .(wish)
28. They didn’t take the caps with them.(wish)
29. She isn’t well qualified . She didn’t get the job.(wishes)


4000 Essential Words
Unit 1
The History of Chocolate

Unit 1: Vocabulary Words and Derivatives:
1. aroma (n.)

2. beverage (n.)

3. cluster (n.) (v.)

4. combine (v.) combination (n.)

5. condensed (adj.) condense (v.) condensation (n.)

6. contemporary (adj.)

7. cultivate (v.) cultivation (n.)

8. divine (adj.)

9. humid (adj.) humidity (n.)

10. odor (n.) also (odour)

11. palate (n.)

12. paradise (n.)

13. plantation (n.) plant (n.) (v.)

14. rapid (adj,) rapidly (adv.)

15. rate (n.)

16. soothing (adj.) soothe (v.)

17. subtle (adj.)

18. texture (n.)

19. toxic (adj.)

20. vary (v.) variety (n.) various (adj.)

4000 Essential Words 5
Unit 2
Monkey Island
A) Choose from the list below the suitable answer to
complete the sentences:
Arc- character -conscience – escape - fiery – grapefruit -hay –
horrified – kerosene – loop- middle -paddle -sour – stake –
steward – string – thorn – wreck – curved – escaped – fleshy –
figurative – horrifying
1. Our green house was __________ in last night’s storm .

2. The fences should be of birch instead of __________ .

3. It was his guilty __________ that made him offer to

help .
4. They went to the hills to __________ the summer heat .

5. Cut the lemon in half and scoop out the __________ .

6. Henry was __________ by what had happened .

7. The general directed military operations , and the

__________ naval operations .

8. The exciting volcanoes belong to four separate

__________or chains .
9. His facial features suggested a stolid __________ .

10. Her hair was __________ red and curly , her frame tall

and slender .
11. A ball follows a __________path as it travels through

the air.

12. By living in protected houses and wearing gloves and

veils at night all the staff __________ malaria except

one or two attendants .
13. A bullet was fired by a French sharpshooter hit him in

the __________ part of his leg.

14. Idioms and __________ language have to be

deliberately taught and explained in detail.

15. Community leaders were baffled by the sudden

arrival and spread of this __________disease .

B) Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the following

1. 16-The milk had turned __________(sourness)

2. 17-Tie the ends of the rope together in a

3. 18-He was __________ (horrifyingly) to realize that

comments had been over heard .

C) Choose the correct word:

4. He got mad with the tangled ( strain -string-stringent

– stringing)
5. Extra special care is needed to cut around the leaves

and (Thornton -throne -thorns -throughout ) that

may scratch the fruit .
6. A wooden (state - stake – stay -status) was driven

firmly into the ground.

7. The cream smells (sour – sourness – source -soul )

Unit 2: Vocabulary Words and Derivatives:

1. admiral (n.)
2. arc (n.)
3. character (n.) , characteristic (adj.) , characterize (v.)
4. conscience (n.)
5. escape (v.) , escaped (adj.)
6. fiery (adj.)
7. flesh (n.) ,fleshy (adj.)
8. grapefruit (n.)
9. hay (n.)
10. horrified (adj. for person)
11. horror (n.)
12. horrifying (adj. for things)
13. Kerosene (n.)
14. loop (n.) , loopy (adj.)
15. middle (n/ adj.)
16. paddle (n.) , paddle (v.)
17. sour (adj.)
18. stake (n.)
19. steward (n)
20. string (n.)
21. thorn (n.)
22. wreck (v.)

4000 Essential Words 5
Unit 5
The Magic Computer

Unit 5 Vocabulary Words and Derivatives:

1. awhile (n.)
2. cyberspace (n.)
3. edit (v.) , editing(n) , editor (n)(person)
4. essay (n.)
5. evaluate (v), evaluation(n)
6. faint (v.) , faintness(n)
7. global (adj.), globally (adv) , globe (n)
8. gymnasium (n.) , gymnastics (n)
9. highlight (v.) , highlighted (adj)
10. ignorant (adj.), ignorance (n), ignore (v)
11. index (n.)
12. lecture (n.) , lecture (n/v) , lecturer (n. person)
13. moral (n.) , moralize (v) , morally (adv) , (opposite is immoral )
14. operate (v.) , operator (person) , operation (n)
15. private(adj.) , privately(adv) , privacy (n)
16. recent (adj.) , recently (adv)
17. resolution (n.) , resolve (v)
18. semester (n.)
19. typewritten (adj.) , typewrite (v) , typewriter (machine)
20. weird (adj.)

1st Term Vocabulary Revision
on Units 1, 2, 5
Choose the correct word between brackets
1. My vacation in Maldives was like being in (palate – divine – paradise
– plantation).
2. The knife cut the (fleshing-fleshy-flash-flesh)of his arm.
3. The rainbow formed a beautiful (arc-arcane-archetype- archaic)in the
4. The abstracts have also been (edit-editing-edited-editor) to convey
the main message of each article.
5. Some species live in (humid – humidity – cluster – toxic) areas,
preferring swamps and coasts.
6. We have surveyor’s (stakeholder-stoker-stokehole-stakes)at all four
corners of this field, to mark exactly its borders.
7. He was an emotional (wreck – wrecked – wreckable – wreckage)
after the death of his wife.
8. The boy needs a life-saving transplant (operation-operate-operated
9. It was the first time we had seen works from the artist’s (privacy –
private – privation - privately - private) collection.
10. The warning signs of the disease are so (rapid – subtle – various –
soothing) that they are often ignored.
11. The (texture – odor – rate – aroma) of coffee brought Christine into
the small café.
12. He told the truth for his (consciousness - conscientious –
conscience - conscious) ‘s sake.
13. Celebrities reacted with (horrifying – horror – horrified - horrify) to
his death last night.
14. This whole chapter could be (condemned – concluded – condensed –
condense) into a few paragraphs.
15. Cooking times may (vary – various – variety – variable) slightly,
depending on your oven.
16. Our money was running out at an alarming (cluster – rate – rapid –

17. He felt (fainting – faint – faintness - fainted) for lack of food.
18. She behaved with (character – characteristic – characterize -
characterized) dignity .
19. A (plantation – cultivation – condensation – combination) of factors
may be responsible for the increase in cancer.
20. He was still too surprised to be able to (evaluation – evaluate -
evaluated – evaluating) the situation logically.
21. Technology has turned the world into a (globe – globally -
globalization – global) village.
22. They (lecturer - lectured – lecturing – lecture) their children about the
importance of honesty.
23. Reporters (combined – clustered – condensed – cultivated) around
the palace gates for news.
24. They were (horrifying – horrified – horror - horrify) by the movie’s
25. Celebrities reacted with (horrifying – horror – horrified - horrify) to
his death last night.
26. Paintings by (subtle – divine – contemporary – audible) artists
covered the walls.
27. We can’t afford to (ignorance – ignorant – ignore - ignored) their
28. Ethics deals with (morally – moral - morality - immoral) conduct.
29. They rowed along a (loopy- loop-looping – looped) in the river.
30. They made a (resolve – resolution – resolute - resulting) to lose all
the weight gained during the Christmas period.
31. The (throne - thorn - thorn-bill - throned) in her thumb.

4000 Essential Words 5
Unit 13
The Big Race
A. Choose from the list below to complete the sentences:

affect, autograph, bead, brew, charm, destiny, equipment, horn, irritable,

lag, nightmare, nutritious, protein, signature, stuff, subconscious,
van, warn, workout, zoom

1. “Could I have your __________________?” said Sally to Angelina

2. How does television ________________ children’s behavior?
3. He wants to be in control of his own ______________________.
4. __________________ is a natural substance that can be found in
meat,eggs, fish and
5. some vegetables.
6. My uncle can’t bear the loud sounds of car _______________.
7. I need to pack my ______________ in the suitcase as soon as
8. Someone has forged her ________________ on the cheque.
B. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the following words:
1. His wife was disappointed as he didn’t show her any _____________.
2. I shall certainly keep a _______________ eye on his behavior. (bead)
3. The way she puts on that coat really ________________ me. (irritable)
4. They stopped to wait for one of the children who was
_________________ behind. (lag)
5. Good ______________ is essential if patients are to make a quick
recovery. (nutritious)
6. Her dress was beautifully ________________ around the neck. (bead)
7. The whole team has __________________ a football, which will be
used as a prize. (autograph)
8. He was _________________ for a military career. (destiny)
9. While crossing the street, the cars _______________ past me. (zoom)
10. The teacher gave him the last ____________ before she dismissed

Unit 13: Vocabulary Words and Derivatives:
1. affect (v), affection (n), effect (n)
2. autograph (v/n)
3. bead (n), beads (n), beaded (adj), beady (adj. for eyes)
4. brew (v)
5. charm (v/n), charming (adj)
6. destiny (n), destined (adj)
7. equipment (n), equip (v) past: equipped
8. horn (n), horns (n. for animals)
9. irritable (adj), irritate (v.), irritation (n.), irritated (adj.) + prep. at/ by/ with
10. lag (v/n), lagging (adj)
11. nightmare (n)
12. nutritious (adj), nutrition (n)
13. protein (n)
14. signature (n), sign (v),
15. stuff (n/v), stuffed (adj)
16. subconscious (adj), (compare: conscious and unconscious)
17. van (n)
18. warn (v), warning (n)
19. workout (n)
20. zoom (v/n), zoom in/ zoom out (of camera) phrasal verb

4000 Essential Words 5
Unit 14
The Brothers and the Bread
A. Choose from the list below to complete the sentences:

brick , crumble, dough, express, fist, flexible, flush, injure, lump, mixture,
reconcile, ruin, shatter, shutter, sift, slight, sparkle, sprinkle, stale, utter

1. _______________ the pizza with a few herbs to give it a good taste.

2. We visited a Roman ___________________ in our tour in Italy.
3. He had a _______________________ on his head the size of an egg.
4. We could tell she was happy by the ______________________ in her
5. The morning after the party, their apartment smelled of
___________________ cigarette smoke.
6. The pastry ____________________ is ready for baking.
7. Tom punched the thief in his face with his __________________.
8. A lot of people ________________________ their windows and bar
their doors to protect their houses from thefts.
9. The house has a small backyard, surrounded by a high
___________________ wall.
B. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the following words:
1. She nervously ______________________ the bread between her
fingers. (crumbling)
2. Using a ______________ or a shaker cover the dough with the cocoa.
3. The regulations do not permit much _______________________.
4. The troops bombarded the city, killing and _____________________
hundreds. (injure)
5. Some people call English a mongrel language because it is a
_______________________ of old German and French. (mix)
6. It took hours of negotiations to bring about a ___________________
between the two sides. (reconcile)
7. He wrote her a poem as an _________________________ of his love.

Unit 14: Vocabulary Words and Derivatives:

4000 Essential Words 5
Unit 15
Laika, the Space Dog
A. Choose from the list below to complete the sentences:

complain – prior – climate – beloved – establish – await – spaceship –

measure – although – mature – leash – furnace – apply – due
9. She ……………………. a system of tracking expenses more
10. The students ………………………. that the test was too hard.
11. His physician advised moving to a warmer …………………..
12. The Eiffel Tower is one of the city’s most ………………………
13. The teacher informed us that the research is ………….. at the end of
the week.
14. The dog saw a cat and was straining at its ………………….. trying to
get at it.
15. Wealth is not a ……………………… of happiness.
16. Girls ………………….. earlier than boys both physically and mentally.
17. He denied that he had …………………. knowledge of the robbery.
18. …………………… she felt ill, she didn’t call a doctor.
19. He was arrested and is now in prison ………………………….. trial.
20. ………………….. the cream in the morning and in the evening.
B. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the following words:

apply – variety – complain – establish – prior – power – confuse –

misery – beloved – mature
1. English spelling often causes ……………………….. for learners.
2. The sales assistants are trained to deal with customer
…………………..… in a friendly manner.
3. The first …………….. for most unemployed people is obtaining a job.
4. Many job …………………… do not know how to write an appealing
cover letter.
5. Experts have called for the ………….…….. of new health guidelines.
6. They have got a ……………………. big house in the country.
7. Parliament had become more …………………………. than the King.
8. These insects reach full ………………………. after a few weeks.
9. The journey home was ………….………….. Everyone was depressed
about losing the game.
10. He decided to leave school for ……………………… reasons.

Unit 15 Words and Derivatives:
1. although (conj.)
2. apply (v.), also (apply for a job), applicant (n./person), application(n.)
3. await (v.)
4. beloved (adj.) love (v.) (n.) lovely (adj.)
5. climate (n.)
6. complain (v.) complaint (n.)
7. confuse (v.) confused/confusing (adj.) confusion (n.)
8. due (adj.)
9. establish (v.) establishment (n.)
10. furnace (n.)
11. leash (n.)
12. mature (v.) (adj.) maturity (n.)
13. measure (v.) measurement (n.)
14. midst (n.)
15. misery (n.) miserable (adj.) miserably (adv.)
16. powerless (adj.) # powerful power (n.)
17. prior (adj.) priority (n.)
18. research (n.)
19. spaceship (n.)
20. variety (n.) vary (v.) various (adj.)

2nd Term Vocabulary Revision
on units 13, 14, 15
Choose the correct word between brackets
1. He has already begun to (apply – await – establish – reconcile) quite
a reputation as a journalist.
2. In considering these dimensions, the real and dynamic nature of

(expressing - reconciling – ruining) work and family life becomes

more apparent.
3. Your opinion will not (affect – effect – affected) our decision.
4. She sat through the whole meeting without (flushing - expressing -

uttering) a word.
5. We can’t ignore the (misery – midst – due – priority) of the people in
this country who are forced to live on the streets.
6. Could I have your (biography – autography – autograph – sign)?
7. The human brain isn’t fully (powerful – mature – maturity –
measured) until about age 25.
8. The X-ray showed a (sift - slight – flexible) irregularity in one lung.
9. His face was (beady – beads – beaded – bead) with sweat.
10. The trip turned to a (nightmare – subconscious - equipment) when
they both got sick.
11. A modern extension on the old building would (sift - ruin – utter)

its architectural integrity.

12. He denied that he had (due – various – mature – prior) knowledge of
the robbery.
13. The centre is well (equipped – equip - equipment) for canoeing and
14. The twins liked to (confuse – complain – condense – compare) their
teachers by switching seats.

15. Let me (brew – zoom - sign) you some coffee.
16. She’s pregnant and the baby is (deal – duo – duet – due) in April.
17. Education shouldn’t be (matured – measured – marked – midst)
purely by examination results.
18. I could tell from his grim (expression – impression - experiment)

that the news was not good.

19. She was (charming – destined - equipped) in her light blue satin
20. Always let tea (brew – zoom - protein) for a few minutes.
21. Scotland’s (weather – climate – whether – due) is too cold for these
plants to survive.
22. They asked me to (sign – signature – signal) the two contracts.
23. These ideas are often difficult to (measure – apply – await –
establish) in practice.
24. Traffic (zoomed – equipped - lagged) past us.
25. I was invited to a meal of (stuffed – affected - zoomed) turkey and
26. The glass (shattered – shuttered – uttered) into a thousand tiny

27. Following your (nutritious – workout - affection) would help you stay
in good health.
28. You have the right to (complain – cluster – confuse – condense) if
you are not satisfied with the service you are getting.
29. He sold his car to buy a bigger one, finally, he bought a (horn – van –
30. You don't want (lumps – shutters - shatters) in the sauce.


Character Map


Danglars Morrel

Caderousse Fernand

Dantès’ Mercédès

Meeting Fr. Faria at the Chateau d’If

Valentine Edward

M. Morrel Villefort + Heloise

Danglars Fernand + Mercédès

The Count
of Monte
Luigi Vampa Haydée

The Count of Monte Cristo
General Notes
The French people rebelled against King Louis XVI and executed him
so no one from his family dared to be king. Louis XVIII escaped.
Napoleon Bonaparte was loved as great leader so he announced
himself the emperor of France. A year later, King Louis XVIII returned
to his throne and exiled Napoleon to the Isle of Elba. Anyone who
contacted Napoleon or his followers was considered to be a traitor.
The novel starts when Napoleon was on the Isle of Elba planning to
return to the throne in France and overthrow King Louis XVIII.
Author: Alexandre Dumas (a French writer)
The novel is in France, Italy (Rome) during the reign of Louis XVIII
( the Eighteenth) and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Protagonist: Edmund Dantès
Antagonist: Danglars, Fernand, Caderousse and Villefort
Origin of the novel:
It was based on a true story taken from the French police records.
It has a biographical element as the idea of the novel was taken from
what happened to Alexandre Dumas’ father.
Is the novel fiction or non-fiction?
There is a part that is fiction (not real) which is the characters and the
events, and there is also a part that is non-fiction (real) which is the
historical background and the conflict between King Louis XVIII and
Main Themes:
 Betrayal and Vengeance
 Power

Chapter 1
The Return of the Pharaon
Main Points
1. The arrival of the Pharaon
2. The death of the captain of the ship
3. Danglars envied Dantès
4. Dantès’ visit ti the Isle of Elba
5. M. Morrel made Dantès the captain of the ship
6. Dantès planning to marry Mercédès
7. Dantès’ visit to his father
8. Caderousse’s greed
9. Mercédès refusing Fernand’s proposal
10. Danglars plan to get rid of Dantès
1. What was the final destination of the Pharaon? Where was the ship
returning from?
2. Why did the ship’s crew look sad?
3. Who jumped into a small boat and rowed to meet the Pharaon? Why
did the man seem concerned and worried?
4. Who was Monsieur Danglars? Why did Danglars envy Dantès?
5. Why did Monsieur Morrel make Dantès the new captain of the
Pharaon after captain Leclere?
6. What were Danglars’ reasons for not accepting Dantès as the new
captain of the Pharaon?
7. Why did Dantès stop the Pharaon at Isle of Elba?
8. Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? Why was he exiled on this remote
9. What was Napoleon’s plan?
10. Why was Dantès angry with his neighbour, Caderousse?
11. Who was Fernand Mondego?
12. How did he deal with Dantès when they met? Why did Fernand
decide to get rid of Dantès? Why did Caderousse, Danglars and
Fernand envy Dantès?
1. “The boy is only 19 years old! He acts as if he is already captain of
the ship!”
2. “I’ll bet he has to deliver that letter to Paris. This gives me an idea!
Dantès, my friend, you may not become captain of the Pharaon after

Chapter 2
Falsely Accused
Main Points
1. The betrothal feast of Dantès and Mercédès.
2. Dantès was arrested.
3. Danglars became the captain of the ship.
4. The betrothal of Villefort and Renee.
5. Villefort's father, Noirtier, was one of Napoleon's followers.
6. A note accusing Dantès of being a secret agent to Napoleon.
7. Villefort questioned Dantès, who proved to be innocent.
8. Villefort tricked Dantès and sent him to the Chateau d'If.

1. Where did Dantès and Mercédès’ betrothal take place? Why did
Dantès consider himself a lucky man?
2. Who followed Dantès to the police station? Why? What did this
indicate about Monsieur Morrel?
3. What bad news did Monsieur Morrel bring when he returned to the
4. How did Danglars’ plan succeed?
5. What other betrothal was being celebrated?Who was Gerard de
Villefort? Who was Renee? Why was marrying Renee a great hope
and advantage for Villefort?
6. What was included in the note sent to Villefort? How was that note
dangerous and against Dantès? Why was the note not signed?
7. Why did Villefort think that this letter could cause problems for him?
8. What did Villefort decide to do to Dantès? How did Villefort trick
1. “After all, your own father is a follower for Napoleon, is he not?”
2. “I’m sorry for your trouble. Whoever wrote this note is clearly a liar.
Give me the letter, and go now.”

Chapter 3
A Man without Hope
Main Points
1. Dantès in jail.
2. The return of Napoleon.
3. King Louis fled the country.
4. M. Morrel pleaded Villefort to release Dantès.
5. Napoleon's final defeat.
6. The return of King Louis.
7. Napoleon's exile.
8. The death of Dantès's father.
9. M. Morrel's generosity and loyalty to his friend.
10. Dantès lost hope.

1. Why did the guards transfer Dantès to the dungeon?
2. Describe Dantès’ suffering in the dungeon as the days and months
pass. Why did he still have hope?
3. What did Villefort tell the King soon after Dantès’ arrest?
4. Where was Napoleon exiled? Describe what happened when
Napoleon escaped and returned to Paris. Why did King Louis flee the
country? Who became the new emperor? Why was Villefort allowed
to keep his job as prosecutor?
5. Although Napoleon had many supporters in France, he also had
many enemies. Discuss, giving examples of what happened next to
6. Write about Napoleon’s final defeat. Who became the king of France
again? Where was Napoleon exiled the second time?
7. Despite it being dangerous to help a man accused of being a follower
of Napoleon, Monsieur Morrel stayed loyal to Dantès and his father.
Discuss, giving examples from the chapter.

Chapter 4
The Escape
Main Points
1. Dantès heart a scraping sound. He thought it was a prisoner trying to
find a way out of prison.
2. He met a priest called Father Faria (Abbe Faria) who was a man of
great knowledge.
3. Fr. Faria uncovered the secret that Villefort was the son of Noirtier.
4. Dantès decided to take revenge.
5. He asked Fr Faria to teach him.
6. They dug a tunnel to escape but Fr Faria had a stroke and gave up
the idea of running away.
7. Dantès refused to escape alone and leave him.
8. Fr Faria trusted Dantès with a secret that he hid a treasure on the
Monte Cristo. He told Dantès to take the treasure for himself in case
the priest died.
9. Fr Faria died.

1. What sound did Dantès hear one night? Why was the sound different
from the sound made by rats?
2. What did Dantès think the sound was? Why did he pick up a stone
and knock several times on the wall?
3. How did Dantès work to find out the secret sound behind the wall?
What tools did he use and why? Why did Dantès push his bed
against the wall? What happened when Dantès’ iron tool suddenly
slid off a smooth surface?
4. Who was the prisoner in the other cell? Describe the first meeting of
the two prisoners.

5. Give a brief account of Father Faria.
6. Why was Father Faria sure that both Fernand and Danglars had
something to gain from Dantès’ arrest?
7. How did Father Faria help Dantès understand what had happened to
8. What did Dantès decide to do after he had heard Father Faria’s
doubts about Villefort?
9. Why did Father Faria give up the hope of escaping from the prison?
Why did Father Faria ask Dantès to escape alone? What was Dantès’
reaction? How would Dantès help Father Faria escape? Why was
Father Faria amazed at the young man’s loyalty?
10. Father Faria showed Dantès a piece of paper. What secret did the
paper hold? Why do you think Father Faria offered his treasure to
Dantès although Dantès wasn’t his son or one of his relatives?
11. After Father Faria’s death, what was Dantès’ plan to escape? How did
he use Father Faria’s body to escape? How did the guards get rid of
Dantès’ body?

 “Oh, you poor man! That prosecutor is the son of Noirtier! No
wonder he sent you to the Chateau d’If.”

Chapter 5
The Treasure Cave
Main Points
1. Dantès freed himself using the priest’s knife
2. Dantès found himself on an island
3. He saw a ship crashing against the rocks but couldn’t join it
4. He found an Italian ship in the sea. He swam towards it and
pretended to be a sailor
5. The crew on the ship were smugglers.
6. It was the year 1929. Dantès pretended to lose track of time.
7. They reached the island of Monte Cristo
8. Dantès pretended to be hurt and asked the crew to leave him on the
9. He found the treasure.

1. How did Dantès get out of the sack? Why did he dive into the water?
2. Why did Dantès not signal to the Italian ship? What story did Dantès
tell the sailors on the ship?
3. Why did Dantès ask the captain and the sailors what year it was?
How long had Dantès been a prisoner in the Chateau d’If?
4. What did Dantès discover about the captain and his sailors?
5. Why did Dantès want to stay on the Isle of Monte Cristo?

No Quotations

Chapter 6
The Priest and the Innkeeper
Main Points
1. Dantès disguised as a priest.
2. Dantès's meeting with Caderousse, the owner of an inn.
3. Caderousse told Dantès the whole truth.
4. M. Morrel fell into debts.
5. Fernand and Danglars became happy and rich.
6. Fernand married Mercédès and had a son, Albert.
7. Dantès gave the diamond to Caderousse.
8. M. Morrel lost the Pharaon.
9. Dantès rewarded M. Morrel by paying his debts.
10. Dantès decided to punish the wicked.


1. Who had become the owner of a small country inn in the south of
France? How had the man riding the horse disguised himself? How
was the man dressed?
2. What did the rider ask Caderousse about? How did Caderousse feel
about Dantès’s family and fiancée? Why did Caderousse admit his
mistake towards Dantès?
3. Do you think Dantès will punish Caderousse? Why (not)?
4. What story or account did the priest give Caderousse about what
happened to Dantès?
5. What did Dantès give the priest before he died?
6. How did the priest get Caderousse tell him about Danglars, Mercédès
and Fernand?
7. Why did Caderousse’s eyes grow wider when he saw the diamond?
Why did Dantès, as the priest, show Caderousse the diamond? Was
it the beginning of his revenge?

8. How and why did Dantès’s father die? Why did the priest offer
Caderousse a diamond?
9. Would Caderousse tell the priest the real story behind his
10. Who wrote the letter which accused Dantès of working for
11. Why did Caderousse describe himself as a coward but not a
12. How did M. Morrel try to help Dantès and his family?
13. Write about M. Morrel’s financial problems.
14. Compare and contrast M. Morrel, Fernand and Danglars’ new life.
15. How did Danglars become rich?
16. How did Caderousse envy both Danglars and Fernand? Now that
Dantès had rewarded those who were his true friends, what did he
plan to do with those who betrayed him?

Quotation 1
“I’m afraid we are ruined.”

Quotation 2
“Father! You are saved! You are saved.”

Chapter 7
An Eye for an Eye
Main Points
1. Albert and Franz in Rome for the carnival.
2. Dantès disguised as "The Count of Monte Cristo".
3. Dantès's meeting with Albert and Franz and sharing his carriage with
4. Dantès invited Albert and Franz to an execution.
5. Dantès believed in an eye for an eye, and taking revenge slowly.
6. Albert met a woman.
7. Albert was kidnapped and Franz had to pay a ransom.
8. Dantès saved the life of one of Luigi Vampa's men.
9. Luigi Vampa set Albert free as a repay for Dantès's favour.
10. Dantès's plan to go to France to meet Fernand and Mercédès.


1. Who was Albert? Why did he visit Rome? Why were Albert and Franz
upset and not happy? What had the Count of Monte Cristo offered
the two young men? Why were the two young men astonished?

2. What did Dantès mean by: “ I believe in an eye for an eye, and a
tooth for a tooth!”? Did Franz agree or disagree with the count?

3. Why did Dantès want his revenge and punishments to be very slow?

4. Why did Luigi Vampa kidnap Albert? Where did Vampa imprison
Albert? How did the count free Albert from his kidnapper?

5. What was Dantès’s plan when he asked Albert to go with him to Paris
and introduce him to the people there?

6. Everything that had happened to the young men had been parts of
Dantès’s plan of revenge. Discuss.

7. Why did Franz have a bad feeling about the Count of Monte Cristo?

Quotation 1
“What do you mean ? It doesn’t sound to me that having one’s head cut off
is an easy way to die.”

Quotation 2
“My dear Vampa, is this any way to repay me for saving one of your men?”

Chapter 8
Arrival in Paris
Main Points
1. Dantès's arrival in Paris.
2. Albert invited Dantès to his house.
3. Dantès's meeting with Fernand and Mercédès.
4. Fernand didn't recognize Mercédès, but Mercédès did.
5. Dantès saved Haydée from slavery in Turkey.
6. Dantès saved Heloise de Villefort and her son Edward.
7. Dantès's meeting with Villefort.
8. Valentine loved Maximilian.
9. Villefort wanted Valentine to marry Franz.
10. Valentine would inherit all of her family's money when she married.

Questions :

1. Why do you think Fernand could not recognize Dantès’s true


2. Who was Haydée? Why did Haydée owe her happiness and life to
Dantès? Why did Dantès reject Haydée’s love?

3. What was Dantès’s next step of revenge? Who was the woman with
the young boy? Why did she visit Dantès?

4. Who was Gerard de Villefort? Why did Dantès want to destroy

Villefort? Why did Villefort visit Dantès later that day?

5. Why did Maximilian visit Valentine?

6. Why was Heloise against Valentine marrying Franz?

Quotation :

“I know that social status means a lot to you. You visit important

Chapter 9
Mysterious Deaths
Main Points

1. The Count of Monte Cristo invited Danglars to his house

2. Danglars became a rich banker
3. Dantès helped a criminal called Benedetto, Villefort’s illegitimate son,
gave him money, and introduced him to high class people with a new
name: Andrea Cavalcanti.
4. Caderousse blackmailed Benedetto and asked him to share his
money with him lest he would tell the Count about his crimes.
5. At Villefort’s house, the Marquis is found dead, then his wife: the
Marquise, was poisoned.
6. Noirtier, showed Franz some papers, which proved that Noirtier had
fought a duel with Franz’s father and killed him.
7. Franz decided not to marry Valentine for that.
8. Noirtier was poisoned but didn’t die, his servant did.
9. The doctor suspected Valentine for the mysterious deaths.

1. Why did Dantès receive a visit from Danglars? What was Danglars’
new title? How did Dantès react when he saw his old enemy? Did
Danglars have any idea who the count was? Why?
2. What was Dantès plan to destroy Danglars? Why did Danglars
agree to grant Dantès the loan?
3. Who was Benedetto? Why did Dantès receive him in his house?
Why was Benedetto abandoned by his father at an early age? What
happened to Benedetto when he grew older?
4. Caderousse was not only greedy but also a criminal. Discuss giving
examples from the chapter.

5. How had Benedetto’s life changed after he had been given the new
name by Dantès?
6. Why did Danglars agree to let his daughter, Eugenie, marry Andrea
Cavalcanti? Why did Dantès tell Danglars that Andrea was a rich
7. Why did Franz come to Villefort’s house? Who was Valentine’s
grandfather? What did he suffer from? How did he communicate?
8. Why did M. Noirtier ask Franz to read the secret papers he kept for
years? How did M. Noirtier kill Franz’s father? What was Franz’s
reaction when he knew that M. Noirtier was the one who killed his
9. How was the servant killed? Who do you think poisoned him? Why
was the doctor sure that it was a murder, not an ordinary death?
Why was the doctor sure that the poison was meant for M. Noirtier?
10. Even if M. Noirtier had drunk the poison, he would not have died.
Discuss, giving the doctor’s reasons.

“Aren’t you being a little greedy, hoarding all your good fortune for

Chapter 10
Blinded by Greed
Main Points
1. Caderousse asked Benedetto to tell him the address of the Count in
order to rob him.
2. After Benedetto had told him the information he asked for, he sent a
note to the Count to warn him.
3. Dantès, disguised as a priest for the second time, confronted
Caderousse who broke into the house to steal it. He was shocked to
find the priest who gave him the diamond at the Count’s house.
4. Caderousse tried to stab Dantès but Dantès wasn’t killed as he was
wearing a metal vest under his clothes.
5. Dantès forced Caderousse to write a letter to Danglars revealing the
truth about Benedetto’s true identity.
6. Caderousse was stabbed by Benedetto who was hiding near
Dantès’s house.
7. Dantès tells Caderousse that he was Dantès, the sailor.
8. Caderousse died.

1. Why did Caderousse ask Benedetto for more money?
2. Give examples to prove that Caderousse was greedy.
3. Why did Benedetto send a note to the Count? What did he want to
warn the Count of? What did Dantès do when he knew the identity of
the intruder?
4. What main reason did Caderousse give for trying to rob the house?
5. What was Caderousse’s reaction when he saw the priest? Why did
Dantès choose to confront the thief in his house?
6. Was Caderousse honest when he said that poverty forced him to kill
the diamond trader?
7. What bad account did Caderousse tell Dantès about Benedetto?

8. What mischievous act did Caderousse try to do against Dantès? How
was Dantès saved? How did Dantès react to this act?
9. What note did Dantès want Caderousse to write to Danglars?
Although Caderousse tried to kill Dantès, Dantès released him and
let him go. Discuss.
10. Who stabbed Caderousse? Did Caderousse recognise the one who
stabbed him?
11. What did Dantès mean by: “God gave you good health, work, and
good friends – and you threw everything away.” Why did Dantès not
help Caderousse and call the doctor?
12. What was Caderousse’s reaction when he knew the priest’s real
identity? What were Caderousse’s last words?


“You have a good memory. Why are you trying the Count of Monte

Chapter 11
Web of Revenge
Main Points
1. The revenge web now reached Fernand.
2. A newspaper published a letter whose writer was anonymous
accusing Fernand of betraying the Greek leader, Ali Pasha.
3. Haydée witnessed against Fernand who fled the court.
4. Albert learned that the Count of Monte Cristo made Danglars write to
Greece about the incident.
5. Albert decided to have a duel with the Count for ruining her father’s
6. Mercédès visited the Count asking him to spare her son’s life.
7. Albert apologized to the Count.
8. Fernand faces the Count who revealed his true identity.
9. Mercédès and Albert left their house and decided to give up
Morcerf’s name.
10. Fernand committed suicide.
11. The police arrived at Danglars’ house during the wedding
celebration in order to arrest Benedetto for murdering Caderousse.
12. Dantès took five million francs from his account at Danglars’ bank
and caused him bankruptcy.
13. Valentine pretended to be dead and saw Heloise pouring drops of
poison in her cup in order to kill her.
14. Dantès gave Valentine a pill to take and asked her to trust him. She
fell into deep sleep that all people thought she was dead.
15. Maximilian wanted to end his own life but Dantès stopped him.
16. The doctor tested the liquid and Noirtier told Villefort that Heloise
was the one who poisoned his daughter.
17. Villefort asked Heloise to poison herself as she ruined his name.

18. In the courtroom, Villefort was in great shock when Benedetto
announced in the court that he was Villefort’s son, and that Villefort
tried to bury him alive when he was still an infant.
19. Villefort found his wife and son dead.
20. He meets Dantès who revealed his identity.
21. Villefort blamed Dantès for having innocent people killed.
22. Villefort lost his mind.
23. Dantès had a sense of guilt as he went too far with his revenge.


1. What does the chapter title “Web of Revenge” mean and indicate?
2. Who was the next person in the chain of revenge? How did Dantès
destroy Fernand? What was the main accusation against Fernand?
How did Fernand defend himself?
3. Why did the committee judge that Fernand was guilty?
4. How did Dantès dig the well for Fernand? How did Albert feel and
react when he knew that the Count of Monte Cristo was behind his
father’s ruin?
5. What did Mercédès beg Dantès not to do? Did Dantès wish to kill
6. Why did Dantès show Mercédès the letter which was behind all his
suffering? Why did Mercédès beg Dantès’ forgiveness?
7. Why did Dantès agree to spare Albert’s life? What did Dantès mean
by: “By sparing Albert’s life, I am giving up my own life.”?
8. Why did Albert ask Dantès to accept his apology? What stopped
Albert from having a duel with Dantès?
9. Why did Fernand ask Dantès for a duel? What did Dantès do directly
when Fernand asked him about his real identity? What was
Fernand’s reaction when Dantès came back dressed as a sailor?

10. Why did Mercédès and Albert leave their home and name?
11. How did Fernand kill himself and why?
12. How was Dantès’ plan for Danglars proceeding smoothly? Why did
Danglars flee the country?

13. Why was Villefort shaken by the news that Heloise had committed
the murders in the house? What did Heloise beg her husband not to
do with her? What did Villefort mean by: “Justice must be done.”?

14. What was Benedetto’s answer when the judge asked him his name?
Why did Benedetto’s answer shock everybody in the courtroom?
What did Villefort think of when he left the court? What was his main
wish? Why did he wish his wife hadn’t drunk the poison? How was
Villefort punished when he was back home?
15. Describe the last confrontation between Dantès and Villefort.

1. “My father’s blood is on your hands.”
2. “That man tried to bury me alive when I was an infant.”
3. “Are you happy now? Is your revenge now complete?”

Chapter 12
The Power of Love
Main Points
1. Dantès took Maximilian to Marseilles where Dantès met Mercédès
who was sad that her son had joined the army.
2. Dantès visited the Chateau d’If which is no longer a prison. He
visited his own cell and Fr Faria’s cell where he found his book
written on cloth.
3. Dantès had doubts about whether he was right or wrong in taking
revenge so severely.
4. Danglars had fled to Italy. Vampa imprisoned him according to an
agreement with Dantès and demanded 100,000 francs for each meal.
Danglars lost all his money.
5. Dantès asked Maximilian to wait for him in the Mount Cristo, as
Dantès had some unfinished business in Rome.
6. Dantès confronted Danglars and told him who he really was.
Danglars repented for his evil deeds, and Dantès, too, repented
having revenge innocent people .
7. Dantès went to the Monte Cristo where he showed Maximilian that
Valentine was alive.
8. Dantès travelled with Haydée to start a new life. He felt that God had
forgiven him. He left Maximilian and Valentine his house in Paris as a

1. Where did Dantès go? Why did he take Maximilian with him? Why
was the young man upset? How did Dantès console him?
2. Where did Dantès and Maximilian plan to meet?
3. Where had Danglars fled with the money taken from the bank?

4. How had Danglars become a prisoner of Vampa? How much did
Vampa demand for each meal? Why did Danglars refuse to pay that
money? What did he call this? Why did Danglars finally agree to pay
the money?
5. Why did Maximilian think that he had come to his end? What did
Dantès offer him and why?
6. What did Dantès mean when he said: “May God give me credit for the
two lives I have saved.”?
7. Dantès sent Maximilian a note. According to this note, what did
Dantès regret? What great lesson did Dantès ask both Valentine and
Maximilian to learn?


 “I was going to punish myself for my acts of revenge, but it seems

that God has forgiven me and wants me to be happy!”

General Discussion

1. Who was the main protagonist of the Count of Monte Cristo? Explain
why did the antagonists conspire against him?
2. Why was Dantès ultimately imprisoned and not released ?
3. Identify Villefort and explain his relationship with Noirtier. Why was
this important to the plot?
4. How was the Count at the end of the novel similar or different from
Edmond Dantès at the beginning of the novel?
5. Predict what Dantès meant by his “ farewell “ to kindness , humanity
and gratitude .
6. The central issue in the Count of Monte Cristo is the question of
revenge. Was Dantès’ quest for vengeance morally just ? Can
vengeance ever stand in for justice?

Please read pages 14 and 15 in the book.

Study the themes only according to the
events that we had studied in the chapters.


What is drama?
Drama means a play acted on a stage so we don’t have a narrator,
but we have a script, characters acting and stage directions.

There are different types of drama: comedies, tragedies,

tragicomedies and histories. King Lear is a tragedy as it ends sadly.

William Shakespeare, an English poet and playwright. He was called
the Bard of Avon as he was the greatest writer in the English

Settings: Britain

Main plot: The story of King Lear and his daughters

Subplot: The story of Gloucester and his sons

Main Themes:

 Foolishness
 Deceit
 Ingratitude
 Betrayal
 Jealousy
 Revenge

Act 1 (Scene 1)
Main Points:
1. King Lear decided to divide his kingdom among his daughters
according to their love for him.
2. Goneril and Regan flattered their father using colourful love
3. Cordelia remained silent.
4. King Lear deprived Cordelia of her share in the kingdom.
5. Kent spoke up for Cordelia and asked Lear to undo his decision.
6. King Lear banished Kent.
7. Duke of Burgundy refused to marry Cordelia.
8. King of France appreciated Cordelia and accepted to marry her.
9. Cordelia knew that her sisters were deceitful and that they
wouldn't take care of their father.

Correct the underlined words:

1. William Shakespeare was a novelist. ______________________
2. King Lear is a novel. ________________________
3. King Lear is a comedy. _________________________

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main plot and the sub-plot in King Lear?
2. What did Lear decide to do with his kingdom? What did he keep
for himself? What were his plans for the future?
3. How did each girl say to Lear concerning their love to him? What
was Lear’s response?
4. Who tried to speak up for Cordelia? What was the result?
5. Who were Cordelia’s suitors? How did each of them react to what
had happened to her?
6. What did Cordelia ask her sisters to do before leaving the palace?
7. Cordelia was appreciated by two people. Who were they and how
did they show their appreciation?
1. “Nothing will get you nothing.”
2. “Don’t come between a dragon and his wrath.”
3. “I will take what has been thrown away.”
4. “Shame will expose those who cover their faults.”

Act 1 (Scenes 2,3,4 &5)
Main Points:

1. Edmund conspired against his brother, Edgar.

2. Edmund's first forged letter.
3. Goneril's true nature appeared.
4. Goneril complained about the knights.
5. Goneril treated Lear badly, ignored him and asked her servants to do
the same.
6. Kent disguised as a servant called Caius.
7. Goneril asked her father indirectly to get rid of his knights.
8. Regan would receive two messages, one from her sister and the other
from her father.

1. How did Edmund conspire against his brother Edgar? Why? Was he
successful in that?
2. Why was it easy for Edmund to carry out his evil plan?
3. How did Goneril show her ingratitude towards Lear after she had
received half his kingdom?
4. How did Lear curse Goneril after discovering her true character?

1. “Old fools are babies again.”
2. Much sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child.”

Act 2
Main Points:
1. Edmund's second plan against Edgar.
2. Regan's visit to Gloucester.
3. Kent's fight with Oswald.
4. Kent was put in stocks.
5. King Lear complained to Regan about Goneril.
6. Regan turned out to be worse than Goneril.
7. Regan and Goneril kept reducing the number of knights till nothing.
8. King Lear was left outside without a shelter during a storm.

Act 3
Main Points
1. Cordelia would revenge for her father.
2. Kent took King Lear inside a hovel.
3. Gloucester trusted Edmund with important information.
4. Edmund's second forged letter.
5. Edgar was disguised as a mad man, called Poor Tom.
6. Gloucester saw Edgar but failed to recognize him.
7. King Lear started to lose his mind.
8. Gloucester heard a plot of murder against King Lear.
9. Gloucester lost his position and it was given to Edmund.
10. Gloucester was considered as a traitor and he lost his eyes.

1. Where was the king during the storm? What did Kent suggest to
2. How was Gloucester loyal to Lear? What was the result of his
3. How was Gloucester unwise for the second time? How did Edmund
help in the downfall of his father and what did he benefit from this?
4. Who was found inside the hovel? Why was he hiding there?
5. When did Gloucester realize that he had wronged his son Edgar?

1. “The younger rises when the old does fall.”
2. “Have you really given away everything to your two daughters?”

Act 4
Main Points:
1. Edgar, still disguised, was leading his blind father.

2. Duke of Albany had a change of heart.

3. Duke of Cornwall was dead.

4. Gloucester wanted to commit suicide.

5. Edgar deceived his father to save his life.

6. Cordelia was trying to find her father.

7. Edgar fought with Oswald and killed him to save his father.

8. Goneril intended to have her husband killed to marry Edmund.

1. How were Cordelia and Edgar similar?

2. Lear was surprised twice by Cordelia 's actions . Explain.

3. How was L:ear 's condition when Cordelia's soldiers found him?

4. What did Gloucester hope for ? How did he perform it ? Did he

succeed ?
5. Goneril and Regan had no loyalty neither to their father nor to their

husbands . Explain.
6. Both Edmund and Edgar deceived their father for different

reasons. Discuss.
1. " I have no way to go and therefore need no eyes . I stumbled

when I was able to see ."

2. "It's a sign of times when madmen lead the blind."

3. "That eyeless head of yours will make me rich , and this sword of

mine will destroy you , traitor

Act 5
Main Points:

1. Edmund deceived Goneril and Regan.

2. Goneril and Regan were jealous of each other because of their love
to Edmund.
3. The French army lost the battle. King Lear and Cordelia were taken
as prisoners.
4. Edmund gave orders to have King Lear and Cordelia killed.
5. Duke of Albany arrested Edmund for treason.
6. Edgar came to fight Edmund and take revenge.
7. Edmund was killed by Edgar.
8. Gloucester died out of joy and sorrow.
9. Goneril poisoned Regan then she killed herself.
10. The guard killed Cordelia and then King Lear died of grief for the loss
of his daughter.

1- Gloucester was torn between joy and sorrow . Explain .
2- Two people wanted to revenge on Edmund . Who were they ?Why?
How did he meet his end?
3- Goneril and Regan turned against each other. Explain.
4- Cordelia lost twice . Explain.
5- Two people were accused of being traitors . Who were they ? By
whom ? What was the reason ?
6- How was justice fulfilled in the end ?
7- Jealousy played an important role in the story. Discuss.
8- Both of Lear and Gloucester made mistakes . What were they ? How
were they both punished?

1- " The wheel of justice has come full circle."

1st: Email of Complaint
At the top left side of the email, you need to write the following:

From: (your email address)

To: (the receptor's email address)
Subject: (complaining about wrong mobile model)

If you don’t know the person’s name , start your email with :
Dear Sir / Madam,
and end it with:
Yours faithfully,
and write your full name below it.

If you know the person’s name, start your email with Dear Mr + full name
e.g. Dear Ms Johnson, and end it with: Yours sincerely,

For formal writing, remember the following:

 No contractions
 Use passive
 Use advanced language
 Write each complaint in a new paragraph
 Use polite language (mild or strong)
 Use connecting words (not only – but also), moreover, in addition ...
 Don’t forget to indent the beginning of each paragraph.
 When you sign, write your full name

How to organise your ideas?

 1st paragraph: write detailed information about your complaint

write the name of the place, which branch and the date of the

E.g. (Mild tone)

I am writing in connection with/to complain about … the terrible
behaviour /attitude/ rudeness of …
I am writing to draw your attention to … which …
(Strong tone):

I wish to bring to you a problem which arose due to your staff
inefficiency …,
I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction at …
I wish to express my dissatisfaction/ unhappiness with the product/
treatment I received from … on ...

 Body paragraphs: You write each complaint in a new paragraph, so

number of body paragraphs depends on the number of complaints.
Justify your points of complaints by examples/ reasons.

E.g. Although you advertise “top quality”, I felt that the product I
purchased was well below the standard I expected.

 Last paragraph: In the closing remarks write what you expect as a

solution to your complaint (e.g. to be given a
refund,replacement,apology, etc.)

E.g. (Mild tone) I hope you will replace …

I feel/believe that I am entitled to a replacement/refund …
I hope that this matter can be resolved /dealt with promptly.

(Strong tone)
I insist in/ I demand a full refund/ an immediate replacement/ etc. or I
shall be forced to take legal action/ The matter further.
I hope I will not be forced to take further action.

 Final statement: I am looking forward to receiving your prompt reply.

I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.

Useful expressions for the first paragraph:

 I am writing this email to complain about a mobile I purchased from
your store, Heliopolis Branch, on December 19th. ….
 I am writing this email to express my strong dissatisfaction about …

Useful expressions for the final paragraph:

 I feel I am entitled to a full refund.

a) Read the email opposite, and fill in the gaps with words/phrases from
the list.
but also, furthermore, not only, firstly, however, in addition to,
to make matters worse

b) Read the email again and label the paragraphs with these headings.

- closing remark - 1st complaint - 2nd complaint - 3rd complaint

- opening remarks/ reasons for writing

Dear Sir/ Madam,


I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction Para 1

at the disgraceful treatment I received at the Walford ………………
branch at Simpton’s Electronics yesterday afternoon. ………………
(1) _____________, the product I was given was
not the model I had asked for. The new X- 401
calculator was demonstrated to me by the sales Para 2
assistant, and I agreed to buy it. (2) _____________, ………………
on unpacking my purchase, I saw that I had been ………………
given the smaller X-201 model instead.
(3) ______________, this calculator was much
cheaper than the model I requested and paid for. It Para 3
didn’t have many of the features I needed and was ………………
Main Body

much more basic than the one I was shown to begin ………………
(4) ______________, I was deeply offended by
the behaviour of the sales assistant when I went back Para 4
to the shop to complain. He was (5) ______________ ………………
impolite, (6) ___________ unhelpful. He refused to ………………
contact the manager when I asked to speak to him
about the incident.

As you can imagine, I am extremely upset. I

must insist on a full refund (7) ______________ a Para 5

written apology from the local manager, or else I shall ………………

be focused to take further action. I expect to hear from ………………
you as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,
Full name


2nd: Describing Places/Buildings
A descriptive composition about a place or building should consist of:
a) an introduction in which you give the name and location of the place
or building and/or the reason for choosing it.
b) a main body in which you describe the main aspects of the place or
building in detail - for example, when you describe a place you
should describe what you can see and do there; when you describe a
building you should describe its exterior and interior, as well as give
historical facts about it.
c) a conclusion which includes your comments/feelings and/or a

Descriptions of places or buildings can be found tourist magazines, travel

brochures, stories, letters etc. The style you use depends on the situation
and the intended reader. For example, in an article for a magazine you
should use semi-formal style and a polite, respectful tone. You normally
use present tenses to describe a place/building. You use past tenses to
write about the historical facts.

To describe the location of a place/building, you can use the following
-is situated/is located ….
-in (the) south/east/west/south-east/north-west/etc (of) …..
-on the south/east/west/north/etc coast of ..…
-in the centre/ heart/ middle of ....

Read the article and label the paragraphs with the correct headings.

*things to see and do

*name, location, reason for choosing it

An Ideal Seaside Resort

Brighton is a large town on the south-east coast


of England. Located only an hour from London, it is a Para 1

charming seaside resort and the perfect destination ………………
for a peaceful weekend. ………………

Brighton has several tourist attractions which

are worth visiting. Among these is the Royal Pavilion,
a beautiful Indian-style palace which was built in the
early nineteenth century. Brighton's most famous
attraction is the lively Palace Pier, with its fantastic Para 2
funfair and amusement arcades. Both young and old ………………
can have fun have while admiring the spectacular ………………
view of Brighton's seafront.
Main Body

There are plenty of places to go shopping in

Brighton. The town centre has a large modern Para 3
shopping centre. There are also narrow lanes full of ………………
lovely antique shops that are always bustling with ………………

The nightlife in Brighton is exciting. There are a

lot of music and dance clubs which are extremely Para 4
popular with younger people. The area is also well- ………………
known for its fashionable restaurants, which offer a ………………
variety of international cuisines.

Brighton is a town that has something to offer

everyone. Whether you want to spend your time Para 5

shopping and seeing the sights, or simply relaxing ………………

and enjoying the fresh sea air. Brighton is the ideal ………………
choice for a few days away from the city.


To give the reader a more vivid picture of the place/building you are
describing, you can refer to the senses (i.e. sight, hearing, smell, taste and
- Visitors can dine watching the moon rise over the mountains. (sight)
- You can hear the sound of church bells ringing. (hearing)
- I remember the Far East with its aromas of exotic herbs and spices.
- Enjoy a cup of freshly-ground Italian coffee. (taste)
- Relax in the soothing warm waters of the Roman Baths. (touch)

To join short sentences you can use various linking structures. Study the
examples below:
 You should visit the old part of the city. It is full of ancient temples.
You should visit the old part of the city, which is full of ancient temples.
 Young children will enjoy the local funfair. They can go on exciting
rides and eat tasty toffee-apples there.
Young children will enjoy the focal funfair, where they can go on exciting
rides and eat tasty toffee-apples.
 Charlie's Lobster House is one of the most popular restaurants in the
area. It has delicious lobster dishes.
With its delicious lobster dishes, Charlie's Lobster House is one of the
most popular restaurants in the area.
 Ranega Airport is on the east coast of the island. It is one of the most
modern airports in the country.
Situated on the east coast of the island, Ranega Airport is one of the most
modern airports in the country.


When you write about a building, the main body of the essay should
 a paragraph on historical facts about the building (when/why it was
built, etc) using past tenses.
 a separate paragraph on the exterior (what it is made of, appearance,
grounds/ gardens/ etc..) using present tenses;
 a paragraph on the interior (rooms, furniture, pictures, etc) using
present tenses.
 To give factual and/or historical information about the exterior and
interior of a building you can also use the passive or prepositional
phrases (e.g. all around, to the left, etc.)

3rd: "For and Against" Essays
"For and against" essays are one type of discursive writing in which you
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a specific topic. A "For and
against" essay should consist of:

a) an introduction in which you present the topic, making a general

remark about it without giving your opinion;

b) a main body in which you present the points for and the points
against, in separate paragraphs, supporting your arguments with

c) a conclusion which includes your opinion (e.g. In my opinion/view,

I believe/ think, etc..) or a balanced summary of the topic.

You must not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc) in the
introduction or the main body. Opinion words can only be used in the final
paragraph, where you may state your opinion on the topic.

"For and against" essays are normally written in a formal style; therefore
you should avoid using strong language (I know, l am sure, etc), short
sentences, colloquial expressions or idioms.
You can find this type of writing in articles in newspapers, magazines, etc.

-You have had a class discussion about different forms of travel. Your
teacher has now asked you to write an essay presenting the arguments for
and against travelling by boat.

Read the article and label the paragraphs with the correct headings.

*arguments against *opinion *arguments for *present topic

Did you know the boat was one of the first forms Para 1
of transport? A hundred years ago, the only way to ………………

make a journey across the sea was by boat. ………………

Nowadays, however, when it is possible to fly from
one continent to another in the space of a few hours,
is there any reason to travel by boat?
Although the boat is a rather old-fashioned way
of travelling, it has certain advantages. To begin with,
boats are usually more comfortable than planes or Para 2
cars. Instead of staying in your seat for the whole
journey, you can go for a walk on the deck, eat in a
restaurant, or even go shopping. Having more space
to move around makes a long journey much more
pleasant. Furthermore, boats are often cheaper than
other forms of travel. For example, a boat ticket
usually costs less than a plane ticket. Finally, boats
Main Body

are a safe alternative to cars and planes. There are

fewer accidents at sea than in the air or on the roads.
However, travelling by boat does have its
disadvantages. It usually takes much longer than Para 3
other forms of travel. As a result, it can be more tiring. ………………
In addition, boat trips can be very unpleasant when
the weather is bad or the sea is rough, making
journeys uncomfortable or even frightening.

All things considered, although there are some

disadvantages to travelling by boat, I believe it is a Para 4

very enjoyable experience. Journeys may take longer, ………………

but if you have time to spare, you can take advantage
of the many facilities which boats have to offer and
enjoy a pleasant voyage.

Useful expressions and linking words/phrases:

to list and add points: In the first place, To start/begin with, Secondly,
Thirdly, Finally, In addition (to this), Furthermore ,Moreover, Besides, etc

to introduce or list advantages: The main/first/most important advantage

One/Another/An additional advantage of... One point of view in favour of..,
It is often suggested/ believed/argued that…

Some/Many people suggest/feel argue that.., Some/ Many people are in

favour of /are convinced that.. etc.

to introduce or list disadvantages: The main/most important disadvantage/

drawback of...,
One/Another/An additional disadvantage of.., One point/argument
against.., Some/Many people are against.. etc.

to introduce examples/reasons/results:
for example/instance, such as, like, in particular, therefore, for this reason,
because, as, since, as a result, etc.

to show contrast: On the other hand, However, still, but, Nonetheless,

Nevertheless, Although, Even though ,Despite/ln spite of (the fact that),
to introduce a conclusion: In conclusion, To conclude/sum up, All in all,
Finally, Lastly, All things considered, Taking everything into account/
consideration, etc.


You should start each main body paragraph with a topic sentence, which
introduces or summarises the main topic of the paragraph. The topic
sentence should be followed by supporting sentences which justify the
argument presented in the topic sentence, by giving examples or reasons.
You should use linking words/phrases to present your justifications, such
as: first of all, what is more, for example, because, since, in particular,

e.g. Travelling by train has a lot of advantages.

First of all, it is comfortable as trains are spacious so there is plenty

of room to walk about. What is more, trains are convenient. For example,
you do not have to take any food or beverages with you, because most
trains have a restaurant, Finally, when you travel by train you reach your
destination fairly quickly.


To attract the reader's interest and make the beginning or ending of your
essay more effective, you can use some of the following writing

a) address the reader directly

e.g. If you take the time to train your dog, it will learn to obey you.

b) include a quotation (i.e., sentence or phrase taken from a book,

play, etc.) When we use a quotation, it is necessary to mention the
name of the person who said/wrote it.

e.g. As George Orwell wrote, "All animals are equal, but some are
more equal than others."

c) include a rhetorical question

e.g. Is it true that a dog is man's best friend?

A health and fitness magazine has asked its readers to write an article
discussing, the advantages and disadvantages of cycling as a form of
transport. Write your article for the magazine.

Look at the list of points below and tick the six points that should be
included in your article. Mark these as A (advantages) or D

1. cycling is an inexpensive form of transport ……….

2. fumes from cars and lorries are bad for your health ……….
3. there are lots of different bicycles in the shops ……….
4. cycling helps you to stay fit ……….
5. cycling on busy roads is not very safe ……….
6. cycling is an environmentally-friendly way to travel ……….
7. my cousins go cycling at weekends ……….
8. bicycles are unsuitable for long journeys ……….

Match the relevant points from above to the justifications below. Then,
make sentences using appropriate linking words/phrases.

A) it is a good form of exercise, particularly for the legs, heart and

B) it does not create air pollution
C) you do not have to spend money on things such as petrol or costly
D) drivers do not always give way to cyclists
E) there is a limit to the distance a cyclist can reasonably travel in one
F) in some cities the fumes are so bad that cyclists have to wear masks
to protect them from pollution

4th : Providing Solutions to Problems
Essays providing solutions to problems are pieces of writing in which you
discuss a problem and its causes as well as the expected results or
consequences of your suggestions. An essay providing solutiond to
problems should consist of:
a) an introduction in which you state the problem and/or what has
caused it;
b) a main body in which consists of two or more paragraphs
presenting suggestions and its results/consequences; and
c) a conclusion which you summarise your opinion.

Essays providing solutions to problems are normally written in formal

or semi-formal style, depending on who is going to read them and
where they are published. They are usually found in newspapers and

1. Read the rubric and underline the key words, then answer the questions.
A local newspaper has asked its readers to write articles entitled”How can
we make our city a better place to live?” Write your article suggesting
ways to improve your city.
 Who is going to read your article?
 Look at the problems (1-5) and match them to the solutions (a-e).
Which of these problems do you think is the most/least serious?
Problems Solutions
1. ( ) air pollution a. provide more litter bins
2. ( ) heavy traffic b. move factories out of the city
3. ( ) nowhere for people to walk c. encourage people to use public transport
4. ( ) nowhere for children to play d. build more parks and playgrounds
5. ( ) litter e. build wider pavements
Match the solutions above to each of the results below.
( ) 1. there would be fewer cars on the road
( ) 2. the streets would be cleaner
( ) 3. the air would no longer be dangerous to breathe
( ) 4. children would have somewhere safe to play
( ) 5. people would be able to move around more easily

Read the article and label each paragraphs with the correct heading.

*second suggestion & results/consequences *state the problem

*summerise your opinion
*third suggestion and results/ consequences
* first suggestion & results/consequences

How to make our city a better place to live?

Heavy traffic, air pollution and litter are among


the most serious problems modern cities face Para 1

nowadays. Ours is no exception. What can we do, ………………
then, to help make our city more pleasing to its ………………
First of all, it would be a good idea to encourage
people to use public transport instead of their cars,
especially when commuting to work. The result would Para 2
be fewer cars on the roads, and therefore fewer traffic ………………
jams. ………………
Main Body

Secondly, steps should be taken in order to Para 3

solve the problem of air pollution. The situation could ………………
be improved if factories we re moved out of the city. If ………………
this happened, the air would not be so polluted.

Finally, efforts should be made to make our city

a cleaner and healthier place to live. A useful Para 4
suggestion would be to put more litter bins in the ………………
streets. If this was done, people would stop dropping ………………
their rubbish on the ground, and our city would be

There are many ways 10 make our city a better


place to live. Adopting some of these measures would Para 5

definitely result in better conditions for everyone. ………………

b) Read the article again and answer the questions.

1. What style has the writer used? Why? Give some examples.
2. What arc the writer's suggestions and their results?
3. Which words/phrases has the writer used to introduce each of her

4. Which writing technique has the writer used in her introduction?
What other technique(s) could he used?


To make suggestions:

• A useful suggestion would be to ..

• Another solution ...
• ... could be solved by...
• Steps/Measures should be taken in order to solve/deal with ...
• Another way to ... is/would be to ...
• The situation could be improved if/by ..
• It would be a good idea if/to ...
• It would help if you/we/etc ..

To present results and consequences:

This would ...

• Then ...
• By doing this, you/we/etc would...
• If ... ..., the result would be...
• The effect/consequence/result of ... would be .
• In this way,

Read the sentences and use the words/phrases in brackets to fill in

1. More people should recycle paper.

................................................................... would be that fewer trees
would have to be cut down. (As a result, The result of this)
2. According to many people, burglaries have increased recently.
........................................................................................ that more and
more people cannot find a job. (due to the fac t, because).
3. If we used cars which run on lead-free petrol .......................... there
would be less pollution. (so that, it is certain that)
4. TV programmes with violent scenes should be shown late at night.
........................................................................... children do not watch
them. (so that, in order to)

Dialogue (1)

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Sally is calling the company to speak to the manager.

Secretary: Hello! “Quick Time Computer”. How can I help you?

Sally: Hello! This is Sally.(1)…………………………………………………………?
Secretary: I’m afraid he is not here right now.
Sally: Okay. Do you know when he will be back?
Secretary: (2)……………………………………………………………?
Sally: Oh, this is too late: I need him urgently.
Secretary: (3)………………………………………………………………………..?
Sally: I have a customer that needs some information about your new type of
laptops. I sell it in my computer shop.
Secretary: (4)………………………………………………………………………..?
Sally: You sent me a brochure with a description of your products, but there wasn’t
any information about after-sale services.
Secretary: Oh, I’m sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?
Sally: (5)………………………………………………………………………………. .
Secretary: If you send me your e-mail address, I will send it right now.
Sally: Thank you.

Dialogue (2)

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: (5 Marks)

-Sandy: Mary would you like to come to my barbecue tonight?

Mary: (1)………………………………………I’ll bring some food, shall I?
Sandy: Well, we’ve got a lot of meat, but we haven’t got any vegetables
-Mary: (3)………………………………………………………………………
-Sandy: Great.
-Mary: (4)…………………………………………………………………………………
-Sandy: Take the number 30 bus and gel off at the traffic lights. Turn right and go
along North Road until you get to number 12. That’s my house.
-Mary: Thanks, Sandy. (5) ………………………………………………………………

Reading Comprehension (1)

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Your Personality Colour

Colours are not only beautiful to the eye but also bring considerable influence
on a person’s actions. Laughter and sorrow are both expressed with colours. Sight
is one of the most Sight is one of the most used and taken for granted of the
senses. People’s preference of colours gives us information about their personality.
However, preference pf colour changes with age.
White is the colour of purity. Such people tend to appear shy but in fact they
are very outspoken, waiting patiently to be noticed. The fact that they know they are
right, is enough for them.
Black is one of the most beautiful of colours is yet void of colours. Black
personalities are statistical and make good accountants. They will definitely finish
the job at hand. Those personalities however, need leaders to them what needs to
be done.
Properly guided, they will get to the heart of the matter and solve it. They are clever
at puzzles and spotting other people’s mistakes.
Red is the colour for passion, energy and money making. The red personality
makes one feel more energetic and activated. Red craves attention and gets it.
They tend to erupt as a volcano then simmer very quickly they are quick to answer
and if they don’t know something, they are not afraid to show it ; They only hate
looking stupid. Red don’t make good leaders, but as followers they would get the
job done.
Their concentration is limited but very strong while it lasts.
Blue is emotional. They don’t trust easily but keep a watchful eye. Pale shade
wants things in order and are very organized. Navy colours are emotional and wish
to hide it, as if ashamed of it. If you have too much blue at home, you may feel
depressed; it needs other shades to balance it.

Answer the following questions:

1. According to the passage, how can we judge people?
2. Mention one good point and one bad point about Red
3. Why would a baby cry a lot if he was in a blue room?

Choose the correct answer:

4. If you want numbers to be done properly go to
a. Blue b. Red c. black d. White
5. Red and Black are common in their lack of
a. Feelings b. Leadership c. Organisation d. Concentration
6. The word…………………… from the passage means “want some very much”.
a. Taken for granted b. Tend to c. Crave d. Simmer

Reading Comprehension (2)

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Monarchies, Old and New

We have all heard stories about a king or queen ruling their kingdom from a
beautiful castle. The king or queen holds all the power and makes all the decisions.
This type of government called a monarchy, is not common any more. Most
countries have decided that democracy is the best form of government. Even so,
many countries still have a royal family
True monarchies still exist. For example, Brunei has a sultan, and Saudi Arabia
has a King; both of which hold all the power. But over the past several hundred
years, democracy has become more popular. Many countries elect a president or a
prime minister, and other government representatives. This lets the people play a
bigger role in decision making. But some countries have both a monarchy and an
elected government, usually led by a prime minister. Constitutional monarchies
have a ruling king, queen, prince or princess, but they usually don’t use their power
to make decisions. They let the prime minister and the Government do that. The
monarch’s position is kept because of tradition. The best example of this is the
United Kingdom, where Queen Elizabeth II is the head of the country, but the prime
Minister is the head of the elected government.
Many kings and queens are still part of the government across the globe, but
they are more like celebrities than heads of countries. They are reminders of the
monarchies of the past when kings and queens had the final word.

A. Answer the following questions:

1. What political system gives people the right to choose their rulers?
2. Give examples to countries in which monarchies are still kept.
3. Why do some countries still keep kings and queens?

B. Choose the correct answer:

4. What is the main idea in the passage?
a. Countries that are still monarchies.
b. Monarchies and constitutional monarchies.
c. Royal families in today’s world
d. The beginning of monarchy.

5. From the passage, we can guess that people are still ….…… royal families.
a. interested in b. annoyed by c. indifferent to d. angered by

Reading Comprehension (3)
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Voluntourism: how to make a difference!
Mare and more young people are taking on volunteer work nowadays. Some
even travel to the other side of the world and do unpaid work for a charity or other
non-profit organization there. They help to build homes for poor families, teach
children English, take care of orphans, or help to protect endangered species.
There is a wide variety of voluntary jobs to choose from.
A number of charity groups organize educational programmes for children
around the world. Many students volunteer for these types of projects. They teach
subjects like English and Mathematics to children while staying in their community
and getting to know the people and their culture. It is also a great opportunity for
them to work and train with local teachers and develop their own skills. It is a
learning experience for both the children and the teacher.
Young people who are good with their hands or simply would like to help in a very
practical way can participate in one of the many construction projects. Several
charity organizations help build houses or schools for poor children around the
world. In the village of Kamakwie in Sierra Leone, for example, a team of young
volunteers built a secondary school for poor orphans giving them more
opportunities. Other similar projects are going on across poor villages of Africa,
making sure that kids get an education.
For people interested in in wildlife, conservation groups organize volunteer
holidays throughout the world. You can help wild life research in countries like
Kenya and Botswana or protect turtles in Mexico, Zanzibar, or elsewhere. On
Redang Island in Malaysia, volunteers come from all over the world to help turtles
that come onto the beach and protect them and their eggs. They also get to enjoy
the beach and even snorkel with the turtles sometimes.
A volunteer holiday is for people who want to make a difference in the world
and are prepared to give up their own time, money and effort to do it. Volunteers
have to be realistic though and understand that they cannot change the world in
two or three weeks. To some volunteers, it seems that they are not doing much by
helping out for only a couple of weeks but, in fact, every bit of help counts. Thanks
to young volunteers, the lives of millions of people around the world are improving
and in their eyes, the sun is probably shining brighter than it used to be.
a. Answer the following questions:
1. What can youth who are good with their hands participate in?
2. Mention 3 kinds of voluntary jobs mentioned in the passage.
3 Write briefly, in your own words, what is meant by “ Voluntourism”.
b. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. Volunteers…….. for the work they do.
a. get paid b. will be paid c. have been paid d. are not paid
2. According to the text, a volunteer holiday ..
a. can change the world in two or three weeks.
b. may improve life in the eyes of many sufferers.
c. do not lead to anything useful.
d. can destroy the world.

First Term Sample Exam

Language Functions (5 Marks)

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Adam is buying a ticket at a train station.
Adam: Good morning. I would like to travel to Alexandria, please.
Assistant: (1)……………………….
Adam: Can I travel in the early morning on Sunday?
Assistant: Yes of course. How do you like to travel?
Adam: (2)…………………………………..
Assistant: (3)………………..……………………?
Adam: Because the train is more comfortable than a car.
Assistant: But I think a car is faster, isn’t it?
Adam: Yes, but (4)………………………..
Assistant: Assistant: This means that you like to take photos during the journey.
Adam: (5) …………….…
Assistant: All right, I will see which morning train goes to Alexandria on Sunday.

B- Vocabulary & Structure

2- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets: (10 Marks)
1. Do you always whistle like this while you (worked – had been working-are
working- were working)?
2. I wouldn’t have missed last week’s meeting if my watch (wasn’t – weren’t-
wouldn’t Be – hadn’t been) slow.
3. Every afternoon, Mum comes to (a -an-the-no article) school to take me home,
4. Don’t start the experiment (as long as – by the time- until – when) everyone is
here. They need to learn from it.
5. She had to send a letter of (complains-complaining- compliment- complaint) to
the store after she had received a wrong order.
6. I am going to tie the cow to a (loop-hay-stake- thorn) in the ground until I clean
the barn.
7. All passengers were fed up with the lazy (admiral- steward – conscience-
mature) because he was too slow to serve their meals.
8. Powerful is the (antonym – synonym – meaning- definition) of ‘powerless’
9. A: Well! What are your plans for the mid-year vacation? B: (will go-am going- am
going to go- will have gone) to Aswan again this winter.
10. I cannot decide the real colour of this dress; it has got (toxic- vary- subtle-
Combine) shades of green and blue.
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets: (5 Marks)

1 We were both on time for the meeting. (late)
2. If this taxi doesn’t stop, we will have to stop a car to take us to the airport.
3. It was so foggy that we couldn’t drive to school. (If)
4. The fast questions of the detective caused the thief such a strong feeling of
uncertainty and being unsure. (confuse)
5. My mother’s favourite hobby is growing sunflowers in our garden. (cultivate)

C-Reading Comprehension (8 Marks)

 Read the following text, then choose the correct answer:
Dogs that Love Art
The world’s first art show for dogs opened in New York City in August 2017.
Titled dOGUMENTA, this art exhibition was curated by Rocky. Rocky is not your
typical art curator. He does not often appear in the art world as a professional of
any sort because he is a Maltese Yorkshire terrier mix. Rocky belongs to art critic
Jessica Dawson, who started taking her most trusted companion with her to art
galleries and museums in 2013. Since then, they have taken the art world by storm,
especially with the introduction of dOGUMENTA.
Designed to appeal to Rocky and his fellow canines, dOGUMENTA is
Dawson’s way of giving back to dogs of the world. Unlike most art shows in New
York City, the pieces or art in dOGUMENTA are all placed at eye level for canines.
Dogs are also allowed to climb on each piece and interact with it in any way they
choose. This mean not only walking on with it dogs but also peeing on it! Of course,
the artists created their work for the exhibition with dogs in mind. To the dogs
attending the show, the most engaging works of art are those that they can interact
Dawson first thought of an art exhibition for dogs in early 2016. When she
proposed the idea to some fellow art friends, she was surprised at at the amount of
interest she received. Due to the overwhelming interest and support, Dawson plans
to take dOGUMENTA to other cities. Although she is not sure how long the show
will run, Dawson is sure that the enthusiasm for the world’s first exhibition for dogs
will mean it won’t be a short run. Dawson thinks dOGUMENTA is just the beginning,
and if dogs could talk, they would agree.

4) Answer the following questions:

1. What is dOGUMENTA?
2. Who is responsible for curating the first art exhibition for dogs?
3. Which kinds of art did the dogs find to be the most engaging?

b) Choose the correct answer:

4. When did the world’s first art exhibition for dogs take place?
a. 21st century
b. 20th century
c. 17th century
d. 16th century

5. The word ‘canine’ could mean:
a. children
b. gallery
c. art
d. dog

D- Writing (8 Marks)
5- Write a paragraph of six sentences on Only One of the following topics:
 Yesterday, you had dinner with your family in an expensive restaurant.
However, you were terribly annoyed because the slow service, the stale food
and the rude waiters. Write an e-mail complaining to the manager about the
problems you had and asking for a refund. Your name is Alexandra Dean and
your e-mail Address is: The manager’s name is
Adam Noble and his e-mail address is:
 People have different views on the effect of watching television. Write on the
cons and pros of watching T.V.
E- Literature
6- The Novel
A) Comment on Only Two of the following quotations: (4 Marks)
1. “The boy is only 19 years old! He acts as if he is already captain of the ship.”
2. “I know that social status means a lot to you. You only visit important people.”
3. “Are you happy now? Is your revenge now complete?”

b) Answer Only Three of the following questions: (6 Marks)

4. Why did Dantès consider Father Faria a second father?
5. Which character did you hate the most in The Count of Monte Cristo? Why?
6. How did Mercedes and Danglars react to Dantès’ imprisonment?
7. How was the Count at the end of the novel similar or different from Edmond
Dantès at the end of the novel? (two points)

Nature is More Powerful

Answer the following questions: (4 Marks)

1. Who wrote the poem? What is the main idea?
2. Paraphrase the following lines, and then find a figure of speech and explain it:
‘A man who builds his walls between neighbours!
A heart of envy, malintent harbours.’

Second Term Sample Exam
A-Language Functions (5 Marks)

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Lisa: Hey, Jackie! How are you doing today?
Jackie: I am good! I’ve just finished my physics lecture. It was so boring! I am
Glad I’m done for the day. (1)………………………..?
Lisa: No, I have been out of class since early this afternoon, and I have
been reading this new book I just bought. (2) ………………………?
Jackie: Yeah! William Shakespeare is the greatest playwright and poet ever.
Lisa: Yeah, King Lear is one of my favourite books.
Jackie: He wrote 38 plays and lots of poems. (3)………………………….?
Lisa: (4)………………………………….…..…………………… .
Jackie: I see that you are interested in the history of English drama.
Lisa: (5) ………………… However, it’s not enough to change my major
from physics to drama.

B) Vocabulary & Structure

Choose the correct word(s) in brackets: (10 Marks)

1. Diana is having her nails (manicure – manicures – manicured -manicuring) for
tonight’s party.
2. She gained a lot of weight due to giving up (workout – housework –
homework– overwork).
3. I’d prefer to go out (from – rather than-to- rather) spend the evening inside
watching TV.
4. I was lucky enough to get the famous star’s (autobiographical – autograph ‐
autonomy – signature) in my notebook when I met her by chance in the cinema.
5. I wish I (will come- had come- have come- would come) to your graduation
party last Saturday.
6. It is (immoral – moralize – moral – mortal) to disrespect our elders.
7. I’ll call you (till – immediately – as soon as – by the time) I have the results.
8. Your (ignorant ignition ignite- - ignorance) about the law will not keep you
away from punishment.
9. I’d rather he (criticized – has criticized – criticizing – to criticize) me to my face
rather than behind my back.
10. You can always check the (indent- intent – intention – index) if you need to
quickly find a certain item in a book.

Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same
meaning: (5 Marks)
1. The Adams’ new carpets were fitted in their new house yesterday. (had)
2. Dan put on Spiderman’s suit in the party. (dress)
3. I cannot speak Japanese. (wish)
4. I was late to school because there was a long line of slowly-moving cars on
the road. (traffic)
5. The actress appeared on stage at the beginning of the second act. (up

C) Reading Comprehension (8 Marks)

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

The Myth of the Little Mermaid

Do you know the story “The Little Mermaid”? In 1837, Hans Christian
Anderson’s legendary fairy tale became one of the first stories to show mermaids
as kind characters. Before Andersen, people usually assumed that mermaids were
In ancient Greece and Rome, writers told stories about beautiful women who
lived in the sea. They were called sea nymphs. Much later, German people told
stories about Lorelei. This beautiful mermaid inhabited a cave on the Rhine River.
When sailors saw her combing her golden hair and singing, they would get
distracted and crash their boats.
Anderson’s mermaid was very different from these predecessors. She falls in
love with a human prince. She gives her tongue to a witch to buy human legs.
Later, she makes the decision to die for the prince. Anderson’s mermaid was
different from other literary ones in another way. She tried to help the men she
encountered and not hurt them.
Many authors have rewritten and retold Anderson’s famous tale.
Psychologists sometimes even write about the “Little Mermaid Complex, “ in which
women give too much power to men in their lives. In Copenhagen, the Capital of
Denmark, there is a very famous statue of the Little Mermaid sitting on a stone near
the water. Hooligans sometimes harm this work of art.

a) Answer the following questions:

1. What is a Lorelei?
2. What is the significance of “The Little Mermaid” to psychology?
3. Why do you think people sometimes attack Copenhagen’s statue of the
Little Mermaid?
b) Choose the correct answer
4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about “the Little
a. It inspired people to make a statue in Denmark’s capital of Copenhagen?
b. It became the basis of an award-winning play.
c. It was very different from earlier stories about mermaids
d. It has been written over again by many writers.

5. What can be inferred (deduced) from the passage about “The Little
a. It was a very unique story when it first appeared.
b. It is more famous than any other story by Hans Christian Anderson.
c. It was mostly read in Denmark.
d. It is based on an ancient Roman story.

D) Writing (8 Marks)
5-Write a paragraph of six sentences on only One of the following topics:
a. Write an e-mail to: to reserve three month
course for learning English poetry. You need to know the price of the course
itself and the accommodation. Ask about the place of accommodation (a hotel –
a hostel – etc..). You also need to know how you will pay for the course (in cash,
by credit card etc.). Your
e-mail address is:
b. Your school magazine has arranged a competition to choose the best article
discussing solutions to the problem of young people spending too much time on social
media (TV., smart phones, laptops, etc.). Write your article.

E) Literature
King Lear

6- a) Comment on only TWO of the following quotations: (4 Marks)

1. "Old fools are babies again."
2. My tears begin to show for this poor soul too much, and will reveal my
secret- my true identity."
3. "It's a sign of the times when madmen lead the blind."

b) Answer only THREE of the following questions: (6 Marks)

1. How would you describe the character of Goneril? (two points)
2. Disguise played a clear role in the play. Give one example.
3. "Actions speak louder than words." How far is this saying clearly-shown
in the play? Explain giving one example.
4. Is King Lear a tragedy or a comedy? Explain briefly (= in short).

F) Poetry
Let Peace Be in Your Heart
Answer the following questions: (4 Marks)
1. Who composed the poem? What things may differentiate people according to
the poem?
2. What does the poet suggest to make a better world?





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