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CIS 270

Assignment 2

Fall 2011

Prepare the following in report format and export the resulting document as a PDF document to be uploaded to the Blackboard assignment drop box. Please include a separate cover page with your name and assignment title, and follow APA style formatting (2 marks). Contact the writing centre for APA formatting help (Due: Oct 25).

Part A) Consider the processes involved in taking a course at our institution. Because these processes are heavily tied to the calendar, there will not be a lot of flexibility. Feel free to be creative. (18 marks in this section) 1) In tabular form, list the tasks that you undertake, from applying to the institution, to registering, attending, and writing the final exam. (3 marks) 2) Consider the different people involved in the process. Who marks your exam? Who processes your application? Present these as roles and role descriptons, where each of the roles might be carried out by a different person. Add a roles column to your table of tasks (2 marks) 3) Add tasks that are carried out by people in roles other than your own role (ie: the instructor). (1 mark) 4) Add a column for task prerequisites. Each task will have one or more prerequisites. (2 marks) 5) Specify an optimistic, realistic, and pessimistic time for each of the tasks. (2 marks) 6) Identify key milestones involved from application to receiving your grade for the final exam. Example milestones are the first day of classes, the last day to register as audit, and the date of the final exam. Some of these dates may be known exactly, others approximately. For our purposes, consider milestones to be the starting and ending point, and any key decisive moments along the way where progress in the course might discontinue (for example, fee payment deadline). Dont forget that tasks are not key decisive notes where progress may discontinue. (3 marks) 7) For those milestones with more than one task that occurs between them, create a PERT chart or network graph showing optimistic, realistic, and pessimistic durations as well as slack time. Indicate which path is the critical path, and state the amount of slack time, where applicable (5 marks). * marking rubric is available for preview within blackboard

CIS 270

Assignment 2

Fall 2011

Part B) Repeat the same instructions for the creation of a web page for a customer. This will be dramatically more open-ended, but ensure that the same criteria are met (18 marks in this section)

* marking rubric is available for preview within blackboard

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