Mba 303

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HOM-303 Hospia Planning

) -mBA

uplaun Heo|le tom

SItaon ass essment oo an d e dallors

D Sheps in Hos pile plennin

(ID sHmaton Rooure mends.

o . 1 aa SIuion ssess men no ane oide

e rs
Indiviesa Intene
lntenest o ven
PrevonHive Seyi c e 6ve
Senvice8 latedo Ma wraken senh6n

Ha Commumt,
Rua oven Urban
BSment y Condueted r

Und ensfenln needs on

a d Jtalteholda esmmundy
CohdiHons PTojee
e olesiqn mn eeHve blic
17Ord n

Panti ci pion Procos

unm o tmet
Ide lani p
A aa
Commumity 2veuaafen UstnClegnups
to S mulate . o C a e o omieg md proteat
man Health .and
D- mBA-Hom-33- Hospiad pamin

Stes n Hospi plun nin

ALS Sepa in Hospibe plaml ane rlru

1denhy own mision,Uision omd sbeohre

Cnet on boenel 3 prople o ne rom nm
Phsieian Leadr onoa C¬O.
Bayed on He vision om
Plan he Cueal pro@mem
ab eai es as wall as olus eaye proiling, deeide on houw

muh ou u l l nve3t on
trehnolony n
eah Spauing
4 Primah dbCuslon ulh Contrutor$ ' p l a n he bo
Develop he steukins bam Undenslemd e Moor plan
detuls. Reuok patent o o md Tdenti y Storaa

n o u h madut a u pment VendahsTI.

g. Stanks you T dosjans as jounst

buldm the Bor,- CTO Steps i

7. Buld ycu RDS - elabaluta you pans in

Yobm dae Sheete s n Undenstahel
Foym o
he nittry ritis ulding
oo 0n HMTS, t i Om Lwanklo-od

Eupment nsdlaHon, truning ob Rung.

1D Tmils onod Cna ve Ty out yow HMIS,
ix mapr Ous o test ow proCese on
olummy paters.
.1,dib stmton e
s3enia Hotpital sSewice Teured t fhe
ommuma Con be met matt econamiCally 0ny
wh adenunte Hheusht ko iven pluning deslqn
ConscHon n
openion o Healh . eJaa/re
Hospited pleunmn is fhe dorcabHry nd oranlaind
the aeHviHes reuuraod fo onaieve e desires
o o Suecasdul Hoapi eds, totthout exeephon
ane bul en a tad qovd planning , hoee
desi n arns onsruHon amd saadminisruton
to be Sucsenty aheip1ral reawres a reat deal

prelimnay d on
tmust be desiqna to Sen peeple .
I must be
81hed uh Compatent an
adeuae mumhen }ieint doeors
d ethe pretessienals.

A Sron mamemen es omha orte oll

uneton in Jailt 1 must be neuelad in
Plans a neo hosplld
3.1b. Dises Paument on delivey 3yctam RoJoms.
npoyment l dleuray sctem reorms Cwnenty
Undeywayt dhe skde Lverel, Healh. Acuess
olcsor eva oppohuni to impreve
Health, hzalthcane , and u
heneups and Ha dul eliables.
Covo In@ome 3enio a peetole salh dhatuby lte
Onhle n beh medcane od
Shn to behi buut Hu mast
llorm9 buseel On he xmulest Us u teem
Bae Cn emd n e
Conoidehn bst
preheas, ejIme
oLoo Lost þrovides an preventi on

and popuwahm Healk Shratayies.

. wik seenente to HospiLDessqn
epaun thab
pla Dnin dT Crowth canj
onsidenaton baed on cimate l i t end Colsu
CiID vsual
Impaet He Hapilal
clv Hos piled
. tb plannin or Cnrooth ad hange,
evalv hopited con tept, He qnehitek a

l h He levelopment
PlaoneA hase o keep paoe

Im modenn.medLiune , nwnsinj + e n 1 e

-ommunty e p a e H m , meduc Teehnd 7

is developin ve dous so mush Soht tem
Hospitels become outdated ven bejore hey dhe
putto Use

CID Consiolahom baseo on umade , jht and Cdon

happans hside hod p1fuls ad Hi ad
He bulduy tkel shrwd paHiput In dat
Mealy Diigniwh Red Cs ree matenal
a r ah oNen
Psovid oan nd Htaesl ucess

to otside peniene k p&able windos or

ttte rraees planeAhene mmume 84stams

a not ompromuo
os q Visud r a t s Hhe Hopik olesionhoed
Hosptal desin showld telleet beh Hre raqion an
VISwaod Clkual ehos d ha mstuka
Ins1 e ) Hospi Hyiene
AA physlcal desiqn d Tustruutm

ospite o sutin is arms4enHod
nyeaHom Cenrol meabune

dws 1S mus be Cupreequsjte do telee

Ando onsidenHon trom Ha iimiHa

Concephon a pMunmi) S a
Bulolin The Balanee betoeen dasihin
oLecibla nd
a Hosp1e o be an -o1pom,
He onrol to yesne
public pl

3pSpmad IneHons ou'saas I3 e

The phasicnd dlesi HetHotploel1 an

CsenHaleonyponen ieHan ntol

MiAwes do m i ni mi 2 H nsk

rams hi'Ssjon am ahow disea

.2 uplain teutort that inluence Hospitad Uilnaton,
ralkors Tuenting the
is Cohelates,
1nelude Povenky ard
Thee md
eyhmiad uea
mguage spoken, am
eHnici Sax,
dsbliy 3tatus
do acces Cat -inekuding
The ab y ConenRnt, m d
+imely md
A s awaulable,
Healh Cane,UH|2aHan
aaolable alek
vuables Mot
ome domogrphat
SeNenalSo Cial UHLoalsn
healH Csne
muht muente need to
eate goies.
dividad into ive
wo eH
Cone a v a i l a b i l y
meoua Cavn 80
omoraplut t o r e . Soeial nekwari
OLotor, Souod
actors. Pautors Iru enn Hospital
-Kapia poulaton grocoth
sevies asaina
demand 4T

dwi nelin teso wees.

miteo tes0rte8
Heath cene

1vénn ment
an H e l t Sewices
PoTmrs HealfhCane Ser
Helth Cane Sehvices
poror ualu
.2.b Discuss He Tole od Cnenena Hosjpidad In he menla
Hedth prora mm
henena Hospit psychiesry Uncts H PU3) a n e he
O T proolen3 mend Health ZevIces in I7da
CnHpus play a Sigrigiant role in He provision
(onprehensva menal H eah, genvices n he n
Amic Csure traini eenuh. no Kaalzina
um3 e NM HP h t Js ha intesraion

oTyen Healh oh phasial Headh

Oheneno Has piled in he mene Healh
KolR o
Oo mme an

anly deteaton reatment

impaTing Sheht
teim trunin o
.ond treudhet
genena physicch or ugmasis
wih Jtmit eo number
Commoy menta illnekJ
drugs. Unden-quidence Speeielust
he HealA cookes Ae beir tradneo In idenkijyi
menklil pehdons
TEC Pabljo avahenu 4nrahdn

montori Ha punpoR Jor Simple Rarord

.2.C. Di's Cuss plaminy, 00yaniain pnolling,
amd decislons makiny skills hat ane aqure
or planning a hesp iF

Role Ha Hos1pjded m a n j is yeny injooTfen

od indi vjeluals
Ha Satislar Hon
m alden to maet Hhe Healh
dhe Senvjccs ane iprove
membrs, whh s Hhe ohe ha
w l aS oensupr
0us h Heulhan 3ustom.
produeibiy Healmcae
Wcioney and dh
makes wor Kna
e u s i o n - m a k e r n d Peucy-
Mosp1Jal mamagRNs
n opoitme
Selechoh evaluafe
totce annol in t u re gano
musr i n k

teams e Cpabliy o 9 kills

h roup
Hospida menume
raured T ha
. 2 . d Wnte a singe page nele en eeh q He 1ollouin
tu valuahon He aualiy madlual e t
meheos e sklj seleahn
medeeal Ca
o 2 d( EvaluaHon h lualty o
is he eMiHcod ad)
Healh ae eMluuaton
m Qp
Q pet
ri2oow procaSje
s dbjehves Aspets o heeucal he
inelude Hechvoness
Conbl ameyad mpro

Hexlhans . meauned
tn Heah to whi
Cara iy He
Guay o populaHens
inoliviale cmd
Healh senvicas Jor Healh teameu
mhean tle li kelihnd elesirad
b a s e d n2yiolene - bako
newledae omd eiHc or ahievin
Unuvensa heaJ CoVAAaJ.

Pine tautors Hat Gdentid qualuka

e h Cah a n Envronme,mpa
edenyetaHveness d epes
.2(d(iD meheds S Seleehon.
Employee galeahon Me procets o putt 3h
Tne om
riqhob. it
a proceduha o mafckiny
OganiaaHonad euTement wli ha Skilsad qualifi
-CaHone peopla tee olew ane Stat
Resume ShoHn proeRss
2 ro
duclory Sereenng
CognHve shensths dest
S. Con oldate laenees
6 Tn penson nteuvieLo
1 PNbonauy Asses ment
8 J0b Knowladze vluaHons
3 tuaHona uldyment test
O6ioraphaea ormaHoy
Onroup ntewle43 10TotesS
I2 tenships aT ApprenHceships
13 n tugriby Asses men
l4 work 3m ulaHon
1S phuysica asessTment
6 Baek round chacts
ntemna processes ndreea als

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